![]() | Combs &c. Families of Posey Co, IN |
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Posey County was established in 1814 from Warrick. In 1818, Vanderburgh was est. from Posey, Warrick and Gibson.
Notes: Except where otherwise stated, the marriage source for this county is Index to Combs Indiana Marriages. Source for all BLM Land Patents is Combs BLM Land of Indiana (Posey's land still needs "neighborhoods" built).
1819 October Posey Co IN Court Minutes. RUSSELL, William vs. ROW, Henry et al.--Trespass vi et armis. Names: Combs, Jesse Defendant; WEST, Daniel & Rebeckah; MCFADDEN, John; WILBOURN, John Subjects: Violence. (Posey County Circuit Court Records)
Notes: Jesse Combs, b ca 1794, m Sarah HINDS (d/o RW Hardy and Sarah HINDS) in 1815 in Muhlenberg Co, KY
No Combs
1826 According to the biography of George Washington Combs, his father, Jonathan Combs, removed from Muhlenberg Co, KY in 1826, going first to Mt. Vernon [Posey Co], Ind., then to Gallatin Co., Ill.
New Harmony Twp
P. 184
Matthew COOMES
Black Twp
P. 179
Jesse Combs
1830 August Posey Co IN Court Minutes. DUCKWORTH, William vs. DUCKWORTH, Sally-Divorce. Names: Combs, Jesse; MILLS, James; PATTERSON, William; DUCKWORTH, John Subjects: Women; Sexuality; Prostitution (Posey County Circuit Court Records)
21 Apr 1831 Posey Co IN. Combs, Phebe & MURPHY, Robert L
Combs Jesse (of Posey Co, IN) Y N Indiana 3670 Y Vincennes 1 SENE 21/ 6 S 13 W N 2nd Principal 40 Posey IN0080_.158
Combs William Y N Indiana 5017 Y Vincennes 1 NESW 22/ 6 S 13 W N 2nd Principal 40 Posey IN0100_.481
03 Mar 1836 Posey Co IN. Combs, David & STEPHENS, Martha
Combs William Y N Indiana 10895 Y Vincennes 1 NWSE 22/ 6 S 13 W N 2nd Principal 40 Posey IN2040_.319
29 Jan 1838 Posey Co IN. Combs, Lewis & Combs, Susannah
Combs Jesse Y N Indiana 23558 Y Vincennes 1 NENW 22/ 6 S 13 W N 2nd Principal 40 Posey IN2290_.449
07 Jul 1839 Posey Co IN. Combs, Rachel & WAY, Isaac
Transcribed by Birdie McNutt from Microfilm
Black Twp
pg 280
COMBS, Lewis 0000100000000 0000100000000
COMBS, William 1020001000000 1210001000000
Note: William not in Census Index
Robb Twp
pg 294
Jesse COMBS 0013001000000 1310001000000
David COMBS 1000100000000 1000100000000
New Harmony Twp
pg 312
COOMBS, Matthew 0010001000000 0010010000000
Note: Matthias COOMBS in Census Index
05 Dec 1843 Posey Co IN. Combs, Deby & BURK, E C [SW: Deborah]
10 Dec 1843 Posey Co IN. Combs, William & WHIPPLE, Mary Note: Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander has 7 Dec 1843 date
(possibly license vs. return)
17 Apr 1844 Posey Co IN. Combs, Mary Ann & KIVETT, Thomas
29 Dec 1844 Posey Co IN. Combs, Martha Ann & RACHELS, Valentine
Notes: Martha Ann Combs Rachel was the d/o Thomas and Ann (ANDERSON?) Combs of Allen Co, KY. By 1860 she was in Gibson Co IN with her brother, Peter Anderson Combs. (See also below)
1 Apr 1846 Posey Co, IN. Nancy GARNER & Jonathan Combs
23 Nov 1846 Posey Co IN. Combs, Lewis & EDWARDS, Ellen
10 March. 1847 Posey Co, IN Marriages. Combs, Wm. G. married Polley CULLEY
(Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander)
24 May 1849 Posey Co IN. Combs, Lucinda & SLAGLE, Charles
30 Jan 1850 Posey Co IN. Combs, John & RUSSEL, Elizabeth
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander from a photocopy of the microfilmed census record: Posey County, Indiana, Census, 1850).
Black Township
page 185 (369)
247 247 John Combs 21 M farmer IND
Elizabeth Combs 20 F IND
Samuel Combs 3 M IND*
Notes: One John Combs m 30 Jan 1850, Posey Co, IN, Elizabeth RUSSELL. Was it a second marriage?
page 186 (371)
259 259 Wm. G. Combs 26 M farmer KY
Polly " 24 F IND
Mary " 9/12 F IND
Notes: William G. Combs m 10 Mar 1847, Polly CULLEY
page 189 (377)
302/302 Esther GARNER 60 F NC
Jabez GARNER 30 M teacher NC
Mahala GARNER 18 F GA
Nancy Combs 21 F NC
Geo. W. Combs 2 M IND
Jonathan Combs 24 M farmer IND
Notes: Nancy GARNER m 1 Apr 1846, Jonathan Combs (Jabez GARNER m 5 Aug 1850, Posey, Mahala MITCHELL)
307/307 Isaac PEERMAN 39 M farmer TENN
Dorothy " 36 F NC
Charlotte " 6 F IND
Miles H. " 3 M IND
Hugh GREGORY 20 M farmer TENN
Narcisca Combs 15 F IND
Wm. F. DELLER 10 M unknown
Notes: Isaac H. PEARMAN m 19 Nov1839, Posey Co, IN, Dorothy/Dolly LANE (See Miles H. LANE below).
page 191 (381)
343/343 Jesse Combs 56 M farmer KY cannot read or write
Sarah " 54 F NC cannot read or write
Ariah " 19 M farmer KY
Lucinda " 17 F IND attended school during year
Jesse " 16 M farmer IND "
Chilla A. " 13 F IND "
Notes: Jesse & Sarah HINDS Combs m 26 Nov 1815, Muhlenberg Co, KY.
Page 192 (383)
348/348 Anson S. OSBURN 35 M farmer 1200 NY
Sarah " 21 F IND
Mary " 2 F IND
Wm. Combs 8 M IND
Page 198 (395)
438/438 Thomas CIVET 25 M farmer 660 IND
Mary A. " 23 F IND
Rachael " 5 F IND
Alwilda " 1 F IND
John " 18 M farmer IND
Lucinda Combs 17 F IND
Notes: Thomas KIVETT [sic] m 17 Apr 1844, Posey Co, IN, Mary Ann Combs. Was Lucinda Mary Ann's sister?
page 206 (411)
563/563 Miles H. LANE 40 M farmer 1660 NC
Elizabeth " 30 F VA
Cyneria " 11 F IND
Polly " 8 F IND
Jasper " 6 M IND
Dallas " 4 M IND
Napoleon " 1 M IND
Polly LANE 61 F NC
Sally Combs 16 F IND
Shuble YORK 12 M IND
Notes: Indiana Marriage Index lists 12 Aug 1838 Posey Co, IN marriage of Miles H. LANE to Betsy McCOY.
18 Feb. 1852 Posey Co, IN Marriages. Combs, David married Jane NOBLE (Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander)
3 Nov. 1853 Posey Co, IN Marriages. Combs, Jonathan married Jane CULLY (Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander)
Notes: Is this Jonathan who was age 24 in the 1850 census w/a second marriage? Note also William G. Combs-Polly CULLEY [sic] marriage.
05 - 12 Apr 1859 (Allen Co KY Book L:407-8) Valentine & Martha Ann RACHELS [of Posey Co IN] to Peter A. Combs… four hundred acres patented to Peter ANDERSON and conveyed by said ANDERSON to Ann B Combs containing one hundred and seventy four acres more or less. Which said undivided half of said tract of land desended to said Martha Ann RACHELS as one of the heirs at Law of said Ann B. Combs and James W. Combs……"
Notes: Peter Anderson Combs, b 1830, KY, was s/o Thomas Combs of Allen Co, KY. Thomas & Sarah ANDERSON Combs who m in Nelson Co, KY, resided in Muhlenberg Co, KY, and were "somehow" related to the 1850 Jesse Combs above. Not known if a relationship existed between the two families. The death certificate of Albert Grant Combs, s/o Peter Anderson & Louanna LANCASTER Combs, indicates he was born in Posey Co IN in 1869.
(partial extraction)
Point Township, PO Mount Vernon
June 4, 1860
page 832
27/27 Alexander McCRARY 39 M farmer 1500, 1000 SC
Elizabeth " 50 F IN
Mary J. 15 F IN
Thomas 10 M IN
Sarah E. 6 F IN
Nancy A. HANCOCK 19 F IN
James Combs 23 M farmhand IN
Joseph REESE 22 M do IN
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander)
Notes: In Oct this same year, the above James Combs m the above Mary Jane McCRARY (a.k.a. McCREARY)?. Not found on 1850 census (See below). Later found in 1870 & 1880 Census of St. Clair Co, MO
June 6, 1860
Page 9 (837)
62/62 William RUSSELL 47 M farming 1200, 300 Ohio
Charlotte " 47 F Ohio
James " 20 M Ohio
Jesse Combs 12 M Indiana
Sarah " 10 F Indiana
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander)
Notes: William RUSSELL m (license) 13 Oct 1822, Posey Co, IN, Charlotty CULLY (See above). Jesse and Sarah not found in 1850 census.
8 Oct. 1860 Posey Co, IN Marriages. Combs, James married Mary Jane McCRARY
(Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander)
8 Oct 1860. Mt. Vernon, Posey Co, IN. Married: James Combs (s/o J. W. Combs) and Mary Jane McCREARY
(Henry Co, MO Civil War Pension File of James Combs)
Notes: Is this James Combs kin to Martha RACHELS Combs who had a brother, James W., also b ca 1837? Or was he kin to Jesse & Sarah Combs Hinds or someone else entirely? (He named a daughter, Martha, b 1875, after Martha Combs Vachel?) According to his 1914 Henry Co, MO death certificate, he was b 30 Jan 1833 in Indiana, s/o J. W. Combs & (don't know), both b in Indiana. He is not found on the 1870 Posey census, but the 1940 Osage Co, OK death certificate of his daughter, Mary Ann Combs Steele, states that she was b in Linville, Warrick Co, IN in 1868. See also Combs-McCREARY of Marion Co, IN, where there is a (probably irrelevant?) John W. Combs.
Mt. Vernon P.O. Point TWP
Page 371
3/3 Ben F. GREATHOUSE 28 M IN Farmer 3500/1000
Bethena 21 F IN House Keeper
Arthura D. 3 M IN
Charles A. 1 M IN
Vironica Combs 18 F IN House Keeping
John W. GREATHOUSE 18 M IN Laborer
Page 373
4/4 Martha WILSON 37 F OH House keeping
William 11 M KS
Joseph 07 M OH
Frances Combs 43 F NC
5/5 David Combs 53 M KY Farmer
Sarah A. 03 F MO
John F. 14 M AR
Notes: David was b in KY in 1817, but had come to IN from MO apparently. Who was John F., b ca 1856, AR (out of age order)?
3? Walter PLATT 26 M KY Farmer
Charlotte 21 F KY Keeping House
Mary F. 8/12 F IN
James T. NOEL 34 M MO 6 Aqua PLATT 49 M IN Farmer
Lannie 53 F KY Keeping House
Black Twp
page 208
H 180 John NICKLES 32 M KY
Mary 20 F IN
Mary Combs 44 F IN
Notes: See the Combs-Nickles families of Morgan Co, KY. Was Mary, wife of John NICKLES (NICHOLS, NICKELLS), neè Combs?
Page 205
Jane Combs 33 F IN
William 16 M IN
Elvira 13 F IN
Lewis 06 M IN
Page 190
Robert S. REED 25 M KY Grocer Merchant
Emma A. 18 F IN Keeping House
Marietta 1/12 F IN
William F. Combs 19 M
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Birdie Totty McNutt)
27 Feb 1904 Posey Co IN Death Cert of Christina CARRELL lists her as b TN; d 27 Feb 1904, Mt. Vernon, Posey Co, IN, age 71. Burial at Goad Cemetery by A.V. Weisinger Mortuary. Wife of Westley CARRELL [b 26 Jul 1829, TN or NC, d 06 Jan 1885, Posey Co IN] and d/o John Combs, b NC
(Death Certificate of Christina Combs Carrell abstracted by Ed Fraidenburg)
EF Note: The children of Westley & Christina Combs Carrell were:
William CARRELL unk, unk. unk. Mar. Susan McFADDEN.
George Washington CARRELL, born July 15, 1857, Clarksville, Montgomery Co, TN. Died March 10, 1915, White Co, IL; m 12 Apr 1891, Margaret Ann WALKER, born Oct. 9, 1858, Posey Co, IN; Died April 28, 1935, Warrick Co, IN.
America CARRELL unk unk Mar on March 13, 1884, John DIVINE unk unk unk.
Cecelia CARRELL unk unk Mar on March 19, 1884, Duck BOGGS unk unk unk
Nell CARRELL unk unk Mar. Wes AUSLEY unk unk unk
Ann CARRELL unk unk Mar. Jim PHELPS unk unk unk.