![]() | The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689 Rev. Col. John Coode and the Glorious Revolution |
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Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
1693 St. Mary's County, Maryland
In 1693 Governor Lionel Copley died while the Lt. Governor, Francis Nicholson, was in London. Sir Edmund Andros, the Governor of Virginia, usurped the government of Maryland for a short period before relinquishing control to the Council President. Nicholson assumed the governorship of Maryland upon his return in 1694.
September the 30th 1693.
The Councill Mett & Satt
Present, His Exncie Sr Edmund Andros.
Sr Thomas Laurence Thomas Tench Esqr Coll Nicholas Greenberry Capt John
Addison Coll Charles Hutchins Thomas Brooke Esqr Coll David Browne
Then was read the Returne of those Gentlemen Yesterday Ordered to view the Condition
the Records lay in at the State house, whoe in obedience thereunto did Returne
as follows,Vizt…
6: A Criminall booke taken out of the Office by Capt John COOD
when he went for England, but not yet returned.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. 20-21.)
1694 St. Mary's County, Maryland
July the 30th 1694
State of the constitution of the Governmt of Maryland, Vizt as to Ecciesiasticall,
Civill & Military Affaires, delivered to his Exncy Coll ffrancis Nicholson
by the Members of the Councill at the Board as follows
State of St Maries County &ca
St Maries County is divided into two parishes, which both contain about One
thousand Tythables;
One Church built at St Georges, and another goeing forward to be built nigh
Capt COODS of which he takes care. Noe Minister inducted but
Mr Crawford at present Officiating. A Glebe at St Georges of 300 Acres Rented
at 2000 l tob p Annum
… Capt John COOD appointed Sherriffe
Ffour Prisoners condemned lyeing in the Custody of the Sherriffe of St Maries County, Vizt Wm Burley & George MASON being for Murther of Mr PAYNE a Welchman for Murthering of her Bastard Child; the which being Read it was Ordered that the Shf: of St Maries County be sent for to Give an Accot under what Circumstances the said Prisoners are now in.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. 106-107.)
Militia Officers for St Maries County
That Sr Thomas Laurence Baront be Commissionated Collonell for St Maries County,
Capt John Cood Lieuetent Collonell and that Majr Cambell
remaine Major.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 130.)
July 27th 1694 Capt Jno COOD appointed Sffe of
St Maries County
His Excellency acquainting the Board that he hoped they had taken effectuall
Care in making Choice of good & substantiall Men for Sherriffes lately by
them appointed, does therefore acquiesce in what they have done therein: but
upon a Dispute arising at the Board concerning the Sherriffe lately appointed
for St Maries County; it is Ordered that Capt John Bayne be
set aside and Capt John Cood Comissionated in his stead; and
that the Sherriffs appointed for the severall & respective Counties within
this Province have their Comissions delivered them and be sworne in August Court
next, Giving Bond for the due Execution of their places according to former
Order of the of this instant July.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 113.)
July 28, 1694 Governors Representation about Doctor Payne
His Excellency Representing to the Board that one Doctor PAYNE
in England had set forth and signified to him how that he the said Doctor
Payne had been a person very instrumentall in Solliciting and Carryeing
on the Affairs of this Province in the time of the late Revolution and to the
said End & purpose kept a frequent correspondence with the Chief Men then
in Government His Exncy was desirous to know if there were any Gentlemen here
present that had been privy to such Matters, to which they severally Replyed,
they were ignorant of any such thing, but supposed that Mr CHESELDYN
& Capt COOD could give his Exncy the best satisfaction
therein and thereupon Ordered that the said Mr Cheseldyn & Capt
Cood be sent for to Attend this Board on Munday next to know what they
can say in the premises.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 122.)
Octobr the 9th 1694.
Ordered that there be three ffield Officers Appointed in each County Vizt A
Colln Lievtenant Collonell and A Major to be Comissionated by his Execncy wth
power to Appoint and Constitute all Officers under them… ffor St Maries County
Sr Thomas Laurance Barnont Collonell, Capt Jno Cood Lieutent Collonell
and Majr John Cambell Major.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 152.)
October the 17th 1694. Order Abt Collection of Taxabls not Inlisted
Upon Representation of Capt John COOD that the Constable of
St Clements hundred in St Maries County has not made A Just returne of the List
of Taxables of the same Vizt in Returning fewer than in the s'd Hundred is contained
Ordered thereupon by Advice in Councill that the Severall & Respective Sheriffs
of this Province take care to make diligent inquiry and Examine into the List
of Taxeables by the severall and Respective Constables Returned and where they
doe find any such defect as Aforementioned that they leavey the same quantity
of publick Tobo from every Tyathable person soe neglected to be Returned in
as large and ample manner as if they had been Actualy Returned and the s'd Tobo
Soe over and above collected to secure and pay unto his Excency or Order.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 161.)
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries &ca the 12th day
of Novembr Anno 1694.
His Excellency ffrancis Nicholson Esqr
Sr Thomas Laurence Baronet Secrry
Capt COOD, Mr CHESELDYN & Madam BLACKISTON Order'd to bring
in their Accots relating to pubiick Revnue &ca
Ordered that Capt COOD, Mr CHESELDYN & Madam BLACKISTON
Return an Accot of what publick Revenue of this Province &Ca they are Accountable
for, to his Exncy either this Night or to Morrow Morning, upon Neglect or refusall
whereof Mr Attorney Generall is to make due proceedings against them accoding
to Law. Ordered that Mr Tench bring in his Account likewise as Administrator
of Governor Copley.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 173.)
October the 22th 1694. Coll COODS Rect for powder
Recd of Mr John EVANS three barlls & a piece, of powder for St Maries County's
Magazine this Seaventh day of March 1695
Jno Coode
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 210.)
November the 15th 1694
The Councill again Sate, and were Present, as before.
Governrs Representations abt Madam BLACKISTONS Accot relating
to the Revenue &Ca
His Excellency Representing that he had pursuant to their sacred Majts Royall
Instructions carefully Examined and Stated the severall Accounts of Nehemiah
BLAKISTON Esqr their mats late Receiver and Navall Officer of Potomock
District relating to the publick Revenue in his hands &ca And finding the
said Accounts much perplexed, yet notwithstanding is made Appear to be due from
the Estate of the sd BLACKISTON to Whitehall their Mats upon
state of the whole matter the Sume of the Admix having delivered Bills to his
Exncy to the Value of One hundred & ffive pounds, seaven shillings &
Eight pence strl in part satisfaction of the same for which he had given Receipt
to the Administratrix, and accordingly delivered at the Board the said severall
Bills vnto the Honoble Edward Randolph Esq' DeptY Auditor vnder the Honoble
William Blathwayt Esqr Auditor Genll and. George Plater Esqr their Mats Receiver
& Attorney Genll by them to be Negotiated and to Receive the Residue from
the Admrx in Tobo at six shillings p Cent, it appearing to be a desperate Debt
Mr Tench Order'd to indorse the Bills as Admr to Govr Copley
The said Bills runing payable to Coll Copley late Governor decd therefore Esqr
Tench Administrator of the said Governor Copley is Ordered to indors the said
Bills for their Majts Use.
The List of the Bills is as follows Vizt
A list of the Bills of Exchange delivered to his Excellency ffrancis Nicholson
Esqr by the Admrx of Nea BLACKISTON late Receiver and Navall
Officer of Potomock District in Maryland being in part of the Ballance of Accounts
due to their Majts from the said Nea the said Ballance being
(as the Accounts are now stated) 190 lb: 16s:
List of Bills exchangedd by Madam Blackiston to
his Exncy lb s d
Imprimis William Chandler on Mr Thomas Warne
& Compa in Plymouth 11 :00: 00
Ditto on Ditto 04 : 18: 04
John Winsloe on Mr John Ive Mercht in London 13 : 06: 08
Ditto on Ditto 01 : 11 :06
Ditto on Ditto 02 :00: 00
Jacob Chubb on Mrs Elizabeth Drady 02 : 00: 00
Ditto on Ditto 04 : 01: 08
Ditto on Ditto 07: 14 : 00
Gustavus Hamilton on M' James Ffoules Mercht in London 12 : 16 :03
Ditto on Ditto 02 : 00: 00
Ditto on Ditto 02 : 18: 04
Ditto on Ditto 03: 14 : 08
Thomas Reynoidson Mr Richard Haughton Mercht in Leverpoole 16 : 08 : 03
John Lancaster on David Arburknot Mercht in Weymouth 20: 18 : 00
105 : 07 : 08
Underneath the sd List was the following Receipt.
November the 14th 1694. Governors Receipt for the Bills Exch: dd by Madam
Then Recd of Mrs Elizabeth BLACKISTON Administratrix of the
above named Nea above mentioned Bills Amounting to the Sume
of One hundred & ffive pounds seaven shillings & Eight pence, in part
of the Ballance above mentioned, by me ffr Nicholson
Underneath the Sd Receipt was thus written, Vizt
Governrs Representation about Capt COODS Accot stated
His Excellency further Represents that having Examined & Stated the severall
Accounts of Capt John COOD relating to their Majts Revenue
does find that there remains in his hands unaccounted for the sume
of ffive hundred thirty two pounds, two shillings
and Nine pence, And the said Capt Cood being
sent for and appearing does say that it being Court time so that he was obliged
to tend the said Court, being Sheriffe, otherwise would have gone home
(pursuant to former Ordr) and fetcht such papers whereby he could discharge
part or all of the afore mentioned sume; Ordered thereupon that the Honoble
Edward Randolph Esqr Deputy Auditor & George Plater Esqr their Mats Receiver
and Attorney Generall take care to put in process agt the said Cood,
on behalfe of their Majts such part of the said sume as he shall not justly
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. 175-177.)
1695 Annapolis and St. Mary's County, Maryland
Snt Maries, Aprill 26th 1695
A List of Bookes Did relating to Millitary affaires Wth rect for the same as
follows Vizt….
Mr Carvile Rect for Bookes &ca
recd 2 Bookes for Coll Herman as Wittness my hand
John Carvill Sher.
Capt Dent had Two
Coll COOD had Two
Coll Jowles had Two
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 211.)
May 23th 1695. Councill again Sate & were Present.
His Exncy Francis Nicholson Esqr Capt Genll &ca
Coll Henry Jowles Coll Charles Hutchins
Coll Nicho Greenberry
Thomas Tench Esqr Coll David Browne
Coll COODS Oath to his Accot of the 1s p hhd & of the Accot
depending betwixt him & the Governmt
Came Coll John COOD & made Oath before his Exncy in Councill
to Severall Accots to which he had signed, relating to the 1s p hhd by him Collected
within the District of Potomock, that the same were just & true Accts and
that he knew not off or had any other Accts to render; the Accot depending betwixt
him and the Governmt being then likewise delivered and sworne to.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 250.)
June the 2d 1695
Coll COODS Lettr to Mr DENTON Relating to powder &ca
I have recd yrs by Mr HEUPHAM as to the Powder. I know Nothing of what you Write
my Instructions you gave me wch was an Order of Councill were for Six barrells
I intended to lodge one at Majr CAMBLES but the wind being hard at N: could
not get into the Creeke Capt GREENHALGH I was told was Removeing to Charles
County besides their are four Capts more that must want Amunicon if your instructions
be Observed I intended an Equall distribucon, since otherwise I doe desire the
Governrs Ordrs abt it in the Meane time Dare not uenture to send back any by
Water come Downe in the Boate my self As to the Amerciamts you had best get
a good list of them for it is a blind one I have & send it me wth Execucon
wherein will doe the best Service I can pray let me have agen the papers delivered
in Councill about Surrender of Mattapany wch thinke my selfe unsafe in being
wth out
Sr I am in haste therefore pray Excuse
yr most humble Servant
John Coode
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 212.)
1696 Annapolis and St. Mary's County,
The year 1696 was one in which John Coode was again elected to the Assembly, but was in
such disfavor with Governor Francis Nicholson, that he was charged with mishandling funds,
and then blocked from taking his seat in the Assembly. The argument was that used in 1681,
that he was an ordained priest, which disallowed him from holding office.
July the 7th 1696.
The Councill again Sate and were prsent His Exncy ffrancis Nicholson Esqr Capt
Gen'l &Ca Coll: Henry Jowles Coll: Charles Hutchins The honrble Coll: George
Robotham Coll: David Browne Coll: Nicho Greenberry Thomas Brooke Esqr
Ordr for prosecuting Mr Kenelm CHESLDYN and Coll
John COOD &ca
Ordered likewise tht Due prosecution be made agt Mr Kenelm
CHESELDYN and Coll John COOD, about the
money by them taken (in the time of the Revolution) without the
Kings Ordr and that they insist upon good Bayle.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 453.)
Septem. the 18th 1696.
The Councill again Sate and were prsent, His Exncy ffrancis Nicholson Esq Capt
Genll &c Sr Thomas Laurence Barront Secryr Coll: David Browne Coll: Geo:
Robotham Coll: John Addison Coll: Nicho Greenberry Thomas Brooke Es Coll: Charles
Hutchins James Ffrisby Esq
Mr Wriothesleys deposition abt Mr COOD.
Read a deposition of Mr Henry WIOTHESKY relating to Blasphemous Words Spoke
by Mr John COOD and it being signifyed that severall other
persons were likewise by at the time of the words speaking Vizt Mr LUMLEY, Mr
FFREEMAN, Mr BEARD, Mr BAYE, Mr LOFTUS, & George VALINTINE they were all
summon'd to appear at this Board to Morrow Morning.
Friday Septr the 18th 1696.
House met. Mr John Hall, Col. John COOD, Capt Philip HOSKINS,
Major Walter SMITH, and Mr Wm COURSEY appearing in this house and by the Reporte
of the Comittee of Elections & Priviledges being represented to this house
as members duiy Elected to serve for their severall county's of Baltemore, St
Mary's, Charles, Calvert, and Talbott. to send some of his Matys honble Councill
to administer unto them the Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly and of the Oaths
of Allegiance and Test. Mr Henry Denton Clarke of the honble Councill came downe
to the house and say that his Excy commanded him to Acquaint the house that
Col: COOD one of the members desired to be sworne is a priest and therefore
uncapable of Sitting in the house of Assembly.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697, Volume 19, p. 469.)
Whereupon Resolved unanimously the following Message be sent to his Excy
September 18th 1696.
By the House of Burgesses
Your Excellency having made this House acquainted by the Clerk of the Council
that Lieutenant Col John COOD is a priest and therefore
by Law uncapable of sitting in this House thereupon we humbly acquaint your
Excellency that we find the said Lieutenant Col John COOD is
a member of this House duly Elected that he hath sate in the General Assemblies
of this province for almost twenty years together that he has had also several
Commissions as well from the Lord Baltimore as his present Sacred Majesty for
the Executing and Exercising both Judicial and Ministerial Offices as other
his Majestys Subjects Laymen have Accustomed to do we humbly conceive our Selves
proper Judges of our own members and therefore have resolved that the said John
COOD is Legally qualified to sit as a member of this House
_ _ _ Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly.
Order that an answer for the same be drawn up which was drawn as
By his Excellency the Governor and Council &c
September 18th 1696
The Houses Message in relation to Mr John COOD was received
and here read and it is admired how the House that sits by the Kings Commission
can at this time a day bring any President for matters in my Lord Baltimores
Government considering that Irregular proceedings were the Cause and main point
that over threw that Government and the House is advised to consider whether
it is not against the Law of England for one in Priest or Deacons Orders to
sitt as a Burgess and whether Mr John Hewett a Clergy man chose since his Majestys
happy Government he was not disallowed for that reason and it being a matter
of Great moment must therefore be timely considered and consulted by the Lawyers
_ _ _ Signed p Order Hen Denton Clk Concil.
By the House of Burgesses September the 18th 1696
We humbly Desire your Excellency will be Pleased to send down some of his Majestys
honble Council to administer the usual Oaths to the new Elected members according
to our late Request to the end we may proceed to Business
_ _ _ _ _ _ Signed p Order
_ _ _ _ _ W Bladen Clk Assembly
The Gentlemen of his Majestys honble Council are sent down with
the foregoing answer to the former message being ordered at the same time to
tender the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken instead of the Oaths
of Allegiance and Supremacy and test unto all the new Elected members except
Mr COOD they Return and say they had performed their message
and had pursuant to Order sworn all the members except before Excepted but that
the House signified they had made a Resolve not to proceed to any Business till
the House was full The Gentlemen professing the Law now in Town being summoned
to appear at this Board came up accordingly viz Mr CHESELDYN
Mr Sollicitor General Mr CLARK Mr WATKINS Mr BOOTHBY and Mr
HELMSLEY to whom his Excellency was pleased to say that the occasion of his
sending for them at this time was about a Person whom he understood was made
Choice of to be a member of the House of Burgesses that was Ordained a Priest
and therefore demanded their opinion whether he could be admitted to sitt as
a member of the House of Burgesses telling them an Example of England in that
case and another of this Province that have denied Clergymen that Priviledge
and the question is further put whether a Priest can dispriest himself
The said Questions being seperately answered by the said Gentlemen who are also
of opinion that no Person in holy Orders is qualified by Law to sit in the house
of Commons and so by consequence not in the House of Burgesses here and that
it is an indeleble Character stamped upon them which cannot be taken of but
by the Ordinary or Power by which the same was Conferred.
His Excellency after the Lawyers were withdrawn was pleased to demand of the
Board whether they know of anything further to be considered or proper to be
done in this matter who say they do not it is therefore Ordered that a Copy
of the said proposalls and opinions be drawn forth against the morning to be
laid before the House for their consideration
Col John COOD to sit in this House as a Burgess
and that we might be fully Informed in the premises have appointed our committee
of Elections and Priviledges to inquire and examine into the same who have accordingly
done so and made their Report thereof thereupon it was put to the Vote whether
the House should concur with the said committee that the said COOD
was not qualified to sit here or not and thereupon it is carried and Resolved
by Majority of Voices in this House that the said Cood
is qualified to sit as a member whereupon we humbly present him to have
the usual Oaths administred
_ _ - - - - - Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly.
Sept 18th 1696
The Gentm Professing the law (now in Town) being summoned to appear at this
board do pursuant to order come up viz:
whom his Excy was pleased to say that the occasion of his sending for them at
this tyme was, that he understood there was a person made choice of to be a
member in the house of Burgesses that was ordayned a priest, and therefore demanded
their opinion whether he could be admitted to sitt as a member of the house
of Burgesses, telling them of an Example of England in that case and another
of this Province that have denyed Clergymen that priviledge, and the Question
is further put, whether a priest can dispriest himselfe
The said Questions being seperately answered by the said Gentn are all of opinion
that no person in holy orders is qualifled by law to sitt in the house of comons,
and so by consequence, not in the house of Burgesses here, and that it is an
indelible Character Stamped on them which be taken off but by the ordinary or
power by which it was conferred
_Henry Denton Clk Councill
Put to the Question whether it shall be asked Col. COOD if he be in holy Orders, carryed by Majority of voices in the Affirmative And thereupon the Question being asked Col. COOD he replyes if ev disabled himselfe, by accepting and Military Comission.
Ordered that the Comittee of Elections and priviledges go and make their Reported Col. COOD qualified to sitt as a member of this house, with power to examine persons &c.
Comittee of Elections and priviledgec enter the house, and present the following Reporte in relation to Col. COOD being qualifyed to sitt as a member of this house. We are informed by the avermt of Mr Speaker and Mr HATTON that the said John COOD hath formerly exercised the Priests office at St Georges in St Mary's County by a considerable tyme preached to them in a Church built there for that purpose, and during that tyme administring the Sacrament of Baptisme to Infants and joyning people in Marriage which they both aflirme upon their own knowledge and that the said Cood did receive for such ministeriall function the Subscriptions or Guifts of severall persons Inhabitants of the same place.
And Mr Speaker says and affirms that the said COOD several tymes affirmed and owned to him that he had holy orders and was Ordained by the Bishop of Exeter, and to the best of his Remembrance hath seen the Orders but is not positive.
We find by Information and of our own knowledge that the said Cood has for many years past received and exercised severall Judiciall and ministeriall offices in this province such as Justice of Peace, Capt., Colonel, Lieut Col: &c. We can John COOD has been divested or degraded therefore it is debated in this Comittee being employed and exercising such Judiciall be a discharge of such holy function, as of votes in the negative viz.
That accepting and exercising such Judiciall and Ministeriall offices
doth not discharge him from such holy ffunction; so that upon the whole matter
it appearing to the Comittee, that the said COOD hath received
holy orders and never been divested or degraded thereof by the same Authority
that conferred them, and that no person in holy Orders according to the law
of England can sitt in Parliament (or consequently in Assembly) by reason of
being or belonging to any other Body (with Submission to the better Judgement
of the house) The Major parte of this Comittee are of opinion that the said
John Cood doth belong to another Body, and is not qualifyed to sett in this
Assembly as a Burgess.
_ _ - John Hammond Chairman
Put to the Question if the house do concurr with the Reporte of the Comittee in regard to Col. COOD'S not being quallified to sitt as a member of the house, And carryed by Majority of voices in the negative, and that the said Col Cood is legally qualified Col: COOD offers to take all such Oaths as may be lawfully imposed upon any member of this house. Resolved the following Message be sent to the honble his Matys Councill.
By the House of Burgesses, Septt the 21st 1696.
This house have carefully and maturely considered the last message and the objection
made agt the quallification of Col John COOD presented to this
house as a Burgess, And that we might be fully informed appointed our Committee
of Elections and Priviledges to enquire and examine into the matter, and who
accordingly done so and made their reporte Whereupon the following Question
in this house, Whether the house will concurr in the reporte of sd Comittee
that the said COOD was not quallified to sitt here or not,
and thereupon It is carryed and resolved by Majority of voice in this house
that the said Cood is quallified to sett in this house as a member,Whereupon
we humbly present him to have the usuall oaths administered
Signed p order
_ _ - -W Bladen Clk Assembly
Sent p Major Smallwood and Mr Hutchison who are ordered to present the said Col. COOD to be sworne.
By his Excy the Govr and Councill 7br 21st 1696
The Message by Major Smallwood and Mr Hutchison in relation to Mr COOD
[was received and read here and] this Board does conceive that the [question
thereabout put is not] rightly answered for that it is not dispu[ted whether
he is rightly] chosen but whether he is a Deacon or priest [and so not qualified
to] sit by the Law of England. An answer [thereto is by this] Board [positively]
_ _ -Signed p ordr Hen: Denton Clk. Councill
By the house of Burgesses Septr the 21st 1696
The house before sending the last message in relation to Col: COOD
did examine as well of his Qualification to Sett as of the dueness of his Election,
and it did appear to us that he was not only duly elected but also legally qualified
to set as a member of this house, notwithstanding what was ailedged. Therefore
humbly pray as in our former Message we have prayed.
_ _ -Signed p ordr W Bladen Clk: Assembly
Sent p Capt Hoskins and Mr Ashman who are ordered to present Col. COOD Coll COOD offers to depose that he is not a priest House adjourned till to morrow morning at 7 o'clock.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697, Volume 19, pp. 475-482.)
An Answer to the foregoing Message was Ordered to be drawn up &
as follows Vizt
By his Excellency the Governor and Council &c
September the 21st 1696.
The Message by Major Smallwood and Mr Hutchinson in relation to Mr COOD
was Received and read here and this Board does conceive that the question thereabout
put is not rightly answered for that it is not disputed whether he is rightly
chosen but whether he is a deacon or Priest and so not qualified to sit by the
Law of England an answer thereto is by this Board Possitively demanded
_ p Order Hen Denton Cl Council
The said message being sent down to the House came answered as follows vizt
By the House of Burgesses September 21st 1696
This House before sending the last message in relation to Coll COOD
did examine as well of his Qualification to sit as of the dueness of his Election
and it did Appear to us that he was not only duly Elected but also Legally
qualified to sitt as a member of this House notwithstanding what was alledged
therefore humbly pray as in our former message have prayed
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly
An Ansr thereto was drawn up & sent as fols
By his Excellency the Governor and Council &c
September 21st 1696.
The last message from your House touching the case of Mr COOD
was Received whereby this Board does find that the question put is not yet rightly
answered vizt Of his being a Priest or Deacon which if the House acknowledge
as it is believed they cant otherwise in a matter so apparent to the whole Country
this Board does then Wonder how they so Rashly presume to make a Vote against
the known Laws of England according to the opinion of the Lawyers thereon now
before them As to the qualifications of the Person the annexed depositions will
demonstrate and it is appealed to the whole House whether in his
life and conversation he does not appear so haniously flagitious and wicked
scarce to be parrelled in the Province whereof the House must needs be conscious
and dare presume that divers of the members have (at some time or other) in
his Debaucheries heard him publickly Blaspheme and it is lastly left to the
consideration of the House his Factious contradictory Spirit in all manner of
Business and whether he has not at this present Cost the County more Tobacco
then Perhaps he is worth or ever will do them good
_ _ - - - - - Signed p Order Hen Denton Cl Council
September 22d 1696
The Council Again Sate and were Present as yesterday
Came accordingly Mr Speaker attended with the whole House to whom his Excellency
is pleased to express himself as follows vizt
Mr Speaker and you Gentlemen of the House of Burgesses I am sorry to have sent
for you here upon this Occasion at this time and I cannot but remind to you
that you have not dealt faithfully in your Answer to the question put in relation
to Mr COOD vizt in ascertaining whether he is a Deacon or Priest
which I am Given to understand he is and therefore do wonder that the House
should presume so far as to make a vote against the known Laws of England by
which you have brought it to this pass that a Vote of your House must stand
flat in Opposition to an Act of Parliament If I should suffer it so to go on,
but Gentlemen I do acquaint you that I shall not swear that Person notwithstanding
your Vote and if you will proceed to Business I am here ready with his Majestys
honble Council to Attend the same I am sorry the House should continue so stiff
so many days in a thing of this nature and run the country to all this charge
without any thing done and to shew the House what manner of Person you have
this while upholding, here are severall depositions wherein you will find down
right Blasphemy in the highest Degree spoke by the said COOD
and I do appeal to the whole House whether Common fame and most of your own
knowledge do not remember him to be a man of a very Flagitious Life and conversation
therefore if you will return to your House & consider of these things and
dispatch what Business shall be laid before you I shall be ready with his Majestys
honble council to attend thereon and I pray God to direct you therein.
They take leave and Repair to their House and after some short
time send Mr Boothby Mr Clark Mr Hutchison and Mr Dixon with the following message
By the House of Burgesses September the 22d 1696
This House have Seriously considered of his Excellencys speech before the honble
Council and finding it Contains many Expressions of his pious and good Intentions
towards us We cannot but Return our hearty thanks for the same as to the particular
member mentioned we have done that which we hope will appear to be our duty
and become Loyal and dutiful Subjects We are ready to Join with the honble council
dispatch of the Affairs that lye before us
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697, Volume 19, p. 435-440.)
Tuesday Septr the 22d 1696.
House met: The honble Col. Hutchins, Col. Addison, Thos Brooke Esqr and James
Frisby Esqr come downe to the house and signifye that his Excy requests their
attendance imediately at the Councill Chamber, whereupon Mr Speaker and the
rest of the members adjourned themselves to the Councill chamber to attend upon
his Excy where being admitted his Excy was pleased to acquaint Mr Speaker and
the House of Burgesses, that he was sorry to send for them upon this occasion
(to witt) that they should persist to Have Mr John COOD sworne
a member of their house.
That they would not suffer any vote of the [House to stand in] opposition to an Act of Parliament the Kingdom of England. That he was COODE for the afd reason But be better informed what a sorte of wicked and pson they had spent much tyme and run the country to so much charge in endeavouring to uphold, he delivered unto them severall depositions by which the said COOD appeared to be guilty in the highest degree of Blaspheming the holy Trinity.
After which his Excy was pleased to tell the house, if they would proceed to do the Countrys business on which they were sent he would with his Matys Councill attend thereon, and pray'd God to direct them.
Moved by some of the members of this house that Col. COOD withdraw whilst the house debate concerning him. Whereupon he withdrew The first thing taken into consideration was that parte of his Excy's Speech relating to Col: COOD. And it appearing to this house by a Solemne Oath taken before his Excy by John FREEMAN together with an acknowledgement made yesterday by himselfe after the vote passed that he the sd Col. COOD has been in holy Orders, confirming to this house the avermt before made relating thereunto conteyned in the Comittees reporte It is unanimously resolved by this house that the said Col. John Cood is not quallified to sett as a member of the house of Burgesses and is therefore dismissed
And as delivered accusing the said COOD ssions this house has delivered at Law to such uses as the Law directs
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697, Volume 19, pp. 475-482.)
If losing his Assembly seat wasn't enough, John Coode was also stripped of his military commission as a Lieutenant Colonel of St. Mary's County, accused of blasphemy as stated above.
September the 22th 1696.
Mr COOD Ordered to be prosecuted &Cca
The severall persons Yesterday Summoned do accordingly Appear and give in their
Depositions taken &cca except the three last mentioned persons, who upon
their Examinations seem to Remember nothing materiall.
Ordered that the sd COOD be prosecuted thereon & forth
with dismissed from his military imploy and that the
same be notifyed to the Severall Counties of the Province & the Depositions
published &cca which was done by the following Ordr Sent to the Severall
Counties, Vizt
By his Exncy the Governr & Councill &cca
Septemb. the 22d 1696.
Mr COODS dismissall from his Military imploy-
Whereas Mr John COOD of St. Maries County, being by a former
Ordr of this Board constituted , and appointed Lieutent Colonel of the Militia
of the sd County; but fforasmuch as by the Depositions of severall prsons here
taken it doth appear that the sd COOD hath spoke
Blasphemy and is generally reputed to be a man of a most flagicious life and
conversation, as to Drunckenness, Swearing & all such debaucheries
and upon these Accots not thought fitt to be Continued in the said Military
imploy it is therefore hereby Ordered that (for the reasons aforesd) he
be dismissed from his sd Office or Command of Leiutt Colonel as aforesd
whereof all persons within the sd County are to take due Notice and the Sheriffs
of the Province comanded to make publication of this Ordr together with Coppyes
of the Severall Depositions thereabout taken (herewith sent) to the End all
prsons may be cautious of keeping him Company; & that the Sheriff of St.
Maries County serve the Mr COOD with a Copy hereof.
_ _ - -Signed p Ordr
Hen: Denton C of Concil
The Depositions follow Mr WRIOTHES Deposition abt Mr Cood
The Deposition of Henry Wriothesley of the Port of Annapolis.
This Depont Sayth.
That happening in Company with Coll: John COOD & some others,
among their discourse a dispute arose between the sd Coll: COOD
& Mr Alexandr LUMLEY concerning Religion (being Gentlemen of a different
perswasion) and in their discourse or Argumt the question was put to Mr LUMLEY
by the sd COOD whether he the Mr Lumley did beleive in Jesus
Christ, the Mr LUMLEY Replyed that he did, why say'd Coll COOD,
do you think that God Almighty ever begat a Son, upon which Mr LUMLEY Quoted
a text of Scripture written by St Paul (the place where I cannot Remember) Coll:
COOD upon that reply'd St Paul may be an impertinent writer, as well
as other men; all Religion lyes in Tullies Offices and further sayth not.
H Wriothesiey.
The Deposition of John FFREEMAN. Mr FFREEMANS Dep. abt Capt COOD &cca
The abovesd Deponent upon his Oath Sayth, that accidentally meeting
with Capt John COOD (alias Code) late high Sheriff of St maries
County in Maryland in the House of Mr John EVANS in St maries City in the sd
County & Province, he the sd Depont heard the sd Capt John COOD
(als Code) speak and audibly express in publick talk directed to the
sd Depont some months before the sd Depont left his lodgings in the City to
attend and accompany the Records of the sd Province removed to the Town and
port of Annapolis, Anno Domini 169 These following Words. Vizt
That the Priests of both the Churches, Roman and Protestant were Rogues; and
that it was all one to serve God or the Devill, for Religion (said he) is but
policy. Whereupon the sd Depont Saying to the sd Capt COOD
(als Code) I admire to hear such things from you who (as I
am told) are in holy Ordrs youSelf, the sd Capt COOD (als Code)
thus Reply'd, Yes, I am both Deacon and Priest in the Church of
September the 22d 1696
Mr ffreernans. Oath &cca
The above Deposition was sworne to before his Exncy and Councill by the above
named John ffreeman.
Hen: Denton Cl Conci!.
Mr Lumleys Gentl,
That Alexandr LUMLEY of Ann Arrundell County being Engag'd about his own private
business in the City of Annapolis in the sd County one Mr RIDGLY did invite
the sd Lumley to come into one Mrs PROCTORS House to drink with him, which the
sd Lumley did accordingly & then and there met with a person to him the
sd Lumley then unknown, but the sd Lumley being accosted by him the sd unknown
person in an unusuall Dialect did inquire of Mr Ridgly what his Name was, the
said Ridgly told him that the Sd persons Name was COOD with
the addition of Colonell upon which the sd Lumley was more attentive to his
the sd COODS discourse, and in a small time afterwards the
sd COOD told the sd Lumley that it was pity he should be a
Papist tho he thought w. all Religion to be a Sham, and that there Never was
any such person as Jesus Christ the Son of God upon Earth, Whereupon the sd
Lumley being Astonished at the Blasphemy, replyed that there were great Reasons
both internall & externall to believe the Divivity of our Saviour, and cited
a text out of St Pauls Epistles, and then the sd COOD fell
into an Argument abt the possibility of God Almighty's Generateing a Son, and
when he was pressed about the different ways of Generation according to the
Schole Divines; he said St Paul was an impertinent fellow and that he did not
believe one word he said; All Religion iyes in Tullies Offices.
Test Alex: Lumley.
Septem. the 22th 1696.
Mr Lumley &cca
Then came the aforenamed Alex: Lumley before his Exncy in Councill who made
Oath upon the holy Evangelist to the truth of the aforementioned prmises.
_ _ Hen: Denton Cl. Conci!.
The Deposition of Richd BEARD of the port of Annapolis Aged fforty
four Years or thereabouts.
Mr BEARDS Deposicon abt the sd Coll: COOD
This Depont Sayth. That about three weeks agoe, being in Company with Mr
John COOD of St Maries County at Mr Nicholas SPOURNS House within the
Port aforesd the sd COOD (after some discourse passed betwixt
them) asked the Depont whether he never Read in Scripture that Christ turn'd
Severall Divills out of Severall women, & another person standing by said
Yes, he turn'd Seaven out of Mary Magdalin; Whereupon COOD
answered with an Oath Saying, by God it was all lyes for that the Divell never
was in Woman and therefore could not turn any out, and further Saith not.
September the 22d 1696.
Mr Beard sworne before his Exncy & Councill &cca
Then came the above Depont before his Exncy in Councill and made Oath upon the
holy Evangelist and that the above Deposition is true.
Hen: Denton CI Concil.
September the 23d, 1696.
The Councill again Sate and ptsent His Exncy ffrancis Nicholson Esq Capt Genll
_ _ - - - - - Sr Thomas Laurence Barront Secyr
_ _ - - - - - Coll: _ _Nicholas
_ _ - - - - - Coll: _ _Charles
_ _ - - - - - Coll: _ _David
_ _ - - - - - Thomas Brooke Esqr
_ _ - - - - - James ffrisby Esqr
Drawn up by Ordr the following Precept directed to the Sheriff
of St. Maries County, Vizt
A Precept abt Coll: COODS Blasphemy &cca
fforasmuch as it hath been made appear by the Depositions of Severall persons
here taken how that Mr John COOD of St. Maries County (commonly
called Coll COOD) hath at Sundry times and in Severall places
and Company's Uttered many horrible and Blasphemous words agt the blessed Trinity
and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; denying him to be the Son of God; whereby
he has (as ffar as in him lyes) bid defiance to the Christian Religion; And
whereas it is to be doubted (that having had liberall Education) he may have
set his wits to worke to defend such his Blasphemous Expressions by writing
or having such sort of Booke or pamphlets, which may prove of more dangerous
consequence to those persons, in whose hands such writings may chance to Come;
and more especially taking into consideration his Mats late Commands to the
Rt Reverend the Bishops for them to give their strict Ordrs and directions that
no disputacons be suffered or Books or w. pamphlets writ about the doctrine
of the Trinity or the like; Ordered thereupon that the Sheriff of St Maries
County doe upon sight hereof goe to the house of the sd Mr COOD
and there make search for all Books, pamphlets, writings and papers and (upon
refusall of showing thereof) that he break open any lock, trunck, Chest, &Cca
and take into his possession all small pamphlets, writings and papers &
close seal them up in a bagg, together with a Catalogue or List of all his other
Books and so transmit the same unto his Exncy in Councill with all convenient
speed for the perusall of this Board for which this shall be his Warrant, and
that he do not divulge this untill Executed at his perill.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. 489-494.)
By the House of Burgesses October 2d 1696
Mr Robert SMITH one of the members of the House of Burgesses
being asked whether he knew Col COOD in England does say he
did know Col COOD in England and that he was a minister
at a place called Penryn in England from whence he was turned out
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697, Volume 19, p. 469.)
October the 3d 1696.
The Return of Coll: COOD bagg of papers &cca
A Return was made of the above Warrant and a bag of papers belonging to the
sd COOD was produced to this Board by the Under Sheriffe of
St Maries County close sealed up pursuant to the aforesd Ordr which were delivered
to the Clerk of the Councill for his keeping, till a further opportunity Offered
for prusing the same.
Munday, October the 5th 1696
Papers prused by his Mats honrble Council-back &ca
The sd bagg of papers was by Ordr again produced, broke open and prused by his
Mats honrble Councill, but finding nothing materiall, save a Navigation Bond
which was Ordered to be delivered to Mr Attorney Genul and 3: or 4: Letters
passed betwixt Doctr PAYNE and him about his Commissaries Office Whitehall the
sd papers were put up again and Ordered to be Return'd to the Mr COOD
by the Officer that brought them.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 511.)
October the 6th 1696.
Rich: Kilbourn Dep: abt Mr COOD &c
Richard Kilbourn of the port of Annapolis being Examin'd d before his Exncy
in Councill, upon his Oath doth say that abt Six weeks ago being in Company
with Mr John COOD at Mr SPOURNS House, where he was forced
by the sd COOD to drink he heard the sd COOD
amongst other extravagant talk Say that he believed a dog or a Cow or a Swine
had souls as well as men, and being weary of Such company and for his horrible
cursing and Swearing he went his way and did not stay a Quarter of an hour in
the House, but that he left Mr BOUYE, Mr BONNER, Mr STANLEY & one Samll
TURNER a Taylor in his company.
John STANLEY being Sworne says that he was in Company with Mr COOD at the same time with Mr KILBOURN and does Remember the sd words spoke by Mr COOD which Mr KILBOURN hath made Oath to and that he had been at Severall other times in his company and alway's heard him talk profusely and after a bantering sort of manner.
His Exncys Remark abt Coll: COOD &cca
His Exncy is pleased to Remark from the Severall foregoeing Depositions and
does Appeal to the whole Assembly and Countrey, whether or no excessive drinking,
Blasphemous lewd talking cursing and swearing has not been the sd COODS
constant manner and practice. That the Reasons which ffirst induced his Exncy
not to Administer the Oaths to the sd Mr COOD, whereby he might
be qualifyed to sit in the House of Burgesses was by reason of his being
a Priest, but how disingenious he proved in the thing is left to all mens
considerations when by denying his Priesthood, he put the House upon the proofe
thereof, and that when he was admitted he openly told them he was a Priest,
and after he had kept the Countrey ffive days abt that Dispute at very great
Costs and Expences, he at last perceiving how it was like to goe with him, pretended
that his wife was sick and desired leave of the House to goe home.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. 514-515.)
With all the accusations against him, John Coode must still have held favor with some of the people, as he was a vestryman in King and Queen Parish.
1696 October 23. Vestrymen for King & Queen Parish chosen &ca Vizt
Coll: Nehemiah BLACKISTON Capt John Dent
Capt John COOD Mr Philip Brisco Taxables
Mr Richd Clouds Mr Jno Barecraft
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1696/7-1698, Volume 23, p. 18.)November the 21th 1696.
Sheriff of St Maries rect for Coll COOD & bag of papers &ca .
Then recd of Henry Denton Clerk of the Councill, a Lre directed to Mr John COOD and a bagg of papers sealed up for him, the wch I do hereby promise to deliver accordingly as witness my handthe day and year abovesd
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 548.)
John Coode again left Maryland, fleeing to Virginia, for his mishandling of funds during the Glorious Revolution of Marland, and for blasphemy. Notices for the apprehension of Coode were sent across the Potomac to Virginia.
Decmbr the 12th 1696.
Ordr to be Consulted by the Kings Lawyers abt Coll COOD &cca
Ordered that the Kings Lawyers be consulted what process & proceedings have
been issued agt Mr COOD both as to Criminall & Civill Actions
at COOD the Suit of his Maty and whether it may not be proper
(understanding he is Removed to Virga) for to send a Copy of all the
sd proceedings together with an Accot of the nature of his Crime, and of what
is Claim'd from him as due to his Mat unto his Exncy Sr Edmund Andros to know
why he should not be Surrendered up &ca
The Same Came Reported as followes, Vizt
A State of the Case of his Maty agt Coll: John COOD late of
St Maries County.
The Kings Lawyrs consultacon abt Coll: COOD.
The sd Coll: John COOD (having been his Mats Receiver of his
Duties and Revenues arising by the one shilling p hhd in Potomock River) being
upon the same in Arrears to his Maty in the sume of 439 lb: 10s: Ster. as appears
by an Accot made up by the Committee of accots appointed for stating, the Publick
Revenue is impleaded by his Mats Attorney Genll of this Province for the same
& process awarded agt the sd COOD at Suit of the sd Attorney
Genll who for his Maty in tht behalfe prosecuted which is sent into St Maries
County. And the sd John COOD having spoken, published and Uttered
diverse blasphemous & Atheisticall words & Speeches agt his Mats Peace
and the Act of Assembly of this Province is likewise prosecuted for the same
in his Mats name by his Attorney Genll by way of prsentmt & process Sent
into the County of St Maries, and the sd Bill is found& Return'd Billa vera
by the Grand Jury of this Province, as by a Transcript of the Deposicons, Records
and proceedings of the sd Action, and prsentmt hereunto Annex'd more at large
may appear. In both these Actions the Sheriff Returns that the sd John Cood
was not found within his Bayliwick but did abscond himself so that he Could
not take him the sd process, as by the Writts & Returns thereof hereunto
Annex'd may appear. And now the John COOD hath privately
Removed all or most part of his Goods and Chattells & himself into the Colony
of Virga & as it is said is there Seated. Quare what is further to
be done by this Govermt for his Mats Service to bring the sd Coll: John
COOD to Answer his Mats Debt afsd & the Offence against his peace
and Laws. We humbly Advise that the State of the Case be laid before his Exncy
the Govr of Virga and tht yor Exncy & Councill for his Mats Service desire
the Govr of Virga to cause the sd Coll: COOD to be taken hold
off in that Governmt & delivered up to this governmt in Ordt to Answer unto
his Maty his Just Debt and for the violation of his Laws upon the Pleas aforesd
in this Province where the Debt was Created and the breach of the sd Peace &
Laws perpetrated which place and no other We conceive to be the proper place
for Tryall of the Same.
George Plater.
Willm Dent
Samll Watkins
R. Gouldesborough
Ordered that the Same be laid before the Justices of the Provinciall Court for their Opinion to be likewise given in the Case, which was accordingly done & Came Reported as followes, Vizt.
The Justices of the provl Corts Opinion
By the Provinciall Court.
The Report of his Mats Councill at Law so farr as appears to this Court the
same is very proper Opinion and requisite to be done as before proposed, and
this Court approves thereof.
_ _ _ _ _ _ Signed p Ordr
_ _ - -Decembr 14th 1696. _ Hen:Wriothesley
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. 561-562.)
By his Exncy the Governr & Councill &ca
Decembr the 14th 1696.
Ordr for Copy of the proceedings abs Coll COOD to Sr Edmund
The State of the within Case & Report thereon made being here Read was approved
off & Ordered that Copy of the Proceedings, Deposicons & other papers,
relating thereto be got ready forthwith in Ordr to be dispatcht away to his
Exncy Sr Edmund ANDROS by the Man of Warrs Lieutent for his Answer
_ _ - - - - - Signed p Ordr
_ _ - - - -Hen:_ _ - - Denton
Cl Concil.
The aforementioned Copyes being accordingly prepared were inclosed sent in a Letter to his Exncy Sr Edmund ANDROS as follow's Vizt
Port of Annapolis Decembr 15th 1696.
His Exncys Lre to Sr Edmd ADNROSS with Copys of the proceedings abt Coll:
The inclosed are Copyes of Severall papers; Vizt
No 1: containing the Deposicons of Henry WRIOTHESLEY, John FFREEMAN, Alexandr
LUMLEY, Richard BEARD, Richard KILBOURN, & John STANLY, concerning one Mr
No 2: containing the process issued agt him upon the same and a presentmt found
by the Grand Jury for Blasphemy,
No 3: containing certain proceedings agt the sd Mr COOD for
a debt due to his Maty with an Award of an Attachmt thereon
No 4: containing a State of the Case of his Maty agt the sd Mr COOD
Reported by his Mats Counsell at Law & Approved off by his Mats honrble
Councill & Justices of the Provll Court together with a Clause of a certain
Act of Assembly in force in this Province against Blasphemy which by Advice
of his Mats honrble Councill of this Province are here with transmitted to yor
Exncy by Mr Wm OCKMAN Lieutent of his mats hired Ship the Prince of Orange
desiring you will please to send an Answer thereto at his Return, to
Yor humble Servt
ffr: Nicholson
Ordr for a Proclamacon to issue abt Coll: COOD
Drawn up by Ord' & advice of his Mats Councill (the Opinion of the Justices
of the Provll Court & Lawyers therein likewise being had) the following
Proclamation, in relacon to the aforenamed Mr COOD, the which
was Signed by his Exncy & passed the broad Seal of the Province, Vizt.
By his Exncy the Capt Genll a Proclamacon.
A Proclamation issued at Coll: COOD &ca
Whereas his Mats Writ of Venire has issued to Sundry Counties of the Province
agt Mr John COOD commonly called Coll: John COOD
for the causing him to be and appear before his Mats Justices of the provll
Court to Answer to a certain prsentmt by his Mats Attorney Gen'l preferred agt
the sd COOD for Blasphemy & found by the Grand Jury of
this Province, but fforasmuch as all Measures hitherto taken for the bringing
him to condign punishmt have proved ineffectuall being harbour'd (as is supposed)
by some Evill minded persons Enemies to this his Mats Governmt; I have therefore
(by & with the Advice of his Mats honrble Councill and of the Justices &
Kings Lawyers therein had) thought fit to publish and declare, and I do hereby
accordingly strictly Charge and forwarn all persons whatsoever, inhabiting or
otherwise residing within the Same from Entertaining, Aiding harbouring or assisting
him the sd COOD in any respect whatsoever, undr pain of being
prose cuted according to the Utmost Severity of the Law but on the Contrary
that they Use their Utmost Endeavour to take him in Ordr that he may be brought
to Speedy Justice in answering such his Notorious Crime, hereby ascertaining
a Reward of Twenty pounds Sterling to that prson which shall so apprehend &
Cause him to be brought in; And to the End due notice hereof may be given I
doe hereby Command the Severall Sherriffs of this Province to make proclamacon
hereof in all Churches Chappells & other publick places of Meeting within
their respective Counties, as they will answer die Contrary at their perill;
Given under the broad Seal of the Province this 17th day of December in the
Eigth year of his Mats Reign &ca Annoq Domini 1696.
_ _ - -God Save the King.
_ _ - - - ffr: Nicholson.
Ordr for all prsons abt Town to appear at the Cort House &ca
His Exncy was pleased to Command that the Justices of the provll Court should
have notice to be all prsent upon the Bench & for to Ordr the Sherriff to
summons all prsons about lown that they be forth with and Appear at the Court
house he being designed to Come down thither having something to declare in
the face of the Countrey.
His Exncy accordingly goes down attended with his Mats honrble Councill and
is pleased to declare in open Court (the Court House being full of people) how
that he understood Mr COOD and Mr CLARKE were
infusing strange notions into the peoples heads how that this Countrey is Govern'd
by an Arbitrary Sort of Power and that Justice is not Equally & impartially
administred and such like; therefore was pleased to Offer that if Either the
sd Cood or Clarke, or as many persons as they
Could Procure for to goe to England to make their Grievances known and Manage
what Complaint they thought fltt against him, he would freely give them his
Passe to goe (if the Laws of the Countrey would permitt them) and ffifty pounds
Sterl. out of his own pocket to help to bear their charges, as also give them
such Letters of Recommendacons, whereby they might not be obstructed but forwarded
to Come to the prsence of his Maty to prsent what Complaints or Grievances they
had to Offer in behalfe of themselves or the Countrey; and his Exncy is pleased
further to Say & Assure them that his Maty will As soon hear a Complaint
from a beggar as a Rich Man against him or any person without any distinction.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. 563-565.)
December the 16th 1696.
In St. Maries County
Severall prsons to be prsecuted out of each County for not making due Returns
Mr Robert MASON high Sherriff for not Returning an Accot of
the Justices Sitting and not Serving Clerk with the Ordr about returning the
County Leavy and the Ordr about the Non Ests.
Coll: COOD for not making Oath to the Supernumerary Tythables.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 579.)
December the 16th 1696.
Ordr abt Mr CLARK'S dismissal from Acting in any of his Mats
Corts at Law
Ordered that Mr Philip CLARKE be henceforth dismissed from
acting as a Justice of the Provinciall Court of this Province and from pleading
in any at of his Mats Courts within the same, and he is hereby accordingly dismissed,
Commanding the Sherriffe of St Maries County, to Serve him with this Ordr
Quaere abt Mr COOD &Ca
Quaere whether Mr COOD ought not to be Suspended from Acting
as a Vestryman in King and Queen Parish in St Maries County and that his Mats
Councill at Law Return their Opinion therein accordingly.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, p. 583.)
1697 St. Mary's County, Maryland
Francis Nicholson was governor of Maryland.
1697- St. Mary's County, Justinian TENNISON files suit against Col. John COODE. TENNISSON charges he was assulted by force and arms and imprisoned unlawfully for 8 days. Justinian claimed damages of 20,000 lbs. of tobacco. He requested a writ of attachement against COODE estate and it was granted.
1696/7 February 19, Provincial Council, Annapolis, Ann Arundell
County, Maryland
Read a Letter recd by his Exncy the Governr from Coll: Edmund JENINGS his Mats
Secryr of the Colony of Virga Dated the 24th of Janry last past together with
a Warrant inclosed Signed by his Sr Edmd ANDROS Govr of Virginia for the apprehending
Coll: John COOD, prosecuted for Blasphemy and say'd to bc ffled
from the hands of Justice into that Govcrmnt…
1697 October 16, Provincial Council
His Exncy representing to the Board how tht he understands Mr Robt MASON
High Sherriff of St Maries County holds private correspondence with Mr
John COOD in Virginia, notwthstanding his Excellencies Proclamation
to the contrary; is pleased to demand of the Kings Lawers (being present) what
course is fitt to be taken, and whether by law he may not be taken into custody
and his papers seiz'd, who do say tht it may be done by an Act of State, but
not by any Law in matters of such a nature; whereupon the following Order issued
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1696/7-1698, Volume 23, p. 266.)
Pursuant to an Ordr of his Exncy and Councill bearing date the
21th of October 1697. I immediately upon the Receipt there of repared to the
House of Mr Robert MASON and there took a full view of all
his Bookes and papers and could find none relating to Mr John COOD
excepting his accot wch I have copyed out of the said MASONS
Booke of accots and eight small Bookes being lists of Debts due to the said
COOD out of the following hundreds Vizt St Maries Hundred,
St Georges Hundred, Poplar Hill hundred. St George's hundred St Clement hundred,
Newtown hundred Choptico hundred.
_ ____________________G.___
On the back of the aforementioned Accot Copyed out and likewise produced at the Board was thus written Vizt Memorandum that Mr MASON, told me that Robt CARSE attached of Collo Jno COODS debts 17000 lb: of Tobacco wch he standeth indebted unto him; and that severall others have attachments against the sd COODS debts, and that severall of his Debts have been recd by Capt SLYE and his Sone, and tht the said COOD sent Choptico hundred Booke and what is due in Clements hundred to the Vestry of King and Queen Parish to pay what he owed tht Vestry wch is about 13000 pounds of tobacco and that severall of the Debts are deneyed and some insolvent. ____________G: Muschamp.
The which said forementioned return & papers his Exncy having
recd the of Novemr past was pleased then to direct the following Order to issue
By his ExncY the Governr &ca
Novemr 13th 1697.
Whereas by a return this day recd from George MUSCHAMP Esqr
Collectr and Receiver of his Majtes Customes within the district of Potomock
(in pursuance of an Ordr of his Exncy and Councill, bearing date the 21th of
October last past, Empowering & directing the said Esqr Muschamp to make
inspection into all the Books of Accots and papers of Mr Robt MASON,
High Sherriff of St Maryes County, & for to seize all such he should find
to have and Relation to Mr Jno COOD) it doth appear that the
said Mr MASON hath secretly held correspondence with the sd
COOD, by privatly assisting to get in his debts and altering
the property thereof Notwithstanding he the sd MASON was sensible
that the said COOD had been impleaded by his Majtes Attorney
Genrll of this Province for an arrear of 439 lb: 10s: 11d Sterll due from the
said COOD to his Majesty as by an accot made up by the Committee
of accounts appointed for stating the publick Revenue was made appear; and not
withstanding his Exncys Proclamation (bearing date the 17th of Decemt last past)
forwarning all persons to aid or assist the said Mr COOD in
any respect whatsoever under the severest penalties, in contempt whereof he
the said MASON is (by the Returne aforesd) found to have acted
contrary. Ordered therefore that George Plater Esqr his Majtes
Attorney Genrll and Receiver of his Majtes Revenues arising within the district
of Patuxent & George Muschamp Esqr aforenamed do (upon
sight hereof) go the sd Mr MASONS house and again thoroughly
inspect & veiw all his Books of accounts and Papers; and where they shall
find any of the same to concern the sd Mr COOD, tht they make
seizure thereof and forthwith imploy some carefull trusty person to collect
and receive what debts they shall anywaies find accruing to the said Mr
COOD, and to issue such necessary process against those persons refusing
to make payment of the same as they shall find requisite, in
1698 St. Mary's County, Maryland
1698 (probably) Petition of Phillip CLARKE of St. Mary's Co., to Edmond Androse, Governor of Virginia. The Petitioner, Phillip CLARKE, in the late revolution was admitted and sworn an attorney in the Provincial Court and in several County Courts in the Province and practiced in the same until 10 August last at which time he received a summons to serve his Majesty as a Justice in the Provincial Court. CLARKE then petitioned the Governor requesting that he not be discharged as an attorney in order to become a Justice because he had served during the late revolution and his family was dependent on his earnings as an attorney. The Governor did not grant that petition so CLARKE accepted the Justice's commission hoping to continue to act as an attorney in the County Courts. The Governor at the December Court "conceived a prejudice against ye petitioner" because CLARKE would not grant a judgement against Col. John COOD contrary to law. The Governor then came to Court four days and attempted to show that CLARKE was guilty of some crime that might deserve CLARKE'S imprisonment, but the evidence was not there. On 14 December, by an order of Council, CLARKE was dismissed as a Justice and refused the right to practice law in any Court in the Province. The Governor also presented a proclamation promising a reward of 20 pounds sterling to any person who would swear that CLARKE was endeavoring to raise a rebellion in St. Mary's Co., from which grevious oppression and unheard of proceedings CLARKE humbly prays that he may be protected in the Colony of Virginia
1698 Prince Georges County Court June 1698: The matter was brought before a grand jury consisiting of Henry TENNLY, foreman, Jno SCOTT, Robert HOBBS, Thomas WELLS, Thom's SAMU'LS, Sam'll GRAY, Will'm EDLIN, Jo. PEAKE, Jno. CHAIRES, Benj'in RICHARD, Morg'n JONES, Rich'd BENTON, Jo. ODEN, Henry ELDERSLEY, Edward LARRIMORE, Ralph SMITH, Edward RUIPOTT, Jno. JACOB, Aaron RAWLINGS, Jno. SERGENT, John ALFORD, and Jno. McC___. The grand jury read and approved a report from a committee consisting of John HAMMOND, Rich'd HILL, Thom's TASKER, William HATTON, Phillip HOSKINS, and Thom's STALEY stating that the committee members had seen paper produced by Francis Nicholson, Esq., Governor of the Province, in what appeared to be the handwriting of Philip CLARKE of St. Mary's Co. which contained false, slanderous, and lying reflections on the Governor which the committee proceeded to refute.
At a Provincial Court held in Annapolis, 14 December 1696, with Justices Robert SMITH, Philip PARKE, Rich'd HILL, Thomas TASKER, Phillip HOSKINS, and Thomas STALEY present, Mr. Phillip CLARKE, one of the Justices, was charged with several crimes and misdemeanors against the government and the Governor. The grand jury issued an indictment against Phillip CLARKE.
Mr. Phillip CLARKE posted bond of 500 pounds sterling with sureties Rob't CARVILE and William TAYLARD, gent., posting 250 pounds sterling each to guarantee CLARK'S presence at the next Provincial Court, 17 May 1697. At this Court the writings of CLARKE were presented and read in Court. CLARKE confessed to being the author of the writings and he promise "dutyfull" behavior in the future. The Governor then dropped all charges against CLARKE. Recorded 25 June 1698. VoL. A, p. 21.
(Wilcos, SL & B J McDaniel, Prince George's County Land Records, Volume A, 1696-1702, Prince George's County Genealogical Society, Bowie, MD, pp. 27-28.)
1698 September 3, Provincial Council
Mr Gerrard SLY upon his Tryal yesterday taxed the Kings Evidences
with means used to Suboarn them & that he offered Mr Philip CLARK
to prove nine Articles against him Therefore proposes the said SLY be this day
brought before the provincial Court in order to be Examined thereon to Satisfy
the Country & that Mr CHESELDYN be Summoned which is advised & ordered
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1696/7-1698, Volume 23, pp. 523-524.)
1698 September 4, Provincial Council
To his Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr Capt Genl & Govr in chief of this
his Majestys Province of Maryland most humbly present
These His Excellency is pleased to say that he takes Mr SLY'S
Offence to be as well against the Government but if he thought it only against
himself he would have Scorned to have kept him in prison half an hour but that
his Majesty having intrusted the Government to him he must study the peace &
welfare thereof therefore desires them to advise him what to do in this matter
Whereupon the Gentlemen present upon due Consideration to advise his Excellency
that in regard the said SLY is an utter stranger to the
affairs of this Country tho Born in it he having been so long absent in England
& has been drawn in by his Father in Law John COOD
& seems to be heartily Sorry for his offence would be something favourable
to him in remitting some part or all of his Imprisonment but however that this
Petition be not accepted of without further discovery upon Oath for that the
offence seems to be against the Govt as well as his Excellency & ought by
the Petitioner to have been so expressed in his Petition
Therefore advised that unless the said SLY do make a full &
Satisfactory discovery & deliver up all Papers & asks the Courts pardon
for his reflections on them & especially Captain HILLS
the Judgment be put in Execution & that he be Imprisoned but that he be
acquainted with the result of the Board & that upon himself thereto &
giving Security to answer to the other Presentment at the next Provincial Court
& in the meantime to be of good Behaviour that his Excellency is inclinable
to remit the Imprisonment due to his Offence Ordered that the Clerk of this
Board make him acquainted herewith Produced & read the following Representations
of the Justices & Grand Iury relating to Mr John COOD being
harboured & Entertained in Virginia vizt
(Archives of Maryland, ,Proceedings of the Council 1696/7-1 698, Volume 23, p. 520.)
The humble Petition of Gerard SLY
Sheweth That your Petitioner has lately in all humble manner addressed himself
to your Excellency setting forth the deep Sence he has of his misfortune in
falling under your Excellencys displeasure & of the Grief he is burthened
with by being deservedly found Guilty of abusing a person under whose Government
all Discerning people may plainly see their own happiness.
That your Petitioners said Grief & Misfortunes Is the more heavy to him
by understanding that his inconsiderate words & actions have by some of
the people of the Province been improved to that Degree as to breed some discontents
in the minds of some of the Inhabitants where by your Excellencys Govt might
have recd some trouble tho never in the least imagined or intended by your Petitioner.
And that your Petitioners sincerity in this his humble Submission to your Excellencys
Clemency may be the more apparently known to the world he unfeignedly offers
with all the Candor imaginable to answer truly to all Such questions as your
Excellency shall please to put to him whereby your Excellency may receive further
satisfaction in the discovery of any matter that may give your Excellency the
least discontent so far as he is Capable of doing to confirm your Excellency
in the belief of your Petitioners sincerity in this matter he humbly offers
to deliver unto your Excellency the very original of the late Articles framed
by Mr John COOD Senr under his own hand who is the main Instrument
of your Petrt present misfortunes and whose Company & Correspondence
your Petitioner for his own safety will for the future avoid & in as much
as your Excellencys humble petitioner hath thus sincerely & with all humility
left himself to your Exclcys mercy & has offered to do anything in his Power
& Knowledge that may in any wise conduct to your Excellencys Satisfaction
he humbly hopes your Excellencys Goodness will so far Condescend as to remit
the punishment due to his Guilt & permit him to go home & mind his own
private Affairs which for the future shall be the only thing your Petitioner
shall meddle withal therein your Exllcy will highly oblige your Petitioner always
to pray for your Excellencys happiness
Gerard Sly
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1696/7-1698, Volume 23, pp. 524-525)
1698 September 5, Provincial Council
The Humble Petition of Philip CLARK of St Mary's County
Most humbly Sheweth unto yor Excy That Whereas Judgemt is passed agt yor Petitionr
in the Provincall Court of this Province for Six Thousand pounds of Tobb: and
six months Imprisonmt According to An Act of Assembly for Speaking Severall
Scandalous and Defamatory Words agt your Excy And thô your Petitionr must needs
own that he deserves no favour or Mercy of your Excy haveing been forgiven by
your Excy And Comitting Again the Same Offence aggravated wth the keeping Company
with John COOD and Gerrard SLYE Notorious
disturbers of this Governmt for all which Offences Your Petitioner Can
offer nothing that Can induce yor Excy to mercy but that he is fully Satisfied
of his past Errors and heartily Sorry for the Same humbly praying Yor Excys
pdon and forgiveness And that your Excy would be pleased to Extend your accustomed
favours and goodness to your Petitionr And as in Duty bound shall Ever pray
for your Excys long and happy Governmt under his most Sacred Maty.
_ _ - - - - - Philip Clarke
Maryland ss
We his Matys Justices of the Prov Court whose names are hereto Subscribed do
find that there have been many disturbances and Comotions raised within this
Governmt by Mr John COOD Senr late of St Marys County And we
are Oblieged to declare our Sentimts thereupon that if his Excy Sr Edmund
ANDROS Kt his Matys Liuet & Govr Genll of Virginia had taken due
Care upon the Severall Applications to him made from this Governmt to have had
the sd Mr COOD Apprhended & Secured and delivered up to
Justice in this Province the Same had not happened but the defect therein is
the Occasion of these disturbances and Commotions being raised and Sett on foot
by the sd Cood and Severall other psons who bragg of theire
Security in the Collony of Virginia
Robert Smith, Thomas Staly, Richd Hill, John Thompson, Thomas Tasker, John Hammond,
John Pollard, John Hawkins, James Keech, Just.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1696/7-1698, Volume 23, p. 551)
1698 September 6, Provincial Council
The following Letter to his Excellency Sr Edmund ANDROS Knight his Majestys
Governor of Virginia read & approved Of vizt
_ _ - - - - - Annapolis the 6th of Septr 1698
_ _ - - - - - Sir
I Received your Excellencys Letter by Joseph MAN of the 13th
of July last wherein your Excellency does offer that you will endeavour to support
this his Majstys Government & prevent all Combinations against it I have
by the Bearer hereof Mr Thomas MERRYWETHER inclosed sent your
Excellency a Transcript of a Bill of Indictment against Mr. John COOD
now found by the Grand lury have also sent you Copys of the Representations
of his Majestys Justices of the Provincial Court & the Grand Jury relating
to the said Mr COOD & the late troubles & Comotions
by him raised & set on foot within this Province upon which Occasion I am
obliged with the advice of his Majstys honble Council within this Province to
press your Excellency once more that you will take such Effectual Care that
the said COOD may be very speedily apprehended and delivered
up to Iustice here for the prevention of further disturbance & for securing
the peace of this his Majestys Province therefore desire your Excellency that
he may when apprehended be delivered to the hands of Collr John COURTS
one of his Majestys honble Council within this Province residing in Charles
County upon Potomack River or otherwise upon notice given Care will be taken
to send for him in doing whereof your Excellency will do great Service to his
Majesty & this Country I am
_ _ - - - - - Your Excellencys humble Servant
_ _ - - - - - Fra Nicholson
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1696/7-1698, Volume 23, p. 518.)
1698 September 14 Provincial Council
Whereas there have lately been great disturbances & Comotions raised set
on foot & fomented by divers wicked persons evilly affected to this his
Majestys Govt & the peace & Tranquillity thereof & especially by
John COOD Senr late of St Marys County now fled into the
Colony of Virginia from Justice here for his horrid & impious Blasphemy
& other notorious offences to the great detriment & trouble of many
his Majestys good Subjects within this Province And now whereas several
of the said Offenders have been apprehended & at the last provincial Court
held in august & septr instant proceeded against to Law & their convicted
of such their offences & misdemrs it is reasonably hoped the said Comotions
and disturbances are pretty well allayed if not further pursued by the said
John COOD so fled as aforesaid & who now by a Bill found
by the Grand Jury of the Province at the last Provincial Court stands indicted
for endeavouring as much as in him lay to excite & stir up his majestys
liege people within this province to rebel against his Majestys Govr & Govt
by law established I do therefore in his Majestys name by & with the advice
& Consent of the honble his Majestys Council within this province publish
declare give notice to & Command all his Majstys good & Loving subjects
within this province that they do for the future forbear to Associate converse
with harbour Entertain or hold any Correspondence whatsoever with the said John
COOD either by writing or otherwise but that they & every of them
do endeavour to apprehend & Secure the said John COOD when
ever he shall attempt to Come within this Province as they will answer the Contrary
at their peril And whereas Mr Philip CLARK of St Marys County
late one of the Attorneys of the provincial Court & one of the Attorneys
in St Marys County hath again so ill behaved himself that for his just deserts
he hath rendred himself uncapable of practising as an Attorney in any of the
said Courts & altogether unservicable to his Clients yet his Majestys Justices
of the provincial Court Considering that several persons depended upon the said
CLARK to manage their affairs to him Committed expecting that
he might have been in better Circumstances which proving otherwise might be
a great Suprizal & Detrimt to them have Continued the several actions wherein
he was Concerned until the next Provincial Court…
Given at the town & Port of Annapolis under the great Seal of this province
this 14th day of September in the tenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord
King William the third &ca Anno Dom 1698
Fra Nicholson
God save the King
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, pp. 4-7)
To his Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr Capt Gen' & L Commander
in chief of this his Majestys Province of Maryland
Whereas there have of late been many Scandalous & Defamatory Rumors &
Storys stirred up in this Province but more particularly in St Marys County
tending to the disquiet & trouble of this his Majestys happy Government…
those very persons who were the actors & principles therein are so sensible
of the falsitys & evil thereof that they have made a publick acknowledgment
& entred into Solemn Engagements to avoid & abandon the like for the
future We do therefore humbly pray your Excellency that it may be published
proclamed & made known that all the said Rumors & Storys are false
feigned Scandalous & Malitious Invented & spread abroad by John
COOD as principal Author & others that have suffered thereby
& so probably would the said Cood but that he is fled
into Virginia there harboured with whom his Majestys good subjects may
be commanded & required not only to forbear associating & Combining
but to Seize & apprehend him whenever found in this province … & we
hope all persons take due notice & conform themselves as they will answer
the Contrary at their utmost peril
Robert Smith, Tho Tasker, John Hammond, Richard Hill, Jno Hawkins: Justices
of the Provl Court
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, pp. 4-7)
1698 November 28 Provincial Council
By Joseph MAN I received your Excellencys Letter of the 17th of October last
with an inclosed copy of your Proclamation for the apprehending of Mr
John COOD Senior & if the warrant which you mention therein were
in force why was not he taken by it when he was with your Excellency the last
spring which is here proved upon Oath your Excellencys Proclamation seems to
me to be like one of the Watch houses on the Barbary Shoar to give notice when
the Christians are Coming to take them that they may fly to it for Safety because
as yet no news of the said COODS being taken (altho he has
had the Confidence and Impudence to write a Letter to one of his Majestys honble
Council here dated the 20th of October last) is come to
Your Excys most humble Servant
_ _ - - - - - Fra Nicholson
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, p. 30)
1698 October 24
His Excy is pleased to tell the Gentn of the Councill tht in as much as COOD,
SLYE and CLARKE have in their Articles objected agt
him that the papists had a Chappell at St Marys which they make use of He will
therefore lay this Matys Royall Instruction following before the house that
they may give their Opinion thereon
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly March 1697/8 - July 1699, Volume 22, p. 159)
1698 November 1
By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly Nov 1rst 1698…
6 His Excy the Govr Virgas Lre together with his Proclamacon ffor the Apprehending
Mr COOD is sent for yor pusall
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly March 1697/8 - July 1699, Volume 22, p. 170)
1698 November 2
His Excy the Govr of Virginia's Lre: together with his proclamation for the
apprehending of Mr COOD is sent you for pusall has no answer.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly March 1697/8 - July 1699, Volume 22, p. 232)
1698 November 8
Moved by a member of this house whether it might not be necessary that an address
be drawn up to his Excy and Councill to Informe them of the misapprehenson they
have of this house as being accessary's or any wayes favouring to SLY
or COOD.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly March 1697/8 - July 1699, Volume 22, p. 232)
1698 November 28, Provincial Council.
Ordered that Mr SLY CLARK & MASONS fines Amounting to the
sum of 16000 l of Tobacco be by the Committee for Stating the publick Revenue
appropriated for payment of those persons who had great Trouble Given them by
their means & that Mr Atty General make Report what charge said CLARK
SLY & MASON ought to pay & the rest of the tobacco to be divided
proportionably & paid by whom it appears to be due
(Archives of Maryland, ,Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, pp. 30-31)
1698 Westmoreland County, Virginia
Although John Coode lived in Virginia according to Maryland records, there is scant evidence of he or his family establishing roots on the other side of the Patomac. Reference to his son William Coode is found in Westmoreland County.
p. 170a-171. Will of Joseph HARDWICK of Nomony
in the parish of Cople in the County of Westmoreland, being very sick and weak
in body, dated 22 June 1698.
Unto Sarah CLARK my house keeper 20,000 lb tobacco…
To Henrietta BUCKLY her monther's trunk…
Unto Richard SUTTON 10,000 pounds of tobacco when he attains to the age of 21
Unto Richard MIDDLETON what he shall stand indebted to me…
Unto Richard SUTTON and heirs maile all that 200 acres i bought of Thomas MOBERLY
and in default of said issue of my kinsman James HARDWICK
Unto my loving friend Temperance BLANCHFLOWER my great Bible
Unto my cozins James and Thomas HARDWICK equally to be divided al the residue
and remainder of the land not hereby disposed of which I bouth of Richard STURMAN
Unto my loving firend Colo. William PEIRCE my horse James Slimore
Unto my loving friend Capt. William BRIDGES my signett ring
Unto my loving kinsman James HARDWICK 5000 points of tobacco…
The children of William EARLE be and remain with my executors…
All my personal estate be sold at outcry
My loving friend Benjamin BLANCHFLOWER executor
signed: Joseph Hardwick
Witnesses: William COODE, Jacob Ramey jur., Mary Ramey
31 Aug 1698. Proved by all witnesses. Probate granted to Benjamin Blanchflower
(Dorman, JF, 1965, Westomreland County, Virginis Deeds & Wills No. 2, 1691-1699, Washington, DC, p. 78)
James HARDWICK (Hardidge) was kin, possibly an uncle, to William HARDIDGE, husband of Frances GERARD, sister-in-law of Col. John COODE. Benjamin BLANCHFLOWER was the husband of Temperance Gerard, another sister-in-law of Col. John Coode. William COODE was the son of Col. John Coode.
1699 St. Mary's County, Maryland
John Coode returned from exile in Virginia and surrendered at St. Mary's in March. He was found guilty of the charges but not punished, due to his service in the Revolution.
1698/9 March 18 Provincial Council
His Excellency acquaints the Board that a certain Person called Colonel
John COOD had lately been with him who he understood to be under some
prosecution at Law that the said COOD had told him he had been
with the Sheriff of St Marys County & had tendered him Bail & was now
come to Surrender himself to Justice Ordered that the said Sheriff take
Bail for his Appearance at the next Provincial Court
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, p. 58)
1699 May 10 Provincial Council
Whereas Mr John COOD of St Marys County hath been in Town these
two days pretending to surrender himself to Justice but has delayed
so to do Neither has he given security to the Sheriff of St Marys County for
his appearing & answering to what is objecting against him in the Provincial
Count on his Majestys Behalf Ordered that the Sheriff of Ann Arundel County
take the said Mr John Cood into his custody & bring him
before the Justices of his Majestys Provincial Court to be dealt with according
to Law
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, p. 75)
1699 October 4 Provincial Council, Nathaniel Blackistone, Governor
His Excellency informs the Board that he had upon the Representation of the
Justices of the Provl Court suspended the execution of the Corporal Punishments
& Fine upon Mr John COOD inflicted by that Court upon consideration
of his service done on the Revolution & that for six months only in hopes
of finding a Reformation in him
Whereupon this Board do unanimously agree that the said COOD
was very serviceable to his most Sacred Majesty & this Province upon the
said Revolution & do approve of what his Excellency has done therein And
further advise that in case his Excellency has a good account of his Wellbehaviour
he may be then pardoned
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, p. 80)
1700 July 18 Provincial Council
Collo COOD having applied himself to his Excy for a pardon
& it being represented that he had of Late very well & Soberly Behaved
himself Advised he be pardoned & at present he being very poor and not able
to pay his fine of 201 Sterl advised that the execution thereof be suspended
in consideration of his former Services
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, p. 103)
1701 St. Mary's County, Maryland
1701 Estate of Col. Nehemia BLACKISTONE 20.192 A #5990 April 30, 1701 Payments to: Thomas LAWRENCE, Esq., Thomas HATTON, Col. Henry JOWLES, William STONE, William AISQUITH, William TAYLARD, Capt. Gerrard SLY. Administratrix: Madam Elizabeth BLACKISTONE.
Madam Elizabeth Rymer, nee Gerrard, was the widow of Nehemiah Blackiston, son of Dr. Thomas Gerard and brother-in-law of John COODE. Thomas Hatton married Susannah Blackiston, daughter of Nehemiah Blackiston and Elizabeth Gerrard. Their daughter, Elizabeth HATTON, married-1 Cornelius MANNING and married-2 to William COMBS. Henry Jowles married Dryden Cheseldyne, daughter of Kenelm Cheseldyne.
1702/3 February 26, Provincial Council, Annapolis, Maryland
Lieut Colo HOLLAND having a Claim for 6070 l tob from Colo John COOD late Sheriff of St Marys County in the year 1695 Unsatisfied upon his petition it was ordered that the said Colo COODS Bond be assigned to him to be put in Suite for the Recovery of his Demand
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, p. 140)
1702 Westmoreland County, Virginia
1702. Mr. John MEDLEY. Estate Account. Debts paid by John JORDAN,
deceased, to Mr. John SCRIMGEOUR, Newton KIRTON, Wright SMITH, Carter, MUKLEROY,
signed: Alexr. SPENCE
26 Aug. 1702. Reccorded at instance of Alexander Spence, Gent.
(Dorman, JF 1967, Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds & Wills, No. 3, 1701-1707, Washington, DC, p. 25.)
This record likely refers to Col. John COODE of St. Mary's County, Maryland. His daughter, Mary COODE, married William SCOTT. Benjamin BLANCHFLOWER was the husband of Frances GERARD, sister-in-law of Col. John COODE. This is the only record this author has found of Col. COODE in Virginia, even though he lived here on-and-off, during his lifetime of mayhem in Maryland.
1706 Maryland
1704 December 9
The Petition of Colo John COOD Read, wherein prays an Allowance
for Imprisonment Fees of two Criminals when Sheriff. Ordered the Consideration
thereof be referred till next Assembly.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly September 5, 1704 - April 19, 1706, Volume 26, p. 407).
1706 April 3.
The Petition of Colo John COODE for an Allowance for Imprisonmt
Fees for convicted psons read & rejected.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly September 5, 1704 - April 19, 1706, Volume 26, p. 566).
1706 April 8.
The Petition of John COODE late Sheriff of St Mary's County
for an Allowance of Imprisonment Fees of two convicted Felons Read & debated
Resolved he be allowed 15000 lb of Tobacco in full Discharge of all his Accounts
to this Time Mr COODE being called into the House the same
is proposed to him which he readily accepted of and returned the House thanks
& then withdrew.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly September 5, 1704 - April 19, 1706, Volume 26, p. 583)
1708 Maryland
By 1708 John Coode was again elected to the General Assembly, along with his brother-in-law, Joshua Guibert. Once again, his seat was challenged, this time on the basis on the legitimacy of the election process. His son, William Coode, Sheriff of St. Mary's County, had not complied with the required notification period, the election having been held only three days after notification of the election. John Coode was also challenged based upon his prior ordination. He was again turned out of the Assembly.
1707/8 February 18, Provincial Council, Annapolis
Mr Thomas BOON practitioners of the Law in Severall County Courts of this province
were approved and Lycenced by his Excy and the Councill
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1698-1731, Volume 25, p. 236)
1708 Tuesday September 28th
The House met according to Adjournment The Honble Kenelm CHESELDINE,
William COURSEY, Thomas GREENFIELD, and Philip LYNES Esqrs of her Majesty's
Honble Council together with Mr Evan JONES Clerk of that Board in Assembly enter
the House and by Virtue of a Dedimus Potestatem to them directed administered
the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament with the Oath of Abjuration to the
Honble Speaker and the several Members following Viz. … Colo John
COODE, Capt Thomas Trueman GREENFIELD, Capt. Henry Peregrine JOWLES,
Mr Joshua GUIBERT, … Mr John BRADFORD… Capt John WEST,
… Colo Nicholas LOWE, … who having all taken the several Oaths ….
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 209.)
1708 Thursday September 30th
That upon Inspection of the Sheriff's Return of Saint Mary's County the Committee
find there was not a due Proclamation of a sufficient Time and Place for Election
of the Delegates of the said County: Notice being given the 30th Day of August
and the Election made the second Day of September as appears by the Indentures
and Certificate Signed by divers Complaints: besides which there are only three
Indentures returned And we further find by the Sheriff of Saint Mary's County
Certificate on the Back of the Writ for electing Delegates for the City of Saint
Mary's that there were no Persons to be found according to the Tenor thereof
to make any Election of any Delegate to serve for the said City.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 209.)
1708 Friday, October 1st
Ordered Colo Charles Greenberry, Colo Nicholas Lowe, and Mr Samuel Worthington
be and are appointed a Committee of Laws and that they go out thereon Colo
Leave to enter the House and being called in deliver Mr Speaker the following
Representation in the Nature of a Protest
To the Honble the House of Delegates.
It is humbly represented that since we are not admitted as Delegates for St
Mary's County in this present General Assembly and do think ourselves duly elected;
And since the said present General Assembly is by Law to consist of four Delegates
and two Citizens for the Cities qualified by Law accordingly we do protest against
all Bills, or Acts of this Session of Assembly that shall be passed in the Absence
of Representatives or Delegates for the County of Saint Mary's and do desire
that this Protest may be entered in the Records and Journal of this House
1708 November 29, Monday, Lower House, Ann Arundell Co., MD
The Honble Colo William Holland, Samuel Young, Thomas Greenfield and Philip
Lynes, Esquires, Members of her Majesty's Honble Council enter the House with
Mr William Bladen, Clerk of her Majesty's Honble Council and by Virtue of a
Dedimus Petestatem to the said Councillors directed administered to the Honble
Speaker and Captain Richard Jones…Colo John COODE…Mr
Joshua GUIBERT,… Mr John BRADFORD, Mr Philip LEE, Mr John WEST, …
Members of this House, the several Oaths appointed to be taken by Acts of Parliament…
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 266.)
Wednesday first December 1708.
The House met … to examine the Report of the Committee of Elections and Privileges
relating to Colo COODE'S Qualifications to sit as a member
in this House and being considered and debated and Colo COODE
withdrawn put to the Question whether he be qualified or not? Carryed
by Majority of Votes that he is not Ordered That Mr Thomas
Truman GREENFIELD acquaint Colo COODE of the said
Vote and his not being admitted a Member of this House. Ordered That Mr Speaker
issue his Warrant to the Honble her Majesty's Secretary or his Deputy to issue
her Majesty's Writ of Election to the Sheriff of St Mary's County to elect a
Delegate for the said County in the Room of Colo John COODE
returnable forthwith; which warrant issued accordingly to Mr Greenfield acquaints
Mr Speaker and the House That he had given Colo COODE Notice
of the Vote of this House relating to him and that Colo COODE
desired to be admitted into the House having something further to offer; which
was granted and he appeared in the House and desired to be heard by his Council
learned in the Law and then withdrew And the House resolved that they will not
reassume their Vote nor recede therefrom
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 270-271.)
Wednesday first December 1708
The House met according to Adjournment Being called over were present as yesterday
except Mr Hunt who is absent The House proceeds to examine the Report of the
Com mittee of Elections and Privileges relating to Colo COODE'S
Qualifications to sit as a member in this House and being considered and debated
and Colo COODE withdrawn put to the Question whether he be
qualified or not? Carryed by Majority of Votes that he is not
Ordered That Mr Thomas Truman Greenfield acquaint Colo COODE
of the said Vote and his not being admitted a Member of this House.
Ordered That Mr Speaker issue his Warrant to the Honble her Majesty's Secretary
or his Deputy to issue her Majesty's Writ of Election to the Sheriff of St Mary's
County to elect a Delegate for the said County in the Room of Colo John
COODE returnable forthwith; which warrant issued accordingly to Mr
GREENFIELD acquaints Mr Speaker and the House That he had given Colo
COODE Notice of the Vote of this House relating to him and that Colo
COODE desired to be admitted into the House having something further
to offer; which was granted and he appeared in the House and desired to be heard
by his Council learned in the Law and then withdrew And the House resolved that
they will not reassume their Vote nor recede therefrom…
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 271.)
1708 December 17.
Ordered That Mr Wm COOD High Sheriff of St Mary's County attend
this House the next Session of Assembly to answer the Complaint of Mr
Richard LIEWELLIN touching his irregular Proceedings in the Election
of the present Delegates of the said County and that Mr LIEWELLIN then appear
and attend this House and make good the Cause of his Complaint whereof if he
fails in Ordered That he shall make Satisfaction to the Sheriff for his false
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 333.)
1709 St. Mary's County, Maryland
William COODE refused to hold another election after his father was denied his seat in the legislature. William did not hold another election until after his father died, early in 1709.
1709 November 9.
William COOD late Sheriff of Saint Mary's County having due
Notice to appear here this Session to answer for his Misbehaviour and undue
Election of Members to serve for the said County in the last Session and not
appearing accordingly altho' Richard LLEWELLEN in Obedience
to the same Order gave his Attendance to maintain the Complaint on Behalf of
the said County Therefore it's Resolved and Ordered That the present Sheriff
of the said County take him into his Custody and cause him to appear at the
Bar of this House the next Session as well to answer the Compt aforesaid as
for his Contempt in not giving due Obedience to the former Order of the House
whereof the Sheriff is not to fail as he will answer the contrary.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 455.)
1709 November 30, Tuesday, Lower House, Ann Arundell Co., MD
Former Rules of this House transcribed and set up and Resolved that they be
the Rules and Orders of this House during this Session & to be observed
accordingly Committee of Election and Privileges enter the House and report
to the House that the several Members returned for the Several Counties are
duly Elected but whether Colo COODE a Member returned for Saint
Mary's County be qualified to sit as a member in this House he having been
in the Holy Orders the Committee refers to the Consideration of the House
Which being debated Resolved it be referred for further Consideration to Morrow
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 270.)
1708-1710 St. Mary's County, Maryland
Col. John Coode wrote his will on 27 February 1708/9, which was probated one month later on 28 March 1708/9. He named his sons, John and William, sons of John and Susannah. Sometime after Susannah died (c1683), John remarried to Elizabeth, and had a third son, Richard COODE, and three daughters, Mary, Ann and Winifred COODE.
1708 Will. COODE, John, St. Mary's Co., 27 Feb 1708; 28 March 1708/9. To eldest son John, Pendrine adjoining Mattapany in St. Clements Hundred; to 2nd son William, Pissimore Point where he now lives and land adjoining where John TENISON lived, also to 2 eldest sons named jointly, land an island bought from Richard FOSTER; to son Richard, Second Thought on freshes of Patuxent- also jointly with 3 daughters, Mary, Ann, Winifred, mill at Tomacookin and land adjoining bought from Ozwell DASH; to wife Eliza, executrix, during life, dwelling plantation Bluff Point, running down Manalopson, as stock thereon for support of child she has by me. Test: Philip BRISCOE, Sr, Luke BARBER, Edward BARBER, Sam'll WILLIAMSON
(Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol 3., p. 121)
07 Mar 1711/12 (St. Mary's MD Admin. Accts., p. 219) The acct of Oswell DASH & Elisabeth, his wife, admx of all the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Joseph POWELL, late of Saint Mary's decd . Disbursements went to: Mr. HUNT, James THOMPSON, Joseph ALVEY, Colo. Henry LOWE. Total payments: £17.3.0. Mar 7, 1711. Then came Oswell DASH and Elisabeth his wife and made oath to the above account. S/Wm AISQUITH, Dep /Commisary.
(St. Mary's Administrative Accounts, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, 1994, p. 136)
1709. Wednesday 26th Day of October Anno Dom. 1709.
The House met according to Prorogation and being called over were present as
follows…Being called over there were found wanting Colo John COOD,
for St Mary's County deceased,
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 409-410.)
1710 St. Mary's County, Maryland
William COODE was reprimanded for his refusal to hold elections in 1708.
1710 October 25
Ordered the Sheriff of Saint Mary's County pursuant to an Order of the House
the last Session bring to the Bar of this House Mr William COODE
to answer his Contempt in not appearing pursuant to a former Order of this House
to answer a Complaint against him formerly made. He appeared at the Bar and
Mr Speaker declared to him for what Reason he was called; the said Mr
COODE endeavoured to excuse himself and withdrew
The House debated the Matter and resolved he should beg Pardon of the House,
pay the Sheriff of Saint Mary's County seven hundred Pounds of Tobacco, and
to the Clerk of this House three hundred Pounds of Tobacco in full of all Fees
to them due for this Contempt. Being called again to the Bar Mr Speaker informed
him of the Pleasure of the House, and that in Regard he was poor, they had taken
Pity on him and cautioned him to behave himself better for the future. He begged
Pardon and was dismissed from any further Attendance.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March 26, 1707 - November 4, 1710, Volume 27, p. 520.)
1718 St. Mary's County, Maryland
John COODE, Jr, son of Col. John COODE, died in April 1718.
1718 Will. John COODE, St. Mary's Co., 20th Apr 1718; 29th Apr 1718. To eldest son Thomas personalty and 192 acres upon Mattapany River, St. Clements Hundred. Should said son die without issue, to pass to youngest son William and heirs; he dying without issue, said land to be divided among 3 daughters, viz.: Jane, Susannah and Ann; To second son John personalty and 300 acres, Crosshall or Dinard's Point; he dying without issue, to pass to son Wm aforesaid, and he dying without issue, to pass to three daughters aforesaid; To King and Queen Parish for a glebe, in consideration of 10,000 lbs tobacco received by testator, land bou. of Samuel COOKSEY; To James LEWIS Frogg Hall, provided he pays to exs. 7,500 lbs tobacco according to bond; to eldest daughter Jane, and daus. Susannah and Ann, personalty; to son William aforesaid, personalty; To wife Ann, executrix, her thirds and residue of personal estate during life; at her decease to child. aforesaid equally. Overseers: brother William COODE and Matthew MASON. Test: John HOSKINS, Daniel KELLY, John BARNES, Daniel HENLY.
(Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 4, p. 171)
Matthew MASON married Ann Blackiston, daughter of Nehemiah Blackiston and Elizabeth Gerrard.
The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689
Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
Edited by Combs Researcher George Baumbach from Archives of Maryland and other sources noted.
Go to George's Genealogical Filing Cabinet (Cody-Ridge-Combs families)