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Shelby County established in 1827 from Fayette County.
The first Combs currently documented for Shelby Co., IL is Jesse B. Combs. Illinois public domain land sales show that Jesse first acquired land in Shelby Co. in 1824 and was styled as being of Fayette Co, IL. He acquired 4 parcels, 80 acres each, of public domain land (townships 25 & 26) and 2 parcels, 80 acres each, of federal land (township 26). By 1829, he was listed as being of Shelby Co. The 1830 census shows Jesse B. Combs had a large family (5 sons and 5 daughters) and that he was age 50 to 60 (born between 1770-1780). One son was age 20 to 30. The earliest marriage record for a Combs in Shelby was the 06/03/1830 record for COMBS, Wesley & HUGHES MAHALA . By 1840 Jesse B. Combs was gone, and he may be the same as who appears in the 1840 Rives (Henry) Co., MO census, and the same as Jesse B. Combs whose will was probated in 1848 in Henry Co, MO for these reasons: 1) in his will, Jesse names 6 sons and 4 daughters with six of these children stating they were born in Illinois; 2) son Wesley, b. 1811, states he was born in Ky.; 3) daughter Rebecca Combs RUCKER states in her 1880 Madison Co., AR census record that her parents were born in NC; 4) records clearly show that both the Shelby Co., ILL Jesse and the Henry Co., Mo., Jesse carried the middle initial of B; 5) the Henry Co., Mo. Jesse had children born in Illinois, and a son named Wesley, and one Wesley Combs is married in 1830 in Shelby Co.; 6) Jesse B. Combs of Henry Co., Mo., had 3 children who married into the RUCKER family and one John RUCKER lived 5 doors from Jesse in the 1830 census; 7) Jesse had one son named Alfred and there was an Alfred RUCKER in Shelby Co.; and 8) no other Jesse B. Combs can be found in later Illinois records. Given the preceding facts, it seems likely the two Jesse B. Combs are one and the same. The fact that son Wesley said he was born in Ky., may be a clue that Jesse B Combs could be the Jesse Combs of the 1810 Cumberland Co, Ky. census where he was enumerated next to John JACKSON, a name we also find in early Shelby Co. land sales. This Jesse of Cumberland disappeared after 1810 and we have no other candidates for him. The fact Jesse's daughter stated her parents were born in NC may be a clue with regard to the Jesse Combs of Wilkes Co, NC who married Polly PRICE in 1801.
llinois State Archives, Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database, original images
06/28/1824 COOMBS JESSE (of Fayette Co.) 80 acres E2NW Sec 25 Twp 11N Range 03E Meridian 3 SHELBY
06/28/1824 COOMBS JESSE (of Fayette Co.) 80 acres W2EW Sec 25 Twp 11N Range 03E Meridian 3 SHELBY
07/04/1826 COOMBS JESSE (of Fayette Co.) 80 acres W2SE Sec 26 Twp 11N Range 04E Meridian 3 SHELBY
03/19/1829 COOMBS JESSE (of Shelby Co.) 80 acres E2NE Sec 26 Twp 11N Range 03E Meridian 3 SHELBY
04/24/1827 RUCKER RANSOM (of Shelby Co.) 40 acres W2SE Sec 18 Twp 11N Range 04E Meridian 3 SHELBY
04/25/1827 RUCKER RANSOM (of Shelby Co.) 40 acres W2SE Sec 18 Twp 11N Range 04E Meridian 3 SHELBY
11/17/1830 JACKSON JOHN (of Shelby Co.) 80 acres W2SW Sec 34 Twp 12N Range 03E Meridian 3 SHELBY
Federal Land Sales, Bureau of Land Management Land Sales Database
5/11/1829 COMBS, JESSE of Shelby Co., IL, , 80 acres, Shelby Co., IL, Doc# 240, Ser/Acc# IL0280__.226
E½NE Sec 26/ Twp 11-N Range 3-E No 3rd PM
11/20/1829 COOMBS, JESSE (of SHelby Co., IL) , 80 acres, Shelby Co., IL, Doc# 154, Ser/Acc# IL0280__.149
W½SE Sec 26/ Twp 11-N Range 3-E No 3rd PM
3 June 1830 Shelby Co., IL Marriage COMBS, WESLEY & HUGHES MAHALA (v1/p 4&5)
(Source: Illinois State Archives Statewide Marriage Index 1763-1900)
http://www.ilsos.gov/GenealogyMWeb/marrsrch.htmlNote: Could this be Wesley Combs of Benton Co., Mo, son of Jesse B. Combs of Henry Co., Mo? If so, then Mahala may have died and Wesley remarried since his wife was named Elizabeth per 1850 and 1860 census records.
Pct 1
p. 135
Jesse B. Combs 00221001 2210001
2m 10-15; 2m 15-20; 1m 20-30; 1m 50-60 (born between 1770-1780)
2 f< 5; 2f 5-10; 1f 10-15; 1f 40-50 (born between 1780-1790)
Note: Living amongst the Scrivners and 5 doors from a John RUCKER. One Thomas JACKSON is found on p. 138. Jesse B. Combs was styled as being of Fayette Co, IL (as early as 1824) per his public domain land tract purchases (1824 and 1826). By 1829, his land purchase indicated he was living in Shelby Co. This Jesse B. Combs of Shelby Co. is a candidate to be the same Jesse B. Combs whose will was probated in 1848 in Henry Co, MO, and who had 5 children that stated they were born in Illinois per their census records. The Jesse B. Combs of Henry Co., Mo., also had a son named Wesley Combs and note that one Wesley Combs married Mahala HUGHES on 3 June 1830 in Shelby Co. Furthermore, Jesse B. Combs had 3 children that married RUCKERS in Missouri. The above census record fits the family profile of Jesse B. Combs of Henry Co., Mo. who had 6 sons and 4 daughters.
1833 Plaintiff COMBS, JESSE B. v. Defendant WILLIAMS, THOMAS, ADMINISTRATOR, Box/Folder 03/018 Case Type: Debt
Source: Shelby County Circuit Court Case Files Index, 1828-1871, Illinois State Archives, Records located at IRAD, Eastern Illinois University
1841 Plaintiff RUCKER, ALFRED M., ET AL., v. DUNCAN, MATTHEW, ET AL., Box/Folder 06/074, Case Type: Trespass
Source: Shelby County Circuit Court Case Files Index, 1828-1871, Illinois State Archives, Records located at IRAD, Eastern Illinois University
Note: Jesse B. Combs of Henry Co., Mo. had one son named Alfred Combs and 3 other children who intermarried with RUCKERS.
10/13/1852 RUCKER JOHN (of Unknown Co.) 40 acres NESE Sec 30 Twp 14N Range 03E Meridian 3 SHELBY
Source: llinois State Archives, Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database
REEL NO: M653-228
South District
p. 409
98/98 Combs, Robert 56 M Laborer at Sawmill 200 Maryland
Dolly 46 F Tenn
RIPAND James 19 M Common Laborer Ills
David 17 M . Common Laborer Ills
Wm. 14 M Ills
1868 Plaintiff CARDER, JOSEPH v. Defendant COMBS, GIDEON, ET AL., Box/Folder 25/150, Case Type: Assumpsit
Source: Shelby County Circuit Court Case Files Index, 1828-1871, Illinois State Archives, Records located at IRAD, Eastern Illinois University
Source: llinois State Archives, Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database
p. 109A
198/200 Comes William A. W M 35 Farm Laborer OH OH OH
Nancy R. W F 34 Wife Keeping House OH OH VA
Edwin L. W M 11 Son OH OH OH
Virinda A. W F 9 Daughter IL OH OH
Lydia E. W F 6 Daughter IL OH OH
P. 114B
19/19 GREGORY Washington W m 53 Retail Grocer KY VA VA
Catherine W F 54 Wife Keeping House Ky Ky Ky
Louisa A. W F 21 Daughter at Home IN Ky Ky
John W.S. W M 18 Son at School IL Ky Ky
POLK Elizabeth A. W F 49 Sister-in-law Keeping House KY KY KY
Combs A. Judson W M 28 Boarder Retail Grocer IN NC OH
02/26/1863 COMBS, T JOHN & GAY FRANCES A (vC/p 26)
03/04/1874 COMBS, LOVEL R & DILLBECK, MARY A (v00D/p0385)
09/24/1879 COMBS, FRANK & SMART SARAH, (v1/p 33)
07/08/1885 COMBS, A JUDSON & GREGORY, LOW A , (v1/p 157)
07/19/1891 COMBS, JOHN T & EHRISMAN, MATTIE, (v2/p 54)
12/11/1900 COMBS, J T & PORTER, LENA, (v3/p 43)
Source: Illinois State Archives Statewide Marriage Index 1763-1900