![]() | The Combs-Associated Families of Allamby, Archdale, Brooke, Lowe, Morgan, Payne, Perry, Pitt, Pindar, Prosser |
The following are a chronological series of records, many involving either directly or indirectly, the surname PERRY (a.k.a. PARRY), but also the above names and more. Whether they are significant to Combs Research is not yet known, but they "look like" it.
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24 Mar 1637/8 (P.C.C. Lee, 87.) Nuncupative will of John PARRY, whilst he lived inhabiting in Virginia, dated 24 March, 1637. To Samuel MINIFREY, his servant, all coopers tooles, suit of clothes & a shirt. To John MARTIN certain clothing. To Stephen PENDLE same. To Raph HUNTER, groome, Bedd and Rugg. To brother William PARRY his wages & all debts due him. Witnesses: Josua JAMES & Raph HUNTER, groome. Proved 30 July, 1638, and admon. with will annexed granted to brother Wiliam PARRY.
06 Jun 1648 (Eliz. City Co - VA Patent Book 2, p. 142) William PARRY, 90 A, Beg. at upper bounds of Florentine PAYNE'S devident near Daniell TANNERS, near a great path leading from Kequotan to Mr. EATONS house. Trans. of 2 pers. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 1, Nugent, p. 175)
22 Dec 1681 (Elizabeth Cittie VA - Land Book 7, p. 217) Thomas ALLAMBY. December 22, 1681. 184 Acres on the bank of the James River, adjoining the land now in the possession of Robert COMBES. Land Book 7, p. 217. (Wills & Administrations of Elizabeth City Co., VA., 1680-1800 by Chapman, 1980)
22 Dec 1682 [sic] (Elizabeth City Co - VA Land Patents Book 7:217) Mr. Tho. ALLAMBY, 184 A. Beg. att a Figg Tree on James River upon land of Robert COMBES; & Mary ELCOCK(?). 100 Acres granted to Wm. BROOKS alias MORGAN 6 May 1620; 50 granted Wm. COLE 6 Dec "next following" & by severall conveyances both came to the possession & seizin of Florentine PAINE, dec'd., who gave same to his 2 sons, viz: 100 A to Florentine, & 50 A to Wm., who conveyed the same, in free, to sd. ALAMBY; 34 A for trans. of Eliz. WYN. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 2, Nugent, p. 250)
12 Feb 1684/5 (Talbot MD Inventories & Accts, Liber 8.293) Inventory. George ALLUMBY. £98.7.6 Feb 12, 1684. Appraisers: William COOMBES, Richard GIRLING. List of Debts: Richard STEEVENS, Edward BONNY, John BURGESS. (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, VK. Spillers)
Notes: See Robert PAYNE of Old Rappahannock Co VA; See George ALLUMBY and William & Elizabeth ROE Combs of Talbot Co MD. See the Brooke-Brown-Pope-Roe/Wroe Families, and see below.
1684-1721 Micajah PERRY & Thomas LANE, acting in behalf of Phillip LUDWELL, now m to Lady Frances, widow of Sir William BERKELEY, Lord Proprietor of the Carolinas, who had transferred his shares to Gov. John ARCHDALE. (See more Micajah PERRY below)
25 Apr 1692 (London EN) Micajah PERRY of St. Catherine Creechurch, London, where he has lived for 10 years, merchant, born in New England, deposes 25 April, 1692, aged 51. (Genealogical Notes from the High Court of the Admiralty, J. R. Hutchinson, p. 178)
Notes: In ref both Creechurch above and ROWE below, note:
Anne CHEYNEY, widdow of parish of Katherine Cree church, London. Will 28 May 1663; proved 4 October 1667. To be buried either n the Chancel in Creechurch or at my pew dore. To the poor of sayd Parish of Katherine Cree church £10. To the clerk and Sexton of said Parish 20s each. If I be buried in Creechurch I give the minister 40s. I give £10 to be bestowed in Bibles to be given to such as want them. To the poor West Ham in Essex £5. To my Cosen Mr. Bartholomew HARRISON £50 and all the money he owes me. To my couzen Mr. Matthew HARRISON £50 and all he owes me. To my said cozen Mr. Bartholomew and Matthew HARRISON to be equally divided between them a Furniture for a Bed. White Curtain and Vallans, 2 Boulsters, 2 Pillows, one Redd Rugg, one white Blankett, 6 chayrs and stools. To my couzen Bartholomew a gold Ring with cornelion stone cutt for a seale, and my couzen Matthew HARRISON my watch. I acquit the son and gayre of my couzen John HARRISON deceased of all the money my said couzen owed me at his death. To the 3 childredn of my couzen John HARRISON 40s. each. To Mrs. Elizabeth their mother my pearle necklace. To my couzen Mrs. Sarah TAYLOR £20. To my couzen Mrs. Lettice HOXTON my silver plate trencher. To my couzen Mr. Robert WADDIS 40s. To my 3 couzens Mr. Thomas, Mr. Bartholomew and Mrs. Alice FERIMAN 40s. To my couzen Thomas GWINNE and his wife £5 each. To my Cozen Matthew BILLINGSBEE £5. To my couzen Anna ROE £5 to be sent out in suitable things to Virginia. To my couzin PILGRAM £5. To my cousin Zacheus EWELL £5. To my cousins Mathew and Thomas PINDAR each of them £5. To my cousin John EWELL'S wife that was, one bond of £30 that her husband and Mr. COLMAN was bound to mee before her husband's death. £20 to the congregation I am a member of to be paid to Mr. LEGATT. To Mr. NYE £10. To Mr. LOADER £10. Mr. YATES £10. Mr. GREENHILL 40s. Mr. FOORD £10. Mr. SPUCOGG £5. Mrs. GRAY a silver sugar dish. Mrs. CLARK and Mrs. SUMNER 20s. apiece. Mrs. CAMPION 40s. Mrs. ROLFE 40s. Mr. John ALLEN £10. Mr. JAMES, Mr. JOSEPH, Mr. Benjamin ALLEN 40s. each. Mrs. Mary ALLEN £20. To Mrs SMYTH the least stone pott with silver and gilt lide. To Mr. ASHBOURNE and his wife £2. To Mr. THRAYLE £10. To Mrs. THRAYLE £10. also my silver pint pot. To Mrs. FOSTER £5. Betty FOSTER 40s. Mrs. BARBER £5. Mrs. MASELIN, Goodwife DANDY, Gudwife TURNER, Goodwife DUN 20s. each. My mayd Isabell COCKS £3. To any other servant living with me at my decease 40s. All my linen not bequeathed to my friends, my couzen TAYLOR, Mrs. CAMPION, Mrs. THRAYLE, Mrs. FOSTER and some of them to Mrs. SMYTH and my maid servant. £150 to be bestowed on my funeral. All the rest of my friend and executor Mr. John GRAY. Witnesses: Daniel TRISSELL, George WHITEHEAD. Com. London, 1670, folio 254. (Virginia Historical Magazine, Volume #15, 1907-08, pg 178-80)
Notes: In reference also to the surname PINDAR (a.k.a. PINNER), see the following:
Mathias PROSSER of St. Giles Cripplegate, London, who died in Virginia. Administration to the grandmother, Jane PROSSER alias PITT alias PINDAR alias SAYWARD. (Sep. 1667). ("American Willis And Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1610-1857" by Peter Wilson Coldham, 1989)
Will of Richard PINNER. Dated 28th Aug, 1666; proved in Maryland 20th June, 1667. To wife (unnamed), such land as she may select. To Roger CORDING, 80 A. at 21 yrs. of age. To sons Richard and William, residue of lands in equal portions. To Philip and William, sons of William ELLIS and of Ann ROE, personalty. Overseers: Francis SAWYER [a.k.a. SAYER?], Wm. ELLIS, Jos. HARRISON and Henry ADAMS. Test: Wm. ELLIS, John DIGBY, Richard ROE. (1. 306 Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1)
See PINDAR, ROE and HARRISON above (& see Talbot Co MD)
See Also Combs, PITT & SEWARD Families of Isle of Wight Co VA
See Also John PROSSER of Old Rappahannock Co VA who m Martha, widow of William GOFF (a.k.a. GOUGH?), whose daughter, Martha GOFF, m Thomas KENDALL, father or grandfather of William KENDALL who m Elizabeth Combs, d/o John and Hannah "Ann" Combs of Richmond Co VA.
20 Jan - 17 Mar 1703/4 (Surry EN) Will of Micajah LOWE formerly of Charles City Co., Va., but now of Carshalton, Surrey, merchant, dated 20 Jan 1703. A gold ring to my uncle Mr. Micajah PERRY and my mother-in-law Mrs. Elizabeth HAMLIN. A ring for mourning to my sisters Susanna LOWE, Johanna JARRETT and Johanna LOWE, and to my friends Capt. Christopher MORGAN and Capt. James MORGAN. The residue of my estate to my wife Sarah who is to be my exec, with my uncle Micajah PERRY. Wits: Sarah BARNES, Joseph COOPER, Robert DALLEY and Thomas DEWBERY. Pr. 17 Mar 1703 by Micajah [PERRY?] (PROB 11/469/53). (American Wills Proved in London 1611-1775 by Peter Wilson Coldham, 1992, pg 80)
Notes: See the Combs-Lowe-Rowe Families of Talbot Co MD
13 Mar 1732/3 (Dorchester Co MD) Tobias Combs - wit to Peter PERRY will - pro Mar 13, 1732 (VOL 7 - Calendar of Wills, MD - Extracted from the Hazel Groves Hansrote microfiche series by Combs-Seiber Researcher Matt Combs.
Note: The late Hazel Groves Hansrote was a long time MD researcher whose research files have been preserved on fiche)
Also Note: Much more to be added here, but one thread that seems to appear in a number of these families is their religion: Many were either Quakers and/or closely allied to Quaker Families… Much more to be added…