![]() | Combs &c. Families of Hempstead, (Queens Co, Long Island, NY) |
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Hempstead became part of Queens Co, NY when that county was established in 1683 (an original county), and in 1898, Nassau was created from part of Queens, including Hempstead.
The earliest Combs in what would become Hempstead, Queens County in 1683 is Richard COMBS I, probably b bef 1648, EN; apparently d 1685-1698, probably in Hempstead, Queens Co, NY; m by 1672??, probably in Hempstead, Elizabeth, b by 1658, d. 11 Mar-May 1706 (??), probably in Hempstead.
Primary Source: Extractions from a partial 1961-dated, rough draft of an unpublished 1925 Manuscript provided by Combs Researcher Hannah Friedlander and titled "Combes Genealogy" by George Davison Aylesworth Combes (1889-1941), Assisted by Clinton de Raisnes Combs (1886-1953), compiled ante 1925, Edited by Winifred Lovering Holman, S.B., F.A.S.G.; hereinafter GDAC, 1925.
3 Jul 1669 Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. "Att a Court held att Hempsted by the justis peace ye Constable and oversers this 3rd of July 1669 Mr. STRICKLIN plant hath Entered An Comeplaint against hinery (Henry) DISBARROW Defendant." STRICKLAND sought redress from Henry DISBROW as the plaintiff's grandchild was living with the latter, perhaps as an apprentice, and had been ill treated. In the testimony it is related that Richard COMBS had either struck the child, or had threatened to do so
(Hempstead Recds., 1:370) (GDAC, 1925…)
GDAC Notes: Whether Combs actually struck the child or not is unclear. Nor are we certain if said Richard was a servant, apprenctice or "border" of Disbrow's. The language used is equivocal. Although the case was heard in July the matter had happened "in ye winter when Snow was upon ye ground." Ms. Holman adds: "The spelling of Disbrow's name is in divers forms; he is said to have been first of Roxbury, Mass., I have not checked."
1673 Hempstead, NY. "One ----- COMES was of Hempstead in 1673."
(GDAC, 1925; Ref: O'Callaghans 1850 Documentary History of New York, 1:428.)
11 Dec 1674 Hempstead, NY. Richard COMES gave testimony in a case against one Thomas DANIEL, who had stolen a hog from an Indian, named Rainrock, 11 Dec. 1674.
(ibid. Ref: 1897 Report of New York State Historian, pub. 1898, pg. number not given).
Note: From Josiah H. Combs' The Combes Genealogy…: "I am indebted for the following story to the late George D.A. Combes, of Rockville Centre, Long Island. It appears that one Richard COMBES, Jr., son of Richard COMBES, of Hempstead, Long Island [Queens Co, NY], was accused of stealing pigs from one Ramoreck [sic], an Indian, in 1690. Later, in Freehold [Monmouth Co], New Jersey, he was accused of a similar theft, but declared his innocence "before Almighty God", whereupon "he fell in a fitt as one dead, and did not come to himself in some weeks," according to an old record. But Dick seems to have come around all right, for in 1711, back in Hempstead, he was again accused of stealing pigs. In 1712 he showed up in Jamaica, Long Island, where in 1740, he was convicted of stealing pigs, among other things."
Clearly, all of the above were not the same Richard COMBS, and at least some of the above is apparently inaccurate, but Rainrock and Ramoreck may have been the same same Indian(?).
3 Oct 1681 Hempstead, NY. Richard COMES, by mark, is the seventh to sign a grant of land in Hempstead, made before 3 Oct 1681, viz: "These are to request of the inhabitants of this Neck A peece of Commons Lying between John JOCOSENS Lott and A Lott of Nathaniel PEARSALL on the east side of ye Neck"… "Know all men whom it may concerne that I Jonathan BURDGE of Madnans Neck doe Resigne and give up all my Right Title and Interest in the above written deed of Gift to John LOKISON of the Same place his Heires and Assignes for Ever as Wittness my hand this 3rd day of October 1681. Testes Thomas MULLINEX Junr ye mark X of Jonathan BURDGE ye mark X of James MARSH".
(ibid. Ref: Hempstead Recds., 1:479)
1684-1696. Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. "A book of Laws and Deeds (1684-1696) pertaining to Hempstead, contains "The name of those yt paid to ye pattin (patent) with ye number of aceres." Among these, on page 10, we note "Richard COMBS who paid 2s.6d."
(ibid. Ref: Hempstead Records, 8:30, 132)
GDAC Notes: Thompson, in his History of Long Island, in reference to the above list, states, as quoted by Clinton de Raines Combes: "Immediately after the patent was procured it was resolved in town meeting, that a tax of two and a half pence per acres should be assessed upon the freeholders of the town, for defraying the price of the patent, the expenses of those employed in obtaining it, and for other purposes. The tax list made on this occasion is presumed to include all the owners of land at that time, and is therefore worthy of preservation as exhibiting the names of the principal inhabitants of Hempstead in the year 1684".
1683 Hempstead, NY. "A valuation of estates, or assessment roll, for the town of Hempstead made in 1683, includes: "Richard COMBES 1 head 13 acres land – meadow, 2 oxen, 4 cowes, 2 two year oldes, 3 year oldes, 6 hoggs, 1 horse".
(ibid. Ref: O'Callaghan, op. cit.)
GDAC Notes: "This record reveals that there was but one male of full age in the family, our Richard, and that he had land, stock and a horse, by 1683, in Hempstead." Editor Holman adds: "I did not find the vol. or page."
Notes: This is apparently(?) the last record found for Richard in Hempstead. He is presumed to have died between this time and 1698 (Hempstead Census), and certainly no later than 1706 (see below).
20 Nov 1683 Hempstead, NY. "The will of Roger PEDLY, a neighbor, drawn 20 Nov. 1683, mentions Richard COMBES, who had in his possession "too bushels of wheat", this being the property of the testator.
(ibid. Ref: Hempstead Recds., 1:1640.)
Elizabeth COMES
Robrd [Robert?] COMES
Mercy COMES.
(ibid. Ref: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 45:62)
Important! This is a correction from earlier edition of this report which gave date of this census as 1689.
Notes: According to GDAC, "The compiler of the article on this census states that the names of the parents are given first, followed by the children. Since Richard's name is omitted, we must assume that Elizabeth was his widow and the then head of the family." It is also possible that Richard COMBS I was at this time in Monmouth Co, NJ with elder sons, Richard II and Thomas. His death is not documented until 1705-6 (see below).
11 Mar 1706 Hempstead, Queens Co, NY Records 2:300. "…. I Thomas COMES of freehold in ye County of monmath and provinc of new Jerrsey for …. fifty pounds in mony and land … paid by John COMES of Madnans Neck one long island of nassaw …. do … aquit and discharg the sd John COMES his hairs and assigns all that … land …. being one madnans neck one nasaw in ye bounds of hemsted in queens County lying one hundred and eighty rod in length by estemation and nintene rod in bredth bounded southward by Richard THORN and norward by John HUBS containing one and twenty acors and a half more or les together with all …. privilidgs bee longing to ye same John COOMES his hairs or assigns and i the said Thomas COAMS…. do …. agree to and with the sd John COMES his hairs and assigns for ye aforesd bargained premises excepting the thirds of ye farm for the which is my mothers Elizabeth COMESES har lif time…" s/Thomas COMES. Wit: Job THROCKMORTON and the mark of Richard CHEASMAN; no dates of ack. or recd.
(GDAC, 1925)
Notes: It is not known which calendar was used in the above record; i.e., whether this was 1705/1706 or 1706/1707. In the 1698 Hempstead Census, Elizabeth COMES was head of household, others of whose members included John COMES, believed to have been the above and her son. Her son, Thomas, was missing from the 1698 Hempstead, Queens Co, NY census, and was likely already in Freehold, Monmouth Co, NJ by that time. It has been presumed by most researchers that Richard was deceased by 1698 (rather than out of the county); the above record fully documents his death. Re Richard CHEASMAN, see also 3 Dec 1753 will of William CHEESMAN, Sr. of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co, NJ witnessed by Jonathan COMBS; and 28 Jan 1760 will of William CHEESMAN, Jr. witnessed by Thomas COMBS.
11 May 1706 - 7 Apr 1709 Hempstead Records 2:347. "…. I John COMES of Hempstead on long Island Alias nashaw [Nassau] in Queens County and in the province of New York have …. sold from me my Heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes a certain tract of land….. in the bounds of Hempsteed on the North side on a place Known by the name of Madnans neck twenty one acres & a half more or less as it was Laid out bounded north by the Land of John HUBS East by the undevided (sic) south by Richard THORNE West by the bay all wth……. Priviledges belonging to the same with pattin (patent) Right also unto Henry ALLIN of the same town Island County and province abovesid to him his heirs executors administrators and Assigns for the sum of forty pounds in money payed …"; a warranty conveyance; signs by mark; wit: Tho GILDERSLEEVE and John CARROLL.
5 Apr 1709. Thomas GILDERSLEEVE, one of the witnesses, aged forty-eight, gave "oath on the Holy Evangelists" that the mark made to the deed of sale "was made by the within named John COMBS to the best of my Remembrance for I Did write ye Deed of salle on the other side", this before William CORNWELL Esq.; recd. 7 Apr. 1709.
(GDAC, 1925)
Notes: The above record would appear to document that Elizabeth, widow of Richard was deceased, possibly in this same year, or perhaps earlier with her son, Thomas, unaware of her passing. GDAC identifies the above John as s/o Richard I, and states that he died in Hempstead aft 1745, this based on much later records, the next record after 1706 for a John COMBS not found in Hempstead until 1740, which seems unlikely???? According to GDAC, neither Richard nor his widow, Elizabeth, left wills and there are no records of any administrations effected on their estates.
29 Nov 1708 Hempstead Town Records 2:345. Affidavit of Mary BRIANT Wood. ffreehold [Monmouth Co, NJ] November the 29 day 1708. Then appeared before me Georg
ALLIN one of har majesties Justises of ye peace for ye County of Monmouth (NJ) Mary WOOD Aged 41 years whose maiden
nam was mary BRIANT sworen on ye holy avangles and did declare upon oath that shee never did sign as avdence to any
ded or righting from Thomas COAMS to Richard COAMS or saw any righting pas from one to another whatsoever
from ye begening of the world unto ye dat here of Tacken and acknowledged before me the date above righten George
ALLIN Justis of qurom
These are to sartifie all parsons to whome these may Com or Consarn yt I have lived in ye
County of mounmounth 19 yearer & som months & I never saw or heard of any parson yt was Caold by ye name of
Mary BRYANT but this one parson whose nam is now Mary WOOD as witness my hand in shrowsbury (Shrewsbury) this 30
day of November anno 1708 George ALLIN.
This aboves evedenc is a true Copy of ye original entered by mee Tho
GILDERSLEEVE Clarck (clerk)."
(GDAC, 1925)
GDAC Notes: "Could she have been Mary, bapt. 1666, dau. of Lt. John BRYANT of Plymouth, Mass.? This looks as though a court case ensued after the widow's death but I have done no research on Richard or his descendants. It would also seem that a deed had been enacted by Thomas to his brother, Richard COMBES, which was destroyed and certainly not now of record in Hempstead."
Notes: See also 1709 Hempstead Record re Richard COMES, and see also the 20 Dec 1732 Will of William BRYANT of Hopewell [Middlesex Co, NJ]. Witnesses included Robert COMBS [sp.?], who with others made the inventory, 2 Feb 1732-33.
(GDAC, 1925, Ref: NJ Wills: 2:454, 456)
1708 - 1718 "There was a …Daniel COMBS in Hempstead in 1708, a Richard COMBS in Hempstead in 1709, and a Richard COMBS in Jamaica in 1718." (Footnotes in Teunis Bergen's 1876 The Bergen Family)
22 Jan. 1709(-10) Hempstead, Queens Co, NY Records, 2:401 "… I Richard COMBS of Madnans Neck in the Township of Hemstead in Queens County in the Colony of new york Yeoman hath … Quitt Claimed …. unto Henry ALLEN of the same place yeoman and to his heirs and Assignes all my Right …. & demand (that he now hath) of in and to a certain parcel of land scituate on Madnans neck aforesaid which did formerly belong unto the Right of one John ASHMAN & is now in the possession of him the sd Henry ALLEN so that any Right … to the said … Land my heirs and Assignes from hence forth shall & will forever by these presents be barred and utterly Excluded …" s/Richard COMES. Wit: Timothy and Abigail HALLSTED, the last named by mark. Ack. 5 Feb. 1710 before Samuel BAYLES Esq., J.P. for Queens Co., by Richard COMBS recd. 12 Feb 1710-11
(GDAC, 1925)
GDAC Notes: "A careful search of the real estate records of Madnan's Neck reveals that the deed from Richard did not cover the same land as the deeds from Thomas and John. The John ASHMAN parcel is probably lot #10 and was perhaps conveyed to ASHMAN by John TREDWELL; later records refer to it as Treadwell's land. But it was sold to John HUBBS, as early as 1668, by George HOWLETT and Richard OSBORN. Hubbs was in possession of the place until his death in 1697, testate, when it passed to his son John Jr., who died by 1711, as Robert HUBBS, another son, sold it to Henry ALLEN, excepting the dower rights of Silence HUBBS, widow of John. Just what interest Richard COMBES had in this property may only be surmised, as no record cites if [sic] definitely, but it may be that Elizabeth, Richard's mother, was a sister of John HUBBS Sr. As she named a son, Robert, and John HUBBS Sr., also had a son of that name, this would seem possible. Perhaps Elizabeth and John HUBBS Sr., were children of a Robert HUBBS? Her interest may have been in lot #9, on which she and her husband lived and also in lot #10 where John HUBBS resided. If this reasoning is correct, then Richard COMBES was conveying his rights in land which his mother had inherited from her own father. However, the other brothers do not release on this land, or if they did so, the deeds are not of record. Neither Richard nor his widow, Elizabeth, left wills and there are no records of any administrations effected on their estates."
Notes: This appears to have been Richard COMBS II, s/o Richard I, returned from Monmouth Co, NJ where he owned land in 1700, and resided in 1707. Another possibility, of course, is that Richard's interest in the above land was due to his wife, but this has not yet been researched (in progress).
2 May 1709. Hempstead, Queens Co, NY Records 3:57 John ROBSON and Joseph, his son, both of Hempstead, and their wives, Jean and Jan, also Joseph ROBSON Jr., of Brookhaven and wife, Revecca [Rebecca?], for £100, sold land in Hempstead, to Charles MOTT; wit; marks of Elias BALEY and Robert MITCHELL; signatures of Timothy HOLSTEAD, Joshua CARMAN and Richard COMES.
1 Mar. 1717-1718 HOLSTEAD and Richard COMES stated that they saw the other witnesses sign, etc.; no date of recording.
(GDAC, 1925)
1711 NJ Deed. Richard COMES of the township of Hempstead in Queens County Island of Nassau and Province of New Yorke, dated 1711, to Thomas COMBS of the township of Freehold in the County of Monmouth and Province of New Jersey, lands and meadows which were granted to Richard by Captain Samuell LEONARD by a deed dated Sept 22, 1700 and land deeded to Richard by Captaine John BROWN dated 1704.
(Abstracted from Library of Deeds, folio 454, at the Trenton, NJ Archives by Combs Researcher Kate Diblassio)
14 May 1711. Trenton, NJ, Deeds, 1:454. Richard COMBES of Hempstead conveyed to Thomas COMBES of Freehold [Monmouth Co, NJ], three parcels of land there, the first being of 75 acres which was purchased of Capt. Samuel LEONARD on 22 Sept. 1700; the second, a like amount, bought of Capt. John BOWNE on 10 Sept. 1704 and the third, in two pieces, acquired of Hugh TANCRELT [TANCRED?] on 12 Mar. 1701, all this for £250, in NY money.
(GDAC, 1925)
19 May 1711 Hempstead Records 2:171i. Richard COMBS his Ear marke is three nicks under the left Ear".
1715 Queens Co, NY Militia Company of Capt. Joshua CORNELL. Members included Richart COOMBS.
(ibid. Ref: 1896 NY State Historians Rept., Pub. 1897, 1:494)
Notes: Although the township was not named, this was probably Richard II of Hempstead. A check needs to be made regarding the required age range for Militia duty by adult males as this might further narrow Richard II's birth year range.
31 Jul 1716 NJ Deeds. John COMBS (and wife Elizabeth) of Freehold [Monmouth Co, NJ] to Richard SLLIFON (SLLISON, ELLISON) of Hempstead Twp, Long Island for L50, 96 acres land purchased from John EMMONS on 4 May 1716, originally owned by Nathaniel SLOCUM. Witnesses: John REID & Wm. MADOCK. Memorandum attached verifies (proves) the deed dated Jan 23, 1732, Wm. MADOCK's testimony.
(Combs Researcher Kate C. DiBlassio)
Notes: This was likely John COMBS I, s/o Richard I. No record is found of him after 1706 in Hempstead (the next record of a John not being until 1740 (which is also a record with a Richard ELLISON!), and he appears to have removed to Monmouth where he disappears from that county's records after Oct 1727. Also note that the 15 year delay in proving this deed may have come about as the result of John having either removed from Monmouth or died. Also note the Richard ELLISON of 1769 Hempstead (below) who was a Quaker.
8 June 1718. Queens Co, NY Deeds? Richard COMES and Mary, his wife, of Cow Neck in Hempstead, sold land in Jamaica, to Francis NICOLLS of same
(GDAC, 1925. Ref: Possibly Queens Co, NY deeds)
Notes: Richard II appears to have removed to Jamaica at this time (or at least a probable son, Richard III, did so). GDAC did not apparently research Jamaica land records, despite the fact that a Richard COMES was recorded there in 1676 as having voted in a town meeting (not permitted except by land owners).
6 Nov 1726. St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Married: John REYNOUR and Elizabeth COMES.
(ibid. Ref: Haight's 1932 Adventures for God)
Notes: According to GDAC, Elizabeth, was the d/o John COMES I (Richard1), but gives no sources (he appears to be somewhat confused regarding the John COMES of Hempstead and Jamaica). If John COMES I was in Monmouth Co, NJ in 1727, it seems unlikely that he was the father of Elizabeth; however, the 1727 record is not clear on his residence. According to GDAC, John REYNOUR died testate between 8 Jun 1763 and 12 Dec. 1763, and was the s/o Samuel and Mary (-----) Reynour. "Those interested in the Reynour's ancestry should consult D.L. Jacobus's article "Raynor Notes: Long Island", Amer. Genealogist, 37:11-22, 1961; NY Wills 6:289. John REYNOUR entered his cattle mark 9 May 1716. (Hempstead Recds., 2:231.) Their children were baptised at St. George's, Hempstead: (1) Levina, bapt. 25 Aug 1728; m. 22 Dec 1744, Samuel SMITH; (2) Hannah, bapt. 31 Aug 1729 (3) Rachel, bapt. 1 Oct. 1737; (4) Susanna, bapt. 1 Oct 1737; (5) John, bapt. 1 Oct 1737; (6) William, bapt. 17 Mar 1748; (7) Willet, bapt. 17 Mar 1748; (8) Daniel, b. 16 Apr 1745, bapt. 17 Mar 1748. [Combs &c. Note: Will not yet located]
13 Aug 1727 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Married: Daniel COMES and Mary MONSEE
(ibid. Ref: Haight's 1932 Adventures for God)
Notes: According to GDAC (paraphrased), Daniel COMBES was the s/o John COMES I (Richard1), and probably b in Hempstead about 1705, died there after 1771; no estate. He adds that Mary MONSEE was baptised in the Jamaica Dutch Reformed Church, 14 Apr 1707, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (-----) Monsee. [Winifred Lovering Holman types Mathaniel, and notes that MONSEE may have been a.k.a. MUNCEY]. GDAC adds: "The Proof of Daniel's place on the Combes "family Tree" rests on the will of his sister, Rachel's husband, Ezekiel Baldwin Jr., of Hempstead, whose will of 2 Oct 1750 names his brother-in-law, Daniel COMBS."
Question: The ancestry of Rachel COMBS Baldon (BALDWIN) has apparently not been documented as yet; ergo, until one or the other (Daniel or Rachel) is documented as a daughter of John COMBS, neither's ancestry is documented, only the fact that they are siblings. Also note that GDAC assumes the death of Daniel COMBS upon his disappearance form the records when he could instead have moved out of the township.
12 Sep 1728. St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Married: Aaron PLACE and Martha COMBS.
(ibid. Ref: Haight's 1932 Adventures for God)
Notes: According to GDAC, Martha was the d/o John COMBS I (Richard1), but with no source stated. He adds that "Aaron PLACE. was prob. of the Oyster Bay Place family. Their daughter, Hannah, was baptised 9 Jun 1746, St. George's Church, Hempstead."
31 Aug 1729 St. George's Church, Hempstead. Baptised: Nathaniel, s/o Daniel & Mary COMBS [sp.?]
(GDAC, 1925, Haight, op. cit., p. 221)
17 May 1731 Hempstead Records, 2:346. Daniel COMES [sp.?] ear mark for cattle is entered 17 May 1731 as "three nicks under the near ear."
(GDAC, 1925)
11 May 1734 St. George Church, Hempstead. Married: Coleman COMBS & Elizabeth SUTHARD
(GDAC, 1925)
Notes: GDAC identifies Coleman, who d testate in Hempstead ca 1769, as the s/o John COMBS I (Richard1), but does not include documentation for same.
19 May 1736 Hempstead Records 3:164. "The Ear Mark of Coleman COMBS is four Nicks under the Near Ear, Entered by Me the 19th day of May 1736."
(GDAC, 1925)
16 Sep 1738 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: "Forie" (Joyce) and Jane, of Coleman and Elizabeth COMBS. *
(ibid. Ref: Haight, op. cit., p. 227)
Notes: According to GDAC (paraphrased), "The same day, 16 Sep 1738, we note that Elizabeth, Samuel, Thomas and Mary, children of Samuel and Mary SUTHARD were also baptised. (Haight, op cit., p. 227)
1 Apr 1740 -21 Aug 1740. Hempstead Records 3:228. Deed. Richard ELLISON Sr. to Richard ELLISON, Jr., both of Hempstead, land in Hempstead. Witnesses: John COMES, by mark, and Peter TITUS Jr.; both grantor and grantee lived in Hempstead. acknowledged 21 Aug 1740; no date of recording.
(GDAC, 1925).
Notes: This 1740 record is the first Hempstead Record of a John COMBS presented by GDAC since the 1706 deed, a full 34 years later. Note, however, that on 1716, John COMBS and wife Elizabeth of Freehold, Monmouth Co, NJ, deeded land in Freehold to Richard ELLISON of Hempstead Twp. Is this John COMBS I (Richard1) returned to Hempstead, or perhaps his son? (GDAC is confusing in this regard). Is Richard ELLISON, Sr. the same who was deeded land by John in 1716 in Freehold, Monmouth Co, NJ?
27 Jun 1740 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptisms [included the
Hannah COMBS, adult
Elizabeth, John [elsewhere herein sp. Jonn], Samuel and Thomas,
children of Daniel and Mary COMBS
Samuel and Benjamin, children of Ezekiel and Rachel BALWIN
Timothy, son of Richard and Deborah ELISTON (ELLISON)
Richard, son of Richard and Freelove
(ibid. Ref: Haight, op. cit., p. 228)
Notes: GDAC identifies Hannah COMBS as the w/o John COMBS (see below). No Hempstead records were presented by GDAC for Daniel COMBS from May 1731 to Jun 1740. Was Daniel possibly living outside Hempstead during the 1730s? The "group" baptismal of four of his children in 1740 might indicate as much, particularly given the apparent "records- gap."
Also Note: The 1750 will of Ezekiel BALDEN of Hempstead, Queens Co, NY, names his wife, Rachel, and brother-in- law, Daniel COMES. Was Rachel, wife of Ezekiel, a COMBES or a MONSEE (possibly a.k.a. MUNCEY)? GDAC lists her as a COMBES, but states that no marriage record has been located. He also states that Rachel BALDEN [sp.?] was bapt. 10 Apr 1728 and Ezekiel BALDEN [sp.?] was bapt. 11 Feb. 1731, both adults, at St. George's. In the lineage section of this source, however, someone has also inserted by hand after Rachel's name that she was "Bapt. as adult at St. Geo. Ch. 10 J?? 1723," and after Ezekiel's name that he he was "Bapt. adult 11 Feb 1759." These have not yet been checked, but GDAC states that Ezekiel and Rachel m ca 1724; ergo, the first record may have been COMES, not BALDEN (not yet checked).
1742 Hempstead Records?? (no source, incomplete) Deeds mention Daniel COMES "as living near Grassy Pond, which land he purchased of Abel SMITH. The place is about two miles northeast of the village of Lynbrook, between the village and Hempstead."
(GDAC, 1925).
1 Jul 1742 Hempstead Records 3:309.A highway lay-out names Coleman COMBS [sp.?] (GDAC, 1925)
April 1744 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Married: John COMBS [sp.?] and Phebe LEE.
(GDAC, 1925)
Notes: GDAC postulated that this was possibly a second marriage for John COMBES, h/o Hannah, but Hannah was probably a.k.a. Ann and was still living as late as 1745-52. According to Editor Winifred L. Holman, "The compilers made no attempt to place Phebe LEE, supposed second wife of John2 COMBES, the chances are that she was a widow LEE." This statement regarding Phebe's marital status, if based on her having married an elderly John COMBS, may be incorrect.
11 Oct 1744 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: Deborah, d/o John and Aim [Ann?] COMBS
(GDAC, 1925)
30 Apr 1745. Hempstead Records 3:396. John COMBS Sen was a petitioner at Hempstead in regard to the public highway
(GDAC, 1925)
5 May 1745 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: John, s/o John and An COMBES
(GDAC, 1925)
20 Oct 1745 Hempstead Records 4:445. Daniel COMES [sp.?] signed a petition re land
(GDAC, 1925)
29 Mar 1746 Hempstead Records 5:37. Coleman COMES of Hempstead, sold to John JACKSON, of same, land there near the New bridge neck, signs as COMBS, this property had been conveyed to the grantor by Thomas LEE, 13 Jun 1742, so stated in this deed; witnessed by W. JONES and David BATTY.
(GDAC, 1925)
Apr 1746 - Apr 1752 (inclusive). Hempstead Records 3:473, 474, 475, 478; 4:45, 46, 98, 300, 327, 340, 446, 470; 5:69, 98, 119. Daniel COMES [sp.?] was a highway surveyor for the town; again serving as such from Apr 1759 through Apr 1764, and from Apr 1766 through Apr 1768.
(GDAC, 1925)
6 May 1746 Hempstead Records 5:168. Richard SMITH to Thomas CARMAN; witnesses: Samuel WILLIS, Jonathan SMITH and Coleman COMBES.
(GDAC, 1925)
18 Aug 1747 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: Elizabeth COMBES adult and Henry, Coleman and Elizabeth of Coley and Elizabeth COMBES.
(ibid. Ref: Haight, op. cit., p. 233)
Notes: Coleman COMBS II may have been the same who d 12 Oct 1807, Washington Co, MD; having m 10 Feb 1770 (lic.), Hunterdon Co, NJ, Mary PIERCE)
5 Jun 1748 St. George's Church, Hempstead. Baptised: Samuel COMES [sp.?], s/o Daniel & Mary
(GDAC, 1925, Haight, op. cit., p. 234)
Note: See also Samuel COMES baptised 27 Jun 1740. Was this a second son, Samuel, the first having died?
1 Jul 1748 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: Hannah, d/o John and Hannah COMES
(GDAC, 1925)
Note: GDAC believed that the above John was John COMBS II, s/o John COMBS I (no source). In his ms., he asks parenthetically if Ann and Hannah might be the same name (undoubtedly due to the 1745 and 1752 baptisms of children of John and Hannah COMBS). They are, as has been documented by other Combs Researchers (See Hannah &/or Anne (MASON?) Combs (Wroe?) of Richmond County, Virginia ). Since he has also assigned John, h/o Hannah, as John COMBS I, this lineage undoubtedly needs to be "re- worked."
27 May 1749 Hempstead, Queens Co, NY Records 3:420. A division of land was granted to John COMBES and others, John being accorded land at South Woods near the Plains.
(GDAC, 1925)
GDAC Notes: This might place the general location of his home between East Meadow and Jerusalem. Per Editor Winifred Lovering Holman, GDAC gives the above division as in the year 1742, but she has found no division mentioning him in 1742, but only the above 1749 record. (W.L.H.).
13 Jul 1749 St. George's Church, Hempstead. Baptised: Noah COMES [sp.?], s/o Daniel & Mary
(GDAC, 1925, Haight, op. cit., p. 235)
GDAC Notes: Per Editor Winifred Lovering Holman, "It has been stated, in print, that Daniel had a daughter, Lavina, but GDAC was of the opinion that Levina was the daughter of Daniel KISSAM, who married Elizabeth2 COMBES (Richard1), vide ante. I concur in his decision." GDAC lists children of Daniel and Mary as:
Nathaniel4, b. about 1729, bapt. 31 Aug 1729; m. Margaret -----and Ruth HUTCHINGS; Elizabeth, b. about 1732, bapt. 27 Jun 1740; John, b about 1734, bapt. 27 Jun 1740; perhaps m. Charity Van DYNE†; Samuel, b about 1736, bapt. 27 Jun 1740; m. Mary BEDELL and perhaps Margaret JOHNSON; Thomas, b 1738, bapt. 27 Jun 1740; m perhaps m. Mary CROSBY; Daniel, bapt. 5 Jun 1748, d. 1806; Noah, bapt. 13 Jul 1749; m. Rachel -----.
2 Oct 1750 Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Page 307.--I, Ezekiel BALDEN, JR., of the town of Hempstead, yeoman, being this 2 day of October, 1750, weak and infirm. My executors are to sell so much of my houses and lands as will pay all debts. I leave to my wife Rachel my best bed and bedstead. All the rest of my estate to my wife and daughters, Jemima and Levinah. I leave to my two sons (not named) all the rest of my lands, and they are to be valued by my executors, and what they are valued at above 4/7 of my estate, my sons shall pay to my wife and two daughters. I make my wife and my brother in law, Daniel COMBS, and my cousin, William LYONS, executors. Witnesses, Sarah DURFEE, John WILLIS, Samuel WILLIS. Proved, at Jamaica, February 1, 1751, by affirmation of John and Samuel WILLIS, "being known Quakers." (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Abstracts of Wills Vol IV 1744-1753, From The New York Historical Society Collections, this 1895 volume features abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogates Office, City of New York, from 1744 to 1753) SW: BALDWIN
9 May(?) 1751 Hempstead Records 4:482. Daniel COMES [sp.?] consented to a land division.
(GDAC, 1925)
31 Oct 1751 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: a daughter of Coleman COMBS.
(ibid. Ref: Haight, op. cit., p. 236)
Note: Under the family of Coleman COMBS, the name, Margaret, has been hand printed over the word, Daughter. Source not known, but see "correction" to Coleman COMBS' 1767 Hempstead will, in which daughter, Margaret, has been removed.
22 Jun 1752 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: Child of John and An COMES
(GDAC, 1925)
Combs &c. Note: This is the last record on page 42 of the manuscript, and we are missing page 43, which may include more baptised children of John and Ann "Hannah" COMBS. According to GDAC Editor Winifred L. Holman, "There is no will or administration for John and his wife, Hannah."
1753 Hempstead Records? Coleman COMBS [sp.?] named in a town order re the illegal digging of clams.
(GDAC, 1925)
GDAC Notes: Per Editor Winifred Lovering Holman, the above record included no reference, but was probably Hempstead. GDAC also stated, no reference and no date, that Coleman COMBS apparently lived at East Meadow, north of New Bridge and that his sons, Henry and Micajah, sold the land, formerly their father's "on New Bridge Neck," the property not far from Merrick [Queens Co, NY].
23 Nov 1753 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Married: Joyce COMBS [sp.?] and Henry (Rock) SMITH [sp.?]
(GDAC, 1925)
GDAC Notes: Joyce was the d/o Coleman and Elizabeth SUTHARD Combs. Henry d 19 Oct 1769, testate, Hempstead, with his widow Joycey SMITH appointed executrix on 24 Nov 1769, his will proved 13 Mar 1770 (Jamaica Deeds, C:208). Their children, all probably b in Hempstead, were (1) Isaac, under 21 in 1770, perhaps m 5 Nov 1778 (NY Bond), Hester PEARSALL; (2) Elizabeth, perhaps m 21 Mar 1781, St. George's, James POWELL; (3) Mary, perhaps m 26 Jan 1778, same Church, Goerge RHOADS; (4) Phinena; (5) Hannah, perhaps m. 17 Dec 1780, same Church, Anthony CHEESMAN.
1754 Minutes of the Vestry, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. The Widow SPROUG was allowed money "for keeping John COMBS youngest child.
(GDAC, 1925)
Note: GDAC identifies the above John COMBES as John3 (John2, Richard1), but the children of John2 don't seem to have been documented, thus basis not known. See also 1755 & 1763 records.
7 Jun 1754 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: Hannah of Coleman and Elizabeth COMBS.
(ibid. Ref: Haight, op. cit., p. 239)
(Haight, op. cit., pp. 227, 233, 236)
1755 Hempstead, Queens Co, NY Slaves Census. John COMBES of Hempstead, female slave "Nan."
(GDAC, 1925)
20 Jan 1755 Minutes of the Vestry, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Jose THURSTON was paid for digging graves for "John COMBS wife and child," and Samuel DOXSEE received payment for the care of John COMBS' son.
(GDAC, 1925)
Note: GDAC identifies the above John COMBES as John3 (John2, Richard1), but the children of John2 don't seem to have been documented, thus basis not known. See also 1754 & 1763 records. GDAC also, however, questions (quite reasonably) how a John COMBES who owned a slave could be the same whose wife and children were being supported by the town. He identifies John's wife as Ann, including elsewhere the information that she was neè DENTON, but his editor, Winifred L. Holman, points out that no Ann DENTON appears in GDAC's 1936 "Richard Denton Genealogy." GDAC also states that "This is the only instance there that a member of the Combes family owned a slave" (a statement possibly contradicted by a 1731 Jamaica Record).
28 Mar 1755 St. George Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Married: Solomon SOUTHARD [SOUTHWARD?] & Jane COMBS [sp.?]
(GDAC, 1925)
Notes: Jane named in 1767 will of her father, Coleman COMBS, d 1769, Hempstead. According to GDAC, "Children of Coleman and Elizabeth, all born in Hempstead., were: (1) Joyce4, b about 1735, bapt. 16 Sep 1738, living 1769; m. 23 Nov 1753, St. George's, Henry (Rock) SMITH, b. about 1730, d 19 Oct 1769, test., Hempstead; (2) Jane, b abt 1737, bapt. 16 Sep 1738; m. 28 Mar 1755, St. Georges, Solomon SOUTHWARD [a.k.a. SOUTHARD, SOUTHWARD]; they were living 1767; (3) Henry, b. about 1740, bapt. 18 Aug 1747, died young; (4) Coleman, b. about 1742, bapt. 18 Aug 1747;† (5) Elizabeth, b about 1744, bapt. 18 Aug 1747; (6) Daughter, b. about 1748, bapt. 31 Oct. 1751; (7) Hannah, b. about 1751, bapt. 7 Jun 1754, unm. 1767, "perhaps' m (1) lic. 1 Oct 1777, NY Henry (Henricus) BOEL, of NY City, b. 4 Nov 1733, son of Domine Hendricus BOEL, who joined the Dutch Church there in 1716, as the Rev. from Amsterdam, and who m. Elizabeth Van HORNE; she m. (2), George BRADY. Child (BOEL), Petrus, bapt. 26 Apr 1781, said Ch. (The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 73:294.); (8) Child, b. about 1754, bapt. 5 Jul 1754; (9) Henry, b. about 1756, bapt. 16 Mar 1758; m. Hannah SMITH;††; (10) Micajah, b. about 1758, bapt. 16 Mar 1758, m. ----- -----."
†See Coleman COMBES m (license) 10 Feb 1770, NJ, Mary PIERCE, both of Hunterdon Co, NJ. GDAC notes that while Coleman does not appear in his father's will as published, an omission of a child from a will did not necessarily imply the child was dead.
1756 Capt. Benjamin SMITH'S Company, included Sergeant Daniel COMES [sp.?] with his duties including taking articles from members of the Society of Friends [Quakers], due to their not bearing arms.
(ibid. Ref: Westbury Monthly Meeting Records.)
20 Sep 1756 NY Marriage License. John COMBS and Charity VANDINE. (Early Combs &c. Marriages of NY)
Notes: According to GDAC, 1925, John COMBS was the s/o Daniel & Mary MONSEE Combs of Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. No Source Given.
16 Mar 1758 St. George's Church, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Baptised: Henry and Micaiah of Coleman and Elizabeth COMBS.
(ibid. Ref: Haight, op. cit., p. 242)
3 May 1759 Will of David BEDELL of Hempstead, dated 3 May 1759, mentions Daniel COMBS as a boundary to property.
(ibid. Ref: New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 71:247)
28 Apr 1760 Hempstead Records 4:332. Liberty was given to Coleman COMBS [sp.?] by the town to stack his hay
(GDAC, 1925)
10 May 1762 Hempstead Records 3:240 [sic]. Daniel COMES [sp.?] signed a petition re the town Highways
(GDAC, 1925)
15 Jan 1763. Minutes of the Vestry, Hempstead, Queens Co, NY. Doctor SEABURY was paid for his care of John COMBS and Coleman COMBS was paid for his care of John COMBS. (GDAC, 1925)
Note: GDAC identifies the above John COMBES as John3 (John2, Richard1), but neither John2 himself, nor his children seem to have been fully documented, thus basis not known. See also 1754 & 1755 records. GDAC also states that John3 was h/o Ann a.k.a. Hannah, and that she was the same who had died in in Jan 1755. He suggests that "some disease wiped out the entire family," pointing out that the "Census of 1790 contains the names of eleven heads of families in Hempstead, of the surname, all of which are traceable as to ancestry. Apparently not one of these persons are descendants of this John." According to Editor Winifred L. Holman, "G.D.A.C. crossed off the list of children in his typed manuscript [baptized to John and Ann or Hannah] and then wrote "children of John3 and Ann (DENTON)".
2 Apr 1765 Hempstead Records, 5:4. Coleman COMBS protests about a fishing vote. (GDAC, 1925)
4 Aug 1767 - 16 Aug 1769 New York Wills. --"On the 4 day of August, in the year of our Lord Christ, 1767, I, Coleman COMBES, of Hempsted, in Queens County, yeoman, do make this my last will." All debts to be paid. I leave to my wife, at her own disposal, one bed and bedstead and bedding, and 4 good cows, and best horse "that I may happen to have at the time of my Death." I leave to my daughter Jane, wife of Solomon SOUTHERD, a horse and colt now in his possession. I leave to my daughter Joyce, wife of Henry SMITH, as much as the horse and colt are worth that I give to my daughter Jane. I leave to my daughters, Margaret and Hannah COMBES, a bed and furniture, and a side saddle and cupboard, and æ25 when they are of age. All the rest of my movable estate I leave to my dear wife for her to have the use of so long as she remains my widow, and she may give it among my children as she pleases. Whereas I am security for Cornelius Van NOSTRAND, as may appear by several bonds, and the said Cornelius Van NOSTRAND has executed a bill of sale for all his land where he now lives, If he discharges the said bonds, then I release to him all the said lands, but if not, then my executors are to sell them. I leave to my wife the use of all remaining lands, and after her death to my sons, Henry and Micah, and they are to prosecute all trespassers. My wife may bind my two sons to trades. I make my wife Elizabeth and my friend, Patrick MOTT, executors. Witnesses, Samuel CLOWES, Samuel SMITH, Samuel CARMAN. Proved, August 16, 1769. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Abstracts of Wills Vol VII 1766-1771, The New York Historical Society Collections, 1898, p. 106)
Notes: According to GDAC, Coleman's above-listed daughter, Margaret, was removed from a subsequent publication of "Corrections" to the NY Wills. Coleman COMBS' will does not name his son, Coleman, who was probably the same who was in Hunterdon Co, NJ by 1770 when he m Mary PIERCE.
Combs Researcher Dave Morehouse Notes: Henry Comes THORN, s/o Jacob and Hannah THORN, was baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church at Schaghticoke, Albany (now Rensselaer) Co, NY, on 13 February 1775, and a Stephen THORN on 10 June 1778. A writer on the Thorn family believes that Hannah was Jacob's first wife, who must have died before 30 March 1779, when he married in St. George's Church, Hempstead, one Susannah SHERWOOD. Was Jacob's first wife, Hannah, the d/o Coleman COMBS?
19 Oct 1769 - 13 Mar 1770 --Know all men by these Presents that I, Henry SMITH, of Hempsted, in Queens County, yeoman, being this 19 of October, 1769, sick and weak, "Not knowing how soon the Lord may take me away by Death." I leave to my wife Joyce [Joyce] all my horse kind, and 2 cows and all household goods, and the use of my farm or homestead where I now dwell, and so much of the remainder of my movable estate as may be necessary to bring up my children. If she refuses to bring up my children for the use of the farm, my executors may sell. From the money I leave 1/2 to my son Isaac when of age. The other half to my 4 daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, Philena, and Hannah. I make my wife and my trusty friends, Timothy CLOWES and Silvanus SMITH, both of Hempsted, executors. Witnesses, Jane SOUTHARD, Joseph RAINER, Jr., Richard ELLISON, Quaker. Proved, March 13, 1770. (Extracted from Abstracts of Wills Vol VII 1766-1771, The New York Historical Society Collections, 1898, p. 260)
Notes: According to GDAC, Henry SMITH m Joyce COMBS, d/o Coleman and Elizabeth SOUTHERD Combs (Coleman s/o John COMBS II (Richard1) per GDAC). Note that once again we have a Richard ELLISON with the COMBS, this time with the putative son of John COMBS II who is apparently found twice earlier with a Richard ELLISON. Of particular import may be the fact that Richard ELLISON was a Quaker -- particularly given the Quaker John COMBS of Upper Freehold, Monmouth Co, NJ and the Quaker Thomas COMBS of Middlesex and Upper Freehold Monmouth Cos, NJ
1770-1771 Hempstead Records (No Ref.) Daniel COMES received money from the Town for the support of sundry poor persons
(GDAC, 1925)
Notes: According to GDAC, Daniel's name disappears from Hempstead Records following these records. It was his position that Daniel died (rather than moved).
20 Sep - 27 Dec 1773 --In the name of God, Amen, September 20, 1773. I, Jeremiah BEDELL, of Hempsted, in Queens County, being weak in body. I leave to my daughter Hannah my best bed and furniture, "the newest that I have," and a cupboard, chest and table, and 1/2 of household goods, and 1/2 of the flax and grain, and 1/2 of the provisions. I leave to my daughter, Keziah COMBES and Mary LESTER, the rest of my movables. My executors are to sell all my lands and tenements, and pay debts. I leave to my daughter Hannah æ140, "in lieu of æ60 which I sold her negro girl for." I leave to my grandson, Benajah BEDELL, æ16. Of the remainder I leave 1/2 to my son Jeremiah and 1/2 to my son, Timothy BEDELL. But out of the part of Timothy is to be deducted the sum that my son Jeremiah paid to John Leffert HAGAWOUT on his account. My executors are also to take from his share enough to indemnify my grandson, Timothy BEDELL, who is bound to Benjamin LESTER in a sum of money for him. I leave to my sons, Jeremiah and Timothy, my wearing apparell, saddles, wagons, and all utensils, and all my fencing stuff, in the Plains of Hempsted." I leave to my granddaughter, Catharine WILLETT æ10. All the rest of my movable estate I leave to my daughters, Keziah COMBS and Mary LESTER. I make my son-in-law, Benjamin LESTER, and my respected kinsmen, David and Sylvanus BEDELL, executors. Witnesses, Joseph TOTTEN, Richard ELLISON, Jr., David BOTTY. Proved, December 27, 1773. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Abstracts of Wills Vol VII 1766- 1771, The New York Historical Society Collections, 1898, p. 37)
Notes: Keziah BEDELL m John COMBS of Jamaica, whom GDAC assigned as s/o Richard II (Richard1).
1 Oct 1777 New York State Marriage Bond, xxiv 156 COOMBE, Hanah, and Henry BOEL (Early Combs &c. Marriages of New York)
Ed. Note: According to GDAC, Hannah was the d/o Coleman and Elizabeth SUTHERD Combs, thus this marriage may have taken place in Hempstead. Coleman's daughter, Hannah, bapt. 7 Jun 1754, was still unmarried in 1767 when Coleman signed his will, but according to GDAC, 1925, she "perhaps m (1) lic. 1 Oct 1777, NY Henry (Henricus) BOEL, of NY City, b. 4 Nov 1733, son of Domine Hendricus BOEL, who joined the Dutch Church there in 1716, as the Rev. from Amsterdam, and who m. Elizabeth Van HORNE. GDAC also states that she m (2) George BRADY; and that she had a son from the first marriage, Petrus BOEL, baptized 26 Apr 1781 in the Dutch Church (New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 73:294.). No sources are given for Hannah COMBS Boel Brady having been Coleman's daughter.
19 Feb 1778 New York State Marriage Bond, xxv 28 COMBS, Henry, and Hanah SMITH (Early Combs &c. Marriages of New York)
Ed. Note: According to GDAC, 1925, Henry was the s/o Coleman and Elizabeth SUTHERD Combs of Hempstead, Queens Co, NY, in which case this marriage may have taken place in Hempstead. No source is given for Henry's ancestry.
16 Jun 1778 - 5 Jun 1781 I, John DORLON, of Hempstead, in Queens County, do make my will as followeth: First, I leave to my son John all the farm, or the lands whereon my said son now lives, lying on the west side of the highway that leads from my now dwelling house to the house where the widow BURLUGH, deceased, formerly lived; and fifteen acres of land to be taken off the south end of the farm whereon I now live, beginning at Samuel WILLIAM'S field (so called) and running southerly to Noah COMB'S land, and extending as far west as to make fifteen acres. Also, all the remaining part of my meadow which I have not heretofore given my late son Elias a deed for. Likewise one half of all my plain land that is already laid out to me, and also one half of all my timber or swamp land that lies at Hungry Harbour Neck adjoining the Boggs, and one half of all the undivided right in the Township of Hempstead which now belongs to me, which was my father's, also one half of all my land at Hick's Neck. Unto my daughter-in-law Hannah, the widow of my late son Elias, the entire use and benefit of a good room in the dwelling house where my son lately lived, and also to get firewood for her own use (on the lands I have hereafter given to my grandsons, Joseph and Linninton) the firewood to be cut and brought home to her by my aforesaid grandsons. Also give unto her pasture for a cow on the farm where I now live. My grandsons shall find sufficient hay for wintering the cow; all which for the use of my daughter so long as she remains my son's widow, and no longer. Unto my grandsons, Joseph and Linninton, children of my late son Elias, all the remainder of my lands, rights and shares of land, with the buildings thereon, to be equally divided between them. Also unto them, all that part of the house or lands which I have heretofore given the use of unto Son Elias' widow. Unto my son Samuel, and unto my son Joseph's children, and unto my daughters, Mirriam and Anne, and unto my daughter Mary's children, all my moveables, be the same of what nature or kind soever, to be equally divided between them. But my son Joseph's children and my daughter Mary's children are to have a share equal to one of my other children. I make my son, John DORLON, and my friend, John WILLIAMS, executors. Dated June 16, 1778. Witnesses, James BURTIS, Elias BURTIS (yeoman) and James BURTIS. Proved, June 5, 1781. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Abstracts of Wills Vol X 1780-1782, from The New York Historical Society Collections, 1901, p. 201 (abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogates Office, City of New York))
26 Feb 1780 - 20 Aug 1782. Hempstead Records 6:49. Indenture "Micajah COMES of Hempstead" yeoman, on the one part, and John RAINOR, of same, yeoman, on the other part, whereas said Micajah for #65, sold one half of a piece of meadow there at "Coes Neck" … "in joyntenancy between the Said Micajah COMES and his brother Henry COMES by Virture of a Devise in the Last Will … of their father Cooley COMES Dec'd," which contains about fifty acres; signs by mark; wit: Micajah RAINOR and Samuel RHOADES; ack. by the last named, 20 Aug 1782; no date of recd.
(GDAC, 1925)
Notes: Micajah and Henry were sons of Coleman and Elizabeth SOUTHERD Combs (putative s/o John2, Richard1). Per GDAC Editor Winifred L. Holman, "There is no record of brother Henry's sale of his half insofar as the printed Hempstead Records are concerned; they end with Vol. 8. However, Hempstead was separated in 1784 and No. Hempstead was then formed. Such a sale might also be in "Queens Co. Deeds" at Jamaica." Relationship of above John RAINOR to John & Elizabeth COMBS Reynour (putative d/o John2, Richard1)?
16 Oct 1780 - 17 Jan 1781 "Know all men by the Presents, that I, Jane HEAVILAND, widow, of the Township of Hempstead in Queens County, being this sixteenth day of October, 1780, sick and weak in body. All my just debts being fully paid out of the money I have by me, I leave to my granddaughter, Sarah SMITH, my black Cloak. Unto my granddaughter, Jean SMITH, my silver shoe-buckles. Unto my granddaughters, Sarah and Jane SMITH, and the daughters of my son, Joseph HEVILAND, my wearing apparel to be equally divided; only my silver sleeve buttons which I give to the said Jane SMITH. Unto my son, Joseph HEAVILAND, my gold sleeve buttons and all my Jack coats and Briches silver buttons. Unto my son John the bond I have against him and also my silver beaded Chain, and silver spoon. Unto my son Joseph as much of my household goods as will make him equal with the bond I have against my son John; he to have such of the goods as he likes best. Unto my sons, John and Joseph, the bond of æ58 against them. Unto my granddaughter, Hannah HEAVILAND, my green cloak and best bed. Unto my granddaughters, Sarah and Jane SMITH, and to Jane, Jerusha, Jemima, Phebe, Hannah, and Jane HEAVILAND, the daughters of my son Joseph, all the remainder of my household goods, to be equally divided; which shall be left in the hands of my son Joseph until they arrive to the age of eighteen years, or day of marriage. Unto my sons, John and Joseph, all my moveable estate without doors, and the remainder of my money equally to be divided between them. I make my sons, John and Joseph HEAVILAND, and my son-in-law, Silvanus SMITH, executors. Witnesses, Micajah COMBS, Cornel SMITH (yeoman), and Richard ELLISON. Proved, January 21, 1781. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Abstracts of Wills Vol X 1780-1782, from The New York Historical Society Collections, 1901, p. 217 (abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogates Office, City of New York)
Notes: Was Micajah s/o Coleman I?
15 Jul 1781 - 13 Oct 1781 In the name of God, Amen. July 15, 1781. I, Pearson LANGDON, of Hempstead, in Queens County, on Nassau Island. I order my executors to sell so much of my moveable estate as shall pay all my just debts and funeral charges, and after so doing the remaining part of my estate, both real and personal, I give my wife Nancy the use of, during her natural life or widowhood, provided she brings up my children till they are able to get their own living. After my wife's death or marriage the whole to be sold by my executors and the proceeds I give to my wellbeloved daughters, namely: Nancy, Phebe, Almy, and Hannah to be equally divided among them. In case my wife Nancy should bare a child within nine months from the date hereof, if it be a female I order my whole estate equally among the five; if it be a male child, give to him all my estate, provided he pays to each of my daughters æ30; in case he neglects or refuses paying to my daughters the above mentioned æ30, the whole money that shall arise by the sale of my estate to be equally divided among my children. All that I have given to my well-beloved wife Nancy I give to her in lieu of her thirds and dower. I make my loving brother, Joseph LANGDON, and my loving cousin, Adam PEARSALL, executors. (Signed Pearsall [sic] LANGDON.) Witnesses, Thomas COMBS, John LANGDON, Isaac DENTON. Proved, October 13, 1781. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Abstracts of Wills Vol X 1780-1782, from The New York Historical Society Collections, 1901 (abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogates Office, City of New York, from 1780-1782))
(See Queens Co, NY)
See Queens Co, NY
19 May 1807 Section E, 1806-1808. Abraham COMBS to Mary LANGDON (Extracted by Combs Researcher Patience Northern from Marriages performed by Justice William Mott of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island, N.Y. 1793-1827, transcribed by the late George D.A. Combes)
4 Mar 1809 Section F, 1808-1809. William COMBS, sener, to Philenor MOTT, both of Hempstead (Extracted by Combs Researcher Patience Northern from Marriages performed by Justice William Mott of the Town of Hempstead, Long Island, N.Y. 1793-1827, transcribed by the late George D.A. Combes)
PN Notes: Additional from this same source: "In searching some of the older records in the Town Clerk's office at Hempstead, N.Y., I came across a bundle of papers which are apparently the Court Minutes of Justice William Mott, and which give a record of his acts while in office a period of over 30 year, from 1793 to 1828. The papers are arranged in small book form, sewed together, and each bundle is marked with a letter, from A to N, evidently for reference as there is also an index, which, however, I found to be somewhat incomplete. The matter contained in these papers consists mainly of the petty trials in Justice's Court of the period, but there are a few marriages, which I think may prove of interest to genealogists, as they are probably unknown. I therefore copied off all the marriages to be found in the records and enclose a copy of same herewith. There is also a Marriage and Birth register, beginning in 1847 and ending in 1849, which, as it antedates the present existing Vital Records by some 35 years, contains valuable data. (Sgd) George D. A. Combes"
See Queens Co, NY
See Queens Co, NY
See Queens Co, NY
See Queens Co, NY
See Queens Co, NY
Roll: M653_844
p. 397
1295/1418 Nathaniel Combs 45 m farmer 1800/(blank) NY
Sarah H 43 f NY
Harriet A 16 f NY
Deb Coombs