![]() ca 1721 | The History of | ![]() ca 1787 |
Underwood's (Foxhall, Bristol Ironworks) Mill of King George/Westmoreland/Old Rappa Counties, Virginia |
See also The County Line Combs of Old Rappa, Richmond, King George & Westmoreland Counties, Virginia, and Combs & c. Reports for Old Rappahannock Co, VA, part of which later became Richmond, and Westmoreland Co, some of each of which later became part of King George County
So far as is known, Col. William UNDERWOOD erected the first Mill on what is today known as Bristol Creek (which divides present-day King George and Westmoreland Counties), sometime between 1658 when the land was patented to him, and 1662-3, when he died. Over the next sixty-odd years, the mill changed both hands and names a number of times (although held by his descendants “in between times”), and the following is a partial (research in progress) tracing of the mill's ownership.
A brief and only partially accurate history of Underwood's Mill is found in "Foxhall-Vaulx-Elliot Families,", by Juliet Fauntleroy and Mary Hope West (The Virginia Magazine of History and Genealogy, Vol. XLIV (1936), reprinted as Genealogies of Virginia Families, Vol. III, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1981, pp. 106-7):
"In 1670 Major William UNDERWOOD leased this mill with fifty acres of land to Mr. John FOXHALL for ninety-nine years, a part of the land which had been granted to Major UNDERWOOD [sic] in 1658… On August 20, 1682, John FOXHALL sold a half-interest in this lease to Malachai PEALE. On September 2, 1685, John FOXHALL “impowers my loving son in law John ELLIOTT * * * * My True and Lawfull Attorney” to acknowledge the deed. Witnessed by his [FOXHALL'S] daughter Mary VAUX [VAULX] and Sarah RAWLYE. In 1696, Malachai PEALE sold the lease back [sic] to “Mr. John FOXHALL of Pope's Creek in Westmoreland County--son of John FOXHALL late of the county aforesaid,” thus giving him full title to the property. John2 FOXHALL, having died unmd., bequeathed the mill in his will, 1697, to his nephews James VALKS [VAULX] and John ELLIOT. Upon the death of James VAULX, his interest in the mill was vested in John ELLIOT. In 1710, John ELLIOTT, son of the above, conveyed to Collo. Francis GOULDMAN and Timothy ATKINSON, “a certain mill, commonly known by the name of Foxhall's mill.” On March 15, 1715, GOULDMAN conveyed his interest to Richard TUTT. ATKINSON must have sold his interest to Paul MICOU, for on July 5, 1718, Paul MICOU conveyed his one-half interest to Richard TUTT. On July 10, 1721, Richard TUTT (husband of Mary UNDERWOOD) of Sittenbourne Parish, King George County, Planter, conveyed to John KING, Esqr. & Co., merchants in Bristol, settlers of the Iron Works in Sittenbourne Parish, his interest in the mill. On the same day, John UNDERWOOD, son and heir of William UNDERWOOD, dec'd., conveyed his interest also, to the same company.” (VA Mag. of Hist. and Biog., Vol 39., p. 272).
All records have been collected except the will of John FOXHALL, Sr. (apparently not extant) and the records of transfer from Timothy ATKINSON to William GRIFFIN and from William GRIFFIN to Paul MICOU (not found in Richmond County deeds or wills):
4 Jul 1670 - 7 May 1684 (Old Rappa. Co, VA DB7:108-111) This Indenture made the fourth day of July One thousand Six hundred and seaventy Between William UNDERWOOD Senyr. of the Parrish of Sittingborne in the County of Rappa: of the one party and Mr. John FOXHALL of Pope's Creek in the County of Westmoreland, Merchant, on the other party Witnesseth that the sd. Wm. UNDERWOOD for the sum of Ten thousand pounds of good merchantable Tobo: to him paid hath sett and to farm lett unto the said FOXHALL his heires all his right which he hath or hereafter by the death of his Mother in Law should have to that Grist or Water Mill with the appences: scituate lying and being in the County and Parish aforesaid and some time in the occupation of Archidall COMBE and late in the possession of John PAYNE and the ground and Soyle whereon the Mill now standeth Togeather with Fifty acres of land next and adjoyning thereto to be surveyed and laid out in the most convenient forme for the accomodation of the sd Mill by Mr. William MOSELEY at the charge and appointment of the said John FOXHALL togeather with all Mill pools, ponds, dams, stanicks, banks, streams, water course, rivers, brooks, fishing and fishing places ways profitts prevelidges and appurtenances whatever to the said Mill land and prmisses To have and to hold with all and singular their appurtenances togeather with all the buildings wood timber unto the said John FOXHALL him his heires from the day of the date of these prsents during and unto the terme of ninety and nine yeares fully compleat paying yearly at the feast day of St. Michaell the Archangell one year of Indian Corne being fully demanded and the said William UNDERWOOD doth hereby grant the said FOXHALL may at al times during the terme hereby mentioned shall hold and enjoy the said Mill & land and all the prmisses together with the rents & proffitts appartaining without the deniall of the said Will: UNDERWOOD and the said William UNDERWOOD will during the space of five yeares next ensuing the deate hereof upon request and at the costs & charges in the Law of him the said FOXHALL make acknowledgement of and execute further acts for the better confirmation of these presents In Witness whereof the said William UNDERWOOD hath putt his hand. s/Will: UNDERWOOD. Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of: John CATLETT, Tho: HAWKINS, John VASSALL
This within or above written Indenture was acknowledged by the within named Will: UNDERWOOD this fourth day of July One thousand six hundred & Seaventy to the use and behoofe of the within Written John FOXHALL his heires and by him desired to be recorded in the Court of Rappahannock. Recog die 4th July 1670 John CATLETT, Tho: HAWKINS. Recognitr in Cur Com Rappahannock 7 die May 1684 et Recordatr xxii die. Test Wm: COLSTON Cl Cur (Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1682-1686, Deed Book No. 7, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1990)
(Old Rappahannock Co., Va., Book 1677-1682:341) April 15, 1672. These presents shall oblidge me Wm UNDERWOOD Senior my heires or assignes to lay out for the purpose use and account of John FOXHALL 200 acres of land to that which I formerly lett him with the Mill to his convenience upon the Ridge above the Mill which land is to be laid out betwixt this and the 10th of December next and alsoe I doe oblidge my selfe my heires or assignes to make him a lease for the same for 99 yeares according to the former lease I made him the said FOXHALL for which I doe acknowledge to have received his Bill for consideration for the same As Witness my hand ye 15th Aprill 1672. /s/Wm. UNDEWOOD, Wit: Wm. (X) PENDABTON [sic] Recordatr x4 die (Extracted by Mary Gregg from Deed & Will Abstracts of (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia (1677-1682) (Part II) by Ruth and Sam Sparacio) MG Note: Items on either side of this were recorded “2 die Martii 1681.”
In 1674, Archdale and Elizabeth COMBS relinquished all rights to the mill in exchange for 600 acres of land in Essex County, Virginia, to be deeded by her step-son, William UNDERWOOD, Sr., to her and her sons:
14 Nov 1674 - 5 May 1675 (Old Rappa Co., Va, DB Part II of 1672-1676:278-279) Nov. 14, 1674. …We, Archdall COMBES and Elizabeth COMBES the Lawfull Wife of the sd. Archdale living and being in the Parish of Sitting Bourne of the County of Rappa in Virginia…for divers valuable causes…especially for and in consideration of 600 acs. of land made over to the sd. Elizabeth COMBES and her two Sones as by a Writing will appear, have by these presents devised, granted, sold and confirmed…unto William UNDERWOOD Senr. living and being in the Parish and County afsd. the Lawfull Sone and Heir Apparent of Collo. William UNDERWOOD deceased and formerly husband of the afsd. Elizabeth, to him, his heirs and assigns forever all and every part and parcell of the right, claim and remainders in the thirds and Dowry of the same formerly called The Mount scituate lying in and being in the Parish and County afsd wch did of Right and by Law belong and descend to the said Elizabeth as being the Relict of Collo. William UNDERWOOD deced aforesaid and now in Rights & in the possesion & occupation of the said Archdale COMBES as Intermarrying with her the aforesaid Elizabeth To have hold use and possess the aforesaid Dowry and thirds of the said land withall and singular the tenements and appurtenances excepting only the profitts of the thirds of the Mill thereto belonging to the said William UNDERWOOD his heirs and assigns forever without the molestation or deniall of the said Archdale and Elizabeth the Wife of said Archdale or of any the heirs of them or any person clayming any title or interest therein by him or under him or any or either of us by or from the heirs of either of us and also said Archdale COMBES and Elizabeth COMBES have further agreed to give and confirme and make over such further assurances of the said land with all and everything thereto belonging to the said William UNDERWOOD his heirs and assigns forever as the Learned and Lawfull Councell of the said William his heirs and assigns shall at any time hereafter demand and finally the said Archdale COMBS and Elizabeth do oblige ourselves to the said William UNDERWOOD his heirs & assigns to acknowledge and confirm either by ourselves or by our lawfull attorney this present instrument of writing at or upon the next Court following the date hereof held for Rappa County in the full and just sum of Three hundred pounds Sterling money of England to be paid at or upon the Monday in Easter Weeke next after the day and date hereof and at or in the house of the said UNDERWOOD doth now live and inhabit In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals joyntly and severally this 14th day of November in the year of our Lord God 1674. s/Archdale COMBS, Elizabeth COMBS. In presence of us Francis TRIPLETT, Edward ROUZY.
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 5 die May 1675 p Archdale COMBES et Amory BUTLER. (Old Rappa DB, 1672-1676, Part II, No. 5, Sam and Ruth Sparacio, Antient Press, Maclean Virginia)
20 Aug 1682 Old Rappa Records, 1682-1686:221 Lease. John FOXHALL to Malachi PEALE of Upper Machoatocke, Westmoreland, L70 current money, one half interest in “the mill commonly called Major UNDERWOODS mill in the parish of Sittenbourne with the ground and soyle whereon the mill now stands with one half the fifty acres next and adjoining thereto which the said FOXHALL holds by a virtue of a lease for ninety nine years made by William UNDERWOOD Senr on July 4th 1670. For the full term of eighty seven years from July 4th last past being the remainder of ninety nine years.” Signed by John FOXHALL, Cadwallader JONES Junr., William UNDERWOOD Senr., Henry BAMER. Wits: Martin BUTLER x his mark, Eliz. TOAT, Anthony SHORTER. ("Underwood Family of Virginia", by Augusta B. Fothergill, The Virginia Magazine of History and Genealogy, Vol. XXXIX (1931), reprint·d as Genealogies of Virginia Families, Vol. V, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1981, pp. 617) [Henry BAMER or Henry JAMES?]
21 Aug 1696 (Richmond Co., Va., DB 2:233-234) Know all men by these presents that I Malachi PEALE of Stafford County in Virginia, Mercht., for and in consideration of £35 Sterling to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by Mr. John FOXHALL of Popes Creek in Westmoreland County in Virginia, Son of John FOXHALL late of the County aforesaid, Mercht., to him his heirs or assigns do bargain sell and make over all my right and Interest in the within mentioned water mill sold by the said John FOXHALL dec'd. to me the said Malachi PEALE and I do for me my heirs Executors and Administrators warrant the Sale or Releasement of my within mentioned half or moiety of the within mentioned water mill to him the said John FOXHALL his heirs or assigns in as full & ample manner as it is to me sold & made over by the within mentioned Deed or Instrument of Writing as may more at large appear and I do hereby oblige myself my heirs Executors to assign the said FOXHALL his heirs or assigns any further Assignment hereof as he or they shall reasonably advise devise or require and acknowledge the same in next Richmond County Court. Witness my hand and seal the one & twentieth day of August 1696. /s/Malachi PEALE. Wits: James VAULX, Eliz: (X) CARTER (Extracted by Mary Gregg from Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1695-1701, Ruth and Sam Sparacio)
Rocognitr: in Cur: Corn: Richmond 7d. die Aprilis Ano: 1697 et record: 20d. die Test Wm. COLSTON, CI Cur
10 Feb 1697 - 30 Mar 1698 (Westmoreland Co., Va., D&W 2:135-135a) Will of John FOXHALL of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, being sick of body. Unto Robert VALKES and Sarah ELLIOTT all my estate real and personal in the Kingdom of England, lying in Birmingham in Warwickshire. My water mill to James VAULKES and John ELLIOTT Junr. My plantation at the head of Pope's Creek unto Susannah COMOCKE [CAMMOCK?]. Unto Elizabeth VALKES my plantation in Essex County. Unto James VALKES my house and furniture. Unto Mary ELLIOTT my mare. Colt to Martha ELLIOTT. My loving brother Caleb BUTLER executor./s/ John FOXHALL Wits: Richd. CRADUCK, Ann WEBSTER, Humphry LEE. March 30, 1698. Proved by Richard CRADDUNCK [CRADDOCK] and Ann WEBSTER. Probate granted to Caleb BUTLER. (“Westmoreland County, Virginia, Deeds & Wills No. 2, 1691-1699,” John Frederick Dorman)
6 Dec 1710 Richmond Co., Va., DB 5:305-308) December 6, 1710. THIS INDENTURE made the sixth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and tenn Between JOHN ELLIOT of County of Westmnoreland in Colony of Virginia of one parte and Collo. FRANCIS GOLDMAN and TIMOTHY ATKINSON, both of County of ESSEX in the aforesaid Colony of other part, Witnesseth that Whereas JOHN ELLIOT for the sum of Thirty pounds Sterling to him already paid and secured by these presents doth bargain and sell Fiftie acres of land lying in County of Richmond together with a certain Mill comonly called and known by the name of FOXHILLS MILL and that said JOHN ELLIOT hath full power and authority to sell and dispose of the said Land and Mill with all appurtenances thereunto belonging dureing the remaining part or reversion of a Lease of Conveyance from WILLIAM UNDERWOOD to JOHN FOXHILL deceased will appear; To have and to hold the land and Mill with all appurtenances from JOHN ELLIOT his heirs or any of the heirs of JOHN FOXHILL deceased unto Collo. FRANCIS GOLDMAN & TIMOTHY ATKINSON, and do agree with JOHN ELLIOT his heirs to pay the yearly anuety of one ear of Indian Corne unto the Lord of the Fee if lawfully demanded as Witness my hand and seale the day and year first above written
Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of us
At it Court held for Richmond County March the seventh 1710 JOHN ELLIOTT came into Court and acknowledged this Deed unto Collo. FRANCIS GOLDMAN and TIMOTHY ATKINSON & it was admitted to Record. Test M. BECKWITH, Cl Cur Be it remembered that upon the sixth day of February 1710 full quiet and peaceable possession of the Mill, lands and premises within mentioned was given and delivered by JOHN ELLIOTT unto FRANCIS GOLDMAN and TIMOTHY ATKINSON for the terme of time specifyed in the Lease in the presents of us
At a Court held for Richmond County March the seventh 1710 JOHN ELLIOTT came into Court and acknowledged this his Livery of Seizen and it was admitted to record. Test M. BECKWITH, CI Cur
March ye 8th 1710. Then Reced. the full and just sum of thirty pounds in Bills of Exchange it being full satisfaction of the within specifyed Deed as Witness my hand.
At a Court held for Richmond County March the seventh 1710 JOHN ELLIOTT came into Court and acknowledged the above Receipt which is admitted to record. Test M. BECKWITH, Cl Cur Examined p M. BECKWITH, Cl Cur
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I JOHN ELLIOTT of the County of WESTMORELAND in the Colony of Virginia Gent. am holden and firmly bound unto FRANCIS GOLDMAN and TIMOTHY ATKINSON both of County of ESSEX in aforesaid Colony in the sum of Two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed to them the which payment well and truely to be made I binde my selfe my heirs by these presents; Sealed with my Seale and dated the fifth day of December in the year of our Lord God according to the Computation now used in the Church of England 1710 The Condition of this obligation is such that if JOHN ELLIOTT his heirs shall at all times hereafter observe and keep all covenants which on the part of JOHN ELLIOTT his heirs ought to be observed and kept comprized in one Indenture bearing equall date with these presents between JOHN ELLIOTT by the name of JOHN ELLIOTT of the County of WESTMORELAND in the Colony of Virginia being the only heire to JOHN FOXHILL deceased to a certain tract of land and Mill as is specified in the recited conveyance then this obligation to be void and of none effect, otherwise to be and remalne in full force and vertue
Signed sealed and delivered in presents of us
Acknowledged in Richmond County Court the seventh day of March 1710 by JOHN ELLIOTT and admitted to record. Test M. BECKWITH, CI Cur Examined p M. BECKWITH, CI Cur (Extracted by Cammock Families Researcher Mary Gregg from Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1708-1711, Ruth and Sam Sparacio, pp. 99-100)
22 Oct 1712 - 12 Mar 1712/1713 Essex Co, VA Wills and Deeds, Records, 1703-1706, p 109. William GRIFFIN, Gent, of the Town of Salem in the County of Salem to my “trusty and welbeloved friend Colo Richard COVINGTON Gent of the County of Essex” to receive from Timothy ATKINSON, late of the Town of Salem in the County of Salem, now living in the County of Essex within the Colony of Virg'a, L 125.11.07, also authority to sell half interest in a water mill called ffoxhill's mill conveyed to GRIFFIN by ATKINSON by deed dated 21 Oct 1712. s/William GRIFFIN. Wit: Salvatore MUSCOE, Wm. COVINGTON, Jr. Rec. 12 Mar 1712/1713.
(Extracted by C H ammett from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol II, Beverly Fleet, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 118)
The deed from Timothy ATKINSON to William GRIFFIN (both earlier of Salem, New Jersey) has not yet been located. In January of this same year (NS), Timothy ATKINSON witnessed two deeds, one from William UNDERWOOD, Jr. to Richard TUTT and the second from William COMBS to Richard TUTT and John COMBS, the land being the six hundred acres on Pewmans End Run granted to Elizabeth and her sons in 1684 in return for her relinquishment of rights to the will.
7 Jul 1715 Richmond Co, VA Minutes. At a Court held 7 July 1715. “William GRIFFIN of Sittenbourn parish haveing been presented by the Grand Jury for not keeping lawfull Measures in his mill, this Day appeared in Court to Answer the said presentment but offering nothing materiall in Barr thereof, It is therefore Ordered that he be Fined Fifteen shillings to Our Sovereigh Lord the King.”
9 Jan 1715/16 Essex Co, VA Deeds, Wills, etc. Book 14, p. 680. Will of Francis GOULDMAN of the Parish of St. Anne, County of Essex. To “loving kinsman” Francis GOULDMAN, 1200 acres bought of Augustine Smith BOUGHAN and others on Occupation Creek and Mattapony, he failing in heirs to “my loving kinsman” Thomas GOULDMAN, he failing in heirs to “my loving kinswoman Elizabeth WARING wife to Thomas WARING.” Land and water mill in Essex to Thomas GOULDMAN. To kinswoman Elizabeth WARING, 1,100 acres lying and being in common between the heirs of Francis MERIWETHER late deceased and myself situate in King and Queen County on the branches of Mattapony and x x. To my kinsman Thomas GOULDMAN 500 acres Hoskinses Swamp, south side Essex, 200 from testator's father, 200 purch. by testator from Francis AWBERRY, and 200 escheated from Katherine LONG. To kinsman Francis GOULDMAN, land “whereon I now dwell,” purchased of Arabella BIRD, daughter of Henry WHITE. Kinsman Thomas GOULDMAN to be allowed to select home tract rather than mill when he is 21. Kinsman Francis to change, as his brother, Francis [sic], if he should choose. Wife to have home tract while she lives. Stocke, household goods, etc. on plant. to wife. Interest in water mill held jointly with Paul MICOU, Gent., to be sold at Richmond Court. Refs. to Francis GOULDMAN as under age. Monies and tobo. due from Capt. PICKARIN, John BILLUPS, Robert ELLIOT, Col. Richard COVINGTON, and Thomas WINSLOW. “Debts due from my late brother Edward GOULDMAN'S estate being the children's part… that Thomas WARING aforesaid take my desk and papers as soon as I shall depart this life. Negro Jack, a carpenter, shall be freed from slavery. Half of negroes to wife, the other half to Francis and Thomas GOULDMAN. That sd. Thomas WARING shall make acctg of monies paid in admin of sd. late brother's estate since last settlement with Mr. William WINSTON. Thomas WARING to half of tobacco for trouble concerning will. If Thomas WARING to die before sd. two kinsman reach majority, then my sister Martha WINSTON to take care of their estates. My silver hilted sword and belt to Thos. HENMAN. Exors: “beloved wife Mary”, and Mr. Thomas WARING. s/ Francis GOULDMAN. Wits: Arth: BOWERS, Paschall GREENHILL, Ro. BROOKE, Jr., Wm. MOSS, Tho. HENMAN. Codicil 7 Jul 1716. To Thos. WARING all apple trees growing in my nursery… except 200 to my wife. Entry. on p. 684 refers to him as Collo. Francis GOULDMAN. Bond by Mary GOULDMAN. T. WARING, John BAGGE, and Richard COVINGTON. (Extracted from Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol. II, Beverly Fleet, reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1988, p. 242)
5 Mar 1715/1716 (Richmond Co., Va., DB 2:99-100) Indenture between Francis GOULDMAN of the Parish of St. Anns in the County of Essex, Gentleman, of one part and Richard TUTT of the Parish of Sittenburn in the County of Richmond, Planter, of other part; Witnesseth that Francis GOULDMAN for the sum of 4,294 of good and hwfull tobacco to him in hand paid by Richard TUTT by these p:sents doth demise grant and to farm lett and sett unto Richard TUTT all that one half or moiety of a water grist mill commonly called and known by the name of Foxhall's Mill with the one moyety of the land thereunto belonging containing by estimation in the whole Five and twenty acres (be the same more or less) lying on the North side of Rappahannock River about eight miles above Southend Ferry in County of Richmond together with all houses and all toll benefit and Custom for Grinding of Corn and all other Grain whatsoever; And also all Mill Ponds, Mill Dams, Banks, ponds, streams, water courses, fishing places, paths and appurtenances to said Mill and all other the p:misses belonging; which Mill and Land in these p:sents mentioned was lately purchased by one Timothy ATKINSON and the said Francis GOULDMAN, party to these p:sents, from one John ELLIOTT of the County of Westmoreland in the Records of Richmond County Court may more fully appear; To have and to hold the one half or moyety of said Water Mill and Land unto Richard TUTT and aasignes during the term of Fifty and five years from the day of the date hereof; And Francis GOULDMAN for himself his heirs the moyety of the Mill and Land unto Richard TUTT and assignes against every person shall warrant and always defend by vertue of these presents; In Witness whereof the partyes aforesd: have to these p:sents set their hands and seales the day month and year first above written. /s/Francis GOULDMAN. Wits: Tho: HENMAN, Wm. DARE. Att a Court held for Richmond County the Seventh day of Match 1715, Francis GOULDMAN came into Court and acknowledged this his Deed unto Richard TUTT and it was admitted to Record. Test M. BECKWITH, Cl Cur (Extracted by Mary Gregg from Deed Abstracts of Richmond County, Virginia, 1715-1718, Ruth and Sam Sparacio)
19 Jul 1717 Richmond Will Bk. III, p. 346. Will of William UNDERWOOD, Sr. “…I give and bequeath unto my Loving Son Jon. UNDERWOOD ye Revertion of one Watermill now in the hands of Richard TUTT to him and his heirs for ever…”
5 Jul 1718 Paul MICOU conveys his half-interest in the mill to Richard TUTT. (Genealogies of Virginia Families, III, “Foxhall-Vaulx-Elliot Families,” pp. 106-7)
10 Jul 1721 King George Deed Book 1, p. 14. Richard TUTT of Sittenbourne Parish, King George, planter, to John KING, Esqr. & Co., merchants in Bristol, settlers of the Iron Works in the aforesaid parish, dominion of Virginia… “Whereas UNDERWOOD, late of the aforesaid parish and dominion, deceased, being lawfully seized of all that water grist mill then commonly known by the name of Major Underwood's Mill, with all of the appurtanences, including 50 acres of land thereunto adjoining, by lease deed bearing the date 4 Jul 1670, did devise and sell the said mill..” etc. to Mr. John FOXHALL late of Popes Creek in Westmoreland county, deceased, for the term of 99 years, and the said John FOXHALL by his last will and testament did bequeath and devise unto John ELLIOTT and James VAULX both of Westmoreland County, his interest in the property for the term unexpired. James VAULX is since deceased, and his interest vested in the said John ELLIOTT, and the said premises by several mesue conveyances, has since come to and been placed in Francis GOULDMAN of the Parish of St. Anne in Essex County, Gent, and Paul MICOU of the same place, gent, in equal share.
The said GOULDMAN, by lease bearing date 5 Mar 1715, conveyed to the said TUTT, his half part of the said land, mill and premises, from that date for the term of fifty-five years. The said Paul MICOU by lease 5 Jul 1718, conveyed to the said Richard TUTT, his one half interest in the mill for the unexpired term of fifty two years. Consideration: L100 Sterling. s/Richard TUTT. Wits: Phil ELLWAY, George WILLIAMS, Thomas BAKER. (VA Mag. of Hist. and Biog., Vol 39., p. 272).
Missing still are the deeds from GRIFFIN to Paul MICOU and MICOU to ATKINSON (See also Essex County and Atkinson Families).
10 Jul 1721 King George Deed Book 1, p. 18. John UNDERWOOD of Sittingbourne Parish, King George, King George, to John KING, Esqr. & Co., merchants in Bristol, settlers of the Iron Works in the aforesaid parish, dominion of Virginia… “Whereas William UNDERWOOD, late of the parish, father of the said John UNDERWOOD, being lawfully seized of the said water grist mill known as Major Underwood's Mill, with all of the appurtanences, including 50 acres of land thereunto adjoining, leased for 99 years, would become vested in the said John UNDERWOOD as son and heir of the said William UNDERWOOD deceased. Consideration: L20 Sterling.
(VA Mag. of Hist. and Biog., Vol 39., p. 272). [On 4 Oct 1722, John UNDERWOOD conveyed another 140 acres to the Iron Works, part of a patent that had been originally granted to Robert BIRD on 29 Jul 1650, DB 1:81]
November 5/6, 1722 (King George Co., Va., DB 1, Part 1, pp. 101-106) between John UNDERWOOD of Sittenbourne Parish, King George County and John KING Esqr. and Compa. Merche. in Bristoll in the kingdom of Great Brittain, owner of the Bristoll Iron Works in the Parish of Sittenbourne, King George County…for £56 Sterling. . sold 102 acres in Hanover parish, County aforesaid, beginning on Rapahanack River side at the mouth of a branch called the Sanday Vally; ffoxhalls Mill Run; Main Road that leads up the county .. being part of a tract granted to Robert BIRD by Patent 29th July 1650 and since by several conveyances became the property of John UNDERWOOD. /s/ John UNDERWOOD. Wits: Richard TUTT, Jno. SWEET, John MERCER.
Know all men .. I Elizabeth UNDERWOOD the wife of John UNDERWOOD appoint my ffriend Major Nicholas SMITH my true and Lawfull attorney .. to relinquish all my right and title of Dower and thirds .. 6th December 1722. /s/ Elizabeth (X) UNDERWOOD. Wits: John UNDERWOOD, Margaret (X) THORNBOROUGH. 7th December 1722 .. Power of Attorney proved and recorded. (Deed Abstracts of King George County, Virginia (1721-1735), Ruth and Sam Sparacio)
September 5/6, 1728 (King George Co., Va., DB 1, Part 2, pp. 528-531) Indenture between Benjamin JOHNSON of St. Anns Parish, Essex County, Planter and John KING & Co., Merchants, owners of the Ironworks in King George County for £20 current money to him paid .. by deeds of lease and release .. sold 100 acres in Parish of Hanover on North side Rappahanock River in a branch called the sandy valy & close to the sd River & near unto Foxhall's Mill upon the Westward Side thereof; line of Mr. Nathaniel POPE thence; land of sd POPE and Edward GEORGE sd land being sold unto Robert MUNDANE by William UNDERWOOD . . /s/ Benjamin JOHNSON. Wits: John HARVIE, Thos. TURNER.
6th September 1728 .. Deeds of Lease & Release recorded .. then came Benjamin JOHNSON and Thomas TURNER by virtue of a Power of Attorney from Margaret JOHNSON wife of Benjamin JOHNSON… Relinquished her right of Dower .. I Margaret JOHNSON, wife of Benjamin Johnson, authorize Thomas TURNER to acknowledge my Relinquishment of Dower .. 4th September 1728. /s/ Margaret (X) JOHNSON. Wits: John HARVIE, Caleb HUNDLEY (Deed Abstracts of King George County, Virginia (1721-1735), Ruth and Sam Sparacio)
March 12, 1741 - August 6, 1742 (King George Co., Va., DB 2:429-431) Whereas Lyonal LYDE Esqr., Jere. INNIS, Thomas lONGMAN, Edward COOPER, Samuel JACOB, Samuel DYKE in or near the City of Bristol & the Honble. John TAYLOE Esqr. in Richmond County Colony of Virginia and other Partners some of whom are dead stand Seis'd of Parcels of lands bought of Rich'd. TUTT, John UNDERWOOD, Benjamin JOHNSON and Daniel UNDERWOOD situate in King George County on Rappahannock River computed in the whole 440 acres being part of William UNDERWOOD'S Patent .. on which lands the Co Partners have Erected one Iron Furnace, a Grist Mill, Coal House, Stables and Divers other Houses .. and the sd Company have come to a Resolution to Dispose of all .. have by a Power of Attorney bearing date in City of Bristol 13th May 1741 .. proved in Court of King & Queen County 8th September year aforesaid .. authorizing their Partner and Agent John TAYLOE Esqr. to convey the sd Estate to any Purchasers .. This Indenture Witnesseth .. 12th March 1741 between John TAYLOE .. and authority given him by other partner of one part and Ralph FALKNER & Edward NEAL in the Province of Maryland, John TRIPLETT, Charles EWELL and Nathaniel CHAPMAN of the Colony of Virginia .. in consideration of £25 Sterling money of great Brittain .. hath granted all those Tracts formerly bought by the Iron Mine Company of Bristol . . & their Agents… For Self & Company John TAYLOE. Wits: James RALLINGS, Owen CAMPBELL, Thomas (X) DUE, Thomas HARPER, William BALLENDINE. At a court held 6th August 1742 .. Deed of Feeofment together with Livery & Seizen recorded.
(Deed Abstracts of King George County, Virginia, 1735-1752, Ruth and Sam Sparacio)