Combs &c.
of Breckinridge Co., KY |
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established in 1799-1800 from
Hardin Co., KY. In 1824,
Meade was established from Breckinridge and Hardin, and in 1829,
Hancock was established from Breckinridge,
Ohio and
Daviess Counties, Kentucky.
Of the Combs of Breckinridge, the most well-known are the children of Francis Ignatius COOMES, Sr. ofCharles Co., MD and Hardy Co., VA by his first wife, Cassandra CULVER of
Prince George's Co, MD. About Francis' three sons, Benjamin J. Webb, in his Catholicity In Kentucky (c) 1884 gave the following account: "Ignatius COOMES removed to Breckinridge County in the year 1800 [sic, but incorrect. see below] His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah STUART, was a widow LEWIS at the time of her marriage, and she had a family of her own, consisting of two daughters, who afterwards became the wives of their stepfather's brothers, Joshua and Henry COOMES, and two sons, William and Thomas LEWIS, afterwards highly respected citizens of the county, where their descendants are numerous to the present day.(+)
"...Among the earlier Catholic settlers of Breckinridge County, some of them coming as early as 1810 and none later then
1820, were the following: Joshua COOMES, Henry COOMES, another Ignatius COOMES, John CLARK, Joseph MCGILL, John ELDER, Samuel ELDER, Thomas MCGILL, Arnold ELDER, Samuel BEAVEN, Benj. BEAVEN, John CASSADAY and ----MUDD..."
(+)Webb's note: "The children of Ignatius and Sarah [STUART Lewis] Coomes were: Walter, Linus, Francis
and Matilda. The two first became priests, and served the diocese faithfully to the end of their days. Henry COOMES died 1844, married about 1803 Winifred Ann LEWIS, she born c 1779/1883 (1860/1850 census) had four children, Sarah b/c 1804 and married abt 1830 Samuel BLAND, Breckinridge Co., Ky; Thomas, b/btw 1810/1820; Mary, married George JARBOE; Henry M., married Sarah BLAND. & QUOT; (Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Lewis)
Of Igantius & Sarah STEWART (Lewis) Coomes' two priest sons:
Biography of Reverend Linos O. COOMES
Born about 1801, he was a son of Sarah STUART (STEWART) Lewis, and a brother of Walter S. COOMES who also
became a priest. The family emigrated from Virginia to Bardstown [Nelson Co, KY] around 1812 and, in the following year, moved to the vicinity of Hardinsburg in Breckinridge Co. His studies for the priesthood, begun at St. Thomas Seminary in Nelson County in 1818, were completed in the major seminary at Bardstown. Bishop Flaget gave him the diaconate March 30, 1882 and Bishop David ordained him and Charles J. CISSELL at St. Joseph Cathedral Dec. 23, 1826. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Lewis from John A. Lyons Bishops and Priests of Diocese of Bardstown)
Biography of Reverend Walter S. COOMES,
A brother of Rev. Linus O. COOMES and a son of Ignatius COOMES and Sarah STEWART Lewis, he was born in
Virginia, Feb. 19, 1796 and at the age of sixteen years, came with his parents to Bardstown. In the following year, the family settled in Breckinridge Co. in the vicinity of Hardinsburg. He entered St. Thomas Seminary in Nelson Co. in 1820 and received his philosophy and theology at St. Joseph College. His elevation to the priesthood, at the hands of Bishop Flaget, took place in St. Joseph Cathedral, Aug. 15, 1831. (Extracted by Joe Lewis from John A. Lyons' Bishops and Priests of Diocese of Bardstown)
Nov. 30, 1871 and on Dec. 7, 1871. Catholic Advocate. Obituaries. Father Walter S. COOMES...
born on either 17 or 19 Feb. 1796 on the South Branch of the Potomac, Virginia, where his parents had settled... (since) "there was no priest in that neighborhood, his parents carried him, as all others of their children, to Maryland in order to have them baptized...Ignatius COOMES appears first in the1812 Nelson Co. Ky Tax list and then in the 1813/14 Breckinridge Co. Ky Tax List..." (Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Lewis)
Notes: Ignatius (Francis Ignatius, Jr.), Joshua and Henry are all named in the 1817 Hardy Co, VA will of their father, Francis Ignatius COOMES, Sr. By 1812, the three were in Nelson Co, KY (tax lists) and by 1813 had moved on to Breckinridge as noted correctly by all, but Webb. We are in the process of verifying all undocumented statements above, and are seeking full transcription of above obituaries.
1800 Breckinridge Co KY Tax List (No Combs or variant spellings; No DOWELL, no Micajah found)
Nicholas RICE
30 Dec 1803 Thomas DOWELL (father Micajah DOWELL) married Anne COOMES (her guardian, Nicholas RICE) (Extracted from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY MARRIAGE RECORDS)
27 Dec 1808 Thomas DOWELL to Ann COOMES, bond-John STARLET (Extracted from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS Vol 1, by Cook & Cook , Cook Publications, 1977 by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp who adds: These marriage records are complied from existing copies of first marriage book, minister's bondsman Bible records, family and County histories and vital stat. records)
Notes: Ann was the daughter of Unknown and Polly RICE Coomes (Coones?). See 1819 Below.
July 22, 1806 Bk 1, page 312. Asa COOMBS on jury (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS Vol 1, by Cook & Cook , Cook Publications, 1977)
1810 Breckinridge Co KY Census (No Combs or variant spellings)
P. 167
Thomas DOWELL 001-10100-00 [hussband of Ann Combs?]
(Extracted by CombsResearcher Carolyn Wimp from Ancestral Trails' Breckinridge Co KY Census CD)
17 Feb 1814 (Deed book C, page 297) William GRAY and Nancy his wife,
to Joshua COOMES, 95 3/4 acres on Tuels Creek (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook,1984 Cook Publications)
21 Feb 1814 ( Deed book C, page 299) Abraham McCLELLAN and Elizabeth his wife, to Joshua COOMES for 39 acres on Tuels Creek (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook,
1984 Cook Publications)
Notes: Joshua was the son of Francis Ignatius Combs, Sr. of Hardy Co., VA. He and brothers, Henry and Ignatius are
listed on the 1812 Nelson Co KY tax list.
29 Sep 1814 (Deed book C, page 350) Abraham McCLELLAN and Elizabeth his wife, to Ignatius COOMES, 160 acres on Tuels Creek (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook,
1984 Cook Publications)
Notes: Francis Ignatius COOMES, Jr., who generally went by only Ignatius once in Kentucky, was s/o Francis Ignatius COOMES, Sr. of Hardy Co VA. He is earlier found on the 1812 Nelson Co, KY Tax List.
20 Feb 1815 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 2, page 101) Road from Medical Springs to south of Rough Creek, passing through land of Henry Combs (Extracted from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook
& Cook,Cook Publications, 1984, by Carolyn Wimp who adds: I think this was in reference to the upkeep of the road)
Notes: Henry was the son of Francis Ignatius COOMES, Sr. of Hardy Co VA, and found in 1812 on the Nelson Co, KY Tax List.
1 Apr 1816 ( Deed Book C, page 508) Joshua COOMES and Casaner his wife, to Thomas GIVEN, Jr. (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook Publications)
1 Apr 1816 ( Deed Book C, p. 508,) Joshua COOMBS [sic] and wife sold 95 3/4 acres on Tuels Creek in Breckinridge Co., KY to Thomas GIVEN, Jr. (Combs Researcher Joe Lewis)
Notes: According to Combs Researcher Joe Lewis, Joshua COOMES m his step-niece, Cassandra LEWIS, daughter of William and Sarah STEWART Lewis of Hardy Co, VA, the latter having married next Joshua's brother, Francis Ignatius.
20 May 1816 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 2, page 176) Ordered Ignatius COOMES be appointed overseer of Leitchfield Road from Hardinsburg to North fork of Rough Creek . (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from
BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
18 Nov 1816 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 2, page 116) Deliquent tithe for the year 1815- Matthew Combs, 1 tithe, unknown (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
16 Dec 1816 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 2, page 214) Ignatius COOMES as security for John GLASCOCK, for tavern licence (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
19 May 1817 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 2, page 233) Peter BERRY appointed surveyor of road on Joshua COOMES lines (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
18 Aug 1817 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 2, page 240) Cassanna COOMES, widow of Joshua COOMES, dec'd, adm. of the estate of Joshua COOMES, dec'd. Itnatius COOMES, her security. (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
18 Aug 1817 (Breckinridge Co KY WB1:240) Cassandra COOMBS [sic] as widow of Joshua, dec'd, was appointed administratrix of her husband's estate, and Barton MATTINGLY, William LEWIS, Thomas LEWIS and Henry STEWART were ordered to make appraisal. (Combs Researcher Joe Lewis)
15 Sep 1817 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 2, page 249) Inventory of appraisement of estate of Joshua COOMES, dec'd (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook,
Cook Publications, 1984)
16 Nov 1818 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 3, page-6) Tithable-delinquents for the year 1817-Joshua COOMES-insolvent (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
18 Jan 1819 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 3, page 28) James JENNINGS appointed surveyor for part of Leitchfield Road from Hardinsburg to North fork of Rough Creek by Ignatius COOMES. (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp
from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
9 Feb 1819 (Breckinridge Co KY Deed book D, page 424) Heirs of Charles HICKMAN, dec'd. Mentions Thomas DOWELL and Ann his wife, late Ann COOMES, daughter of Polly COOMES, who was the daughter of Nicholas RICE, dec'd, Nicholas COOMES, full brother of Ann DOWELL, heirs of Nicholas RICE, recovers land from HICKMAN. (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook Publications)
Notes: Who was the father and husband respectively of Nicholas Combs, Ann Combs Dowell; and Polly RICE Combs? Nicholas Combs probably named after his maternal grandfather? The father appears to have been deceased before marriage of daughter, Ann (See 1803-1808 above). According to RICE researchers, Nicholas RICE'S daughter, Polly, married a Felix KOONTZ (not found on 1800 tax lists orcensus, or on 1810 census), about whom none seem to know more. (Rice Combs Research List
Archives. Further correspondence needed). A partial explanationis that at least one marriage CD shows theirs as the marriage of Thomas & Ann COONES Dowell (in 1808). The question remains as to how it is known that Polly married a Felix, and whether he was a COOMES or a COONES.
15 Feb 1819 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 3, page 215) W. S. COOMES on petition to have view and mark road from Court House with Main Cross Street and intersect Yellow Bank Road (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
21 June 1819 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 3, page 67) Philamon DAVIDSON to keep road in repair by land of Ignatius COOMES (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
6 Oct 1819 (Deed book E, page 67) W. L. COOMES witness to a deed by Adam BRUNER, Adam BRUNER, Jr., and Nancy his wife to Stephen CHENAULT (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGECO, KY RECORDS
,Vol 4 by Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook Publications)
20 Nov 1819 (Deed book E, page 76) John & Polly CLARK to Henry COOMES, for $370 paid Jan 9, 1813, for 156 acres between Long Lick an Rough Creek. Recorded Nov 20, 1819 (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn
Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook,1984 Cook Publications)
21 Feb 1820 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 3, page 118) Alter part of road. Ignatius COOMES to view road. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
11 Mar 1820 (Deed book E, page 144), Mortgage ELDER & ELDER to Stephen CHENAULT and Co. W. S. COOMES was a witness. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS ,Vol 4
by Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook Publications)
1820 Breckinridge Co., KY Census
Name |
Males |
Females |
m-under 10, 2 m-16-26,1
m-over45 |
f-under 10, 1 f-16-26,
1 f-26-45 |
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO,KY, 1800 TAX LIST, 1810-1820-1830-1840 CENSUS compiled by Virginia Hinton and Shirley Pile for Ancestral Trails Historical Soc,1996, McDowell Publications)
Combs Researcher Joe Lewis adds: In regard to the above information for Ignatious COOMES, the females may be incorrect.
Another abstract for the 1820 census that I have shows one female 26-45 in lieu of 16-26; 1 male 0-10, Probably a son of Cassandra and Joshua; 2 male 16-26, Probably Francis X. Coomes b/1796 and Linus O. Coomes b/1801; 1 male 45 or older Francis Ignatius Jr. b/1676; 2 females 0 to 10, Probably Mary b/1813; and another daughter of Cassandra and Joshua; 1 female 26 to 45, probably Cassandra, widow of Joshua; 1 female 45 or older. Sarah Stewart Lewis Coomes.
On page 247:
Henry COMES (CORNES?) 1 male 0-10, 1 male 45 or older, 2 female 0-10 and 1 female 26-45.
Also Note: Thomas DOWELL is listed on p. 251 of census index; and Ignatius COOMES on p. 245.
18 July 1820 (Deed book E, page 221) W. S. COOMES witness to conveyance of land from William HARDIN Sr., to William COMSTOCK (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS , Vol 4 by
Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook Publications)
21 Aug 1820 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 3, page 155) Ordered Henry COOMBS be appointed surveyor of road from Hardinsburg to Medical Springs (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGECO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
20 Nov 1820 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. County Court Minute Book 3, page 286) Delinquent taxes for 1819, Walter S. COOMBS (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 3, by Cook & Cook, Cook Publications, 1984)
1830 Breckinridge Co KY Census
Page |
Name |
Males |
Females |
069 |
Cooms |
m-30-40, 1 m-60-70 |
f-under 5, 1 f-20-30 |
... |
Cooms |
m-10-15, 1 m-50-60 |
f-15-20,1 f-30-40,1 f-60-70 |
071 |
Cooms |
m-under 5, 1 m-15-20,
1 m-50-60 |
f-10-15, 1 f-20-30, 1
f-40-50 |
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY, 1800 TAX LIST, 1810-1820-1830-1840 CENSUS compiled by Virginia Hinton and Shirley Pile for Ancestral Trails Historical Soc,1996, McDowell Publications) Note: Page numbers added from Census Index which lists Francis as "Francis X." Ignatius not found on index.
Notes: Francis was probably Francis X. COOMES, b 1790-1780, s/o Francis Ignatius COOMES, Jr. The elderly male
in his HH has not been identified. Henry was b 1770-80, and Ignatius was proably his brother. Combs Researcher Joe Lewis notes that the age brackets for Ignatius and wife, Sarah, are off by one decade.
1835 (Breckinridge Co KY Will Book 1, page 76) Fielden GIBBENS will, Francis COOMES was a witness when it was written Jan 26, 1835 (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook Publications)
1840 Breckinridge Co KY Census (Entries for pp. 432-453 extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY, 1800 TAX LIST, 1810-1820-1830-1840 CENSUScompiled by Virginia Hinton and Shirley Pile for Ancestral Trails Historical Soc, 1996, McDowell Publications) *Page numbers added from census index. Later page entries transcribed by Carolyn from microfilm:
Page* |
Name |
Males |
Females |
432 |
H. Coomes |
under 5, 1 m-5-10, 1
m-40-50 |
under 5, 1 f-5-10 2
f-10-151 f-30-40 |
449 |
A. Coomes |
m-20-30 |
f-20-30 |
453 |
Coomes |
m-10-15, 2 m-60-70 |
f-under 5, 1 f-20-30,
1 f-50-60,1 f-80-90 |
488 |
m 20-30; 1 m 70-80 |
f 20-30 yrs.; 1 f 30-40
yrs.;1 f 60-70 yrs. |
492 |
Combs |
m 10-15, 1 male 40-50 |
f10-15; 1 f 30-40
2 m & 2 f slaves |
Notes: Francis H. was probably Francis X. [Xavier], son og Francis Ignatius, Jr. and grandson of Francis
Ignatius, Sr. Henry was son of Francis Ignatius, Sr. and his brother, Ignatius and sister-in-law, Sarah, appear to also be in his HH (with Ignatius' date still a decade off, but Sarah's now correct). Thomas A. COOMES was the son of Henry and Winifred Ann
LEWIS Coomes. Charles COOMES not identified, but note that a Charles COOMES was on the 1830 Nelson Co, KY census, age 50-60. James Combs is also new to the county, and gone before 1850.
1844 (Breckinridge Co KY Will Book 1 page-134) Henry COOMES-wife and children, to grandson Francis. No executor named, Wit-Elias RHODES and Ignatius COOMES. Written July 25, 1844, probated Aug 19, 1844 (Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook
1850 (Breckinridge Co., KY 1850 Census by Mr. Holly Leftwich for West Central Ky Family
Research Association, , 1976 extracted by Combs Researcher, Carolyn Wimp)
Dist. 2
A. Combs(f) 67 Md
Cassandra 58 Ky
Rozela JARBOE 20 Ky
Josephine 18 Ky
Margaret 15 Ky
Robert 13 Ky
Notes: The above is Winnifred Ann
widow of Henry COOMES, d 1844. According to Combs Researcher Joe
Lewis, James
BLANDFORD married Cassandra JARBOE, the daughter of Benedict JARBOE and
COOMES, the latter another child of Francis Ignatius and
Coomes, Sr.
X COOMES 53farmer Va
Juliet A. 45 Md
Ellen 22 Ky
Ermaneden(f) 20 Ky
Matilda 18 Ky
Linus 17 Ky
Rosana 15 Ky
Richard 13 Ky
Mary 11 Ky
Sarah 10 Ky
Terressa 5 Ky
Ignatius 79Md
Notes: Francis Ignatius, Jr. in HH of his son, Francis Xavier, his wife, Sarah STEWART (Lewis) having died 5
May 1850 (St. Romuald's Cemetery Records).
Francis COOMES23 farmer Ky
Jane 28 Ky
Notes: According to Combs Researcher Joe Lewis, Francis was the illegitimate son of Francis Ignatius and
Sarah STUART (Lewis) Coomes, named in his grandfather's 1844 will. His father is said to have been Thomas RYAN.
Pius A. COOMES35 Ky
Travis G. DAILEY 24 Ky
Barnhard BAER 23 Germany
Allen TUCKER 17 Ky
John HARWOOD 41 Va
(See Also
Breckindridge Co KY 1850 Census, USGenWeb Archives)
3 Oct 1853 (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 2
(Marriages) by Cook & Cook, 1984, Cook Publications) James McGARY to Ermamldes COOMBS, bond-Lucas Combs
(CW Note: This probably is Linus Combs)
1860 Breckinridge County, Kentucky Census (Extracted from 1860 CENSUS OF BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY, by Ancestral Trails Historical Soc., 1981, McDowell Pub. by Carolyn Wimp)
Cassandra Combs 70 Va )
Notes: She was in with the household of Silas JORDAN & Tho C. JONES. Cassandra LEWIS Combs, widow of Joshua.
P. A. COOMBS 44 blacksmith Waldeck (Note: In with the household of Hardn BURGRESS, a master blacksmith) [BURGESS?]
Samuel BLAND 54 farmer Ky
Sarah 56 Ky
Prudence A. 20 Ky
Henry 16 Ky
Dulcenia 11 Ky
Winny A. COOMS81 Ky
Notes: Winnifred A. LEWIS Combs, widow of Henry, 14 years older than in 1850, and born in KY instead of MD. According to
Webb, her daughter, Sarah, m Samuel BLAND.
Y. H. COOMS 66 farmer Va (CW Note: This probably should read F.X COOMES)
Juliette 57 Md
Matilda 27 weaver Ky
Lewis 25 farmer Ky (CW Note: This probably should be Linus)
Rosa 24 weaver Ky
Richard 22 farm lab.Ky
Mary 20 domestic Ky
Teresa 18 " Ky
Sarah 16 " Ky
Samuel BLAND, Jr. 22 farm lab Ky
Francis A. COOMS33 farmer Ky
Jane 37 Ky
Mary V. 7 Ky
Martha 6 Ky
Elizabeth 5 Ky
Susanna 4 Ky
Amanda 2 Ky
Henry J. 1 Ky
5 Dec 1860 (Marriage Records) Linus A. COOMS, age 27 years, to Francis COOMS (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 2 (Marriages) by Cook & Cook,1984, Cook Publications)
22 Jan 1861 (Marriage Records) Samuel J. BLAND, age 23 to Mary COOMES, age 21, her father, was born in Va., her mother in Md. Francis X. COOMES was bondsman, was married at Francis X. COOMES (Extracted
by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 2 (Marriages) by Cook & Cook, 1984, Cook Publications)
1870 Census (Extracted by Combs Researcher, Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY 1870 CENSUS, by Robert D. McManaway for Ancestral Trails Historical Soc., 1983, McDowell Pub.)
# 41
Francis COOMES43 Ky
Jane 45 Ky
Mary V. 19 Ky
Martha 17 Ky
Bettie 15 Ky
Susan 14 Ky
Amanda 12 Ky
Henry I. 11 Ky
Thos L. 9 Ky
Martha 7 Ky
Bettie E. 4 Ky
Jno R. 2 Ky
Wm R. BRUCE 27 farm hand Ky
C.E. 25 " " Ky
J.M. LEWIS 21 farmer Ky
Mc O'DONAHO 27 Ireland
Martha 30 KY
Jeffrey 9/12 Nov Ky
Sarah COOMS 26 housekeeper Ky
Frances 24 " Ky
Feb 1870 Death: Combs, Cassandry (Fam #50), 90, f, w, widowed, b. Va, Pauper, cause: Erysipelas,
NOTES: Cassandra LEWIS Combs, widow of Joshua. See 1850 and 1860 census records. Her age might be overstated by about 10 years.
28 Jan 1873 (Breckinridge Co Marriage Bonds) Robert R. COOMES to Sarah LEWIS (Combs Researcher Joe
Lewis who notes that this may be the R. Robert COOMS and Sarah J. listed in the 1880 Grayson Co., KY Census)
31 Jan 1879 (Breckinridge Co., Ky. Marriage Records) John N. Combs, age 29, born in Ohio Co., KY & Kitty A. SWINK, age 31, married at the home of Nelson Combs (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY
RECORDS, Vol 2 (Marriages) by Cook & Cook, 1984, Cook Publications)
Notes: No John Combs, newborn, found in the 1850 Ohio Co KY Census, nor a John of the appropriate age in the 1870
Ohio Co KY Census (1860 not read).
1880 Census (Extracted from BRECKINRIDGE CO., KY. RECORDS, Vol 5, by Michael & Bettie Cook, 1984, Cook Publications by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp)
page 26
-Linus A. COOMES 48 farmer Ky Va Md
Jane W. 44 Ky Md Ky
Joseph A. 18 Ky KyKy
Richard 16 Ky Ky Ky
William 15 Ky Ky Ky
Mary J. 13 Ky KY Ky
Martha 11 Ky Ky Ky
John F. 9 Ky Ky Ky
Julia 7 Ky KY Ky
Elizabeth 5 Ky Ky Ky
Sarah F. 1/12 Ky KyKy
page 26
Michael O'DONAGHUE 40 farmer Ire Ire Ire
Matilda 46 Ky Va Md
Geoffrey 10 Ky IreKy
Thomas 8 Ky Ire Ky
Teresa COOMES32 sis-in-law Ky Va Md
John KENNEDY 28 Ire Ire Ire
page 104
-Francis COOMES 54 farmer Ky Va Va
Jane 56 wife Ky Ky Ky
Martha J. 28 dau Ky Ky Ky
Bettie RHODES 26 dau Ky Ky Ky
Ignatius COOMES21 son Ky Ky Ky
Thomas 19 son Ky KY Ky
Columbus 17 son Ky KY KY
Octavia G. 14 dau Ky Ky Ky
Clarence RHODES 4 g-son Ky Ky KY
Alfred H. LEWIS 25 nephew Ky Ky Ky
Wednesday, September 27, 1899 extracted by Carolyn Wimp from The Breckenridge County News
Middelsboro, Ky., Sept. 20-Sedley Webb killed J. M. Combs in Leslie County. Webb was slightly wounded by Combs. They fell out over a quarrel among their children. Webb has not been
13 Nov 1912 Kentucky Death Certificate for Benedick J. Combs. white male. farmer. age 70 yrs 2 mos 24 ds. born 19 Aug 1842 Ky. died 13 Nov 1912 Breckinridge County, Ky. died of paralipis agit-ans. son of Joseph Combs born Nelson Co. and Delia RABY born Nelson Co. buried Raymond, Ky 14 Nov 1912. undertaker: G.T. ?MARSHALL? informant Henry CASHMAN of Raymond, Ky (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Kendrick from microfilm copy)
DK and CW Notes: Delilah ROBY [sic] married (1) 13 Nov 1823, Nelson Co KY, Enoch COOMES, and (2) 23 Apr 1832, Nelson Co KY, Joseph COOMES (blacksmith, tanner and farmer) who was brother of Enoch COOMES, both sons of Enoch and Teresia (Treacy) STEWART
Coomes who m 10 Apr 1788, Nelson Co KY. Combs Researcher Joseph Lewis adds that Enoch COOMES the younger d in 1826 (Sources to be added). Note that Raymond cemetery inscription shows 1917 death
4 Mar 1923 Kentucky Death Certificate Volume 021 Cert 10093 Death vol 23 Place of death: Breckinridge, Town: Stephenport, Full name: Mrs Johnie Combs, Sex: F, Color: White, Marital status: Married, Date of birth: Apr 17, 1882, Age: 41 years 11 months 21 days,Occupation: Housewife, Birthplace: Ky., Name of father: John PIERCE, Birthplace: Ky., Maiden name of mother: Annie SMITH, Birthplace: Ky., Informant: Loyd PIERCE (sic scribbled), Address: Addison, Ky., Date of death: 3-4-1923, I
hereby certify that I attended deceased from 2-27-1923 to 3-4-1923, that I last saw her alive on 3-3-1923, and that death occurred on the date stated above at 11 P.M., Cause of death: Labor Pneumonia, & (Acute Myocarditis), Duration: 6 days, Contributory: Flu, 4 days, Signed: O.E. FERGUSON M.D., 3-4-1923, Address: Stephenport Ky., Place of burial: Stephenport Ky., Date of burial: Mar
6 , 1923, Undertaker: C.A. (scribbled to bad), Address: Stephenport, Ky. Death (Certificate furnished by Combs researcher Lynda Combs Gipson Transcribed and posted by Combs researcher Jimmie "CrashedOne" Combs)
Breckinridge Co., KY Cemetery Records (Extracted by Combs Researcher Carolyn Wimp from ROMAN CATHOLIC CEMETERIES OF BRECKINRIDGE & MEADE COUNTIES, KY,Vol 1 by Daniel Lynn Bolin, McDowell Publications)
Raymond Cemetery
Graves of soldiers in Breckinridge Co:
B.J. COOMES Aug 19, 1842-Nov 13, 1917 in Raymond Cemetery (in Webster)
(Extracted by Carolyn Wimp from BRECKINRIDGE CO, KY RECORDS, Vol 4 by Cook & Cook, 1984 Cook Publications,
page 418, by Carolyn Wimp who adds that correct death date is 1912, not 1917 (See Next)) Benedict J. COOMES
St. Romuald Cemetery
Francis Xavier COOMES -July 24, 1796 -July 24, 1868
Julia Ann COOMES -died Aug 26, 1867, age 62 years, 7 months,10 days [b 16 Jan 1805]
Richard F. COOMES -died June 12,1864, age 27 years, 7 months, 5 days [b 7 Nov 1836]
Theresa A. COOMES -Jan 24, 1844 - Aug 13, 1869
Ignatius COOMES -Oct 28, 1767-Mar 25, 1851
Sarah STEWART Lewis Coomes - Oct 29, 1757-May 5, 1850
Joseph A. COOMES - July 30, 1861 - Sept 7, 1904
Linusa COOMES - Feb 3, 1832 - Oct 14, 1901
Jane W. COOMES - Dec 7, 1836 - Oct 20, 1908
Luke B. COOMES- Oct 2, 1894 - Apr 4, 1970
Mary J. COOMES - Oct 16, 1866 -
Richard T. COOMES - Mar 9, 1863 - Aug 14, 1939
Margaret V COOMES - Feb 23, 1863 - Apr 25, 1941
William COOMES - Jan 30, 1865 - July 14, 1952
Mark COOMES- 1899-
Malissa COOMES - 1901-