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Combs &c. Families of Northamptonshire, England |
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Northamptonshire, (or Northampton), south-midland county of England, bounded N. by Leicestershire, Rutland, and Lincolnshire, E. by Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and Bedfordshire, S. by Bucks and Oxfordshire, and W. by Warwickshire; greatest length, NE. to SW., about 70 miles; greatest breadth, E. to W., about 26 miles; area, 629,912 acres, . . . . . Until the late 1800's, the county was anciently divided into hundreds that functioned as areas of administration. The Domesday Book notes 29 hundreds which includes 1 shared with Rutland.
SOURCEs: Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles, 1887; Northamptonshire FHS and Cottingham History
To learn more about medieval terms for land see the ENGLAND: Land from Medieval to Present Day.
Among the Combs recorded in Northamptonshire (also known as Northants) were William (of Warwickshire?). See Also Combs &c. Visitations and the Lovett Families
1558 Visitations of Essex, ELRINGTON/ERLINGTON Family, 1558 (excerpt):
Edward ERLINGTON of Wethersfeild in Essex (s/o Thomas & Bridget BRAY Erlington, gs/o Semond [Simon] and Alice MIDDLETON Erlington, and ggs/o Rowland or Edward ERLINGTON of Thoydon Boyce in Essex, of the privie chamber to K.H. ye 8 + Agnes mar. Edw. COMBES) m Margarett da. to Sr. John SPENCER of Northampton. relicta Sr. Giles ALLINGTON
CAMOCK Family, Essex, 1612 (excerpt):
....2 Robart CAMOCKE of Layer Marney in com. Essex gent. sonne and heire.
...... + Elizabeth dau. to BADBY of Layer Marney in com. Essex, first wyfe.
........3 Thomas CAMOCKE of the same place gent. sonne and heire.
........+ Ursulay dau. to WYRLEY of Dodford in com. Northampton
........3 Dorathe mar. to Richard WHITLOCKE of Totham parva in Essex.
.....+ Mary dau. to EVERETT 2nd wyfe (to 2. Robart)
Note: Not included above is the second marriage of 3 Thomas CAMOCKE to Francis RICH(d/o Sir Robert & Mary BALDRY Rich), grandparents of Warwick CAMMOCK, close associate of Combs of Old Rappa Co VA (See Also Rich Visitation & See Cammocke Monument).
The Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1681
COMBES of Daventry (Pages 58-9)
[No arms recorded in this Visitation]
1 John COMBES, of Daventry in co. Northampton Bur. 19 March 1653-4, at Stoke Doyle. M. I. there states that he died 27 March 1654
....+ Mary dau of Edwd PALMER of Stoke Doily in com: Northton after married to Jno THORNTON, of Brockhole co. Northt. Bap. 11 Oct. 1625, at Stoke Doyle;
........mar. 12 Oct 1660, at Wadenhoe, to John THORNTON; d. 19, bur. 25 June 1713, at Newnham. Will dated 14 May 1712, pr 26 June 1713 (Arch. North.)
.....2 Edward COMBES Bap. 1 Jan. 1649-50, at Daventry. Oundle School 1657
.....2 Richard COMBES Bap. 26 Sept. 1651, at Stoke Doyle; bur. there 26 Aug. 1658
.....2 Francis COMBES Bap. 16 Dec. 1652, at Daventry; bur. 19 Aug. 1658, at Stoke Doyle
.....2 John COMBES, of the Middle Temple Barrister at Law. Knight. Chief Justice of Chester. Oundle School, 1657. Bap. 8 Oct. 1646, Daventry; bur. 26 April 1697, at Daventry
.........+ Catherine 2d dau of Sam11 THORNTON, of London, Mercht younger brother to Jno THORNTON before mentioned. B 25 March 1660; bur. 21 Oct 1734, at Daventry
........ 3 Grace. Bap. 30 March 1695, at Daventry; m. there 22 Jan. 1722-3; d. 25, bur. 28 March 1740, at Ravensthorpe, aet. 45 M.I.
..............+ Edmund BATEMAN. Bap. 24 Feb. 1689-90, at All Saints, Northampton. Magd. Coll., Oxford. M. A. Vicar of Ravensthorpe 1715. D. 1 Sept., bur. 8 Sept. 1742, at Ravensthorpe, aet 53. M.I. Will (P.C. C. 290 Trenley)
........ 3 Katharine. Bap. 1 March 1683-4, at Daventry. Benefactor to Daventry Church and Parish. Bur. 25 June 1741, at Daventry. Will dated 22 Oct. 1739, pr. 15 July 1741 (Arch. North.), by Thomas THORNTON, of Brockhall, Esq., her cousin.
........ 3 Elizabeth Bap. 17 Feb. 1687-8, at Daventry; m. there 11 Oct 1719, as second wife.
........ + William TAYLOR, St. John's Coll., Oxf. M.A. Vicar of Daventry. Died at Bath 11 July 1750. His first wife was Elizabeth IVES, of Northampton.
........ 3 Mary. Bap. 19 June 1680, at Brockhall; bur. 31 Aug. 1720, at Daventry
........ 3 Frances Bur. 18 Dec. 1729, at Daventry
........ 3 Anne Bur. 11 March 1737-8, at Daventry
........ 3 John COMBES Bap. 16 Jan. 1682-3, at Daventry; bur. there 11 April 1715
........ 3 Samuel COMBES. Bap 13 Aug. 1689, at Daventry. Of Daventry, Esq. Bur. there 29 June 1732. Will dated 9 Jan. 1729-30, pr. 26 July 1732, by Katherine COMBES, spin., his sister and res. legatee
Notes: The marriage of John and Mary PALMER Combe not found, but the marriage of Mary [PALMER?] Combes to John THORNTON took place on 12 Oct 1660 at Stoke Doyle, Northampton, England according to the IGI (FamilySearch.Org)
This same source shows that Samuel COMBE married 25 Aug 1679, St. Martin Outwich, London, Katherine THORNETON, and that she was baptised 1 Apr 1660, at St. Andrew Undershaft Church, London, the daughter of Samuell and Francis_ THORNTON (IGI, Parish registers, 1558-1901, Church of England, St. Andrew Undershaft Church (London))
Was Edward PALMER of Stoke Doily/Doyle, Northampton, kin to the Archdale-Combs-Palmer Family? See Also John Combs & Edward PALMER of Isle of Wight Co VA. Also note that the above is apparently an "annotated" Visitation since dates include some after 1681.
See Also Cammock Visitation, Essex, 1619. Thomas CAMMOCK m (1) Ursula, daughter of John WYRLEY of Dodford, Northampton; (2) Frances RICH, d/o Robert & Mary BALDRY Rich, Lord Rich, of Essex. Warwick CAMMOCK, grandson of Thomas & Frances RICH Cammock, and Archdale Combs, were close associates in Old Rappahannock Co VA in the later 1600s. Note: Stokes Doily/Doyle not found. Question: Could WYRLEY have been a.k.a. WORLEIGH? See Also Will of Nathaniel WADE, London, dated 02 Jun 1620, which refers to his sist. and bro. PALMER, their son John PALMER, and names friends Richard Combs & Joseph STACEY; Mr. WIGHT of Daintree [Daventry], and witnessed by Richard STOCKE (See Combs Postings) See Also THORNTON/SAVAGE/TAYLOR of Richmond Co VA
10 May 1704 Samuel COMBES, son of John of Daventry N'hants. mil. 1704 May 10, apprenticed to John SILVESTER stockmarket, intern, 7 years (Combs &c. Families of the Drapers Company)
See Also Combs-Lovett Family of Soulbury Parish, Buckinghamshire
More about the Locations found in Northamptonshire: Daventry [a.k.a. Daintree], a market town and parish having separate jurisdiction, locally in the hundred of Fawsley, county of Northampton, 12¼ miles NW of Northampton, and 72 NW of London, on the road to Holyhead… with the hamlet of Drayton… In 1090 a priory was founded here by Hugh de LEYCESTER, for monks of the Cluniac order; it was richly endowed, its revenue amounting to £236. 7. 6., and it was one of those which, by permission of pope Clement VII., were dissolved in the 17th of Henry VIII., and granted to Cardinal WOLSEY, for endowing his intended colleges at Ipswich and Oxford… During the parliamentary war, Daventry was the scene of frequent conflicts, in one of which, in the beginning of 1645, Sir William and Sir Charles COMPTON, brothers of the Earl of Northampton, with three hundred horse, routed four hundred of the parliamentarian cavalry near the town. In the same year, the king having taken Leicester by storm, on his march to relieve Oxford, which was closely besieged, fixed his head-quarters at this town, where he remained for six days, prior to his departure for Market-IIarborough where the vanguard of his army was stationed, in the neighbourhood of which place the battle of Naseby was fought on the following day…The town is supposed to have had a guild-merchant at a very early period: it received a charter of incorporation from King John, which was confirmed by Queen Elizabeth in the eighteenth year of her reign, and subsequently by James I…The living is a perpetual curacy, in the archdeaconry of Northampton, and diocese of Peterborough… in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Christ Church, Oxford… The free grammar school was founded in 1576, by Mr. William PARKER, of London… An academy for dissenters was maintained here by the trustees of William COWARD, Esq., of London, till the year 1789, when it was removed… Daventry gives the title of baron to the Earl of Winchelsea…
Badby, a parish in the hundred of Fawsley, county of Northampton, 2¼ miles SSW of Daventry… The living is a discharged vicarage, in the archdeaconry of Northampton, and diocese of Peterborough… in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Christ-church, Oxford…
Dodford, a parish in the hundred of Fawsley, county of Northampton, 2½ miles ESE of Daventry…the living is a vicarage, in the archdeaconry of Northampton, and diocese of Peterborough… The Grand Junction canal passes along the east side of the parish.
Astwell, a hamlet partly in the parish of Syresham, but chiefly in the parish of Wappenham, hundred of King's Sutton, county of Northampton, 5½ miles (N.N.E.) from Brackley, containing 118 inhabitants.
Wappenham, a parish in the hundred of King's Sutton, county of Northampton, 5 miles WSW of Towcester, containing, with the hamlet of Falcutt, and the whole of that of Astwell, which is partly in the parish of Syresham… The living is a rectory, in the archdeaconry of Northampton, and diocese of Peterborough…and in the patronage of the Bishop of Lincoln. The church is dedicated to St. Mary…At Astwell is an ancient mansion-house, formerly the seat of the Earls FERRARS.
Rushton, a village in the hundred of Rothwell, county of Northampton, 2¼ miles NE of Rothwell, containing 366 inhabitants, and comprising the parishes of All Saints and St. Peter, in the archdeaconry of Northampton, and diocese of Peterborough; the former, a rectory, rated in the king's books at £10. 12. 1., and the latter, also a rectory, rated at £11. 13. 4., both in the patronage of W. HAGGITT, Esq.
East Carlton, a parish in the hundred of Corby, county of Northampton, 3 miles WSW of Rockingham… The living is a rectory, in the archdeaconry of Northampton, and diocese of Peterborough… and in the patronage of Sir J. H. PALMER, Bart. The church is dedicated to St. Peter. There are five almshouses in this parish, the inmates of which receive five shillings per week from the estate of Sir J. H. PALMER.
See William PALMER of Carlton