![]() | The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689 Rev. Col. John Coode and the Glorious Revolution |
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Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
Shortly after receiving several appointments in St. Mary's County, John CoOODE began his long standing behavior of confrontation and conspiracy against the Lord Proprietor and the leading Catholics in power. The reasons for this have never been uncovered, but may be related to social and political issues of the day, such as the power of the Lower House, excess taxation and a slow economy, and the ever-present threat from Indians. He was characterized as a hard drinker, a user of profanity, and disloyal to those who advanced his status and position in the government.
1680 St. Mary's County, Maryland
In December 1679 John COODE was accused of sedition, by aiding and abetting one Doctor James BARREE (any relation to Magne BARRET of Stafford County, Virginia, owner of land later purchased by Joseph COMBS I, is at present unknown). The incident occurred at John COODE'S home, Bushwood, wherein James Barre accused William ROSEWELL of participating in a Catholic plot to attack Protestants.
1679 At a Councill held at St Peters the 10th Day of ffebry 1679: p ordr and appointmt of the Rtt Honble the Lord Propry where were prseflt Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor, Vincent Lowe Esqr Survey: Genll, The Honble Coll. Benjamin Rozer Esqr, Ltt Coll. Henry Darnall Esqr, George Talbott Esqr, Capt. William Digges Esqr
Severall mutinous and seditious speeches (tending to the breach of peace within this Province) haveing been lately uttered by Doctor James BARREE severall evidences to the same were this Day called and examined upon oath (viz) Thomas BENNETT saies that on Tuesday the 30th of Decemb: last at night he came from on board shipp to Capt. COODES house on Wiccocomico River, where he found Dr James Barree and severall other psons in Compa but how long they had been there he knowes not, that he believes the said Barree might be something in Drink, that said Barre hott in discourse with Mr ROSEWELL one of the Compa told him that he was excommunicated for keepeing his Xmas with Hereticks, and seemed to be very angry with Rosewell for being there, and told him that he the said Barree was sent thither p some psons to take notice of his words, at wch Rosewell shewed much anger, Barree then further told him that there was now ready a Troope of Horse consisting of too Catholickes undr coll. DARNALL and Thomas COURTNEY to cutt of[f] all the Protestants in Maryland and that in three Daies time, that he the said Rosewell was one of the said Troope, whereupon Rosewell grew very Cholerick and told him that he would take him and burn him. Barree further replied that it was true enough and that he knew it very well; askeing him if his Conscience did not accuse him, that Mr FFOSTER had delivered a List of the Troopers Names to Mrs HILL in whose hands he the said Barree saw the same, And further the Deponent saith that the next morning Capt COODE asked the said Barree if he did remember what he had said the night before, to which the said Barree (in heareing of his Deponent) replied that he did very well repeateing the same words or words to the same effect over again, further adding that this Business had been made knowne in England, that Mr John DARNALL while he was there being taken for his Brother coll. Darnail was summoned before the King and Councill, but finding the mistake he was again dismissed. Severall other words to the same purpose were at the same time spoken by the said Barree wch the Deponent cannot now remember and therefore further saith not.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, Volume 15, pp. 269-273.)
Nehemiah BLACKISTONE, John COODE'S brother-in-law, John SLYE, and John COODE each deposed similarly about Barre's accusations of a Catholic militia ready in three days to kill all Protestants. Capt Jno COODE further added that Barre meant John Darnall, not Col. Henry Darnall.
… the said Barree should also say that this Designe had beene knowne before in England, and that Mr John DARNALL while he was in England was summoned before the King and Councill about it, being taken mistake for coll. DARNALL…
John Manley deposed that Barre had made the rounds staying two days each with Capt. GERARD and Capt. SLYE prior to coming to John COODE'S home.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 15, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, pp. 269-273.)
1681 St. Mary's County, Maryland
In 1680-1682 the Senneca and Susquehanaug tribes raided Maryland plantations. Josias FENDALL and John COODE took advantage of the disturbances by blaming the Indian War as a Papist plot to rid Maryland of Protestants, purportedly aided and abetted by the Catholic Lord Baltimore. Josias FENDALL, of Charles County, Maryland, and formerly the Lt Governor of Maryland, and John COODE were accused of leading an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Lord Baltimore by stirring up the people of St. Mary's and Charles Counties. Philip Calvert, the Lord Baltimore, wrote,
"Upon these disturbances given us by these heathen rogues, some evill ill disposed spirits have been tampering to stirr up the Inhabitants of Maryland and those of the north part of Virginia to mutiny, of which I haveing notice, as also being, certainely informed who were the chiefe contrivers, and carriers on of the designe I imediately sent orders for the apprehending one Josias FENDALL and John COODE, two Rank Baconists; the first of these was some twenty yeares since my Father's Lieut. Governor here; but upon his breach of trust and beginning a Rebellion here he scaped the Gallows very narrowly…"
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1681, volume 5, pp. 280-282)The 7th Day of May 1681: at the house of Nehemah BLACKISTONE John COODE said to me what Divell need you trouble your Self with land, there is never a Papist in Maryland will have one foote of land within these four moneths, and that the Sinniquo Indians would doe us noe good for he had tenn thousand men at Command when he pleased, and that he could make it high water when he pleased. And further saith not Coline MACKENZIE.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 15, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, p. 388-390.)
Philip Calvert summarized the 1681 uprising in a letter to a merchant of London, Col. Henry Meese. He mentions Susannah Gerard COODE and the imprisonment of John COODE.
Letter from the Chancellor of Maryland to Col. Henry Meese Merchant in London Concerning the late Troubles in Maryland.
Colonel Meese
Yoakely being now ready to Sail, I thought it fit to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters this year; I have only that before me, which you writ by Mr. Ambrose Sanderson, and shall for your sake, his Functions, and his own, serve him in any thing I may; The rest of your letters I have left at home, so must defer my answer till the next Ship.
I find by the Masters of the Ships, that the Imprisonment of Capt Josias FENDALL, and Capt. John COODE, hath made so great a noise at London; and therefore I thought it necessary to give you an account of it, as having been formerly an Inhabitant of Maryland and an Eye witness of the carriage of Capt. Fendall in the years 1659, and 1660, when he Perfidiously broke his oath and Trust, being Governour of this Province; cancelled his Commission from the then Lord Proprietor, and took a new one from the Assembly. For that offence he was only Fin'd and declar'd uncapable of ever bearing any Office in this Province, as you may remember, and that hath gaul'd him ever since; and to get into Office he now sets all his Wits to work inciting the People in Charles's County to Mutiny and Sedition; and Tampering with some of the Justices of Peace in St. Marie's County: First telling the People they were Fools to pay any Taxes (though laid by Act of Assembly) that there was Wars in England between the King and the Parliament; and that now nothing was Treason, a man might say anything; And then to the Justices hinting how easie a matter it was to overturn the Government here by seizing the Lord Proprietor, the Chancellor Secretary and Colonel Darnall, all the rest (as he said) signifying nothing. The Justice of the Peace told him he had no Commission, and that it would be downright Rebellion. He went from him, and revealed this discourse to another Justice, who discovered this whole matter to my Lord. Shortly after this Capt. John Coode falls upon a time, at a Feast, into discourse with a Papist, who was suing a Friend of his for a piece of Land; and said, That he need not trouble himself for a piece of Land, for that no Papist in Maryland should be Owner of any Land at all in this Province within three months; for that he had ten thousand Men at his Command; and he could make it High-water or Low-water when he pleased.
After this, Coode was observed to make Visits to Fendal, which he never used to do before, and they both went over into Virginia; and within a few days after their return from thence, a Boat designed for Carolina from Maryland, was forced in by bad weather to a House in Virginia, where the Owner of the Boat heard that Fendal and Coode had been thereabouts; and that the whole discourse there was that Fendal intended to raise Mutiny in Maryland, and that he and Coode would carry their Families into Virginia. This being Sworn to, and at that very instant Information being given, that one of Capt. Coode's Servants reported, that his Master intended to remove his Family on the Thursday following into Virginia; made my Lord think it high time to look to the Security and Peace of the Province, and therefore sent Colonel Darnal with about ten men to bring Coode and Fendal before him and the Council; Colonel Darnal came to Coode's when it was light and the Servants using to go to work opened the door, at which Colonel Darnal entered alone, leaving his Men without, and coming into Mr. Coode's Chamber, told him he was his Prisoner; Coode at first laid his hand upon his Sword, but at last yielded; after which Col. Darnal went over the River, and took Capt. Fendal also, and brought them before my Lord and Council. And the next day after, Mrs. COODE did Hector my Lord at a rate I never heard from a Woman before; by which you may conclude she was not run mad with the fright of her Husband's being pull'd out of his Bed, as we were told her son SLYE falsly reports at London.
Three or four days after I saw her at St. Maries, and then I did suspect she would not continue long in her wits, knowing she had been mad awhile upon the death of her eldest son, about the year 1659 and had heard she sometimes fell into like Fits since.
After this my Lord took Bail for Coode within five days, but Fendal was kept till my Lord had secured Lieutenant George GODFREY, who laid a Plot to unhorse his Captain, and carry the Troop to the rescue of Fendal, instead of searching for the Indians, that had Murther'd some of our Planters and were daily expected to fall into Charles County, in great numbers; as they afterwards did in less than three weeks.
My Lord intends to send over their Tryals, that the World may see with how much Favour the Court proceeded, and to stop the Mouth of Calumny; so that I shall not trouble you now any further but ere I make an end, must present my own and my Wifes service to your second-self as you stile her ; and so subscribe
myself Sir, Your humble Servant
Philip Calvert.
From Patuxent River-side this 29 December 1681.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council 1693-1697, Volume 20, pp. xli-xiv.)
Lord Baltimore, accused of stirring up the Catholics, commented on the agitation of the residents of Stafford County in 1681 said,
"this FENDALL has great influence on and interest in most of the rascalls in the North part of Virginia, where he was for some time when he was forced to abseent himself from Maryland."
(Harrison, F, Parson Waugh's Tumult. A Chapter from "Landmarks of Old Prince William", Virginia Historical Mag., vol. 30, pp. 31-37)
COODE was quoted by John Bright as saying
"COODE swore 'God Damn all the Catholick Papist Doggs,' and swore he would be revenged of them, and spend the best blood in his body."
1681 August 4. Then Delivered into the hands of the Clk of the Councill to be entred the following Deposition of Samuel DOBSON viz. Augt 4th 1681: Samuel Dobson aged Sixty three yeares or thereabouts sworne upon the holy Evangelists saith that about the beginning of the last moneth Captn John COODE came to Bushwood to the house of Gerard SLYE where this Deponent then and now hath his residence: that they then fell into discourse about the murder at Point Looke Out then lately committed upon Thomas POTTER and others, that this Deponent then in discourse saying that the said Potter and his Companions (as this Deponent thought) were murdered by the Indians, the said COOD replyed noe they were not murdered by Indians, but were murdered by Christians, and that Coll SPENCER had cleared the Indians then questioned; And further Sayth not.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 15, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, p. 399.)
Josias Fendall and John Coode were arrested and charged with "mutinous and seditious speeches practices and attempts agt the person of the Lord Propry to the subversion of the State and Government of this Province."
In spite of the above charges John COODE was elected a member of the Lower House of the General Assembly. Philip Calvert tried to remove him from his seat while awaiting trial, although the Lower House resisted.
Augt the 18th 1681 Upper house mett
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor, where William Calvert Esq Secretary appeares
Vincent Lowe Esqr Surveyor Generall The Honourable Col. Henry Coursey? Col Thomas
Taillor Col Henry Darnall Col William Stevens
The Chancellor gives the house to understand that his Lordship being informed
that Capt COODE being Accused for Mutinous and
Seditious Speeches Practices and Attempts tending to the Breach of the Peace
and yet Admitted to Sitt in the Lower house as a Member thereof is of Opinion
that he ought not to Sitt there untill Such time as he hath purged himself from
what is Charged upon him and therefore desires that the Lower house may be acquainted
therewith Ordered that a Message be Sent to the Lower house accordingly
Upper house of Assembly Augt 18th 1681.
His Lordship the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary being Informed that Captain
John COODE being a Prisoner (though not upon Baile) Accused for Mutinous
and Seditious Speeches practices and Attempts tending to the Breach of the Peace
and Subversion of the Government is Notwithstanding Admitted to Sitt as a Member
of the Lower house in this present Generall Assembly, Contrary to the known
Practices of all Assemblies, that any Person should Sitt there as a Member who
stands Accused barely for Breach of the Peace untill Such time as he shall first
have Duely purged himself from thence; Hath Commanded this house to represent
the Same to the Lower house which by this Message they do Desiring them to Consider
thereof, and take such care therein that no Person so Affected as is already
Mentioned may be thought a Member worthy to Sitt there among them untill Such
time as he shall first have purged himself from the Crimes laid to his Charge,
and which by Severall Oaths have been Testified against him
Signed pr Order pr John LLewellin Cl of the Assembly
Lower house of Assembly 18th Augt 1681-
Upon the Message read from the Upper house in relation to Capt John
COODE, a Member of this house, this house thinks fitt to acquaint the
Upper House that this house will take the said Message into their Consideration
and give Lordship Such Satisfaction therein as in justice they ought, not infringing
the Rights and Priviledges of this house
Signed pr Order of the house Robert Ridgley
Cl of the Lower house of Assbly
(Archives of Maryland, volume 7, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly October 1678 - November 1683, pp. 112-113, 115-116.)
August the 19th 1681-
The house having taken into their Serious Consideration the Message received
Yesterday relating to Capt John COODE do Answer that Capt
COODE being at Liberty and presenting himself to this house before
any knowledge was given to this house of any Crime this house had no reason
to Deny him Admittance to Sitt as a Member of this houseBut upon Receipt
of the said Message have as well out of high Respect to his Lordship and the
Upper house as unto the Matter of his Accusation Voted that Captain
COODE withdraw from Sitting in this house untill further Order of the
house and then proceeded to the further Debate of the Matter and Substance of
the Message which Consisting of an Accusation only (though heinous) yet too
general for us to find out wherein Our Member hath Incapacitated himself from
Continuing in this house as a Member thereof Therefore this house being resolved
as they Conceive themselves in Duty bound to Comply with his Lordship in all
readiness and the Upper house in all things where the Rights and Priviledges
of this house may be Secure Do Humbly desire to know wherein or by what Act
or Means Our said Member hath Disabled or rendered himself Incapable of having
his Place in this house whereby (as not knowing any other Safe Rule) they will
give Your Honours all further Satisfaction
Signed pr Order of house
C: Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly
Upper house of Assembly 19th Augt 1681
Treason or breach of the Peace Disables any Member of the Assembly from Sitting
in the Assembly, Capt John COODE is Accused for breach of the
Peace upon Oath and Stood Committed for the said Breach and is still Prisoner
to his Baile who may Deliver him up when they will if they fear the Breach of
his good Behaviour which includes the Peace and more, And therefore this house
do Conceive the said COODE is not capable to Sitt in the Lower
house of Assembly till he hath Purged himself at the Provincial Court where
only he is Tryable and where he is Bound to come in Order to his Tryall Neither
can his Baile be other wise Discharged unless the Lower house will go directly
Contrary against the known Law which ought to be their Rule as well as the Rule
of this house, Neither do this house think that the particular Acts of his Breach
of the Peace ought to be Divulged before they are brought in an Indictment before
a Petty Jury Even all Grand Juries themselves being Sworn to keep his Lordships
Council their fellows and their own Secret
Signed pr Order John LLewillin Cl of the Assembly
(Archives of Maryland, volume 7, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly October 1678 - November 1683, pp. 112-113, 115-116.)
Although the Lower House conceeded and barred John COODE from attending Assembly, the fight was not over. One week later, the Lower House responded with further legal opinion, much to the wrath of Lord Baltimore
thereupon and likewise present the following Paper from the Lower
house in behalf of Capt COODE Vizt
Lower house of Assembly the 26th Augt 1681--
This house unwilling to Err in any Dutyfull respect to your Lordship and yet
to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of this House, have caused a Diligent
Search of Such Records and Authorities as might best inform us of the Rights
and Priviledges of the Same: The best of which in being are those of Our own
Country, upon due Examination whereof we find, that only Felony Treason and
refusing to give Security for Breach of the Peace Can Divest any Member of this
house of his Priviledge of Sitting in this House as a Member thereof, and not
a bare breach of the Peace, much Less an Accusation only of the Breach of the
Peace Therefore this house Humbly Beseech that the Restauration of the
Said Member may be with Your Lordships Good will and Likeing or to Express such
Cause as may not infringe the Priviledges of this house
Signed pr Order of this House
C: Boteler Cl Assistant to the Lower house of Assembly
Upper house August the 26th 1681.
This house by his Lordships Order do say that Capt John COODE
being a Member of the Assembly and a Justice of the Peace did at a County Court
held for St Maries County Carry himself So Debauchedly & Profanely
that The said Court made an Order that he should find Sureties for the Peace
and Good Behaviour which Order the Said Coode Contemptuously tore & Disobeyed
and for that is to Answere his Lordships Justices at the next Provincial Court
and for this his Lordship Caused him to be put out of the Commission of the
Peace in revenge of which the said COODE hath from time to time persisted to
Machinate the Ruin of the Publick peace by forgeing and Spreading false Scandalous
reports Uttering Mutinous and Seditious Speaches threatning force of ten thousand
Men to Subvert the Government, and for this was Committed, being Sworn against
by Severall Witnesses and cannot be Tryed till next Provincial Court to which
he Stands Bound So that upon the whole matter his Lordship and this house do
hope and Expect that the Lower house will not think So Scandalous a Person and
so great a Disturber of the Peaceable Governmt of this Province fltt to Vote
in the Lower house or be accounted a Member thereof till Cleared by the Provincial
Signed pr Order pr John LLewellin Clerk of Assembly
Sent to the Lower house by the Secretary and the Surveyor
General who have also in Charge to acquaint the Lower house with Some Scurillous
Language used by the said COODE to the Justices at the County
Court (besides what is Contained in the Paper) Vizt they requiring him to give
Security in bond of one hundred pounds he told them it was more than they were
all worth, And that they were a Company of fools, and he was the head of them;
The Secretary and Surveyor General having accordingly Delivered their Message
return again into this house
The Petition of Samuel Holdsworth again read and thus
Underwritten Vizt_
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Carvile and Mr
Wells to acquaint this house that the Lower house do not think the Accusation
of Captain COODE Sufficient unless Strengthened by Evidences
which they humbly request may be done in their house this AssemblyThey
returned and an Answer to be Sent them by a Member of this house
Upper house of Assembly 26 Augt 1681
This house do say that Captain John COODE is not Committed
as a Member of the Lower house, nor for any Crime Committed in the house, that
the Lower house can try no Crime Committed out of their house nor Examine any
Witness upon Oath so that Captain COODE ought to Stand and
fall by the tryall of the Provincial Court to which he is Bound, and we hope
the Lower house will not think fltt to insist further upon any thing tending
to his Admittance to Vote in their house till a Jury of Twelve men have quitted
him upon hearing the Evidence
Signed pr Order pr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
(Archives of Maryland, volume 7, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly October 1678 - November 1683, pp. 135-136.)
Philip Calvert finally responded with more detailed accusations against John COODE. Calvert must have been livid with the questioning from the Lower House, and their actions can only be interpreted that there was much friction with the Upper House and Coode had many supporters in the Lower House.
John Coode was the Captain of Calvert's yacht and had arrested two prominent men, Garrett Van Swearingen and William Pressley. Coode was accused of name calling against Philip and William Calvert.
The Chancellor Col Tailler Surveyor Genl Col Darnall
Upper house August the 27th 1681.
This house desire to know the result of the Lower house whether they intend
to give his Lordship that Satisfaction which he Expected from them in the Seclusion
of Captain John COODE from Sitting as a Member in their House
untill Such time as he shall have Purged himself at the Provincial Court from
what is laid to his Charge, till when this house think not Convenient to Join
with the Lower house in any Business
Signed pr Order pr John LLewellin Cl of the Assembly
…Col Lowe having Delivered his Message accordingly returns and
brings with him the Deposition as followeth
The Honourable William Calvert Esqr saith that going a Board My Lords Yacht
in St Maries River, then Commanded by Captain John COODE (the
said Coode having taken Prisoners Mr William Pressly
and Mr Garrett Vansweringcn) the said William Calvert Esqr
Demanded them to be Surrendered up Saying that he did Believe he the said Coode
had not Commission to take his Captain Lieutenant whereupon the said Coode
replyed he cared not a fart for him the said William Calvert Esqr,
Whereupon the said William Calvert Esqr told him that there was both the Chancellor
and himself his Superior Officer next to the Governor, COODE
Answered again that he cared not a Turd for the Chancellor nor the
Governor neither, No (he Swore by God) nor for God Almighty Neither,
He the said William Calvert Esqr asked him what are you a Mad Man,
to which he Swore and Said what a Plague do you give me a Commission for;
Jurat 27o Die Augusti 1681-Coram me Philip Calvert
Lower house of Assembly 27th Augt 1681
This house having taken into their very Serious Consideration all the Messages
from the Upper house relating to Captain John COODE and not
finding him Disabled thereby have Voted him a Place in this house
and Humbly desire that his Lordship and the Upper house will be Satisfied with
the reasons formerly Sent and rest assured that he shall not do his Lordship
any Disservice in this house So that we hope his Admission may not impede the
Publick Business
Signed pr Order of the house C Boteler Cl Assistant of the
Upper house August the 29th 1681-
Refusing to give Security for breach of the Peace is a Sufficient Cause to Divest
any Member of the Lower house of his Priviledge of Sitting there as So as hath
been Acknowledged by themselves in a Message of theirs to this house of the
20th Instant: Capt COODE hath in the face of a whole Court
refused to give Security for Breach of the Peace as by a Transcript of the Record
will Evidently Appear and Consequently hath incapacitated himself of Sitting
in the Lower House as a Member thereof this house therefore desire the Lower
house to give his Lordship Satisfaction in that Particular
Both the above Messages Sent to the Lower house by Col Lowe together with the Transcript of the County Court Record Concerning Capt COODE, Col Lowe hath in Charge to tell them as for the first Crime whereof Capt Coode was therein Convicted it had been remitted by those who had no power so to do and would be called to an Account therefore as well as Coode, and for the other Coode Peremptorily Disobeyed their Order and Positively refused to give Security
(Archives of Maryland, volume 7, Proceedings and Acts of
the General Assembly
October 1678 - November 1683, pp. 136-139.)
From the above, John Coode was convicted of breach of the peace. However, it is not surprising that COODE denied the sedition charges after being jailed, but in the act of refuting the testimony, he identified several of his family as co-conspirators including his brother-in-laws Capt. John Gerard, Nehemiah Blackistone, and Joshua Guibert.
29th September 1681: issued this following
ordr to Mr Thomas Grunwin Clk of St Maries County Court viz,
By ordr of the Rt honble the Lord Propry Maryland ss:
You are hereby willed and Required immediately upon sight hereof to take a true
Coppy from the Records of your County Court of all the proceedings against Capta
John COODE in relation to his insolent and contumacious
carriage and behaviour there, and the process of the said Court
thereupon ; and the transcript thereof under your hand attested you are to transmitt
to his Lspp and Councill to the Clerk of the Councill directed at the City of
St Maries with all possible Speed. Whereof faile not Dated the 29th Day of September
in the Sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble. Charles &c. Annoq Domini
Signed p ordr p J. Lewellin Cl Consil.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 17, Proceedings of the Council 1681-1685/6, p. 30.)
John Coode's trial was held on November 8-11, 1681. The Justices of St. Mary's County, including Captain Gerard SLYE and William HATTON were summoned to testify against John Coode.
16 October 1681
Thomas Grunwin Clk. of St Maries County Court according to prcept of the 29th
September last makes returne of that County Court proceedings against
Capt John COODE wch being read ordered that summons issue for the Commissionrs
present at the said proceedings wch accordingly did as followeth viz.
By the Rt honble the Lord Propry Maryld ss: & Councill
You are hereby willed and required to summon Capt Gerard SLYE, William
HATTON, Richard Lloyd, Joshua Doyne, Clement Hill, James Bowleing,
Joseph Pyle, George Thompson, William Boareman Junr John Dent, and Richard Gardner
of St Maries County gentl that all excuses sett apart they and every of them
be and personally appeare before his Lspps Justices of the Provinciall Court
at the next Provinciall Court to be holden at the City of St Maries the Eighth
Day of November next ensueing to testifye in behalf of the Rt honble the Lord
Propry against Capt John COODE the truth of their knowledge
to such matters and things as shall then and there be proposed unto them whereof
they are not to faile at their perill.
Dated at St Maries the Eighth day of October in the Sixth yeare of the Dominion
of the Rt honble Charles &c Annoq Domini 1681:
_____To the Sheriff of St Marks________Signed
p ordr
_______County or his Deputy___________
p J Lewellin Cl Consil.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 17, Proceedings of the Council 1681-1685/6, p. 44.)
Philip Caluert Esqre Chancellor
William Caluert Esqre Secretary The Honuorable Thomas Taillor Esqre
Williams Steevens Esqre William Diggs Esqre
November the 8th 1681
Capt John COODE of St Maryes County being bound by a Recognizance
for his good abearance and appearance here this day to answer to such things
as on the Behalfe of the Lord Propry of this Province shall be objected against
him the said John Coode did appear here this day to save himselfe
and his Bayle and is by the Court here ordered to find good security for his
good abearance and appearance here to-morrow at nine a Clock in the Morning
to answer to such things as on the Behalfe of his said Lordspp the Lord Propry
shall be objected against him and the said John Coode came
then into Court with William THEOBALDS of Charles County Gent'
his surety and the said John Coode did acknowledge himself
to owe unto his Lordspp the Lord Propry of this Province the summe of one hundred
pounds sterl: and the said William Theobalds the summe of fifty
Pounds sterling to be leavyed of and upon the Goods Chattles Lands and Tenements
of each of them to his said Lordspps Use if the said John Coode shall not make
his personall appearance here tomorrow morning by Nine of the Clock to answer
to such things as shall be objected against him on the Behalfe of his said Lordspp
the Lord Propry and in the mean time be of good abearance as well towards his
said Lordspp the Lord Propry as to all other the good people of this Province.
On which said morrow morning at nine a Clock to witt the Eleaventh day of November
aforesaid the said John COODE made his personall appearance
in the Court here according to the recognizance aforesaid and thereby discharged
himselfe and his Bayle and it is ordered by the Court here that the said John
Coode make his personall appearance here to morrow morning by tenn
of the Clock to answer to such things as shall be obiected against him as aforesaid
and the Court here sendeth to the Lower house of assembly now sitting this Writeing
following viz
Mr Speaker
Capt COODE being a Member of your house now sitting and bound
ouer to answer an Indictment of Mutiny and sedition is this day to appeare (as
I doubt not but that he will) Regularly ought to be put into the hands of the
Sheriff I thought I was bound to pay this respect to the Lower house to inform
them of it and to desire them that they will not construe it any Breach of theire
Priveledge if we demand security of him to appeare from day to day till his
conuiction or acquittall, or upon Refusall to give security we should commit
him unless the Lower house will give us theire word for his appearance, I rest
your humble servant
Philip Calvert.
Lower house of Assembly November the 11th 1681.
This house take in good part the respect showne them by his honnor the Chancellor
and the rest of the Justices of the Provinciall Court and to demonstrate that
they were not behind hand with theirs did give the same leave of this house
to Capt COODE to appeare this morning at the Provinciall Court
in order to his Tryall and are still contented therein at such time as the Court
desires it and in confidence that Giveing the word of this house for his appearance
will not be any ways construed to favour and countenance the crimes layd to
his Charge but meerly respect to Capt Goode as a Member of this house doe passe
theire word for his appearance accordingly dureing the sitting of this house,
your honnrs most humble servant
____Philæmon Lloyd Speaker
(Archives of Maryland, volume 15, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, p. 328-330.)
1681 November 11. The Jurors for the Right Honnorable the Lord Propry of this Province doe present that John COODE late of St Maryes County in the Province aforesaid Gentleman the seaventh Day of May in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the said Lord Propry &c: Anno Dom: 1681. at the house of one Nehemiah BLACKISTON scituate in St Maryes County aforesaid Maliciously contriveing practicing and attempting to divert the obedience of the people from the said Lord Propry to raise a Mutiny and sedition in the said Province haveing a communication with one Collen MACKENSEY of said John COODE then and there of his own mutinous and seditious Mind and Imagination falsely and maliciously expressly and advisedly in the presence and hearing of divers good people of this Province these false scandalous, mutinous and seditious English words following then and there did speak utter publish and rehearse (that is to say) what devill need you (the said Mackensey meaning) trouble yourselfe with land there is never a Papist in Maryland will have a foote of Land within this foure months and that the Sinique Indians would doe you (the said Mackensey meaning) noe good for he (the said John Coode meaning) had tenn thousand men at command when he (the same John Coode meaning) pleased and that he (the said John Coode likewise meaning) could make it high water (meaning a disturbance in the Province) when he (the same John Coode meaning) pleased and that the said John Coode of his further malicious Contrivance Practice and attempts as aforesaid the tenth day of July in the yeare aforesaid having communication with one Samuel DOBSON of the same County Planter of and concerning the Murder of one Thomas POTTER and other persons then lately by supposed Indians unknown murdered at or neer a certaine place called Point lookout in the said County of St Maryes in the Province aforesaid he the same Samuel Dobson alledging that the said Potter and his Companions were murdered as he the said Samuel Dobson then thought by Indians the said John Coode did thereupon of his further Malice mutinously and seditiously reply then and there these other mutinous and seditious English words following in the hearing of divers good people of this Province and the same did falsely and maliciously speak utter publish and ascert (that is to say) noe they were (the said Potter and his Companions meaning) not murdered by Indians but were murdered by Christians to the great disturbance of the Peace &c: and against the form of the act of Assembly in this case made and provided.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 15, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, p. 330-331.)
Those words that he could make it high water when he pleased Captn COODE acknowledges he might say alludeing to a bowle of Punch wch they were then drinking wch he could make ebb or flow at pleasure but as to the Rest of the Deposition he wholly Denies, and saith that when he was at Mr BLAKISTONES there were severall others then in Company with him viz. Capt GERARD, John SHANKLES, John DENNIS, John HOPKINS, Nea BLACKISTON, Joshua GUIBERT Robert COLE, FFENDALL the Master of the shipp and others, wonders why some of them should not heare the same words spoken as well as the Deponent (if any such were) But the further heareing and examination is referred till next Councill Day and Captn COODE to remaine in Custody under a guard at the Chancelors house.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 5, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, p. 388-390.)
John BRIGHT, a worker at Josiah Fendall's plantation, testified that he furnished a sloop to take Fendall and John Coode to Col. Nicholas Spencer of Westmoreland County.
"FENDALL bringing his Wife and Children to Coll: SPENCERS and Capt COODE his Wife and children to Mr HARDWICKES."
John COODE's sister-in-law, Frances GERARD, lived in Westmoreland County. Frances Gerard's husbands, namely Thomas SPEAKE (1659), Valentine PEYTON (1665), and Col. John WASHINGTON (1678), all left wills in Westmoreland County. Mr. Harwick (Hardidge) was the fifth husband of Frances Gerard.
Novembr 11th 1681
Henry NOBLE Servant to Mr Kenelm CHESELDYN aged Twenty five yeares or thereabouts
being Sworne sayth
That he never heard Richard CRANE of St Maryes County or any other pson say
or report that in case Capt FFENDALL or Capt COODE
should doe otherwise, then well upon their tryall, That there was
a Gunn to be fyred off at the Plantacon of the said Kenelm, and that thereupon
ffive hundred men were to come over out of Virginia into this Province,
and that he this Depont never told the said CRANE any Such words or Reporte,
and ffurther sayth not Jurat. Coram me Novembr ye 19th 1681 Philip Calvert.
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1681-1683, Volume 70, p. 104.)
Capt. John Coode was acquitted.
11 November 1681
Upon which Presentment the aforesaid John COODE was Indicted upon his Indictment arraigned and upon his Arraignment Pleaded Not Guilty… and the said John Coode was sett to the Barr and the Jurors impannelled being called likewise came (to witt) Philip Lynes Anthony Dawson, John Richardson William Hill, John Evans William Steevens William Mishew William Smith Rhoderick. Lloyd Vincent Mansfield Henry Exon John Paler who being elected Cryed and sworne to say the truth in the Premisses upon theire Oaths doe say that the said John Coode is not guilty of the Crimes whereof he stands indicted And then the Chancellor said to the said John Coode these words following--Capts COODE your Country hath quitted you and now lett me give you some advice I would have you for the future to love your quiet quiet better then your Jest The words spoken to Mackensey it seemed were spoken at a feast when you were all well heated and you love to amaze the Ignorant and make sport with your witt at most times and therefore tis noe wonder at that time you did not well weigh the circumstances of time and other mens actings then that gave the Gouverment just cause to suspect you were of the same tribe with Fendall especially when you were observed then to vizit one another and make vizits to others Let me tell you mens tongues oftener sett theire feete to work then theire hands doe and therefore keepe a Guard upon your Tongue
to which Captn COODE replyed
I humbly thank you for your advice and shall follow it for I confess Circumstances considered the Government had just cause to commit me though my meeting with Capt Fendall was meerly accidentall when we went over to Collonell Spencers after which he delivered a letter to the Chancellor from Collonell Spencer
(Archives of Maryland, volume 5, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, p. 332.)
During the voir dire, Fendall, acting as his own attorney, challenged all potential jurors who were Roman Catholic, allowing only Protestants to sit in judgement against him. Among the Catholics not seated was Capt. Peter SAYERS. Josias Fendall was still found guilty.
George GODFREY was also tried with Fendall and Coode, and was sentenced to hang, although Calvert commuted his sentence to life imprisonment. Simon STACY was accused of spreading the rumor that Lord Baltimore has supplied the Indians with gunpowder and shot.
[1681 July] William HODGESON according to order of this board the
last Councill Day makes his appeareance and haveing taken his oath upon the
holy Evangelist saith that being up at a horse Race at Mr RUMSEYS in Company
with Simon STACY and others he told STACY
that he heard he had fforted in his house To wch STACY replyed he was afraid
of the Indians ffor that Mr TYRLING had reported My Lord had furnished them
with powder and shott, And that he called Thomas LAWSON, and Richard THOMAS
to witness that Mr Rumsey heard Mr Tyrling say soe.
Simon STACY called. Denyes that he ever said any such thing
of Mr Tyrling.
(Archives of Maryland, volume 15, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1678-1681, p. 391-392.)
Simon Stacy was born c1638 in Petherton, Somersetshire, England. Simon and Mary Stacy were the parents of John Stacy (m-1 Sarah, m-2 Dorothy) of Overwharton Parish, Stafford County, Virginia. John and Sarah were the parents of Simon Stacy who married Judith Tolson 22 Aug 1741 at Overwharton Parish . Their children were intermarried with several of the Tory COMBS and CODY's of Surry County, North Carolina, namely Seth Stacy who married William COMBS, Benjamin Stacy who married Ann COMBS, and Snai Stacy who married William CODY. These COMBS siblings were the offspring of Mason and Sarah COMBS of Stafford and Frederick County, Virginia.
Even Philip COMBS was dragged into the mire of this failed revolt, having overheard Thomas
MARSHALL'S death threats against Lord Baltimore. Philip summoned to testify, and
an Anthony UNDERWOOD was security.
1681/2 March. That if the above bounden Philip COOMES,
John PEMBROKE, and John BRACHER each for himself shall be and personally appeare
before his Ldspps Justices of the Provinciall Court at the next Provinciall
Court to be holden at the City of St Maries then and there to testifye and give
Evidence according to the truth of their knowledge in behalf of the Rt honble
the Lord Propry against Thomas MARSHALL of Charles County.
Then the above Recognizance to be void and of noe effect otherwise to stand
remaine and be in full force power and vertue in Law. Witness their severall
and respective hands and Seales to this condition the said parties severally
by them selves binding the first day of March 1681:
Ant. UNDERWOOD____________Philip
John LIEWELLIN ___________________
mark of
_______________________________John Pembroke (sealed)
_______________________________John Bracher (sealed)
1681/2 March. Philip COOMES upon Oath Examined
saith that sometime in October last past or thereabouts he this Deponent being
then very ill went to the Mill at the head of Wiccomico River
to speake with Doctor GEORGE, whom this Deponent not finding there went into
the Company of Thomas MARSHALL, who in his discourse in the
heareing of this Deponent said he would be one of the fourty men (if he were
well mounted) that should goe downe to take the Lord Propry and
the honble Chancelor and kill them, for said he I have Letters
now at this Present in the house, of other persons but they shall be nameless
at this time, and I should not have said what I have said, but that I take you
to be my ffriends all that are here.
Philip COOMES. signed
(Archives of Maryland, volume 17, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland 1681-1786, pp. 81-83.)
Thomas MARSHALL lived on the Wicomicco River in Charles County, Maryland, son of William Marshall. His mother, Elizabeth HANSON, was the daughter of Lt. Randall HANSON (transported 1634 Ark and Dove, d. 1699, married Barbara MARSHALL) whose plantations, Charley and Hansonton on the Potomac at the Piscataway River, were raided by the Senecaa and Susquehannaugh Indians in 1676. Rev. John COODE came to Hanson's plantation to investigate the raid. Randall Hanson sold Hansonton in 1696 to John FENDALL (1674-1734), son of Lt. Governor Josias Fendall and Mary Hatch. John Fendall later married the widowed Elizabeth HANSON MARSHALL. These plantations became later known as Three Brothers, home to Marshall Hall.
Thomas and Elizabeth Hanson Marshall's son, Thomas Hanson Marshall of Marshall Hall, married Rebecca DENT, daughter of George and Ann HARBERT Dent. Rebecca's sister, Eleanor Dent married John BLACKISTONE, son of John Blackistone and Ann Guibert, son of Nehemiah Blackiston and Elizabeth GERARD. Another sister of Rebecca Dent was Margaret Dent, who married Kenelm Truman Greenfield, son of Thomas Truman Greenfield and Susannah CHESELDYNE, daughter of Kenelm Cheseldyne and Mary Gerard. A brother of Rebecca Dent, Gen. John Dent, married Sarah Marshall, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hanson Marshall.
In summer of 1681, Indians from New York came south and attacked within Maryland. Lord Baltimore wrote that they would return in 1682, and stir up some local tribes, to Maryland and Virginia. Lord Baltimore wrote to William Blaithwait:
11th March 1681/2. Sir, The enclosed …letter… Has been occationed by some murders that were perpetrated (as we suppose) the last summer by the Northern Indians; tho' I can't say that we have very certaine grounds for it, by reason twas never knowne that the Northern Indians made so great a descent in that part of the Province, where the five men and a woman were slaine the 15th last June; but being not able (not withstanding our endeavours ever since) to fix those murders on any of our neighbouring Indians; and being certainely informed, that several parties of those Indians doe intend, again this spring, to visitt Maryland first & then Virginia (their pretence hither being to war with some Indians called the Pascattoways and Nanticokes, and in Virginia with Pamunkeys & Nanzaticoes on Rappahanock River in that Colony)…
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1681, volume 5, pp. 345-346)
26 March 1681/2…we are endeavouring by all the best ways and means we can to preserve the inhabitants of this Government from the outrages and violences of the northern Indians I now take the liberty to send you herewith a letter I received very lately from Colonel Cadwallader JONES, who commands the Fort on Rappahannock river in Virginia, by which you will see that Captain Josias FENDALE (lately banisht Maryland) is now a resident in Virginia where there is a particular eye over all his actions. He is certainly the most likely person in both these Governments to take the advantage from the discontented party in Virginia to stirr up another rebellion there, and had he not been narrowly watcht, whilst he was in Maryland, he had broke out last summer here, and then our neighbours in Virginia would not have remained long quiet…
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1681, volume 5, pp. 351-352)
Lord Baltimore sent a letter to King James telling him of rumors of a possible uprising across the Potomac in Virginia.
Mr William STEEVENS another of the Council here…went over to Cherry point in Virginia about some business and there came to understand the evill practises of some ungoverned people tending very much to the same design of that of the late rebell there BACON… I am now sending out orders to all my Officers on Potomack side to be in a readiness with foot and horse to prevent the landing of any of that rabble, that are said to begott together in Virginia, and have also sent over to Mr Secretary SPENCER that he will please to let me speedily understandwhether there are four or five hundred upp in armes in Virginia destroying mens tobaccos..
John COODE was back in the Lower House of the Maryland General Assembly by April 1682.
26th April 1682 Upper house mett according to Adjournment
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Robert Carvile and Mr John COODE
they bring with them the form of an Oath which they desire may be Administred
by this house to the Clerk of their house whom they had brought with them to
that Purpose the Oath being as foll Vizt
(Archives of Maryland, volume 7, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly October 1678 - November 1683, p. 261.)
1683 St Mary's County, Maryland
Susannah Gerard Slye COODE is thought to have died about 1677, but the following record suggests she may have died later, by 1683, and at the hands of Lord Baltimore's supporters.
January the 21th 1683: Then came William SIMPSON
and Mary his wife before me William Digges
Esqr and voluntarily made Oath, that Thomas CARVILE sometime
before his Escape from the Sheriff of St Maries County his custody, told the
sd William and Mary that his Lspp (the Rt honble the Lord Propry meaneing)
was not fitt to govern the people of this Province, and that the Tower of London
was a more fltt place for him, then the place where he was, and
further the sd Carvile then said that his said Lsp was an old
papist Rogue, which words he the sd Carvile did utter
Speake and declare before his sd Escape, and since his returne, And these Depts
further depose that the said Carvile at the tymes aforesaid,
did propose, urge, and abett the said William Simpson secretly
to burn William CHESHIRES houses, saying that he might doe
it privately, and it would never be knowne, And the sd Depts further depose
that after the returne of the sd Carvile from Virginia this
Dept William asked him the occasion of his running away, he
replyed that it was for feare, that the sd Mary should divulge
the aforesd Expressions soe spoken by him as aforesaid, And the said Deponents
further declare, that since their Committment to the Sheriffes custody upon
suspition of ffelony the said Carvile sent to the sd Mary
(as the Messenger told them) to charge her not to reveale or discover any of
the words or discourse that he had formerly spoke to her, but to be sure to
keepe it very private, And the sd Mary further deposes, that
the sd Carvile further said, that the Governor
(his Lsp: the Lord Propry meaneing) and his Rogues were the cause of Mrs Coodes
death. And the sd Mary replyed that my Lord did nothing
in it, Carvile replyed that he (his said LSP meaneing) was
the greatest rogue of them all, and swore God damne him (his sd Lspp
meaneing) was like Cromwell, sent his Rogues before, and stayed behind himself:
And the Dept Mary further deposes, that Mary
the wife of the said Carvile told her this Dept that she had
been at Notley hall, to make her Complaint to my Lady (The Rt honble the Lady
Baltemore meaneing) where the said Carviles wife said was her
Ladyshipp, and Mrs DOYNE, and that immediately after Mrs
Doyne goeing out of the Roome, she the said Carviles wife
told her Ladyship, that her husband had received much wrong and injustice at
the Provinciall Court done him there, and that prsently after the sd Mrs
Doyne comeing again into the Roome where her Lapp and the sd Carviles
wife was, her told Mrs Doyne the said Carviles
wife had complained of Injustice done her husband at the Provinciall
Court, And this (said the sd Carviles wife) was all the redress
the old Spitefull Toad (her said Lady shipp meaneing) gave her, and
further these Depts say not.
Jurat coram me die et Anno prdict.
_____________________the mark of
_Wm Digges______William
x Simpson
_____________________the mark of
___________________Mary + Simpson
(Archives of Maryland, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-1685/6, Volume 17, pp. 185-186).
1688 St. Mary's County, Maryland
Will of Justinian GERARD, St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's County 4th Aug 1682; 22 Jan 1688. To wife Sarah, executrix…Bramly and plantation in Westmoreland County, Virginia consisting of two tracts; one formerly in possession of James RENOLDS, and the other formerly in possession of Wilkes MAUNDERS, dec'd; also property in Lancashire, England. Test: Jno. COODE, Nehemiah BLACKISTON, Henry FERNELEY, Thos. SIKES, Wm TAYLOR
(Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 2)
The surname FERNELEY was associated with the Warwickshire, England and New England Coomes families, although no connection to this Henry FERNELEY is known. Henry was also a legatee of John TENNISON in 1782, which indicated that Ferneley was a lawyer or accountant.
4thly. I will that my Loving Friend HENRY FFEARNELY for sevarall times writing my Will & Settling my accot's bee allowed 3000 lbs of tob., 2 Silver Spoons & a hair Camelett Coat lyned with flowered Satin or if not ye Coat & Spoons then in lew of them 3000 lbs of tob. as soone as convenient after my decease
1688 December 6. Lower house 6th Decem. In Pursuance of the Message and Votes of both houses to Consult of some meanes to prevent the Abuses of Ordinary keepers in future Assemblies, This house have appointed Captain John COODE and Captain HILL to Join with the honourable Clement HILL and are now out upon their charge. Signed pr Order of the Lower house Wm Dent Cl
(Maryland State Archives, Vol. 13, p. 202.)
The Maryland Protestant Revolution of 1689
Combs &c. Families of Maryland
Introduction MD & VA (1634 -1673) (Gerards, Fendall's Revolt, before Coode's arrival in MD) |
Coode in Cornwall, England & St. Mary's, MD (1648-1675) |
Coode in St. Mary's, MD & VA (1672-1679) (Includes Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia) |
Coode & Early Disturbances (1680 - 1688) |
Coode's Revolt (1689 -1692) The Glorious Revolution of Maryland |
Coode's Later Years (1693 - 1708) |
Edited by Combs Researcher George Baumbach from Archives of Maryland and other sources noted.
Go to George's Genealogical Filing Cabinet (Cody-Ridge-Combs families)