Combs &c.
of Clark Co., KY |
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Clark Co., KY was organized in 1792-3 from Bourbon & Fayette Counties, and Combs were already in what would become Clark County prior to that time (See Also Frontier Combs of KY). In 1796-7, Montgomery Co., KY was established from Clark Co., KY, and in 1798, Clark gained from Bourbon Co. In 1808 Estill Co was established from Clark and Madison, and in 1852, Powell Co. was established from Clark, Estill and Montgomery.
The Combs &c. Research Group Proudly Presents the First Electronic Edition of the book, "Combs, a Study in Comparative Philology and Genealogy" by Josiah H. Combs, Ph.D., University of Paris, Copyright 1976 by Norris K. Combs, Published by Norris K. Combs, Pensacola, Florida, 1976, reprinted 1979, and Electronically reprinted by the Combs &c. Research Group in 1999, including an
Introduction, Full Index, Footnotes and (ultimately) Gedcoms.
Most of the early Combs of Clark Co., KY were descendants of Joseph Combs I of Stafford Co VA. See Also Joseph I's son, John & Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr., and his grandsons, Joseph & Mary PRITCHETT Combs III, and Cuthbert & Sally EVANS Combs, Sr., and Combs Researcher Barbara Rivas' Combs Family Tree. See also The Combes Genealogy, the Mary Salisbury York Paper and the Edna F. Hightower Collection.
Note: Source for marriage records provided by Breck is from the office of the County Clerk of Clark County where the Combs records had been extracted and recorded on a separate list available in that office. Also Note: Source
for all Deed Index entries is Combs Researcher Breck Combs' Clark Co., KY Index to Combs Deeds (1782-190??). All deeds may not been entered to this report. Reminder: Deed Index years indicate date recorded, not date signed (The deeds themselves are still being collected). Also note that the current "sorting and arranging" of the deed index entries is temporary.
Index to Combs of Clark Co., KY
Early Kentucky Combs Land Entries extracted from (Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds by Willard Rouse Jillson, ScD. State Geologist of KY, published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. in 1987, p. 189)
Note: All of the following land did not become part of Clark Co., KY. (See Combs KY Land) See also image for what is probably this same land of Joseph's. The dates are different having been dated 10 March 1780 and recorded 20 Oct 1779. Many land grants were recorded several different times to ensure that the grant was filed. For a further explanation see Denise's Mortoff's explanation dated 15 Dec 2005 in the email archives. See also The Kentucky Land Office Web site for other land grants.
(KY Land Entries - Name - Acreage - Book - Page - Entry Date - Watercourse)
Combs, Cuthbert - 400 - A - 1 - 11-03-1779 - Howards Cr
Combs, Cuthbert 1000 - A - 37 - 04-29-1780 - Combs Sett
Combs, Joseph 1000 - A - 37 - 04-29-1780 - Howards Cr (See below)
Combs, William - 1000 - A - 52 - 05-13-1780 - Combs Sett
COOMBS, Cutbert - 1000 - A - 56 - 05-15-1780 - Simpson Cr [Nelson Co., KY - See 1814 below]
Combs, Joseph - 1000 - A - 63 - 05-16-1780 - Floyds Fk survey
Combs, Fielding - 500 - A - 90 - 05-23-1780 - Howards Cr
Combs, Joseph - 500 - A - 104 - 05-27-1780 - Floyds &Town Fk
Combs, Joseph - 1000 - A - 105 - 05-27-1780 - Simpson Cr srvy
COOMBS, Ben - 1000 - A - 145 - 06-23-1780 - Lulbelgude Cr
Combs, Ben - 600 - A - 162 - 07-17-1780 - Eagle Creek
Combs, John - 200 - A - 164 - 08-11-1780 - Goose Cr WD
Combs, Joseph - 1000 - A - 263 - 02-14-1783 - Simpsons Cr
Combs, Edward - 400 - A - 306 - 11-19-1783 - Rolling Fk
Combs, Edward 400 - A - 306 - 11-19-1783 - Lead Cr
Combs, Jaques - 6000 - A - 332 - 01-20-1784 - Long Lick Cr WD
Combs, Jaques - 6000 - A - 358 - 05-04-1784 - Rolling Cr WD
Combs, Jaques - 6000 - A - 358 - 05-04-1784 - -------- WD
Combs, John - 200 - B - 14 - 11-12-1784 - Goose Cr WD
Combs, John - 200 - B - 14 - 11-12-1784 - Rough Cr
Combs, Jacob - 500 - B - 31 - 12-29-1784 - -------
Combs, William - 400 - A - 4 - 11-15-1797 - Beach Fk Salt R
8 Jun 1782-24 July 1798 Clark Co, KY Deed Index 3:296 & 299. (Transcribed by Breck Combs from copy of
original agreement.) Agreement of Divisions. Combs, Cuthbert & c. with Combs, Benjamin & c. 5800 A. No county mentioned.
Articles of Agreement - Calmes, Combs & Berry
Land Settlement in Kentucky
Articles of agreement indented, made, concluded and agreed upon this Eighth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty two between Benj. BERRY, Marquis CALMES, Marquis CALMES Jr., and Benj,n Combs of Frederick County, and Cuthbert Combs of Stafford County and all of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Whereas the Parties above named have at their joint expense obtain'd Warrants for Five thousand eight hundred acres of Land and located the same at Lulbaglud Creek on
the Waters of Kentucke and Whereas the Warrant and Surveys are in the names of the several Parties, ______ equal both in quantity and Quality, Now this Indenture Witnesseth that it is the true Intent and meaning of the Parties, that the said Five thousand eight hundred acres of Land shall be equally divided between the said Parties having regard to Quantity and Quality to hold to them their heirs and Assigns as Tenants in Common notwithstanding the Location thereof in manner aforesaid or any Patents issued or hereafter to be issued agreeable thereto. And they the said Benj'n BERRY, Marquis CALMES, Marquis CALMES, Jr, Benj'n Combs and Cuthbert Combs do hereby agree and oblige themselves their heirs and Assigns to each other, as soon as
conveniently may be, or as soon as the land is surveyed, to divide the said Five Thousand Eight hundred acres of Land equally amongst them according to quantity and quality and further that they and each of them will bear equal proportion of all Expenses incurred or to be incurred as well in dividing and recurring the said Land, According to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Parties. In Witness whereof the said Parties have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above
Sealed & Delivered
In Presence of }
John E. KING
Benja. BERRY (seal)
Marquis CALMES (seal)
Marquis CALMES Jnr (seal)
_____ Ben' Combs (seal)
Cuth'r Combs (seal) |
Addenda From the Edna F. Hightower
Winchester, Ky. May 15, 1916
.. Dear Madam:
After close perusal of the 5800 acre transaction I find that Benj. A. PERRY,* Marques CALMES, Marques J. CALMES, Benj. Combs and Cuthbert Combs, had at their joint expense obtained warrants for the 5800 acres in this transaction
& were dividing same. All above named, except CUTHBERT Combs being from Frederick Co., Va., he being from Stafford Co., Va. No mention made of military service.
............................................................ Very Resp.
.................................................... H. C. SKINNER, Clerk
6 June 1787. Fayette County, Index page 321, Book 12, p. 106. Innis Combs, 805 3/4 acres on the waters
of Lulbergrud. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Judi Stull from Index to Kentucky Military District 1779-1801 (Counties of Kentucky, Lincoln, Fayette, Nelson, Bourbon, Jefferson, Woodford, Mercer, Madison and Mason), Virginia State Land Office, FHL Film #0007811).
Notes: Ennis Combs, son of John & Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr., resided in Fauquier Co, VA at this time, and so
far as is known, was only in Kentucky as a "corn planter."
1793 Clark Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1793-1797, 1799-1809, Original Tax Lists on FHC Microfilm #0007930 Extracted
and Submitted by Sue Elfving
Tax List #1 - very light, no Combs
Tax List #2
p. 2, Aug. 22. Combs Benjamin...1wm>21, 0wm16-21, tot blk=8, 5blk<16, 11hr/m, 16ctl
100a, no other information about land
p.13 List of Delinquents Returned by the Sheriffs of Several Counties as Inhabitants of Clark County together with their taxable property for 1792.
Daniel Combs..........no slaves, 5hr, 5 ctl, no land
William Clements.....no slaves, 1hr, 0 ctl, no land
29 Nov 1793 (Fayette Co., KY Will Book 6 - page 54) The LWT of Gen. Leslie Combs, son of Benjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs, dated 14 Aug 1873 (first section), includes the statement "I was born on my father's 100 acre farm within six miles of Booneboro, on the public trace road to the Lower Blue Licks on the 29th of November 1793 … thank God, when we sold the old place, after the death of my father to Messrs R. E. BROOKING and A. BLACKWELL and made them a deed, some 20 and 30 years ago (see Clark County Court record book) we reserved 1/4 of an acre enclosing the family grave yard in which my father and mother, and several of my brothers and sisters are buried, and I afterwards erected tombstones at the heads of my father and mother and built a strong stone wall around them, about 12 by 24 feet square, and I hope my children, and their descendants, will always attend to keeping the same in order and that the present owners of the place (Mr. and Mrs. GRIM) and other neighbors will never suffer them to be violated or the wall removed-but keep the same in repair…" (See Gen. Leslie Combs & Also See death of Benjamin Combs, Sr. in 1838 below)
04 Dec 1793 - 02 Apr 1794 (Frederick Co VA Wills) Excerpted from will of Marquis CALMES, dated 4 December 1793, proved April 1794. Wife: Betty CALMES whole estate excepting: to nephew Marquis Combs, "now living with me," son of Benj. Combs now living in Kintucky, 400 acres in Kentucky on Lulbegrud Creek and 80 acres more of Kentucky land, part of 400 acres to be procured by Marquis CALMES, Benjamin BERRY, Benjamin Combs, Cuthbert Combs and nephew Marquis...
Notes: Marquis CALMES married Elizabeth, daughter of John & Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr. of Stafford Co., VA. Benjamin and Cuthbert were her brothers. Her nephew, Marquis Calmes Combs (son of Benjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs) was in Frederick Co., VA in May 1799, later died s.p., his brothers his heirs.
1794 Clark Co., KY Deed Index 1:320. Joseph Combs power of attorney to Benjamin Combs, (Wife's name Sarah).
Notes: Probably Joseph III of Stafford Co, VA, brother of Benjamin, son of John & Seth BULLITT Combs, husband of Sarah RICHARDSON.
1794 Clark Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1793-1797, 1799-1809, Original Tax Lists on FHC Microfilm #0007930 extracted by Sue Elfving
Tax List #1 - Robert Dougherty
p. 4, May 22 Combs Daniel......1wm>21, 1wm16-21, tot blk=0, 0blk<16, 6hr/m, 8ctl
SE Note: This entry shows Daniel with a male aged 16-21 in his household. Possibly the Thomas who appears with him on the list in 1795 suggesting he was the father of Thomas b.c1773/4.
List #2 - Jilson Payne dated 24 June
p. 2, May 14 Combs Benjamin..1wm>21, 0wm16-21, tot blk=8, 5blk<16, 10hr/m, 17ctl
100a, Clarke Co.
p. 3,
May 27. Combs Benja.......0wn>21, 0wm16-21, tot blk=0, 0blk<16, 2hr/m, 0ctl
1. 650a, Clarke Co.
2. 80a, Clarke Co.
[May be non-resident at this point]
1794 Tax List of Fayette Co., KY: Extracted by Sue Elfving from Kentucky Ancestors v25 #4 Spring 1990 "Some Residents Of Virginia And Other Persons Chargeable With Tax" In Kentucky Counties, 1794-95. NOTE: A notation that these vouchers entries discovered by Marian G. Hammers as a separate listing at the end of the 1794 Fayette Co., Ky. tax list.
p. 216
Joseph COMBS - ( Stafford
County Virginia) Enters (2 tracts) 500a and 500a (2nd rate) on waters of Howards Upper Creek in Clark County, Ky.
p. 216
Fielding COMBS - ( Stafford County Virginia) Enters 500a (2nd rate) on Howards Upper Creek in Clark County, Ky.
Cuthbert COMBS ( Stafford County Virginia) Enters 1400a, 804a, 208 & 1/2a, 200a, and 80a (all 2nd rate) in Clark County, Ky.
Ennis COMBS ( Stafford County Virginia) 800a (2nd rate) in Clark County, Kentucky
Eliza? COMBS Enters 525a (2nd rate) in Clark County, Kentucky [no county of residence listed]
p. 217
Marques COMBS Enters 525a (2nd rate) and 80a (2nd rate) in Clark Co., Ky. [no county of residence listed]
22 Feb 1794 Kentucky Gazette, Volume VII, Number XXIII
"AGREEABLE TO AN ACT OF ASSEMBLY, WILL BE SOLD, On Tuesday, the 25th day of March next, at Clarke court house,
being court day, to the highest bidder, on twelve months credit, ninety unimproved half acre LOTS, or thereabouts, in the town of Winchester; bonds with approved security will be required from the purchasers.
Richard HICKMAN,
Jofrah HART,
William BUSH ……….. }
Benjamin Combs,
Hubbard TAYLOR,
N.B. A few out lots at the same time sold at private sale by law. Edward WILSON." (Transcribed by Combs Researcher
Marti Combs) Ed Note: This document was originally published with all lower case letter "s" written in old-style as "f." We have converted those letters back to modern style for search purposes. This was probably Benjamin Combs, husband of Sarah RICHARDSON and son of John & Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr. One Richard HICKMAN married Susan Sarah Combs, daughter of Cuthbert & Sally EVANS Combs, Sr. in 1812 (See below) See also 1805 marriage of Elizabeth Bingham BULLOCK to John Combs (son of Cuthbert & Sarah EVANS Combs, Sr.); They named their eldest son, David Bullock Combs.
1795 (Kentucky Tax Lists - Clark County) (Provided by Combs Researcher Tim Spence)
Combs Benja.
Combs Daniel
Combs Thomas
Note: See Also John & Lydia Combs for more re Daniel & Thomas Combs above who were probably the same who appear on the 1797 Montgomery Co., KY Tax Lists.
1795 Clark Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1793-1797, 1799-1809, Original Tax Lists on FHC Microfilm #0007930 extracted by Sue Elfving
List #1 - No Combs
List #2 - No Combs
List #3 Land Book - No Combs
List #4
May 26. Combs Benjamin.....1wm>21, 0wm16-21, tot blk=9, 5blk<16, 11hr/m, 18ctl
Land Book for List #4
Combs Benjamin, 100a Clarke Co., Howards S__Cr. Notation he did not pay in 1792 & 94
[Unreadable second entry for Benjamin Combs]
List #6
p. 6, May 16 Combs Thos.......1wm>21, 0wm16-21, tot blk=0, 0blk<16, 1hr/m, 2ctl
Combs Daniel.....1wm>21, 0wm16-21, tot blk=0, 0blk<16, 5hr/m, 10ctl
SE Note: Daniel had an extra tithe in 1794, then Thomas appears and Daniel has no extra tithe.
27 Jan 1795 (Clark Co., KY Marriage Records) Elizabeth Combs & John CALDWELL. Surety: Marquis Combs (Provided by Combs Researcher Breck Combs )
Notes: Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah RICHARDSON Combs (According to The Combes Genealogy, Elizabeth married "a BOSTICK.") See also later Combs-Caldwell in this county as well as "Elizabeth BOSTICK."
1795 Clark Co., KY Deed Index
1:584 From Joseph Combs To John HOWARD 301.1 Acres.
1:670 (or 667) From RANSDELL, Thomas To Combs, Cuthbert Power of Attorney
Notes: Was there a connection between Thomas RANSDELLL and Jael RANSDELL (daughter of William) who married 9 Aug 1796, Mercer Co., KY, Claytor Combs?
1796 Clark Co., KY Deed Index
2:40 From Presley ANDERSON To Benjamin Combs. 100 Acres
1796 Clark Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1793-1797, 1799-1809, Original Tax Lists on FHC Microfilm #0007930 extracted by Sue Elfving
List #1 - No Combs
List #2
p. 5, Sep. 15 Combs Danl...0a..2wm>21, 0wm16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 7hr/m, 12ctl
p. 6, Nov. 25 Combs Cuthbert...1wm>21, 1wm16-21, 9blk>16, tot blk=25, 10hr/m, 7ctl
1.1400a Clarke Co., Howard Up, N=C.Combs, same, same
2. 804a Clarke Co., Howard Up, N=C. Combs & Fielding ASHBY, same,
pat=C. Combs
3. 208&1/2a(2nd rtd), Clarke Co., Lulgebrud, N=C.Combs, same, same
4. 200a(1st rtd), Clarke Co., Lulgebrud, N=C. Combs, same, same
5. 305&3/4a(1st rtd), Clarke Co., Lulgebrud, N=Jno Combs, same, same
6. 500a(1st rtd), Clarke Co., Howard Up, N=Fielding Combs, same, same
7. 500a(1st rtd), Clarke Co., Howard Up, N=Jos Combs, C.Combs, same
List #3
p. 2, Sep. 10 Combs Benjamin..1wm>21, 0wm16-21, 3blk>16, tot blk=7, 7hr/m, 19ctl
1. 100a(1st rtd) Clarke Co., Howard's
2. 96a(2nd rtd) Clarke Co., Lulgebrand
3. 80a(3rd rtd) Clarke Co., Lulgebrand
4. 600a(1st rtd)..[can't read land location info]
p. 2, Jun. 18 Combs Benjamin [very light] 1000a Clarke Co., Lulgebrand
26 Aug 1796 Clark Co., KY Married: Elizabeth PAYNE and Benjamin B. Combs (Combs-Payne Researcher
Helen McKnight)
HMcK Notes: Benjamin B. (d 1834, Christian Co., KY), Seth (Sytha) and Nancy Combs, all children of Cuthbert & Sarah EVANS Combs, Sr., all married in Clark Co., KY, siblings, Eliabeth, William Henry and David PAYNE, children of William and Mary GRYMES Combs (See also Combs-Payne Connections).
1797 Clark Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1793-1797, 1799-1809, Original Tax Lists on FHC Microfilm #0007930 extracted by Sue Elfving
List #1 - J. Young's District
p. 5, Jan. 17 Combs Benja Jr...0a..1wm>21, 0wm16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=2, 2hr/m
List #2
p. 2, Nov.1 Combs Benjamin....1wm>21, 0wm16-21, 3blk>16, tot blk=8, 8hr/m
1. 100a(1st rtd), Clarke Co., Howd Creek, N=Jas Speed
2. 644a(1st rtd), Clarke Co., Lulbugrud, N=Bn Combs
3. 600a(1st rtd), Scott Co., Elkhorn, N=Bn Combs, same, same
p. 3, Dec. 5 Combs Marques....no data
1. 1000a(2nd rtd), Clarke Co., Upper Howard Crk, N=Mags Calmes, same,
List #3 (Unnamed - may be duplicate of #2)
p. 2 May 23 Combs [maybe Saml?]...1wm>21, 0wm16-21, 2blk>16, tot blk=3, 2hr/m
p.2 May 30 Combs Benj..................1wm>21, 0wm16-21, 3blk>16, tot blk=8, 6hr/m
1797 Clark Co., KY Deed Index 3:466 Agreement. Combs, Cuthbert With STONE, Valentine.
16-17 Aug 1797 (Clark Co., KY Marriage Records) John BAKER & Polly Combs. Surety:
John HOOD. Witness: Samuel R. Combs (Provided by Combs Researcher Breck Combs)
Notes: Polly, daughter of Cuthbert & Sarah EVANS Combs, Sr. She married 2nd, 12 Jun 1804, Clark Co, Peter EVANS. Samuel R was Samuel Richardson, son of Benjamin and Sarah RICHARDSON Combs.
27 Sep 1797 (Clark Co., KY Marriage Records) Joseph Combs & Susanna CLARK, consent of father, Robert CLARK, Sr. on 25 Sep 1797, N. HARRISON*, Witness; James CRAWFORD, Surety. (Excerpted by Combs Researcher William Stewart from "Combs Family Research 1991 (Missouri D.A.R., G.R.C., Series 2, Vol. 104, citing Bessie Taul Conkwright (in Kentucky State Historical Society Vertical Files, 1965)).
Notes: son of Cuthbert & Sarah EVANS Combs. *Breck Combs adds that his record indicates M. HARRISON was witness. See also Estill Co., KY 20 Sept. 1819 court case listing siblings of Susanna Clark Combs
09 Oct 1797 Clark Co., KY. Married: Samuel Richardson Combs & Theodosia HOLDER. Witness William N. LANE (Combs Researcher Breck Combs)
Notes: son of Benjamin & Sarah RICHARDSON Combs. According to the Mary Salisbury Combs York Papers, Theodosia was the daughter of Col. John & Francis CALLAWAY Holder.
1798 Clark Co., KY Deed Index 3:349 From Combs, Joseph To Combs, Cuthbert Power of Attorney
Notes: Probably Joseph Combs III of Stafford Co, VA to his brother, Cuthbert Combs, Sr., who had come out from Stafford between 1795 and 1797.
1798 - NO TAX BOOK Extracted and Submitted by Combs &c Researcher Sue Elfving from Clark Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1793-1797, 1799-1809,Original Tax Lists on FHC Microfilm #0007930
1799 Clark Co., KY Deed Index
3:467 From Combs, Fielding To VIVION, Harvey 100 A.
3:470 From Combs, Fielding To NEWLING, John 60 A.
3:476 From Combs, Cuthbert To STONE, Valentine. Receipt locating land 500 A.
4:9 From Combs,. Fielding To Combs, Cuthbert Power of Attorney
Notes: Probably to Cuthbert (son of John & Seth BULLITT Combs, Sr.) from his brother, Fielding Combs, died about 1819 (in Stafford Co, VA?)
1799 Clark Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1793-1797, 1799-1809, Original Tax Lists on FHC Microfilm #0007930 extracted by Sue Elfving
First List - No Combs
Second List - titled #3, poor quality
p. 3, Apr. 4 Combs, Benjamin....0a....1wm>21, 1wm16-21, 2blk>16, tot blk=3, 3hr/m
Continue to Clark Co., KY (1800-)