![]() | Combs &c. Families of King George Co VA | ![]() ca 1721 |
King George County, VA was organized in 1720 from Richmond Co VA; however, numerous county boundary changes over the years also resulted in exchanges between King George and Richmond, Stafford (Prince William) & Westmoreland. Most early Combs of King George Co VA are documented descendants of John Combs of Richmond; however, the records of King George also include some unidentified Combs. In addition to the following chronology of records, see also Combs Land of Old Rappa VA.
When John Combs died in 1716/17 in Richmond County, he named his wife, Hannah Combs, and one John ANDERSON co-executors, but in Nov 1721, John ANDERSON died, too:
02 Nov - 01 Dec 1721 (King George County WBA-1:1-3) Will of "John ANDERSON of Hanover Parish, King George County. In the Name of God Amen, November the 2nd day 1721. … of good and perfect sense and memory… give and bequeath to my son, Walter ANDERSON all my land and plantation whereon I now live and inhabett being one hundred and twenty acres of land or thereabout to the same belonging and appurtaining to him and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever, but if in case the said Walter my son should dye without Issue lawfully begotten as aforesaid that the said land and premises and every part and parcell thereof to revert descend and return to my loving Brother Walter Anderson forever more. I do give and bequeath. To my said son Walter Anderson……… [missing]
fether Bed and one young Horse and one ……………[missing]
and bridle. I do give and bequeath to ………………… [missing]
ANDERSON one fether Bed and two ………………… [missing]
together with all their future ……………………………… .[missing]
that is to say to my Daughter……………………………… .[missing]
I do give unto my Daughter………………………………… [missing]
two young cows, six pewter………………………………… [missing]
pewter dishes and one old hose [sic] called Fire. I do give and bequeath unto Mary HARVEY who now liveth with me my own Riding Horse called Prince and formerly belonging to John COMBES and my saddle and bridle and one young cow of a red coulor [sic] and six pewter plates and one bill of Thomas HARVEY'S for two hundred pounds of Tobacco payable to me and three pewter dishes and the rents of my plantation for the term and space of three whole years thence next ensuing the date hereof and and to be fully completed and ended and also one Carolina hatt. My Will and Desire is that my brother Walter ANDERSON should have and enjoy all and every of my wearing cloaths and my Voyolent. My Will and Desire is that whatsoever I am justly indebted to Mason Combs be paid unto him and that the remaineing part of my Estate after the said Mason is paid both goods and chattles relateing thereto do wholly belong to and be equally divided between my son Walter and my Daughter Sarah within mentioned and my desire is that my brother in law William BROWNE do take into his care and custory my two children aforesaid Walter and Sarah and that they both do remaine with him until they shall arrive to the full and perfect age of Eighteen years or the day of Marriage and my will is that my said Children and the said Mary CEALE…………………… [missing?]
[missing] …………………… inherit their said estates att the age of Eighteen years
[missing] ………………………………………… .make constitute and appoint my loveing friends
[missing]………………………………………… .brother in law Wm Browne my whole and sole
[missing]………………………………………… .this my last will and testament and
[missing]………………………………………… .in hereof I have hear unto set my hand
[missing]………………………………………… .this 2nd day of November 1721. Signed
[missing]………………………………………… .in the presence of us.
[missing names of witnesses]
[missing]………………………………………… .John ANDERSON {Seal}
At a Court held for King George County the first day of December 1721: The last Will and Testament of John ANDERSON, deceased, was presented into Court by William BROWNE his Executor who made oath thereto and the same being proved by the oaths of Isaac ARNOLD, William PULLEN and William HARVEY witnesses thereto subscribed as the instance of the said Executor is admitted to Record.
(King George Court Order Book 1:26) 1 Dec 1721. Will of John ANDERSON presented in court; (Inventory Book 1:12-14) Inventory of Estate of John ANDERSON; (Deed Book A-1:269) Estate Accounts of John ANDERSON, deceased, as presented by his executory, William BROWN, in 1733. There is no bond of record by his executor as none prior to 1723 are now extant. (King George County, Virginia Will Book A-I, 1721-1752 and Miscellaneous Notes, Compiled and Published by George Harrison Sanford King, Fredericksburg, VA, 1978, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1978, pp. 5-7, 214)
Notes: John ANDERSON'S relationship to John Combs or his wife, Hannah, if any, remains unknown. According to Anderson-Brown researchers, his brother-in-law, William BROWN, was the s/o Original & Jane BROOKS Brown (Had John ANDERSON m Mary BROWN? See Also Anderson-Brown-Pope-Wroe Families). Not yet identified are Thomas & Mary HARVEY, or Mary CEALE (assuming CEALE was her surname). Was Thomas HARVEY the same who, with John Combs, witnessed William Combs' sale of his moiety (share) of the land on Peuman's End Run in Essex Co VA?
That William BROWN administered the estate of John ANDERSON is known by a number of records, including the following:
07 Jul 1732 (King George DBA:269) The Estate of John ANDERSON deced to William BROWN his Executor 1721 DR. To clks fees for probate; to Secretary fees; To funeral Expenses; to appraisers fees; to sd Willm. PULLON for looking after the Stock & Plantation one month before the Will was proved; to Alexr. PARKER's Judgment for; To Clk's & Sherrif's fees; To quit rents for 120 acres of land 2 years; To Charles BURGES'S Judgment; to Clks & Sherifs fees; to Walter ANDERSON'S Judgment; to Dorothy ANDERSON'S Judgment; to John PRICES decree; to paid Wm. BARRADALL to advise & state accounts; To my Trouble in receiving & paying; To a Copy of the Inventory .. Total £34.18.4 ..
Cr. By amount of the Inventory; By Tobacco received; By 2-½ of Fickn. Buttons; 1 bar bot Do: By more Tobacco received; 1 pr bath Do; Total £51.7.1½ ..Ex EE. Wm. BROWN July 7 1732
Recorded 6th July 1733 .. Account Administration of Est. of John ANDERSON deced by Wm. BROWN. (King George County, Virginia, Deed Abstracts, 1721-1735, Antient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1987)
Question: Who was Dorothy ANDERSON? (See King & Queen Co VA) See Also the suit filed by Mason Combs in Westmoreland Co VA for his share of his father's personal estate.
During the next few years, very few Combs records are found in King George County:
05 Apr 1723 (King George Order Book 1, 1721-1723, p. 108) At a Court held for King George County on Friday the Fifth day of April Anno Dom: 1723…
Edward TAYLOR acknowledged his Deeds of Lease and Release with a Bond for performance of Covenants to Archibald ALLEN; and John TAYLOR by vertue of a Power of Attorney from Sara, the wife of the said Edward TAYLOR, duly proved in Court by the oaths of Edward TURBERVILE and Ann COMB, Spinster, witnesses thereto subscribed acknowledged her right of Dower in and to the same which is ordered to be recorded (King George OB #1, 1721-1723, Sparacio)
Question: Could Ann Combs, Spinster (a.k.a. widow) have been Ann "Hannah," widow of John Combs? The TAYLORS, however, were generally found with the William & Mary Combs Family (s/o Archdale Combs I). Could the above indicate a daughter of William Combs? Or is this the 1st wife of Archdale Combs II, s/o John & Hannah (See Below)
05 Jun 1724 (King George Order Book, 1721-2725, p. 196) King George County Court 5th of June 1724
… .Ordered that William SMITH be summoned to the next Court to answer the Petition of Mary COOMBS (Order Abstracts of King George County, Virginia, 1723-1725, Part of Order Book 1721-1735, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1992)
03 Jul 1724 (ibid., p. 199) King George County Court Friday the Third day of July Anno Dom: 1724
… .Upon the Petition of Mary COOMBS agst. William SMITH, it is ordered that he pay her One hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco and that she pay the costs.
Notes: Was the above Mary Combs the widow of William? Which William SMITH had she sued and why?
07 Nov 1724 (ibid., p. 224) King George County Court Saturday the 7th day of Novr: 1724
… Mark HARDIN… Wm. UNDERWOOD… sworn to a Grand Jury
Ordered that Jeffery JOHNSON Senr… Jeffery JOHNSON Junr be summoned by the Sheriff to appear at the next Court to answer the Presentmt. Of the Grand Jury
(Sparacio, p. 56)
(ibid., p. 225) Order'd that Emanuel CAMBEE be summoned to the next COURT to answer the Presentment of the Grand Jury
(Order Abstracts of King George County, Virginia, 1723-1725, Part of Order Book 1721-1735, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1992, hereinafter Sparacio)
Note: The land of both Mark HARDIN and Jeffrey JOHNSON was near or at what would later become Prince William County. Jeffrey JOHNSON'S son, Jeffrey, Jr. m Rachel WALKER (d/o George of Westmoreland), lived in both Loudoun and Fauquier Cos VA; and ultimately removed to Surry Co NC, that part which later became Wilkes. Emanuel CAMBEE is undoubtedly the same who appears on the same 1738 Prince William Co VA Rent Roll as Joseph Combs, listed as Emmanuel Combs. His name has also been transcribed as Emmanuel COMBER, but he has not been seen in records after 1738. What happened to him, where he came from, remains unknown. (See Also Below and Here)
07 Jun 1728 (King George Order Book, 1721-1735:407) 7 June 1728. Thomas TURNER by virtue of a Power of Atto: from under the hand and Seale of Catherine TRIPLETT, Wife of John TRIPLETT, proved in Court by the Oaths of Francis TRIPLETT, Nathan TURNER & Archdale COOMBS relinquished the said Catherines right of Dower to a to a certain tract of Land sold by the said John to John KING Esqr. & Company, which on the motion of John WILLIAMS, Agent for the sd. Company is admd. to Record.
(Order Abstracts of King George County, Virginia, 1725-1728, Part of Order Book 1721-1735, covering pages 294-443, Courts for 3 Dec 1725 through 8 Mar 1728/9, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McLean, VA, 1992, p. 84)
Notes: The above was Archdale Combs II, eldest s/o John & Hannah Combs, near neighbor to the TRIPLETT Families.
Although the surname McPHERSON has not been located in any King George records with Combs, there was apparently a close relationship:
06 Sep 1728 (King George OB, 1725-1728, p. 418) King George Court 6th of September 1728… Richard BUCKNER Gent. Ack. His Lease & Release unto John WILLIAMS, And Thomas TURNER by virue of a Power of atto: from Elizabeth, Wife of the sd. Richard, proved by the oath of Archdell McPHERSON reliqt. Her right of Dower wch: is admitted to Record.
(Order Book Abstracts of King George County, Virginia, 1725-1728. This book is part of King George County, Virginia, Order Book 1721-1735. This part, 1725-1728, covers pages 294-443, Courts of 3 December 1725 through 8 March 1728/9. Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, 1320 Mayflower Drive, McLean, Virginia 22101, 1992)
Notes: The above Archdale McPHERSON was undoubtedly named after either Archdale Combs I or II (not researched, and his age unknown).
27 Feb 1728/9 - 7 Mar 1728/9 (King Geo WB 1-A:69-70) Will of Richard TUTT of Hanover Parish…Legatees: son Richard; loving wife Mary; 200 acs. of land which I bought of Wm. UNDERWOOD and Wm. Combs lying in Caroline Co. to my sons Wm. & Jas.; 200 acs. in Sittenbourne Parish on the branches of UNDERWOOD'S Beaver Dam the bounds whereof may be known by the LW&T of Capt. Wm. UNDERWOOD to my two sons Jos. & Benja.; slaves and rest of personal est. to my loving wife Mary, she giving to every one of my children (Vizt.) Richard, William, James, Joseph, Benjamin, Emblin and Mary a Negro as they my sons arrive to the age of 21 and to my daughters on the day of marriage…Executors: Wife Mary and Mr. Thos. TURNER. s/Richard TUTT. Wits: Adam CUNINGHAME, Joshua FARGUSON.
At a court held for King George County the 7th Day of March anno Dom: 1728 [1728/9]. The last will & testament of Richard TUTT was presented into Court by Mary his Widow & the same was proved by the oaths of Adam CUNINGHAME, Joshua FARGUSON and Richard TUTT and adm. to Record. Copa Test. T: TURNER Cl: Cur:
(King George County, Virginia Will Book A-1, 1721-1752 & Miscellaneous Notes, George Harrison Sanford King, Fredericksburg, VA, 1978, SHP, Easley, SC, 1986)
Notes: The above Richard TUTT had m Mary UNDERWOOD, d/o William & Mary BUTLER Underwood, Sr. & gd/o Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow, Elizabeth, m Archdale Combs I, parents of William & John Combs of Richmond. (See Also Combs Land of Rappa. & Underwood Families)
29 Jun 1730- 01 May 1730 (King Geo DB 1-A:26-27) Apr. 29, 1730. Archabald COMBES of Hanover Par., King Geo. Co., to Mary TUTT of same, 1400 pds. of tobo. for 6 acs., all land contiguous to land whereon now liveth…beginning at mouth of a gutt running down the River… /s/ Archabald (X) COMBES. Wits: John GILBERT, Adam CUNNINGHAM, William (X) TUTT. 20 Apr 1730.. Livery & Seizin .. 1st May 1730 Deed & Livery & Seizin recorded.
(KG DB A-1, Sparacio)
Notes: Although the above record is for an Archabald rather than an Archdale, he was most certainly Archdale Combs II, s/o John Combs of Richmond. This clerk's error has been found in other records, possibly often due to the fact that the abbrev. form of both given names is "Arch" or "Archd."
29 Sep 1730 (KG DBA-1:100-102) William McBEE of King George County Planter to Emmanuel CUMBER of same .. by deeds of lease and release .. for 12 lb current money, 200 A upon a branch of Marsh Run Horsepenn branch bounded .. land of William RUSSELL, Joshua BUTLER; Joseph KING; head of a Suvannah of Elkrun; Mark HARDIN'S path; Joshua BUTLER'S line.. being part of 259 A taken up by Grace BUTLER in the time of her widowhood.. deeds bearing date 14th Jul 1727.. S/William X McBEE, Wits: James McDONNELL, Daniel BLACKBOURN. Susannah McBEE appt. James McDONNELL to relinq. her dower. S/Susannah X McBEE; wits: John HAMMON, William X McBEE. 6 Nov 1730 POA recorded. 7 Nov 173- Wm. McBEE ack. & James McDONNELL by virtue of POA from Susannah McBEE.
Notes: See Emannuel CAMBEE above. Also note that the above Grace BUTLER, widow of Joshua, had remarried to Thomas RIPHLEY before the year had ended and is not the Grace BUTLER to whom Mason Combs, Sr. (youngest s/o John & Hannah Combs) had apparently sold his land in Essex (by now Caroline) inherited from his father.
19 Feb 1734/5 - 02 May 1735 (King George WB 1-A:109-110) Feb. 19, 1734/5. Will of Archdell Combs of Hanover Par., King Geo. Co. My will…is that all the whole tract…of land whereon I now live be equally divided both in quantity & quality after my now wife Mary Combs her decease between my two eldest daus. Ann Combs & Mary Combs. I give & bequeath to my youngest dau. Ezabell Combs 50 acs. of land in King & Queen Co., both which sd. tracts of land hereby given, I give to my three daus. as aforesaid to them and their heirs forever. To my loving wife Mary Combs all my personal est., goods, chattles …whatsoever to me belonging. My will & desire is that if in case my sister Amey which now liveth a widow on my land doe remain single that she and her children continue on the plantation where she now liveth three years rent free and have liberty to work one hireling or servant dureing the sd. three years making no wast of timber nor clearing the ground but for her needfull occasion and doe make my loving wife Mary Combs afsd. my whole and sole executrix…/s/ Archdell (A) Combs
Wits: Isaac ARNOLD, Thos. (X) DICKASON, Moses KNIGHTON
Presented at King Geo. Co. Ct. May 2, 1735 and proved by Isaac ARNOLD, Thomas DICKASON & Moses KNIGHTON and admitted to Record.
(Will Abstracts of King George County, Virginia (175-1780), KG B 1(1752-1780) Includes Abstracts of Book of Inventories (1721-1744) annotated with names of Testators from Will Book a-1 (1721-1752) dates will made and recorded. Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, 1320 Mayflower Drive, McLean, Virginia 22101, 1986)
06 Jun 1735 (King George Inventory Book, 1721-1744, pp. 195-6) Inventory of the Estate of Archdell Combs deced .. items valued and totalled, L 24.13.7 .. made by Isaac ARNOLD, Thos. GOUGH, Thos. DICKESON..
……… At a court held 6th Jun 1735.. inventory returned and admitted to record.
……… Archdell Combs of parish of Hanover in county of King George made his will 19th February 1734/5. Wife Mary Combs Executrix. Presented into court 2nd May 1735 and admitted to record. (Will Abstracts of King George County, Virginia (175-1780), KG B 1(1752-1780) Includes Abstracts of Book of Inventories (1721-1744) annotated with names of Testatrs from Will Book a-1 (1721-1752) dates will made and recorded. Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, 1320 Mayflower Drive, McLean, Virginia 22101, 1986)
Notes: Based on his use of the phrase 'now wife,' it appears that Archdale Combs II was married twice, with daughters, Mary and Ann, issue by his first unknown wife, and Ezabell his daughter by his widow, Mary ____. Although no son is named, he appears to have had one based on later deeds (See below)
25 Sep 1736 - 2 Dec 1743 (King George WBA-1:163) s/25 Sep 1736. Will of Neal McCORMICK of county of King George, being sick and weak in body but of good and perfect sence and memory… to William KENDALL and John GREEN Three Hundred & Eighty Nine acres of land in Stafford County lying and being in the fork of Aquia Creek being laid off for them out of my patent by Mr. John WARNER, Surveyor, to be equally divided beetween them and their heirs forever… to son Stephen out of the same pattent Two Hundred acres of land at the upper end of the said land next the Piney Branch to him and his heirs forever… to my son John the remainder part of the said land together with all the land I have in King George County to him and his heirs forever… to my said son John one fether bed and blankets and boulster and silk rugg… to my said son Stephen one large bible… the use and profits of all my personal estate I give unto my wife Ann during her widowhood and after my said wife's decease my will and desire is that all and every part and parcel of my said personal estate do wholly belong to my youngest daughter Elizabth and she the said Elizabeth to pay and deliver out of the said estate unto my eldest daughter Margaret TINSLEY Five pounds Current Money as her part of my said estate when the same shall be lawfully demanded… appoint my well beloved friend Thomas TURNER and my aforesaid son Stephen McCORMICK my full and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament, Revoking and Disannulling all former and other wills by me heretofore made, Ratifying and confirming this and no other… Last Will and Testament. Neal McCORMICK (Seale). Wits: Isaac ARNOLD, Edmond [His E Mark] DONAHOE, Mary [Her E Mark] DONAHOE. Prvd. 2 Dec 1743 by Isaac ARNOLD, Edmund DUNAHOE, and presented by Steven McCORMICK, Exe. (King George WBA-1, GHS King, SHP)
Notes: The above is a "mystery deed" in that we have been unable to determine why Neil McCORMICK bequeathed land in Stafford Co VA to John GREEN & William KENDALL, the latter husband of Elizabeth Combs, d/o John & Hannah Combs of Richmond.
05 Jun 1741 (King George DB 2:353-355) June 5, 1741. Edward PHEAGIN of Hambleton Par., Pr. William. Co. to Saml. MOON of Hanover Par., King George Co., land in Hanover Parish b/b lines of Maxfield BROWN, Geo. GREEN, Francis THORNTON, Thos. HEWS and William Combs…
Notes: The above record does not state that William Combs was either deceased or no longer a holder of the above property -property which was earlier owned by William Combs of Richmond, s/o Archdale & Elizabeth Combs. Do we still have a living William Combs? If so, was he a son of William & Mary Combs of Richmond? Or if William Combs who d c1719, died without male issue, did Archdale Combs II of King George inherit any land still held by his uncle William? Could the above have been an unidentified son of Archdale Combs II?
The following was probably Mary Combs, widow of Archdale Combs II:
15 Dec 1755 (King George Co VA) "A Copy of the Pole Taken Dec the 15th 1755. Thos. JETT Sher. King Georges Sworn to before me the 1st Jany 1756. T. Turner. Duly Recorded Rob ARMISTEAD Cl. Cur." Colo. Thos. TURNER [extracted & listed in order of appearance on list w/arbitrarily assigned number]:
13 Henry COPE [h/o Ann Combs, d/o Archdale II]
65 Isaac ARNOLD, Jr.
66 Isaac ARNOLD, Sr.
67 Mary Combs
68 William ROWE
69 Daniel WHITE
70 William STONE
75 William WHEELER
83 Joseph SETTLE
85 William FOX
87 John PIPER
90 Samuel WOOD
91 Daniel GREEN
95 John DORSET
98 Samuel KENDALL
105 William MARSHALL
108 Joseph DODD, Jr.
113 Col. Thomas TURNER
(Transcribed by C. Hamnett from copy of original)
27 Dec 1757 (King George DB 4:323-325) Indenture made Dec. 27, 1757 between Henry COPE & Ann his wife, Mary Combs & Mary DORSETT of King George Co. of one part and Richd. TUTT of Spotsylvania Co. of the other. For 130 pds. current money of Virginia, sell all that parcel of land lying in King Geo. Co. containing 200 acs….corner to land formerly SMITHS and POPES now the land of Richd. TUTT party to these presents. /s/ Henry (X) COPE Ann (X) COPE; /s/ Mary (X) Combs Mary (X) DORSETT.
At a court held June 1, 1758…Deed of Feoffment with Receipt endorsed…Ann assented and acknowledged the deed…
Notes: The above land appears to have been that bequeathed by Archdell Combs II to his two oldest daughters, Ann Combs and Mary Combs. Ann apparently has married Henry COPE, and Mary a DORSETT, probably already deceased given that he did not sign the above document; and Mary Combs Archdell's widow. (See Also Below)
01 Mar 1759 (King George DB 379-380) Indenture made Mar. 1, 1759 between Henry COPE and Ann his wife of King George Co. of one part and Archdel Combs, nephew of said Henry and Ann…in consideration of natural love and affection…grant him after their decease all that parcel of land purchased by Henry and Ann of Joseph SETTLE being in county of King George and parish of Hanover, containing 50 acs. /s/ Henry COPE
At a court held Mar. 1, 1759…Deed of Gift ordered to be recorded.
(King George Deeds, Sparacio)
Notes: Even though the will of Archdell Combs II mentions three daughters and no sons, from this deed, it appears that he probably did have at least one son - the father of Henry and Ann COPE'S nephew, Archdel Combs III. Another possibility, of course, is that Archdel Combs II was the illegitimate child of one of Ann's sisters, i. e., Mary or Ezabel. Regardless of the relationship; however, what the above documents is another line of Combs descending from Archdale Combs I of Old Rappa.
27 Mar 1765 (King Geo VA WB A:221) Mar. 27, 1765. Will of Henry COPE… As to my whole Estate do give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Ann COPE during her life, afterwards to distribute it as she thinks fit…Wife to be executrix. /s/ Henry (X) COPE. Wits: John DICKERSON, Ann (X) TOOLE. Presented in Court Aug. 1, 1765 by the Executrix…Admitted to record…
Notes: It appears that Henry & Ann Combs Cope left no issue given Henry's use of the phrase my whole Estate. It is not yet known if Henry COPE owned any property at the time of his death, but a search of later King George records may show that Ann Combs Cope left a will, and/or property transactions proving further Combs' relationships.
22 Jan 1766 - 02 Mar 1767 (Spotsylvania Co VA WBD, 1761-1772, p. 23) Will of Richard TUTT of Spotsylvania Co., d. Jan. 22, 1766. Executors Bond dated Mar. 2, 1767. Wit. William NEWTON, Richard BROOKE, Francis TALIAFERRO. Ex. brother, James TUTT and my sons James and John TUTT. Leg. son, James, 400 acres of land in Culpeper Co., adjoining to a patent of 400 acres granted to my brother, Benjamin TUTT, which is now my said son James's; son Richard TUTT, £200 to purchase that 500 acres of land that Capt. Lewis Davis YANCEY and his son Philemon now live on, the money to be paid out of the money arising from the sale of the land he lived on in King George Co., to Capt. YANCEY; son John TUTT 150 acres of land in King George Co., which I bought of William and John SMITH, also 919 acres of land in Culpeper Co., the remaining part of the tract of land that I gave my son James; sons Benjamin and Charles TUTT, all that tract of land at my lower quarter on Muddy Run, in Culpeper Co., about 1200 acres, to be equally divided between them when they come to twenty-one years of age. 600 acres of land in King George Co., where my son Richard TUTT lived, to be made over to the Vestry of Hanover Parish, upon they paying £750. 40 acres to be reserved for MARY DORSET, and her daughters to live on during their lives, as per agreement.
(Virginia County Records: Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, William Armstrong Crozier, Fox, Duffield & Co., New York, NY, 1905, Wills, page 283)
Notes: Richard TUTT, I, father of the above, m Mary UNDERWOOD, step-niece of John Combs I of Richmond, father of Archdale Combs II, and grandfather of Mary Combs Dorset. It appears some kind of an arrangement was made between Mary Combs Dorset and the TUTTS, but not known what yet as not found in earlier deeds. (See Also UNDERWOOD Families and Spotsylvania Co VA) Note also that this record may indicate that Mary Combs Dorsett left no male issue.
The next record of a Combs was probably not a Combs at all:
08 Jan 1777 - 03 Dec 1778 (King George DB 5:1155) Dr. Sir: My Grandson John Combs informs me he has proposed to you a Match betwixt Miss Sukey and himself which you have consented to provided I will give him what I have promised and what I shall give him after my death is as follows, the tract of land that I now possess containing 401 acres, Negroes Phill, Luse, Thomas, Simon, Roos, and some household furniture. I shall be glad to know what you will give your Daughter.
To Mr. Wm. THORNTON……… ./s/ George RIDING
……………………………………………… January the 8th 1777
At a Court held for King George County the 3d day of December 1778. This Letter from George RIDING to William THORNTON proved by John SKINKER, Francis THORNTON and John LOVELL, Gent., and ordered to be recorded. Test Jos. ROBINSON, C.K.G.C.
(Deed Abstracts of King George County, Virginia, 1773-1783 (Rest of Deed Book 5), Ruth & Sam Sparacio, Antient Press, McClean, VA)
Note: The above is probably by a mis-transcription by either publisher or clerk, and the surname COURTS, not Combs, based on a number of other records indicating that George RIDING'S grandson was John COURTS. George RIDING may have been the same who was son of widow, Ann UNKNOWN Riding, who m Francis THORNTON as his second wife, his first having been Alice SAVAGE, d/o Anthony SAVAGE whose land was adjacent to that of Robert PAYNE, Jr.. (King George VA WBA1:48-51)
26 Sep 1781 (King George Co VA Records, 1773-1783) Deed from Asten (X) COMBS of King George to Thos. SMITH of afsd co. ..16 pds. Specie current money of Va. for 30 acs. in co. afsd. bounded by Thos. SMITH'S line, Garrard WILLIAMSON & Daniel WHITE'S lines…
(partial abstract from Sparacio, add'l data still needed)
Notes: How Asten (Austin) Combs acquired the above property is not yet known. What we do know thus far is that the property appears to have been in the "old neighborhood;" to wit:
19 Apr 1787
Austin Combs tithed self (0-0-0-4-10)
(King George Co VA Personal Property Tax List B)
Notes: In 1787 VA'S tax collectors, by law, visited actual sites, thus the date of his visit is important. Others visited abt the same time as Austin Combs included:
17 Apr 1787 [included]
Daniel WHITE
18 Apr 1787
None Listed
19 Apr 1787
Austin Combs
Margaret PEED
William POTES
Augustine SMITH
(1787 Census of VA, King George County, Nettie Schreiner-Yantis, 1787)
p. 064
Edward Combs
William Combs
(Records not yet extracted)
King George Division
244/244 Edmund COOMES 45 M W farmer VA cannot read or write
Nancy 44 F W VA cannot read or write
Stanburg* 20 M W VA cannot read or write
Ashton 18 M W VA
Laybran 15 M W VA
Willie Ann 13 F W VA
Lavinia 12 F W VA
Both Stansbury COOMBS and Lavinia DODD are found in the 1880 Westmoreland Co, VA Census
Note: (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser who adds that there may have been a letter between the "n" and "b" in Stanburg COOMES' name, indecipherable due to "y" in Nancy.) USGENWEB ARCHIVES ™ transcribes as Stansbury COOMES.
245/245 Joseph MORGAN 25 M W Va cannot read or write
Alice 24 F W Va cannot read or write
Thomas 4 M W Va
Joseph 1 M W Va
Note: Alice (Alsey) Coomes d/o Edmund Coomes per Joseph MORGAN Death Record below (Ashton Coomes: informant; brother-in-law).
page 5, line 30.
MORGAN, Joseph. Race: White Gender: Male. Date of death: December 15, 1854 Place of death: King George County Cause of death: Intemperance Age at death: 28 year(s), Place of birth: King George Occupation: Farmer MORGAN, Thomas, father. MORGAN, Leanna, mother. MORGAN, Alsey, consort. COMBS, Ashton, informant (Brother in Law).
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Barbara S. Mathews from Death Records Indexing Project, Virginia Genealogical Society)