![]() | The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689 Rev. Col. John Coode and the Glorious Revolution |
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Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
1676 Bacon's Rebellion
In 1675 Nathaniel Bacon Jr, a member of the Virginia Council, petitioned Governor William Berkeley to commission a militia, led by Bacon, against Indian tribes in Virginia. Berkeley had presided over an extended period of time of peace with many of the tribes and he was against the killing of Indians friendly to and trading with the Colony. Bacon wanted Virginia rid of all Indians and also played on the sympathies of the people whose complaints against high taxes were unaddressed. In 1676, he led the militia against several tribes including the Ocaneechees, a friendly and peaceful tribe, whom he attacked. After Berkeley charged Bacon with treason, Bacon burned Jamestown, forcing Berkeley to flee. Bacon held power for about four months.
The trigger for Bacon's Rebellion was an incident in September 1675 in Virginia's Northern Neck along the Potomac River. A settler and a Doeg Indian were found bludgeoned on a farm, possibly over a failed business deal. The alarm was raised. From Westmoreland County, Virginia, the militias called upon were led by Lieutenant Colonel John WASHINGTON, the soon to be brother-in-law of John COODE, Major Isaac ALLERTON, Jr., and from Stafford County, Colonel George MASON. They tracked the offending tribe and killed the Doeg chieftan. Washington and Allerton also petitioned on 6 September 1675 to Maryland for permission for the 200 Virginians to enter Maryland to pursue the Susquehannaugs, a fearce and troublesome tribe, though mistaken (intentionally or not) for the Piscataways, a peaceful Maryland tribe converted to Catholicism by Jesuits. Major Thomas TRUMAN from Calvert County, Maryland, was commissioned to assemble a regiment of 250 calvary to meet up with the Virginians. This led to an escalation of hostilities, and a seven week siege of the Susqeuhannaug's fort, which was actually in Pennsylvania.
The Susquehanaugs tribal leaders were invited to a meeting under truce, which was held at the fort. Apparently, John COODE and his brother-in-law, John GERARD, were present at the meeting. Lt. John COODE was sent by Major Truman to Lt. Randall HANSON'S plantation in Charles County, Maryland, where several members of the Hanson family had been killed by the Susquehanaugs and Seneccas. After returning from Hanson's and reporting on what he saw, the 5 chiefs were executed by Major Truman, according to the Virginians, and by the Virginians, according to the Marylanders. The Susequehanaug's fled south to the James River, killing Virginia colonists along the way, thus precipitating Nathaniel Bacon's call to arms.
1676 Assembly Proceedings. On Satturday May the 20th 1676 The house Mett Present as Yesterday
Touching the Murder of the Susquehannh Indians [Ca]p Jno ALLEN being Sworne and examined Saith [that] about the 25 or 26 day of September on Sunday [M]orning the Mary Land forces appeared before the Forte under the Comand of Major TRUMAN Who Sending Hugh FFRENCH and another to the forte there Came out two or three of the Indians and more afterwards To the Number of Thirty or forty and the Major examined them Concerning the mischeife tht was done to Mr. HANSON and others and if they knew what Indians they were, original and they told them it was the Seneca's dureing which discourse between the Major and them Came over Coll WASSHINGTON Coll MASON and Major Alderton [ALLERTON] and they likewise Taxed them with the Murders done on theire Side by them but they made the same reply as To Major Truman that it was none of them soe when they found they Could get nothing out of them Then they made it appeare tht 3 of the Said Susquehannough Indians were they that did the Murders on the other Side, On Munday morning early the Major comanded Mr COOD and two or three Rankes of men Whereof himself was one To goe to the house of Mr Randolph HANSON to se if the Indians had plundered it and if they found any amunition to bring it away which accordingly they did and after Returne back to the forte the Depont Saw Six Indians guarded with the Mary Landers & Virginians and the Major with the Virginia Officrs Sitting upon a Tree Some distance from them and after Some While they all Rose and came Towards The Indians and Caused them to be Bound, And after Some time they talked againe and the Virginia Officrs would have knocked them on the head in the place presently & perticularly Collonl Wasshington Said what Should we keep them any longer let us knock them on the head we shall get the Forte to day, But the Depont Saith tht the major would not admit of it but was over swayed by the Virgia Officers and after further discourse the sd Indians wer carryed forth from the place where they were bound & they knocked them on the head Coll Samll CHEW and Coll Jesse WHARTON [Sent] to desire the Lower howse to acquaint this [house] Whether they have drawne up a[ny thing by] way of Impeachmt of Major Thom[asTruman] and tht they Would please to Signifie [the Same] to this house by a Member of th[eir own] House
(Archives of Maryland, vol. 2, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly April 1666 - June 1676, pp. 482-483.)
After the above episode was reported by COODE, John SHANKS, and others to the Maryland Assembly, the militia in Maryland was readied for further hostilities. John COODE was elected to the Assembly in 1676.
1676 May. Comes into the house a bill entituled an Act for the
Security and defence of this Province, by [Mr] Wm. Stephens and Mr John COADE.
[The] Honoble Chancellor Coll Jesse Wharton and [Liev]t Coll Taillor Sent to
the Lower house to Speak [to] the Act Touching the prohibition of Armes and
Amunition to the Indians
(Archives of Maryland, vol. 2, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly
April 1666 - June 1676, p. 481)
The Assembly also sent John COODE to Virginia. No doubt he went to Westmoreland County to find information about the killing of the Indian chiefs.
1676 May 20. Assembly Proceedings. Ordered tht Mr Jno. COADE
be hereby Impowered to presse Sloope Boate and hands and other necessaries Whatsoever
in order to his ready and expedicious Voyage To and retorne from Virginia
(Archives of Maryland, vol. 2, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly
April 1666 - June 1676, pp. 484)
John COODE'S brother-in-law, John GERRARD, was a Corporal in the Westmoreland militia, and deposed in court his knowledge of the above killings of five Indian chiefs by Major Thomas Truman of the Maryland militia.
1677 June 14. A narrative of the transactons of the Susqeuhannock fortt soe fare as I know concerning the killing of the five Indians. As soone as our Virginia forces were landed in Maryland wee found five Susquehannock Indians under guard and inquireing the reason of theire restraint were answered they endeavoured an escape and thereof were secured till our comeing in order to a treaty. Wee informing the Marylanders our businesse was first to treat and require satisfaction for the murder perpetrated before wee declared ourselves open enemies and proceeded to hostile actions. Lt. Coll. John WASHINGTON and Major ISAAC ALLERTON upon this information thought it convenient to have them stronger guarded and themselves alsoe dureing the treaty which being donne and Coll. Washington and Major Alerton accordingly treating there first demanded was satisfaction for the murders and spoyles commmitted on Virginia shore. Major TRUEMAN in the interim remaining silent. After long debate and scrutinies therein made by Coll. Washington and Major Alerton the Indians disowned all that was aledged to them and imputed it all to Seneccas. Coll. Washington and Major Alerton urged that severall cannoes loaded with beefe and pork had bin carried into theire fort alleadging that theire enimyes would not be soe kinde as to supply them with provisions and farther that some of there men had a little before bin taken on Virginnia side who had the cloths of such as had bin a little before murdered, upon there backes which made it appeare that they had bin the murderers. For these reasons Major Alerton and Coll. Washington demanded satisfaction or else they must proceed against them as enimyes and storme there fort and accordingly commanded the interpreter to bid them defiance dureing the time of this treaty. Major Trewman came and asked the Gentlemen wheather they had finished saying when you have donne I will say something to them. And when Coll. Washington and Major Alerton had ended there treatie he sent and comanded his interpreter John SHANKES to all them how there Indians came to be buried at HUISON'S [HANSON'S] and after a little further dicourse caused them to be bound and told them he would cary them to the place and show them theire own Indians where they lay dead. Major Alerton asked him what he did intend to doe with them afterwards. Major Trewman answered he thought they deserved the like to which Major Alerton replyed I doe not thinke soe. Noe sooner was this discourse ended between Major Alerton and Major Trewman, the Marylanders carried away those five Indians and before they had got five hundred yards distance from the place of this discourse and treaty spoken of, the Marylanders killed them.
(Dorman, J. F., Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds, Patents, Etc. 1665-1677. Part Three, 1974, Washington, D. C., pp. 72-73.)
John SHANKS, the interpreter to the Indians, lived in St. Clement's Hundred, St. Mary's County, Maryland. In 1650, Thomas Gerard claimed headwright for transporting John SHANKS to Virginia. John SHANKS was also involved in 1681 with the failed revolt by John COODE.
1676 St. Mary's County, Maryland
In November 1675, Charles Calvert, Lord Proprietor of Maryland, went to England, but just prior, appointed his young son, Cecilius Calvert as Governor, in his absence. Chancellor Jesse Wharton was made Lieutenant Governor, with the proviso that Thomas Notley would succeed him if Wharton should die. Notley succeeded Wharton in June 1676, which led the appointment of John COODE to take Notley's place collecting taxes for St. Mary's County.
Ordered that a new writt issue to Mr John CODE instead of the Deputy Leivtenant to serve at the laying the Levy in October next as Delegate for St Maries County. (Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1671-1681, Volume 15, p. 119.)
John Coode was also commissioned Commander of the Loyal Charles, Governor Notley's yacht, a naval vessel, with powers to patrol the Potomac.
Memdu his Lsp Commanded the Entring upon Record in the Councill Booke the following Instructions given to Capt John COODE Commandr of his Lsps Yacht Dated the Eighth day of November Anno Dmi. 1676: (viz)
Maryld ss: Powers Orders and Instructions for Capt John Cood Commandr of his Lsp the Lord Propry's Yacht or Vessell of warr called the Loyall Charles of Maryland now Rideing in Wicocomico River in this Province by vertue of severall powers and Authorityes unto me Thomas Notley Deputy Lievetenant of this Province derived from the Rt honble Charles absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Maryld & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. and more especially by vertue of the Admiralty conferred upon me by the afore said powers, in the absence of his Lsp and his Lievetenant Generall out of this Province (viz.)
Imprs I Doe hereby constitute and appoint you Capt John Cood, and you are hereby constituted ordeined and appointed to be Captain of the said Yacht or vessell called the Loyall Charles of Maryland giveing you hereby full power and Authority in all things to Command the Officers, Mariners and Souldiers of the said Yacht or vessell, as belongeth to the power and Office of a Captaine.
And I further hereby give you full power and authority with the said Yacht or Vessell compleately manned Equipped and armed for warr to saile from and depart this River of Wiccomico River, into the River of Pottomock within his Lsps Dominions, and in the said River with the said Yacht or Vessell to cruise from the head thereof to the mouth thereof, as wind & weather from time to time shall offer unto you in all navigable places thereof for the security of this his Lsps Province, from the Inroad or Invasion of any Robbers, Pyrates, Spies, or others that shall attempt any thing against this his Lsps Province under the present Governmt or any the good people thereof.
You are further to Examine all Ships, Sloopes, Boates, or other Vessells whatsoever that shall make towards or Saile to this Province, what they are, from whence they came, whither bound, and what their business; an Accot whereof you are from tyme to time to render unto me, And if you shall meete with any Ship, Sloope, boate or other Vessell whatsoever within his Lsps Dominions, which you shall discover to be Enemys to his Lsp:. and his Governmt of this Province, you are to take, apprehend, & possess, and (in case of resistance) to sink fire or otherwise destroy all such Shipps Sloopes boates or other vessells as aforesaid, together with their men Ladeing goods and merchandize, As also the Shipps Sloopes and Boates, and other vessells with the men Ladeing goods and Mrchandize of all their Aidors Abettors and Assistants whatsoever, and to bring or send up all such Shipps, Sloopes and Boates, and other Vessels with their goods Ladeing and Merchandize as you shall take by vertue hereof, (without breakeing Bulk or altering the property thereof, into some Port or Harbour in Pottomock River within his Lsps Dominions, & in Obedience to him; and procure the same to be adjudged Lawful prize by the Judge of Admiralty Established by his Lspp: or by my Self and his Lsps Councell in his Lsps absence, to which purpose you shall bring or send to the said Judge of Admiralty or to my Self and his Lsps Councill as aforesaid, all the Invoices, Bills of Loadeing Letters, and other writeings that may Evidence that the said Shipp, Sloope, Boate, or other Vessell together with its Ladeing goods and Mrchandize may be lawfully made prize, and shall not sell dispose or alter the property thereof untill the same be soe legally adjudged
And then your Officers Souldiers and Marrinrs shall receive your full due of prize goods out of the same as is accustomed.
And you are further to observe that you are not to molest disturb or offer any violence to any of the Subjects of our Sovraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God, of Engld Scotland ffrance & Ireland King, Defender of the ffaith &Ca unless to such of those as shall first offer violence to you, or attempt any thing agt his Lsp the Lord Propry of this Province, or the Governmt of the same.
And I Doe hereby constitute and appoint Ninion BEAL your Lievetenant in the said Yacht or Vessell, who is hereby also authorised and empowered to act doe and performe in all thinges as your Lievetenant, as amply fully and largely to all Intents and purposes as if he had read a Speciall Commission drawne to that purpose.
And you are hereby further Authorised & Empowered to constitute and appoint under you all such other offices as you shall think requisitt and convenient for his Lsps Service on board the sd Yacht or Vessell.
I Doe hereby further Empower you to weare at the Top mast head of the said Yacht or Vessell his LsPs Standard untill such tyme as you shall receive further ordrs from me or from my Self and his Lsps Counci!l to the Contrary.
And further you are to observe follow and obey all such further orders Rules and Directions as you shall from time to time receive from my self or from myself and his LsPs Councill.
And all people of what degree or quality soever either within or wthout this Province are hereby desired to take notice of this your power conferred on you.
And I hereby strictly will and command all the good people of this Province to aid and assist you in the due Execution of this your power hereby given you, as is meete, and as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perill.
Given under my hand and his Lsps Seale at Armes this Eighth day of November in the first yeare of his Lsps Dominion over this Province Annoq Dmi. 1676:
On the back of the foregoeing Instructions &Ca was thus endorsed (viz)
Whereas in the second Article of the Instructions within, you seeme to be confined onely To Pottomock Rivcr; You are hereby authorised and empowered (if att any time you shall see it absolutely necessary, and for his Lspps service, for the discovery or in pursuite of any Enemy to his Lsp: or this his Governmt and the good people thereof) to saile with your sd Yacht or Vessell to any part of this Province in his Lsps Dominions, and to prosecute the ordrs & Instruction before Given you.
Given as before the day and yeare within written.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 17, Proceedings of the Council 1681-1685/6, pp. 216-218.)
In 1676 John COODE was named as an executor of Thomas CEELY of St. Mary's County, Maryland, and his brother-in-law Justinian Gerard was an appraiser of the estate. John COODE also originally was from Cornwall, England. Other brothers-in-law of John COODE indebted to CEELY, were Nehemiah BLACKISTONE and Col. John WASHINGTON. ,
Will. Thomas CEELY of Cornwall, England and St. Mary's County. 1st July 1676; 20th July 1676. To father and mother, brother William CEELY, sisters Jane, Honor, Katherine and Anne CEELY, sister Honor PRIDAUX, Judith QUARME, wife of kinsman Robert QUARME, Judith and Honor QUARME, aunt Jane PRADE and Charles BOSCAEEN; Brother Peter. Overseer: Jno. COODE, Test. Wm. WEST, Henry KING
(Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. I)
1676 July 24. Estate of Mr. Thomas CEELY. List of items at house of Nehemiah BLACKISTONE. Also Goods consigned to Mr. Thomas DENT (deceased). Appraisers: William WATTS, Justinian GERRARD, John COODE. List of debts: John HOSKINS, Thomas GLOVERS, Samuel ABBOTT, James TOMSTON, John SHERCLIFF, Mathew CARTWRIGHT, John WARRING, Stephen GOBTAILL, Nehemiah BLACKISTONE, Abraham COMBS, John TURLING, ----- STEPHENTON, John SLYE, Kenelym CHELSELDYN, Henry KING, John SHANKES, Dr. HENLY, Dr. PEARCE, John COAD, Just. GERARD, Robert COLE, Col. John WASHINGTON, Dr. PEAN John TENISON, the ship Luce.
(Abtracts Of the Inventories And Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland)
Of unkown relationship to Thomas CEELY is a record for Henry CELLY/COLLY, married by 1 September 1719, to Mary, adminstratrix of Simmond COMBES of St. Mary's County (see Archives of Maryland, volume 2, p. 209; Maryland State Archives S 1527). An alternative spelling for Henry CELLY is COLBY, as given at our St. Mary's County page.,
1677 St. Mary's County, Maryland
John COODE and brother-in-law, Thomas GERARD, were commissioned at Justices in St. Mary's County. He had been elected to the Assembly from St. Mary's.
Aprill the 30th 1677. Comission for the peace in St Maryes County
then issued to:
Gentl of the Quor.- John JOURDAINE, Wm BOARMAN, John COODE,
Gentl Justices-Wm HATTON, Richard Loyd, Tho: GERARD,
Joseph Pile, Joshua Doyne, Clement Hill, Walter Hall, James Bowling, Richard
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1671-1681, Volume 15, p. 153.),
1678 St. Mary's County, Maryland
The above commission was authorized in 1678 by the Council to hear cases of debt in St. Mary's County. John Coode was one of the Justices.
…Our Province Depends wholly upon trade, and that wee have not as yett Come amongst the People here Inhabiting to carry on Trade, soe that the Mrchant and Planter are both forced to make many Debts which causeth many suites at Law, As also that speedy Justice in recovery of Debts is therefore the life of all trade We have assigned you the said William Boareman, John COODE, William HATTON, Richard Lloyd, Thomas GERRARD, Joseph Pile, Joshua Doyne Clement Hill, James Bowleing, and Richard Gardincr or any four or more of yn (whereof you the said William Boareman, John Coode, William Hatton, or Richard Lloyd are allwaies to be One) Justices within our sd County of St Maries to heare and Determine all Causes or Actions of Debt…
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1671-1681, Volume 15, p. 224.)
13 April 1678&
Robert Hunt agt Joshua GUIBERT
Tho: CARVILE Exr Gerard SLYE & Clement Hill gentl being
ordered appointed Auditors to Audite & state the accompts between the plaintiffe
& Defendt And the said Auditors haveing made no report thereof to this Court
Itt is therefore this day to witt the thirteenth day of April in the third yeare
of his Lords Dominion &c Anno Doni 1678. ordered by the Court here, that
John COODE & Clement Hill gentl be armed with a Comission
to audite & state the accompts between the said parties And make reporte
of their proceedings therein att the next Provinciall Court.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1677-1678,Volume 67, p. 255)
13 June 1678
Robert Hunt agt Joshua GUIBERT
Thomas CARVILE Exr John COODE & Clement HILL gentt being
ordered & appointed Auditors to audite & state the accompts between
the plaintiffe & defendt And the said Auditors haveing made no report thereof
to this Court Itt is therefore this day to witt the thirteenth day of June in
the third yeare of his Lordpps Dominion &c Anoq Doni 1678. ordered by the
Court here that John COODE & Walter HALL gentt be armed
with a Comission to audite & state the accompts between the said parties,
& to make report of their proceedings therein without delay
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1677-1678, Volume 67, p. 255.)
John COODE agt Tho: OLIVER
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St Maryes County that he take Thomas OLIVER
late of St Maryes County Marryner if he should be found in his baily wick &
him safe to keep so that he have his body here the Eleventh day of June in the
third yeare of his Lopps Dominion &c Annoq Doni 1678. to answer unto John
COODE in a plea of trespas upon the case Att which said Eleventh day
of June the same Sheriffe made returne of the writt aforesaid that the said
Thomas OLIVER is not to be found in his bailywick Whereupon the said John
COODE by Kenelm CHESELDYN his Attorney & prayed
an Attachmt against the Estate of the said Thomas OLIVER according to Act of
Assembly in that case made & provided & itt is granted unto him.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1677-1678, Volume 67, p. 438.)
15 June 1678
Edward HUSBANDS agt John COODE gentt
John COODE late of St Maryes County other wise called John
COODED of St Maryes County was Summoned to answer unto Edward HUSBANDS
of a plea that he render unto him the sume of two thousand nine hundred &
forty pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth & unjustly detaineth.
And whereupon the said Edward HUSBANDS by Robert CARVILE his Attorney saith,
that whereas the said John COODE the twenty fifth day of April
Anno Domi One thousand six hundred seventy seven by his certaine writeing obligatory
sealed with the Seale of him the said John COODE & here
in Court produced whose date is the same day & yeare above written, did
acknowledge himselfe holden & firmly bounden unto Edward HUSBANDS the sume
of two thousand nine hundred & forty pounds of tobacco payable the tenth
day of Octobr next ensueing the date thereof in St Maryes or Calvert County
To the which payment well & truely to be made he did binde himselfe his
heyres Exrs Adrs firmly by those prsents Notwithstanding which the said John
COODE the said sume of two thousand nine hundred & forty pounds
of tobacco unto him the said Edward HUSBANDS though often thereunto required
hath not paid, but the same to pay hitherto hath & still doth altogether
deny to the dathage of him the said Edward foure thousand pzts of tobacco, &
thereupon he bringeth his suite.
And the said John COODE by Kenelm CHESELDYN
his Attorney cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth
liberty to imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & itt is granted
unto him, the same day is given to the plaintiffe also.
Now here att this day to witt the ffifteenth day of June in the third yeare
of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1678. came the said
parties by their Attorneys aforesaid And the said John COODE
by his said Attorney saith, that as to Nine hundred & forty pounds of tobacco
part of the debt in the Declaracon menconed he cannot gainsay for that he oweth
the same unto the said Edward HUSBANDS, two thousand pds of tobacco the remainder
of the said debt being ailready paid Therefore itt is granted by the Court here,
that the said Edward HUSBANDS recover agt the said John COODE
as well the sume of nine hundred & forty pds of tobacco debt As also five
hundred & Sixty pds of tobacco costs of suite
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1677-1678, Volume 67, pp. 360-361.)
John COODE was a member of the Lower House of the Maryland General Assembly in 1678.
October the 23th 1678. upp howse desiring a memorial….Members appointed to manage the conference with the Members of the upp howse (vizt) Mr Rowsby Capt COADE Mr Cheseldyne Mr Christison & Mr Carvile
(Maryland Archives, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly October 1678 - November 1683, Volume 7, p. 13)
John COODE received a levy of tobacco in 1678 in St. Mary's Co. along with his brother-in-law Justinian GERRARD and step-son, Gerrard SLYE (1654-1703), son of Robert SLYE and Susannah GERARD.
1676 St. Maryes County, Public Levy [To Whom Payments Were Due]
Capt. Justinian GERRARD 1,000 lb tobacco
Capt. Gerrard SLY 16,257 lb tobacco
William SHIRTCLIFFE 525 lb tobacco
Justinian TENNISON 100 lb tobacco
Mr John GOODE [COODE] 1,700 lb tobacco
Justinian TENNISON was an adjoining land owner to John COODE, and son of John TENNISON, deceased in 1682. In his will John TENNISON requested that "ye s'd JUSTINIAN & ABSALOM my Execut'rs of this my last Will & Testam't & doe desire my loving friend & neighbo'r & Cap't JOHN COODE to bee assistant to them in ye performing and managing their affairs."
William SHERCLIFFE and wife Mildred THOMPSON, were the parents of Ann Shercliffe, wife of Richard COOMBS, Sr, of St. Mary's County. Richard COOMBS family settled in an area later Charles County, MD at Port Tobacco. Richard and Anne's son, Richard COOMBS Jr., married Winnifred GREENE, granddaughter of Governor Thomas GREENE and his wife Ann [unknown], who was previously married to Richard GERARD, brother of Dr. Thomas Gerard. Governor Greene's first wife was Winnifred Seybourne, whose second husband was Robert CLARKE. Robert and Winnifred had a son, Robert, Jr., who married Sarah COMBS, daughter of Abraham COMBS.
Octob.r 17th 1678
Commission then issued to Thomas GERRARD to be Coron.r of S.t
marys Coty Eod: die Comission then issued to Joshua Pille to be Coroner of S.t
marys County Eod: die Commission then iss.d to Jn.° COODE to
be Coroner of S.t marys County Eod: die Commission then iss.d to George Thompson
to be Coron.r of S.t marys Co.ty
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Court of Chancery February 16, 1668/69 to October 16, 1679, Volume 51, p. 231)
1679 St. Mary's County, Maryland
ffeb.ry 1.st 1678
Mandamus by the Oaths of &c
then issued to John COODE & Justinian GERRARD
of S.t marys Co'ty Gent that they Enquire what Lands Thomas DYNYARD
dyed Seized of &c ret without delay
(Archives of Maryland, , Proceedings of the Court of Chancery February 16, 1668/69 to October 16, 1679, Volume 51, p. 231)
John Coode received a commission as a Justice in St. Mary's County. He was evidently in favor with Governor Charles Calvert in 1679.
August 2d 1679. Comission for the peace & Comission for tryall
of causes in St Maryes County then issued to
Gentl of the Quorum- Capt John COODE, Capt Gerard SLYE,
Gentl Justices- Jos. Pile, Joshua Doyne, Clemt Hill, James Bowling, Richd Gardner,
Geo: Thompson, Wm Boarman junr, Tho: MUDD, John Dent
Dedimus potestatem then issued to Capt John Coode & Capt
Gerard Slye
Charles absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland
and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To our Trusty and well beloved
John COADE Gerrard SLYE William HATTON Richard Lloyd Joseph Pile Joshua
Doyne Clement Hill James Bowling Richard Gardner George Thompson William Boreman
Junr Tho: Mudd and John Dent Gent, Know yee that wee have assigned you and every
one of you Joyntly and seaverally Justices to Keep the Peace in the County of
Saint Maries, and to Keepe and Cause to be kept all ordinances Statutes and
Acts of Assembly made for the good of the peace and Conservacon of the same
… Lastly Wee doe hereby declare that each and every of our Councell are Justices
of the peace and are hereby Constituted and appointed to sitt as Justices of
the peace as well in this our County of Saint Maryes as in all other Countyes
of this our Province In Witness Whereof wee have Caused the Greate Seale of
our said Province of Maryland to these presents to be affixed this second day
of August in the fourth yeare of our Dominion over our said Province Annoq Domi
One thousand six hundred Seaventy Nine.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, Volume 15, pp. 255-259.)
Shortly after receiving his commission, John Coode began his long standing behavior of confrontation and conspiracy against the Lord Proprietor and the leading Catholics in power. The reasons for this have never been uncovered, but may be related to social and political issues of the day, such as the power of the Lower House, excess taxation and a slow economy, and the ever-present threat from Indians. He was characterized as a hard drinker, a user of profanity, and disloyal to those who advanced his status and position in the government.
The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689
Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
Edited by Combs Researcher George Baumbach from Archives of Maryland and other sources noted.
Go to George's Genealogical Filing Cabinet (Cody-Ridge-Combs families)