![]() | Combs &c. Families of Frontier KY |
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Kentucky began as part of Fincastle Co, VA (Records held by Montgomery Co., VA), then became Kentucky County in 1776-7.
CH Note: Ft. Boonesborough is in present-day Madison Co, KY, established in 1785, 1785-6 from Lincoln Co., which was established in 1780 from the old Kentucky County (VA), established in 1776-7 from Fincastle Co, VA (now extinct, but records held by Montgomery Co, VA).
According to Webb's "Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky:"
"Among the adventurous men who sought to conquor homes in Kentucky between the years 1773 and 1785, there were, without doubt, many who were born of Catholic parents and had not been received by baptism into the Catholic Church. That there were more of these then is generally supposed is to be inferred from the fact that unmistakable Catholic names are to be met with all over the State whose present owners know nothing whatever of the ancient faith of christendom. These men came as adventurers, and not as Catholics; and it was only through God's mercy that here and there an individual amongst them was saved from shipwreck of his faith. Of this class of Catholics, the only two of whose lives there is any settled record were William COOMES and Dr. George HEART.
"The late Most Rev. Dr. Spalding, in his admirable "Sketches of Kentucky," says of these two adventurous spirts: "They both came out in the spring of 1775, among the very first white people who removed to Kentucky.* They settled in Harrod's station, at that time the only place in Kentucky except Boonesborough, and perhaps, Logan's station, where emigrants could enjoy any degree of security from the attacks of Indians
".... William COOMES was originally from Charles County Maryland, whence he had removed to the south branch of the Potomac river in Virginia. He Imigrated to Kentucky with his family, together with Abraham and Isaac HITE."
*A footnote to the above declares "This is likley a mistake. Dr. Spalding tells us that his informant, the late Walter A. COOMES, who was a son of William COOMES mentioned, stated to him that "his father reached Harroldstown in the spring of 1774" (Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Lewis)
Brief History of Fort Harrod: "A company of thirty men, named below, arrived 6 June 1774 and together became the first permanent white settlement in Kentucky. They were: James Harrod (leader), James Blair, James Brown, John Brown, James Carr, Abraham Chapline, John Clark, John Crawford, Jared Cowan, John Cowan, John Crow, William Crow, Azariah Davis, Patrick Doran, William Fields, William Garrett, Robert Gilbert, James Hamilton, Elijah Harlan, Silas Harlan, Jacob Lewis, James McCulloch, Samuel Moore, Azor Reese, Jacob and James Sadowsky (Sandusky), Thomas Quirk, Martin Shell, James Wiley, David Williams and John Wilson. They had come from the Monongahela settlement down the Ohio River to the Kentucky River, along the latter about 100 miles. They landed at Harrod's Landing (later Warcick) and then traveled to the Salt River and on to where Harrodsburg now stands. The first settlement was approximately one mile from Salt River and near a large spring. Each man took 1/2 acre lots and ten-acre out-lots. On the south side eight to ten cabins were erected and known as Town Branch. The men drew lots for the cabins and the acreage. On July 8th, Shawnee Indians attacked, killing two men. Dr George Hart was the first physician; others arriving were George Rogers Clark, the Rev. John Lythe (Episcopal). The first women and children were the Thomas Denton, Richard Hogan and Hugh McGary families. In 1776 [sic] Jane COOMES arrived and started a school, and Rev Peter Tinsley, Baptist minister came." (KY Researcher Sandy Gorin)
According to an article submitted by descendant Henry D. Payne, Jr., to KENTUCKY ANCESTORS, quarterly of the KY Historical Soc vol 30 #2, 1994-1995, page 79, under the title of "ROSTER OF FIRST KENTUCKY ANCESTORS, "William COOMES, b ca1734 in Charles Co MD [thought to have been s/o Thomas & Elizabeth WHARTON Coomes] moved to the South Fork of the Potomac River (present-day Hampshire Co WV) abt 1771 and in the Spring of 1775, with a party guided by Abraham and Isaac HITE, moved to HARROD'S settlement (in present-day Mercer Co KY). William is said to have been active in the defense of Fort Harrod and with the Lincoln Co Militia at Blue Licks in 1782, following which, in 1783, they moved to his landholding on Stewart Creek near Bardstown [Nelson Co]:
"At a Court Continued & held for Adjusting disputed Titles to the Kentucky Lands at St. Asaphs or Logans Fort. Oct. 20, 1779. Present: William FLEMING Edmund LYNE & James BARBOUR Esquires- [Author's footnote: This fort was about one mile west of the present town of Stanford [Lincoln Co]. See Collins, Vol. 2, p. 469]
(Cert iss for 1000 Acres fees &c. pd. Cert. D. D.)
Joseph Combs this day claimed a right to a preemption One Thousand Acres of Land lying on Comb's since called Howard's Creek about eight M above Boonesborough on both sides of the Creek and about three or four M from the Mouth of it by improving the said Land by building a Cabbin on the premises in the month of May 1775 Satisfactory proof being made to the Court they are of Opinion that the said Combs has a right to the preemption of One Thousand Acres including the said improvement and that a Cert issue for the same- (pp. 13-14)
(Cert iss for 1400)
Marquis CALMES Jun this day claimed a settlem't & preemption to a tract of land in the district of Kentucky lying on an Old Indian Town on Lulbers Grud Creek by Settling & raising a Crop of Corn in the year 1775 satisfactory proof being
made to the Court they are of Opinion that the said CALMES has a right to a settlem't of 400 Acres of land including the s'd settlement & the preempt'n of 1000 Acres adjoining & that a Cert issue accordingly-(p. 91)
(Cert iss for 1400 Acres fees &c. pd. D. D.)
William Combs this day claimed the right to a settlement & preemption to a Tract of Land lying on the waters of Beach Fork of Salt River known by the name of the Cave Spring by residing in this Country for 12 Months before the year 1778,
satisfactory proof being made to the Court they are of Opinion that the said Combs has a right to a settlement for 400 Acres of Land including said Spring & a preemption of 1000 Acres Adjoining & that a certificate issue for the same accordingly- (p.
13 May 1780 Combs, William, 1000, A, 52, 05-13-1780, Combs Settlement (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
Notes: Who was this William Combs? See Cuthbert Combs of Combs Settlement above. Were they together? Or was he the William Combs who follows, or was he both?Combs, William, 1000, A, 37, 04-29-1780, Stewarts Creek (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
21 Oct 1780-01 Sep 1782 Kentucky Co. KY. Grantee: Combs, Wm; Acres: 1,400; Book: 1, Page: 174; Date Survey: 10-21-1780; County: Kentucky; Watercourse: Stewarts Cr (The Kentucky Land Grants, A Systematic Index to All of the Land Grants Recorded in the State Land Office at Frankfort, Kentucky 1782 -- 1924, Volume 1, Part 1, Willard Rouse Jillson, Sc.D. (Originally published as Filson Club Publications, Number 33, KY, hereinafter, KLG) Date Grant: 01 Sep 1782 (Kentucky Co VA [KY] Grants G:165. ) William Combs. 1400 A on both sides of Stewert's Creek on the waters of the Beech Fork. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes. See also Combs Land of Virginia)
1 Sep 1782 Kentucky County, Index p. 10, Book G, p. 165. William Combs, 1400 acres on both sides of Stewart's Creek on the waters of the Beech Fork. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Judi Stull from Index to Kentucky Military District 1779-1801 (Counties of Kentucky, Lincoln, Fayette, Nelson, Bourbon, Jefferson, Woodford, Mercer, Madison and Mason), Virginia State Land Office, FHL Film #0007811).
30 Jul 1783-02 Dec 1785 KLG, p.39: Grantee: Combs, Wm; Acres: 1,000; Book: 9, Page: 135; Date Survey: 7-30-1783; County: Jefferson; Watercourse: Coxes Cr. Date Grant: 02 Dec 1785 (Jefferson Co VA [KY] Grants T:562) William Combs. 1000 A on head of Coxes Creek adjoining his pre-emption on lands on the north. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
2 Dec 1785. Lincoln County, Index p. 125, Book T, p. 562. William Combs, 1000 acres on the headwaters of Coyes [Coxes] Creek adjoining his preemption lands on the north. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Judi Stull from Index to Kentucky Military District 1779-1801 (Counties of Kentucky, Lincoln, Fayette, Nelson, Bourbon, Jefferson, Woodford, Mercer, Madison and Mason), Virginia State Land Office, FHL Film #0007811)23 Jun 1780 COOMBS, Ben, 1000, A, 145, 06-23-1780, Lulbelgude Cr (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
17 Jul 1780 Combs, Ben, 600, A, 162, 07-17-1780, Eagle Creek (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
14 Dec 1783KLG, p.39: Grantee: Combs, Benjamin; Acres: 1,000; Book: 2, Page: 161; Date Survey: 12-14-1783; County: Fayette; Watercourse: Lulbergreed Fork
15 Jul 1785 (Fayette Co VA [KY] Grants S:78) Benjamin Combs. 1000 A including fork of Lulbegrud at his improvement adj. Benjamin BERRY. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
14 Dec 1785 KLG, p.39: Grantee: Combs, Benj; Acres: 319; Book: 10, Page: 509; Date Survey: 12-14-1785; County: Fayette; Watercourse: Ky R
31 May 1787 (Fayette Co VA [KY] Grants 12:89) Benjamin Combs & George BARNETT. 319 A adj. William CAULKS [COX?] Survey on KY River. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes) Notes: Survey?
20 Mar 1788 KLG, p.162: Grantee: Combs, Benj; Acres: 600; Book: 3, Page: 93; Date Survey: 3-20-1788; County: Fayette; Watercourse: None11 Aug 1780 Combs, John, 200, A, 164, 08-11-1780, Goose Creek WD (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
12 Nov 1784 Combs, John, 200, B, 14, 11-12-1784, Goose Creek WD (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A)
Notes: Who was this? What county? Other early land entries for Goose Creek include those of Abraham and Isaac HITE in 1783, listed as Jefferson Co; Is he the same John Combs who follows?12 Nov 1784 Combs, John, 200, B, 14, 11-12-1784, Rough Cr (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
22 Mar 1786KLG, p. 163: Grantee: Combs, Jno & Joseph; Acres: 200; Book: 19, Page: 518; Date Survey: 3-22-1786; County: Nelson; Watercourse: Rough Creek
Notes: This is apparently the Nelson Co KY Rough Creek (as vs. Barren Co), but which John & Joseph Combs were these?29 Apr 1780 Combs, Joseph 1000, A, 37, 04-29-1780, Howards Cr (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
27 May 1780 Combs, Joseph, 1000, A, 105, 05-27-1780, Simpson Creek survey (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
14 Feb 1783 Combs, Joseph, 1000, A, 263, 02-14-1783, Simpsons Cr (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
09 Dec 1783 KLG, p.39: Grantee: Combs, Joseph; Acres: 500; Book: 9, Page: 554; Date Survey: 12- 9-1783; County: Fayette; Watercourse: Howards Upper Cr. 31 May 1787 (Fayette Co VA [KY] Grants 9:403) Joseph Combs 500 on Howards Upper Cr beg at the mouth of the creek. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
09 Dec 1783 KLG, p.39: Grantee: Combs, Joseph; Acres: 500; Book: 13, Page: 166; Date Survey: 12- 9-1783; County: Fayette; Watercourse: Howards Cr. 31 May 1787 (Fayette Co VA[KY] Grants 10:305) Joseph Combs 500 A adj. his other entry and extending up Howards Creek to include his cabin. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
31 [sic] June 1787. Fayette County, Index page 314, Book 9, p. 403. Joseph Combs, 500 acres on Howard's Upper Creek beginning at the mouth of the creek. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Judi Stull from Index to Kentucky Military District 1779-1801 (Counties of Kentucky, Lincoln, Fayette, Nelson, Bourbon, Jefferson, Woodford, Mercer, Madison and Mason), Virginia State Land Office, FHL Film #0007811).
31 May 1787. Fayette County, Index page 317, Book 10, p. 305. Joseph Combs, 500 acres adjoining his other entry and extending up Howard's Creek to include his cabin. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Judi Stull from Index to Kentucky Military District 1779-1801 (Counties of Kentucky, Lincoln, Fayette, Nelson, Bourbon, Jefferson, Woodford, Mercer, Madison and Mason), Virginia State Land Office, FHL Film #0007811).
28 Feb 1785 KLG, p.39: Grantee: Combs, Joseph; Acres: 4,200; Book: 9, Page: 468; Date Survey: 2-28-1785; County: Fayette; Watercourse: Eagle Cr & Licking. 31 May 1787 (Fayette Co VA [KY] Grants 7:598) Joseph Combs. 4200 A on waters of Eagle Cr. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
Notes: Was the above Joseph Combs the s/o Cuthbert Combs, his brother, Joseph Combs III, who died in Stafford Co VA in 1810, or his uncle, Joseph Combs II of Loudoun? Was he the same Joseph Combs as those that follow?16 May 1780 Combs, Joseph, 1000, A, 63, 05-16-1780 , Floyds Fork survey (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
27 May 1780 Combs, Joseph, 500, A, 104, 05-27-1780, Floyds & Town Fork (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
14 Apr 1784 KLG, p. 39: Grantee: Combs, Joseph; Acres: 1,000; Book: 10, Page: 230; Date Survey: 4-14-1784; County: Jefferson; Watercourse: Simpson Cr. 19 Jul 1786 (Jefferson Co VA [KY] Grants 3:715) Joseph Combs 1000 A beg on Simpson's Cr abt 20 poles above mo of Plumb Run. ) (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
20 Aug 1785 (Jefferson Co VA[KY] Grants S:170) Joseph Combs. 1000 A on waters of Floyd's Fork on W side of same. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes) Note: Survey?
14 Sep 1798KLG, p.163: Grantee: Combs, Joseph; Acres: 500; Book: 13, Page: 235; Date Survey: 9-14-1798; County: Bullitt; Watercourse: Floyds Fork
Notes: The land on Floyds Fork was still in Jefferson Co as late as 1791, but the land on Simpson's Creek by Plumb Run became part of Nelson Co, KY. At least some of this land appears to have been that of Joseph Combs II of Loudoun (see his report and Nelson Co).
23 May 1783 Combs, Fielding, 500, A, 90, 05-23-1780, Howards Cr (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
11 Dec 1783KLG, p. 39: Grantee: Combs, Feilding; Acres: 500; Book: 2, Page: 183; Date Survey: 12-11-1783; County: Fayette; Watercourse: Harrods Upper Cr [nb: Howard's Upper?]
20 Aug 1785 (Fayette Co VA [KY] Grants S:172) Fielding Combs. 500 A on Harrods Upper Cr adj. Joseph Combs' pre-emption. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes) [CH Note: Was Harrods Cr. same as Howards? Same as Harwood?]
20 Aug 1785. Fayette County, Index p. 250, Book S, p. 172. Fielding Combs, 500 acres on Howard's Upper Creek adjoining Joseph Combs preemption. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Judi Stull from Index to Kentucky Military District 1779-1801 (Counties of Kentucky, Lincoln, Fayette, Nelson, Bourbon, Jefferson, Woodford, Mercer, Madison and Mason), Virginia State Land Office, FHL Film #0007811).
Notes: Fielding and Joseph Combs, s/o John & Seth BULLIT Combs, Sr. Also note that a 1997 note by the late researcher, Becky Goodin, indicates that Fielding's descendants are untraced and that some believe he may have died in KY bef 1791. Josiah H. Combs' Combes Genealogy places his death at 1818 in Kentucky (no state listed).19 Nov 1783 Combs, Edward, 400, A, 306, 11-19-1783, Rolling Fk (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
19 Nov 1783 Combs, Edward 400, A, 306, 11-19-1783, Lead Cr (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
Notes: Who was the above Edward Combs? Is this Edward Combs who d in 1820 in Nelson Co KY? (See other Rolling Fork, Nelson Co, KY Land Records, although not known if this land was actually in Nelson)15 Jan 1784 KLG, p.39: Grantee: Combs, Jessee; Acres: 510; Book: 8, Page: 412; Date Survey: 1-15-1784; County: Jefferson; Watercourse: Green River. 14 Aug 1786 (Jefferson Co VA [KY] Grants 5:318) Jesse Combs. 510 A on waters of Greene River, Soverns [Severn?] Valley adj. John WARFORD & Thomas HELM. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
Notes: Jesse Combs, s/o Joseph d 1803, Gorges Twp., Fayette Co, PA, land later in Nelson, then Hardin Cos, KY.29 Dec 1784 Combs, Jacob, 500, B, 31, 12-29-1784, ------- (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
Notes: Who is this? Where was this land? No early Jacob Combs located on tax lists as yet.Combs, Jaques, 6000, A, 332, 01-20-1784, Long Lick Cr WD
Combs, Jaques, 6000, A, 358, 05-04-1784, Rolling Cr WD
Combs, Jaques, 6000, A, 358, 05-04-1784, -------- WD (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189, Book A) Format: Name, Acres, Book, Page, Entry Date, Watercourse)
15 Mar 1785KLG, p. 39: Grantee: Combs, James; Acres: 805; Book: 10, Page: 517; Date Survey: 3-15-1785; County: Fayette; Watercourse: Lubergreed.
06 Jun 1787 (Fayette Co [KY] 12:106) James Combs. 805-3/4 A on waters of Lulbugrud. (Extracted from VSLA Card Indexes)
Notes: Who was this James Combs? Land is by that of Benjamin, Cuthbert & Joseph Combs, but who was this?27 Sep 1797 (Kentucky Land Grant Book 12, page 33) Survey. Wm. Combs, 500 A, White Oak Creek, Lincoln County. (The Kentucky Land Grants, A Systematic Index to All of the Land Grants Recorded in the State Land Office at Frankfort, Kentucky 1782 -- 1924, Volume 1, Part 1, Willard Rouse Jillson, Sc.D. (Originally published as Filson Club Publications, Number 33, KY), p. 163, hereinafter KLG)
Note: The above land was originally in Lincoln Co, KY, then in 1806-7 became part of Casey Co, KY. This is RW William Combs of Shenandoah Co VA, and Bath, Fleming and Fayette Counties, KY, (son of John & Nancy HARDING Combs, Sr.).GRANTEE, ORIGINAL , SURVEY NAME, SURVEY NO.
Combs, Benjamin, 5136 & 5137, HARDIN, William
Combs, Innis, 5132, Combs, John
Combs, Jessy, 3875, HYNES, Andrew
(Master Index Virginia Surveys and Grants 1774-1791 Compiled by Joan E. Brookes-Smith
Book 1719 first edition, KY Historical Soc. Frankfort, KY page 243)