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Baltimore County was created in 1659 from parts of Anne Arundel, Kent and unorganized territory, and in 1674, Cecil was created from Baltimore.
11 Nov 1665 (Land Office, Annapolis, Maryland, Liber 9, folio 45) "Richard BALL of Baltimore demands land for transporting Mary SMITH, Walter CARY, Joseph FOSTER, George COMBES, Henry SCOLLAR, William HOGGINS, Ralph GATH & Yarrow WILLIAMS…… Warrant ind for four hundred acres dated the eleventh day of November one thousand six hundred sixty five, ret eleventh of May next."
(Provided by Combs Researcher Birdie Totty McNutt)
George COMBS has not been identified; however, the above Richard BALL is the same who was earlier from Lancaster County, VA, son of Col. William BALL, and brother of William BALL, Jr. who married Mary WILLIAMSON, d/o James and Anne UNDERWOOD Williamson, the latter sister-in-law of Archdale and Elizabeth COMBS of neighboring Old Rappahannock County, Virginia. Richard BALL married Mary KINSEY, d/o Hugh KINSEY of , found in the records of Old Rappa Co, Virginia, who d 1667, Anne Arundel Co, MD, named a Sarah CLARK in his will. Note also that the headrights listed by Richard BALL are suspiciously close to those listed by Col. Wm. BALL in 1656 in Lancaster County, Virginia in 1662 which also included a George COMBS.
11 Mar 1678/9 (Balto. Deeds IR; pp. 32-3) Samuel HATTON and his wife Elizabeth Power of Attorney to Charles GORSUCH and James PHILLIPS to convey "Persimmon Point" 400 acres in Baltimore County on Rumley Creek purchased by John HATTON, "which land has - - - come into the hands of Samuel HATTON" to Miles GIBSON.
Samuel HATTON of Talbot County, brother of above named John HATTON (deceased), married Elizabeth, widow of Richard GORSUCH. Richard and Charles are sons of John and Anne LOVELACE Gorsuch, and Miles GIBSON married Ann TODD, d/o Thomas and Anne GORSUCH Todd, the latter sister to Richard and Charles. See below for additional.
09 Dec 1680 (Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume II, 6. 70.) Will of Eliza: HEMSTEAD, Eliza of Baltimore Co. To Enoch SPINKE and unborn child of Eliza: WALY, if male, and their hrs., all land. If sd. child be female, personalty only, and Enoch SPINKE afsd. to inherit all land. To Sarah SPINKE, sister of Enoch SPINKE, and hrs., personalty at 18 yrs. of age. To Mary SIMS and hrs. personalty. Exs.: Thos. STALY, Robt. LOVE. The exs. are empowered to recover from Eliza: WALY afsd. and her father, Thomas THURSTON, certain personal estate. Test: Michael JUDD, Jno. WRIGHT, Wm. GUDGEON, Rich'd MILLER.
The earliest record of Joseph COMBS I of Stafford Co VA is in 1723 with "land that was Michael JUDD'S." Joseph's ancestry remains a total mystery, explaining why so many Michael JUDD records have been added to our Baltimore report… part of our search for Joseph's parents…
19 Dec 1681 - 13 Feb 1681/2 COOKE, Thomas, Balto. Co., 19th Dec., 1681; 13th Feb., 1681. To dau. Anne COOKE, plantation and 50 A. (unnamed). To Mary CORNELIUS, 50 A. (unnamed). To Michael JUDE, Jr., personalty. Test: Thos. HARRIS, Jane JUDE [JUDD]. 2. 176. (MD Calendar of Wills, Vol. 1)
Joseph COMBS I of Stafford Co, VA also lived adj. to a John COOK. See also Richard COMBS of Charles Co, MD, headright of Edward COOK in 1676.
by 1682 (WC4:241 Film No.: SR 8264, MSA SC 4341-8225) Francis LOVELACE transported himself, Dorothy LOVELACE, John COMBEST, & Elizabeth DOD (Gibbs)
John COMBEST has not been identified (but see below), and may have been a Combs (or variant spelling) given the connections between the Lovelace-Gorsuch families and Combs-Roe families of Talbot County, Maryland. Former New York Governor Francis LOVELACE was b ca 1621, probably in Kent, England, the s/o Sir William LOVELACE, a Virginia Company shareholder, and Anne BARNES, d/o Sir William and Anne SANDYS Barnes (the latter sister of Sir Edwin SANDYS of the Virginia Company). His sister, Anne LOVELACE, married ca 1628, John GORSUCH (s/o Daniel and Anne HALL Gorsuch), who died in 1649 in Walkern, Hertfordshire, England. Following her husband's death, Anne LOVELACE Gorsuch and some of her children removed to Lancaster County, Virginia, where she is found recorded in 1650 with her brother, Francis LOVELACE, and where also is found Edward ROE who later removed to Talbot County, Maryland, where two of his daughters married COMBS: Elizabeth to William COMBS and Mary to John COMBS.
Anne LOVELACE Gorsuch apparently died in Virginia, but several of her children, including Quakers, also removed to Talbot County. Francis LOVELACE returned to England where, on 14 May 1667, he is referred to as "appointed Governor of New York," in an English warrant to the Ordnance (Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, America and West Indies 1661-68, no. 1480, p. 466), and had arrived there by May 1668 to relieve England's first New York Gover, Richard NICOLLS. He remained in office until the summer of 1673 when, while he was in Connecticut on a trip, that New York was lost to a Dutch naval squadron (July 30 - Aug. 9, 1673). Most biographers have assumed that he returned to England, claiming that he died there around 1675. Instead, he was in Baltimore County by 1679, dying testate there in 1684, his will including mention of several of his sister's descendants (see below)
Sept 30, 1682 (St. Mary's Co MD. 7C.351 #11255 #11719) Estate Accounts of John REYNOLDS. Payments to Michael ROCHFORT, Jane PEANE. Admistratrix: Sarah CLAW (administrix of William CLAW (administrator of deceased). List of debts: James PHILLIPS, John MELTON, Michael JUDD, John VAUGHN, Tobias COPELIN, Henrieta CANON, Giles STREFRIXANS(?), Charles the Taylor.
(Extracted by Jerry Clark from "Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1685-1701 (Libers 9, 10, 101c, 11a, 11b), Spiller)
6 Nov 1683. Proceedings of the Assembly. An act for Advancement of trade. Bee itt enacted by the Right Honoble the Lord Porpy of this Province by & with the advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower houses of this prsent Genll Assembly & the authority of the same that from & after the Last day of August one Thou- sand six hundred Eighty & ffive the Townes Ports & places hereafter menconed in the severall & Respective Countys within this Province shall bee the Ports & places where all Shipps & vesselis tradeing into this Province shall vnlade & putt on shoare & sell barter & Trafficke away all goods wares & Comoditys that shall bee imported into tilis Province & Likewise that all Tobaccos goods wares & Merchandizes of the growth Produccon or manufacture of this Province inserted to bee sold here or transported out of this Province shall bee for that end & intent brought to the said Ports & places. That is to say… in Baltemore County in Patapsco River neere Humphreys Creeke & on Bush River on the Towne Land neere the Court house…every the psons hereafter named shall bee Comissrs of & for theire aforesaid severall & Respective Countys… —And for the Covnty of Baltemore Coll Geo WELLS Mr Henry JOHNSON, Major Thomas LONG, Mr Miles GIBSON, Mr Edward BEEDLE, Mr Richd EDMONDS, Mr Peter ELLIS, Mr John YOE, Mr James PHILLIPS, Mr Marck RICHARDSON, Mr Wm OSBORNE, Mr Wm YORKE, Mr James COLLIER, Mr John BOOREN Mr James THOMPSON, Mr John THOMAS Mr David JONES, Antho MONDEDIERS, Mr Francis LOVELACE, Mr Charles GORSUCH, Mr Thomas RICHARDSON, Mr John KEMP, Mr Wm CROMWELL, & Mr Francis PATKINS
(Archives of Maryland, Acts of Assembly, 2 Oct - 6 Nov 1683 Vol. VII, Pages 609- 611)
3 Mar 1683 - 19 May 1684. Will of Francis LOVELACE of Baltimore Co. To Mary, young. daughter of Matthew WOODS, cousin Anna JONES, David JONES, cousin Charles GORSUCH, and Robert, Sarah, and Anna GIBSON, children of Miles GIBSON, personalty. Sd. Miles GIBSON, executor and residuary legatee. Test: David ADIMS [ADAMS], Tim RYLEY [RILEY], Sarah CORKE, Chas. GORSUCH.
(4. 38. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1)
Note: Anna GORSUCH, d/o John and Anne LOVELACE Gorsuch, married (1) Thomas TODD; (2) David JONES and (3) John OLTON, and her daughter, Anne TODD, married Miles GIBSON. Anna died between 1697 and 1802 in Baltimore County, Maryland, where also lived her brother, Charles GORSUCH, who m (1) Sarah COLE, d/o Thomas; and (2) Anne HAWKINS, d/o John. Charles died in 1716 in Baltimore, having come to Maryland from Virginia between 1658 and 1661.
17 Oct 1684 (Baltimore MD Accounts Liber 8.235, #44617, #49853) Estate Accounts. Capt. John STANSBY. Lists of Debts: Segra HARRIS, Mark HUNKIN, Robert LOVE, Michaell JUTT, Ed. REEVES. Servants mentioned Christopher DAMBRIDGE, Edward ELLIOTT, Robert GIBSON. Payments to: James PHILIPS, Edward BLAY. Lewis BLANGY, James PHILIPS on account of George PARKER, John BAKER on account of Mr. CHESELDYNE, Miles GIBSON on account of Samuel HATTON, Miles GIBSON on account of Madam CALVERT, Hugh HOPEWELL, Charles GORSUCH, John BAKER, Col. WELLS, Thomas HEATH, Col. TALBOTT, Mr. Henry LOWE, John HALL, Miles GIBSON, John WRIGHT, Maj. Nicholas CASSAWAY, Col. Thomas TAYLOR, Robert CARVILLE. Admistratrix: Mary STANSBY (Widow)
Extracted by Combs Researcher Jerry Clark from (Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1679-1686 Libers 6, 7a, 7b, 8, V. K. Spiller)
07 May 1686 (Prerogative Court of Maryland Inventories and Accounts, Liber 9.8, #18900, #19183) Estate Account. John WATTERTON. Baltimore. Legatees: William YORKE, Edward & John YORKE, wife of William YORKE, James MISTARD, Elinor COPLIN. Payments to: Michael JUDD & Jane JUDD, Michael JUDD, James PHILLIPS, John WRIGHT, William YORKE, Col. George WELLS, Madam CALVERT, Daniel LAWRENCE, Henry EXON, Thomas FRANCIS, (administrator of John STANSBY), Tobias COPLIN, William HEDGE, John TILLYARD, Joseph GALLION, John MELTON (runaway), Miles GIBSON, Mr. BULL. Administrators: James COLLYER, William YORKE
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Jerry Clark from "Abstracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1685-1701 (Libers 9, 10, 101c, 11a, 11b)," V. K. Spillers)
04 May 1691 (Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume II, page 124) Will of John NICHOLLS of Baltimore County. To child. viz., John, Thomas, Mary, and Sarah, personalty.. Wife Mary, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. test: Thos. JONES, Michael JUDD, Jno. HATHAWAY, Robt. OLESE. (7. 288.)
Jane McCann Walsh
26 Mar - 07 Jun 1692 (Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume II, pg. 51) Will of Robert LOVE of Baltimore County. To son John, ex., all real estate; he to give his brother Roberta portion of land (unnamed). To other child. (unnamed), personalty in equal shares; division to be made by sd. son John. Test: Wm. SICKLEMORE, Wm. GUDGEON, Jane JUDD. 6. 69.
8 Sep 1694 Maryland Testamentary Proceedings. 13A.150. Baltimore County. Inventory. George GOLDSMITH. The account of the inventory also included 22993. Appraisers: Lodowick MARTIN, Thomas GREENFEILD. Mentions his father-in-law Edward BEEDLE part of portion of his wife. List of debtst [includes]: Emanuell CELYS… Richard PERKINS, John WOLSTON, John BLUMFEILD, Thomas LOWE… Richard GREEN, John COMBS, Nathan GOLDSMITH, Adam BURCHALL, Mark RICHARDSON (administrator of Thomas DALBY). (Skinner…)
See 1696 Balto inventory of James PHILLIPS below re GOULDSMITH, William COME, Mark RICHARDSON, etc. Also note that a John GOLDSMITH was in records of St. Mary's County with Abraham COMBS.
28 Apr 1695 - 30 May 1695 Will of Robert GATES of Balto. Co, MD. To Sarah SPINKE and hrs., 50 A. (unnamed), ½ of real estate. To Thomas LITON, ex., and hrs., residue of estate, real and personal. Test: Michael JUDD, Jno. WEBSTER, Jane JUDD.
(7. 125. Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume II, pg. 97) Corrected: From SPIMKE to SPINKE.
26 Aug 1696 Baltimore County, MD Prerogative Court Records. 20.225. Account. James PHILLIPS. L426.18.5 [The amount of the inventory also included #269502]. The list of debts included [selected] … Samuell UNDERWOOD (runaway), Edward GOFFE (runaway)… Christopher BUTTLAR (runaway)… William COME (runaway)… Gabriell MASON (runaway)… John HAMMON (runaway)… Mark RICHARDSON. Distribution to: 1/3 to Benjamin ARNOLD (father-in-law of executor), Anthony PHILLIPS 1/4 part, executor (1/4 part), Mary PHILLIPS (1/4 part, underage), Martha PHILLIPS (1/4 part). Executor: James PHILLIPS. Second accounting dated 10 Jul 1701 (20.229) included a payment to Phillip CLARKE and distribution to Anthony PHILLIPS, John CARVILE who married daughter Mary PHILLIPS, Aquilla PACA who married daughter Martha PHILLIPS.
Note: The word, runaway, in this context means "skipped the country" without paying rather than actually running away (as in servants).
No will has been located for James PHILLIPS, but his son, Anthony PHILLIPS of Spetuisia Hundred, Baltimore, d testate in 1698, naming sister Martha, sister Mary CARVILE, brother James and mother Susan ARNALL [ARNOLDS]. His mother, Susan, was the d/o Samuel GOULDSMITH of Baltimore who died testate ca 1671, naming wife, Johanna, daughter Suannah UTIE, wife of George, and others. Johannah GOULDSMITH of Baltimore d testate 1684-7 naming daughter Susannah, wife of Mark RICHARDSON, and referring to Susannah's deceased husband (not named). Mary UTIE of Baltimore d testate 1697, naming daughter Susannah, mother, Susannah RICHARDSON, sister, Martha HALL and brother John HALL [h/o Martha?]. By 1696, Susannah had married (3) Benjamin ARNOLD and by 1701, Mark RICHARDSON of Baltimore (a suit is mentioned against him in the second record above) who died testate in 1704/05, naming Susan UTIE, personalty, wife Susannah, daughter-in-law Bethia PHILLIPS, and son-in-law James PHILLIPS. (MD Wills 12.06)
Also note: This may be the James PHILLIPS in above records and also the same to whom Samuel HATTON, h/o Elizabeth who m (1) Richard GORSUCH, (2) Samuel HATTON and (3) Herman FOWKE. Her children received bequests from an Edward ROE, although not the father of Mary and Elizabeth who married, respectively, John and William COMBS of Talbot. John disappears from the records, but William COMBS died 1689-1692, and may be the above William COMBS.
South Side Patapsco Hundred
COME, Pearcy
(Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789)
21 Jul 1705 MD Prerogative Court Records. Inventories. 25.179. Baltimore county. Thomas GREENFIELD. L70.8.8 Appraisers: Thomas CORD and Thomas EDMOND. List of debts included John COMBEST per Thomas BOURREY, Owen SHWILLIVENT, Emmanuell SEALY.
7 Aug 1710 Maryland Prerogative Court Records. 32B.82. Inventory. John COMBEST [sic] L23.6.11. Appraisers: Roger MATHEWS, Joseph JOHNSON. Creditors: Aquila PACA. Approvers: Anthony BALE. Mentions: Owen SULLIVAN
4 Jan 1713 - 15th May 1714. Will of Henry KNOWLES, planter, Baltimore Co., To dau.-in-law Sarah OWINGS and hrs., 310 A., "Knowle's Purchase," being part of larger tract "Andower," on s. side Patapsco R. To dau.-in-law. Mary SCUTT and hrs., 2 tracts, 100 A., “Combs Adventure,” and 244 A., "Margarett's Delight." To wife Catherine, extx., and hrs., all personal estate. Test: Jno. ISRAELL, Robert PARKER, Dan'll BOSWORTH, Jno. NORWOOD.
(13. 705. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 4)
SW: Andover Combs SCOTT
8th June, 1716; 15th June, 1716-7. Will of Catherine KNOWLES, widow of Baltimore County. To daus. Mary DOUGLASS and Sarah OWENS and hrs., personalty. To three grandchildren, Rich, Ruth and Steven OWENS (children of dau. Sarah), £60 each. To granddau. Ruth OWENS, personalty. To sons-in-law Wm. DOUGLASS and Rich. OWINGS, joint exs., residue of estate, equally. Test: Wm. HAMILLTON, Robert PARKER, Thos. BEAVANS. 14. 230. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 4
This may be the Henry NOWELL named in the 1721 St. Mary's County, MD will of Cornelius MANNING, who stated: "To son Cornelius and hrs., plantation in Porkhall neck --, whereon Henry NOWELL lately lived, now in poss. of Dr. JOHNSON." except see also: Will of Henry NOWELL of St. Mary's County. 28th Nov., 1734; 5th Nov., 1735. Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and son Henry. To dau. Frances TAYLOR, 1 s. Test: James DANIEL, Robert Hager (Haggor), George CRAGHILL. (21. 489. Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 7). Cornelius' daughter, Mary, m Enoch COMBS. Approvers at inventory of estate of Henry KNOWLES of Baltimore on 19 Jul 1714 were Mary SCOTT and Richard OWINGS, Jr. (36b.288))
18 March 1723 Cattle/Hog Mark Registered: John MACCOMAS
(Inhabitants of Baltimore County, 1692-1763)
Jane McCann Walsh
Martha COMBESS, Jacob COMBESS /2
Ketturah COMBESS, John COMBESS /2
Alexander MacCOMAS
JMW Notes: “somewhat puzzling entries.”
Jane McCann Walsh
Daniel MacCOMAS
Alex'd MacCOMUS
William MacCOMUS
Jane McCann Walsh
Citturah COMBEST
Alexander MACCOMAS
Jane McCann Walsh
3 Oct 1750 Petition from St. John's Parish to Gov. Samuel Ogle,: Daniel MACCOMAS (nominated to serve as inspector for Otterpoint warehouse)
Daniel MACCOMAS, Jr. (on list of those who signed petition)
Inhabitants of Baltimore County, 1692-1763
Jane McCann Walsh
Daniel McCOMAS - pt Grishams College; Walnut Neck
Alexander McCOMAS Junr - horse Range
William McCOMUS heirs - pt of Grissums Colege; pt of Littleton
Alexander McCOMUS son John - pt of Strawbury hils; Deavers Addn
John COMBEST - George Hall; Smiths Folly
Jane McCann Walsh
31 Jul 1785 (Baltimore Co MD Marriage Records)
(Marriage CD - Real Source Needed)
pg 28
COMB, Coalman 02-03-03-00-00
COMAS, Calemin 03-03-03-00-00
p. 31
RICHARDSON, William 01-02-03-00-00
All of the above entered on Census CD; however, Combs Researcher Fay Madison shows only the first, and the second is possibly the same individual from a second source (to be checked). Coleman COMBS of Hunterdon County, NJ m 10 Feb 1770, Mary PEIRCE, later removed to Baltimore, took Oath of Allegiance in 1778 (in Hunterdon? Baltimore? Dorchester MD?); thence to Washington Co MD where he d in 1807 (See also 1802 below) See Combs-Booher Families re William RICHARDSON.
1798 (Grantee's Index) Combs, John - Caleb Hall, Lease, Pt. Lot 612?, Strawberry Alley, Book 53, Folio 416
Baltimore City MDGenWeb
13 Feb 1801 Thomas COMBS and Miss Ann BAHAM, both of Balt… married last eve by Right Rev Bishop CARROLL…"
Baltimore Federal Gazette (newspaper).
Baltimore City MDGenWeb
Baltimore City
P. 173
COOMBS, John 20010-00001-00
P. 179
COMBES, William 20011-01001-00
(Census CD - Unreliable Source - original transcription needed)
19 May 1802 Baltimore Herald (newspaper), 19 May 1802, "Died Friday last in the prime of life, James COMBS, son of Coleman COMBS of this county [Washington Co, MD]."
(Combs Researcher Ida Madison)
July 14, 1804 "was buried Clarence Bakon COMBS son of Thos & Ann COMBS decd yesterday aged 9 months and 10 days.
(Cathedral Burying Grounds records of Baltimore MD)
(Combs Researcher Thom Mont)
July 15, 1805 "Was buried Edwd COMBS son of Thos & Ann COMBS died yesterday aged one month."
Dec. 31, 1805 Was buried Charlotte, slave of Thos COMBS, decd this day of cholic, aged 1 year.
Baltimore City Ward
P. 040
William COOMBS
P. 080
P. 081
P. 114
Betsey COMBS
P. 295
Middlesex Hundred
P. 488
Pipe Creek and North
P. 556
John Thompson COMBS
April 18, 1811 St Paul's Church, Baltimore James COOMES md Margaret MCLAUGHLIN.
29 Feb - 19 Apr 1812 St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore Co, MD William Richard COOMES, son of James and Margaret COOMES b. 29 February and bapt. 19 April 1812.
(Combs Researcher Thom Mont)
Aug. 17, 1814 Was buried Francis COMBS 5 years old who was accidentally drowned.
(Cathedral Burying Grounds records of Baltimore MD)
(Combs Researcher Thom Mont)
1817-1818 "Baltimore Directory, containing the Names, Occupations, and Residences of the Inhabitants; with a Variety of other useful Matter Corrected up to the First of April, Continued Annually in May, Baltimore, Printed by James Kennedy, 1817"
(extracted by Coomes Researcher Patience Northern who adds: Note: List of Householders' names, their occupations and residences. As several streets and alleys bear the same name in town, old town and point, wherever they occur on the east side of the falls e t or fp is attached, as the case may be--on the west side of the falls no reference is made use of):
p. 39
COOMES, James, mariner, 116 Bond--fp
(Falls Point-East side of Falls)
p. 189
TUCKER Hanson, ropemaker, Fort Rd.-fh
TUCKER, James, bootmaker, 43 N. Gay
p. 190
TUCKER, William, cordwainer, 84 Bond-fp
TUCKER, Capt. W. A. 72 E. Alisanna--fp
PN Notes: This research was in aid of finding parents for James T (Tucker) COOMES who named his first son by his first wife William Henry COOMES b 1844. The first son by his second wife was named James Anderson COOMES, b 1858 (See Grayson Co, VA). Entries for Surname COMBS not available as only Cook-Coomes pages in hand.
1819 Grantors Index Ch 1816-1819
Date Grantor Grantee Instr Location of Property W.G. No. Folio
1819 Chase, Samuel Michael Warner & c Deed Combs Adventure 100a 150 101
See will of 1713 John Knowles.
Baltimore City, Ward 2
p. 047
James COOMES 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 m<10; 1 m16-26; 1 m26-45;
1 f<10; 1 f16-26; 2 in Com
p. 062
Elizabeth COOMBS 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
1 m<10; 1 m26-45;
1 f<10; 1 f f26-26; 1 f26-45 1 f>45; 1 in Com;
1 FBM <14; 2 FBF14-26
Update from USGenWeb Census Project
Baltimore City, Ward 4
p. 174
Daniel KOME 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 m <10; 1 m10-16; 1 m 26-45
3 f<10; 1 f26-45
Update from USGenWeb Census Project
Baltimore City, Ward 9
p. 343
Jacob COUMBE 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 m10-16; 1 m>45
1 f16-26; 1 f>45
[Jacob CROUBER per USGenWeb Census Project]
Updated from USGenWeb Census Project
1824/10/05 Baltimore County Court Land Commission Papers MSA C349 - C565: Adam Burns, John Burns, William Burns, Thomas Burns, George Elliott, Abraham Elliott, Charles HARDING, John Moore, James K. Moore, Benjamin Lesourd, John Lesourd, Daniel Lesourd, David Samson, George Stabler, Adam Stabler, Joshua Tyson, Jonathan Plowman, Jr., William PEARCE, Joseph PEARCE, Nathaniel Sheppard, William Sheppard, William GORSUCH, David GORSUCH, William Bull, Nicholas Bull, Jacob H. Bull, Joshua Frosey, Hosea St. Clair, Joseph Curtis, James Bosley, William Stefler, Joshua Hughes, Nelson Kidd, Walter Wadsworth, William B. Lytle, Nathan Lytle, William Johnson, William Almony, James Almony, Isaac W. Slade, Martin FUGATE, John Mesaslin, Jacob WISE, John HICKS, John GARRETT, Benjamin GARRETT, Lemuel H. GARRETT, James Tracey, Isaiah Tracey, Jarrett Nelson, and Levi COMBS. Petition to lay out a road from Curtis Mill. Plats.
(County Agency Series Listing at the Maryland State Archives. MSA C349Accession No.: 1-137-1/2 MSA No.: C 349-136 Location: 2/16/7/26)
12th Ward Baltimore
p. 465, l. 19; June 1, 1830
COMBS, Peter 1000120000000 | 0001100000000 | 000000 | 000000 | 000000 | 000000 | 6 | 0000 | 0 | 0
1m<5, 1m20-30, 2m30-40; 1f15-20, 1f20-30; 6 total
1st District
P. 040
4th District
P. 128
William COMBS
7 Mar 1850 James W. COOMBS married Mary E. MICKUM.
Marriages and Deaths in the Baltimore Sun 1837-1850.
(Combs Researcher Norma Combs from Research Notes)
2nd District
p. 151A
2046/2089 COMBER, Berard 29 M Laborer val=6 IRE
Ann 24 F ENG
Mary 1 F MD
_____ Martin 32 M Laborer val=56 IRE
GAVIN, John 49 M Tallow Chandler IRE
COMBER Eliz'th 49 F ENG
GROGAN, Bridgett 16 F IRE
1st District
p. 258b
537/550 COMBS Peter 60 M Gardner ENG
Ann 57 F ENG
(SOUTHCOMB) Elmira 15 F MD
p. 406a
2402/2547 COMBS, Thos* 37 m Labourer ENG
Hannah 39 F ENG
Jane 14 F ENG
Elijah 11 M ENG
Joseph 6 M MD
Josephean 3 F MD
Thos* '3mo M MD
p. 463a
3100/3249 COMBS, Elizabeth 37 F MD
Note: Baltimore City & County Alms House (424 residents)
1st Ward
1424-1930 David J. KOLM 21 M B Mariner MD
(REMARKS: Hotel & Boarding House)
(1850 Baltimore Co, MD Census - 1st Ward - GenWeb Archives)
3rd Ward
Alexander COMB
6th Ward
p. 161
73/78 Frances E. COMBS 8 f MD
Baltimore City MDGenWeb
p. 182
375/425Rachel COMBS 8 f MD
Baltimore City MDGenWeb
Alfred DAY
14th Ward
William A. COMB
Charles A. COMB
March 7, 1855 Mary COOMBS 30.
(Cathedral Burying Grounds records of Baltimore MD)
(Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery)
Extracted from "Maryland 1860 Federal Census Index and Maryland 1860 Baltimore County Federal Census Index" Ronald V. Jackson et al, A.G.E.S., Salt Lake City, UT, 1988 by Combs Researcher Matt Combs)
Pikesville District
Page 064
Elizabeth COOMBS
Page 086
8 W. Baltimore
P. 343
Oliver H. COMBS
Parkton District
Page 346
18 W. Baltimore
Page 618
7 W. Baltimore
Page 662
11 W. Baltimore
Page 663
Elizabeth COMBS
Seventh District
p. 54; 1 Jul 1870 by Thos. Cooper
389/389 Combs W. A. 29 WM Laborer MD
Mary C. 26 FW MD
Scott A. 6 MW MD
Sarah L. 4 FW MD
Mary E. 1 FW MD
The 11th Ward Baltimore City
Baltimore City
p. 46; 7 Jun 1870 by Charles Ballard
272/352 LOGGINS, Peter 35 MB Laborer MD
Anna 35 FB Keeping House MD
Mary C 10 FB at school
WHITE, Susan 25 FM Dress Maker MD
Louis 25 MM Public Waiter MD
Combs, Charles 38 MM Porter in Store MD
Charles H. 16 MM at school MD
William 13 MM MD
Sunday, 1 Feb 1903 Baltimore Sun
TOLSON, John C. Six children, 30 grandchildren, and 35 great-grandchildren survive Mr. John C. TOLSON, 90 years old, 61 East Randall Street, who died at 11 o'clock Friday morning of general debility due to old age.
Mr. TOLSON was well known in South Baltimore, where he had lived for 12 years. He was born on February 12, 1813, in Stafford County, VA, and was a farmer, but retired about 25 years ago. Since coming to Baltimore, he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Lynthie Jewell, on Randall Street.
Besides his six children his widow, Mrs. Jane TOLSON, survives. The children are Mrs. Lynthie JEWELL and Mrs. Maggie Combs, of Baltimore; Mrs. Georgiana HERENDON, of Prince William County, VA; Mrs. Columbia GEORGE and Mrs. Jennie PERRY, of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. TOLSON had been married for 65 years.
The funeral will take place from the late home at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Rev. Charles W. FINKBINDER, pastor of Olive Branch Union Evangelical Church, will conduct the service and interment will be made in Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Baltimore City MDGenWeb
Roll: T625_668
Baltimore Ward 24, Baltimore (Independent City)
P. 1B; ED 399
Harry Combs 56 m OH OH OH carpenter, house
Sue M wife 37 m KY KY KY
Jessie M dau 15 KY OH KY
Harry A son 4 6/12 KY OH KY
Lester V son 1 6/12 MD OH KY
William G POWERS lodger 51 wd IN IN IN carpenter, house
Notes: This family appears to be the same family found in the 1900 Wayne Co, WV & 1910 Boyd Co, KY census.
Maryland State Archives
(Death Record, BC, Index)
MSA S 1483
Name, Date of Death, Certificate Number And Film Number
Samuel McCOMB 1875/09/21 05616 CR 48,046
R. McCOMAS 1875/10/24 06178 CR 48,046
Mary McCOMAS 1875/12/11 06948 CR 48,047
Ellen COOMES 1876/07/22 11702 CR 48,048
Mattie MACOMBER 1876/10/12 13394 CR 48,049
May McCOMAS 1876/10/14 13423 CR 48,049
Isabella McCOMB 1877/02/04 15488 CR 48,049
Sarah McCOMAS 1877/12/06 22260 CR 48,051
Eugenia McCOMAS 1878/02/20 23662 CR 48,052
Frank McCOMAS 1878/03/02 23825 CR 48,052
Archer Combs 1878/06/27 25978 CR 48,053
Charles McCOLM 1879/03/05 30763 CR 48,054
Jane McCOMAS 1878/05/06 24969 CR 48,052
George McCOMAS 1878/11/22 28758 CR 48,054
Lee McCOMAS 1879/03/16 31014 CR 48,054
Robert McCOMAS 1879/07/29 33937 CR 48,055
Martha Combs 1880/07/11 41375 CR 48,057
Maggie Combs 1880/08/16 42242 CR 48,058
Marion Combs 1880/10/16 43467 CR 48,058
Baltimore City MDGenWeb
Holy Redeemer Cemetery
4430 Belair Road
Baltimore, MD 21206
410- 485-4227
Baltimore City MDGenWeb
Combs, George W., 1852 - 1926, with Martha, section Y
Combs, Martha E., 1857 - 1923, with George W., section Y
COOMBS, Jennie, "Mother", 1881 - 1943, same stones section II
COOMBS, Thomas J., "Father", 1880 - 1944, same stone as Chalk, section II
COOMBS, Thomas, d. 3/25/1944
MACOMBER, Bessie C., "Mother", 1891 - 1956, same stone as Gordon, section St. Francis Xavier
Submitted by Thom Mont