![]() | Combs &c. Families of Holmes Co, OH |
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Holmes County was established from Coshocton, Wayne and Tuscarawas in 1824-5 (no descendant counties). Local histories offer three different prominent "Holmes" as the county namesake, but unsure which.
Note: All records identified as "Holmes Co OH General Index to Deeds" were extracted from Holmes Co. OH General Index to Deeds, FHL Microfilm 432,025 by Combs Researcher Connie Sheets.
1819 - Holmes Co OH General Index to Deeds. Joseph COMBS from United States, Vol Trans, p. 275, SW Section 35, Twp 18, Range 14
08 March 1819 (Wayne Co. OH) Joseph COMBS of Fayette Co PA was granted land in that part of Wayne which became Holmes Co. in 1824-5 (SW1/4 of Sec 35, Twp. 18, R14)
1822 - Holmes Co OH General Index to Deeds. Joseph COMBS Sr to Joseph COMBS Jr, Vol Trans [Transferred from Wayne Co], p. 275, 160 acres, SW Sec 35, Twp 18, Range 14
11 Jan - 29 Mar 1822 (Wayne Co., OH Recorders Office) Joseph COMBS, Sen. & Ellener his wife to Joseph COMBS, Jr., both of Wayne Co, OH. Indent. Consideration: $200 US. Land: ¼ section, 160 a., of No. 35 Twp. No. 18 of Range 14.
Notes: Joseph COMBS, Sr. (s/o Andrew COMBS I of Tonoloways, d 1774, Loudoun Co, VA) was of Franklin Twp., Fayette Co, PA in 1815 where also was listed (for the first time that year) a Micajah COMBS (b in PA in 1787) who appears to be the same who moved to Montgomery Co OH in 1828-9, and then later moved with his wife Nancy and their son Joseph (born ca 1812 in PA) to Randolph Co IN. The above Joseph COMBS, Sr. was father of Joseph COMBS, Jr. (a.k.a. Joseph B. COMBS), born in New Jersey ca 1794 (where in NJ?), who d in 1857 in Auglaize Co, OH (See 1857 below re estate records). Joseph COMBS, Sr. is found on the 1820 Wayne Co, OH census whereas Micajah remained in Franklin Twp., Fayette Co, PA, where he is found on that 1820 census.
Combs Question: Was Micajah the s/o Joseph COMBS, Sr.?
13 Jul 1823 Tuscarawas Co, OH. Married: John & Susannah RAMMAGE Combs; however, his War of 1812 Pension File states that John Susannah RAMAGE Coombs [sic] were married in Holmes Co, OH, thus likely that they lived in that part of Tuscarawas which became Holmes?
Notes: His Pension File also states that John COOMBS enlisted in the War of 1812 in Fayette Co, PA under Capt. Peter HERTZOG of Springhill Twp., and that he later lived in Marion Co, IN, and died 17 Aug 1876, Clay Co, IN. John has not been found in the 1820 census in Tuscarawas, nor in 1830 in that county, or Holmes or Wayne, or in Marion Co, IN. There is a John COMBS in Marion in 1840, but not yet researched. No pre-1850 John COMBS has been located in Clay as yet.
Holmes Co, OH land records bk. 2, p. 245
24 Oct 1831 sale of land, 160 acres in Prairie Twp, NE 1/4 Sec. 18, Twp.13, Range13
from Adam Crevco
to John Coombs “of Holmes County and the State of Ohio”
recorded April 13th, 1832
Source: Thom Carlson; submitted by Matthew Combs
1827-1834 (Holmes Co OH Loose Papers, extracted by Combs Researcher Bob Combs) The following document refers to justification of an] expense item (#1) on the Final Account Statement of the Administrator of the Estate of Joseph COMBS, Sr. who died in Holmes Co., OH about Feb/Mar 1827.........his son Joseph, Jr. turned in a cost of $45....
The State of Ohio, Holmes Co.
Patrick MCKELVY Administrator of Joseph COMBS dec'd....In the
matter of Final Account.
Referred by order of the court of Common Pleas to the undersigned Master
Commissioner in Chancery, for the purpose of taking testimony in reference
to item No.1 of said Administrators account; being the account of Joseph
COMBS(Jr.) against said dec'd.
The deposition of William MATTHEWSON taken in pursuance of said reference on the 22nd day of February 1834, in presence and by consent of said Administrator....The deponant, upon his solemn oath deposith and saith in reference to said account, that he has heard Joseph COMBS, deceased, say that he had to get on by meat and grain by his son Joseph, that his meat had run out, & that if it was not for Joseph, he did not know what he would do. [Do] not know anything about the amount, this conversation took place perhaps two years before the old mans death; knows nothing of the amount received in any one year. I recollect something about the old mans having said there was an agreement between him and his son Joseph about going to Virginia, that he was to pay him, but has forgotten the amount. Recollect of his going, but not the times; does not know that he even went but once during his fathers lifetime. Don't think that the old man was able to make a living, was an old man, and had a hernia. Still ploughed along, & done easy work. Have heard him say that he was not able to plough itself. Lived in the neighborhood when they first moved there; that the first year Joseph hired with his father, afterward he had a share in the crop, but do not know what part. Moved to the county in the winter of 1817. Joseph lived with his father until his death; thinks he died in the spring of 1827. The farm consisted of a quarter section, was not much improved. Don't think the old mans share would support the family. Can't say what the shares were one way or the other. Joseph never worked (away) from the home, and further this deponant saith not.................William MATTHEWSON
The deposition of Samuel DAVENPORT taken as above, & at the same time and place, who upon his oath as aforesaid deposeth and saith that he has heard the old man say that he had received grain from his son, does not know the quantity or when received. Never heard him say that he had received any meat. I am not able to say how they worked the farm; each was to have a share or a part, but what, does not know. They appeared to live and work together; the old man was not able to do much, had disease that must have hindered him from working much. Thinks the farm was owned by the old man up to his death. Believes he went once to Leesburgh in [Loudoun Co] Virginia for money for the use of the old man, but does not know what he was to have for it, or whether anything, nor in what year it was. Believe that he has heard Joseph say that the old man was to have his living off the farm during his lifetime & that Joseph was to have the farm afterward; such also to have heard others say; don't knoweth the old man or not. Have also heard that Joseph was to help to pay part for the farm, the first part probably. Has never heard the old man say that he had done so. Have heard this conversation both here and in Pensylvannia as regards the contract about the land; the conversation about the grain & the old mans support was out here. Knows that Joseph did help him to this county, and to get a start on the land; how much, I do not know. Still thought they worked pretty much together, and further this deponant saith not..............Samuel DAVENPORT
The deposition of James ROBERTS taken touching the same matter
& at the same time and place aforesaid, in presence of the Administrator
& of the said Joseph COMBS, Jr........
The deponant on his oath deposeth and saith that he thinks that
went on errand over the mountains for the old man. Don't know that he heard
the old man say anything about it, neighborhood talk only. Never heard
the old man say that he was to allow him anything for the trip, nor anything
else on the subject and further this deponant saith not................James
Fees: R. K. ENOS - Master Comm. 1.46-1/2
Jas. HOAGLAND - Shrf. .60
Wm. MATTHEWSON - witness 1 day .50
Saml. DAVENPORT - " " .50
James ROBERTS - " " .50
[Total] $ 3.56-1/2
(Voucher)The estate of Joseph COMBS, Sr. late of Ripley Township, Holmes County deceased.
To Patrick McKelvy due:
May 1827 to making coffin for deceased $ 6.00
" do do for wife of deceased 5.00
[Total] 11.00
I Patrick MCKELVY do solemnly swear that the above account is just
and true as above stated..................Patrick MCKELVY
Sworn and subscribed before me the 19th day of March 1834....James
The estate of Joseph COMBS late of Ripley Township, Holmes
County, State of Ohio deceased.....
To Elisha SKINNER, Dr. " the widow" (this is the way it is presented)
Febr'y 24, 1827 to visit nocturnal
accouchment, medicine & attendance $ 5.00
March 1st to visit, med., etc. 1.00
[Total] Amount $6.00
I the said Elisha SKINNER do solemly swear that the account is just
and true as it is thus stated........................Elisha SKINNER
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of March 1834.....John F. FINNEY Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Holmes
March 14th 1834 Rec'd. payment in full of the above account from Patrick MCKELVY Administrator of said estate.................s/Elisha SKINNER
Joseph COMES, Sr. to Wm. POULSON
For bills setteled for him on a journey to Virginia and back
amounting to two dollars and 81 cents...suppsed to be in the year 1821.
Personally came Wm. POULSON before me a Justice of the Peace and was sworn to the above account that is just and true against Joseph COMES, deceased.
Given under my hand and seal this 29th day of Feb 1828.....Thomas POULSON J.P.
Received in full of Patrick MCKELVY Administrator of the estate
of Joseph COMBS dec'd....
s/William POLSTON
The estate of Joseph COMBS, Snr. late of Ripley Township,
Holmes County deceased
To Joseph COMBS, Jnr.
For services performed by virtue of a power of attorney from Patrick
MCKELVY Administrator of said estate in collecting money in the state of
belonging to Sr. estate viz: four hundred and seventy five dollars
in the years 1830 & 31 viz: fifty three days.......................$
I the said Joseph COMBS, Jnr. do solmnly swear that the
above account is just and true as above stated............................s/Joseph
Sworn and subscribed before me the 20th day of March AD 1834....James
March 20th 1834 Received payment of the above account in full of the same from Patrick MCKELVY Administrator of said estate....................s/Joseph COMBS
For the year 1820
Joseph COMBS Senior due by wheat, rie [rye?], and corn and work
For the year 1821
due by work and grain 17.34
For the year 1822
due by beaf and poark 16.00
For the year 1823
due by grain and meat 16.67
For the year 1824
due by an agreement maid by and between him and me to
go to Lees Burgs Louden County Virginney.............balance
and in the same year due by grain and meat 15.67
For the year 1825
due by grain and work 17.64
For the year 1826
due by grain , meat and work 16.67
and in the same year due by a contract maid by and between
him and me to go to LeesBurgh 30.00
The state of Ohio, Holmes County.....before me a Justus of the
Peace in and for said county, personally came Joseph COMBS, Jr. who being
sworn as the law (requires) saith the above account as it stand stated is just
and true and that he hath never rec'd. any part there of. Sworen and subscribed
March 8th AD 1828...........s/Joseph COMBS
attest: A. KIRKPATRICK Justice of the Peace
BC Notes: Early wills and estates in Ohio were administered by Circuit/Chancery Courts and the papers in Holmes County were filed only by date of final conclusion)
From Holmes County, OH Common Pleas Court - Wills & Inventories (in a box)
Joseph COMBS - Administration Account :
The State of Ohio , Holmes County :
Be remembered that at a court of Common Pleas begun and held at the
court house in Millersburg, within said county of Holmes, on Monday the
twenty fourth day of March Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty
four. Present as judges, the hon. Ezra DEAN, president of the eleventh
judicial circuit in Ohio, and the hon. Seth HAUK, Thomas LYGET, and Samuel
SHANE his associates, in and for said Holmes county. Amongst the orders
of said court made at same term was the following, viz:
Ordered by the court that the account current and vouchers of Patrick MCKELVY, Administrator of the estate of Joseph COMBS, deceased, be recorded, the same having been inspected by the court and found correct. Notice of the filing, hereof, having been previously given by publication in the Millersburgh Gazette, a paper printed in said town of Millersburgh.
Patrick MCKELVY, Administrator of the estate of Joseph COMBS, deceased, in account current with said estate...
1827, May 11 - Sales of personal property
1831, Dec. - Receipt of Nichols a HOLMES, Administrators of Nathan
BROWN, deceased a dividend %
PAYMENTS: | ||||
sundry dates | - Joseph COMBS, Jr. | as % per | voucher | #1 |
not dated | - John LAYHTEFORT | per | voucher | #2 |
" " | - William POULSON | " | " | #3 |
" " | - Hugh WISE | " | " | #4 |
" " | - Nancy MCKELVY | " | " | #5 |
1827, May 8 | - Jacob KENNISER | " | " | #6 |
1827, Aprl 2 | - Lambert McCOMBS | " | " | #7 |
" " 3 | - James S. ISNER | " | " | #8 |
" " 25 | - Jacob CANTLEBRY | " | " | #9 |
" May 7 | - David ROSS | " | " | #10 |
" " 8 | - Christian ISH | " | " | #11 |
1828, Mar 4 | - John DARNEL | " | " | #12 |
" " " | - David LASUSH | " | " | #13 |
" " 8 | - Judas KIRKPATRIC | " | " | #14 |
" April 8 | - John BUCHANAN | " | " | #15 |
" Oct. 1 | - Elias WATERS | " | " | #16 |
1833, July 3 | - James S. ISNER | " | " | #17 |
1834, Mar 8 | - William MATHEWSON | " | " | #18 |
" " " | - Mark BERRY | " | " | #19 |
" " 10 | - Joseph WILLIAMS | " | " | #20 |
" " 11 | - Thomas POULSON | " | " | #21 |
" " 13 | - Patrick MCKELVY | retained | " | #22 |
" " " | - James DENNING | " | " | #23 |
" " " | - George FORCE | " | " | #24 |
" " 14 | - Thomas SHREVE | " | " | #25 |
" " " | - Eve WELLS | " | " | #26 |
" " " | - Elisha SKINNER | " | " | #27 |
" " " | - R. K. ENOS, clerk | " | " | #28 |
allowed Administrator % | ||||
" " | extra | services | #29 | |
amount paid | Joseph COMBS, Jr. | #30 | ||
" " | William MCDOWELL | #31 | ||
Balance remaining in hand of Administrator (signed) Patrick MCKELVY |
(Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
Notes: Joseph COMBS, Sr.'s connection to Loudoun Co, VA remains unknown. In Fayette Co, PA were descendants of a Joseph COMBS, Sr. who d in 1803, and who may have been earlier of Loudoun Co, VA (research in progress); however, this Joseph COMBS, Sr. (d 1803) was of Georges Twp. whereas Joseph COMBS, Sr. of Holmes Co, OH was earlier of Franklin Twp. (research in progress <g>)
Ripley Twp
p. 310
Joseph COMBS
(1) male age 30 - 40 (Joseph, Jr.)
(1) male age 15 - 20 (Washington, son of Joseph, Sr.)
(1) male age 5 - 10 (Samuel or Andrew, sons of Joseph, Sr.*)
(1) female age 15 - 20 (Keziah BRADLEY, wife of Joseph, Jr.)
(1) female age 10 - 15 (Mary, dtr. of Joseph, Sr.)
(2) females age 5 - 10 (Eliza & Lusarita?, dtrs. of Joseph, Sr.)
(1) female age 0 - 5 (Elizabeth, dtr of Joseph, Jr. & Keziah)
*Either Andrew or Samuel is missing(?)
Notes: Joseph COMBS, Jr. had m 23 Jun 1827 in adjacent Wayne County, Keziah Ann BRADLEY.
24 Oct 1831 (Holmes Co. Recorders Office Vol. 2 page 245...extract sale of land (160 acres in Prairie Twp) from Adam CREVCO to John COOMBS "of Holmes County and the State of Ohio" recorded April 13th, 1832.(This land the NE 1/4 Sec. 18, Twp.13, Range13)
Notes: This is John COMBS earlier of Allegany Co, MD (See Below)
Oct. 1832 (Holmes Co., OH Common Pleas Court Journal #1 page #297 October Term AD1832. Indexed: "Heirs of Joseph COMBS [Senior]. "....On motion - personally appeared in open court Washington COMBS aged seventeen years - Mary COMBS aged thirteen years - and made choice of John KENNEDY to be their guardian - which choice is approved by the court on said guardian giving separate bonds in the sum of one hundred dollars each with John LOSURE bail......
"And it appearing proper and necessary - The court appoints the said John KENNEDY guardian to Samuel COMBS aged twelve years - Eliza COMBS aged eleven years - Andrew COMBS aged nine years and (Lusariata?) COMBS aged eight years - It is further ordered by the court that said guardian give separate bonds in the sum of one hundred dollars each - with John LOZIER bail." (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
BC Notes: These are the children of Joseph COMBS, Sr. & Ellener. They lived with Joseph & Keziah BRADLEY Combs, Jr. from death of their parents in early 1827 till Joseph, Jr. & Keziah left for Mercer Co., OH (later Auglaize Co.) in 1832; when they went to court for guardianship appointment per above.
Combs Questions: Who was John KENNEDY? Was he somehow kin to either Joseph COMBS, Sr. or his wife, Elinor? What ultimately happened to the minor children of Joseph COMBS, Sr. (Seeking to learn if any lived until 1880, and if so, census records needed)?
JMcW Notes: There are Combs in Lawrence Co, IL who appear to be the
children of Joseph and Eleanor; specifically, they are:
George Washington Combs (1815-1869) m. abt. 1841 Rebecca Unknown;
Mary Ann Combs (1818-1847) m. 17 Oct 1840* Starkey SUMNER;
Samuel Combs (c1820-1879) m. abt. 1841 Ruth H. Unknown;
Andrew Combs (c1823-aft. 1900) m. 4 Feb 1847* Eunice BAIRD;
Susannah Combs (c1824-~1845) m. 30 Apr 1841* John FISH.
The asterisked marriages took place in Lawrence Co, IL where there was also the marriage of a Murphy Combs (c1822- 1894) m. 13 Apr 1842 Susannah JONES. Murphy was reported variously as b. OH or PA, and his parents were reported as both b. PA. Murphy also named a son Andrew which is the name of the Father of Joseph b. 1745. Thus, Murphy appears as if he might also have been a son of Joseph and his given name just might be a hint that Eleanor was an Eleanor Murphy.
Andrew reports in the 1880 census that he was born in OH and both of his parents were born in PA. Andrew was located at #9-10, ED 197, Bridgeport, Lawrence, IL.
It is also worth noting that George Washington Combs b. 1815 was consistently reported as b. PA in 1850, 1860, and on the 1870 Mortality Schedule. Perhaps also worth noting is that in 1850, Geo. W. Combs was living next to a Rev. Jesse Kennedy, a Baptist Clergyman, as well as next to John Fish who had been the husband of Geo. W's deceased sister, Susannah. (It was a John Kennedy who had been chosen and appointed as the guardian of Joseph and Eleanor's children in 1832.)
Jane McCann Walsh
26 Feb 1836 Holmes Co OH Marriages. Edward COMBS and Nancy JONES (Combs Researcher Bob Combs who adds that Edward was the s/o John and Bathsheba DRAKE Combs)
31 Aug 1837 Holmes Co OH Marriages. Catherine (Kitty) Marie COMBS & Samuel SNEDIKER (Combs Researcher Bob Combs who adds that Catherine was d/o John and Bathsheba DRAKE Combs)
22 Jan 1840 Holmes Co, OH Marriages. John COMBS married Margaret BOLING
(Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
BC Notes: John COMBS m (1) 20 Apr 1816, Allegany Co, MD, Barsheba/Bathsheba DRAKE who d 1834 Holmes Co, OH (See Hopewell Cemetery Records below); m (2) the above Margaret BOLLING.
Series: M704 Roll: 404
Prairie Twp
p. 228
John Combs 0011001000000 0101100000000
Source: Thom Carlson; submitted by Matthew Combs
1840 - Holmes Co OH General Index to DEEDS. Joseph B. COMBS to Marshall HUDNUT, Vol 7, p. 257, 160 acres, SW Sec 35, Twp 18, Range 14 (Combs Researcher Bob Combs who adds that this is the tract of land patented by Joseph COMBS, Sr. and deeded to son, Joseph COMBS, Jr. in 1822)
1844 Holmes Co, OH. Estate Administration. John COMBS. Estate administrator: David BUCHANAN, with following names: Samuel & James MOREHEAD, Jacob & C.F. VORHEES, Thornton, John,& Fletcher BOLING, Hezakiah BELL, John JOHNSTON, Thomas ARNOLD, John TAYLOR, Richard & James McCLAREN, Isaac C. POULSON, Thomas WOOD, James HANNA, Simon HAY, Samuel & Wm. STERLING, Andrew McFARLAND, William McKINLEY [BC: Could it be?], Raephael DRAKE, George DUNCAN, and S.B. SNEDEKER. (Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
BC Notes: The above is John COMBS, h/o Bathsheba DRAKE and Margaret BOLING (See Hopewell cemetery info below)
1844 - Holmes Co OH General Index to DEEDS. Lewis A. COMBS to James WOODS and Thomas WOODS etal, Vol 10, p. 113, NE Sec 18, Twp 13, Range 13
Notes: The above is the tract of land owned by John COMBS. Lewis A. COMBS was s/o John and Bathsheba. In 1850, he is on the 1850 Guernsey Co, OH census with his sister, Rebecca E., in the HH, and his brother, Thornton COMBS in the same twp.
1845 - Holmes Co OH General Index to DEEDS. Margaret COMBS from James WOODS, Vol 12, p. 155 (133?), part NE, Sec 18, Twp 13, Range 13
Notes: The above is a portion of the tract owned by John COMBS, Sr., sold to James and Thomas WOODS in 1844, and now to Margaret BOLLING, widow of John COMBS, Sr.
1848 - Holmes Co OH General Index to DEEDS. Thorton (sic) COMBS to Sidewell DOUGHERTY, Vol 14, p. 81, 1/8 part NE Sec 18, Twp 13, Range 13
1848 - Holmes Co OH General Index to DEEDS. Thornton COMBS to Sidewell DOUGHERTY, Vol 15, p. 432, 14.25 acres, SWc NE Sec 18, Twp 13, Range 13.
Notes: The above is a portion of the tract owned by John COMBS, Sr., and Thornton the son of John and Bathsheba DRAKE Combs, Sr. Thornton is found on the 1850 Guernsey Co, OH Census.
(Transcriptions still needed)
Prairie Twp
Sarah C. COMBS
Hariet COMBS
Dec. 8, 1857....Auglaize Co, OH. Final estate papers filed in Probate court for Joseph COMBS, (Jr.) including, receipts for travel expenses of estate administrator "going to Homes [Holmes] Co., Ohio on June 22, 1856 to serve execution papers on John DARNELL for the sale of Joseph COMBS, (Jr.) land " in that county.
(Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
burial list taken from "Ohio the Crossroad of our Nation Jan/Mar 1961 Vol.II,#1 shows the following (Spellings are as viewed at the cemetery by Bob Combs):
COOMS, Bathsheba 1797-1834
COOMS, John 1844 (age 50)
COOMS, Margaret (wife) 1890 (age 75)
(Abstracted by Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
BC Notes: The earliest readable stone shows 1834, however there are a few similar old stones which cannot be read. The close proximity of this cemetery to land of Joseph & Eleanor COMBS, who both died in 1827, makes it a possible burial location. There are indeed two old stones close by the above other (later) Combs'. There is a cemetery burial record from 1830 on, but not before.
This cemetery is in Ripley Twp., Holmes Co., OH on Rt.77 just off Rt.514 and well kept, considering. This is Amish country today, but most of the COMBS left before these plain people arrived. The above are John COMBS and his wives, Bathsheba DRAKE and Margaret BOLLING.
The following data was extracted from John COOMBS estate and land records in Holmes Co., OH by Combs Researcher Bob Combs from estate papers unless otherwise noted.
John COOMBS died 7/26/1844, cmty. Hopewell Presbyterian, b 5/11/1794 @ Frederick, MD, mrd.1st to Bathsheba DRAKE 4/20/1815 @ Allegany Co., MD (she the dtr. of David DRAKE & Rachel HINKLE who were from Frederick, MD (Note: the source for her parents is a letter dtd. 25 Aug. 1985 reporting the location & names. It has not been confirmed and see 1998 Combs Research List Archives re conflicts) Bathsheba COOMS b:1797, died:1834, same cemetery.
They were living in NE-1/4 of S18, T13, R13 in 1834 in Holmes Co. and had following children:
Edward COMBS: mrd. Nancy JONES 2/26/1836 and removed to Belmont Co., OH. Note:1840 Belmont Co OH census index incorrectly shows "Edmund"
Rebecca E. COMBS: appears on the 1850 Guernsey Co, OH census in HH of brother, Lewis A. (later?) removed to Tuscarawas Co., OH.
Lewis A. COMBS: mrd. Harriet M.(?) Rebecca A.(?)). Living in Guernsey Co., OH in 1850 near brother, Thornton.
Catherine (Kitty) Marie COMBS: mrd. Samuel SNEDIKER 8/31/1837
Thornton COMBS: b:1826, living in 1850 OH census in Guernsey Co., OH as is his brother, Lewis A.)
Elanor COMBS: b: 1831, mrd. James WOODS by 1853v
After Bathsheba died, John COOMBS mrd .Margaret BOLING 1/22/1840 (she later mrd.______ MURRAY) she b: 4/ /1815, died: 8/30/1890, same cmty. Their children:
Sarah Clarinda COMBS b 12/14/1840, mrd. 3/22/1861 to John H. MILLER, son of Joseph MILLER & Hannah HARRISON) Sarah & John removed to Kansas.
Mary Ann COMBS: b 6/3/1843 (unmrd. in 1875 still living in Prairie Twp., Holmes Co., OH)
Notes: Of possible additional interest are additional Bolling-Combs Connections in Loudoun Co, VA, Perry Co KY (Baptist), Nelson Co KY (Catholic), Hart Co KY (George W. Young Biography); and Sullivan Co, TN.
Edward Combs Nancy JONES md. 26 Feb 1835
Catherine Combs Samuel SNEDIKER md. 31 Aug 1837
John Combs Margaret BOLING md. 22 Jan 1840
Source: Thom Carlson; submitted by Matthew Combs