![]() | Combs &c. Families of Bedford Co, PA |
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Bedford County was established on 9 Mar 1771 from Cumberland Co, PA.
1772: Northumberland established from Bedford, Cumberland, Lancaster, Berks and non-county area; plus Bedford gained territory from Cumberland.
1773: Westmoreland established from Bedford (1783: Fayette from Westmoreland).
1779: Bedford gained more land from Cumberland and Northumberland.
1787: Huntingdon established from Bedford.
1795: Somerset established from Bedford.
1798: Franklin gained land form Bedford.
1800: Somerset gained land from Bedord.
1846: Blair established from Bedford and Huntingdon.
1850: Fulton established from Bedford
Note: That part of Bedford which became Fulton in 1850 included the Tonoloways (a.k.a. Conolloway) Settlement, the object of land disputes between Maryland and Pennsylvania in the 1700s, and on the present-day Washington Co, MD county line, also the Mason-Dixon Line. The early Combs of the Tonoloways Settlement are also found in Frederick Co, MD, Fayette Co, PA and Loudoun Co, VA.
Note Re Fayette Co, PA: County progressions were: Cumberland from Lancaster in 1750; Bedford from Cumberland in 1771; Westmoreland from Bedford in 1773; Fayette from Westmoreland in 1783.
8 Sep 1755 Cumberland Co, PA. Warranties of land to Samuel and Joseph COMBE.
(Arch. of PA, 3rd series, v.24 for Bedford Co, PA as abstracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson) (See Cumberland Co., PA)
pre-1770 (As extracted by Combs Researcher Hannah C. Friedlander from History of Tonoloway Baptist Church by Harry Stuart Holman, 1980).......
Page 60: (footnote, Foreman “Little Cove”, pp. 84-5)
"Ann COOMBS came before the church and was baptized before 1770. She was on the list of members compiled for Morgan Edwards' book, published in the year 1770.[Ann is presumed to be the wife of Joseph Combs who died in 1803 in Georges Twp., Fayette Co., PA]... John COOMBS served as a private in the Revolutionary War and owned the SHRENKER place, located on Licking Creek in [present-day] Southern Fulton County.
[John married Alice JOLLY].
"Maj. Edward COOMBS was baptized and received into the church in March of 1766. He served as clerk of the church for several years, beginning in January of 1767. Maj. Edward COOMBS served as county commissioner in 1774. During the Revolution, he served in the 1st Battalion of the Bedford County Militia, serving as a major. His wife's name was Rebecca. She was born the daughter of Elias and Meriam STILLWELL, mentioned later. The STILLWELLS were some of the earliest and most prominent residents of this community." (Footnotes: Foreman, Little Cove, pp.84-5; History of Bedford, pp. 86, 219; Bedford Deed Book E, p. 136.)
Page 161. (Footnote: Papers of Judge S. L. WINK, with the author.)
"WINK: There is in my care a large [record] compilation of descendants of Jacob WINK, Esq., who settled in Bedford County, near what has become Needmore, Fulton County, before the American Revolution. The work was principally done by my grandfather, Judge S. L. WINK, who personally knew many of Jacob WINK'S grandchildren. Jacob WINK, veteran of the Revolution, operator of a sawmill on Licking Creek, and a farmer in Belfast Township, was appointed to serve as a justice of the peace in 1789. In August of 1791, he received a commission to serve as justice of the peace for as long as he lived. The Sideling Hill records show that he was member of the Baptist Church there. He owned 600 acres at one time. His residence was located just off the Timber Ridge Road in the vicinity of what was later called Slab Town. He died in 1806, leaving a will which mentions his children: Jacob, Jr., who married Elizabeth KLINE; Ada, who married Rebecca AKERS and then Margaret WALSH; John, who married Mary TRUAX and then Ivy DILLON; Uriah, Elias, who married Mary KLINE; Ida, who married Jacob MELLOTT; Mary, who married Obediah MELLOTT; Elizabeth, who married Nathaniel HART, and Rebecca WINK, who married a COOMBS."
HCF Note: In Nelson Co, KY (ca 1785 see below) is found Edward's nephew, Edward (s/o John) who is also married to a 'Rebecca', and they name their son, Edward Wink COMBS. I propose that the Coombs who married Jacob WINK'S daughter, Rebecca, was Edward COMBS Jr., s/o John. Although a genealogy of the Wink family states that Rebecca Wink was born in 1771 in Bedford County PA, and died 1828 at Licking Creek Twp., Bedford Co., PA, and was married to a COOMBES, I do not believe the place of death is correct. (This info sent by Don McKee; he references Mike J. Horton for this item.) There is also a statement that Jacob WINK, father of Rebecca, was born in Holland in 1723. His first four children were born in New Jersey, the rest in PA.
Ed Notes: a) Further supporting the likelihood that Rebecca did not die in Bedford PA is the fact that no Combs are found on census records in this county in either 1820 or 1830, however, since the data is so specific, she may be buried there....... b) Seeking copy of 1806 will of Jacob WINK........c) See Fayette Co., PA for both Edward and Edward, Jr. & Nelson Coombs from 1787 thru 1789 in Georges Twp.
1772 Edward COOMBS petitioned Bedford County for road
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from Lancaster Co. Heritage, Jan 1984)
Colerain Twp
COONS, Lawrence - 50 acres, 8 improved; (1) horse; (2) cows
McCOMBS, William - 200 acres, 10 improved; (2) horses; (3) cows
1773 Edward COOMBS, Co. Commisioner (Bedford Co. History of Bedford and Somerset Co. by Blackburn & Welfley, V.1, p.214,)
extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson
16 Jul 1773 Bedford Co, PA Administrators Bonds. Peter HUMBLE, Dec'd.; Widow: Eve; Administrators: Moses REED & Edward COMBEE, Bethel Twp.
(Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery)
Air Township [a.k.a. Ayr Twp.]
COOMBS, Joseph 0:4:0
COOMBS, John 0:3:6
COOMBS, Edward 0:4:3
Dublin Township
COONS, Nicholas (Inmate)
Colerain Township
McCOOMBS, William 0:4:0
(LDS Film #0295759 for Bedford Co, PA Tax and Exoneration Lists, 16th, 17th, 18th of the 18 Penny Tax 1773-1775, transcribed by Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff)
DKM Note: At the bottom of this set of townships is a note written as follows by the recorder "The Townships of Armstrong, Pitt, Fairfield, Hampfield, Mount Pleasant, Rosstraver, Springhill & Tyrone being Now the Counties of Westmoreland, Washington & Fayette"..... This implies that the Township of Ayr/Air where these COOMBS are found together, line by line entries in 1773, is still considered a part of Bedford County, PA at that time.
Combs Researcher Dale Larson adds that Nelson JOLLY, brother of Alice JOLLY, w/o John COMBS, was also on the Air Twp. List.
Air Township
(listed, but NO COOMBS)
Bethel Township
COOMBS, John 0:2:9
COOMBS, Edward 0:3:8
COOMBS, Joseph 0:3:2
[DKM Note: John is a separate entry, while Edward and Joseph are entered line by line next to each other.]
Colerain Township
McCOOMBS, William 0:3:8
(LDS Film #0295759 for Bedford Co, PA Tax and Exoneration Lists, 16th, 17th, 18th of the 18 Penny Tax 1773-1775, transcribed by Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff)
Also note: Extracted by Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery from HISTORY OF BEDFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, p. 554, states "Taxable inhabitants 1774"in Bethel Twp. of Bedford Co, PA included John COMBS, Edward COOMBS, Obadiah STILWELL, and the following TRUAXES: John, Jacob, Jr., Stilwell, Samuel and Benjamin. Combs Researcher Dale Larson adds that Nelson JOLLY was also on this list.
Colerain Township
....Quit Rent Tax & Provencial Tax
COONS, Lawrence _____ & 0:3:0
McCOMBS, William 0:11 1/4 & 0:19:4
Air Township
Bethel Township
COOMBS, John 5 1/2 0:8:11 1/2
COOMBS, Edward 11 0:10:0
COOMBS, Joseph 2 3/4 0:7:7
(LDS Film #0295759 for Bedford Co, PA Tax and Exoneration Lists, 16th, 17th, 18th of the 18 Penny Tax 1773-1775, transcribed by Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff)
DKM Note: Again, John is separate from Edward and Joseph who are listed line by line next to each other. Dale Larson adds that Nelson JOLLY is missing from this list.
Apr 1775 Edward COOMBS Named to Grand Jury, Bedford Co.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from St. Clair's Bedford Vol.VI,#2)
1776 Edward COOMBS Appointed Co. Commisioner, Bedford Co.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from Bedford Co. Archives Vol. 5)
1776 Bedford Co, VA Military Service. Edward COOMBS, Maj. (Militia Records; Pa. Archives - Series 5, Vol. 5, Bedford Co., COMBS Family File, Allegany College, Cumberland, MD, p. 57, extracted by Combs-Seiber Researcher Matt Combs)
Ed. Note: The position of County Commissioner automatically carried Militia rank of Major, being responsible for ensuring local quota of enlistments, etc.
Bethel Twp
Edward, John and Joseph COMBS; and Nelson JOLLY.
(Combs Researcher Dale Larson from PA Arch. 3rd series, V. 22.)
Note: Combs Researcher Ray Montgomery notes that Edward COOMBS was on the Sameno [sic] Tax List of Bedford Co, PA from 1776-1778.
No source noted.
09 Jan - 25 Mar 1777 Bedford Co, VA Military Service. “Captain HENDERSHOT'S Co. A, roll of the officers & pvts of the 1st Batt. of Bedford Co. who marched to camp under the command of Capt. Jacob HENDERSHOT, & inrolled 9th Jan.: discharged 10th March, & allowed pay until the 25th Mar. 1777.”
Jacob HENDERSHOT, Jan. 9 1777.
Frederick STORTS, Jan 9, 1777
Francis SHINES, Jan 9, 1777
William STEED, Jan 9 1777
Adam HERSLER, Jan 9 1777
William PITTMAN, Jan 9 1777
William ANDREWS, Jan 9 1777
John PECK, Jan 9 1777
John COOMBS, Jan 9 1777
John RUSH, Jan 9 1777
Thomas MITCHELL, Jan 9 1777
Nelson JOLLEY, Jan 9 1777
Jacob HART, Jan 9 1777
Abraham CLAVINGER, Jan 9 1777
George ENSLOW, Jan 9 1777
John SLAUGHTER, Jan 9 1777
Richard PITTMAN, Jan 9 1777
John WILLIAMS, Jan 9 1777
Evan JENKINS, Jan 9 1777
Patrick SULLIVAN, Jan 9 1777
Officers who marched with the company as volunteers:
Lieutenant Col. James GRAHAM
Major Edward COOMBS
Major John CESSNA
Captain Obediah STILLWELL
Lieutenant Moses REED
Lieutenant John STILLWELL
Ensign Stillwell TROAX
Lieutenant Levi LINN with Captain PAXTON
Pvt Cornelius TROAX with Captain PAXTON
Pvt Joseph TROAX with Captain PAXTON: d. in service Feb 15, 1777
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Geneva Wilson from PA Archives 5th series Vol # 5 pg 66 - 67) SW: TRUAX
COOMBS, Joseph - 2nd Bat. 7th Co.
(Militia Records; Pa. Archives - Series 5, Vol. 5, Bedford Co., COMBS Family File, Allegany College, Cumberland, MD, p. 71, extracted by Combs-Seiber Researcher Matt Combs)
Bethel Twp
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Dale Larson from St. Clair's Bedford Co. History, Oct. 1992, Vol. 11, #3, p.21)
Edward COOMBS named in a court action
(St. Clair's Bedford Co. History Vol.VI,#4, Combs Researcher Dale Larson)
Bethel Twp
Edward COOMBS 50 a. 3 horses, 2 cattle, 12 sheep
(Combs Researcher Dale Larson)
08 Jun 1779 Loudoun Co VA Marriage Bond. Thomas FOUCH & Sarah COMBS. John, father of the girl, test. age. Sec. Joseph COOMBS.
(Jewell's Loudoun Co VA Marriage Bonds, 1762-1850, p. 11, extracted by researcher Lourene G. Combs)
LGC Notes: Sarah COMBS (d/o John & Alice JOLLY Combs), b 7 Feb. 1760, d. 8 Aug. 1828 in Loudoun Co VA; was m to Thomas FOUCH by Rev. Joseph POWELL of the Tonoloways Baptist Church; according to the family bible of William FOUCH (s/o Thomas and Sarah), begun in 1838 (10 yrs.after Sarah's death), with information written by their son; Sarah was "the eldest daughter of John and Alice Coombs" and she was married in Bedford Co., Pennsylvania, "…joined togeter in Holy Matrimony by Joseph Powel, a Minster of the Gospel......"
Ed Note: Apparently, either (a) knowing they had been in Bedford Co, PA,the son was not aware they had m in Loudoun Co, VA; or......(b) they took out a bond in Loudoun Co VA, but actually married in Bedford Co PA. (See Nelson Co KY will of Sarah's father, John COMBS, dated 12 Aug 1800, proved 14 Dec 1801 (Nelson KY WB1:598) Rev. Joseph POWEL was the pastor of the Tonoloways Church in Bedford.
17 Sep 1779 Bedford Co., PA Deed Bk A FHC Film 0331370 p. 379-380 William McCombe of Coltrain Twp. sold 250 acres to John McClemens and William McClemmans for 600 pounds in the presence of Samuel More, William McCombs, and James Mortimer
abstracted by Deb Coombs
1780 Bedford Co, PA Records. Edward & Rebecca COOMBS sold land in Bethel Twp.
(St. Clair's History and Genealogy p.3, Vol. 11,#3, Oct. 1992, Combs Researcher Dale Larson)
20 May 1780 recorded 23 Jun 1780 Bedford Co, PA, Deed Bk A FHC Film 0331370 p. 512-3 Edward Combes and Rebecca his wife of Bethel Twp., Bedford Co., PA sold to Benjamin Abbett of the township county and state aforesaid of the same a tract of land that “Obadiah Stillwell did on the tenth day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty two obtain (sic) from the honorable The Proprietaries Land office in Philadelphia a warrant for surveying and taking a Certain Peice (sic) or Parcel of vacant and uncultivated land Situate in Conolloways Settlement then Air (Ayr) Township Cumberland Township by Virtue Which there was surveyed unto him the said Obadiah Stillwell in the Place Above Mentioned one hundred and Seventy five Acres of land with the Allowance of Six for Roads to be called and known by the Name of Stillwell's Hazard and was by him the sd Obadiah Stillwell and Eleanor his wife Conveyed by Deed of Conveyance unto the said Edward Combs for Certain Considerations therein Mentioned bearing date the first day of September one Thousand seven hundred and sixty six As will by said Deed more fully and Clearly and to which Reference may be had and that upon Return of Which Deed and Survey being Returned and made known in said land office in the said City of Philadelphia Pattent (sic) did Gave theron for in the Name of him the said Edward Combes his heirs & bearing Date the first day of June one thousand seven hundred and Sixty seven Recorded in the Office for the and City of Philidelphia in Patent Book AA, H Page 337” Edward Combs Rebeca Combs her mark in presence of Moses Reed Sarah Reed
Abstracted and partial transcription by Deb Coombs; proofread and corrected by Jane McCann Walsh.
This from Patent Book AA No. 8 (JMcW Note: It appears that since the letter "H" is the eighth letter in the alphabet that the second identifying symbol for the book was converted from a letter to a number at some more recent time.)
Date of Patent Page Patentee Acres Prs. Warrantee Name of Tract 5 June 1767 337 Coomb, Edward 175 80 Obadiah Stillwell Stillwell's Hazard Date of Warrant County 10 June 1762 Cumberland
11 Jun 1784 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Georges Twp., Fayette Co, PA. Ann COOMBS is received into the Mt. Moriah Church from Connoway (Tonoloway) Baptist Church of Tonoloways, Bedford Co, PA
(Membership records, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Georges Township, Fayette Co. 1784-1811, as printed in the Western Pa. Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 6 #1)
Bethel Twp
Edward COOMBS, 1 dwelling, 8 whites
(Combs Researcher Dale Larson)
Edward COOMBE, L24
John COMBE, L320
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery from History Of Bedford County, Penna, p. 554)
Notes: On 14 Nov 1785, Edward, John and Jesse COMBS are all listed on same page of Nelson Co, KY Tax Lists. In an 1809 Nelson Co, KY deposition, Edward COMBS of Nelson Co., KY deposed that he was "the brother of John COOMBES and gave him bond for land in KY." The bond includes the phrase: “Edward COOMES of Bedford County, Penn. 1784”. In 1818, Edward declared that he was 82 years of age [b ca 1735] (Researcher Dixie Hibbs to Combs Researcher Lourene Fouch)...... The 14 Jul 1785 Nelson Co, KY tax list of Thomas HELMS for Green River, Severn Valley, includes an Edward, John and Jesse COMBS, all on the same page... On 11 May 1787, an Edward COOMBS witnessed the Fayette Co, PA will of Obediah TRUAX, and the 1787 Georges Twp., Fayette Co, PA Tax lists include both an Edward COOMBS, Sr. and Jr. Also the 1787 Georges Twp. tax lists Joseph COOMBS (Sr. d 1803, brother of Edward) and his sons, John and William. His son, Jesse, is the same who is on the 1785 Nelson list.... Edward, Jr. and Sr. are also on the 1788 Georges Twp., Fayette tax list, and Sr. on the 1789. An Edward COOMBS is sued in Fayette in 1789, but no Coombs are found on the 1790 Georges Twp. tax list........ Edward COOMBS (Sr.) is found on Nelson Co, KY tax lists in 1789 tithing himself and son, Benjamin.
13 Aug 1785 Bedford Co, PA Book of Unrecorded Wills. Will of Elias STILWELL, dated 13 Aug 1785 names 5 daughters: Rebecca COOMBS, wid Elizabeth GRAHAM, Sarah TRAUX [TRUAX], Mary PAIN/PAYNE, Rachel WHARFROD [WARFORD?], grandsons Elias, Elias PAIN son of Samuel, Jeremiah & John sons of Obediah STILWELL (relationship not given), Son John .exec; John & Jacob WINK; Land in Md.
(Researcher Donald Wilson from Book of Unrecorded Wills Bedford Co Pa, Pub. Vol 13 Oct 1936-7, No 1-2)
Notes: Rebecca STILLWELL m bef 1763 to Edward COMBS I of Tonoloways.
1787 Journal of Robert AYRS (Ayrs Twp. and Surrounding, Bath Methodist Circuit) shows that he preached at the following homesites in 1787: TRUAX, Belfast [Twp.],Licking Creek Line; Joseph COMBES (Big Cove) Ayr Township, present-day Fulton Co. In present-day Bedford and Fulton counties, the list also included the families of LINN (by the Maryland border), BELLA, COOMBS, HART, TRUAX, BARTON, STAFFORD, LAVERING, RUSH and MYERS. In 1788, Joseph COOMBS was dropped from AYRS' list.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery from Methodist Circuits In Central Pennsylvania Before 1812; by R.M. Bell and C.M. Berkheimer; Washington PA 1963)
(no Combs by Surname)
pg. 22
BOOHER Bortle01-01-03-00-00
BOOHER Bortle, Imler, Pet
Notes: Possibly Bartholomew & Margaret COMBS Booher of Frederick Co, MD? See also Booher Combs Families
19 Jul 1793 Survey Warrant Combs, William 400 acres Returned 20 Jun 1838 405 acres. George Waller et. al. Recorded: vol.H No.39 p. 353 Copied to: Book C42 p.43
(Land Records at the Pennsylvania State Archives Warrant Registers)
15 Sep 1795 Nelson Co, KY Deed Bk. 5, pg. 157:
Andrew HYNES & wife Elizabeth to Joseph GRAVES of Bedford Co, PA for 100 pounds, 643 acres on a ridge btwn. Caney and Bair Creeks, waters of Green River.
(Abstracted by Connie Butterfield to Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery who notes: Joseph Graves mrd. Rachel Warford, the widow of Joseph Combs of Georges Twp., Fayette Co., PA, who died there ca 1784 leaving a daughter Ann Coombs listed later in the will of her grandfather Joseph Coombs d 1803.....This land record likely places Ann Coombs over in Bedford Co.PA ca 1795.)
18 Jul 1816
****Source: Somerset County, PA, Deed Book 13, p 312
The Commissioners of Somerset County To Peter Wilhelm Deed, Whereas a tract of unseated land, containing four hundred and five acres, Situate in Greenville Township, in the County of Somerset, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Surveyed to William Combs had been rated and assessed with divers County and road Taxes, amounting to one dollar and Sixty cents, and which said Taxes on the Eighteenth day of July Eighteen hundred and Sixteen, remained due and unpaid, at which last mentioned day the Treasurer of said County having offered the said land for sale, agreeably to law and no person bidding therefore a sum equal to the amount of Taxes due, and the Costs of Advertising and Sals~
Note: Somerset County, PA was created in 1795 from Bedford Co.
JMW Note: It appears William did not live in Somerset County, PA. The Greenville Twp. mentioned abuts Garrett County, MD, not far from Allegany County, MD so this might be a Maryland Combs. Greenville Twp. is about 50 air miles east of the area where Joseph Coombs lived in Fayette, PA.
Jane McCann Walsh