Combs &c.
of Fayette Co., KY |
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Fayette Co., KY is one of Kentucky's earliest counties, established from the state-wide Kentucky County in 1780. In 1785-6, Bourbon was created from Fayette, and in 1788-9, Woodford was created from Fayette. In 1792/3, Clark was est. from Bourbon and Fayette; and in 1798/9 Jessamine was created from Fayette.
The Combs &c. Research Group Proudly Presents the First Electronic Edition of the book, "Combs, a Study in Comparative Philology and Genealogy" by Josiah H. Combs, Ph.D., University of Paris, Copyright 1976 by Norris K. Combs, Published by Norris K. Combs, Pensacola, Florida, 1976, reprinted 1979, and Electronically reprinted by the Combs &c. Research Group in 1999, including an
Introduction, Full Index, Footnotes and (ultimately) Gedcoms.
The earliest Combs of record in Fayette Co., KY were primarily descendants of John & Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr. of Stafford Co, VA. See Also Frontier Combs of Kentucky for early Combs KY land grants, many of which list Fayette as the county of record. These include (but are not limited to) Benjamin, Cuthbert, Fielding, Ennis, James, John, Joseph, William and others, and unless this land remained in Fayette Co., KY, it will not be included
herein. (See Also Early Tax Lists of Fayette below).
Side Note: According to Collins' History of Kentucky: Comb's Ferry, Fayette Co., KY, is described as "...along the Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad." KY Researcher Sandi Gorin adds the following: "The Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad ran between Lexington and Cattlesburg [on the following route:]...
Athens, Fayette Co, 8; Comb's Ferry, [Fayette Co] 11; Pine Grove, Clark Co, 14; Winchester [Clark Co] 18; Hedges' [Clark Co] 27; Thomson's, Montgomery Co, 28; Mt. Sterling [Montgomery Co] 34; and Cattlesburg (unfinished) 127." nb: Cattlesburg not further identified.
Index to Fayette Co., KY Combs Records
Earliest Land Grants: Cuthbert Combs (son of John & Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr.), some neighboring his
brother, Benjamin Combs. Land initially in Fayette Co., KY. Later in Clark (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Barbara Rivas).
29 Feb 1780-1 Apr 1785 Virginia Land Grant. Cuthbert Combs 1000 acres Patrick Henry esquire governor
of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom these presents shall come greetings know ye that y virtue and in consideration of a preemption(?) Treasury Warrant number seventy one and issued the 29th day of February 1780 to Cuthbert Combs there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Cuthbert Combs a certain tract or parcel of land containing one
thousand acres by survey bearing date the 28th of January 1874 lying and being in the County of Fayette adjoing his settlement on the lower side and bounded as followeth to wit. Beginning at a white oak on a point between two drains corner to the settlement running thence south one hundred and eight poles to a white oak near the head of a drain thence south fifty degrees west three hundred and eighty poles to a white oak and dogwood on the side of a hill thence west crossing the brook twice two hundred poles to a hicory between two drains thence north crossing the creek two hundred and twenty poles to a hickory in the head of a valley east seventy poles to a stake theence north two hundred and fourteen poles to a stake between pointers thence eastto a corner of the settlement then with the settelment line four hundred and twenty four poles to the Beginning with its appoitnments to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with it's appurtenances to the said Cuthbert Combs & his heirs for ever. In witness whereof the said patrick henry esquire govern or of the Commonwealth of Virginia hathherunto set his hand and caused the _____ seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the first day of April 1785 and of the Commonwealth the ninth.. Patrick Henry
1 Mar 1782-21 May 1787 Virginia Land Grant. Beverley Randolph esquire Lieutenent Governor of the Commonwealth
of Virginia To all to wom these resents shall come Greeting. Know ye that by virtue & in consideration of apart of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 11587, given the 1st Day of March 1782. There is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Cuthhbert COMS a certain Tract or parcel of Land containing two hundred eight and a half acres by survy bearing date the 29th day of January 1784 Lying and being in the County of Fayette in Shelbourne (?) Creek and bounded as followeth , to wit, Beginning at a white Oak being the north corner of Marquis CALMIS Juniors Settlement, running thence South fifty five degrees West with said Settlement line one hundred and ten oles to a Stake in said line Thence West one hundred and forty poles to a stake in Benjamin BERRY'S line Thence north on said ....line one hundred and sevent poles to a black walnut in said line and corner to Benjamin Combs Thence East with said COMBES 's line crossing the creek twice two hundred sixteen poles to a white oak on a ridge in said line. Thence South niety four poles to the Begining with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land and it's appurtances to the said Cuthbert Combs and his heirs forever In Witness whereof the said Beverley Randolph Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and caused the ___ seal of the said Commonwealth _____ Richmond on the twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and eighty seven and of the Commonwealth the Eleventh Beverly Randolph
13 Mar 1784-13 Oct 1796 KY Land Grant. Cuthbert Combs & Fielding ASHBY 804 Acres - Isaac Shelby Es. Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting know ye, that by virtue and in consideration of part of a Land Office Tresuary Warrant No. seventeen thousand five hundred & twelve there is granted by the said commonwealth unto Cuthbert Combs and Fielding ASHBY, a certain tract or parcel of land containing eight hundred
and four acres by survey bearing date the twelfth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, lying and being in the county of Fayette on the Waters of Howards Upper Creek and bounded as followeth to wit.
Beginning at the North West Corner of Marquis CALMES (junior) preemption at two white Oaks, on the South side of a Ridge,
running then West, two hundred and five poles to a sugartree and Hickory on the top of a ridge, In Phoebe MURRAY'S line, thence with her line and George KILGORE'S, South forty five degrees West, two hundred and thirty poles to a Linn(?) Dogwood and Ironwood trees corner of Jeremiah MOORE'S land, then with his line South seventy Degrees East, two hundred and fifty
eight poles, to a red Oak and two sugar trees, thence with his line South twenty Degrees West three hundred and seventy poles to a sugar tree in Valentine STONES land thence with his line and Cuthburt Combs line East two hundred and thirty poles to a Stake(?), corner of Cuthbert Combs presumtion, thence with the said resumtion line North two hundred poles to a Stake, thence with said line East, twenty four poles to a white Ash corner of the said Combs's Settlement, thence with the said line and Marquis CALMES'S line North three hundred and ninety three poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances. To have and to hold the said Land or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Cuthbert COMBES and Fielding ASHBY and their heirs for ever. In Witness whereof the said Isaac Shelby, Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, hath hereunto let his Hand and caused the Seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed at Frankfort on the first day of February Anno Dominii 1794 & of the
Commenwealth.... signed by Isaac Shelby [BR: and a James BROWN. Seems to have been recorded the 13th Oct 1796.
28 Jan 1784-1 Apr 1785 Virginia Land Grant (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Barbara Rivas) Cuthbert Combs 400 Acres Fayette Examined Patrick Henry esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Knowye that by virtue of a certificate in rights of settlement given by the Commissioners for adjusting the titles to
unpatented lands in the Deistrick of Kentucky and in consideration of the ancient cmposition of two pounds sterling paid by Cuthbert Combs unto the treasury of this Commonwealth there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Cuthbert Combs a certain tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres by survye bearing date the 28th day of January 1784 lying & being in the County of Fayette on the waters of Lulbergrid (?) and Howards upper creek and bounded as is followeth to wit, Beginning at a red oak on a aridge corner to Marquis CALMES Junior running thences with said Calmes line east crossing the creek four hundred poles to a red oak in said line thence south one hundred and sixty poles to a white oak between two drains thence west crossing the Creek four hundred poles to a white ash on a hill side thence north crossing a fork of the Creek
one hundred and sixty poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Cuthbert Combs & his heirs forever. In Witness whereof the said Patrick henry esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath here unto set his hand and caused the ____seal of the said Commonwealth
to be affixed at Richmond on the first day of April in the year of our Lord 1785 and of the Commonwealth the ninth Patrick Henry
January 29th 1784. Fayette Co, KY. Surveyed for Cuthbert COMS 208 acres of land as part of a Treasury
Warrant No. 11534 Entered january 13th 1784 in _______(?) Creek and bounded as followeth
Beginning at a A , a white oak being the north corner of marquis CALMES Jr Settlement running thence North 45 West with said settlement line 110 poles B a stake in said line thence 140 poles to C, a Stake in Benjamin BERRY'S line thence north with said BERRY'S line 170 poles, D, a Black Walnut in said line and corner o Benjamin Combs, thence East with Combs'S line crossing the Creek twice 216 poals to a white Oak on a ridge in said line thence 194 poles.to the Beginning. Nicholas
ANDERSON - William (?) William CALK . (?)
19 Jul 1787 Fayette Co, [KY] VA, Tax List C (Note: 1787 was a year in which VA tax collectors were required to visit tithables at dwelling location, thus the date is important, indicating "neighborhoods")
Edward BERRY
John BIVIN [a.k.a. BIVENS]
William BRADSHAW, also Thos and James
Thos. BURRIS [a.k.a. BURRUS]
William BUSH
Benjamin Combs
Thos. DOYL [a.k.a. DOYLE]
Marget DRAKE
Benjamin DUNAWAY
William HILT/HILL?
Thomas JONES
Elizabeth JONES
James KELL
Emmanuel KELLEY
Andrew McCLUIR [a.k.a. McCLURE]
Samuel McCLUIR
James McGEE
William SHIRES
Thos. STAPLETON [See Clay Co., KY]
Michael STONER
Dawson WADE Jr.
Dawson WADE
William WILLS
Andrew WILLS
William WILLS JR.
(Nettie Schreiner Yantis' 1787 Census of VA, Fayette Co VA)
Notes: Benjamin Combs was the son of John
& Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr. of Stafford,
Prince William & Frederick Cos VA, husband of Sarah RICHARDSON - his land later in Clark Co., KY. Benjamin's brother, Cuthbert, Sr. remained in Stafford until the 1790s, by which time his land grants, too, were in Clark County.
1788 Fayette Co., KY Tax List (Selected names from alpha by surname list)
P. 67
Combs, Benjamin
P. 68
COMS, George
Notes: Who was the above George Combs? Has he been identified?
24 May 1789 - Apr 1805 Fayette Co., KY WBA:248. Will of John VIVION. Wife Martha VIVION; son, John VIVION;
youngers son, Flavel VIVION; dau Frankey VIVION; 6 other children (not named). Execs: Martha VIVION, Philip BUSH, Sr., John VIVION, Jr.; Thacker VIVION. Wits: John McGUIRE, Benjamin Combs, Presley ANDERSON. Abstracted
by Combs Researcher C. Hammett from Fayette Co., KY Wills and Estates, 1788-1822, Charles M. Franklin, Heritage House, Ye Old Genealogie Shoppe, Indianapolis, IN, 1984)
Notes: See 2 Jan 1819 Clark Co., KY marriage of John H. or John M. Combs to Marinda VIVION (War
of 1812)
11 Jan 1790 Fayette Co., KY Tax List
Benjamin Combs
(1790 Census of KY, Heinemann)
Notes: Benjamin Combs is next found in the records of Clark Co., KY. George is not found again.
1794 Tax List of Fayette Co., KY: Extracted by Combs &c Researcher Sue Elfving from Kentucky Ancestors v 25 #4 Spring 1990 "Some Residents Of Virginia And Other Persons Chargeable With Tax" In Kentucky Counties, 1794-95. NOTE: A notation that these vouchers entries discovered by Marian G. Hammers as a separate listing at the end of the 1794 Fayette Co., Ky. tax list.
p. 216
Joseph COMBS - (Stafford County Virginia) Enters (2 tracts) 500a and 500a (2nd rate) on waters of Howards Upper Creek in Clark County, Ky.
p. 216
Fielding COMBS - (Stafford County Virginia) Enters 500a (2nd rate) on Howards Upper Creek in Clark County, Ky.
Cuthbert COMBS (Stafford County Virginia) Enters 1400a, 804a, 208 & 1/2a, 200a, and 80a (all 2nd rate) in Clark County, Ky.
p. 216
Ennis COMBS (Stafford County Virginia ) 800a (2nd rate) in Clark County, Kentucky
p. 216
Eliza? COMBS Enters 525a (2nd rate) in Clark County, Kentucky [no county of residence listed]
p. 217
Marques COMBS Enters 525a (2nd rate) and 80a (2nd rate) in Clark Co., Ky. [no county of residence listed]
1795 Kentucky Census
Combs, Jonah
Notes: Jonah Combs may have been the same who married Catherine (WEBB) Gatewood in 1801 in Jessamine County, and probably son of the Samuel Combs of Loudoun Co VA who tithed a Jonah Combs in that county in 1787 (See William F. Coombs Manuscript)
10 Nov 1798 (KY Court of Appeals) p. 66, Indenture, November 10, 1798, John FOWLER and Millicent his wife of Fayette County, Kentucky, to John CAMPBELL of Fayette County, for 37 pounds, a tract of Land in Franklin County, Kentucky adjoining the out-lots of the town of Frankfort, containing 7 acres. Witnessed by Abraham HITE and John H. Combs. Recorded November 10, 1798 by the Kentucky Court of Appeals. Also on November 12, 1798 Lexington, Kentucky District Supreme Court. Kentucky Court of
Appeals Deed Books A-G Volumne 1 by Michael L. Cook, C.G. and Bettie A. Cook, C.G., Cook Publications 3318 Wimberg Avenue Evansville Indiana 47712. 1985. page 148)
ca1801 Born in Fayette Co., KY: Edward & Sophia HICKS Combs, parents of Jeremiah Combs, b 1821 in Jessamine Co., KY (See Jeremiah Combs of Jessamine Co., KY)
1810 US Census, Fayette Co., KY
p. 46
COOMS, John 31120-10200-05
(Temporary CD transcription - "real" transcription & add'l records still to be added)
29 Jul 1812 (Page 105, Marriage Register for Kentucky, Fayette County)
Parties ' Name: Richard HICKMAN and Susan Sarah Combs
Date of Marriage July 29, 1812
By Whom Married Squire BOONE
Attachment to marriage record: letter, one sheet of paper with note scrolled at the bottom:
"Know all men by these prsents that nee Richard "HICKMAN" ---- and Fielding A. Combs are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Kentucky in the just and full sum of £50 to which payment will and truly to be made to the said Commonwealth tde bind our selves our heirs exois & admin jointly & severally firmly by these presents saled and dated this 29th day of July 1812.
The condition of the above obligation is such that where there is a marriage shortly interrided to be had or solmnized cuhvess the above bound Richard HICKMAN XXX and Susan Combs of therefore there be no lawfull cause to obstruct the same then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue.
Fielding A. Combs
(Note scroll at bottom reads:)
You are hereby permitted to grant licence to Richard HICKMAN to be married to my daughter Susan Combs.
Fielding A. Combs 29 July 1812
Cuthbert T. Combs, Tenn.
(Kentucky Vital Records, ResearcherSharlene Gunzburg)
Note: Susan Combs Hickman was the daughter of Cuthbert and Sallie EVANS Combs, Sr. The Clerk's copy of Cuthbert Combs' 1815 Clark Co., KY will clearly specifies Susan's surname as RICHMAN rather than
HICKMAN. All records other than the Clerk's Copy of Cuthbert Combs will show HICKMAN; thus RICHMAN is believed to have been Clerk's Error. Researcher Sharlene Gunzburg reports that the copy of the marriage record is difficult to read and that the marriage note appears to have a middle initial of T; however, he may have signed with two Ts at end of Cuthbert; i.e., Cuthbertt. Also Note: 29 Jul 1812 marriage record for Susan Combs & Richard HICKMAN in Clark Co., KY. (Correct? To be Checked)
ca 1813 According to the 1932 Christian Co., KY death certificate of Enoch Combs, son of Eli & Mary HAMMOND Combs, grandson of Benjamin B. and Elizabeth "Betsy" PAYNE Combs, and great great grandson of Cuthbert & Sally EVANS Combs, Eli Combs and his wife, Mary/Maria HAMMOND Combs, also later of Christian Co., KY, were both born in Fayette County.
1 Sep 1818. Lexington Fayette Co, KY Published Announcements. Married: Capt. Leslie Combs to Margaret
TROTTER, dau. of George TROTTER, all of Lexington, married Sept. 1, 1818. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Breck Combs from "Kentucky Marriages 1797 - 1865," p. 19)
Notes: Leslie Combs, son ofBenjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs of Clark Co., KY. According to Combs Researcher Becky Goodin:
Margaret was the youngest daughter of George and Sarah Trotter. "Said George TROTTER was born in Virginia in 1779 and died in Lexington, Kentucky October 13, 1815, age 37. He was the son of Lt. Col. James TROTTER, who was a soldier in the Revolution. George entered the Army in 1812, at the beginning of the second war with Great Britain as captain in a volunteer company of dragoons, was wounded in action with the Indians under Col. John B. CAMPBELL on December 18, of that year. He became Lt. Col. of Kentucky Volunteers in 1813 and led a brigade from his State with rank of Brigadier General at the battle of the Thames October,
1813." (Extracted from Appleton's Encyclopedia, Volume 6, page 162 of American Biography)
"The 42nd Regiment was commanded by Col. George TROTTER, who served in this campaign as a Brigadier General, he was
presented with a drum taken at the battle of the Thames War of 1812. The drum was ornamented with the British coat of arms and the inscription "42nd regiment" before being presented the following was added to the inscription. "presented by General HARRISON and General SHELBY to Colonel TROTTER for the 42nd Regiment, Kentucky Militia, as a testimony of it's patriotism and good conduct, for having furnished more volunteers than any other regiment." (Extracted from History of Lexington, Kentucky by G. W. Ranch page 266 and 280.)
Continue to Fayette Co., KY Records 1820-1849