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Auglaize County was formed in 1848 from Allen, Darke, Hardin, Logan, Mercer, Shelby and Van Wert counties. The county seat, Wapakoneta, was originally an Indian village settled in 1780 by the Shawnee upon their expulsion from the Piqua towns. St. Marys (Girtys Town) at the western edge of the county was actually the Mercer county seat for several years earlier.
Apr 10, 1848 Auglaize Co OH Births. Combs, Nancy d/o William (Extracted from Auglaize County, Ohio Early Births by Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
Notes: Nancy, d/o William G. Combs of Allen Co OH (See 1850 Allen Co OH Census, and 1860 Auglaize Co OH Census -plus records in between)
01 Feb 1849 Auglaize Co, OH Vital Records. Married: Elizabeth Combs & Solomon HUTSON
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Pat Orton)
19 Apr 1849 Auglaize Co., OH (Gateway to the West Vol.1A-2 pg. 108) Married: Margaret Combs & Elijah HUTSON
(Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
Notes: According to Combs Researcher Bob Combs, Elizabeth and Margaret were both daughters of Joseph Combs (see below) and married siblings.
St Marys Twp
p. 266
*/162 HUTSON, Elijah 20 m Farmer 100 OH
Margaret 19 f OH
Joseph Combs, 56 m farmer 1200 NJ
Hamilton Combs 14 OH.
Updated from USGenWeb Archives Project Census image * Dwelling number not readable on this image, however on subsequent (and previous) images, dwelling number corresponds with the household number.
Notes: The above is Joseph B. Combs, Jr., s/o Joseph (& Elliner?) Combs, Sr. of Fayette Co, PA and Wayne > Holmes Co, OH. Joseph B. Combs, Jr. removed to Mercer Co, OH (that part which became Auglaize in 1848), in 1832-1833. Records filed in Auglaize Co Recorders office show that Joseph B. Jr. purchased land from Elias WATERS in 1833 (rec. 1838), 160 acres located at: R5, T6, SW 1/4 S20 (later St Marys Twp., Auglaize Co) Joseph Combs, Sr. d by 1853 (See next). Margaret Combs married Elijah Hutson 19 Apr 1849
12 Aug 1853 (Auglaize Co. Probate Court record) Estate File of Joseph Combs, Deceased. Receipt for ending care of Joseph Combs, deceased.
26 Aug 1853 (Auglaize Co. Probate Court record) Estate File of Joseph Combs, Deceased. Receipt for coffin & hearse for Joseph Combs, deceased. (Auglaize Co. Court record)
03 Sep 1853 Auglaize Co. Court Case # 43 (Vol. 1-A page 8) Hamilton Combs a minor has appointed as guardian James WILKENS along with Belitha & Reuben WILKENS.
08 Dec 1857 (Auglaize Co. Probate Court record) Estate File of Joseph Combs, Deceased. Final estate papers filed in Probate court, including, in addition to above :
Rec'd. Jan'y. 21st, 1858 of S. & E. HUTSON Admins. of Jos. COOMBS Dec'd. four hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty nine cents by cash and their individual note payable six months after date with ten percent interest from date in full of my distributive share of said estate as heir on their final settlement……signed: Hamilton COMES
[Following are a couple receipts from the estate of Joseph B. Combs, Jr. as filed in Auglaize Co., OH Probate Court by Co-Administrator Solomon Hutson (son-in-law). From this the death date of Joseph B. Combs, Jr. can be fixed as Aug. 12, 1853]
The estate of Joseph Combs………Dec. to Elijha HUTSON Dr. for washing, mending and making for Joseph COMBES & Hamilton his son from May the 10th A.D. 1849 to August 12th A.D. 1853, at $2.00 per month = $103.00
For bording the above mention two from the 14 of March 1853 till
August 12, 1853.
20 weeks at $2.00 per week = $40.00
For nurseing and tending on the old man & for doing in my house & washing up
after the deceased of the last sickness = $30.00. [Total] $173.00. probate fee. 15. [Grand Total] $173.15
The State of Ohio…Aug County…SS.….Before me James MCHARLAND a Justice of the Peace in and for said county personally appeared Elijha HUTSON who made solemn oath that their is justly due him on the above account the sum of one hundred and seventy three dollars and that their have been no part theirof paid and that their are no offsets against the same to his knowledge and belief…signed : Elijha HUTSON
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22nd day Dec. A,D. 1857. James E, MCHARLAND J. P.
(Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
BC Note: This second Joseph Combs (in b and c above) is the son of Micajah Combs, believed to have been the same who was earlier from Franklin Twp., Fayette Co, PA?, and who is known to have been the same who was in Montgomery Co, OH and Randolph Co., IN. Joseph, s/o Micajah, later d in Shelby County. These estate papers connect Joseph B. Combs, Jr. (the deceased) both to the land in Holmes Co, OH and to the estate file in Holmes Co., OH for Joseph Combs his father [Sr.]. Reminder: Joseph B. Combs, Jr.'s fathers estate collected $$$ from Leesburg, Loudoun Co, Virginia (See Holmes Co, OH).
Also Note: Although Joseph B. Combs, Jr. d intestate, his estate papers included receipts for his care by Elijah HUTSON & his wife (Margaret Combs), while the administrator was Solomon HUTSON (h/o Elizabeth Combs). These records, in conjunction with earlier census records (1830 and 1840) are the basis for the determination (implied) that Margaret and Elizabeth were older daughters of Joseph B. Combs, Jr. whose wife, Keziah BRADLEY d between 1840 and 1850 (year and location not known. Ditto for burial place). A secondary source (not yet documented) for the Combs-HUDSON wives having been Joseph B.'s daughters is a 1923 Hist. of Auglaize Co, OH, pg.440, listing as the mother of Albert HUDSON, " “Margaret Combs born in Wooster, in Wayne Co” (actually maybe Holmes Co). Also note that this settlement did not include real estate inherited by Hamilton Combs.
17 Apr 1858 Hamilton Combs mrd. Mary LUCAS in St. Marys, Auglaize Co, OH (Extracted by Combs Researcher Bob Combs from CW pension file for Hamilton Combs, per Co. Court record)
St. Mary's Twp. (New Knoxville)
Hamilton Combs 23 Farmer OH
Mary [LUCAS] 23 OH
Notes: See Combs Photo Gallery for photo of Hamilton Combs, s/o Joseph B. and Keziah BRADLEY Combs, Jr.
Goshen Twp
William G. Combs 44 Engineer OH
Jane B. 17 At Home OH
Isabella 15 " OH
Joseph L. 12 " OH
Nancy J. 9 " OH
Jo(Illegible)s 7 " OH
BC Notes: William G. Combs, b 8/26/1816 in Highland Co., OH; d 12/25/1878 Auglaize Co. OH; (widower of?) Susan (BALDWIN?) (1850 Allen Co, OH census) Jane B. Combs married (2nd Husband) Jacob WAGNER about 1888/1889, living in Logan Co, Ohio 1900, 1910 & 1920.
26 Jun 1860 Auglaise Co OH Births. Combs, Joseph Marion s/o Hamilton & Mary LUCAS (Extracted from Auglaize County, Ohio Early Births by Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
8 Nov 1863 Auglaize Co. Marriage Records HULL, Henry m. Isabel Combs
(Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
Notes: Isabel Combs, d/o William G. and Susan Combs (1850 Allen Co, OH Census)
28 May 1866 b: Sarah L. Combs d/o Hamilton and Mary LUCAS Combs
(Extracted from Hamilton R. Combs CW pension file by Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
1 Nov 1867 Oh Auglaize Washington Twp. Born: Combs, Hamilton E. M
Parents Hamilton Combs Mary Lucas Combs Washington Twp.
(Extracted from Birth Records Auglaize County, OH Probate Court Volume # 1, by Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
27 May 1869 Auglaize Co. Marriage Records Combs, J.L. m Margaret J. HUTCHISON
(Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
Notes: Joseph L. Combs, s/o William G. and Susan Combs (1850 Allen Co OH Census)
19 Feb 1870 Oh Auglaize Goshen Twp. Born: Combs, Garrett P. M
Parents William G. Combs Charlott(a) SMITH Goshen Twp.
(Extracted from Birth Records Auglaize County, OH Probate Court Volume # 1, by Combs Researcher Doug Combs who adds that Charlotte was neè SMITH, the widow of a RHODEBAUGH at the time of her marriage to William Garrett Combs (his middle name and her earlier married name from her estate records).)
Goshen Twp
Henry HULL 32 M W Farmer OH
Isabella [Combs] 24 F W Keeping House OH
Charles A. 5 M W At home OH
Charlotta A. 2 F W " OH
William G. Combs 52 M W Engineer OH
Charlottie 32 F W Keeping House OH
Nancy J. 21 F W At Home OH
Jo(rest illegible again) 18 F W " OH
Garrett 4/12 M W " OH
RHODEBAUGH, Andrew 14 M W Farm Laborer OH
RHODEBAUGH, John N. 8 M W At School OH
Harry 6 M W " OH
Notes: William G. and Charlotta SMITH (Rhodebaugh) Combs.
JWNote: Andrew & John RHODEBAUGH, Charlottie's sons by her first marriage. Harry Combs is listed out of order. He is not assumed to be William's child but possibly the son of William's daughter Jane based on family stories. (Jennifer Wilhelmi)
St Marys Twp
Mary Combs age 33 F W Keeping hse. OH
Joseph age 10 at home OH
Sarah age 8 at home OH
Jessey age 3 at home OH
BC Notes: Mary was the wife of Hamilton R. Combs. Children were Joseph Marion, Sarah L. and Jessey Hamilton Ellsworth Combs.
7 Dec 1870 Oh Auglaize Goshen Twp. Born: COMB(E)S, Arthur
Leon M
Parents J.L. COMB(E)S Margaret J. HUTCHISON Goshen Twp.
(Extracted from Birth Records Auglaize County, OH Probate Court Volume # 1, by Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
4 Feb 1872 Oh Auglaize Goshen Twp. Born: Combs, Alfred L. M .
Parents William G. Combs Charlott(e) SMITH Goshen Twp.
(Extracted from Birth Records Auglaize County, OH Probate Court Volume # 1,)
(Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
19 Aug 1872 Oh Auglaize Goshen Twp. Born: Combs, Arnold Theodore M
Parents J.L. Combs Margaret J. HUTCHISON Goshen Twp.
(Extracted from Birth Records Auglaize County, OH Probate Court Volume # 1,)
( Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
Feb 1878 Auglaize Co, OH Common Pleas Court Civil Case # 3077 (Divorce granted) (1st Case #1435 & 2nd Case # 2057) Mary Lucas Combs vs. Hamilton R. Combs
(Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
BC Notes: Hamilton R. Combs died in Farwell, Clare Co, MI on 7 May 1878 per his death certificate, which did not include parents' names or birth locations. Elijah HUTSON (h/o Margaret Combs) is recorded in Clare Co, MI as having been administrator of Hamilton's (his nephew-in-law) estate.
Washington Twp
Mary Combs age 43 F Housework OH VA VA
Mary [Joseph Marion] age 20 M single Laborer OH OH OH
Sarah age 14 F OH OH OH
Hamilton E. age 12 M OH OH OH
Elijah HUTSON (Head of household)
Margaret [Combs] Hutson age 49 F Housework OH NJ NJ
(Excerpted by Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
BC Notes: Mary LUCAS, ex-wife of Hamilton R. Combs and Margaret Combs Hudson, sister of Hamilton R. Combs, and daughter of Joseph Combs, Jr. of New Jersey, Fayette Co, PA, Holmes and Auglaize Cos, OH. The other sister, Elizabeth Combs Hutson, is not in Auglaize Census, maybe moved to Mercer County.
Question: Is it possibly significant that, according to census record of Margaret Combs Johnson, her mother (Keziah BRADLEY), was also b in New Jersey? Could the BRADLEYS have been part of a larger migration group that included the Combs?
HULL, Henry Hull M 43 (abt 1837) OH PA OH
Isabel (COMBS) Hull 38 (abt 1842) OH PA OH
Charles Hull M 15 OH OH OH
Lotta (Charlottie) Hull F 12 OH OH OH
Madison Hull M 7 OH OH OH
Minnie Hull F 5 OH OH OH
Melvin Hull M 1 OH OH OH
JW Note: Isabel's father is listed as born in PA, but her father is William G. Combs, born in OH.
COMBS, James M 35 (abt 1845) OH OH OH Farmer
Arilda Combs F 28 (abt 1852) OH OH OH
Roy Combs M 8 (abt 1872) OH OH OH
Submitted by Jennifer Willemi from Ancestry.Com online posting:
27 May 1882 Auglaize Co. Marriage Records CUNNINGHAM, James M. M. Sarah L Combs
(Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
28 Jan 1892 Auglaize Co. Marriage Records Combs, Elsworth m. Augusta BAKER
(Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
Note: Hamilton Elsworth Combs s/o Hamilton and Mary E. LUCAS Combs.
7 Jun 1893 Auglaize Co. Marriage Records Combs, Joseph A. m. Luetta IVINS
(Combs Researcher Doug Combs)
St. Marys Twp
Combs, Hamilton Ellsworth
Augusta (his wife)
Edgar age 7
Raymond age 5
Howard age 3
Nancy Combs McBeth, daughter of William G. Combs
Name: Nancy McBeth
Death date: 17 Mar 1932
Death place: Wapakoneta, Auglaize, Ohio
Birth date: 10 Apr 1849
Birth place:
Age at death: 82 years 11 months 17 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housework
Burial date: 19 Mar 1932
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Walnut Hill
Spouse name: Martin Mcbeth
Father name: Wm. Combs
Father birth place: Unknown
Mother name: Unknown
Mother birth place: Unknown
GSU film number: 1992569
Digital GS number: 4001562
Image number: 928
Reference number: fn 13430
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Family Search - Record Search
viewed 24 July 2008 Jennifer Wilhelmi
Combs, Joseph 1861-1936
Louetta 1872-1936
Augusta 1872-1955
Hamilton E. 1867-1916
Ruth R. 1906-1972
LeRoy J. 1903-
Combs, Ira b. 4-3-1916 d. 11-14-1963
Combs, Forest William 1908-1982
Hazle Edna 1906-1988
Combs Family Plot
Combs Researcher Doug Combs notes: “Joseph L. Combs (s/o William G. Combs), his wife Margaret J. HUTCHISON, Charles Elmer Combs (infant s/o Joseph and Margaret), Arnold Theodore Combs (s/o Joseph and Margaret) and his wife Daisy DURKEE, William. G. Combs and his wife Charlotte RHODEBAUGH, Charles Mallory Combs Sr. (s/o Arnold and Daisy), and a few others are there. I haven't visited there in about ten years. It's a beautiful little cemetery where all the plots are still dug by hand. I spoke with the curator many years ago and he told me that all the records were burned up in a fire in 1948”.
Walnut Hill Cemetery - Update by Doug Combs, 12/98: " In one row I found in order from left to right: Henry HULL - Isabell (Combs) Hull - Margaret J. Combs - Charlie Elmer (Infant) - J. L. Combs and Arther L. Combs. Right behind Charlie Elmer was a broken stone, and a little further back and to the right and in the next row was Wm. G. Combs - Alfred Leyton Combs and Infant (son of W. G. & Charlotte Combs).
Some photos can be found at Walnut Hill Cemetery. Including: Harry and Sue Marie HAMMOND Combs Sue's daughter Jessie Lester V. Combs (Harry and Sue's youngest son) J.L Combs -- This may also be William G. Combs' son Margaret L Combs Martin and Nancy Combs McBETH (she is the daughter of William G. Combs)