Combs &c.
of Lincoln Co., KY |
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Lincoln Co., KY is one of Kentucky's three "charter counties," created in 1780 from Kentucky Co.,VA (See Frontier Combs of KY).Mercer and Madison Counties were established from Lincoln in 1786; Logan in 1792; Green in 1793 from Lincoln and Nelson; Garrard in 1797 from Lincoln, Madison and Mercer;Pulaski in 1799 from Lincoln and Green; Knox in 1800; Casey in 1807; Rockcastle in 1810 from Lincoln, Pulaski, Madison and Knox; and Boyle in 1842 from Lincoln and Mercer.
There were two, apparently distinct, Combs Families in early Lincoln Co, KY. They were:
(1) Stephen & Barbara ALLEN Combs of Loudoun Co., VA, the first Combs found in the records of Lincoln County, although It is also reported that William Combs of Charles Co., MD and Nelson Co., KY was a member of the Lincoln Co., KY Militia in 1782 (Is this list extant?) Stephen first appeared in 1791. No other Combs were in Lincoln Co. at the time. Stephen is believed to be the son of Joseph and Elisabeth HARRISON Combs and he is shown with land on Simpson’s Creek that is entered in the name of Joseph Combs. In 1799, Stephen shows an extra male tithe age 16-21 and a John appears in the same tax district
in 1800 giving credence to Jacob Harlan’s statement that Stephen had a son named John. Using the tax lists as a guide, this John would have been born 1778/9. In 1805, a William Combs appears in same district with Stephen. He would be the William who married Nancy Davis in Lincoln Co. on 23 Dec. 1805. The appearance of William in the same district with Stephen in 1805 who no longer is carrying extra male tithes is also supportive of Harlan’s claim that Stephen had a son named William. This William was born 1783/4 as Stephen was still showing an extra tithe age 16-21 in 1800. Stephen came to Lincoln Co., KY via North Carolina according to Alpheus H. Harlan's The Harlan Family, but his source remains unknown (1850 or 1880 census ecords?). Stephen is on the 1810 Lincoln Co., KY census, and appears to have been the same who appears in the records of Franklin Co., KY in 1811 although a Stephen continues to be listed in the Lincoln Co. tax lists through 1814..
(2) Two sons of John & Nancy HARDING Combs, Sr. of Frederick Co., VA; Surry Co., NC; and Floyd Co., KY (parents of "the eight" early brothers to East KY):
.....(a) Revolutionary War Pensioner William Combs of Frederick
& Shenandoah Cos, VA; Lincoln, Casey?, Clay?, Bath, Fleming &Fayette Counties, KY.
.....(b) Revolutionary War Pensioner John Combs of Frederick & Shenandoah Cos, VA; and Sullivan Co, TN;** and Lincoln, Clay,
Tax records and the marriage records of several of their daughters confirm these two sons of John and Nancy HARDING Combs, both documented soldiers of the Revolutionary War, were in Lincoln Co., Ky.
William Combs** of White Oak, sometimes shown as living on Hanging Fork or Rolling Fork, first appeared in the Lincoln Co., Ky. tax list in 1793.
William Combs, brother to RW John “8” Combs, last appeared in the 1792 Shenandoah Co., Va. , tax list. William Combs of Lincoln is first shown with 500a in 1794, as living on White Branch with 500a in 1795, and in 1797 he is recorded with a land grant for 500a on White Oak. He is last shown on the Lincoln Co. tax list in the year 1806. He
appears, per land descriptions, to be the William Combs in 1808 in the Casey Co., Ky., tax list. In 1815, William Combs and wife Elizabeth, styled as being of Clay Co., Ky., sell land to George Combs of Casey Co. Afterwards, we sort of lose track of William, but his Revolutionary War Pension records show he lived in Bath and Fleming Counties and that he died in Fayette Co., Ky.
Note: William Combs may have also been in Sullivan and/or Hawkins Co, TN; and Russell Co, VA, as may have their father, who is also known as John Combs, "father of the eight," and who may have also been in Montgomery Co, VA. (See also Early Combs of East KY) John Combs , aka RW John "8" Combs or Soldier John Combs, one of the eight brothers, first appeared in the Lincoln Co., Ky. tax list in the year 1796 and in the same tax district as William of White Oak. This John’s last year on the tax list was 1809.
No list exists for 1810 and he is not on the 1811 list. He likely moved to Clay Co. around this time and could be one of the John Combs in the subsequent Clay Co., Ky. tax lists.
Note: Except where otherwise noted, all early marriages in this county are those of the children of one of the above three men. SE NOTE: Lincoln County Kentucky Tax Entries For COMBS & Associated Families below were abstracted by Philo Lund, and submitted by Sue Elfving from FHC Microfilm # 0008114 for Lincoln Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1787-88, 1790-97, 1799-1805 and FHC Microfilm # 0008115 for Lincoln Co., Ky. Tax Lists 1806-1825 unless otherwise noted.
General Comments about tax records: Some years were very difficult to read. We are sure there are errors and omissions despite proofing. There were multiple lists each year and the number of each year’s list did not necessarily correspond to the same number for the next year. For example, list #1 would not have the same people from year to year. The only way to determine whether one was working with the same area from year to year was to compare the people on the list to those of the prior year. By doing this comparison, one is able to determine which John and William Combs went together as there were two groups of Combs
in Lincoln Co. tax lists and both had a John and a William.
1787, 1788, 1789, 1790 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above): No Combs (See below)
02 Jun 1790 (Lincoln Co., Tax Lists extracted from The First Census of Kentucky, 1790, Charles B. Heinemann, SP, Easley, SC, reprinted 1992): Stephen Combs
Notes: Stephen Combs married Barbara ALLEN 20 Apr 1775, Shelburne Parish, Loudoun Co., VA, and is last found in the records of that county (thus far) in 1787 (providing only a narrow window for a period of time spent in North Carolina).
1791 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1
p. 1, 25 Mar. Comb, Stephen person chgd w/ tax, listed as over 21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks, 1 hr
List #2
p. 4 20 Jun. Givens, Saml person chgd w/tax, listed as over 21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks, 3 hr
1792 T ax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above): No Combs
1793 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note
List #3 Wm Reed
p. 2, 29 Oct. Combs William chgd w/ tax, listed as over 21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks, 3 hr, 3 ctl, 0a
1794 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1
p. 3, 30 May Comes Stephen chgd w/ tax, listed as over 21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks, 1 hr, 5ctl, 0a
List #2
p. 7, 18 Apr. Combs, William chgd w/ tax, listed as over 21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks, 5 hr, 1 ctl, 500 acres
1795 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #2
p. 3, 4 Jun. Coombs, Stephen…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, tot blk=0, 0 blk<16, 1 hr, 3 ctl
List #3
p. 5, 19 Mar. Combs, William……1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, tot blk=0, 0 blk<16, 3hr, 9 ctl 500a on White Branch
1796 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #2
p. 4, 25 Jun. Combs Wm…………1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks>16, tot blk=0, 4hr, 6 ctl
300a 3rd rated land on W. Oak in Lincoln Co.
p. 4, 28 Jun. Combs Jno………….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks>16, tot blk=0, 2hr, 1 ctl
p. 8, 12 Jun. GOODE Flemming..0a..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0 blks>16, tot blk=0, 0hr, 0ctl
1797 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1 – James Berry List
p. 5, 24 MayCombs William……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, tot blk=0, 0blks>16, 1hr 300a
[listed years in which taxes were paid – 92, 93, 94, 95, 96]
p. 5, 26 May CALFE John…0a…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, tot blk=0, 0blks>16, 1hr
[no years checked for which taxes had been paid]
p. 6, 24 May Combs John..0a…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, tot blk=0, 0blks>16, 2hr
[no years were checked for which taxes had been paid]
27 Sep 1797 (Kentucky Land Grant Book 12, page 33) Survey. Wm. Combs, 500 A, White Oak Cr., Lincoln County. (The Kentucky Land Grants, A Systematic Index to All of the Land Grants Recorded in the State Land Office at Frankfort, Kentucky 1782 -- 1924, Volume 1, Part 1, Willard Rouse Jillson, Sc. D. (Originally published as Filson Club Publications, Number 33, KY), p. 163, hereinafter KLG)
According to The Combes Genealogy, this land was later in Boyle Co., KY (not yet researched). Among others whose land was surveyed on White Oak Cr. of Lincoln County,
was Humphrey MARSHALL whose two tracts of 640 & 360 A respectively were surveyed only one day after that of Wm. Combs (Book 12:515& 13:453, KLG, p. 206)
Earlier surveys on White Oak Cr. included Wm. ROBINSON (12 May 781); Wm. HOGAN (17 Dec 1781); James
BUFORD (25 mar 1782); Gilbert MARSHALL (16 May 1782); William GRANT (4 Oct. 1782); Samuel KIRKHAM (7 Mar 1783); Caleb LONGEST (30 Apr 1783, White Oak & Moors Crs); James HOGAN (18 Apr 1785) and Townson FUGET (17 Jan 1786). No
further grants are located until that of Wm. Combs in 1797 which was followed by: Thos MUSE (20 Oct 1798); Thos. BALL (23 Jun 1803); and Philip YEISER & son (23 Jun 1803). (ibid.)
Notes: No Humphrey MARSHALL found on 1800 KY Tax Lists. All MARSHALLS of Lincoln Co., KY in 1800 were
on the 16 Aug 1800 list (See below). The 1800 Tax List also includes no Gilbert MARSHALL; Townsend FUGITT [sic] is listed in Garrard Co., KY; James BUFORD in Scott Co., KY (as is a James Combs). See Also below.
1798 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above) - No tax
list for this year on microfilm
26-27 Mar 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Records) Sally Combs to Jacob HARLAN March 27, 1798.
Consent of Stephen Combs for his daughter, March 26, 1798.Wit: John VARDIMAN and William MENIFEE. Surety: Elijah WRIGHT. (Combs-STACY Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews)
27 Mar 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bonds/Consents) Bond of JACOB HARLAN to marry SALLY Combs, with ELIJAH WRIGHT as surety, March 27, 1798. Consent of STEPHEN Combs for his daughter, March 26, 1798, witnessed by JOHN VARDIMAN and WILLIAM MENIFEE. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I , by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Notes: Jacob HARLAN is listed on the 16 Aug1800 Lincoln Co., KY Tax List; Stephen Combs is listed on the 23 Aug 1800 Lincoln Co., KY tax list as are VARDIMAN and MENIFEE. An Elijah WRIGHT is on the 1800 Warren Co., KY tax list, not known if same.
02 Jul 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Records) Lettice Combs to Ebenezer BLACKISTON July 2, 1798. Consent of William Combs for his daughter, same date. Wit: William WARREN and Thomas PATTON. Surety: William WARREN, Jr. Lincoln Co., KY (Combs-STACY Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews).
02 Jul 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY MarriageBonds/Consents) Bond of Ebenezer BLACKISTON to marry Lettice Combs, with WILLIAM WARREN, Jr., as surety, July 2, 1798. Consent of William Combs for his daughter, same date, witnessed by William WARREN and Thomas PATTON. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky
Records, Volume I , by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
6 Aug 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Records) Wilmoth Combs to Henry
BANTA August 6, 1798. Consent of William Combs for his daughter, same date. Witn: William JONES and Drury CHILDRESS. Surety: Peter BANTA. (Combs-STACY Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews, who writes: "The BANTA families are
in Indiana early, and one Peter BANTA was in Preble Co., OH in 1820."
06 Aug 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bonds/Consents) Bond of Henry BANTA to marry Wilmoth Combs
, with PETER BANTA as surety, August 6, 1798. Consent of William Combs for his daughter, same date, witnessed by William JONES and Drury CHILDRESS. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky
Records, Volume I , by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Notes: William Combs is listed on the 16 Aug 1800 Lincoln Co., KY tax list. The 1800 Tax Listof Mercer Co., KY includes, Henry BANTO [sic], Peter BANTA (and others);
Claytor Combs, and John & John Sr., WHARTON, William Sr. RANSDELL. Drewry [sic] CHILDRESS is listed on the 28 Jul 1800 Pulaski Co., KY tax list. Three William JONES are on the 16 Aug 1800 Lincoln Co., KY tax list and one on the 23 Aug 1800 Lincoln Co., KY tax list. Ebenezer BLACKISTON [BLACKSTONE] has not been located as yet.
24 Dec 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Records) Barbara Combs to Benjamin STACY December 24, 1798. Consent of John Combs for his daughter, same date. Wit: Crouch SMITH. Surety: Ebenezer BLACKISTON. (Combs-STACY Researcher Barbara Stacy Mathews)
24 Dec 1798 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bonds/Consents) Bond of Benjamin STACY to marry Barbara Combs
, withEbenezer BLACKISTON as surety, December 24, 1798. Consentof John Combs for his daughter, same date, witnessed by Crouch SMITH and E. BLACKISTON. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I , by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Note: Barbara Combs, daughter of RW John "8" Combs, married Benjamin STACY, Jr., son of Benjamin and Ann Combs Stacy, Sr. (Ann was sister to John Combs, Sr., father of RW John "8" Combs). The 15 Aug 1800 Lincoln Co., KY tax list includes one John Combs; and the 23 Aug 1800 Lincoln Co., KY tax list another. Ebenezer BLACKSTON [sic] (the same who married Lettice, daughter of William Combs?) is listed on the 15 Aug 1800 Lincoln County tax list. The Green Co., KY 1800 Tax List includes Benjamin & John STACY and a William COMBESS (later records indicate probably Combs); Crouch SMITH not found. Benjamin & Barbara Combs Stacy are listed on the 1810 Casey Co., KY Census, adjacent to her sister, Nancy, wife of Joseph GOODE.
1799 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1
p. 4, 14 May Combs Stephen..0a…..1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 36, 7 Jul. UNDERWOOD William…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 13, 28 Jun. GOOD, John..0a……….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=1, 5hr
p. 14, 28 May GOOD, Camphel………1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=1, 3hr
100a 2nd rated land on Green R., Green Co.
SE Note : The extra male tithe age 16-21 in Stephen’s entry may be the John who appears below under his own name in 1800.
List #3
p. 4, 26 Jun.Combs John..0a……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr
p. 5, 10 ? Combs William……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr 300a land
p. 8, 25 Jun. GOOD [Fleming]..0a….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 9, 10 Jun. GOOD John……………1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr 25a land
p.18, 26 Jun. Stacy Benjamin…0a..1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
SE Note : This Benjamin STACY is either Benjamin Stacy Sr., son of Simon Stacy and Judith Tolson, who married Ann Combs, the daughter of Mason Combs Sr., or his son Benjamin who married Barbara Combs, the daughter of John “8” Combs in 1798 in Lincoln Co., Ky.
1800 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above) (See also below)
List #2
p. 5, 30 May Combs Stephen…….1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 5,
30 May Combs
John………..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p.12, 22 Jun. GOOD John………..…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=1,
4hr 150a 2nd rated land, Goose Creek, entered & surveyed in name of John Good
p.12, 24 Jun. GOOD Flemming..0a..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
SE Note: This is the first year for a John Combs in the same tax district with Stephen Combs. Stephen is still carrying his extra tithe, but John has no horse indicating he is a young man or perhaps new to the area. The extra tithe still shown by Stephen may
be William who appears in 1805.
List #3
p. 8, 4 Jul. Combs, John…0a……1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p.8, 4 Jul. Combs, William……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr 300a 3rd rated land, Hanging Fork, Lincoln Co., no land entered name given
p.12, 4 Jul. GOOD Jenny………….0wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 5 hr 125a 2nd rated land, Lincoln Co., Rolling Fork
1800 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY
16 Aug 1800
John Combs
William Combs
Samuel GIVENS, Alexander, Benjamin, George, John & William GIVINS
Bonsham [sic], George, Jacob HARLAN
23 Aug 1800
David CLOID (Balis CLOUD is on Boone Co., KY Tax List dated 20 Aug 1800)
John Combs
Stephen Combs
Martin COPE
Eleazer GIVENS
James GIVENS (2)
Robert GIVENS, Jr.
GOOD, Camill [nb: Campbell GOOD m Elizabeth DUNCAN, daughter of John & Sarah DUNCAN]
GOOD, Fleming
GOOD, John
GOODE, Jenny
HICKS, William
Abraham MAYBERRRY [a.k.a. MABRY?]
MENEFEE, James, Jarrot, John, Reuben, William
("Second Census of KY,1800,"GPC, Clift)
Notes: The second John Combs, on same list as Stephen Combs, has not yet been identified.
01 Jan 1800 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bonds/Consents) Bond of Aaron HARLAN to marry Nancy Combs, with Jacob HARLAN as surety, January 1, 1800. Consent of Stephen Combs for his daughter, December 27, 1799, witnessed by JOHN CLARK and JOSEPH DAVIES. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I, by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Notes: Alpheus H. Harlan's The Harlan Family, pp. 256-7, lists Nancy as daughter of Stephen & Barbara
ALLEN Combs, and Aaron as the brother of Jacob HARLAN whom Nancy's sister, Sarah married in 1798. Aaron HARLAN appears on no 1800 KY Tax Lists (Clift).
13 Nov 1800 (Lincoln Co., KY) Nancy Combs & William JONES (MARRIAGE RECORDS 1801-1807
by Ellisberry, page 12)
Notes: This source does not include parent, bondsman or witnesses. Seeking same. Also note that a William JONES witnessed the 1798 consent of William Combs for his daughter, Wilmoth, to marry Henry BANTA; however, this marriage not found in Cook's Lincoln Co., KY Records, and a source is very much needed! Was Nancy a daughter of William Combs?
1801 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #2
p. 4, 22 Jul. Combs, Stephen…….1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr 300a
Nelson Co., Plumb Run
p. 9, 27 Jun. GOOD Campbell……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr 33a 3rd rated land, Lincoln Co., Hanging Fork
p.9, 30 Jun. GOOD Gabriel..0a..….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 4hr
List #3
p. 6, 6 May Combs John…0a….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 6, 9 May Combs William……1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 4hr 300a 2nd rated land, Lincoln Co., Hanging Fork
p.13, 30 Jul GOOD Jeney……….0wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 4hr 100a 3rd rated land, Lincoln Co., Rolling Fork
GOOD, John…….. with 150a on Goose Creek
GOOD, Flammen.. with 0a
1802 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1
p. 3, 4 Jun. Comes Stephen……1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr 10a 2nd rated land, Dicks R., Lincoln Co., ent. in Thomas OWSLEY, sur & pat same; 163a Simsons Creek, Nelson
Co., entered in Joseph Combes name, sur & pat. Same
List #2
GOOD John with 150a Goose Creek
GOOD Fleming with 0a
GOOD Robert with 0a
List #3
p. 6 6 Aug. Combs John……1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 4hr
p. 6, 11 Aug. Combs William..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 6hr 300a 3rd rated
land White Oak Cr., ent. name of Reid, sur. same, pat. same
p. 10, 7 Jun. GOOD William….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 10, 7 Jun. GOOD Campbell..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr 33 1/2a Hanging Fork, Lincoln Co.
p. 10, 29 Jul . GOOD Ginney…..0wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p.??, 4 Aug. STACY Benjamin…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blks>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
1803 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1
p. 3, 15 Jun. Comes Stephen….1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr 10a Dicks R., Lincoln Co., ent. name Thomas Owsley, sur. & pat. same; 200a Simsons C., Nelson Co., ent. name Joseph Comes, sur. & pat. same
p. 3, 15 Jun. Comes John……..0wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
SE Note: John Comes appears to be back in Lincoln and Stephen is still carrying his extra tithe.
List #2
p. 6, 29 Jul. Combs William……1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 8hr 350a 3rd rated, White Oak Creek
p. 6, 30 Jul. Combs John……….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 12 4 Aug. GOOD, Benjamin…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 13, 6 Aug. GOOD, Fleming……1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 5hr
p.13, 10 Aug. GOOD, Ginney…….0wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr 100a 2nd
rated, Rolling Fk, entered in Airs, sur. & pat. same
p.13, 12 Aug. GOOD Campbell…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr 100a 2nd
rated, Green River
p. 28, 29 Jul. STACY, Benjamin….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
5 Ap 1803 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Records) This is to Certify that I have given my consent that Henry DUNCAN and my daughter Polly should join in marriage given under my hand this 5th day of April 1803. Signed Wm COMBES- Wit: Wm Thomas MONTGOMERY.
Know all men by the___________that we Henry DUNCAN and Baylis (CLOID?) are held and firmly bound by unto James
__________governor of Kentucky under the sume of ______pounds current money for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs to jointly and __________firmly by those present sealed with your seals and dated this 5th day of April 1803.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas a license is about to____ to for a marriage intended between
Henry DUNCAN and Polly Combs. Now if there is no lawful cause to obstruct this marriage the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force. Henry DUNCAN/Baylis____________.Wit: Tho MONTGOMERY. (Transcribed by Combs Researcher bejara@apex.net)
Notes: One Henry DUNCAN appears on the 1800
Jefferson Co., KY tax list (no Combs); another on the 20 Aug 1800 Nelson Co., KY tax list. One Thomas MONTGOMERY is listed on the 23 Aug 1800 Lincoln Co., KY tax list. A Balis CLOUD is on the 20 Aug 1800 Boone Co., KY tax list (no Combs). Henry & Mary "Polly" Combs Duncan are listed adjacent to her father on the 1820 Bath Co.,, KY Census, and later found in Madison Co., KY, thence in Cooper Co., MO (See also Combs-Duncan Families)
1804 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1 – Henry Baughman
p. 3, 18 Jun. Comes John………….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 3, 18 Jun. Comes Stephen………1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr;
10a 2nd rated land, Lincoln Co., Dicks R., name ent. Thomas Owsley, sur & pat. same; 150a 2nd rated, Nelson Co., Simson C., name ent. Joseph Comes, sur & pat. same
List #2 – Hugh Magill
p.9, 6 Jun. GOOD Campbell……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr; 100a
3rd rated, Lincoln Co., Green R.; 133a 3rd rated, Lincoln Co., Green R.
p. 9, 6 Jun. GOOD William………1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
List #4 – Buford Peyton
p. 4, 5 Jun.. Critchfield Arthur….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr
Critchfield James….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 4hr
p.4, 6 Jun.. Critchfield George…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr; 72a 3rd
rated, Lincoln Co., Rolling Fk, ent. name Logwood
p.5, 13 Jun. Combs John……….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 6, 18 Aug. Combs William……1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 1blk>16, tot blk=1, 8hr
p. 10 GOODE, Flemin, Jinny, Benjamin, Benjamin Jr.
p. 21, 27 Jun. STACY Benjamin…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
14 Jun 1804 abstracted from FHC IGI record needed: Angeletta Combs married John Lipsey
NOTE: Angeletta Combs, was the daughter of
Stephen Combs and Barbara Allen; John and Angella res. 1810 Garrard Co., KY 1820 Pulaski Co., KY
1830 Wayne Co., KY See Also the family report of
John Lipsey and Angeletta Combs
28 Nov 1804 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriages) Betsy Combs & James REED (Marriage CD - record
Notes: Alpheus H. Harlan's The Harlan Family, pp. 256-7, states that Betsy was the daughter of Stephen & Barbara ALLEN Combs, stating "Elizabeth, married James REED, a physician." This marriage not found in Cook's Lincoln Co., KY Records, and marriage source not known, nor why she is considered a daughter of Stephen.
1805 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1 – Henry Baughman
p. 3, 11 Jun. Comes John……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 3, 5 Jun. Comes William…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 3, 19 Jun. Comes Stephen…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr; 10 2nd rated, Lincoln Co., Dicks R., ent. name Thos Oswley, sur & pat. same; 150a 2nd rated Nelson Co., Simson Cr, ent. name Joseph Comes, sur & pat. same
List #2
p. 7, 27 Jun. Crutchfield Arthur..1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 7, 27 Jun. Crutchfield James..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 7, 27 Jun. Combs John….…1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 7, 19 Jul. Combs William…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 4hr; 400a 3rd rated, Lincoln Co., Hanging Fk,
p. 13 GOOD, Benjamin, John [Campbell & William in List #3]
SE Note: John Christian was still listed with land on White Oak. I question the data for John COMBS since it shows him with the extra male. This entry needs checking again. However, a John Combs Jnr. does show up on the Lincoln Co., tax list the following year.
23 Dec 1805 (Lincoln Co., KY MarriageBonds/Consents) Consent of Thomas DAVIS and Elizabeth DAVIS for their daughter Nancy DAVIS to marry William Combs. December 23,1805. Witnessed by Archeble DAVIS and Nathan DAVIS. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I, by Michael L.Cook,
Notes: Who was this? William Combs, born before 1784 (no consent, thus at least 21 years of age?) Given the young age of the bride, he would seem likely to be a son of one of the elder Combs, possibly Stephen given that a Joseph DAVIESS
[sic] witnessed the 1800 marriage of his daughter, Nancy? Both Harlan and Josiah H. Combs'Combs Genealogy list a son, William, for Stephen and Barbara Combs Allen, but with no additional information. However, it would seem just as possible that he was a son of either the elder William or John? Is this
the William Combs of the 1810 Lincoln Co., KY census? And/or could the above Nancy DAVIS Combs have been the same "stray" Nancy Combs found in the records of Floyd Co., KY marrying a James BATES (she was an adult, perhaps a widow?)?
1806 Tax Lists Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1 – Henry Baughman
p. 3, 10 Jun. Comes John…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 3, 10 Jun. Comes Stephen…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr; 10a 2nd rated, Lincoln Co., Dicks R., ent. name Thomas Owsley, sur & pat. same; 150a 2nd rated, Nelson Co., Simson C, ent. name Joseph Comes, sur & pat. same
p. 3, 16 Jun. Comes William…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 12, 20 Jun. JONES William…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 21, 19 Jun. REID James……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
List #2 – Geo McRoberts Company
p. 9, 31 Jul . Combs John……...1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 9, 31 Jul. Combs John Jun…0wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 10, 14 Aug . Combs William….1wm>21, 1wm 16-21, 1blk>16, tot blk=1, 3hr; 350a 3rd rated, W. White Oak, ent. name Reid, surv same, pat. Will Combs
p. 19, 31 Jul . HUNLEY James…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr
p. 31, 31 Jul. RUSSELL Ephraim.…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr; 164a 3rd
rated land, Lincoln Co., Green R., ent. name E. Russell, sur. & pat. same
SE Note : John Combs, John Combs Jr., James HUNLEY, and Ephraim RUSSELL all listed on same date of 31 July 1806. In 1805, John Combs shows an extra male in his household. A John Combs Jun. pops up in 1806 and the older John no longer has an extra tithe. Then a John Combs appears in the 1808 Casey Co., Ky. tax list with 174a on Knob Lick entered in
the name of E. Russell who is still in Lincoln Co. in 1808 showing no land. John Jun. is back in 1809 in Lincoln Co. as John Combs Jun. with the 174a on Knob Lick. In 1809, both John Sr. and John Jr. are listed. On 2 Dec. 1807, Sanders RUSSELL and Edward Russell witnessed the consent of John Combs for the marriage of his daughter Nancy to Joseph GOODE. Sanders RUSSELL was the surety for this marriage. On 10 May 1809 in Lincoln Co., Ky., Sanders RUSSELL married Polly, daughter of
John Combs. Then, on 2 Nov. 1810, James Hundley married Sally Combs, daughter of John Combs who gave his consent. Her brother Benjamin Combs was the surety for this marriage.
1807 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1
p. 3, 8 Jul. Comes John…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr; 120 3rd rated, Rockcastle, Lincoln Co., no name information
p. 4, 4 Jun. Combes Stephen..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr; 10a 2nd rated,
Dicks R., Lincoln Co., no name info
p. 4, 4 Jun. Combs John…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 22 25 Jul. REED James……1wm>21, 0wm 1021, 0blk?16, tot blk=0, 2hr
List #2 – Hugh Magill
p. 13, 23 Jun. Combs John…….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 19, 18 Aug. HUNLEY James…..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 31, 18 Aug. RUSSELL Ephraim..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
SE Note: Ephraim RUSSELL no longer has his 164a of land. It is with John Combs in Casey Co. (see 1808 Casey Co., Ky. records). William Combs of White Oak/Hanging Fork is also in Casey Co. However, by 1809, John Combs Junr is back in Lincoln Co., and he is listed with the 174
acres on Knob Lick that is shown to be in Casey Co.
02 Dec 1807 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bond) Know ye by these presents that I John Combs of Lincoln Co & State of KY do grant that Joseph GOODE of said Co & state and Nancy, my daughter shall join in the
bonds of matrimony. Given under my hand this 2d December 1807, test: Sanders RUSSELL; Edward RUSSELL. (KY
Pioneers & Their Descendants, compiled by Ila Earle Fowler for Kentucky Society Daughters of Colonial Wars (1941-1950)
Lib of Congress Card 67-16864)
02 Dec 1807 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bonds/Consents) Bond of Joseph GOODE to marry Nancy Combs
, with Sanders RUSSELL as surety, December 2, 1807. Consent of John Combs for his daughter. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I , by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Notes: Joseph & Nancy Combs Goode are found in 1810 in Casey Co., KY on the same census page as her sister, Barbarah Combs Stacy.
See also Sanders RUSSELL'S marriage in 1809 in Lincoln Co to John Combs' daughter, Polly.
1808 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1 – No Combs
List #2 – Hugh Magill
p. 5, 26 Jul. Comes, John……..1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr
p. 5, 26 Jul. Cruchfield Arthur…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 4hr
p. 23, 30 May RUSSELL Sanders….1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 23, 30 May RUSSELL Ephraim…1wm>21, 0wm 16-21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
1809 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
List #1
p. 9, 12 Jul. Combs John Senr….1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
Combs John Junr….1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr ; 174a Casey Co., Knob lick, N=Ephraim Russell, same, blank
p. 30 7 Aug. RUSSELL Ephraim…..1wm>21, 0wm>16, tot blk=0, 2hr
p. 31 11 Jul. STACY Benjamin……1wm>21, 0wm>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
Note: Benjamin Stacy, who married Barbara Combs, daughter of of John “8” Combs, is back in Lincoln Co., Ky. He is in Casey Co. in 1810.
List #2
p. 4 12 May. Combs William….1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
15 May. Combs John…….1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
Note: Stephen Combs not listed this year. There is a Stephen Combs in the 1809 Washington Co. tax list as well as a William Combs. Stephen returns in 1811.
13 Feb 1809 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bonds/Consents) Bond of John WILSON to marry Jane Combs
, with John Combs as surety, February 13, 1809. Consent of Stephen Combs and Barbary Combs for their daughter, same date, witnessed by John Combsand Benjamin WARREN. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I, by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Notes: The inclusion of Stephen's wife, Barbara ALLEN, in this record documents that Stephen and Barbara ALLEN Combs of Loudoun Co VA were the same as of Lincoln Co., KY. According to both Harlan andCombs, one of Stephen Combs' children was named Jane and "married a WILCHER." A marriage CD also lists this surname as WILCHER (source not known). The 1810 Lincoln Co., KY census includes John WILSHIR/WELSHER (transcribed both ways), and no John WILSON (which is meaningless since this name is too common to trace to other counties without more information). Also note that we have not identified this John Combs (there were two in Lincoln Co., KY by 1810). He would appear likely to have been the same who was on
the same tax list as Stephen in 1800, but could he have been RW John Combs? Also Note the William WARREN in the1798 marriage of William Combs' daughter. Were the WARRENS kin to each other? If so, is this an indication of a relationship between
the Shenandoah and Loudoun Co VA Combs? What is the significance, if any, of the fact that one John Combs of Lincoln Co., KY had a daughter named Barbara?
10 May 1809 (Lincoln Co., KY MarriageBonds/Consents) Bond of Sanders RUSSELL to marry Polly Combs, with Joseph GOOD as surety, May 10, 1809. Consent of John Combs for his daughter, May 10, 1809, witnessed by William MORRISON and Joseph GOOD. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I, by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Notes: Sanders RUSSELL was a witness at 1807 Lincoln Co., KY marriage of Joseph GOODE & Nancy Combs, daughter of RW John Combs (1761), thus even though not named by Margaret Combs Lewis in her Dickey Diary Interview, it appears that Polly is another daughter of RW John Combs. Also note the presence of William MORRISON and see George MORRISON of Sullivan Co TN. Were these two MORRISONS kin to each other?
1810 Lincoln Co., KY Census (Transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Kendricks who adds that this census enumeration was, unfortunately, alpha by first letter of surname; thus the page #s do not reflect "neighborhoods.")
White males: 0-9 10-15 16-25 26-44 45+
Females: 0-910-15 16-25 26-44 45+ F.P. Slaves
Note: The birth year range of eldest male in HH has been added after stats.
William Combs pg 112 10010-10100-00 (b 1765-1784)
Richard COMES pg 112 11210-40010-00 (b 1765-1784)
John Combs pg 113 00010-00010-00 (b 1765-1784)
John Combs pg 113 11301-22110-00 (bef 1765)
Stepen Combs pg 113 01001-12101-00 (bef 1765)
DH Notes: None of the above five Combs were listed adjacent to each other-- possibly indicating also that none lived adjacent (or even near to) each other. William Combs' name (immediately between a Moses COLLIER and a Joseph CAMMELL
[CAMPBELL?]) appeared 20 names before that of Richard COMES (listed immediately between a John CLOYD and a William CRAIG); and Richard's name appeared 33 names before that of the first John Combs (listed between Lewis COOCK [COOK? COCK?]
and Caleb COOPER), and the first John's name was listed 8 names before that of the second John Combs (immediately between Conrad CARPENTER and CLAMPETT), and the 2nd John's name appeared 15 names before that of Stephen Combs (the last name beginning with "C" and immediately following that of a Rebecca CROW).
By 1810, some of the Combs had moved on; i.e., (1) it "appears" that RW William "8" Combs; Benjamin STACEY (married Barbara Combs, daughter of John) and Joseph GOODE (married Nancy Combs, daughter of John), are the same found on the 1810 Casey Co., KY Census (Casey from Lincoln in 1806-7); and (2) Aaron and Jacob HARLAN, and James REED (married Stephen Combs' daughters) are found in Barren Co., KY in 1810.
GIVENS, William, Page 117: 20010-20010-09
GOOD, Benjamin State, Page 117: 20101-11010-00
RUSSELL, Sanders, Page 131: 00100-00200-00 (married Polly Combs 1809)
(Census Index: U.S.Selected Counties, 1810, Census CD) Note:This second source is "untrustworthy," added only for insight as to others in the county this year). Also note the second female in the house of Sanders and Polly Combs Russell.
1810 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above): No Tax Book for this year.
02 Nov 1810 (Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bonds/Consents) Bond of James HUNDLEY to marry Sally Combs, with BenjaminCombs as surety, November 2, 1810. Consent of John Combs for his daughter, November 1, 1810, witnessed by Benjamin Combs. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Rhoda Fone from Lincoln County Kentucky Records, Volume I , by Michael L. Cook, C.G.)
Notes: According to both the Dickey Diary
Interview of his granddaughter, Margaret Combs Lewis, and the pension application of Revolutionary War Soldier John Combs (1761), the above Sally Combs Hundley was his daughter. She later married Claiborne Combs, son of George "8" & Lydia HARRELL Combs. (See Owsley Co., KY) The above Benjamin Combs was probably Sally's brother, married 1816 in Clay Co., KY, Jane BROWN (he is not found in earlier records, including census). By 1813, RW John Combs and many members of his family were in Clay Co., KY.
1811 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above) No tax list identification number or book number. Appears to be one large list.
p. 13 Combs Wm…no land……..1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 14 Combs Stephen……………1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2hr;
50a(3 rd) Lincoln Co., D. River
p. 14 Combs John……………….1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 2h;
166a(3 rd) Casey Co ., Nob lick
p. 32 HARLIN Jacob……………….1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 5h
p. 34 HUNDLEY James………..1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0hr; (no land, no horse)
1812 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
p. 11 Combs Wm…no land……..1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
1813 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
p. 8 Combs Wm…no land……..1wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 44 SANDERS Russell..0a……. wm>21, 0wm>16, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr
1814 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
p. 9 Combs Stephen…..0a……..1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
Combs John………0a……..1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 11 Combs William…..0a……..1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 50 SANDERS Russell…0a……1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 5hr
1815, 1816 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above): No Combs for these years.
1817 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
p. 11 Combs John……..0a………1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
p. 20 GOODE Joseph…0a………1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 0hr
1818 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above): No
Combs for this year.
1819 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
p. 23 GOOD Joseph…0a………..1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
p. 23 SANDERS Russell..0a…….1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 3hr
p. 35 Combs John…….0a……….1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk-0, 0hr
p. 37 Combs William…0a……….1wm>21, 0blk>16, tot blk=0, 1hr
1820 US Census Lincoln Co., KY extracted and submitted by Sue Elfving using microfilm of original
(no Combs by surname)
Joseph GOODE, p. 061 (not looked up yet)
SANDERS Russell p. 021
2 males <10 2 females <10
1male 26-45 1female 10-16
1 female 26-45
1 male <10 1 female 16-26
1 female 26-45
1 female >45
SE Note: Sanders RUSSELL, marrked 1809 Lincoln Co., KY, Polly Combs, and Joseph GOODE, married 1807, Nancy Combs, daughter of RW John Combs. Looks like Ebenezer BLACKISTON has died and this census entry is for Lettice Combs Blackiston. She is likely the female age 26-45 having married on 2 July 1798 in Lincoln Co., Ky. The identity of the older female (b. before 1775) is unknown.
1820 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
No Combs for this year.
GOOD, Joseph
SANDERS, Russell
1821 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
No Combs for this year.
GOOD, Joseph
SANDERS, Russell
1822 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
No Combs for this year.
GOOD, Joseph
SANDERS, Russell
1823 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
No Combs for this year.
GOODE, Joseph
1824 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
No Combs for this year.
GOODE, Joseph
1825 Tax List Lincoln Co., KY submitted by Sue Elving (see note above)
No Combs for this year.
SANDERS, Russell
27 Nov 1826 Lincoln Co., KY Marriage Bond: Mr. Thomas HELM this is to authorize you to grant my son Lorenzy GOODE marriage license to marry Milly Ann STIGALL. Given under my hand this 27th day of November, 1826. Joseph GOODE. Sworn to by Samuel GIVENS, Nov 29, 1826. witness Samuel GIVENS, Margis HELM.
State of Ky, County of Lincoln.
I, V.C. GILLILAND, clerk of Lincoln County court do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the order from Joseph GOOD authorizing his son Lorenzy GOOD to marry Milly Ann STIGALL as appears of record in my office. Witness my
hand this 30th day of November, 1937 [sic]. V. C. GILLILAND, clerk (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from Kentucky
Pioneers and Their Descendants by Ila Earle Fowler)
Notes: Lorenzo Dow GOODE was the son of
Joseph and Nancy Combs Goode, and are next found in Washington Co., KY where her father was in their 1840 census household. Note
also the presence of Samuel GIVENS (See Above).
11 April 1930 Kentucky Death Certificate: Armina Combs, white, female, married; age 59 yrs;
born: 1871 Ky; died: 11 April 1930 Lincoln Co., Ky; buried: Davis? Cem. 11 Apr 1930 by Glady BEANER of Waynesboro, Ky; daughter of Jef Combs born Ky & Nerva Combs born Ky; informant: E. L. DAVIDSON of Waynesboro,
Ky. (Death Certificate transcribed by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Note: Armina Combs actually was born ca 1869 & was listed on the 1870 & 1880 Perry Co., Ky Census with her parents and later she is found on the 1900 Jackson Co., Ky Census listed as HUNDLEY.