![]() | Selected Revolutionary War Pay Vouchers & Public Claim Indents for Combs & Associated Families of North Carolina |
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Source: North Carolina Revolutionary War Pay Vouchers, T&C Mil 31.43-31.45. Microfilm S.115.78, State of North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, extracted and transcribed by Combs-Cody-Ridge researcher George Baumbach who adds:
When these indent stubs were cashed, they punched holes through them, usually two large holes. Info is missing as a result.
These are Revolutionary War Indent accounts, meaning people claimed the new government owed them money for either (a) pay for military/militia service or (b) for supplying the military/militia (public claims). Pay vouchers were clearly identified. Unless otherwise stated, these were mostly "public claims". There were at least six kinds of vouchers which essentially covered reimbursement for supplying the armies and militia and for militia or continental line service.
The endorsements on the reverse side could indicate a) the voucher was used to pay local taxes and thus the endorsee should be cross-referenced with county officials, which can aide in locating the individual to a county; or b) the voucher was used essentially as currency, similar to a check.
The date is the date that the auditors "allowed" the claim.
Note: Only Selected HICKS/HIX Vouchers have been included (There are many more in Hillborough, Halifax and Wilmington Districts). Additional Vouchers for STACY, CODY and RIDGE not yet entered.
The following is full text of a typical public claims voucher:
State of North Carolina
Morgan District
No. 5060
This certified that the board of auditors have allowed William COMBS one hundred thirty pounds agreeable to an act of Gen'l Assembly as such can be made to given under our hands this 12th day of Oct'r 1784.
By order of ___ ERWIN Alx'r ERWIN
Benjamin ELLEDGE
Back side:
Interest 3*1*0
Note: Since the above voucher was issued in Morgan District by Erwin & Elledge, the county would have been Burke, Lincoln, Rutherford or Wilkes.
Morgan District contained Burke, Lincoln, Rutherford, Wilkes, Sullivan and Washington Counties. If the auditors were Alexander IRWIN, James MILLER, Benjamin ELLEDGE, David VANCE, Edward HUNTER or Russell JONES, the voucher was issued in Burke, Lincoln, Rutherford or Wilkes Co. If the auditors were Anthony BLEDSOE, Edmund WILLIAMS, or Landon CARTER, the voucher was issued in Washington (TN) and Sullivan Co. (TN).
COMBS, George; Morgan Dist, L5.16.0 for public claims, Nov 1, 1785
COMBS, George; Morgan Dist, No. 44 7,500 dollarss + 6% interest, 20 April 1782
COMBS, John; Morgan Dist, No. 232, L320 for public claim, 24th day of ___
COMBS, John; Morgan Dist, No. 243, L16 for a public claim, 32 Oct 1786; Jno COMBS L16-4-0 paid, indent pam't Barzilla GORDON
COMBS, John; Morgan Dist, No 4305, L20 for public claim, 3 Aug 1784; Jesse HORN to HUGHLETT to CUMMINGS, John COMBS
COMBS, John; Wilmington Dist, L20-9-6 for his services in the militia as returned in Pay Roll No. 1343; No. 1346 L20-9-6, T. JOHNSON, L3-15-9 int[erest]
COMBS, Mason; Morgan Dist, No. [too faint] L230 for public claim, 23 Oct 1786; Wm. LEWIS to R. A. V. ADAM to Jn HAMLETT; Mason COMBS L239-0-0 paid
COMBS, William; Morgan Dist, No. 5060, L1_0 for claim, 12 Oct 1784
COMBS, William; Morgan Dist, No. 221, L291-1-3 for a claim, 23 Oct 1786; Wm COMBS to Wm T. LEWIS L291-1-3
RIDGE, Winifred; Morgan Dist, No. 3764, L124-0 for public claim; WHITNEY to C, L155-2-6, Rec'd from Wm LEWIS, L131-0-5 int[erest] 18th day of May, 1786
RIDGE, Winnifred; Morgan Dist, No. 2013, L80; Will. LEWIS [date unreadable]
ALLEN, Nathaniel; Morgan Dist, No. 5099, L450 for public claim, 5 __ 1785; Paid the entry takers office by Wm. T. LEWIS
ALLEN, David; Morgan Dist, No. 3750, L125-16-0, 13 Apr 1784; Jno. CHILDERS
ALLEN, John; Morgan Dist, No. 3255 L18-7 for public claim, Mar 1784; Tho's. CUNNINGHAM No. 24
ALLEN, John; Morgan Dist, No. 4124, L20-13 for militia service
ALLEN, Micajah; Morgan Dist, No. 3885, L15 for public claim, 26 June 1784; Nov 7, 1789 Rec'd the within ticket of Keneth MAURISON [MORRISON] interest settled
ALLEN, Micajah; Morgan Dist, No. 4047, L9 for militia service, 2 July 1784
ALLEN, Richard; Morgan Dist, No. 427, 2 Aug 1784
Notes: The George COMBS are still being sorted out, as are the John COMBS. Re Barzilla GORDON, see Gilbert GORDON with COMBS of Frederick Co VA. The above Mason COMBS was Mason COMBS, Jr. since Mason COMBS, Sr. died in 1784 in Surry Co NC. Mason COMBS, Jr. & one William COMBS, believed to be his brother, are next found in Montgomery Co VA. The William COMBS with William T. LEWIS was probably of the Mason COMBS family. Winnifred COMBS, d/o Mason & Sarah COMBS, Sr., m (1) bef 1773, William RIDGE, Sr., Tory, d 1780, Battle of Hanging Rock, SC; m (2) Nathaniel ALLIN. His relationship to other ALLENS not known, but quite possibly related to David ALLEN of the Iron Works who m Mary, widow of David MARTIN (and mother of Obediah & Salathiel MARTIN). She m next Jonathan HAINES (See Surry NC and also see the William RIDGE Estate File.
ALLEN, Richard; Wilkes County, December Term 1781, Ordered by the court that Rich'd ALLEN Esq'r be allowed for his troubles one thousand pounds in assessing the Taxable property in this county for the year 1781
Salisbury District was subdivided into the Upper Board (Guilford & Surry), Middle Board and Lower Board. Up until 1782, Salisbury District contained Anson, Burke, Guilford, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Richmond, Rowan, Rutherford, Sullivan, Surry, Washington and Wilkes Co. After 1782 it contained Anson, Guilford, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Richmond, Rowan and Surry Co.
ALLEN, Adoniram; Salisbury Dist, No. 5438, L3-7-6 for public claim 25 Sept 1784; Presented on 20th day of September 1791 on loan to the United States and since rejected
ALLEN, Alex'r; Salisbury Dist, L15-10-6 specie for militia service, June 10 1783
ALLEN, Alexander; Salisbury Dist, L5-17, Spet 1784
ALLEN, Andrew; Salisbury Dist, L20-18, Aug 27, 1782
ALLEN, Benjamin; Salisbury Dist, No. 681, L20 for public claim, 21 June 1782; Wm T. LEWIS
ALLEN, Benjamin; Salisbury Dist, No. 2000, L6-4 for public claim, Sept 1782; Benjamin GOODIN
ALLEN, Benjamin; Salisbury Dist, No. 4190, L7-15 for public claim, 1783; Benjamin ALLEN to Rob. WALKER, Paid into the entry takers office by Robert WALKER, No. 584.
ALLEN, Benjamin; Salisbury Dist, No. 5437 L3-5-6 for public claim, 25 Sept 1784
ALLEN, Benjamin; Salisbury Dist, L2-6-0 for public claim, 25 Sept 1784
ALLEN, David; Salisbury Dist, No. 680, L13-4-8 for public claim, 21 Jun 1782
ALLEN, David; Salisbury Dist, No. 2879, L6-4 for public claim, 6 Aug 1782; Joel LEWIS
ALLEN, David; Salisbury Dist, No. 4189, L7-15 for public claim, 5 Sept 1783; Paid into the entry takers office by Robert WALKER, No. 584
ALLEN, David; Salisbury Dist, No. 5436, L3-7-6 for public claim, 25 Sept 1784
ALLEN, George; Salisbury Dist, No. 1127, L8-17-6 for public claim, 1 Aug 1782; Rec'd Robert HARRIS, Geo (his + mark) ALLEN
ALLEN, Hugh; Salisbury Dist, No. 1894, L2-2-0 for militia service, 6 July 1782
ALLEN, Isaac; Salisbury Dist, L29-5 for public claim, Aug 1784
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 400, L40 sundry claims Jan 1781
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 495, L30-9 for sundry claims, June 1781
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 2321, 31 Aug 1782; Alex'r McCLEOD, Lex ATKINS, Jan 5 1799
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 278, L9-12 for public claim, 31 Aug 1782; Rich'd GOODE, Det. RANDLEMAN to M. MOORE
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 2593, L4-9-8 for public claim, 4 Sept 1782; Jno. ALLEN to Matt'w MOORE
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 3283, L19-4-0 for public claim, 25 Aug 1783
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 3813, L13-19 for public claim, 25 Aug 1783; James BLAIR
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, No. 5100, L9-16 for militia service
ALLEN, John; Salisbury Dist, L9 for militia service; Presented on 20th day of September 1791 on loan to the United States and since rejected
ALLEN, Joseph; Salisbury Dist
ALLEN, Richard; Salisbury Dist, No. 751, L310-14-6 for service done in Com'y of Horse Militia of Wilke's Regm't, Jan 10, 1792; Capt. Richard ALLEN
ALLEN, Richard; Salisbury Dist, No. 784, L3_8-12-0 for services done in Comp'y of Wilkes Militia of Foot, Jan 11, 1782; L381-13-3 Capt. Rich'd ALLEN
ALLEN, Richard; Salisbury Dist, L474 for sundry public claims, 11 Jan 1782; Presented on 20th day of September 1791 on loan to the United States and since rejected
ALLEN, Richard; Salisbury Dist, No. 818, L167-1 for services done in Comp'y of Wilkes Milita of Foot, 11 Jan 1782
ALLEN, Richard; Salisbury Dist, No. 1024, for services in Comp'y of Horse Militia in Wilkes Co. Jan 19, 1782; Capt'n Rich'd ALLEN
ALLEN, Richard; Salisbury Dist, L1217-6 for wagers of a Comp'y of Light Horse in Wilkes County; L1217-6-0, Rich'd ALLEN, No. 15, Presented on 20th day of September 1791 on loan to the United States and since rejected
No. 2412 Joseph HICKS, Salisbury Distr (upper) public claim 31 Aug 1782
Hillsborough District included (in 1790) the NC counties of Caswell, Chatham, Granville, Orange, Randolph and Wake
COMBS, Peter; Hillsborough Dist, [faint] L9-4-0
COMBS, William; Hillsborough Dist, No. 1813, L4-8-0 for claim, 26 April 178_
COMBS, William; Hillsborough Dist, No. 187, L6-6 for claim
No. 220. Robert HICKS, Hillsborough Distr, L922-10 Apr 11, 1781
No. 374 Robert HICKS, Hillsborough Distr, L9-4 16 July 1782; endorsed: James APPLETON to Wm CLARK, W. CLARK, Rockingham; Livey HARRIS
No. 1406 Robert HICKS, Hillsborough Distr, L5-7 22 Apr 1783
RIDGE, George; Hillsborough Dist, No. 260, L2-10-6 for claim, June 10, 1783
RIDGE, Godfrey; Hillsborough Dist, No. 4514, L15-10-8 for claim, 8 April 1783
Notes: The above Godfrey RIDGE probably same who was brother to William RIDGE, Tory, d 1780, Battle of Hanging Rock, SC, m Winnifred COMBS, d/o Mason & Sarah COMBS, Sr. of VA & Surry Co NC. Peter & William COMBS have not yet been identified, but see Wilkes Co NC & also note that one William COMBS was a son of Mason & Sarah COMBS, Sr.
COMBS, Robert; [too faint] Northampton County, Robert (his R mark) COMBS
No 554 Henry HICKS, Sullivan & Wash Co., L24-14 public claim 12 June 1783
No 3779 Meshack HICKS, Wash & Sull Co., L7-14-4 12 June 1783
No. 4080 Mesheck HIX, Wash & Sull Co., L7-17-6 15 Aug 1783
No. 2008 Mashick HIX, Wash & Sull Co., L7-8-6 12 Aug 1782
No 2016. Abednigo HIX, Wash & Sull Co., L7-8-6 13 Aug 178_; endorsed: Isaac TAYLOR
No 2576 Solomon HICKS, Wash & Sull Co., L 11 16 Aug 1782; endorsed: Silas ENYART; Matthew HAYN for Zachariah GREEN
No 1411 Samuel HICKS, Wash & Sull Co, L3-7 12 Apr 1783
No 2225 William HIX, Jr, Wash & Sull Co., l15-5 15 ___ 1782; endorsed: Isaac TAYLOR
Notes: No COMBS listed for East TN; however, see 1812 Warren Co TN Tax Lists re Meshack HICKS and also note that Meshack and Mason were found as interchangeable given names among STACYS of Russell Co VA
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