![]() | The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689 Rev. Col. John Coode and the Glorious Revolution |
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Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
1648 Penryn, Cornwall, England
John COODE was baptized on 3 April 1648 at St. Gluvias Parish, Penryn, Cornwall. He was the son born to John Coode, a lawyer, and Grace ROBINS, of Penryn, Cornwall, England. Penryn was a thriving port city at the mouth of Penryn Creek on the Fal estuary, just northwest of Falmouth, shipping locally mined copper and tin. St. Gluvias Parish is less than 1 km north of Penryn.
1664-1668 Oxford, England
c1664 John COODE, age 16, matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford University, 2 years.
1668 July, John COODE ordained as deacon in the Church of England. He was assigned to St. Gluvias, Cornwall.
John Coode studied at Exeter College, Oxford, and was ordained an Anglican deacon in July 1668. He served for several years at St. Gluvias in Penryn, but as the following record shows, he was dismissed for unspecified reasons.
By the [Maryland] House of Burgesses October 2d 1696
Mr Robert SMITH one of the members of the House of Burgesses being asked whether he knew Col
COOD in England does say he did know Col COOD in England and that he was a minister at a place
called Penryn in England from whence he was turned out
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697, Volume 19, p. 469.)
c1672 Cornwall, England
John COODE left St. Gluvias, Cornwall, and traveled to Maryland in approximately 1672. Is it coincidence that in the baptism register of St. Gluvias, there is the following record?
PRISK John, son of Diggorey PRISK, christened 5 August 1694, St. Gluvias
An older Diggory PRIEST (c1579-1621), son of Peter PRUST, was the brother-in-law of Isaac ALLERTON, Sr. of Plymouth Colony.
1672 St. Mary's County, Maryland
According to David W. Jordan, Coode's eminent biographer, John Coode arrived in Maryland in 1672, "By early 1672, Coode was in Maryland, first settling in St. George's Hundred where he officiated as a minister on several occasions." The source of this information is in the Archives of Maryland Series, from the journal of the General Assembly in 1696:
Comittee of Elections and priviledgec enter the house, and present the following Reporte in relation to Col. COOD being qualifyed to sitt as a member of this house. We are informed by the avermt of Mr Speaker and Mr HATTON that the said John COOD hath formerly exercised the Priests office at St Georges in St Mary's County by a considerable tyme preached to them in a Church built there for that purpose, and during that tyme administring the Sacrament of Baptisme to Infants and joyning people in Marriage which they both affirme upon their own knowledge and that the said COOD did receive for such ministeriall function the Subscriptions or Guifts of severall persons Inhabitants of the same place.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697, Volume 19, pp. 475-482.)
In May of 1672, John COODE was taken ill and later sued by his doctor, John Peerce, for non-payment. His lawyer was Kenelm CHESELDYENE, later to become his brother-in-law.
12 December 1674
John Peerce agt John Code
John CODE late of St Maries County in the Province of Maryland Gent was attached to answer unto John PEERCE
Chirurgeon of a plea of trespas upon the case. And whereupon the said John PEERCE by Robert CARVILE his Attorny complaineth that
whereas the Said John CODE the ninetenth day of May in the yeare of Our Lord One thousand Six hundred
Seventy two and some time before did greviously languish and was taken and held with a certaine disease or Sicknesse
called a Seasoning at Pyney Point in St Georges Hundred in St Maries County aforesaid the Said John CODE did send for the Said
John PEERCE and upon the Said ninetenth day of May at Pyney Point aforesaid in consideration that he the Said John PEERCE at the
Speciall instance & request of him the Said John CODE would heale and Cure the Said John CODE of the Said desease called the
Seasoning and attend him the Said John CODE in his Sicknesse did assume upon himselfe and to the Said John PEERCE did faithfully
promise that he the aforesaid John CODE for his healeing and Cure of his desease aforesaid and for the Said John PEERCE his
attendance on him in Sicknesse afore said when he should be thereunto required would pay unto him the Said John PEERCE Such a
Summe of tobacco as he the said John PEERCE in that behalfe should reasonably deserve to have And the Said John PEERCE in fact
Saith that he giveing creditt to the promise and assumption of the Said John CODE he the Said John PEERCE upon the Said ninetenth
day of May and upon Severall other dayes and times dureing the time the Said John CODE lay Sicke which was for above Six weekes
after the Said ninetenth day of May aforesaid did constantly Visitt and attend the Said John CODE and did administer to and make
compound and provid for him the said John CODE divers medicines planters drinkes Cordialls and other wholesome and fitt things to
cure the said John CODE of the Said distemper aforesaid called a Seasoning as aforesaid and though the said John PEERCE did Cure
and recover the Said John CODE of the Sickness aforesaid and did reasonably deserve for the Said Cure to have the summe often
thousand pounds of tobacco Yet the said John CODE his promise and assumption aforesaid little regarding but plotting and
fraudulently intending him the said John PEERCEe of the Said tenn thousand pounds of tobacco craftily to deceive and defraud the
said sume of ten thou sand pounds of tobacco or any parcell thereof unto him the Said John PEERCE although unto this by him the
said John PEERCE after the Care aforesaid the said John CODE was thereunto often required according to his promise and assumption
aforesaid hath not paid or to him the said John PEERCE anywayes for the same contented but the same to him hitherto to pay hath
altogether refused and yet re fuseth whereupon he Saith he is dampnified and hath damage to the value of foureteene thousand
pounds of tobacco and thereupon he bningeth his suite.
And the said John CODE by Kenelm CHESELDYN his Attorny cometh and defendeth the force and injury when &c
and Saith that the said John CODE did not assume upon himself in manner and forme as the said John PEERCE in his declaration
above hath declared against him and of this he putts himselfe upon the Country and the said John PEERCE likewise therefore it is
Comanded the Sheriff of St Maries County twelve &c by whom &c who neither &c to recognize &c because aswell
Now here at this day to witt the twelfth day of December in the three and fortith yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came
the said John PEERCE by the said Robert CARVILEe his Attorny and the said John CODE by Kenelm CHESELDYN his Attorny and the
jurors of that jury likewise came to witt Philip LINES Abraham RHODES Richard RIGELL James WILLIAMS Tobias WELLS Michael MILLER
John RICE George CHARLESWORTH John BIGGER Edward SKIDMORE Lodowick WILLIAMS and Stephen MURTY who being impannelled Sumoned and
Sworne to Say the truth in the premisses upon their Oathes doe Say Wee find for the plaintiff five thousand pounds of tobacco to
be paid to him by the defendt with costs of Suite therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said John PEERCE recover
against the said John CODE the said Summe of five thousand pounds of tobacco with costs of Suite
And the said John CODE by Kenelm CHESELDYN his Attorny prayeth heareing of the judgment aforesaid and it is read unto him and the
said John CODE Saith that he ought not to be burthened with the judgment aforesaid because he Saith because he Saith that the
said John PEERCE in his declaration aforesaid hath not Sett forth or declared what medicines plaisters drinkes Cordialls or other
wholsome and fitt things the said John PEERCE did administer unto him for the cure of the distemper or Sicknesse called a
Seasoning in the declaration abovesaid and for that case the said judgmt is insufficient in Law to charge the said John CODE
withall. and of this he prayeth the judgment of the justices here, that he may be discharged from the judgment aforesaid
whereupon the said judgment being Seen and by the Said justices being fully examined and understood It seemed to the justices
here that the allegations of the said John CODE are untrue in his discharge from the judgment aforesaid Therefore it is
considered that the said John PEERCE recover against the said John CODE as well the Said Summe of five thousand pounds of tobacco
as also the summe of Seaventeen hundred forty three pounds of tobacco for his costs and charges in this behalfe expended and laid
Out & the said John CODE in mercy.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675, Volume 65, pp. 393-395.)
1674 St. Mary's County, Maryland
In 1674, John COODE married the widow Susannah Slye, nee GERARD, fifteen years or so his senior, and instant step-father to no less than five of her offspring. She had recently lost her second husband, Robert SLYE, a member of Lord Baltimore's Council, the same Robert Slye mentioned above.
13 November 1680
Thomas Lomax agt Gerrard SLYE
Comand was given to the Sheriff of St Maryes County That Whereas Gerrard SLYE late of St Maryes County gentl
was attached to answere unto Thomas Lomax of a plea Wherefore with force and Armes one Tract of Land Called Rich Neck
Containing ffive hundred Acres bee the same more or Lesse Scituate lyeing & being in the County of St Maryes aforesaid
betweene Mattapany and Bushwood wch John COODE and Susanna his wife late wife of Robert SLYE
deceased, and Mother and Guardian of Elizabeth & ffrancis SLYE the daughters of the said Robt SLYE …
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1679-1680/1, Volume 69, pp. 313-315.)
Susannah GERARD was the daughter of Dr. Thomas GERARD and Susannah SNOWE, of St. Clement's Hundred, St. Mary's County, Maryland, and Westmoreland County, Virginia. John and Susannah COODE lived at Bushwood, the dowry land in St. Clement's Hundred given to Robert SLYE (1627-1670) by Susannah's father, Dr. Thomas Gerard. Susannah Gerrard SLYE COODE was described as suffering "fits of madness" over the recent losses of her father, husband and also a son.
John Coode took over the managment of Susannah Coode's affairs, becoming involved in settling the disposition of her lands and assets. Many of the cases involved family, such as her brother, Justinian Gerard, and her son, Capt. Gerard Slye. Since no marriage bond is extant for John Coode and Susannah Gerrard SLY, the following records narrow the time of the wedding to 10 February 1673/4 - 19 September 1674.
Justinian GERARD agt John COODE & ux
John COODE late of St Maries County Gent and Susanna his wife late called Susanna SLY widdow were attached to answere unto
Justinian GERARD Gent in a plea of trespas upon the case And whereupon the said Justinian by Robert RIDGELY his Attorny
complaineth that whereas the aforesaid Susanna the tenth day of february in the 42th yeare of the Dominion of
Caecilius &c Annoq Dom 1673 the said Susanna being then sole in consideration that the said
Justinian at the Special instance and request of her the Said Susanna had bargained Sold and
delivered unto her the said Susanna Six breeding Sowes and One grinstone the Said Susanna did
assume upon her selfe & to the said Justinian did then and there faithfully promise that she the said
Susanna would upon demand Satisfie & pay unto him the said Justinian as much as the said
Six Sowes & One grindstone were worth And the said Justinian in fact Saith that the said Six Sowes were well
worth eighteene hundred pounds of tobacco and the said Grindstone was well worth fifty pounds of tobacco Yet the
aforesaid Susanna while she was Sole nor the a fore said John and Susanna since the nuptialls betweene them celebrated
the promise and assumption aforesaid of her the said Susanna to him the said
Justinian in forme as aforesaid made little regarding but deviseing & fraudulently intending him
the said Justinian in this behalfe craftily and Subtilly to defraud & deceive the said eighteene hundred and
Sixty pounds of tobacco to him the said Justinian according to the promise and assumption aforesaid of her the
said Susanna to the said Justinian made as aforesaid hath not paid nor him for the same in any
manner contented or satisfied though often demanded by him the said Justinian of the said
Susanna while she was Sole and of the said John and Susanna since the
espousalls betweene them Solemnized but the same to pay have refused & denyed and yet doe refuse and deny to the damage of
the said Justinian three thousand pounds of tobacco And thereupon he bringeth his suite And the said
John and Susanna by Kenelm CHESELDYN their Attorny doth come and defend the force and injury
when &c and Say they did not promise and assume upon themselves in manner and forme as the said Justinian in
his declaration above hath declared against them and of this they putt themselves upon the Country and the said
Justinian likewise therefore it is corñanded the Sheriff of St Maries County that he cause to come here twelve
Now here at this day to wit the 12th day of December in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c Annoq Dom One thousand
Six hundred Seventy foure came the said Justinian GERARD by his Attorny and the said John COODE and
Susanna his wife by their Attorny and the jurors of that jury likewise came to wit Philip LYNES Abraham RHOADES
WILLIAMS and Stephen MURTY who being impannelled Sumoned and Sworne to Say the truth in the premisses upon their Oathes doe say
Wee find for the plaintiff that the defendant pay unto him twelve hundred and Sixty pounds of tobacco with costs. Therefore it is
considered by the Court here that the said Justinian recover against the said John COODE as well the summe of
twelve hundred & Sixty pounds of tobacco occasioned by the trespas aforesaid as also the summe of fifteen hundred & nine
pounds of tobacco for his costs & charges in that behalfe laid Out & expended & the said John and
Susanna in mercy.
Whereas I Justinian GERARD of St Maries County Gent am im pleaded in the Provinciall Court by John COODE
& Susanna his wife in two severall actions of trespas upon the case I doe therefore hereby impower &
authorize my welbeloved freind Robert RIDGELY One of the Attorneyes of the said Court to appeare for me in both the said actions
and as my Attorny to plead for me non assumpsitt or Otherwise as he shall thinke fitt & the same to defend to the utmost of
his skill & power and for so doeing this shall be his warrt In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the
18th of September 1674. Wittnes Jus GERARD (Seale.) Jno BLOMFIELD Robert COLE.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675, Volume 65, pp. 418-419.)
Thomas LOMAX agt John CODE and Susanna his wife
John CODE late of St Maries County Gent and Susanna his wife were
attached to answer unto Thomas LOMAX Gent in a plea of trespas upon the case. And whereupon the Said
Thomas by Robert CARVILE his Attorny Saith that whereas the Said Susanna while she was Sole to witt upon the Sixth
day of January in the yeare of Our Lord One thousand Six hundred Seventy One in consideration that the said
Thomas at the Speciall instance and request of her the said Susanna would come to the house of
her the Said S usanna at Bushwood in St Maries County and would asist her in the Settling her papers
bookes of accompts and other papers and writeings and reside at her Said house untill the Same were So perfected and Settled she
the said Susanna did assume upon her Selfe and to the said Thomas did faithfully promise that
she the said Susanna when after the Said accompts and papers were Settled and perfected she should be thereunto
required would pay to him the said Thomas So much tobacco for his Salery for the Settling and perfecting the
Said bookes and accompts as he the said Thomas in that behalfe should reasonably deserve to have And the said
Thomas in fact Saith that although he did upon the hope of the faithfull performance of the aforesaid promise
and assumptions of the said Susanna continue and reside at the said Susanna's house in the Said
imployment of the said Susanna from the said Sixth day of January aforesaid untill the twelfth day of March One
thousand Six hundred Seventy three being Six and twenty months and did dureing all that time Settle the papers and
bookes of accompts of her the said Susanna and did writeing for her for Severall other buisnesses and did
reasonably deserve for his Salery and paines for the same Six thousand nine hundred pounds of tobacco Yet the said
Susanna while she was Sole nor the said John Since their intermarriage the promise and assumption aforesaid little
regarding but fraudulently intending him the Said Thomas of the Said Six thousand nine hundred pounds of tobacco
craftily to deceive and defraud the same Six thousand nine hundred pounds of tobacco nor any part thereof to him the said
Thomas have not payd or contented though they have been thereunto often required but the same to him to content
and pay have hitherto denyed and Still doe deny and refuse whereupon the said Thomas Saith he is dampnified and hath losse to the
value of tenn thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his Suite. And the said John and Susanna by
Kenelm CHESELDYN their Attorny come & defend the force and injury when &c and Say they did not assume
upon themselv [es] in manner and forme as the said Thomas in his declaration above he hath declared against them
and of this they putt themselves upon the Country and the Said Thomas likewise therefore Comand is given to the Sheriff of St
Maries County that he cause to come here twelve &c by whom &c who neither &c to recognize &c because aswell
&c. Now here at this day to witt the twelfth day of December in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c Came the
said Thomas LOMAX by Robert CARVILE his Attorny and the said John and Susanna by Kenelm
CHESELDYN their Attorny and the jurors of that jury came likewise to witt Thomas COSDEN Thomas GANT Elias BEACH Roger
TOWLE Peter WATTS Thomas INNIS Richard CHILMAN Thomas KEMP William HARPER James LEWIS William WEST and Edward SAVAGE who being
impannelled Sumoned and Sworne to Say the truth in the premisses upon their Oathes doe Say Wee the jurors doe find for the
plaintiff five thousand pounds of tobacco with costs of Suite Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said
Thomas recover against the said John and Susanna the Said Summe of five thousand pounds of tobacco damages as
also the summe of fourteen hundred eighty three pounds of tobacco for his costs and charges in this behalfe expended and laid Out
and the said John and Susanna in mercy
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675, Volume 65, pp. 395-396.)
…And thereupon the said Thomas LOMAX by Robt CARVILE his Attorney Sayd that Whereas the said John COODE and Susanna his wife late wife of Robert SLYE deceased and Mother and Guardian of the said Elizabeth and ffrancis the daughters of the said Robert SLYE in right of the said Elizabeth and ffrancis the Eight and Twentyeth day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1679 in st Maryes County aforesaid did demise the said Tract of Land called Rich Neck Containing ffive hundred Acres bee the Same more or Lesse Scituate Lyeing and being in the County of St Maryes aforesaid between Mattapany and Bushwood afore said unto him the said Thomas LOMAX To Have and to hold to him the said Thomas LOMAX and his Assignes from the said Twenty eighth day of September aforesaid untill the full end and Terme of three yeares…
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1679-1680/1, Volume 69, pp. 313-315.)
John COADE & Susannah his wife agt Justinian GERARD
Justinian GERARD late of St Maries County Gent was attached to answer unto John COADE and Susanna his wife in a plea of
trespas upon the case. And whereupon the said John and Susannah by Kenelm CHESELDYN their Attorny complaine that whereas the said
Justinian GERARD the fourth day of June One thousand Six hundred Seventy three Stood indebted to the said Susannah
while she was Sole [widow] for divers goods and merchandizes bought had and received of the said Susanna as also
for Severall Summes of tobacco paid unto Severall persons in this Province upon the accompt of him the said
Justinian at divers dayes and times to witt from the said fourth day of june untill the nine and
twentith day of January in the same yeare amounting in the whole to the summe of two thousand eight hundred thirty
eight pounds of tobacco a particular whereof is here in Court produced in consideration whereof the said
Justinian did assume upon him selfe and to the said Susannah did faithfully promise that he the
said Justinian when thereunto required the Said summe of two thousand eight hundred thirty eight pounds of
tobacco to her the said Susannah would well and truly content and pay Notwithstanding which the said
Justinian that said summe of two thousand eight the deft appeares by Robert CARVILE his Attorny and imparles
untill next Provinciall Court. hundred thirty eight pounds of tobacco to her the said Susannah while she was
Sole according to his promise hath not paid nor to the said John and Susanna Since espousalls though often
thereunto required hath not paid but the same to them to pay hitherto hath and still doth deny to the damage of them the said
John and Susanna foure thousand pounds of tobacco and thereupon they bring their Suite.
And the aforesaid Justinian by Robert RIDGELY his Attorny cometh and defendeth the force and injury when
&c and the said Justinian Saith he did not assume and promise in manner and forme as the Said John
and Susanna above against him have declared and of this he putts himselfe upon the Country and the said
John and Susanna also Therefore it is comanded the Sheriff of St Maries County that he cause to
come here twelve &c by whom &c who neither &c to recognize &c because aswell &c.
And now here at this day to witt the twelfth day of December in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came the
said John and Susanna by Kenelm CHESELDYN their Attorny and the said Justinian
by Robert RIDGELY his Attorny and the jurors of that jurors like wise came to witt Thomas GRIFFIN Daniel CLOCKER Jr Cornelius
COURTNEY who being impannelled Summoned and Sworne to Say the truth in the premisses upon their Oathes doe Say Wee find for the
plaintiffs the accompt Sworne to and costs of Suite Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said John
COADE and Susanna his wife recover agst the said Justinian GERARD the said
summe of two thousand eight hundred thirty eight pounds of tobacco for their damages Occasioned by the premisses as also the
summe of thirteene hundred Seventy Seven pounds of tobacco for costs of Suite in this behalf Laid Out and expended and the said
Justinian GERARD in mercy.
John COADE & ux. agt this cause continued untill next Court. Justinian GERARD
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675, Volume 65, pp. 399-400.)
1674. John COODE and ux agt Gerard SLYE
Gerard SLYE late of
St Maries County Gent was Sumoned to answer unto John COODE and Susanna his wife in a plea that whereas
they the said John and Susanna in right of her the said Susanna and for terme
of her natural life and the aforesaid Gerard doe hold together and undevided One tract of Land or Plantation in
St Maries County called Bushwood with the appurtennces he the Said Gerard that Partition may be made
thereof betweene them according to the forme of the Statute in that case published and Provided doth deny and the same most
unjustly permitt not to be done against the forme of the Statute &c. And whereupon the Said John and Susanna by
Kenelm CHESELDYN their Attorny Saith that whereas they the said John and Susanna in right of her the Said
Susanna and the aforesaid Gerard together and individually doe hold the Said Tract of land or
Plantation called Bushwood in St Maries County aforesaid whereof unto them the Said John and
Susanna in right of her the said Susanna it belongeth to have by devise of the last will and Testament of
Robert SLY late of St Maries County Gent deceased late husband of the said Susanna for terme of her
naturall life One part of the said Plantation called Bushwood with the appurtenncs in two parts equally to be divided
the dwelling house of the Said Plantation excepted devised to her the Said Susanna in Severalty for the same
terme and unto the aforesaid Gerard and his heirs by the same devise it appurteines to have the other part residue of the Said
Plantation in two parts as aforesaid to be devised and after the decease of the Said Susanna the whole tract of
Land or plantation aforesaid with the appurtenncs to descend to him the Said Gerard and his heirs So that the
Said John and Susanna of their part of the said tract of land with the appurtenncs to them thereof belonging and
the aforesaid Gerard of his part of the Said tract of land with the appurtenñcs to him thereof belonging may be
able Severally to apart themselves he the said Gerard Partition thereof to be made and provided doth deny and
the same most unjustly permitt not to be done against the forme of the Statute aforesaid whereupon the Said John and
Susanna Say they and dampnified and have losse to the Value of thirty thousand pounds of tobacco and thereupon they
bring their Suite
And the Said Gerard by Robert CARVILE his Attorny cometh and defendeth the force and injury when &c and
Saith That partition betweene him and the said John and Susanna his wife of the Plantation called
Bushwood ought not to be made according to the forme of the Statute in the declaration mentioned for that he Saith that
the Said Robert SLY by his Said last will and Testament did will that when there should happen any division to
be made of his estate according to his said last Will that the same should be done by the discretion of any two or more of his
Overseers in the Said Will named without Partiality from time to time as there should be Occasion and by none others if they or
any two of them were then living and accordingly the said Gerard alwayes was and Still is ready to have
partition made of the said Plantation according to the intentof the said Will and this he is ready to averre and thereupon he
demands judgment whether partition Ought to be made betweene him and the Said John and Susanna his wife of the Plantation
aforesaid according to the Said Statute.
And the aforesaid John and Susanna as to the
aforesaid plea of the aforesaid Gerard above in barr pleaded Say that they by anything the same plea before alleadged Ought not
to be debarred from haveing Partition made between them the said John COADE and Susanna his
wife and the said Gerard SLY of the Said Plantation called Bushwood because they Say they did severall
times request the said Gerard that the said Plantation called Bushwood might be divided according to
the appointment of the said Will in the said plea alleadged and the said Gerard altogether refused the same
where upon the said John and Susanna Say that the said Plantation called Bushwood ought to be divided
according to the forme of the Statute above mentioned and of this they pray the judgment of the Court. Afterwards to witt the
eleventh day of December in the 43th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c came the said John and Susanna
and the Said Gerard by their Attornyes likewise came and it is considered by the Court here that the said
John and Susanna have partition of the Said Plantation called Bushwood according to the forme of the
Statute in that case made and provided Therefore Comand is given to the Sheriff of St Maries County that takeing with him twelve
good and lawfull men of his Bailiwick by whom the truth of the matter may the better be Knowne in his proper person he goe unto
the land or Plantation aforesaid with the appurtenfics and there by their Oathes in the presence of the parties aforesaid by him
to be warned if they will be present the same land with the appurtenncs except be fore excepted haveing due respect to the true
value of them in two equall parts he cause to be parted and One part thereof to the aforesaid John COODE and
Susanna his wife in right of her the said Susanna and the other part to him the said Gerard SLY to hold
to them in Severalty he cause to be assigned and delivered So that the said John and Susanna nor the said
Gerard SLY have more of the premisses aforesaid than unto then appertaineth to have and that
the said John and Susanna of their halfe part to them of the premisses aforesaid with the appurtenncs belonging
and that the said Gerard SLY of his halfe part of the premisses aforesaid belonging may be able Severally to
possesse themselves, and yt Partition by him distinctly and Openly So made he have before his Lopps justicesat the next
Provinciall Court under his Seale & the Seales of them by whose Oathes he make that partition.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675, Volume 65, pp. 409-410.)
1675 St. Mary's County, Maryland
Maryland ss
Whereas by an Order of the Provinciall Court held att the Citty of St Maryes the: 8th day of Decembr 1674 in a Cause there
depending betweene John COODE & Susanna his Wife plts & Gerard SLY Deft touching the
making Partition of the Plantacon called Bushwood which the said John & Susanna in right of her the
said Susanna and the said Gerard SLY together & undevided doe hold by the Devise of the
last Will & Testamt of Robert SLY Deceased late Husband of the said Susanna By which Will one
Moiety of the said Plantacon was Devised to her the said Susanna for & during the Terme of her naturall life
And the other moiety to the said Gerard SLY & his heyres for ever And after the Decease of her the said
Susanna, the whole Plantacon with the Appurtennces to Descend to him the said Gerard SLY & his heyres for
ever Itt was Ordered that Particon should be made betweene the said John COODE & Susanna his Wife
& the said Gerard SLY of the said Plantacon & tract of land & prmisses aforesaid And that a Writt of
Partition should Issue out of the said Court directed to the sheriffe of St Maryes County That by the Oathes of 12 good &
lawfull men of his Bailywick he should in the prsence of both partyes if they would be there prsent due respect being had to the
value of the land the said Plantacon & tract of land (Except the dwelling house of the said Plantacon) in two equall partes
caused to be parted & divided, and one parte thereof to the aforesaid John COODE & Susanna his Wife in
right of the said Susanna And the other parte to him the said Gerard SLY To hold to them in
severalty he cause to be Assigned & delivered Soe that the said John & Susanna nor the said
Gerard have more of the prmisses then unto them Appertaines to have In pursuance of which Ordt a Writt of
Partition did accordingly Issue directed to the Sheriffe aforesaid But before the same was Executed the said parties came to a
mutuall Agreement about the Division of the said Plantacon in manner and forme following (that is to say) That the said
John COODE and Susanna his wife & their Assignes shall from hence forth have hold & peaceably Enjoy in
severalty to them & their Assignes for & during the Terme of the naturall life of her the said Susanna
for & in lieu of their Moiety or halfe parte of the Plantacon tract of land & ptmisses aforesaid the ancient
dwelling house with the houses & Appurtennces thereunto belonging standing att the East end of the Orchard of
the said Plantacon, the Stable standing att the back of the Garden Payles only Excepted And that the said John COODE
& Susanna his Wife in right of her the said Susanna shall have all that peece or tract of land
belonging to the Plantacon of Bushwood that lyes upon the right hand of the path coming from the landing to the Orchard
fence on the Westward of the said Orchard And all that parte of land belonging to the prmisses aforesaid that is on the right
hand of the Swamp nexte adjoyning to the said Orchard on the South & from the head of the said Swamp within the said Orchard
to the West Cowpen-gate, thence the direct road or path now used going round the land along to Bramly racehouse &
then due East into the Woods soe farre as the said Planta con reacheth And further itt is Agreed That the said John COODE
& Susanna his Wife in right of her the said Susanna during her naturall life as aforesaid shall
have all that parte of the Orchard belonging to the said Plantacon with the Appurtennces that lies on the Eastward of a line
drawne from the Orchard fence on the North close by the East side of the store directly to the West end of the old Carpentrs
house & then directly through the Swamp to the fence on the South side of the said Orchard with free Ingressee egresse &
regresse through the said Orchard to the said landing or River side
And the said Gerard SLY his heyres &
Assignes shall & may for ever hereafter hold & Enjoy all the rest & residue of the said Plantacon & tract of land
called Bushwood aforesaid, that is to say All that parte of the Orchard aforesaid from the line drawne from the said
storehouse as aforesaid to the old Carpentrs house & soe to the fence on the south side of the Swamp adjoyning to the Orchard
aforesaid, to the fence on the West of the said Orchard with the houses thereupon built And also all that pte Of the said
Plantacon lying on the North & North West side of the said land & path leading from the West Cowpen-gate to
Bramly Race aforesaid, & so to the path leading from the said Orchard fence on the West to the landing on the River
side aforesaid with all the houses thereupon standing And the said Parties being willing that this their Agree ment be Confirmed
by Ordr of this Court And that an Indenture of Partition be drawne accordingly Itt is therefore this prsent day by & with the
Consent of the said Partyes plts & Deft & their Attorneys in this Cause Ordered That the said Agreemt made between the
said Parties be hereby Ratifyed & Confirmed And that an Indenture of Partition be made and Executed between the said Partyes
according to the meetes & bounds aforesaid, & the true intent & meaning of the said Parties in the Agreement
aforesaid To hold in severalty for & during the terme of the naturall life of the said Susanna as aforesaid
And noe advantage hereafter is to be taken by either Party of any Error in the proceedings in the cause aforesaid Provided
allwayes & itt is the true intent & meaning of all the Partyes to these prsents That the said John COODE &
Susanna his Wife shall for & during the Terme aforesaid have hold & Enjoy the old garden plott payled in by the
West Cowpen gate, And shall & may have full & free liberty of fishing or fowling in or upon any part of the said
Plantacon or Creek thereunto belonging
And in case the said John COODE & Susanna his wife shall not have
soe many apple trees in the Orchard in their parte devided That then the said Gerard SLY shall deliver to the
said John COODE & Susanna his wife upon reasonable request soe many plantable Apple trees as will make upp
the equall number now growing upon the parte divided for the said Gerard SLYAny thing contained hereing
notwithstanding In Testimony whereof the Parties aboue named have hereunto putt their hands & Seales dated the Thirteenth day
of January in the: Yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honble Caecilius &c over this Province & in the Yeare of or Lord
Signed Sealed & deld in prsence of John COODE Tho: NOTLEY Ro: CARVILE Susanna COODE Tho:
LOMAX John PEERCE Gerard SLEY ffebruary 23th 1674. The aforegoeing Deed was by Consent of the Attornyes
of both Sides by Ordr of Court to be recorded.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1670/1-1675, Volume 65, pp. 506-508. )
The plantation, Bramly, mentioned above, was the home of Justinian GERARD, brother-in-law of John COODE.
Descendants of John Coode
*2nd Wife of John Coode:
+ Elizabeth d: Aft. 1709 m: Aft. 1683 in St. Mary's Co, MD
Descendants of Susannah Gerard
*2nd Husband of Elizabeth Slye:
+ Edward Cole b: November 09, 1657 in St. Clements Manor, St. Mary's Co, MD d: 1717
m: October 07, 1714 in St. Mary's Co, MD
*2nd Husband of Frances Slye:
+Peter Mills b: 1676 in St. Mary's Co, MD d: 1744 in St. Mary's Co, MD
m: Bet. 1700 - 1703 in St. Mary's Co, MD
*2nd Husband of Susannah Gerard:
+ John Coode b: Abt. 1648 in Penryn, Cornwall, ENG d: March 1708/09 in St. Mary's Co, MD
m: Bet. February 10, 1673/74 - September 18, 1674 in St. Mary's Co, MD Military service: 1676 Captain, Militia, St. Mary's Co, MD aka: Colonel John Coode Father: John Coode Mother: Grace Robins
The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689
Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
Edited by Combs Researcher George Baumbach from Archives of Maryland and other sources noted.
Go to George's Genealogical Filing Cabinet (Cody-Ridge-Combs families)