![]() | William Combs, Sr. (1740-18??) & Sithe STACY of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee (and Kentucky?) |
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As is the case with all Combs Research Family Reports, when a source is not specifically referenced herein, the source can be found via a “hot link” to the applicable Combs County of Record, Revolutionary War Pension Files, Bible Records, etc.
William Combs, Sr. (Mason, Sr., John, Archdale), born 28 Nov 1740, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA; m bef 1767, possibly in Frederick Co, VA, Sith (a.k.a. Seth, etc.) STACY (d/o Simon & Judith TOLSON Stacy (Pettit)), b 30 Jun 1746, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA. Over the years, William and Seth also resided in Rowan and Surry Cos, NC, possibly in Wilkes Co, NC; in Montgomery and Russell Cos, VA; Sullivan, and possibly Hawkins, Cos, TN; and quite probably in Clay Co, KY (which may also be where both died).
William's ancestry is documented by the Overwharton Parish Register, and his marriage by a combination of records and family history detailed in the Cody-Combs-Stacy Report, which also includes both parents and siblings of Seth STACY Combs, as well as additional data in regard to their daughter, Winnifred Combs Sumner Hicks (See also below).
Unfortunately, for many years numerous researchers mistakenly believed that William Combs, Sr. was the father of only child, William Combs, Jr. of Russell Co, VA, who was instead, the s/o RW William & Sarah Ann MILLION Combs, Sr. As a result, no attempt was made to seek additional descendants of this couple. Only two children of William have been documented, and those only recently (John and Winnifred), although it appears probable that William also had a son, William, Jr., and undoubtedly several more children. Of these three or more children, however, only descendants of their daughter, Winnifred, have been actively researched in the past (Research in progress plus see below).
28 Nov 1740 Stafford Co, VA. Overwharton Parish Register. Born: William Combs, “son of Mason and Sarah Combs.”
1751 Frederick Co VA. William's father had removed to Frederick by late 1751, and the family appears to have remained in this county until at least 1763.
1 Nov 1763 (Frederick County VA Record Book 11 page 343) John STACY, Thomas WILLIAM, Gilbert GORDON, Gersham KEYS, Gerrard SMITH, Thomas CROS, Daniel HUGHES ord to appear in Williamsburg court to give evidence against William COMES.
1768 Rowan Co, NC Tax List of Gideon Wright included not only Wm COOMBS who tithed one, but also his father, Mason Combs, Sr., his brother-in-law, Benjamin STACY (m William's sister, Ann Combs), his brother-in-law, William RIDGE, Sr. (m William's sister, Winnifred Combs), and brother-in-law, William CODEY (CODY), who m Seth's sister, Sinai STACY.
1771 Surry Co, NC was established from Rowan, and the county's first tax lists include William COMES [sic], who tithed one again, and all of the above from the 1768 Rowan List, as well as Thomas PETTIT, second husband of Seth's mother, Judith TOLSON Stacy.
1772 Surry Co, NC tax lists. William COMES, 2 tithes, is listed immediately below his father, Mason, Sr. and younger brother, Mason, Jr. The identity of the second tithe is not yet known.
1774 Surry Co, NC tax list of Benjamin CLEAVLAND [CLEVELAND] included William COMES with only one tithe again, listed immediately above David MARTIN, who tithed himself, son, Salathiel and Negro Sall.
Notes: (1) Benjamin CLEVELAND was a resident of Wilkes Co, NC upon formation of that county in 1777, and William Combs appears to have resided at least part of the time in Wilkes Co (whose Surry County boundary shifted a number of times). (2) Upon his death, the above David MARTIN'S widow, Mary, married (2) David ALLEN of Allen's Iron Works (on the Surry-Wilkes County line), and (3) Jonathan HAINES, Sr., later a guardian to the RIDGE children of William's sister, Winnifred Combs Ridge Allen.
1776-1783 Surry-Wilkes Co, NC. Like many of their neighbors, most of the men in the CODY, Combs, RIDGE and STACY families were Tories at the outset of the Revolutionary War, and William Combs was most definitely one of them. His brother-in-law, Tory William RIDGE was killed at the Battle Hanging Rock in Aug 1780, and one result of his death was a series of legal actions that spanned the next more than twenty years. Included in the Estate File of William RIDGE are numerous depositions attesting to not only the Tory activities of the Combs and their in-laws, but also documenting numerous relationships within these families.
Many of these depositions included the “semi-stock” question:* “Do you know any thing of the characters of John Combs, William Combs, Mason Combs, Biram Combs, Jeremiah Combs, Thomas COODY, Godfrey COODY, William COODY and John STACY- if you do please to relate what you know respecting them.”
*The question did not always include the exact same individuals, but generally the above were included.
Although the above John Combs may have been William's older brother, John Combs, Sr., he was more likely his son (see below). Mason was William's younger brother, Biram his nephew (son of his brother, John, Sr.), William CODY his brother-in-law, h/o Sinai STACY, and while the ancestry of both Jeremiah Combs and John STACY are undetermined, according to the 1802 Deposition of David ALLEN of Davidson Co, TN, they were “… all related to William RIDGE, I also believe that the most of them were disaffected toward the American cause and that the most of them took an active part against the Americans in favour of the british and that some of them were murderers and were generally called men of infamous character and in short no truth could be placed in any thing they might sa[y] or do.”
A number of other depositions refer to the Combs, Codys and Stacys as murderous, thieving Tories, but of special interest in regard to William Combs, Sr., are the depositions of John FIELDER, Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth:
The 1800 Deposition of John Fielder, Senior, of Davidson County, Tennessee, included the question, “…do you know any thing of the carrictors of Thos. COODY Wm COODY Godfre COODY John Combs Wm Combs Mason Combs or the carricture of the COODYS and Combs in genl if you do relate it.” FIELDER replied: “…they all were calld enemys to the Country and that this Deponant understood that Thomas COODY commanded a Tory Company, that Wm Combs and others was apprehended for killing a stear said to be the property of Joseph THOMPSON and that Wm COODY in the presence of this Deponant robed the corn house of Wm T. LEWIS of a bag of corn…. And further Sayeth that John Combs the son of William Combs was taken in possession of a Horse Creature that was Stolen from the deponant & further this deponant saith not.”
This deposition, as was the case with most in the Estate File, was being given on behalf of William Terrell LEWIS, Jr., and FIELDER was the second husband of LEWIS' sister, Elizabeth (widow of David BENGE), and the father of John FIELDER, Sr., whose son, John, Jr. (by an earlier wife), had m Nancy RIDGE, d/o William RIDGE, Sr. by an earlier marriage.
The deposition of Elizabeth LEWIS Benge Fielder, given at the same time and place as her husband's, not only included the statement that Thomas, William and Godfrey COODY, and John, William and Mason Combs, were all “enemys to their country,” but the added information that “they had left the neighbourhood & joined the Tory party (that is part of them)…” When asked if her husband had been “…plundered of two Horse Creatures by the Torys…,” Elizabeth replied that “He was, one was taken in the possession of Jno. Combs son of William & the other was sent home by that family.”
14 Sep 1778 Surry Co, NC Land Entry. Micajah LEWIS enters for Joel LEWIS in the service of the United States, 150 acres on Camp Creek including William CODEY'S plantation for complement. Caveated by William Combs, returned to court. (Combs-Cody Researcher George Baumbach)
1778-1781 Land Entry (no date) Joseph PRUIT, 150 acres on Camp Creek, the waters of Mitchell's River, adjoining John FIELDER'S entry including William CODY'S improvement (Warrant issued to H. SPEER Dec 17, 1803, transferred). (Combs Land of Old Surry NC (includes Old Wilkes))
Surry County's tax records are 'spotty' in the latter half of the 1770s, and it is not certain whether William was residing in this county or in Wilkes (where at least one adult William Combs was being taxed - see below). Nor is it known exactly when the Combs, Codys and Stacys left the Yadkin River area to “join the British”, although quite possibly not until after the death of William RIDGE in 1780. The above Micajah and Joel LEWIS were brothers of William Terrell LEWIS, Jr. and besides being Rebels (a.k.a. Patriots), and thereby inherent enemies of all Tories, Micajah also may not have 'taken well' the caveat of his land entry by William Combs; to wit:
28 Jan 1778 - 10 Feb 1779 According to the Revolutionary War pension declaration of Elihu AYERS, he was a private in the militia company of Capt. Micajah LEWIS under Col. Benjamin CLEVELAND beginning on 28 Jan 1778 for a period of 12 months and thirteen days, during which they defended “local Whigs and their property from the ravages of the Tories”, traversing the countryside from ALLEN'S Iron Works on the Yadkin River to Mitchel's River, Fisher's River, CODIE'S Creek, Roaring River, Lewis Fork, Riddie's River, to the head of the Yadkin, thence around by the Table Mountains, crossing the three creeks of the Catawba River, thence to the main river down the same to Greenlees Ford, thence to Burke courthouse and from thence crossing the South Yadkin to the Shallow Ford of the main Yadkin River. From thence through the Tory country to the Iron Works above mentioned.“ According to AYRES, during this term of service, he was present and assisted in “half hanging William Combs whom they let off on promise of better behavior,” although both William KOYLE and Lemuel JONES were hung following a court martial consisting of officers, Col. Benj CLEVELAND, Capt. Benj HEARNDON, Capt. GORDON and Lt. Baker AYERS…” (RW Pension File NC R335, Patrick Co, VA, 16 Nov 1832. See Surry Co, NC for additional). See Also Elihu AYERS & John FIELDER in the Estate Records of William RIDGE, account book of William COOK.
19 Jan 1779 Wilkes Co, NC. “Return of the Aid Volunteers and Drafts from Wilkes Co., Jan 19, 1779: William Combs, Rec'd. his Bounty of -----. ” Although this may have been William Combs, Sr. (perhaps enforced service following his half-hanging”), this William appears more likely to have been RW William Combs of Wilkes Co, NC; Charlotte Co, VA; and Sullivan Co, TN, whose relationship to William Combs, Sr., remains unknown, but thought probable (His stay in Charlotte Co, VA seems more than coincidence since John COOK, s/o William COOK, also a guardian to the RIDGE children), also left Surry NC for Charlotte Co, VA). The early Combs of Wilkes County also included a Lucretia as well as a John, and two George Combs, one of whom also had ties to Charlotte, but thus far no progress has been made in determining the ancestry of any.
Aug 1780 It is not known when the Combs, Codys and Stacys left the Yadkin River area to “join the British,” but apparently in time to participate with the ill-fated William RIDGE in the Battle of Hanging Rock. Whether they returned to the area immediately thereafter is not known, but it appears that they were at least 'in and out' and that William, Sr.'s son, John Combs, was there for at least part of the early 1780s. (Surry Co, NC tax lists become “spotty” aft 1777, and the earliest Wilkes list is not until 1780 and appears to have been the above-noted RW William Combs. What is known is that William Combs, Sr., his brother, Mason, and at least some of the CODYS and STACYS moved north across the border into Virginia:
31 Mar 1781 Montgomery Co, VA Militia List of Capt. Daniel TRIGG included William and Mason Combs, William CODY, and Benjamin, Simon and John STACY.
10 Apr 1782 Montgomery Co, VA Personal Property Tax List included William Combs (1 tithe), his brother, Mason, as well as Benjamin and John STACY, but both William CODY and Simon STACY were missing (William CODY appears to have possibly been 'in and out' of the area, however, since his and Sinai STACY'S daughter, Nancy, married in Montgomery in 1785)
1784 Surry & Wilkes Co, NC. Mason Combs, Sr. dies and William Combs is listed among creditors of estate. There is also a William who witnesses a document for William Terrell LEWIS this year, but no William is on the 1784 Surry tax list. William's brother, Mason Combs, appears to have been the same who was on Surry tax lists this year, however, and is also recorded as having sold land. While no William Combs was on the 1782 Wilkes Co, NC tax lists, a William is on the 1784, although, again, this “looks like” the “other” William Combs of Wilkes.
1787 Montgomery Co, VA tax lists include no Combs or Stacys, but do include Samuel SUMNER (first husband of Winnifred, d/o William and Seth STACY Combs, Sr.); William CODY (h/o Sinai STACY) and David THOMPSON, but Montgomery county records also note that Samuel SUMNER was killed that year and that his widow removed “to Washington” (presumably Virginia, but possibly Tennessee), and that William CODY has also gone (without having paid his taxes). William Combs, Sr. is not found on any 1787 Virginia personal property tax lists, and was apparently down in Tennessee:
01 Dec 1787 Watauga Petition (Frontier Tennessee). Watauga petition signers, submitted to NC Senate in December, 1787, included as follows (in order and adjacent as listed): William Combs, William Combs, Jr., Henry Combs, William STACEY, Adam COUMB, Daniel AGEE, John COMAY.
Note: It is not known where Mason Combs was at this time, but the above William Combs, Jr. is thought to have probably been Sr.'s son. Henry Combs may have been the s/o William Combs' brother, John, Sr., but if so, he was a man on the move since he appears on Montgomery Co, VA tax lists in 1787, and also married in that county the following year. If he was a second Henry Combs, he has not yet been found in later records. William Combs, Jr. was unlikely to have been the s/o John, Sr. since he was still being taxed up in Shenandoah Co, VA as late as 1792. Adam COUMB and John COMAY have not yet been identified (copies of original records still needed!), nor has William STACY. William Combs was apparently residing in Sullivan Co, TN at the time, based on the following:
26 July, 1788 (Sullivan Co TN Deed Book 1, p. 362) William Combs and Sethe, his wife, of Sullivan County, NC to Phillip FOUSE of Sullivan County, NC, 200 Acres, witnessed by John LOWRY and Seth PORTERFIELD. (Families and History of Sullivan County, TN, Vol. 1, 1779-1992)
Notes: Not only is this deed needed, but we still have no record of when or how this land was acquired. It is believed that the above Philip FOUSE was more likely FOUST based on FOUSTS of the 1796 Sullivan Co TN Tax List and the 1830 Sullivan Co TN Census. The above land may have been on Reedy Creek based on Sullivan Co, TN DB3, 1795-1802, p. 1., dated 25 Aug 1795, which describes other land purchased by Philip FOUST on that creek.
1789 Russell Co, VA Personal Property Tax List. Capt. William WEIR'S Upper District. Includes William Combs (tithes 1), Mason Combs and a second William Combs who was probably William, Jr. (see next), as well as William CODAY (CODY), h/o Sinai STACY; Benjamin STACY, h/o Ann Combs (as well as numerous other STACYS); and David THOMPSON, h/o Nancy CODY. None were on the 1788 list.
Side Note: Also on this tax list is Henry SKAGGS, Sr., and numerous other SKAGGS, all of whom had preceded the Combs-Cody-Stacy families to this area, having earlier been together with them in Montgomery Co, VA. Both Henry SKAGGS, Sr. and many of his family members, as well as Benjamin & Ann Combs Stacy, and others of their family, will eventually remove to Green Co, KY, where is found an unidentified William Combs, and where in 1810, Henry SKAGGS, Sr. died testate, naming daughters, Lucy STACY (w/o John) and Polly Combs, whose husband's name remains unknown, but who may have been the unidentified William Combs of Green.
1790 Russell Co VA - John Weir's List - Upper District again includes two William Combs, each tithing one, but this time one is designated as William Combs, Jr. Mason Combs is listed as Meshek,* as well as William CODY, Benjamin STACY and the SKAGGS. New this year, among others, are a John Combs, and William's mother-in-law, Judith TOLSON Stacy Pettit (with no tithables). *The STACYS also include a Meshack whom Stacy Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews states was also a.k.a. Mason - for reasons unknown). One William Combs is also listed on Russell's Upper District Land Tax this year, but remains unidentified. 1790 is the last year that Benjamin STACY (h/o Ann Combs) appears on Russell tax lists, which is also true of Henry SKAGGS (See below and both Lincoln and Green Cos, KY).
Was John Combs the s/o William? John, s/o William, seems to have stayed behind in (or returned to) Surry Co, NC for a short period in the early 1780s, and may also have been the John Combs who was in and out of South Carolina with the GOWING (GOIN) families, and then to Washington Co, TN, but may also have been in Wilkes Co, NC (research in progress). This is not John Combs, Sr., brother of William, as he was in Wythe Co, VA this year.
1791 Russell Co, VA. Upper District Land Tax List. Both a William Combs and a John Combs are listed on the land tax list, but no Combs or Codys are listed on personal property tax lists of either the Upper or Lower Districts (Lower District land tax list is not extant). In 1792, no Combs, Codys or Stacys are listed on either land or personal property tax lists. Although some SKAGGS remain in Russell in 1791, Henry SKAGGS, Sr. (and others) is also now gone. The Combs, Codys and Stacys remain absent from Russell Co, VA records through at least early 1795, and probably even later. In 1796, William CODY and son-in-law, David THOMPSON, have returned, but still no Combs are to be seen, a possibly strong indication that William Combs was the same who follows.
09 Sep 1793 - 14 Mar 1795 (Hawkins Co, TN DB2:186) . Joseph ROGERS to William Combs, both of Hawkins Co, TN, £50, 200 Acres in Hawkins Co. “on south side of Holston River on Honeycutts Creek commonly called the Drye branch joining PAYN 400 acre entry.” s/Joseph ROGERS; Wit: Thos JACKSON, Jas HAGAN
Not only was William Combs in Hawkins Co, TN at this time, but so was Mason Combs, as were a number of STACYS. Also on the Dry Branch was Mashack (Meshack, Mason) STACY who had, in 1792, also purchased land adjoining “payns entry,” Payn having been William PAYNE who was “somehow kin” to Daniel PAINE, h/o Sylvia Combs, whose ancestry is unknown, but Daniel and Sylvia are later found in Warren Co, TN adjacent to Jeremiah and Simon Combs who were documented sons of Mason, as well as to Martin JOHNSON and his wife, Sarah Combs, her ancestry also unknown, but her husband, Martin, had witnessed land records for Mason Combs in Hawkins, and it is believed that Sylvia Combs Paine and Sarah Combs Johnson were probably daughters of either William Combs or Mason Combs.* No record of William Combs having sold this land has been discovered as yet (Hawkins Deeds need to be fully read). The land of his brother, Mason, was on Beech Creek, and at least some of it was purchased in 1795 from Peter STACY. Both Peter and Meshack STACY next show up back in Russell along with William Combs (See below).
* Sylvia's first son was named Mason, and her second, William. Sarah's first son was named William. She had no sons named Mason, but her second daughter was named Dorothy, probably named after Mason Combs' wife. Neither named a daughter, Seth, Sitha, etc. (Go Figger; i.e., research in progress). Martin and Sarah are also found in records of Jackson Co, TN with property adjacent to that of William RIDGE, Jr., s/o William and Winnifred Combs Ridge, Sr.
6 Sep 1796 Russell Co, VA. Crabtree Creek of Moccassin Creek of Holston River (Lower District). A VA Land Warrant was issued to William Combs on this date, but was not surveyed until 30 Jan 1798, nor entered until 19 Dec 1800. Based on later land transactions, the land was on Crabtree Creek. William does not appear on Russell Co, VA tax lists in either 1796 or 1797, but is back in 1798:
1798 & 1799 Russell Co, VA Lower District Personal Property Tax Lists include William Combs who is listed as non-tithable (at this time he would have been 58-59 years old) as well as William Combs, Jr. and John Combs, the latter two with one tithe each.
Also on these lists are William CODY, John CODY (s/o William) and David THOMPSON (all of whom except John were also on 1797 and earlier lists); James TATE; and Samuel CORNETT (see below). Also Note: By 1812 Reuben PRICE (h/o Dolly CODY), David THOMPSON (h/o Nancy CODY), James TATE (h/o Ruth DAVIDSON), Champ FARIS and others are all on the 1812 Warren Co, TN Tax Return of James Cooper (and in 1814 James TATE was the Capt. of a Militia Company in that county, with Martin JOHNSON (h/o Sarah Combs, his Sergeant). The 1798 Russell Upper District personal property tax lists include a John and William Combs. John is unidentified, but William is thought to have been William Combs, Jr., h/o Anna THOMPSON and s/o RW William and Sarah Ann MILLION Combs, Sr.
1800 Russell Co VA Lower District Personal Property - James Dickenson's List includes William Combs, as well as John Combs (but no William Combs, Jr.); and William and John CODY, George, Peter and Simon STACY, as well as David THOMPSON, and a new addition, Robert HICKS, second husband of William, Sr.'s daughter, Winnifred Combs, widow of Samuel SUMNER.
1799-1809 Russell Co, VA. During this time period, numerous land transactions are recorded in reference to not only William and Seth STACY Combs, Sr., but also both their in-laws and their neighbors. Their land was in Lower Russell Co, VA, that part which later became part of Scott Co, VA, and which was also near to the Russell/Sullivan Co, TN line, on Crabtree Creek of Big Moccasin Creek of the Holston River. These records indicate that the closest neighbors of William and Seth STACY Combs included: William and Sinai STACY Cody; Samuel CORNETT;* Benjamin READ (REED), Zachariah (Zebedee) LOVEALL, William HOWERTON; Champion FARIS; and John WELLS, and William & Jemima WELLS. Other near neighbors included: RW William CORNETT,* John FRAZIER, Reuben PRICE (m Dolly CODY, d/o William), Elisha FARIS, William LAWSON, William HOUSTON, John WOODS, Jonathan WOODS,* William TURNER, James DAVIDSON (and others), Simon STACY, Stephen HOGG, Abraham CHILDERS, STEPHEN HOGG (and other HOGGS), Avery & George KIZEE (KESEE, KEZEE), William STRONG (h/o Jane CALLAHAN), John WHITE, William SPURLOCK, Vincent BENHAM (and others).
*Samuel CORNETT, who lived adjacent to William Combs, was the brother of RW William CORNETT (See also Dickey Diary Interviews) who was in Sullivan Co, TN in 1796 when he married Mary EVERAGE, the latter raised by Judith TOLSON Stacy Pettit. Their marriage took place at the house of George & Polly WOODS Morrison (she the d/o of the above Jonathan WOODS and his wife, Nancy DAVIDSON, widow of Solomon OSBORN). William CORNETT had land on Moccasin Creek surveyed in 1803 in Russell Co, VA, but by 1804, he had entered land in then-Floyd Co, KY which became part of Clay in 1807. In 1810, Samuel and William CORNETT (and others) were listed only a few names apart from John and William Combs on the Clay Co, KY Census, as was also true of William & Jane CALLAHAN Strong, John CODY, Robert HICKS and others (See below).
11/24/1801 (Russell Co, VA Order Book 3:168) The sheriff was ordered to immediately jail William Combs and Champion FARIS for insolent behavior in court.
1802 Russell Co VA Personal Property Tax Lists include no Combs in the Upper District, but in the Lower District are William Combs, non-tithable and John Combs with 3 tithables (might these extra two tithables have been sons?)
The next available tax list for Russell Co, VA is not until 1810, but in the meantime, William Combs, Sr. continues to appear in the records of Russell:
9/29/1802 (Russell Co, VA Order Book 3:222) Commonwealth vs Samuel CORNETT} on an indictment. The deft found not guilty. Court ordered that William Combs and John Combs be paid for their attendance on behalf of the Commonwealth in the suit against Samuel CORNETT. (Combs Researcher Sue Elfving who adds: This is the only mention of John Combs in Russell court order records.)
22 Oct 1804-Aug 1805 Russell Co VA DB3:614. William Combs & Sytha his wife to William HOURTON, all of Russell. $60. 100 a. in Russell Co on Big Mockerson Cr. waters of Northfork of Holsten and joining the old survey of the sd. Combs and bounded corner to the sd. Combs… another corner to sd. Combs… crossing Mockerson Cr. which land was granted sd. Combs by patent bearing date 20 Jan 1798. s/William (his X mark) Combs, Sytha (her + mark) Combs. Wits; Isaac O'DONOLD & John SMITH and continued for further proof. 1/2/1805 (Russell Co, VA Order Book 3:420) Deed from William Combs to William HOWERTON again proven in court by the oath of John WELLS. 2/26/1805 (Russell Co, VA Order Book 3:367) Deed from William Combs and wife to William HOWERTON presented and proven by oaths of Isaac O'DONALD and John SMITH. Ack./Rec. Aug Court 1805 on Oath of John WELLS.
Although William Combs' name appears in later records of Russell Co, VA, each occurrence appears to be an instance referencing not him, but his land (whether as part of a boundary or later provenances of earlier transactions). Although The Combes Genealogy… refers to records for William Combs in Russell (or Scott) Co, VA as late as 1815, (a) this source had also confused the William Combs of this county, and may well be referring to the other; and (b) there is no evidence that either William or John were still in southwest Virginia after the above sale (neither were on the 1810 Russell Co, VA Tax List (not extant census). Instead, it very much 'looks like' both William and John Combs have, like many of their neighbors, removed to Clay Co, KY:
1807 Clay Co, KY Tax List: John Combs & William Combs. Also on this list are Nicholas, Mace (Mason?), Elijah, Henry, and George Combs (all thought to have been sons of William's brother, John Combs, Sr.), as well as a second John Combs and two Jeremiah Combs, one of whom is said by The Combes Genealogy… to have been the s/o a John Combs. Others include William Sr.'s son-in-law, Robert HICKS, Peter and Simon STACY, numerous DAVIDSONS, William CORNETT (and others) and William STRONG.
1808 Clay Co, KY Tax List, Page 6: John and William Combs plus Shadrick, Mason and Jeremiah Combs. Shadrach is said by The Combes Genealogy… to have been the brother of Jeremiah (Additional Combs are on p. 5 of this list, and Biram Combs has been added, page no. not known).
1809 Clay Co, KY. John and William Combs are still listed, with the remaining Combs the same except that Shadrach and Biram having “gone missing.” In March of this year, William, Sr.'s nephew, John CODY (s/o William and Sinai STACY Cody), married William's granddaughter, Elizabeth SUMNER (d/o Samuel and Winnifred Combs Sumner (Hicks)).
1810 Clay Co, KY Census, page 153. On line 8, is a John Combs (1 male and 1 female b pre-1765 (21101-01001-00)), who may have been the John Combs of Russell Co, VA. Listed on the next line is the Shadrach Combs, b 1784-5, whom The Combes Genealogy… states was the s/o a John Combs. On lines 12 and 13 are brothers, Samuel and William CORNETT, and on line 16 is Will Combs (1 male and 1 female both b pre-1765), who “look like” William and Seth STACY Combs, Sr., particularly since line 17 is Nathaniel CORNETT, Line 18 is the family of William, Sr.'s daughter, Winnifred and her second husband, Robert HICKS, and Line 19, Winnifred's daughter, Elizabeth SUMNER and her husband, John CODY. Both John and William Combs continue to appear on Clay Co, KY tax lists through 1820 (as does Robert HICKS, John CODY and others). In 1818, for the first time, there are two William Combs on the Clay County tax lists, and in 1819, there are three, with one being termed Sr. On the 1820 Clay Co, KY tax list, two of the William's 'go missing,' but the remaining William Combs is still titled Sr.
1820 Clay Co, KY Census. Page 121. Line 23: William Combs 000101-10021-00-00
The eldest male in this household was b pre-1776 (the oldest category) as was the eldest female. Also note that a second family may be in this household. On line 18, is Shadrick Combs (s/o John Combs) and on line 20 is RW William CORNETT. The line immediately preceding that of William is Robert BRASHEARS whose father, Samuel, was the Sergeant of the 1788 Sullivan Co, TN Militia List on which an unidentified John Combs served, and who married Mary “Polly” EVERAGE, d/o Mary EVERAGE, 2nd wife of RW William CORNETT. The line immediately following William's is the household of George and Mary SUMNER Stacy, the former s/o Simon & Elizabeth DAVIDSON Stacy, and the latter the d/o Samuel & Winnifred Combs Sumner (and granddaughter of William and Seth STACY Combs). If John Combs is on this census, he is either 'hidden' in another household (See also, however, Floyd Co, KY. This same year, Perry Co, KY was formed from Clay and Floyd, but no further record of William Combs has been found as yet. By 1830, he would have been 90 years of age and it is doubtful that either he or his wife were still alive by then, but there may be estate records in Perry. Also to be remembered is that the William Combs who appears in Clay Co, KY tax lists “should have been” either a younger William Combs, or 'non-tithable' due to his advanced age (possibly recorded in Clay Co, KY court orders?).
In the meantime, however, while much additional research is still needed, it is difficult to believe that the William Combs of early Clay Co, KY could have been anyone other than William Combs, Sr.
Winnifred is documented as a daughter of William and Seth STACY Combs, Sr., and the wife of Samuel SUMNER and Robert HICKS by Stacy Family History, Dickey Diary Interviews and records and materials located in the applicable Combs Counties of Record herein. She probably m Samuel SUMNER by 1785 in Montgomery Co, VA (based on 1783-5 VA birth of daughter, Elizabeth per Wright Co, MO Census). The 1787 Montgomery Co, VA tax list includes Winnifred's first husband, Samuel SUMNER, and he is also recorded in 1788 as having been “kild, wife gone to Washington.” It is not known if Winnifred went to Washington Co, VA or Washington Co, TN, but by 1797 she had married Rev. Robert HICKS, probably in Virginia (based on 1797-98 Virginia birth of son, James HICKS). Robert may have been a widower, and the Robert HICKS who m 1794, Washington Co, VA, Susannah THOMPSON. In 1800, Robert HICKS is found on a Russell Co, VA tax list with Winnifred's father, William, and by 1807, Robert was listed on Clay Co, KY tax lists. He continued to appear on Clay Co, KY tax lists through 1820, and on the 1810 and 1820 Clay Co, KY census enumerations. Robert and Winnifred and various of their children are also found in the records of Perry Co, KY following it's creation from Clay and Floyd Cos in 1820-1, but before 1830, had left for Indiana. The 1830 Jackson Co, IN census includes Robert HICKS and son-in-law, John CODY. Sons-in-law, George STACY (m Mary SUMNER) and Joshua RIPPEE (m Mary Sarah HICKS), are found on the 1830 Monroe Co, IN census. Robert HICKS patented BLM land in 1835, which was in Monroe Co, IN, in the same township and section as that of William Riley Combs (ancestry undetermined, but b KY in 1810), and only a few miles away from the 1838 Brown Co, IN patent of a Henry Combs. The 1840 Brown Co, IN census includes a Robert HICKS (record still to be read), and it is not known if this is him, nor whether he died in Indiana or Missouri. A number of descendants of Winnifred removed to Missouri in the 1830s and 1840s, and are found in the records of Ray, Pulaski and Wright Cos, MO. According to the 1889 Wright Co, MO biography of Winnifred Combs' grandson, Samuel CODAY, Winnifred died in that county “at a very old age.” Samuel CODAY also states that his grandfather, Samuel SUMNER was a miller by occupation and that he was “waylaid and shot;” however, the Dickey Diary Interview of Winnifred's grandson, John S. Combs (s/o Jeremiah C. “Chunky” and Synthia SUMNER Combs), states that he was killed “resisting arrest” (not necessarily mutually exclusive).
Important! The following listings are brief and general, included primarily to indicate possible Combs Counties of Record for Winnifred Combs Sumner Hicks and her children. For much more about Winnifred and her descendants, see Gloria B. Carter's and Pat Orton's “Who was Winnifrit Combs Sumner Hicks?” report, Barbara Stacy Mathew's Stacy Journal and Pat Orton's Hicks Family Files.
Winnifred's children by Samuel SUMNER included (1) John SUMNER (m Judah STEWARD), b 1783-1786, found in the records of Clay and Floyd Cos, KY and Jackson Co, IN; (2) Elizabeth SUMNER, b ca 1785, VA, m 1809 Clay Co, KY to John CODY (s/o William and Sinai STACY Cody), and found in the records of Clay and Floyd Cos, KY; Jackson Co, IN; and Pulaski and Wright Cos, MO. (3) Syntha SUMNER, b 1785-88, m bef 1807, Jeremiah C. “Chunky” Combs (s/o Nicholas “8” & Nancy GRIGSBY Combs, Sr.), and they are found in the records of Clay and Perry Cos, KY as well as the Dickey Diary Interviews. (4) Upon the marriage of Winnifred's daughter, Mary SUMNER,* to George STACY (s/o Simon & Elizabeth DAVIDSON Stacy) Nov 1812 in Clay Co, KY, Robert and Winnifort HICKS signed the consent which included Robert's statement that he had no objections against the marriage of his “stept-daughter.” (See original document provided by Combs-Stacy Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews).
*Note: Mary SUMNER was b ca 1796, TN (1850 Wright Co, MO Census) and may have been the d/o a SUMNER other than Samuel, indicating a possible marriage for Winnifred between those to Samuel SUMNER and Robert HICKS.
Winnifred's children by Rev. Robert HICKS, Sr., included: (1) James HICKS, b 1797-8, VA (1860-70 Douglas Co, MO Census) or ca 1806, VA (1850 Ozark Co, MO Census), m Rebecca RILEY; (2) Sarah HICKS, b January 22, 1801 Kentucky, probably died in early 1870's in Wright Co, MO; married November 3, 1818, Clay Co, KY, Joshua RIPPEE, b 1797 NC (son of James RIPPEE (on the tax lists for Clay County; 1820 Floyd County KY, 1830 Monroe County IN, children later in Ray and Wright Cos, MO); (3) Robert HICKS, b ca 1804, KY (1850 Ozark Co, MO Census), m Catherine SWEETEN; Frances HICKS, b ca 1806, KY (1850 Wright Co, MO); m George ROGERS.
John Combs the Tory, a.k.a. John “May Have Been” Combs, is documented as a son of William and Seth STACY Combs, Sr. by the Estate File of William RIDGE. He may have been one of the John Combs in the early 1780s in Surry Co, NC (and/or may have been in Wilkes Co, NC); he may have been the John Combs who removed to Greenville SC, thence to Washington TN in the later 1780s where he may have been the John COMAY (mis-transcribed?) of the Dec 1787 Watauga Petition (Frontier Tennessee) listed only a few names below William Combs, William Combs, Jr., Henry Combs and Adam COUMB; he may have been the John Combs of the 1788 Sullivan Co, TN Militia List; he may have been the John Combs with William Combs, Sr. in the 1790s and early 1800s in Russell Co, VA; he may have been the John Combs with the William Combs (who may have been William Combs, Sr.) in early Clay Co, KY (and/or the John Combs of Floyd Co, KY); and he may have been confused with his first cousin, RW John “8” Combs (a.k.a. John Combs the Patriot) and he may have been “The Other John Combs [III]”, possible father of Jeremiah “Long“ Combs, Shadrach Combs, Mason Combs and Millie Combs Smith) of East Kentucky, whom The Combes Genealogy… states were all children of a John Combs who may have been (but probably was not) the children of RW John “8” Combs by a putative, but totally undocumented, first wife.
In other words, so far, other than his Tory activity in Surry Co, NC, we know nothing of this John other than that he existed…… Research in Progress…
William Combs, Jr., a.k.a. William “Possibly” Combs, is Totally Undocumented, both as a son of William Combs, Sr. and as the h/o Polly SKAGGS. Moreover, not only is it possible that he never existed, it's also more than possible that the William Combs, Jr. of Russell Co, VA was not William Combs of Greene Co, KY. However, he is most certainly worth “keeping an eye on” since he seems to have disappeared from Russell Co, VA, where he was listed as a Jr. with William Combs, Sr., abt the same time that William Combs, possible h/o Polly SKAGGS, appears in Greene Co, KY,* which also happens to be abt the same time that Benjamin and Ann Combs Stacy (brother and sister of William & Seth STACY Combs, Sr.) also appear in Greene Co, KY… Research in Progress…
*William Combs, Jr. is listed on the 1798 Russell Co, VA tax list, but not the 1799. William Combs is not listed on the 1797 Greene Co, KY Tax List, but does appear on the 1799 Greene Co, KY tax list. See also the Dec 1787 Watauga Petition (Frontier Tennessee) which included William Combs, Jr. listed immediately after William Combs.