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Owen County was established in 1819 from Daviess and Sullivan. In 1822, Putnam was established from Unorganized Territory, Owen and Vigo; and in 1825: Clay was established from Owen, Putnam, Sullivan and Vigo.
Except where otherwise noted, source for marriages is Owen Co, Ind GenWeb References(See also Index to Combs Marriages of Indiana)
Except where otherwise noted, source for BLM Land is Combs BLM Land of Indiana
No Combs
20 Apr 1826 Owen Co, IN BLM Land COMBS William (of Nelson Co, KY) Y N Indiana 3273 Y Crawfordsville 1 W1/2SE 26/ 12 N 3 W N 2nd Principal 80 IN0930_.213
20 Apr 1826 Owen Co, IN BLM Land Combs William Y N Indiana 3520 Y April 20, 1826 Crawfordsville 1 W1/2NE 26/ 12 N 3 W N 2nd Principal 80 IN0930_.460
Notes: William was probably either son or son-in-law of Andrew Combs, Jr., of Loudoun Co, VA and Nelson Co, KY (s/o Andrew Combs I of the Tonoloways Settlement (MD-PA)
4-5-1827 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Vianna Combs & William BARNS by John JAMES, M.G.
7-30-1829 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Lucinda Combs & John DUNKIN by Benj. ARNOLD
See 1832 Loudoun Co, VA Chancery Suit, heirs of Andrew Combs, Jr. deceased, which included William, Viena [sic] and Lucinda Combs.
Page 266: William COMES
ca 1835 Owen Co, IN Index to Probate Records Box 201. William TRUAX, Decd, Owen Co, IN. William COMBS & James TRUAX, Exec. Heirs: Else TRUAX, widow; ; sons: Edward, Samuel TRUAX; daughters: Hannah, Ophilia, Sintha TRUAX; other heirs (rel. not stated): Alice & James TRUAX; others named: Orpha WILSON
(Owen Co, IN Probate Records (Index) before 1850, extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Owen Co, Ind GenWeb References)
Note: By Oral Family Tradition, Alice "Else" Combs Truax was the d/o Edward & Rebecca STILLWELL Combs of the Tonoloways Settlement (MD-PA). Edward Combs d testate Dec 1820, Nelson Co, KY without including daughters' married names.
Combs William Y N Indiana 26576 Y March 30, 1837 Crawfordsville 1 S1/2NE 11/ 11 N 3 W N 2nd Principal 80 IN1400_.253
COOMBS William Y N Indiana 31199 Y Crawfordsville 1 W1/2SE 25/ 12 N 3 W N 2nd Principal 80 IN3240_.344
Montgomery Twp
p. 076
William COMES
Franklin Twp
p. 107
ca 1842 Owen Co, IN Index to Probate Records Box 172. John DUNKIN, Decd., Owen Co, IN. Exec. William COMBS & James BECK. Heirs: Beryn, Freeborn, Jemima, David and John DUNKIN, Jr., Lloyd CUMMINS; Eleanor & John REEVES; Nathan & Martha SACKETT. Others named: Melinda PERRY
(Owen Co, IN Probate Records (Index) before 1850, extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Owen Co, Ind GenWeb References)
Note: Lucinda Combs, d/o Andrew & Mary COMBS II of Nelson Co, KY, married John DUNKIN in Owen Co., IN 30 Jul 1829.
5-16-1844 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Martisha COMBS & Thomas ASHER by John MUGG, M.G.
12-18-1845 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Melissa COMBS & Cornelius MCCARTY by John MUGG, M.G.
(Melissa transcribed as Malissa in Index to Indiana Marriages)
3-17-1846 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Martha Ann COMBS & James LLOYD by Martin GILLASPY [SW: GILLESPIE]
Note: Martha may have been a widow. See 1850 census.
Combs James Y N Indiana 33429 Y Indianapolis 1 NWNE 24/ 9 N 4 W N 2nd Principal 40 IN2490_.433
Combs James (of Owen Co, IN) Y N Indiana 34634 Y April 24, 1840 Vincennes 1 SWNE 24/ 9 N 4 W N 2nd Principal 40 IN2520_.126
5-25-1850 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Isabella Combs & Hugh DEVORE (Index to Combs Marriages of Indiana) [SW: DEFORE]
6-13-1850 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Ludwell COMBES & Lucinda BALDON (Index to Combs Marriages of Indiana) [SW: BALDWIN]
Notes: Ludwell not located on 1850 census, and is on 1860 as McCombs (not found as McCombs on 1850 either). See also
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Wayne Township
149/149 Thomas WILSON 51 M farmer $6000 Ky
Orfy 45 F KY cannot read or write
T. Jefferson 16 M farmer IN attended school within the year
Elish 15 M farmer IN attended school within the year
Jeremiah C. 13 M IN attended school within the year
Melissa 11 F IN attended school within the year
John C. 10 M IN attended school within the year
Barthena 9 F IN attended school within the year
Barton S. M IN attended school within the year
DH Note: Thomas WILSON md 5 Jan 1838, Owen Co., IN, Orpha TRUAX. Is this the d/o William and Alicy COOMBS Truax?
p. 14
176/176 Samuel J. COMBS 44 M blacksmith
$1000 Va
Sarah 40 F Ky
John W. 16 M blacksmith Ky attended school within the year
Thomas J. 13 M Ky attended school within the year
Samuel 10 M Ky
Mary A. 5 F Ky
Benjamin 3 M Ky
Cerilla 4/12 Ky
Notes: This appears to be Samuel J. Combs who m 15 Jul 1834, Clark Co, KY, Sarah M. “Sally” COLE. He was s/o John Harrison Combs (s/o Benjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs) and Sophia B. Combs (d/o Joseph & Margaret PRITCHETT Combs III of Stafford VA), and he is on the 1840 Clark Co, KY census, but missing in 1850, then back in Clark in 1860 with same exact children as above
Dist. 84 Harrison Township
514/515 Nathan SMITH 24 M school teacher $1500 Ky
Hannah P. 22 F IN
Mary M. 2 F IN
Milford BALDON 26 M farmer KY
Martha A. 22 F IN
Galen E. 1 M IN
DH Note: Hannah Pathena TRUAX md 25 Mar 1847 Owen Co., IN Nathan SMITH.
560/562 James TRUAX 42 M farmer $3000 KY
Arlena 35 F farmer IN
Edward C. 20 M farmer IN
William A. 18 M farmer IN
Fanny A. 16 F IN
Elizabeth 14 F IN
Benjamin 7 M IN
James 5 M IN
John 2 M IN
DH Notes: James is the only TRUAX by surname in the 1850 Owen census. Note the following marriages:
James TRUAX md 1 Apr 1841 Owen Co., IN Alletta CHAMBERS
Fanny Ann TRUAX md 21 Nov 1850 Owen Co., IN Bland WHITAKER
Edward C. TRUAX md 23 Jan 1851 Owen Co., IN Mary ASHER
Elizabeth TRUAX md 19 Aug 1852 Owen Co., IN Noah SMITH
William A. TRUEAX md 8 Apr 1858 Owen Co., IN Louisa A. MEASEL
Dist 84 Montgomery Township
p. 26
319/319 Cornelius McCARTY 26 M farmer $1500 KY
Melissa 26 F KY
Mary 3 F IN
William 1 M IN
David WATSON 18 M IN attended school within the year
Note: 12-18-1845 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Melissa COMBS & Cornelius MCCARTY by John MUGG, M.G
Taylor Township
p. 77
974/976 John DUNCAN 40 M farmer $2500 NY
Lucinda 46 F KY cannot read or write
Mary E. 19 F IN attended school within the year
William T. 17 M farmer IN attended school within the year
John M. 16 M farmer IN attended school within the year
Malissa 16 F IN attended school within the year
Marion N. 13 M IN attended school within the year
Ludwell T. 11 M IN attended school within the year
Isabel 8 F IN
Amanda C. 6 F IN
Note: Lucinda COMBS, d/o Andrew & Mary COMBS II of Loudoun VA and Nelson KY, married John DUNKIN in Owen Co., IN 30 Jul 1829.
975/977 Martha A. LLOID 25 F KY cannot read or write
Elvira COMBES 7 F IN attended school within the year
Susan D. LLOID 4 F IN
Note: 3-17-1846 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Martha Ann COMBS & James LLOYD by Martin GILLASPY. Who was the COMBS whom Martha m first (or was Elvira a natural child?)
982/984 Thomas ASHER 25 M farmer $800 IN
Martisha 25 F KY
William C. 5 M IN attended school within the year
Mary E. 2 F IN
Note: 5-16-1844 Owen Co, IN Marriage Records Martisha COMBS & Thomas ASHER by John MUGG, M.G.
Dist 83 Franklin Township
p. 107
337/337 James COMBS 27 M farmer $400 NC
Mary J. 23 F KY
William R. 4 M IN
Permelia J. 2 F IN
Notes: Possibly James and Mary Jane HAYDEN who m 23 Feb 1845, Orange Co, IN? (No Combs located yet on 1840 or 1850 Orange census index).
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Taylor Twp
Page 126:
Combs, Mary
Combs, William
Combs, William A.
Page 131:
MCCombs, Lucinda
MCCombs, Ludwell
Note: Although listed here as McCombs, both the 1850 census and the 13 Jun 1850 Owen Co, IN marriage record of Ludwell to Lucinda BALDON list as Combs, not McCombs.
FamilySearch Record Search - Pilot Site (1870 Census Image)
Taylor Twp
p. 1
9/9 Combs, Wm A. 31 MW Farmer 2625 300 IN
Laura [?] 19 FW keeping house IN
p. 2 (con't)
Combs, Emory 6m MW IN
10/10 Combs, Wm 72 MW Farmer 11,000 10,000 KY
Mary 68 HW Keeping House KY
WATTS, John [?] 18 mw ky
17/17 Combs, Ludwell 42 MW Farmer 6000 1500 IN
Lucinda 41 FW Keeping House IN
Josephine 19 FW IN
Arabelle 16 FW IN
Wordford 13 MW IN
Gillaspie, John 29 MW Farm Laborer - 300 OH
(Extracted by Combs Researcher C. Hamnet from Owen Co, Ind GenWeb References)
Taylor Twp
Page 330
Combs, Ludwell
Combs, Wm.
Combs, Wm. A.
Page 333
ASHER, Thomas
Page 337
MCCARLY [McCARTY?], Cornelius
Wayne Twp
Page 386
COMBS, Trueax [Truax?]
Harris Twp
Page 215
Page 218
TRUAX, James
TRUAX, James B.
10 May 1894 OBITUARY. WILLIAM COMBS. One of the Oldest Men in Owen County, (Indiana) and One of Our Most Respected Citizens Passes Away.
Wm. COMBS, aged 96 years two months and 17 days, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. L. RATCLIFF, Thursday May 10, 1894, of heart
trouble. A large crowd attended his funeral which took place Saturday evening
at the Quincy Baptist church, by Rev. DOWNEY, after which the remains were laid
to rest in the Combs' cemetery, south of Quincy. He was born in
Nelson county, Kentucky, Feb. 23, 1798;
was married to Mary COMBS in 1821; they lived happily together for 49
years years when she was called to rest. There were five boys and seven girls
born to this union of which there are only six living. At the time of
his death he had 17 grandchildren, about 45 greatgrandchildren and two greatgreatgrandchildren.
He moved to Owen county in November 1825, bringing with him his oldest daughter,
Mrs. Cornelius McCARTER [I believe this should be McCARTY], who was only
three years old. He settled on the farm near Quincy, which he occupied
as long as he kept house. He was one of Indiana's early pioneers, this county
being almost an unbroken forest when he came. Being a man of great ability and
energy he built a log cabin 18 feet square and with about $500. he began his
financial career. By his skillful management and hard labor he made a success
financially and in almost all other undertakings, accumulated betwen forty or
fifty thousand dollars. He was reverenced by all who knew him for good advice
and wise counsel. He was the oldest democrat in Owen county, casting his first
vote for Gen. Jackson and voting at every election since that time. He was always
found at his post working for the good of the party, ready to advance it on
towards victory. In 1861 the Owen county democrats saw the need of a strong
man as a candidate for representative, he was theefore called by the voice of
his party to be a candidate which resulted in his election. As a legislator
he served as honor to his constituents and people in general In 1871 he was
married to Mrs. LUCAS who died in 1877, since then he has been making his home
among his children. He was a kind husband and a loving father. He joined
the Little Mount Baptist church at the time of its organization, donating the
grounds on which it was built. He was a faithful member until his death, always
regular in attendance when able and when unable he always sent his part of the
support of the church. He often talked of a true christian live and said: It
seemed to him as if he was living on borrowed time, but lo! these long 65 years
he had been battling through a christian life he never was sorry of his beginning.
Transcribed by Mary Jo Sisson March who adds; This is believed by descendants, other researchers, and myself, to be Sarah (COOMBES) Campbell Eve's son. Edward COOMBES mentions a grandson William COOMBES (underage in 1817) to whom he leaves an inheritance (Nelson Co, KY), his grandparents apparently raised him, as they did his two CAMPBELL sisters. The William COOMBES recorded in the bible Sarah EVES gave to her daughter, has the exact same birth date as this obituary, Feb. 23, 1798. This obviously is the same person, as to his exact parentage, that may always be in doubt. I find it intriguing that his obituary states that "he never was sorry of his beginning." There is always a chance that he was Sarah's illegitimate child.
William COOMBES m 1 May 1821, Nelson Co, KY, Mary COOMBS, d/o Mary COOMBS, widow of Andrew (probably Andrew II, s/o Andrew COMBS I of Tonoloways?). According to his marriage bond, he was the s/o Sarah COOMBS. An Edward COOMBS was bondsman.