![]() | Early Families of St. Mary’s Co, MD Who Later Settled in Westmoreland Co, VA 1633-1656 |
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Early St. Mary’s County families who settled in Maryland beginning in 1634/4, some arriving on the Ark and Dove, and who then resettled in Northumberland (later Westmoreland) County, Virginia, were closely associated and/or acquainted with Combs &c families and their neighbors. Following are records for BROOKE, WICKLIFFE/WHITCLIFFE, BALDRIDGE, BROWN, WASHINGTON, COLE, BUTLER, and others who were prominent in both St. Mary’s and Westmoreland. Nathaniel POPE, whose daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON (ancestor of George Washington), and James and Capt. Thomas BALDRIDGE were part of this community who continued their associations and became neighbors in Westmoreland. Many were involved in trade between the colonies and England and formed strong alliances with each other through marriages that lasted for generations. Records would seem to indicate that if one was a merchant or mariner, they had dealings with almost everyone up and down the coast and intermarried often.
Of special interest is Henry BROOKE, styled first as Boatwright of St. Mary’s and then Planter and Shipwright of Appomatox, who married Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe, widow of David WICKLIFFE of St. Mary’s Co, and who removed to Westmoreland Co (then Northumberland), Virginia by 1648/9 and was the father of Jane BROOKE Higdon Brown. An unanswered question is whether Henry the Shipwright was related to Henry BROOKE Senior and Nicholas BROOKE Senior, both citizens and grocers of London, and their respective merchant sons Henry BROOKE the Younger, Merchant, and Nicholas BROOKE the Younger. Henry Junior purchased land in York Co, VA in 1643, sold that land to Nicholas Junior in 1645 who then sold the land to his father Nicholas Senior in 1649. Henry BROOKE the Younger was deceased by 1646 and numerous records relating to this foursome are found in York County and in St. Mary’s Co. It is sometime difficult to differentiate between records for the two Henry's in St. Mary’s although easier when it is understood that one was primarily engaged in trade and the other was styled as boatwright, had land, married in St. Mary’s and is clearly distinguished in records from the merchants.
On 20 Jun 1632, Charles I of England granted to Caecilius (Cecil) Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, the charter for the Province of Maryland. Calvert (and his father, George Calvert before him) had long been recruiting “gentlemen investors”… The Ark and Dove, the latter being primarily a supply ship, set sail from Gravesend in mid-October 1733, put in at Cowes on the Isle of Wright off Portsmouth, England, and then embarked on their yoyage across the Atlantic. Those who boarded at Gravesend had to take an oath of fidelity to Charles I of England. The Ark arrived first at Barbadoes on 3 January 1633/4 and the Dove followed three weeks later. From Barbadoes they sailed to Point Comfort, Virginia, arriving on 27 Feb 1633/4 where they resupplied the ships and then headed north to Chesapeake Bay. By 25 March they landed at St. Clement's Manor in present-day St. Mary’s County. They were the second group of settlers in the province of Maryland, the first being the Isle of Kent and established in 1631 by William Claybourn. No ship lists are extant but passenger lists have been developed from secondary sources: “Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants,”, Mrs. G. W. Hodges, Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938, and The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate, self-published, Washington, D.C., 1968 by Harry Wright Newman.
(Source: The Ark and the Dove by USGenNet Patrons Rhoda Fone & Carole Hammett (2001))
15 Feb 1633 Thomas BUTLER, age 27 yeares [b c1606] deposed regarding a wager made in reference to a wedlock of Mr. Wm Burdett and the Widdowe SANDERS in Virginia.
(PA Mag of History & Biography, “Quaint Virginia Records”, 1892, p. 70)
NOTES: The above may refer to records in Northampton Co, VA., and another record also includes references to Joane, wife of Thomas, apparently the couple in the Isle of Kent. Kathy Manley Nystrom, in a Rootsweb post, states the following about Thomas and Joan: “Thomas Butler began as a haberdasher in London…. He married Jan 16, 1625/26 in St. Magnus Martyr Church, London, a widow, Joan Christopher (Mt. Stephen). She goes on to say that William CLAIBORNE had married Elizabeth, a sister to Thomas Butler. Maryland records show that Thomas died and his widow Joane married Edward THOMPSON and then removed to Westmoreland, although Joane may have deceased before the actual move (d. by 1650)
25 Mar 1634 Ms. Hodges list includes: Mr. Richard COLE and Mr. Richard DUKE, Wm BROWNE, Cuthbert FENWICK, Nicholas HARVEY, John HILLIERD, John HOLLIS aka HOLLOWES [HALLOWES].
Newman's list includes: James BALDRIDGE, Gent (No Proof of Entry), Thomas BALDRIDGE, Gent (No Proof of Entry), William BROWNE(Transported), Richard COLE (Transported), Richard DUKE Gent (Transported), Cutbeth FENWICK Esqr. (Transported), John HALLOWES aka HOLLIS, Gent (Transported), Nicholas HERVEY Gent (Transported), John HILLARD (Transported), William LEWIS Gent (Transported), John WELLS (unknown). Crew included John BOULTER, Purser and steward of the Ark.
1636 David WICKLIFFE'S 9 Oct 1640 demand for 50 acres of land stated he transported himself into the province in 1636 (see record below). There was no mention of a wife or children in this record but his wife's name was Jane, maiden name unknown, and she is documented in subsequent records as such and to also have remarried to Henry BROOKE who was the father of Jane BROOKE Higden Browne Campbell?, whose allied family connections to John Combs and Ann “Hannah” (MASON?) Roe? are considered significant. David WICKLIFF(E) aka David WHITCLIFF(E) is documented as a Protestant Catholic, and is not found in records after Sep 1642; however, by June 1643, the widd. whitcliff appears. One question is whether David could be the same as the ____ WICKLIFFE of an entry dated 1635 listing names appearing in papers in the suit of Wm CLAYBORNE agst CLOBERY & Co (Accomack Co, VA). William CLAYBORNE established the first white settlement in Maryland on the Isle of Kent in 1631.
6 Apr 1637 Adm. of estate of Zachariah Mottershead granted to James BALDRIDGE.
(MD State Archives, hereafter MD SA, Court & Testamentary Business hereafter CTB, p. 24)
30 Dec 1637 Warrant for John BUTLER of the Isle of Kent.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:4)
20 Jan 1637/8 Commission of Sheriff to James BALDRIDGE. St. Maries Co. Appointed both sheriff and coroner.
(MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:61)
28 Feb 1637/8 Grand Jury included: Tho BALDRIDGE, Nathaniel POPE, Francis GRAY, Thomas GREEN, Gent, Marmaduke SNOW Gent, Robert Vaughan.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:21)
20 Mar 1638 Thomas BALDRIDGE sworn in as Sheriff and coroner for 1 year.
(MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:85)
NOTES: James BALDRIDGE, planter, prominent in early St. Mary’s records, and his brother Capt. Thomas BALDRIDGE, planter, removed to Virginia by 1649 where they are found in early Northumberland records as neighbors and associates of the BROOKES, POPES, and BRIDGES. His wife, named Dorothy, and his descendants are closely allied with the BUTLERS, LISSONS [SISSON], and WICKLIFFES. Capt. Thomas dropped out of St. Mary’s records in 1644 and spent some time in Barbadoes per this letter he wrote dated 9 Sep 1649 from Thomas Baldreage in Barbadoes “To my ever loveing Cosen Mr Tho: Baldreage liveing in Potomack river over against Maryland or for Mr James Baldreage…” wherein he states he is now in Barbadoes and refers to a gentlewoman who was a previous neighbor of his in Virginia who had since come to Barbadoes regarding the estate of her husband but now is returning to Virginia… (W&M Qtrly, Series 1, v15#3:35/36). It is not clear whether this James BALDRIDGE and the James BALDRIDGE, (age 55 in 1645) yeoman, of Westminister, Cty Middlesex, who testified about Leonard Calvert taking possession of the Isle of Kent (The Ark and Dove Adventurers, p. 11, record below) are the same. Undoubtedly they were related. James of Westsmoreland wrote his will on 27 Nov 1658 and it was proved on 10 Jan 1658/9 in Westmoreland, naming only his wife Dorothy and one Daniel LISSON aka SISSON, possible son-in-law and the documented brother-in-law to one Mary (BALDRIGE?) who married (1) Nathaniel POPE (s/o of Nathaniel POPE I of St. Mary’s Co, MD and later Westmoreland Co, VA), (2) Mr. BRIDGES, (3) Lewis NICHOLAS, and (4) David WICKLIFFE II (s/o of David WICKLIFFE I of St. Mary's Co and his wife Jane UNKNOWN, later wife of Henry BROOKE)
30 Apr 1638 Entered by Capt. George EVOLIN for the manor of Evolinton in the Baronie of St. Maries…included the names of Thomas HEBDEN, David WICKILIFF, John WALKER, John HILL….
(MD Patents Certificates & Warrants 1637-1654, Hall of Records hereafter MDPC&W HoR, v1:19, FHC Film #0013063)
1 Jul 1638 William LEWIS Gent. informed Capt. CORNWALLIS about a petition from “certaine” servant of his to Sr. John Harvey to be presented at Chapell in St. Mary’s where the Catholics worshipped for the purpose of procuring the signatures of all Protestants. A 1642 court record documents that David WICKLIFFE presented a petition in the name of the protestant Catholics wherein they complained that Thomas GERRARD, a Catholic, had taken away their books and the key to the chapel where they met. Gerrard was fined for his actions. It is not known if these two records (1638 and 1642) refer to the same petition.
(MD Hist Magazine, 1916, v11#1, p. 9-12, orig: MD Archives of the Provincial Court 1637-1650, p. 35, 119)
NOTE: This record suggests that David WICKLIFFE was likely a “Protestant”.
22 Nov 1638 Elizabeth BROOKS transported by Mr. FULTON & Mr. WORLEY who also transported Giles BRENT.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:18, FHC Film #0013063)
No further information about this Elizabeth is known. She is also included in the transportation list of the sisters Mrs. Margaret and Mary BRENT. Another BROOKS family (that of Robert Esqr) immigrated from England in 1650 per record.
4 Feb 163/7 Segt Thomas BALDRIDGE took oath to administer the goods of Edward BATEMAN deceased.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:54-55)
25-27 Feb 1639 Order by Leonard CALVERT 100 acres to be set forth for Nathaniel POPE lying upon the north side of St. John's Creek, and bounding upon the north side with a swamp in St. Maries Bay called Pope's Swamp and to deed him a patent for it in freehold….parcel set forth for Nathaniel POPE by John LEWGER for land bounding on the west with St. Maries Bay, on the South with St. John's Creek and the Town Land of John LEWGER Esqr on the East with the Northern branch of the said St. John's Creek.….patent to Nathaniel POPE of St. Maries hundred dated 27 Feb 1639.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:53-5, FHC Film #0013063)
NOTES: Nathaniel POPE I [Sr.] later removed to Northumberland/Westmoreland Co., VA. His daughter Ann married Major John WASHINGTON (ancestor of George WASHINGTON). The POPE descendants figure substantially in Virginia records with Combs &c associated and allied families.
5 Jun 1639 John HALLOWES aka HOLLIS married Restitusa TUE.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:138, FHC Film #0013063)
John deposed in 1653 (see below) that he was age 40 or thereabouts [b c1613]; therefore this marriage may have been his first.
May 1640 Captain John BUTLER (Boteler) Gent. of the Isle of Kent, deposed he was 39 [b c1601] and a native of Roxswell pa, Co. Essex.
(To Maryland From Overseas, orig: Md Archives, v4:69 & v5:212). One John BOULTER was a purser on the Ark and Dove.)
NOTES: Early Butler records are being included because of later associations in Virginia between Butlers and BROOKE, POPE, BALDRIDGE, UNDERWOOD, WICKLIFFE, etc. Nathaniel POPE'S daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant of the Butler/Duke of ORMONDE line.
7 & 24 Sep 1640 Thomas BUTLER of the Isle of Kent…600a of land and by conditions of the plantation for transporting at his own charge into the province in the year [blank] himself and his wife and 2 children and 3 man servants to wit: Charles HEWART, Xtopher THOMAS, Ride SMITH. Robert CLARK ordered survey and patent dated 24 Sep 1640 issued for land on the East side of [blank] Isle of Kent…Butler's Creek…Cox's Bay….
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:86-87, FHC Film #0013063)
NOTES: Joane, wife of Thomas, remarried Edward THOMPSON, shortly after her husband’s decease. She herself was deceased by 1650 and her husband Edward was named guardian of the children. The family removed to Westmoreland.
7-8 Dec 1640 200a warrant for Capt. John BUTLER.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:93, FHC Film #0013063)
9 Oct 1640 David WICKELIFF demands the 50 acres of land being part of the land due him by conditions of plantation for transporting himself into the province in the year of 1636. 13 Nov 1640…laid out for David WICKLIFF a parcel of land bounding on the North with the land of George PYE on the south with land of Hutton CORBOTT …patent granted 14 Nov 1640. MD and states land in manor of St. George's.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:103, FHC Film #0013063)
NOTES: This record might suggest that David immigrated by himself since he is only demanding 50 acres. For some reason he was entitled to a total of 200 acres (or an additional 200 acres) that he assigned to one William LEWIS (see July 1650 record)
27 Oct 1640 Patent for Nicholas COSSIN [Cawseen aka Causseen] for 50 acres that was assigned by Thomas CHARINTON and formerly possessed by same.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:106, FHC Film #0013063, orig. Liber F:120)
Nicholas COSSIN was a neighbor and associate of David and Jane WICKLIFFE. Nicholas married Jane COCKSHOTT, the widow of John, and is in later court records with Henry BROOKE, planter of Appomattox. He remained in St. Mary’s Co.
7 Dec 1640 Capt. John BUTLER prayoth to have confirmed unto him land due him…by virtue of …. Capt Clayborn…surveyed ordered 8 Dec 1640. Patent for 200a dated 9 Dec 1640.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:103, FHC Film #0013063)
1641 Captain William HAWLEY receives 2,000 acres on account of transport of 10 men into the colony. Listed among them is Henry brooks brought over in 1641 at the expense of Captains Cornwallis and Cuthbert Fenwick, who themselves came with the Arc and Dove.
(MD Land Book 1:10)
One York Co, VA record shows that a Richard HAWLEY was a servant to Mr. Henry BROOKES [Junr] merchant who was deceased by 1646.
1641 A number of St. Mary’s residents are listed in a record as having exhibited complaints and petitions on 3 dates for the year 1641. Among those listed were: Thomas BALDRIDGE planter, John HALLOWES mariner.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:67)
1642 Assessments in St. Maries: includes:
thorn baldridge 1.20, nathan pope 1.20, nicolas hervy 050, George Pye 20, david whitcliff 20, tho hebden.
25 Nov 1642 Assessments in St. Maries includes all the above name and that of henry brooks 02.
1642 Assessments upon Kent Co. Thomas Butler 4.
(MD SA, Proc of the Council of Maryland, v3:121, 123)
NOTES: The above assessment is the first record for Henry BROOKS.
1642 Thomas BUTLER begins to appear in records for the CTB.
1 Nov 1642 Tho: baldridge, for pay for his servt alex: banum. Entry in list for demandants to the colony, for accompt of pay or other charges to the expedition begun on the 21th Septemb last & finished following 13 October.
(MD SA, Proceedings of Council of MD, v3:119)
Alexander BAYNHAM, who married Ann, was the son-in-law of Dorothy BALDRIDGE. He and Ann witnessed a deed in Barbadoes, and he is mentioned in the 1649 Barbadoes letter of Thomas BALDRIDGE to his cousin Thomas BALDRIDGE in Virginia as well as being named in Dorothy’s BALDRIDGE’S will along with his 3 daughters.
2 Dec 1642 “Jane Cockshott widd complaineth agst Jane the wife of david whitcliff for vnlawfull dealing wth her the plaintifs maidservt & taking & keeping from her one red base wastcoat lined wth silk galon, wch she received of the said manservt & deteineth from her to the damage of the plf.” To the value of 100 1 tob.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:154)
NOTES: First record found for Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe. It documents that Jane COCKSHOTT was a widow by 1642 and was named administratrix of the estate of her husband John COCKSHOTT on 14 Oct 1642 and Nathan POPE and Thomas GREEN ordered to appraise his estate.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:72)
The inventory was considerable (p. 96). She later married Nicholas COSSIN aka Cawseen aka Causseen who is later mentioned in a suit by Henry BROOKE.
Sep 1642 1642. David WHITCLIFF last appearance in the Proceedings of the General Proceedings(MD SA) or court records. He appears to have deceased by June 1643 (see following)
Jun 1643 Then the complaint of widdow Whitcliff agst mr Secret. Thomas hebden for killing of swine vnlawfully, the said Tho. hebden was charged wth killing 2. swine anon after Easter last wch he sold to mr Weston who said that he did kill 2. such hoggs a month agoe, & produced Robt Kedger who testified that it was above a month agoe, & the said Tho hebden being demanded the eares, said they were at home: whervpon the Judge found that the said tho. hebden had forfeited his recognisance for not bringing their eares to the Govr or Secretary within a month after the killing; & adiudged him to pay to the Lord Propr 1000 l tob. Thomas hebden acknowledgeth himselfe to owe to the Lord Proprietarie 1000 l tob in case he shall kill any swine other then marked swine of his owne or of the owners licence in any his Lops forrests, and shall not shew both the eares together wth the skin betwixt of all swine killed by him by vertue of his license, within 1. month after the killing, vnto some one of his neighbours having swine on that side, viz either mr weston, or widd. whitcliff, or nicolas Cossin. Tho: hebden.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:207)
NOTES: The above June 1643 and March 1643[4]records suggests that David WHITCLIFF aka WICKLIFFE had deceased. The last reference to him in the Court records was Sep 1642.
Jan 1642/3 First appearance (of many) for Henry Brooks in Judicial CTB records. Listed as creditor who recovered per a judgment.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:207)
15 Apr 1643 Lt. Thomas BALDRIDGE of St. Michael's hundred.
(MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:132)
Here he is commanded to visit every house in the hundreds and take an inventory of all men able to bear arms, of all guns and ammunition, swords, etc., and to secure depositions of such from whomever. Thomas BALDRIDGE drops out of Judicial and Testamentary Business records (and also Proceedings of the Council) from 1644 to 1648 which was noticeable since he was consistently found in records beforehand. Perhaps he moved or went travelling. He is known to have been in Barbadoes. James had also dropped out of records by 1644. In 1648, one William WHEATELEY, deft., at the suit of James LANGWORTH “Sayth tht hee came under the command of Capt Tho: Baldridge, who was Capt & Comder of those Rebelis, who came to take the howse where the plfs Come [corn] was….
(MD SA, Judical and Testamentary Business, v4:453)
In 1649, there is a suit between Capt Thomas BALDRICH and Mrs Margaret BRENT. By this time, Baldridge is elsewhere, either in Barbadoes, or in Northumberland.
1644 Account entry for widd: whitcliff 0. 0. 2.
(MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v4:278)
Although this entry may indicate Jane is still a widow, she could easily have remarried by this date and therefore have been the mother of Henry's daughter Jane BROOKE Hidgen.
28 May 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of the estate of Leonard Calvert Esq 200 l of tob due from estate of Jo. Angud. and 200 l tob for price of a boate assigned from will. nash virginea; & 150 l tob for forbearance of the said last 200 l & 100 l tob for forbearance of the said first 200. & 30' tob for losse of this dayes work in coming to Court this day. Respited till Edward Packer be in Court to defend. henry brooks made oath that he adventured 150 l tob & cask in partnership wth Peter draper for the purchasing of earthen ware; & hath received no satisfaction for any part of it since. And he sheweth that the said Peter draper did purchase divers pcells of earthen ware wth the stock of tob wch was betweene them, & did vent them here to great profitt, as is notoriously knowen; & did promise the petr from time to time to give him accompt therof, & pay him his pt of the benefitt; but being prevented by death the petr is like to be defeated of the acct but prayeth to be allowed some reasonable pportion according to the knowen over rates as the said Peter sold them at. And the Judge allowed him to recover his 150 l & cask putt into the stock, but left him to his proofe for the acct of profitt.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:273)
1644 Rob. Ellyson demandeth of henry Brooks 250 l tob & cask, due for chirurgery. warn: to Court siliter.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:294)
2 Oct 1644 Thomas Bushell complaineth agst Henry Brooks boatwright, for not pforming a covenant wth the plf for making him a shallopp by midsomer day last, & wherof he hath received satisfaction for the greatest part of the price; & yet delayeth to build it to the damage of the plf to the value of 1000 l tob. warrt to warne him afore L. G. on 26. Octob to shew cause. the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. L. G. And the Court found that the plf was to find nailes, Secret: & the deft had demanded them afore midsomer, & the plf in delay & therefore dismissed the defendt without day; but ordred him to finish vp the shallopp.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:287)
NOTES: Henry is likely styled as a boatwright here to differentiate him from Henry BROOKE the merchant, s/o of Henry BROOKE Senior, citizen and grocer of London, as records for this father and son begin to appear. These documents were entered into Maryland records, either because of their trading business or because one of the Henry BROOKS was in residence, either for business or otherwise. In the below we learn that Uncle Henry [Senr] purchased the England/Colonies trading operation and interests from his brother Nicholas [Senr]. Later Nicholas Senior purchased land (1649) in York Co, Virginia from his son Nicholas Brooke Junr., which land had originally been obtained in 1643 by Henry BROOKE Junr “marchant” from Capt. Richard POPELY, who, interestingly enough, accompanied William Claybourn in his campaign to establish a settlement at the Isle of Kent. The land Henry BROOKE Junr acquired from POPELY adjoined that of one Thomas LUCAS, the same who was the third husband of Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas, mother of Col. William UNDERWOOD, whose last wife was Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood that married Archdale COMBS I after the Colonel's decease.
10 Sep 1644 A letter, dated 10 of 7ber 1644, written by Henry BROOKE, Grocer of London, to his nephew Nico BROOKE marchant Virginia. The letter states Henry's son Henry [Jr] is bringing this letter to Nicholas. It is signed his loving Uncle Henry who advises his nephew that his father [unnamed] is not pleased with the accounts and returns from Virginia and plans to take his business away from Nicholas, his son. He further writes that he [Uncle Henry] is being blamed by Nicholas' father and mother for their son keeping his father's estate for himself. He urges Nicholas to do his duty to his father and states his own innocence in the matter. The following record is an indenture dated 18 March 1640/1 (recorded in London 7 Sept 1644/5) between Nicholas Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the one part and Henry Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the other part and brother of the said Nicholas “whereas the said parties have for sundry yeares last past traded vpon partible Acco in merchandizing betweene England and virginea; And wheras also the said nicholas Brooke is resolved contented & agreed to surcease the said trade & to resigne & leave the same wholly vnto the said Henry Brooke who is likewise resolved contented & agreed to take the same trade vpon him & to runne the hazard of all adventures & debts that are incident & apperteining thervnto…” for 700 pounds, with 200 pounds due 25 March 1642, 250 pounds due 25 March 1643, and 250 pounds due 25 March 1644, Nicholas grants to the said Henry “all the estate, right title Interest property claime share part purpart and demand whatsoever that he the said nicolas Brooke hath or may or can claime challenge ask have or demand of in to or out of all & every or any plantation Lands chattells servants goods merchandises adventures debts & estate whatsoever that now are either in virginia or England belonging to the partible accot of the said trade or wch the said nicolas Brooke hath taken in his owne name in the said continent of Virginia.….” Filed 7 Sep 1744 in London.
(MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:296-9)
Entered with the above letter and indenture in Maryland records was a copy of a Power of Attorney from John GLOVER recorded 7 Feb 1644/5 by mr Henry Brook mrcht. “These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [GLOVER], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: GLOVER.”.
Jan 1644 The letter from Uncle Henry and this entry for Henry BROOKE mrchnt and Nicho. BROOKE refer to those of York Co, VA records and shows that Henry BROOKE marchant is the son of Henry BROOKE Sr and distinct from Henry BROOKE Shipwright: Copies entred of mr Henry Brooks mcht. Mr Henry Brooke dr with account list and Nicho. BROOKE Cr. Includes entry for 3000 for a shallop which was lost and 1200 in Mr. GLOVER'S hands.
(MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:294-5)
ALSO found is this this record which clearly indicates Henry's involvement in the trading business:.
“Mr Br. John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt.”.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 303)
John RAIBLEY aka RABLEY was a documented business associate of Thomas BALDRIDGE and now we have a record where Raiblie is seeking goods and money from Henry Junior. Is this a coincidence because they are all in the trading business, and is it a coincidence that the other Henry BROOKE is a boat/shipbuilder?.
NOTES: York Co, VA patent records show that Henry BROOKE the Younger purchased land from Richard POPELY on 16 March 1643, and then he conveyed this land to Nicholas BROOKE the Younger per this record dated 23 March 1645 York Co, VA. patent with Nicholas Brooke the Younger grantee for 200a Upon Queens Creek; and called the name of the middle plantation…land conveyed to Henry Brooke the Younger marchant by bill of sale 16 March 1643 from Cpt Richard Popeley and then conveyed by Henry to Nicholas 3 March 1645.
(VA. Land Office Patents No. 2, 1643-1651, p. 90, LOVA image)
12 July 1649 York Co. patent showing note of assignment from Nicholas Brooke, Jr. to Nicholas Brooke, Sr. at foot of record (VSLA Land Office Patents 1-42) for 500 acres south East upon the land formerly belonging to Thomas LUCAS; the said land formerly granted to Nicholas Brooke Junior Aug 13 1646 and purchased by the said Nicholas Brooke, Senior, of his son. the said Nicholas Brooke as by deed.
(Source: Land Office Patents No. 2, 1643-1651, p. 192)
This Thomas LUCAS is the same who was the third husband of Margaret UNKNOWN who married first Unknown UNDERWOOD, secondly Capt. John UPTON and last Thomas LUCAS Sr., born bef 1623, died 1674, in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. This Margaret was the mother of Col. William UNDERWOOD whose widow Elizabeth married Archdale COMBS I of Old Rappa Co., VA. Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD is documented as the brother of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler by virtue of the latter's 1673 will in which she refers to his son, William UNDERWOOD, Sr. as “my couzen [nephew] William UNDERWOOD the elder.”.
(Old Rappa. D&W, 1665-1677)
Col. William UNDERWOOD Sr.'s sister Elizabeth last husband was the Rev. Amory Butler. Refer to the Combs &c special report for Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas of Isle of Wight and Old Rappahannock Cos, VA.
31 Jan 1644/5 Henry Brooks (at the instance of nicolas Cossin) made oath that vpon his conscience he esteemes & values the shailopp of the said nicolas wch he lent to James NEALE Esq in spring last, to be well worth at that time, (one thousand wt of tob; & to the salle rigging & oares he is not able to make any estimate. Jurat.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 301)
7 Feb 1644 [5] februar: 7. copie recorded by mr Henry Brook mrcht. These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [Glover], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: Giover. ALSO: Mr Br. John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 303)
NOTES: The mention of John Rablie is interesting in that the 1649 letter from Thomas BALDRIDGE (in Barbadoes at the time), to his cousin Thomas Baldridge (in Virginia), refers to 12 men being sent (transported) to the house of John Rabley's [in Virginia] for the benefit of Baldridge.
(W&MQtrly, V15#3:36)
Thomas also mentions in his letter a merchant in London with whom he is engaged in business. Perhaps the merchant was Henry BROOKE, citizen and grocer of London since it appears that one Henry BROOKE was piloting a ship belonging to Mr. Rablie. In a later (1649) record, John Rabley is defined as being of the Colony of Virginia.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 513)
12 Feb 1644/5 Thomas Bushrod mrcht demandeth of henry Brooke mrcht 5000' tob, due by covenant & 400 l mr Greene tob for interest the said henry Brooke saith the demand is due to be paid at a certaine place in virginea, & that he hath appointed order for the paymt in virginea. And the Court found that the contract in demand, being made in virginea by persons then inhabiting in virginea, & touching paymt to be made at a certaine place in virginea, ought to be referred for triall & hearing to the Courte of virginea & that this Court hath no iurisdiction in the cause. copie of the order to the plf.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 307)
12 Feb 1644/5 Henry Brooke mrcht to the demand of John Rablie saith, that the demand was not so as is alledged, & if it be true that it was for Pilotage of his shipp; that the plf did not performe the duety of pilot, but brought his ship a ground & carried her beyond the port; And the plf made oath of the truth of his demand: And Tho. Rowney produced by the deft made oath that the shipp sailed by St michaels point on Satturday, & the next morning she came on ground neare about James point on the Easterne shore; & then returnd back to St michaels point on Sonday night: And the Court found for the plf. 750 l tob & cask, for the price of vse of him his shallopp & 1. man for a month.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 307)
8 Feb 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of Geo. binx 1 60 l tob due for the vse of the plfs man Edmond ward 8. daies in somer last; and the Court found for the plf 50 l tob.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 305)
21 Aug 1645 Admiralty Court case: James BALDRIDGE then of Westminister, Cty Middlesex, yeoman, age 55 [b c1590] testified about Leonard Calvert taking possession of the Isle of Kent.
(The Ark and Dove Adventurers, George Ely Russell, Donna Valley Russell, The Dove and Ark Society, p:11)
NOTES: It is not clear whether this James is the same as who was married to Dorothy and who wrote his will in Westmoreland on 26 Nov 1658; however, he must have been present when Calvert took possession and therefore have been in Maryland. A suit by Dorothy against Richard Duke the same week suggests he was the same.
26 Jan 1646[7] Jame[s] BALDRIDGE summoned as witness.
(MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:180)
29 Jan-4 Feb 1646[7] Dorothy BALDRIDGE demandeth of Richard DUKE 200 pounds of tobacco by bill ~ attachment.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:214, FHC Film #0013063)
NOTES: Dorothy is next documented as the wife of James BALDRIDGE, aka Capt. James BALDRIDGE of Westmoreland Co, VA per his 26 Nov 1658 will. Perhaps it is coincidence that Henry BROOKE, Shipwright of Westmoreland Co, VA, had a daughter Dorothy BROOKE alias BUTLER, a family closely allied with the BALDRIDGES.
1647 Oaths of Fielty [Fidelity]: Richard BROWN (27 June), John WALTON (22 Sept).
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:205, FHC Film #0013063)
5 Oct 1647 5th Octo: ffrancis Brookes of the lie of Kent, demandeth of Cuthbert ffenicke gent, executor of Henry Brookes Merchant, one man seruant and 2300 l of tobb: by bill and accomt dew to hym: Attach: to the Sherife of Kent: retur prmo die decembr.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 336)
NOTES: Henry BROOKES the merchant aka Junior has deceased. Cutbert ffenicke was the first executor, later Thomas Gerrard Esqr, and then Cuthbert again (see records below). Was Francis BROOKES of Kent the son of Robert BROOKS Esqr, progenitor of the prominent Maryland family and one who brought his entire family with him, including Francis, to Maryland in 1650, although one Francis was clearly residing there prior to 1650. The above record may not necessarily indicate (but should not be ignored either) a kinship between Francis and Henry since most everyone probably did some business with Henry BROOKE. Francis deposed on 23 April in 1662 as being 38 years [b c1629] of thereabout.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:300, FHC Film #0013063)
He may be a different Francis than that of the s/o of Robert.
3 Dec 1647 Thomas Gerrard Esqr Attorney & Admistrator of Henry Brookes mercht demandeth of Capt Robt Vaughan twenty thowsand pownds of Tob: for goods receiued of the sd Henry, under his owne hand.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 351)
2 Jan 1647[8] Sworn to oath of Fealty: Mr. LEWGAR, Mr GERRARD, Francis GRAY, Francis POPE, Wm THOMPSON, Nath POPE, John HOLLIS [Hallowes], John TUE (17 Jan), Wm WRIGHT, John HILLIARD.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:205, FHC Film #0013063)
NOTES: Francis POPE was the s/o of Nathaniel POPE. John HALLOWES transported a Mary GRAY and an Ailce GRAY into Virginia.
1647[8]. Jno HALLOWES demandeth of Henry BROOKS & Rich: COLE 2000 l Tob: & cask dew by Bill. Attachmt to the sheriffe ret. 30 ffeb.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:366)
1648 By this date, we are beginning to see those consistently in records disappear with occasional references to some being styled as being of Appomattox. The migration to Northumberland had begun.
6 Jun 1648 Account of Lord Calvert's estate contained this item: “By 1 Bill from for a shallop Hen: Brooke of 23 foote by the Keele.”.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:389)
30 Jul 1648 Att a Court held att Capt Vaughans howse Capt Giles Brent The Attorney of Tho: Gerrard Esqr admistrator of Henry Brooks att Kent 30 Jul Prnt Gouernour mercht deceased; And likewise Attorney of Mr Brent Hen: Brooks Senior, the ffather & implyor of the forenamed Hen: Brooks, Requyres tht Capt Robt Vaughan may be appoynted to giue up unto him, uppon his oath, the acct of such goods, Tobacchos & debts, as are in his hands: or as he hath disposed of, apperteyning to the estate of the aforesd Hen: Brooks deceased. Capt Robt Vaughan deliuered in uppon his oath an acct of the whole estate amounting to 13793 l Tob: & cask out of wch he proued due to himselfe by acct Bill, & Sallarig 4657 l Tob: & cask. Likewise unto others hee made appeare due in Court, wch he had satisfyed, & the Court allowed 1355 l Tob: & cask soe the Court adiudged the Attorney of Mr Gerrard to assigne unto the sd Capt Vaughan as many of the Bills, & accompts, as should satisfy the Two aboue-named summes, unto him, wch were these following Viz Mr Cox's cheare acct 375 l Tob: & cask Jno Bennetts cleare debt, by Bill & acct 439 l.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:398-99)
17 Nov 1648 Oath of Fielty. Mr. Richard BROWN.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:205, FHC Film #0013063)
8 Jan 1648 [9] An acct uppon Henry Brookes of Appamatucks 70 l Tob. & 1bb Corne, or a Boate of 15 foote by the Keele.
(MD SA, CTB, p. 468)
NOTES: This would be Henry BROOKE Shipwright of Westmoreland.
1649 These prsents doth testify that I Leonard Calvert Esqr doe Liber A. binde my self to deliver or cause to bee delivered vnto Joane Tompson for the vse of Thomas Butler deceased his Children two Cowe Calves of three monethes old some time in June next after the date hereof Witnes my hand this tenth of ffeb-feruary 1646.
(MD SA, CTB, v10:15)
8 Jun 1649 8o Junij Lres of Administracon of the estate of Mr Henry Brookes merchant granted to Mr Cuthbert ffenwick a creditor who is by oath to exhibit an Inventory by Michas next vnles &c and to keepe and make a true Accompt &c. further time allowed 25o Sept till xpãs next.
(MD SA, CTB, v4:487)
1649/50 Edward TOMPSON plft agst Mrs. Marg BRENT deft. (Executrix of Leonard Calvert Esqr deceased) concerning two cowes calves and their increase that deft was bound to deliver to the use of Joane TOMPSON deceased and her children. Joane was the widow of Thomas BUTLER (MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:543), and after her decease, he became guardian of the two children and pursued the suit for the cows and calves. In Westmoreland in 1661, Christopher Butler requests money from the estate of Edward Thompson (administrator John Washington) stating he had cared for the ill wife of Edward Thompson until she died which would mean that Edward remarried after Joane died.
Apr 1650 These prsents doth testify that I Leonard Calvert Esqr doe Liber A. binde my self to deliver or cause to bee delivered vnto Joane Tompson for the vse of Thomas Butler deceased his Children two Cowe Calves of three monethes old some time in June next after the date hereof Witnes my hand this tenth of ffeb-feruary 1646.
(MD SA, CTB, v10:15)
A later record (p. 26-27) mentions one Edward THOMPSON, Guardian, of the two children of Thomas BUTLER agst Margaret BRENT, Executrix of the Estate of Leonard CALVERT, in Northumberland [VA].
26 Apr 1650 “Knowe all men by these prsents whom it may concerne that I Henry Brookes of Apomattocks planter doe hereby constitute appoint and ordeine Georg Manners of Maryland planter my true and lawfull Attorney and in my name to sue arrest & implead recover & discharg all men who is any wayes indebted vnto mee to all intents and purposes as if I my self were personally prsent Witnes my hand the day & yeare aboue written The marke of Signed & delivered in” Henry Brookes the prsence of Nichäs Gwiter.
Henry Brookes plte The Complte by Georg Manners his Attor-Nichas Cawseene deft ney sueth to bee releived for a Gunne taken from him in the late troubles by Governor Calverts direccon vppon pmise of redelivery as hee alleadgeth. Wch Gunne being since come to the defts hands bee refuseth to deliver the same to the plte. The defendt denyeth soe farr as bee knowes that hee hath any Gunne of the pltes, but saith that Governor Calvert in his life time gave him a Gunne wch bee still hath.
Wherevppon the pite Attorney moved that the said Gunne may bee pduced in Court to morrowe to bee veiwed Wch the Court doth order accordingly and will then further pceed in the Hearing of this Cause.
(Orig Liber A:346, MD SA, CTB, 1649 50, v10:24)
1650 Henry Brookes plte According to the direccon of an order of Nichas Cawseene deft the of June last made in this Cause the deft this day brought the Gunne in question into Court to bee veiwed. And Richard COLE being sworne and examined in open Court vpon his oath saith. That the Gunne nowe pduced in Court was about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee remembers) taken by Governor Calvert deceased from the pite vpon pmise to redeliver the same to the plte at his returne from Kent. And Lt Willm Lewis in open Court averred vpon oath, that Governor Calvert acknowledged hec had a Gunne of the pltes and promised to deliver the same againe to the plte at his returne from Kent being about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee rememberes Vppon wch proofe before menconed It is ordered Liber A. that the Gunne pduced in Court bee delivered to the pltes Attorney for the pltes vse. But vppon the defts oath in open Court that the Gunne nowe pduced was given him by Governor Calvert The Court conceiving bee had good reason to stand out to a Tryall notwithstanding the demand of the Gunne by Georg Manners the pltes Attorney before the suite commenced The Court doth order that Court charges bee paid equally betweene the pite and deft.
(MD SA, CTB, 1649 50, v10:40)
NOTES: Nicholas COSSIN aka Cawseene aka Causseen was a neighbor of David and Jane WICKLIFFE, and he later married Jane COCKSHOTT, the widow of John, and the same who sued Jane WHITCLIFF. And here again we have the appearance of Richard COLE in records associated with Henry and Jane. See Jane's statement of 11 Oct 1650.
30 Jun 1650 Names of people to come out of England and arrived in Maryland June 30 1650 at the cost and charge of Robert BROOKS Esqr Robert Brooks Mary his wife his children Baker Brooke, Thomas Brooke, Charles Brooke, Roger Brooke, Robert Brooke John Brooke, Wm Brooke, Francis Brooke, Mary Brooke, Anna Brooke, and list of man servants and maid servants including one Margaret WATTS and Agnes VEALE.
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:165, FHC Film #0013063)
ffrancis BROOKS deposed on 23 April 1662 that he was age 38 [b c1624].
(MDPC&W HoR, v1:300, FHC Film #0013063)
NOTES: This Brooks family is not known to be associated/related to Henry BROOKE but is included for reference.
11 Oct 1650 Jane wife of Henry BROOKES at the request of Willm LEWIS saith upon oath that in a bargain with her former husband david WICKLIFFE made with Cpt. Cornwallis there was due to her said husband 200 acres of land within the said Capt.'s divident the right of which said 200 acres this depont saith was given by her said former husband the Lt. Willm LEWIS And further she saith not. Jane Brooke. 11 Oct 1650. Richard COLE stated the above agreement with Willm LEWIS was 12 years since and the land was in St. Inegoes Creek….
(MD Historical Magazine, 1913, “Land Notes 1634-1655”, p. 265)
NOTES: The above identifies Jane, the wife of Henry BROOKES, as formerly married to David WICKLIFFE who is presumed to have died as he is not found in records after Sep 1642. It further suggests that Jane and David may have been married by 1638 since she was able to testify to the arrangement made between her husband and William Lewis, the date being confirmed by Richard COLE. It also establishes a relationship between Richard COLE and the WICKLIFFES (David and Jane) that began as early as 1638 in Maryland and that continued in Virginia until Richard died and he named the widow Jane BROOKES executrix of his 1663 Westmoreland Co, VA, will that also identified his wife as Alice; another interesting coincidence since Henry BROOKE listed one Ailce [Alice?] WICKLIFFE in his list of transportees for his 1650 patent in Northumberland. Also one Richard Cole came to Maryland on the Ark and the Dove along with a Mr. Richard Duke, and he called his home in Westmoreland on the Potomac “Salisbury Park” and accounts show he considered himself very highly.
(W&MQtrly, V15#3:34)
7 Jun 1653 John HALLOWES deposed he was about 40 on this date before Tho BALDRIDGE.
(MD SA, CTB, v10:279)
Probably taken in Northumberland.