![]() | Combs &c. Families of Cumberland Co, PA |
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Cumberland County was established in 1750 from Lancaster Co and non-county areas, and is the parent county for much of Western PA. In 1751, Cumberland exchanged lands with York Co, PA, and in 1752 Berks Co was established from Cumberland, Lancaster, Philadelphia and non-county area. In 1771, Bedford Co was established from Cumberland, and in 1772, Northumberland was established from Bedford, Cumberland, Lancaster, Berks and non-county area; and Bedford gained from Cumberland. In 1779, Bedford gained more land from Cumberland and Northumberland, and in 1784, Franklin was established from Cumberland. In 1789, Mifflin was created from Cumberland and Northumberland, and in 1820, Perry was est. from Cumberland.
Note Re Fayette Co, PA: County progressions were: Cumberland from Lancaster, 1750; Bedford from Cumberland, 1771; Westmoreland from Bedford, 1773; Fayette from Westmoreland, 1783.
Late 1749 or Early 1750 Tonoloways Settlement. “Petition of the Settlers of the Little Cove on the Temporary Line” to PA Proprietors Thomas and Richard PENN was signed by (among others) Joseph COOMBE and Andrew COOMBS and Elias STILLWELL. They were described as “Inhabitants of small Tracts of Land situate Westward of the Kittochtinny or Blue Hills, at a place known by the Name of the Little Cove and Conolloway's Creek”, and had petitioned in reference to property disputes with Province of Maryland. This land became part of Bedford Co, PA in 1771 and Fulton Co, PA in 1850
(Minutes of the Provincial Council, pages 453 & 454 provided by Combs-Truax Researcher Combs Craig Truax, and transcribed by Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander Combs)
1754 Western PA lands purchased from Six Nations Indians.
Joseph COMBE 50 acres.
Samuel COMBE 25 acres.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from Warrantees of land, County of Cumberland,1750-1874, Archives of PA, 3rd series, V. 24, page # 649)
8 Sep 1755 Warrant No. 61, Combe Samuel, Survey, Quantity: 25 acres, Location: Ayr Twp., Date of Warrant: 8
Sep 1755, Date of Return: blank, [no patent or survey recording data]
8 Sep 1755 Warrant No. 62, Combe, Joseph, Survey, Quantity: 50 acres, Location: Ayr Twp., Date of Warrant: 8
Sep 1755, Date of Return: blank, [no patent or survey recording data]
Note: No surveys found recorded for these warrants. (Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, WARRANT REGISTERS, 1733-1957. {series #17.88}, Surnames "C", Image/page 25, submitted by Jane McCann Walsh)
29 Sep 1755 Petition to the Governor of Pennsylvania Colony from Tonoloways Settlers regarding dispute in regard to land surveys by both Cumberland Co, PA and Frederick Co, MD. Signers included Samuel COOMBES, Joseph COOMBE, John COOMBE, another Joseph COOMBE and Elias STILLWELL.
Notes: One of the above two Joseph COOMBE is believed to have been father of Joseph, Edward and John as well as perhaps Samuel and Andrew (Andrew is missing from this petition, due to his land being in MD). Samuel and Andrew, who spelled their name with an “S” were both relocated to Loudoun Co, VA by 1760.
Air Twp
Joseph COMBS - 50 acres warranted
John COMBS - 50 acres unwarranted
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from “Tax Lists- Cumberland Co, PA 1750-53, 1762-64”, Merri Lou S. Schauman,1974, Wellsville, PA - may not include all Combs)
10 June 1762 Warrantee: Obadiah STILWELL (see 1767 record below for Edward Coom patent)
Air Twp
Joseph COMBS - 50 acres warranted
John COMBS - 50 acres unwarranted
Edward COOMBS - 150 acres unwarranted
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from “Tax Lists, Cumberland Co, PA 1750-53, 1762-64”, Merri Lou S. Schauman, 1974, Wellsville, PA - may not include all Combs)
15 Mar - 29 Apr 1766 Edward and Joseph COMBS were recorded “on Sidelling Hill Creek”.
(“Mason & Dixon Diary” and “Mason's Journals”, Hazel G Hansrote microfiche, 196-1 & 3, extracted by Combs Researcher Matt C. Combs)
Note: Sideling Hill Creek runs in both present-day Fulton Co, PA (then Cumberland > Bedford Cos PA) and Maryland, but is west of Tonoloways. In Maryland, it is marks the county line between present-day Washington and Allegany Cos (then Frederick) with one part of the creek running along the Mason-Dixon line. The above Edward & Joseph COMBS were probably members of the The Tonoloways Settlement Combs Families given the following record.
Mar 1766 - Jan 1767 Tonoloway Baptist Church, Fulton, Bedford, Cumberland Co, PA
Edward COOMBS [sp.?] baptized and received into membership in Mar 1766, and in Jan 1767 was elected clerk of the church.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from History of Tonoloway Baptist Church, Holman, 1980)
8 Sep 1766 Coomb, John №1139 returned 27th July 1781 to Rev. Joseph Powell 50 acres. C157 160 “adjoining Eddis Lynn and the Heirs Wm Lynn on big Conallaways Creek in Air Township Cumberland County.”
8 Sep 1766 Coomb, Edward №1160 (no return recorded) “50 acres in Air Township Cumbd Co adjoining Obadiah Stillwell”
(Land Records at the Pennsylvania State Archives Records of the Land Office West Side Applications)
1766 Warrant № 1139 Ayr Twp, Cumberland Co, Applicant: John Coomb, 50a, Description: adjoining Eddis LINN and the Heirs of Wm LINN on big Conallaways Creek in Air Township, Cumberland Co. Returned 27 July 1781 to Rev. Joseph POWELL, Survey Book C-157:160 (Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, West Side Applications Register, Name Index for "C", image/page 6, and Numerical List Index for #1139)
1766 Warrant № 1160 Air Twp, Cumberland Co, Application: Edward Coomb, 50a, Description: in Air Township Cumberld Co adjoining Obadiah STILLWELL [no survey recording information] (Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, West Side Applications Register, Name Index for "C", image/page 6, and Numerical List Index for #1160)
WEST SIDE APPLICATIONS was a new application system for patents that was implemented in 1765 and was first used for settling unwarranted land on the eastern side of the Susquehanna River.
17 Oct 1766Coombes, Edward №1549 (no return recorded) “100 acres lying on Sidling Hill Creek in Air Township Cumberland County”
12 Nov 1766 Survey for John Coomb for 94 &1/4a & Allowance fo Six p cent for Roads.
“A Draught of a Tract of Land situate in Air Townships in Cumberland County containing ninty [sic] four acres and one fourth part of an Acre and the Usual Allowance of six p cent for Roads Surveyed for John Comb the 12th Day of Novr 1766 in pursuance of an order bearing Date the 8th of September 1766 № 1139.” The reverse side of the survey has the notation: Returned July 27 1781 to the Revd. Jos POWELLE.
The drawing spells his name “Coomb” while the body of the survey text shows “Comb”. It is indexed as Comb in the West Side Application Register name index but as Coomb in the numerical index. The drawing shows the land bounded by Barren Hill on all sides and by the land of William LINN and shows Conoloways Creek running through the property.
(Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Survey from Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. {series #17.114}, Survey Book C-157:160, abs. by S Elfving for Combs &c).
William LINN'S survey for 124a shows his land is bounded on the NE by land of John Coomb. The Big Conoloways Ck runs through Linn's property to the SW boundary of John Coomb's property. Linn's survey was dated 12 Nov. 1766 for William LINN in Air Township for Warrant dated 22 March 1755 (Source: Survey Book C-112:86, Patent Book AA-12:1).
See William LINN, along with John Coombe, Samuel Coombe, and two Joseph Coombes in the 1755 petition to the Governor of Pennsylvania.
The Reverend Joseph POWELL is found in other records with the Coomb(s) family. Rev. Joseph POWELL married Sarah COMBS (d/o John & Alice JOLLY Combs), b 7 Feb. 1760, d. 8 Aug. 1828 in Loudoun Co VA; and Thomas FOUCH. LGC Notes: Rev. Joseph POWELL was the minister of the Tonoloways Baptist Church at the Tonoloways Settlement in then- Bedford Co, PA; however, prior to their wedding, a marriage bond was recorded in Loudoun Co, VA [sic] on 8 Jun 1779, for Sarah Combs (b 7 Feb 1760, d 8 Aug 1828 in Loudoun Co VA per Bible Record) and Thomas FOUCH, with John Combs (COOMBS), “father of the girl” testifying as to Sarah's age, and with Joseph COOMBS (Combs) their bondsman. John COOMBS, father of Sarah COOMBS Fouch, d 1801, Nelson Co, KY.
5 June 1767 Patent: Edward Coom, 175a.80prs, Tract: Sillwell's Hazard, Warrant: Obadiah STILWELL, Warrant Date: 10 June 1762, Cumberland County, Enrolled in Patent Book AA-8:337.
(Source: PA State Archives, Digital Documents, Land Records, Patent Tract Name Index, undated {series #17.158}, tracts named “S”, image/page: 87; Patent Name Index, Surname “C”, image/page 52)
SE Notes: Unable to find warrant entry and therefore unable to find survey.
Air Twp
Joseph COOMBS - [ No land?]; (1) horse; (2) cows
Edward COOMBS - 127 acres land warranted, 6 acres cleared; (1) horse; (1) cow; (2) sheep
John KENDALL - 60 acres land unwarranted, 7 acres cleared; (2) horses; (2) cows; (2) sheep
David BROWN - 81 acres land warranted, 2 acres cleared; (1) negro; [ No horses, etc.]
(Combs Researcher Jane McCann Walsh from Fayette Co, PA Library)
As issued in (Bedford Co, PA Archives Abstracts, extracted by Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery)
#3760 John DORMEYER - 300 acres including Poplar Spring adj Provincial Line, John KLINE, Joseph COMMEE & Canallaway Hills in Ayr Twp.
Air Twp
Joseph COOMBS - 100 acres land warranted, 10 acres cleared; (2) horses; (3) cows; (3) sheep
Edward COOMBS - 127 acres land patented, 10 acres cleared; (1)horse; (2) cows; (3) sheep
John COOMBS - 100 acres land located, 4 acres cleared; (1) horse; (1) cow; (1) sheep
(Combs Researcher Jane McCann Walsh from Fayette Co., PA Library)
17 Apr 1769 - 18 Apr 1770 (Abstracted by Combs Researcher Robert George from LaFayette, Jan 1982, pg 5, Fayette County PA Warrent Bk 1) Mark HARDIN, 303 ½ acres located on the waters of Georges Cred in Springfield [sic?] Twp, Fayette County, adjoining lands of Joseph COMBS, and others. Surveyed 18 Apr 1770 on order #3084 17 Apr 1769
May 1770 - 1825(Fayette Co, PA Survey Map, Springhill Twp) Joseph COMBS, Springhill Twp. survey, 282 acres surveyed in May 1770 and is listed as the “Indian Fort”. It is patented in three parcels, first in 1790 to Joseph SUTTON, then in 1817 to Sarah MASTERSON, and last in 1825 to Phillip & Samuel DAVIS. See deed below for sale of part.
Note: Neighboring land owners are: John HARDIN Sr., Benjamin HARDIN, Mark HARDIN, John HARDIN, Martin HARDIN, William HARVEY, James NEAL, David MORGAN, William WATKINS, & Thomas BATTIN. (all these tracts surveyed btwn. Nov. 1769 and May 1770).
Notes: This land is substantially west of the Tonoloways Settlement and became part of Bedford Co in 1771, Westmoreland Co, PA in 1773, and Fayette Co in 1783. The Deed lists this Joseph Combs as “of Loudoun County, Virginia” and is therefor not likely to be the Joseph Combs residing over in Tonoloways. See also the HARDIN/HARDING families in Virginia, particularly in respect to the Combs-Calmes-Hardin families of Loudoun, Stafford, Fauquier and Frederick Cos.
Air Twp
Edward COOMBS - 100 acres patented, 14 acres cleared; (2) horses; (2) cows; (5) sheep
Joseph COOMBS - 100 acres located, 8 acres cleared [strange?]; (2) horses; (3) cows; (2) sheep
John COOMBS - 100 acres located, 5 acres cleared; (2) horses; (2) cows; (4) sheep
Edward MARTIN - 150 acres located, 12 acres cleared; (1) horse; (1) cow
Hugh MARTIN - 200 acres warranted, 12 acres cleared; (3) horses; (2) cows
John MARTIN - 100 acres warranted, 15 acres cleared; (2) horses; (3) cows
(Combs Researcher Jane McCann Walsh from Fayette Co., PA Library)
1771 Ann COOMBS [sp.?] listed as a member of the Tonoloway Baptist Church, Fulton, Bedford, Cumberland Co, PA
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from History of Tonoloway Baptist Church, Holman, 1980)
1773 Lower portion of Ayr Twp. (including the Tonoloways area) became Bethel Twp, Bedford Co.
No Combs found (not certain if all var. sp. checked)
p. 197
Isaac COOM: 30001-12110-00
(Census CD - not reliable)
Wills: Abstracts 1795-1803: Will Book F: Cumberland Co, PA
30 May 1802
KEARSLEY, JANE, widow of Jonathan Kearsley, Shippensburg. November 1790. 30 May 1802.
Sons John Kearsley and Samuel Kearsley.
Daus. Elizabeth Cooper, Margaret Henderson, Mary Rogers and Rebecca McComb. Son in law Matthew Henderson.
Dau. Jean Woods, widow.
Son Jonathan.
Indentured girl Esther Welsh.
Land in Tuscarora Valley, now Mifflin Co.
Grandchildren Andrew Woods and Jane Woods.
To estate of Daniel Wister of Philadelphia.
Son in law William McComb.
Grandson John Cooper.
Exs: Son Jonathan Kearsley and Matthew Henderson.
Wit: John Simpson, Wm. Cowan, Jas. Kelso. F. 309-310.
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
Wills: Abstracts 1809-1817: Will Book H: Cumberland Co, PA
23 Nov 1809-12 Dec 1809
COOMBE, SAMUEL, of Co. Seneca, State of New York, presently in Borough
of Carlisle.
November 23, 1809. December 12, 1809.
Wife Hannah.
Son Peter.
Dau. Hannah intermarried with Daniel Jennings.
Exs: Son Peter Coombe and friend Peter Smith, Junr., both of Seneca
Co., New York.
Wit: John Boden, Andrew Boden. H. 25.
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
Hopewell Twp
p. 051
COMBS, Joseph
No Combs found
Otterbein United Methodist Church
Boiling Springs, PA 17007
Pastors Who Have Served Otterbein:
Isaac Coomes (1857-58)
Submitted by Barbara Rivas