![]() | Archdale, Combs &c. Families of Cuddeson and Whately, Oxfordshire, England | ![]() |
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Cuddesden/Cuddesdon, hundred of Bullington , 5.89 miles southeast of Oxford, comprising the chapelries of Denton and Wheatley (5 miles southeast of Oxford), and the hamlet of Chippinghurst… closely associated with the Diocese, the Bishop's Palace was here… annexed to the bishoprick of Oxford, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Oxford… (Lewis, 1831) Cuddesdon is less than four mi. from Ickford,* Bucks, abt four mi. from Littlemore (home of the HESTERS) and Nuneham Courtenay, less than five mi. from Sandford on Thames; and five miles from Kennington, Berks. Forest Hill, home of the Archdale-Moulton-Powell Families, is also in the hundred of Bullington. Ickford is primarily in the hundred of Ashendon, Bucks, but partly in the hundred of Ewelme, Oxfordshire.
Cuddesdon was home to both Richard and Barnard ARCHDALE, sons of John and Ann ARCHDALE of Stafford, Staffordshire, and brothers of Martin, Thomas (father-in-law of John COMBE of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury, London), Matthew and Elizabeth (wife of RIPTON?). Richard and Barnard married sisters, Mary and Ann FERNE respectively, daughters of widow Dorothy Ferne, and brothers, Rafe FERNE, Jr. and Anthony FERNE.
13 Jul 1552 Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire, England. Christened: Antony FERNE, s/o Rafe FERNE (FamilySearch.Org)
This is likely "my uncle Anthony FERNE of London, Gent." of the 1631 Wheatley, Cuddesden, Oxfordshire will of Abraham ARCHDALE, son of Richard and Mary FERNE Archdale. See also the 1590 marriage of Anthony and Mary GOORE Ferne in St. James Clerkenwell, Middlesex. The same?
14 May 1561 Administration of the estate of "Mrs. Dorothy FERNE of Cuddesdon, deceased was granted to her daughter Mary ARCHDALE" (Archdale Memoirs).
1564-1569 Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire Christenings
(IGI entries, Ba: P017551, +So: 942.57/C2 V2CN, source not viewed)
29 Sep 1564 Marie ARCHDALE, d/o Richd. ARCHDALE
24 Nov 1565 Marggret ARCHDALE, d/o (blank)
22 Feb 1566 Isaac ARCHDALE, s/o Richard ARCHDALE
29 Apr 1568 Daritie [Dorothy] ARCHDALE, d/o (blank)
15 Sep 1569 Franncys ARCHDALE, s/o (blank)
Notes: Of the children named above, even those whose parents aren't listed were apparently children of Richard and Mary FERNE Archdale. Franncys, entered as a male, may instead have been Frances, a daughter who later married Richard LOWE of London. Isaac is found in no other records (perhaps died young?). All other children christened are accounted for in the wills of various relatives. See also 1572-6 below.
13 Nov 1570 Administration of the estate of "Ralph FERNE, junior, was granted to his sister, Mary ARCHDALE" (Archdale Memoirs).
1572-1576 Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire Christenings
(IGI entries, Ba: P017551, +So: 942.57/C2 V2CN, source not viewed)
24 Jul 1572 John ARCHDALE, s/o Richard ARCHDALE
23 Feb 1575 Barbara ARCHDALE, d/o Richard ARCHDALE
1577 Probate. Richard ARCHEDALLE, gent., Wheatley, Cuddeson [Cuddesdon], 1577. 185.496
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll from "The Index Library -- Probate Records of the Courts of the Bishop and Archdeacon of Oxford 1516-1732" Volume I A-K. British Records Society. 1981)
Richard ARCHDALE was the s/o John & Ann ARCHDALE of Staffordshire, and h/o Mary FERNE (d/o widow Dorothy FERNE of Cuddesdon).
19 Feb 1577-8 Administration of the estate of Barnard ARCHDALE was granted to his widow (Archdale Memoirs)
7 Feb 1592/3 Cuddesden, Oxon. Married: John STAMPE and Dorothy ARCHDALE.
(Extracted from FHC film 1239474, Oxford County Marriages, A-Beneham, females, by Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff who adds that there was one ARCHDALE entry and no ALVEY or COMBE entries in this source for this parish)
Dorothy ARCHDALE Stampe was the d/o Richard and Mary ARCHDALE Ferne. Her husband, John, was of Holton Parish (5.89 miles east of Oxford).
1631 Probate. Abraham ARCHEDALE, esq., Wheatley, [Cuddesden, Oxfordshire] W.107.91;1/5/48
(Extracted by Combs Researchers Denise Mortorff and Joe Kendalll from "The Index Library -- Probate Records of the Courts of the Bishop and Archdeacon of Oxford 1516-1732" Volume I A-K. British Records Society. 1981)
02 Aug 1631 - 17 Sep 1631 Will of Abraham ARCHDALE of Wheatley (Whatley, Whatlie, etc.), Cuddesden, Oxfordshire, s/o Richard & Mary FERNE Archdale.
Ed. Note: Abraham ARCHDALE, born ca 1565 in Cuddesden, Oxfordshire, died testate 1631, Wheatley, Oxfordshire, was the s/o Richard and Mary FERNE Archdale, and gs/o John and Ann ARCHDALE of Acton Trussell, Staffordshire (His father first cousin to Margaret ARCHDALE Combe).
Abraham first wrote his will on 2 Aug 1631; added a codicil and changes to the main body on 17 Sep 1631, and according to an attached memorandum also made nuncupative (oral) changes to the will before his death. It was proven on 14 Oct 1631 by his "cousin german" (first cousin) Richard ARCHDALE.
Because Abraham's will is both lengthy and replete with familial relationships, it is included here in full, including analyses by both the Combs &c. Research Group and footnotes included in the source: "Wheatley Records 956-1956" Issued for the year 1956 by the Oxfordshire Record Society. Ed. by W.O. Hassall. 1956, p. 60, Item 20, will of Abraham Archdale, 1631 (P.C.C. Berkley 325), transcribed from "original records of Consistory Court of Oxford. Facsimile, see p. 148." Copied and provided by Archdale-Combs Researcher Joe Kendalll and transcribed by Archdale-Combs Researcher Denise Mortorff.
In the Name of God Amen, I Abraham ARCHEDALE of Whateley in the County of Oxon' Esquier beinge att this present weake in body, but of perfect sence and memory (thankes be to Almighty God) and takinge into Consideration the fraylety and incertainty of this life doe therefore make ordayne and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge That is to say I commend and committ my sowle into the hands of Almighty God my only Creator trustinge and beleeveinge to receive and have a Joyfull Resurrection in the world to come And to be saved by the most pretious death and passion of my deere Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to be buryed in the Chappell hereafter named (1) And as touching that estate in Lands Tenements and other worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased God to inrich mee In regard my will and meaninge is shortly or immediately after then-sealinge hereof to convey and assure all the sayd Lands and Tenements presently after myne owne death vnto my deere Cosen german Richard ARCHEDALE of Dowegate street of London Merchaunt and to his heires for ever, (2) for the better contynuacion and Advancement of my name and bloud and also to make my sayd Cosen german Executor of thes my last Will and Testament. Therefore I doe devise and bequeath the Summes of Money hereafter mencioned to the persons in this my last will named vpon the Condicions there in expressed And I doe require my sayd lands Tenements and goods soe as aforesayd to bee by me on him and his heires Setled assuered That is to say I will and bequeath unto my Sisters vizt Margarett BENNETT of Oxford widdowe (3) Fraunces LOWE and Barbara BARNES (4) widdowe and to every of them Two Hundred Pounds apeece. And alsoe to Anne POWELL (5) wife of Richard POWELL of Twoe Hundred the onely daughter of my sister Mary MOULTON, the Summe of fforest hill beeing Pounds They the sayd Margaret Dorothy my sister Fraunces Barbara and Anne and every of them And the Husbands of soe manie of them as are Marryed ffirst releasinge all their Estate Right tytle interest Clayme and demaund whatsoever by ffyne or other Assurance in the lawe; of in or to my Lands Tenements and Hereeditaments vnto my said Cosen Richard ARCHEDALE and his heires and assignes as by his and their Counsell shalbe advised and devized,* And if the sayd Fraunces Margarett Dorothy Barbara and Anne, and their Husbands as aforesayd shall before the sayd tyme for payment of their Legaties refuse to release their sayd right to my sayd Cosen and his heires or otherwise to assure the sayd Lands and Tenements to him and his heires as shalbee advised Then my will and meaning is that all and every their sayd Legaties and all and every the Legaties hereby or herein given to them or anie of the Children of them or either of them shall from and after such their and every of their refusalls be vtterly voyd and of none effect.
Item I will and bequeath vnto Anne BARNES daughter of my sister Barbara BARNES ffower Hundred Pounds (6)
Item to such of the fower daughters of my sister Dorothy STAMPE (7) as shalbe liveinge at the tyme of my death as followeth That is to say to Margarett HESTER fforty Pounds to Mary HALL Threescore pounds to Elizabeth STAMPE ffifty pounds beeinge my Godddaughter, and to Ursula STAMPE fforty pounds.
Item to each of their Children of my sister LOWE, which shalbe liveinge att the tyme of my death vizt. Richar LOWE, Mary PUDSEY, Elizabeth Fraunces and Anne (8) Twenty pounds apeece
Item to the two sonnes of my sister Bridgett BLACKBOURNE vizt. William and Richard they releasinge as aforesayd One Hundred pounds apeece, otherwise this their Legatie to be voyde
Item to Richard POWELL eldest sonne of my neece POWELL one hundred Pounds. Item to all of the rest of my neece POWELLS children which shalbe liveinge at the tyme of my death Twenty Pounds apeece. (9)
Item to the Chancellor Maisters and Scholars of the Universitie of Oxford Tenne Pounds to be bestowed in Bookes to be places in the University Library with my name and Armes thereon (10)
Item to the poore Inhabitants of Whately one Hundred Pounds to be always kept as a Stocke for the Reliefe of the poore of Whately. (11)
Item to the poore Inhabitants of Cuddeson the Some of Three Pounds.(12)
Item to the overseers of Whately Bridge (13) to be appointed by the Justices there next abiding (whereof myselfe was once an Overseer) vpon their bond of fforty Pounds ffirste given to the Vicechauncellor of Oxford for the tyme beeinge for the bestoweinge thereof as is hereby declared Tenn (14) Pounds to be ymediatelie bestowed after their Receipt thereof in Repayre of the sayd Bridge. (15)
Item to the poore of the parrish of St. Martyns in Oxford ffive Pounds. (16)
Item to Emme TOWSEY my servant One Hundred and ffiftie Pounds. (17) Neverthelesse my will and desire is And I doe further will and devise unto the sayd Emme (18) All that my messuage in Wheately (19) wherein Mr. WHICKER now dwelleth to have vnto her dureinge the tearme of her naturall life. (20)
Item to Robert STYLES my Servant Thirtie Pounds Item to Richard TOWSEY ffiftie pounds and my two oulde gownes my two oulde Suits and oulde Russet Cloake.
Item to my Servants William FFRAUNCKELYN and William HUTCHINES (21) Walter GREENINGE and Edward SYMPSON the Summe of Twenty pounds to be equally devided between them. And I desire my sayd Cosen Richard ARCHEDALE to keepe them as his servants after my death
Item to my twoe Mayde Servants Mary WILDEGOOSE (22) and Anne HALL ffive pounds apeece
Item ffoure Hundred pounds where my cosen Richard ARCHDALE knoweth the same is payable after my decease as a duety which shoulde have come vnto Mr. Ady SARE of the Inner Temple in case hee had survived mee (I not havinge wife nor Issue att the tyme of my decease).
Item to my Cosen Thomas FFLEXNEY of Oxford ffifty shillings
Item to his eldest Sonne ffrauncis my Godsonne ffive Pounds.
Item to Mr John MARTIN of Witney ffifty shillings
Item to my Cosen Mrs. Judith ARCHDALE sonnes ffifty shillings for a Ringe.
Item to Martyn and Daniell ARCHDALE sonnes of Martin ARCHEDALE my Uncle late of London Merchant Tenne pounds apeece.
Item to Dorothey FEILD my Goddaughter and Grandchilde of my sister STAMPE ffive Pounds
Item to Ann FFIELDE her Sister fforty shillings
Item to every other of my godchildren not before mencioned fforty shillings apeece
Item to my vnckle Mr. Anthony FFERNE (23) of London gent, during his naturall life Tenne pounds per Annum, to be payd him Quartely Att ffower the most usuall ffeast dayes next after my death (24)
All the rest of my goods and Chattles by me unbequeathed I doe give and bequeath unto my sayd Cosen german Richard ARCHEDALE whom I doe alsoe for the reasons aforesayd make and ordayne the full and whole Executor of this my last Will and Testament vnto Whose farther care and faithfull performance I doe also comend these particular things out of his owne promise and offer for the Consideracions aforesayd to be by him performed That is to say to settle Land or Rent of ffive Pounds per Annum in perpetuitie for mayntenance of the Poore of Whateley And alsoe to bestowe Three hundred Pounds vpon my ffunerall and in a Monument for mee, in the chappell of Wheately aforesayd (25)
And lastly to settle what my intent and meaninge hee knoweth to bee touchinge the Chapple or Church in Whateley
Item to John HESTER sonn of Margaret HESTER Tenn Pounds
Item to Mr. Thomas WICKERS and his wife twenty Nobles to buy them Rings.
And my farther will and desire is that in the Monument soe as aforesayd to be erected for mee some remembrance and mencion bee made of my ffather and Mother decreased.
And lastly I doe ordayne and Constitute my Trusty and well-beloved friends Mr. Doctor PINCK (26) Warden of Newe Colledge above mencioned And Charles HOLLOWAYE of the Inner Temple London Esquier my overseers of this my last Will and Testament desieringe them to be ayding and assistinge to my sayd Executor with their best Advise and Counsell, in seeing a due performance of my true meaninge herein. And I doe give to each of them for their paynes As a Remembrance of my last love unto them, Tenn Pounds apeece
In witness whereof and in token that this is my last will and Testament I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Second day of August in the Seaventh yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Lord Kinge Charles And in the yeare of our Lord God 1631: [Signed] Abraham ARCHEDALE" Sealed Signed and Acknowledged to be the last will and Testament of the said Abraham ARCHEDALE in the rpesence of Tho: WHICKER John HOPKINS The mark of Robert STYLES John HURST Richard TOWERSBY.
Item I doe will and bequeath unto my loveinge Sister Dorothy STAMPE the full and entire yearely some of Sixteene Pounds to be payd unto her or her assignes by my Executor during the Terme of her naturall life att the ffower most usuall feasts or dayes of payment in the yeare vizt the feast of St. Michaell the ArchAngel, St. Thomas Thapostle Thanunciacion of our Lady St. Marie the Virgin and of St. John the Baptist by equall porcions
Item I doe further will and devise the somme of Twoe Hundred Pounds amongest the Children of my sayd Sister Dorothy STAMPE to bee equally divided betweene them And to be payed to them, or the Survivor of them, within one yeare after the decease of my sayd Sister.
Item whereas I have given divers particular legacyes vnto severall the Children of my Sisters and cozens in this my will expressed my will is that the sayd Legacies bee payd att the tyme lymitted vnto the parents of such Children who are nott of sufficient Age to give discharge thereof to my Executor And that such their parents as shall receive the said Legacies doe give an Acquittance thereof to my Executor, mencioneinge in the sayd Acquittance, that they received the sayd summes of moneyes to the vse of such their Child or Children as nott then bee of Sufficient Age to discharge the sayd Legacye, And those that are of Age I wish shall receyve their Legacies themselves, ffor I desire that my Executor should nott receyve or delaye the payment of the said Legacyes vpon anie pretence whatsoever.
Item I doe further give and bequeath the some of Tenn pounds to be bestowed in short tyme, towards the repayre of the high wayes leading to and from the Town of Wheatley
Item my earnest desire is that my body be buryed in the Chappell of Whately aforesayd And to that purpose I doe requier that my Executor will make suite and request to the Lord Bushopp of the Dioces That himselfe or some other Bishopp would be pleased to Consecrate the sayd Chappell and ground Adioyninge for a place of Buriall. (27)
Memorandum that this Seaventeenth day of September Anno Domini 1631 I Abraham ARCHEDALE being of perfect and disposeinge memory and calleing to mynd the perticular Legacies and bequests in this my will expressed and takeinge consideracion thereof, doe ratifie and confirme the same my will with those alteracions addicions and subscriptions as are therein conteyned And all the raysures interlyneings blottings and puttinge forth of anie Legacie word or sentence within this my said will in any places soe raysed interlyned blotted or putt forth were deliberately and Advisedly by mee done. And whereas I had herein before nominated and constituted my trusty ffreinds Mr Doctor PINCKE warden of New Colledge and Mr Charles HOLLOWAY of the Inner Temple London Esq. Overseers of this my last will and Testament and haue appointed severall Legacies unto them, I doe hereby revoake the said power authoritie and bequests unto them or either of them bequeathed And I doe nominate and appointe my very loveinge and kinde Cosens Mr. Richard POWELL of fforest Hill in this County of Oxon' gent and Samuell GARDYNER of the vniversitie of Oxon' gent to bee the Overseers of this my last will and Testament And I doe will and bequeath further unto the said Richard POWELL and Samuell GARDYNER the somme of Twenty Pounds apeece intreatinge them to be ayding and assisting unto my Executor towards the performance of this my will [In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett] my hand and Seale [And made] farther Publicacion of this my last will And further doe give unto William KEM[PE] and Anthony FFULLER my Servants the somme of ffive pounds.
[signed] Abraham ARCHEDALE Sealed and farther Publicacion made in the presence of vs Tho. WHICKER, John GLOVER, John HURSTE, the marks of Robert STYLES, the Marke of William RIDER Richard TOWERSIE.
Memorandum that whereas the sayd Abraham ARCHEDALE deceased had by his last will and Testament devised unto Emme TOWSEY his servant, All that his messuage with thappurtenaunces in Whately wherein Mr. WHICKER nowe dwelleth to hold vnto her for and during the terme of her naturall life. Hee the said Abraham ARCHEDALE beinge perfect minde and memorie did by word of Mouth Att the tyme of the Sealinge and Rattifyinge of this his will revoke the said bequest of the said Messuage. And did onely give and bequeath unto her the said Emme the vse of one roome in the said messuage during the terme of her naturall lyfe, in the presence and heareinge of Mr. Thomas WHICKER and Robert STYLES Witness hereunto and others.
Tho: WHICKER The marke of Robert STYLES.
[Abstract of Latin]
Proved 14 October 1631, by Richard ARCHEDALE, the executor. 16 Sept. 1656 Letters of Administation issued to Matthew ARCHDALE son of Richard ARCHDALE, executor named by Abraham ARCHDALE deceased to administer the goods, etc. of the said deceased left unadministered by the said Richard ARCHDALE and by Judith relict of John FLEETWOOD, the son-in-law and executor of Richard ARCHDALE'S will, the said Matthew ARCHDALE being first sworn, etc. (to be continued)
16 Sep 1656 administration de bonis non, the will annexed, of Abraham ARCHDALE, was granted to Matthew ARCHDALE, son of Richard ARCHDALE, cousin German, sole executor, &c. (Waters Genealogical Gleanings)
(Source: Wheatley Records 956-1956 Issued for the year 1956 by the Oxfordshire Record Society. Ed. by W.O. Hassall. 1956, p. 60, Item 20, will of Abraham Archdale, 1631 (P.C.C. Berkley 325), transcribed from "original records of Consistory Court of Oxford. Facsimile, see p. 148." Copied and provided by Archdale-Combe Researcher Joe Kendalll and transcribed by Archdale-Combe Researcher Denise Mortorff)
Richard ARCHEDALE of Dowegate street of London Merchaunt: Abraham's first cousin ("cousin german"), s/o Barnard and Anne FERNE Archdale.
Margarett BENNETT of Oxford widdowe: Abraham's sister, Margaret ARCHDALE, her BENNETT husband's given name still unknown to us; and likewise her daughter RICHARDSON'S. Seeking to learn if he was kin to Richard and Ambrose BENNETT of Isle of Wight Co VA.
Fraunces LOWE: Abraham's sister, Frances ARCHDALE, m Richard LOWE, a merchant of London. Seeking to learn if he was kin to the Combs-Rowe-Lowe families of Talbot County, Maryland
Barbara BARNES widdowe: Abraham's sister, Barbara ARCHDALE, m Joseph BARNES by whom she had Ann BARNES (no add'l data).
Anne POWELL wife of Richard POWELL: Richard POWELL m Ann MOULTON (d/o Robert and Mary ARCHDALE Moulton, the latter Abraham's sister), by whom she had son, Richard POWELL, II.
Dorothy STAMPE: Abraham's sister, Dorothy ARCHDALE m John STAMPE by whom she had Margaret STAMPE, m unknown HESTER by whom she had John HESTER.
Mary HALL: Mary STAMPE, d/o above John and Dorothy ARCHDALE Stampe m Unknown HALL.
Elizabeth and Ursula STAMPE: Also daughters of John and Dorothy ARCHDALE Stampe
Mary PUDSEY: Mary LOWE, d/o Richard and Frances ARCHDALE Lowe (see above), m Unknown PUDSEY.
Elizabeth, Fraunces, and Anne [LOWE]: also daughters of Richard and Frances ARCHDALE Lowe (see next above)
Bridgett BLACKBOURNE: Abraham's sister, Bridget ARCHDALE was m to a BLACKBOURNE at the time he wrote his will in 1631, but to a HARRIS accordng to the 1633-4 London Visitations. See also Blackbourn-Combs records of Old Rappa Co VA
William and Richard [BLACKBOURNE or HARRIS]: sons of Bridget ARCHDALE, but whether by BLACKBOURNE or LOWE not known. See, however, 1629 Oxfordshire will of William COMBE (s/o John and Margaret ARCHDALE Combe) re Richard HARRIS
Emme TOWSEY: Abraham's relationship with Emme TOWSEY may have been quite interesting; certainly his administrator's later actions were, at the very least, "suspect." Presumably, she was somehow kin to Richard TOWSEY, who may have been the same as the Richard TOWERSBIE below?
Robert STYLES: See Thomas STYLES of the Virginia Company with a William PALMER and Edward DITCHFIELD (he or his son, Edward, both of Edmonton, Middlesex, m Mary MANNING, d/o Randall and Mary COMBE Manning, and gd/o John and Margaret COMBE Archdale). A later Thomas STYLES is also found in Edmonton, Middlesex. See Also John STYLES in the records of St. Mary's Co MD (Estate file of Gregory ROUSE, Executor, Thomas EVANS) with Abraham COMBE who was undoubtedly "somehow kin" to Archdale COMBE of Old Rappa County, VA, who was "possibly" the same as Archdale COMBE of Soulbury, Bucks, the latter s/o John and Elizabeth LOVETT Combe and gs/o John and Margaret COMBE.
William FFRAUNCKELYN [FRANKLIN?]: No more information
William HUTCHINES [HUTCHINS?]: No more information
Walter GREENINGE [GREENING?]: No more information
Edward SYMPSON [SIMPSON?]: No more information
Mary WILDEGOOSE: No more information
Anne HALL: No more information
Mr. Ady SARE of the Inner Temple: Ady SARE (a.k.a. SAYER, etc.) m Sarah ARCHDALE, d/o Thomas and Mary CLIFTON Archdale and sister of Margaret ARCHDALE Combe.
Thomas FLEXNEY of Oxford (and son Francis): Referred to by Abraham as a cousin, but HOW? According to IGI entries for the parish of St. Giles, Oxford, Oxfordshire, one Franncis FLEXNEY, s/o Thomas, was christened on 7 Jul 1616. Other St. Giles FLEXNEY entries included Thomas FLEXNEY, s/o Thomas, christened 18 Jun 1585; Thomas FLEXNEY, s/o Thomas, in Jun 1619; and Thomas FLEXNEY, s/o William, on 23 Oct 1614. No marriage records were located in this source.
Mr John MARTIN of Witney: Unidentified
Mrs. Judith ARCHDALE: Possibly Judith THORPE (d/o Richard and Elizabeth BROOKE Thorpe) and h/o Richard ARCHDALE (s/o Barnard and Anne FERNE Archdale)
Martin ARCHEDALE deceased: Abraham's uncle, Martin ARCHDALE, had m Barbara SEXTON who aft m Sir William AYLOFFE. Among their children were Martyn and Daniell ARCHDALE
Dorothey and Ann FIELD: Grandaughters of Dorothy ARCHDALE Stampe, their mother unnamed.
Mr. Anthony FERNE of London gent: Abraham's maternal uncle, brother of both Mary FERNE, wife of Abraham's father, Richard ARCHDALE, and Ann FERNE, wife of Abraham's paternal uncle, Barnard ARCHDALE.
Mr. Thomas WICKERS and his wife: No more information
Mr. Doctor PINCK: No more information
Charles HOLLOWAYE of the Inner Temple London Esquier: No more information
John HOPKINS: No more information
John HURST: Unidentified; however, see the 1697 Westmoreland County, VA will of Zachariah HURST, which names (among others) Simon COMBS, Caleb, Humphry, Thomas and William SMITH, John KING and William HORTON (See also Thomas DITCHFIELD m Elizabeth HORDEN, the former the gs/o Randall and Mary COMBE Manning)
Richard TOWERSBY: Possibly the same as Richard TOWSIE above?
Samuell GARDYNER of the vniversitie of Oxon' gent: Referred to by Abraham as a cousin, but HOW??
William KEM[PE]:
Anthony FFULLER:
William RIDER:
Judith relict of John FLEETWOOD: Who is this?
Elizabeth [sic] ARCHDALE, d/o Richard and Judith THORPE Archdale, m 19 Sep 1633, Chipping Wycombe, Bucks (1) John FLEETWOOD (s/o Sir William) and (2) Robert LEE (LEIGH). Elizabeth d testate in 1695 at Binfield, Berkshire
Researcher Peter Archdale adds that Richard ARCHDALE m Mary FERNE, d/o Mrs. Dorothy FERNE of Cuddesdon near Oxford ca 1560. (See Also Oxfordshire)
1650-1 John MILTON "compounded for a portion of the old ARCHDALE property at Whatley…" (Archdale Memoirs)
Mary POWELL was the daughter of Richard and Ann MOULTON Archdale and gd/o Robert and Mary ARCHDALE Moulton of Forest Hill, Oxfordshire. The 1631 will of Abraham ARCHDALE described "Ann POWELL wife of Richard POWELL" as the "only daughter of my sister Mary MOULTON." According to the Archdale Memoirs, "Their daughter, Mary POWELL, married in 1643, the poet John MILTON who in 1650-1 compounded for a portion of the old ARCHDALE property at Whatley, which had descended to the POWELLS. According to the IGI, John MILTON married Mary POWELL in Oxford, England on 21 May 1643. (FamilySearch.Org)