Combs &c.
of Muhlenberg Co., KY |
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Muhlenberg was organized from Christian
& Logan in 1798. In 1854, McLean was established from Muhlenberg, Daviess and Ohio. Note: Primary Editor for this report is Combs Researcher Jean Smallwood. Also note that the voluminous number of records collected for Muhlenberg have resulted in multiple reports:
1799 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co., KY: Thomas Combs
Notes: Thomas Combs married Sarah ANDERSON in 1793 in Nelson Co., KY.
28 May 1799 The Court appointed John ANDERSON, Constable for the County of Muhlenberg (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 4, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Note: This is, best evidence, the brother-in-law of Thomas Combs married to Sarah ANDERSON.
1800 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co., KY,: Thomas Combs for 60 acres on Salt Lick, Nelson Co., KY
23 Sep 1800 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 116, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Precinct of the road leading from Littlepage's to Harris' Branch in a direction to Greenville. Beginning at the mouth of said Branch running, thence a straight line to Pond River so as to include Benjamin GARRIS, then to include Thomas PAPYTON'S, thence with the said work trau line to include David EVANS, Sr., thence up Pond River to Benjamin GARRIS' to keep the
said road in repare as the Law directs.
23 Dec 1800 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 124, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) The Court proceeded to lay the County Levy as follows, to wit, David EVANS, along with several other men received $0..8..0 for one
"grown woolf scalp" and, as assee of I OYLER, $0..8..0 for one "groan wollfs head".
23 Mar 1801 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 154, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) Thomas ASH claimed 400 acres of land on Clifty.
Note: This seems to be the first appearance of ASH'S in Muhlenberg Land Records. It is unknown at this time how or if these ASH'S are related to the ASH'S of Nelson Co., KY. Still under research. Indications are that they are of the same ASH line as John ASH, 2nd husband of Arabella UNKNOWN ANDERSON, mother of Sarah ANDERSON Combs (wife of Thomas), in Nelson Co., KY.)
1801 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co., KY: Thomas Combs
1801 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 1, pg 172 & KY Land Grants Book 27, pg 268) Thomas
Combs granted 400 acres of land on the waters of Cypress Creek. This land was adjoining "ANDERSON'S corner."
25 May 1801 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 175, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) John ANDERSON this day claimed 400 acres of land on the waters of Cypress.
23 Nov 1801 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 175, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) David IVANS this day claimed 400 acres of land on the waters of Cypress.
Notes: John ANDERSON believed to be brother-in-law of Thomas Combs, husband of Sarah ANDERSON.
1802 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co., KY: Thomas Combs 400 acres on Cypress Creek (Combs Researcher
Daryl Combs)
21 Feb 1803 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 281, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Ordered that John RANDOLPH be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of road leading from John Randolph's Ferry to Jacob WILEY on a direction to Littlepage's Ferry. Mentions Thomas Combs, Jesse ANDERSON, several other to include surname KINCHELOE, RENO, and others.
21 Feb 1803 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 1, Page 281, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Ordered that John MORGAN be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of the road leading from Randolph's Ferry to Littlepage's Ferry, from the said Branch of Cypress to Littlepage's. Mentions David EVANS, and others to include surname ACRE, HOPKINS, and others.
15 Jun 1803 Kentucky Land Grants. Muhlenberg Co. Survey Date. Thos. Combs, 400 acres. Cypress Creek. (Kentucky Land Grants..., Jolson)
24 Feb 1806 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 58, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Ordered that John BRYANT, David EVANS, Junr, David EVANS, Senr, John ANDERSON, Matthew WARD, Thomas Combs, and others keep road open.
27 Oct 1806 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 82) Ordered that Thomas Combs be hereby appointed surveyor of the road leading from LITTLEPAGE'S ferry to RANDOLPH'S ferry on the Green River in the room and place of John MORGAN who is exempt there upon and that he together with the hands formerly allotted to said MORGAN open and keep the same in repair as the law directs. (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
26 Jan 1807 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 93) On the motion of Sarah Combs and John MORGAN, Esq. who made oath as the law directs certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Combs, deceased who thereupon together with John ANDERSON, Mathew WARD and David EVANS, their securities, condition as the law directs. (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
Notes: John ANDERSON is believed to be the brother of Sarah ANDERSON Combs. Matthew WARD is Sarah's brother-in-law, married her sister Patience ANDERSON Ward 16 Jul 1797 in Nelson Co., KY. Believe this David EVANS is Sarah's brother-in-law, married to her sister Alsey (Alice) ANDERSON Evans, 25 May 1787 in Nelson Co., KY. All are daughters of Arabella UNKNOWN Anderson (Ash) (Sturgeon) of Nelson Co., KY 2nd husband, John ASH, 3rd husband, John STURGEON.
2 Feb 1807 (Muhlenburg KY) Inventory & Appraisal. Thomas Combs, deceased Feb 2, 1807. Sarah
Combs administratrix. Approved February term 1807. (Muhlenberg Co., KY Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, Marian G. Hammers, 1968)
02 Feb 1807 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book I, pg 118120) Thomas Combs, deceased, February 2, 1807. Inventory and appraisal by Charles MORGAN, Lewis KINCHELOE, John BRYANT, John MORGAN, administrator and Sarah Combs, administratrix. Approved February term 1807.
23 Feb 1807 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 100, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Thomas Combs, deceased, was exhibited into Court by the Administrator and Ordered to be recorded.
1807 (Muhlenberg Co., KY) Sarah Combs taxed on 400 acres of land on Cypress Creek. (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
17 Aug 1807 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 115, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Ordered that Christian KIRK, Charles HOLMES, Bryant HOLMES & Job MATTHIS or any three of them, being first sworn, appraised in current money, the balance of the personal Estate and slaves, if any, of Thomas Combs, deceased and that the Administrators return an Inventory thereof to the Court according to Law.
18 Apr 1808 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 134, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Ordered that Lewis KINCHELOE, Jesse RENO and William KINCHELOE, Junior be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to settle with John MORGAN and Sarah Combs, Administrators of the Estate of
Thomas Combs, deceased and made report thereof, according to Law.
Notes: Abstracts of estate records of Thomas Combs have listed Jesse RENO erroneously as Jesse Reno Combs. The
original settlement document shows the Commissioners as William KINCHELOE and Jesse RENO, comrs, which appears to have been transcribed as "Combs" and the cause for the confusion. Noted and original provided by Combs Researcher, Hannah Friedlander)
1808 (Muhlenberg Co., KY) Sarah Combs taxed on 400 acres of land on Cypress Creek. (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
10 Apr 1809 ((Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 173, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
A Settlement with the Executor of the Estate of Thomas Combs, deceased was returned into Court, which being examined is Ordered to be recorded.
23 Apr 1809 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Marriage Records) Married: James WALKER & Sarah Combs - 23 Apr. 1809. Marriage performed by Wm. KINCHELOE. (KENTUCKY MARRIAGE RECORDS, The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society. (Muhlenberg Co., KY Marriage records show marriage 23 Apr 1809).
Note: Sarah ANDERSON, widow of Thomas Combs, married next James WALKER
9 Oct 1809 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 198, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) On the Motion of Matthew WARD one of the Security for Sarah Combs and John MORGAN Administrators of Thomas Combs, deceased. It is Ordered that Sarah Combs and John MORGAN be summoned to appear here at the next Court to give Counter Security or deliver up the decedants Estate for his indemnity.
8 Jan 1810 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 213, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) Sarah WALKER, late Sarah Combs, widow of Thomas Combs, dec'd. and one of the Administrators of said decedant came into Court and on her Motion the propety heretofore taken into custody by the Sheriff, on account of her failing to give Counter Secirity, was Ordered to be surrendered on her giving Security according to the Order of said Court. Whereupon
she together with Lewis KINCHELOE & John ANDERSON her Security, executed bond in the penalty of One thousand dollars, conditioned as the Law directs.
1810 Census, Muhlenberg Co., KY (Census Index - unreliable source)
p. 396: John B. ANDERSON: 20010-22010-00
p. 397 James WALKER 3221011010 (h/o Sarah ANDERSON Combs, widow of Thomas Combs)
or per Daryl Combs: 1 male 26-44 [James WALKER]; 2 males 16-25 [Anderson Combs & ?????]; 2 males 10-15 [John Combs & ?????]; 3 males 0-9 [Jonathan, David, Thomas Combs]; 1 female 26-44 [Sarah ANDERSON Combs]; 1 female 0-9 [Priscilla
Combs]; 1 female 10-15 [Susannah Combs]
13 Aug 1810 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book I, pp 119-120). Thomas Combs, deceased, settlement.
The estate was made to Sarah Combs, one of the administrators; John MORGAN, other administrator The commissioners: William KINCHELOE and Jesse RENO.
13 Aug 1810 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 231, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
A Settlement made by the Commissioners appointed to settle with the Administrators of Thomas Combs, deceased was returned, which being examined is Ordered to be entered of Record.
Notes: The abstract of the above mentioned will of Thomas Combs lists the name Jesse Reno Combs in error. The original settlement document shows the Commissioners as William KINCHELOE and Jesse RENO, comrs, which appears to have been transcribed as "Combs" and the cause for the confusion. Noted and original provided by Combs Researcher, Hannah Friedlander)
10 Dec 1810 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2, pg 259) The court appointed Sarah WALKER guardian to Anderson Combs, Susannah Combs, John Combs, Thomas Combs. David Combs, Precilla Combs, and Jonathan Combs, orphans of Thomas Combs, deceased, who thereupon together with Lewis KINCHELOE her Security, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and conditioned, as the Law directs.
Notes: Abstract of above entry is believed to be in error, reference listing "Andrew" rather than "Anderson".
10 Dec 1810 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 259, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
On the Motion of John ANDERSON, one of the Securities of Sarah WALKER, late Sarah Combs. It is Ordered that a summons issue against the said Sarah WALKER, causing her to appear here at the next Court, to give Counter Security, according to Law.
14 Jan 1811 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 262, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) On the Motion of John ANDERSON, IT IS Ordered that a summons issue against Sarah WALKER, late Sarah Combs, causing her to appear here at the next Court, to show cause if any she can, why the children orphans of Thomas Combs, deceased, may not be bound out, according to Law.
11 Feb 1811 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 264, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society) Sarah WALKER, who was summoned to appear here on this day, apeared according to the said summons and John ANDERSON who made complaint hereof, being called, came not, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the orphan chidren of Thomas Combs, deceased, are well healed by Sarah. It is ordered that she be from the same, altogether
10 Feb 1812 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 305, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Agreeably to the within order, we being sworn, as the Law directs, proceeded to view and mark out the nearest and most convenient way for a road leading from Willis MORGAN'S Mill (on Pond River) to MILLIGAN'S Falls on Green River, running first through the lands of said MORGAN, George ADAMS, John NOFTSINGER and across Log Creek at said NOFTSINGER'S Sugar Camp, thence through Daniel LANDER'S land, Jacob WHITMORE'S land and through the lands of Frederick HANES, L. Martin KITTINGER, thence through the lands of David EVANS and Thomas Combs' heirs, thence through the lands of John ANDERS and Marks OVERHALLS, to the banks of the Cypress Lake, just above ANDERSON'S Old Crossing, thence through the Semminary Lands and those of William KITTINGER, Andrew RODGERS, Bartholomew LOTT, James NICHOLAS and through some Military Lands, the proprietor unknown, to the banks of MILLIGAN'S Falls on Green River with the consent of all the owners knows to us. Jacob
WITMER, John ANDERSON, David EVANS, viewers. Which said road is Ordered t o be established accordingly. And it is further that Bartholomew LOTT be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor, of that part of said road from the Falls to the Bank of the Land and that he with the hands in the following bounds, to wit: Beginning at John RANDOLPH's Bluff on Green River running down the River to the Thoroughfair & with the same to the Lake, thence up Cypress to the Bridge, thence to the beginning including George
SHORT, open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.
Note: Thomas Combs, son of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs, married 2 daughters of Jacob WHITMORE (WHITMER) (see later entry). Elizabeth LOTT daughter of Bartholomew LOTT married Anderson Combs, son of Thomas Combs and Sarah ANDERSON Combs.
11 May 1812 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2, pg 316) On the suggestion of Michael WILKINS, one of the Securities that Sarah WALKER, late Sarah Combs, guardian to orphan children of Thomas Combs, deceased does not treat them as the law requires. It is ordered that she be summoned to appear in court and surrender said children and their property to the court. (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
13 Jul 1812 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 320, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
Sarah WALKER, late Sarah Combs, guardian to the orphans of Thomas Combs, deceased, appeared agreeably to summons and failing to give counter Security, according to Law. It is therefore Ordered that Solomon RHOADS, Esquire, Sheriff, there being no person who will act as curator, take into his posession the said orphans and their property and place all in as safe and agreeable a situation as may be expected and agreeably to Law, until the further Order of this Court.
10 August 1812 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book 2, page 333, Muhlenberg Co. Genealogical Society)
A report of a Settlement made by the Commissioners appointed by this Court with the Administrators of Thomas Combs, deceased was returned into Court, which being examined and allowed, is Ordered to be recorded.
1813-1825 Muhlenberg Co., KY Tax Lists: Jese (a.k.a. Jesee) Combs (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs who adds that Jese, aka Jesee (often transcribed as Jepe or Jepee), is listed in the Muhlenberg Co. tax lists from 1813 through 1825. He was taxed on occasion for land, however that never happened for more than one year in succession. He did however have one or more horses. He was also usually listed close to Anderson and David Combs.)
Also Note: Jesse was b ca 1794 per the 1850 Posey Co, IN Census, which means he began being taxed abt age 21. Was he already in Muhlenberg at the time of the 1810 census? In whose household? Could he have been the extra male, age 16-25 in the HH of James & Sarah ANDERSON (Combs) Walker? See also next and 1820.
26 Nov 1815 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Marriage Book 1) Jesse Combs married 26 Nov 1815 Sally HYNER
Notes: The Rev War pension file of Hardy HYNES or HINDS or HINES, dated 8 Dec 1818, Muhlenburg Co., KY (aged 57 at the time), stated he m Sarah (--) 17 Aug 1787 on "the banks of the Neusse River" in Wayne Co NC. He d 22 Mar
1832 in Posey Co IN according to his widow, who applied there 26 Feb 1853, aged abt 86. She stated they had had 12 children, but only named Ferribe b 25 or 26 May 1788, Sarah b 12 Sep 1796 m Jesse Combs; Susan STEPHENS b abt 1800; William Hardy HYNES, Jr. b abt 1802 (the last three were of
Posey Co IN in 1854), John who served in the War of 1812 & d a few yrs after the War of 1812 & Chilly b 10 Mar 1807, it appeared that Wm. H. Jr.'s wife was Lydia Ann, d/o Izanat DOSS (RW Pension File R5468, Abstracts of RW Pension Files, Virgil D. White)
Also note the HYNES/Combs Connections in both Nelson Co., KY and the Tonoloways Settlment of Maryland-Pennsylvania. Jesse Combs removed to Posey Co IN between 1826 and 1830, and according to the (flawed) biography of George Washington Combs (son of Jonathan Pettit Combs, grandson of Thomas & Sarah ANDERSON Combs), Jonathan removed to Posey Co., IN in 1826, thence on to Gallatin Co., IL. George W. also claimed that Jesse was a brother to his father, Jonathan, but no evidence has been found of that as yet. Jesse was undoubtedly related somehow to Thomas Combs, husband of Sarah ANDERSON, but how?
18 Feb 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Marriage Book 1) Susanna Combs married 18 Feb 1816 James
Note: Susanna Combs, born about 1796, Nelson Co., KY, daughter of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs. James EVANS born about 1796, Nelson Co., KY, son of David EVANS and Alsey (Alice) ANDERSON Evans.
03 Mar 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Marriage Book 1) Anderson Combs md 3 March 1816 Elizabeth
Note: Anderson Combs, b about 1794, Nelson Co., KY, died 1863 Phillips Co., AR, is son of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs. Elizabeth LOTT, born about 1792 in VA, died 1855/1857 Phillips Co., AR, daughter of Bartholomew LOTT; (corrected by Karen Antink from the previous statement that Elizabeth Lott was a daughter of Bartholomew and Rebecca Petty.)
8 Apr 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 53.) Thomas Combs, orphan of Thomas Combs deceased came to court and made the choice of Peter SHAVER as his guardian who there upon together with David
EVANS Jr., his security entered into and ackowledged their bond in the penality of $500.00 conditioned as the law directs.
8 Apr 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book 2, pg 208) Estate of James WALKER.
20 Apr 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book II, pp 378) James WALKER, deceased, Inventory and Appraisal. Appraisers: Daniel LANDERS, Benjamin COFFMAN and John NOFTSINGER. Administrator: David EVANS, Jr.
Approved May County Court 1816.
12 Aug1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2, pp 523) James WALKER, deceased, additional Inventory. Sale Bill. Approved August County Court 1816.
13 May 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book 2, pp 378) Inventory & appraisal of James WALKER estate.
Note: James WALKER, 2nd husband of Sarah ANDERSON, widow of Thomas Combs
14 Oct 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 62) Jacob WHITMER, Esq. appointed guardian to Precilla Combs
Notes: Daughter of Thomas Combs and Sarah ANDERSON Combs.
14 Oct 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 62) Jacob WHITMER, Esq. appointed guardian to Jonathan Pettit Combs, orphan of Sarah and James WALKER, deceased.
Notes: Jonathan Pettit Combs, son of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs (Walker).
9 Dec 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 107) Ordered that the Clerk of this court bind to John CRESO [GRESO] as the law directs, Jonathan Combs, orphan of Thomas Combs deceased until he arrives to
the age of 21 years to learn the art and trade of a tanner, he the said Jonathan being eleven years old the first of Feb. next [b 01 Feb 1806; however, Family Bible of his son, George W., of Gallatin Co, IL, shows13 Feb 1806].
9 Dec 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 107) Ordered that the clerk of this court bind to Peter SHAVER as the law directs Priscilla Combs, orphan of Thomas Combs, dec., she being 13 years of age, to learn spinning.
9 Dec 1816 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Order Book 2A, pg 106) Ordered that the clerk of this court bind to Martin KITTINGER, David Combs, orphan of Thomas Combs, deceased until he arrives to the age of 21 years to learn the art and trade of a shoe maker, the said David being now 15 years old the first of Feb. next and as the law directs. [b 1 Feb 1802?]
3 Nov 1817 Peter SHAVER guardian of Thomas Combs, orphan of Thomas Combs deceased returned that he has received no property belonging to his said ward but that he has paid for his said ward $1.75 which is thereon entered
of record. (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 163)
6 Apr 1818 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Court Orders Book 2A, pg 190) Ordered that the clerk of this court bind to Peter SHAVER, Jonathan Combs, orphan of Thomas Combs, deceased who was heretofore bound to John GRESO
now deceased... to learn the trade of a blacksmith.
Feb 1819 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book Book 2, pg 209 ) James and Sarah WALKER, deceased, Settlement, by David EVANS, Jr., administrator. Mentions an account paid for the maintainance of James EVANS. Approved February County Court 1819.
Notes: At this time there is confusion as to how many "David EVANS" there actually were. There is convincing evidence of 3. Best evidence shows this David EVANS, annotated "Jr." is the son of David EVANS who married Alsey
(Alice) ANDERSON in Nelson Co., KY, sister of Sarah ANDERSON Combs Walker.
6 Apr 1819 - May 1819 (Muhlenburg KY WiII:115-6) Will of Bartholomew LOTT, dated Apr 6, 1819, proven May court 1819: To David LOTT, James LOTT, Samuel LOTT, youngest dau Polly RECARD, to daughter Elizabeth Combs, to Susannah EAVES, wife Susannah (Muhlenberg Co., KY Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, Marian G. Hammers, 1968)
Notes: Elizabeth LOTT married 3 Mar 1816, Muhlenberg Co., KY, Anderson Combs, son of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs (Walker.)
May 1819 ( Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book 2, pg 120 ) Inventory of Sarah WALKER, deceased.
(Daryl Combs)
Notes: Widow of (1st) Thomas Combs, (2nd) James WALKER.
1819-24 Taxation, Muhlenberg Co., KY
Anderson Combs
Jesse Combs
Notes: Anderson, son of Thomas Combs and Sarah ANDERSON Combs; Jesse not yet identified.
1820 US Census, Muhlenberg Co., KY (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
P. 138
Jesse Combs 2000101020001
Anderson Combs 0101001020001
25 Jul 1822 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Marriage Book 1) John Combs married Nancy HARRIS
Notes: John Combs son of Thomas Combs and Sarah ANDERSON Combs.
July 1822 (Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, Marian G. HAMMERS, 1968) David EVANS, deceased, Inventory and Appraisal, by Daniel LANDIS, administrator. Appraisers: Jacob WHITMER, Martin KITTINGER and Samuel DANNER. Approved July County Court 1822. Book II, page 200.
July 1822 (Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, Marian G. HAMMERS, 1968) David EVANS, deceased, Inventory and Appraisal. Some names included: William EVANS, David EVANS, James EVANS, Alsey EVANS. The administrator, Daniel LANDIS. Approved July County Court 1822, Book II, page 201-202.
2 Sep 1822 (Muhlenberg County Court Orders, Book ?, page 333) Know all men by these presents that we David Combs, Jonas WIGGINS, Thomas BILBREW and Mark OVERHOLS are held and firmly bound unto Martin KITTINGER in the penal sum of Three hundred dollars the payment of which well and truly to be made to the said KITTINGER his Heirs, etc. We bind ourselves our heirs to jointly or severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 8th day of May 1822. The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas by an order of the County court at their January Term 1816 the above bound David Combs was bound to the said KITTINGER as an apprentice to learn the art and trade of a Shoemaker the said David by said Indenture was to serve the said Martin KITTINGER until he arrives to the age of Twenty One Years and the said KITTINGER was bound to learn the said David the trade aforesaid and also to teach him or cause him to be taught reading Writing & common arithmetic including the rule of three as will more fully appear by the record of said Court reference thereto being had will more fully appear. And the said David having left the service of said KITTINGER and being unwilling to return and in order to indemnify and save harmless the said Martin KITTINGER from all damages that may be hereafter attempted
to be recovered of him under the Indenture aforesaid now if the said Jonas WIGGINS, Thos. BILBREW & Mark OVERHOLS shall pay & satisfy all costs and damages that may ever hereafter be recovered by the said David from the said KITTINGER or under the Indenture aforesaid then this obligation to be Void Else to remain in full force and Virtue. Teste: David EVANS, Abram GISH Signed (by marks) Jonas WIGGINS, Thomas BILBREW, Mark OVERHOLS, Jesse Combs, Thomas Combs Muhlenberg County Ct. Clerk's office September 2nd 1822. This IN ___? of writing ws proved to be the act and Deed of
Jonas WIGGINS, Thomas BILBREW, Mark OVERHOLS, Jesse Combs and Thomas Combs a party thereto by the Oaths David EVANS and Abram GISH subscribing Witnesses thereto which is therupon admitted and truly recorded. ATT> Chs.
WING, Clerk (Combs Researcher, Hannah Friedlander)
Notes: The above is one of only two records thus far that indicate a possible relationship between Jesse Combs and the family of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs (Walker). The second being the Gallatin Co., IL biography of George W. Combs, son of Jonathan Pettit Combs, who states that his father went first to Mt. Vernon, Posey Co., IN in 1826 before moving on to Gallatin. Posey Co. is also where Jesse Combs lived next.
Apr 1823 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book Book 2, pg 216) Sarah Combs, deceased, additional Inventory, by David EVANS, administrator. Approved April County Court 1823.
Note: Sarah ANDERSON Combs Walker, widow of Thomas Combs and James WALKER (2nd husband). David
EVANS, son of David EVANS and Alsey ANDERSON Evans
21 Apr 1824 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Marriage Book 1) David Combs married 21 April 1824 Susannah
Note: David Combs, son of Thomas Combs and Sarah ANDERSON, married Susanna FRANCE, daughter of Michael FRANCE and Elizabeth GISH. Also note that at least one marriage CD has transcribed her surname as FRASCO.
08 Jun 1824 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Marriage Book 1) Thomas Combs married 8 June 1824 Sally WHITMER
Note: Thomas Combs was the son of Thomas & Sarah ANDERSON Combs, married Sally WHITMER, born 14 Apr 1803, Virginia, died 11 Nov 1834, buried in GROSS Cemetery, Muhlenberg Co., KY, daughter of Jacob P. WHITMER and Catharine
10 Feb 1825 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Marriage Book 1) Precilla Combs married James DAVIS
Notes: This is thought to have been Precilla Combs, d/o Thomas & Sarah ANDERSON Combs; however, if this is her, then why is she still referred to as Priscilla Combs in 1827 Muhlenberg records?
26 Dec 1825 (Muhlenberg Co., Ky Deed Book 6, page 248) Joseph WALKER bound to Thomas
Combs to learn the art and trade of blacksmith. (Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander)
Notes: Joseph WALKER was the s/o James and Sarah ANDERSON Combs Walker (widow of Thomas Combs). See also Gallatin Co, IL Question: When was Joseph WALKER born?
March 1827 (Muhlenberg Co., KY) Thomas Combs, et. al. are to appraise the estate of Frederick HANES.
28 Jul 1827 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book Book 2, pg 416) Sarah WALKER, deceased, Estate Settlement, deceased, Settlement by David EVANS, administrator. From record of inventory $190.80, by a former settlement as appears from record 147.88 (18th July 1816). To Anderson Combs, reimbursement for taxes and administrators services. Paid Anderson, John, Thomas, David, Pricilla Combs, $7.00 each. Paid to James EVANS (husband of Susanna
Combs) $7.00, Peter SHAVER, James HENDRICKS, Commrs $228.88 Approved July County Court 1827.
Notes: This was probably the last of several settlements of this estate. Settlements do not mention Jonathan's share. According to his son, George W., Jonathan was in Posey Co, IN by 1826, and then on almost immediately to Gallatin
Co, IL. Did that exclude him from a share in the estate? (Combs Researcher, Hannah Friedlander)
20 Jan 1836 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Land Deeds Book 8, pg 583) Commissioners appointed by County Court to divide lands of Thomas Combs, deceased. William GRUNDY had purchased six shares and David EVANS had purchased one share. (Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
Notes: David EVANS is Sarah ANDERSON Combs Walker's nephew, son of her sister Alsey (Alice) ANDERSON Evans and David EVANS who married in Nelson Co. Sarah and Alice are daughters of Arabella UNKNOWN Anderson Ash Sturgeon, of Nelson
Co., KY.
1840 Census, Muhlenberg Co., KY, pg 363
Thomas Combs 21100010000000020010000000
David Combs 21200100000000110010000000
16 Nov 1841 (Muhlenberg Co., KY Land Deed Book 11, pp 3801) David Combs and Susan [FRANCE] sold the land that he received from his father's estate to David EVANS.
Notes: David Combs, son of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs. David EVANS, son of David EVANS and Alsey (Alice) ANDERSON Evans.
27 Sep 1849 Muhlenburg Co., KY Marriage Records, 29:44) Married: S. H. GRAVES and Elizabeth COOMS.
extracted from (Muhlenberg Co., KY GenWeb Archives - See Also Copyright Restrictions)
11 Feb 1850 Muhlenburg Co., KY Marriage Records, 26:45) Thomas A. BROWN and June Combs (extracted from Muhlenberg Co., KY GenWeb Archives - See Also Copyright Restrictions)
1850 Muhlenberg County KY Census (transcribed by Combs-Whitmer Researcher Faye Shankle) unless otherwise noted
District 2 (City Subdivision) 08 Aug 1850, p. 231
82/82 Thomas Combs, 50, M farmer 2800 KY
Evy 42, F KY [VA per Daryl Combs]
Ephraim 13 M KY
Peter 11 M KY
Albert G 9 M KY
Sarah 7 F KY
Eliza 5 F KY
Martin 22 M KY Laborer
Jacob WHITMORE 74 M None Unknown
Catherine WHITMORE 76 F Unknown
Note: Thomas Combs, son of Thomas and Sarah ANDERSON Combs, first married Sally WHITMER, daughter of Jacob P. WHITMER and Catherine SHORT. He and Sally had 6 known children; Jacob b about 1825, Catharine b about 1826, Lucinda b about 1827, Martin Thomas b 1828 (who later married Charlotte WHITMORE 19 May 1854), Andrew b about 1831, and Matilda b 27 Jan 1833, d 11 Nov 1834, the same day that her mother, Sally WHITMER Combs died (both Matilda and Sally are buried in Gross Cemetery, Muhlenberg Co., KY. Thomas m second Evy, sister of Sally WHITMER, both daughters of Jacob WHITMORE (WHITMER) and Catherine WHITMORE (WHITMER) listed above. Jacob P. WHITMER and Catherine SHORT were married 1 Sep 1800 in Botetourt Co., VA. (Botetourt Co. Marriages.)
District 2 (City Subdivision) 08 Aug 1850, p. 231
173/173 Jacob Combs 24, Farmer, KY
Catherine 22, KY
Lucinda 20, KY
Andrew J. 18, KY
Notes: These are all children of Thomas Combs and 1st wife Sally WHITMER Combs. Another of Thomas and Sally's children, Martin Thomas Combs, is living with his father and 2nd wife Evy WHITMER Combs, in the 1850 census.
1850 Muhlenberg Co., KY Census, extracted from 1850 Census of Muhlenberg Co., KY, compiled by Mrs. Marian G. Hammers, 1969)
District 2, HH 357/357
Asa COOMBS 53, Farmer, $1000, KY
Nancy 51, KY
George W 15 KY
Martha A 12, KY
John 10, KY
Felix M 6 KY
George B 20, KY
Rebecca 15 KY
Notes: Asa COOMBS, son of Edward & Rebecca (WINK?) Coombs, married Nancy (WELSH) Stewart, 4 Nov 1829 in Nelson Co., KY (See biography of their son, John COOMBS, and that of Nancy's half-brother, George Winston WELSH). George B. and Rebecca COOMBS were the children of Edward Wink and Mildred MASON Coombs (married 22 Jun 1829, Nelson Co., KY), and in 1841, Asa was awarded guardianship of the two of them plus a sister, Elizabeth, who married Henry C. DILLMAN. Edward Wink COOMBS appears to have been in Spencer
Co., KY in 1850, but is living in HH of his son, George Butler by 1860, and by 1870, they are in Christian Co., KY (where see also biography of George B. COOMBS) Rebecca later m J. S. VAUGHT and removed to Ohio
1850 Census, Muhlenberg Co., KY, pg 32
District 1, 360 360 Abraham Combs 25 M Farmer KY
Lotta 26 F England
Notes: Abraham F. Combs, son of David Combs and Susanna FRANCE. Wife, Charlotte
BROWN, married 13 Feb 1850, Hopkins Co., KY (Combs Researcher, Jack TIDWELL)
1850 Census, Muhlenberg Co., KY, pg 199
361 361 Susan Combs 47 F VA
Martin 23 M KY
David 14 M KY
Samuel 13 M KY
Michael 12 M KY
Susannah 8 F KY
Desdemonia 4 F KY
(Combs Researcher Daryl Combs)
Note: Susanna FRANCE married David Combs 1 Apr 1825. David Combs, born 2 Feb 1802, probably Muhlenberg Co., KY, died 20 Apr 1846 and is buried in GISH Cemetery, Muhlenberg Co., KY)
To Later Combs of Muhlenberg Co., KY