![]() | Combs &c. Families of Fayette Co, PA | Southwest![]() Pennsylvania, 1796 |
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Fayette County was organized from Westmoreland County in 1783; Westmoreland from Bedford in 1773; and Bedford from Cumberland in 1771. In 1784, Fayette gained additional land from Westmoreland. Land in Southwest Pennsylvania had long been disputed by both Maryland and Virginia (possibly including what would become Fayette?), but in 1786, Virginia formally terminated her claims to jurisdiction. Combs are known to have been in present-day Fayette Co PA as early as 1769, thus records must be traced back through these parent counties.
Of the Combs Families in Fayette County, all appear to have had ties to Loudoun County, Virginia; and some to Coombs Fort of the Tonoloways Settlement in present-day Fulton County, PA (then Cumberland & Bedford Cos, PA and disputed by Frederick Co, MD).
Note: Some of the Combs later moved on to Clark County, Indiana ss-bible.html
Franklin Twp
Joseph COMBS - 100 acres - 3 horses - 2 cows
1800 Redstone Church, Franklin Twp., Fayette Co, PA. Memorandum of finances. "May 19, 1800, settled with Joseph [COMBS]: we owed him…1.4.4."
(Excerpted by Combs Researcher Thom Montgomery from “Ellis' History of Fayette County…)
1784-1811 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Smithfield, Georges Twp., Fayette Co, PA. Members included: Joseph, Ann, and William COMBES, and Jeremiah and Rhoda KENDALL, and also noted under the year 1799 are: "Ann COOMBES from Connoway Church. Jesse COOMBES and Rachel COOMBES."
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Kendall from "Western PA Gen. Soc. Qtly v.6, p.25 "Members of Mt Moriah Baptist Church. Fayette Co. 1784-1811," p. 73).
12 May 1800 Mt. Moriah Baptist Church Cemetery. Fayette Co, PA. Joseph COOMBS d: 12 May 1800. aged 75 years.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Bob Combs from "Cemeteries of Fayette Co., PA" by Fisher)
Notes: Connoway a.k.a. Tonoloway was in Bedford Co, PA, and the Combs of that county are known to have had Loudoun Co, VA roots (See 1779 marriage of Thomas FOUCH to Sarah COMBS, recorded in both Loudoun Co, VA, and in their bible record as in Bedford Co, PA). Jeremiah KENDALL was the s/o William and Jemima KIRK Kendall, gs/o William and Elizabeth COMBS Kendall of Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co, VA. A possibly conflicting record indicates that a Joseph COMBS, ca age 75, was buried at Mt. Moriah, Smithfield, Fayette Co, PA on 16 Jun 1803, so…
Georges Twp
P. 545 written page 219
COMBS, Joseph: 00101-00101-00
1 m 16-26; 1 m 45 >
1 f 16-26; 1 f 45 >
BC Note: It appears the Joseph COMBS in Franklin Twp. was either missed by the Census taker this year or was 'hiding' in another census HH.
Franklin Twp
Joseph COMBS - 100 acres - 3 horses - 2 cows
20 Jan 1802 - 09 Mar 1807. (Fayette Co PA Deeds) Indenture. Georges Twp. dated Mar. 9, 1807¼ Christian GETZSONDIVER sells to Jacob GETZENDANNER, Jr. (from MD.), land identified as having been obtained from Joseph COMBS who obtained it from a PA land patent Jan. 20, 1802.
26 Feb 1803 - 16 Jun 1803 (Fayette Co PA Will Book ??) Will of Joseph COOMBS.
In the name of God amen. I Joseph COOMBS of George Township, Fayette County and State of Pennsylvania being weak in body but in perfect mind and memory thank be given to god; but calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a Christian, decent burial at the discretion of my executors and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life. I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form - first after my just debts and reasonable expenses are paid - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Ann one third of all my personal estate also her bed and bedding for her to dispose of at her will and one third of my land during her natural life. Secondly I give and bequeath to my son John to his heirs and assigns one hundred and fifty acres strict measure of my plantation where on I now live to be laid of as convenient as it can at the upper end where he now lives. Including lands adjoining of GETZSONDIVER on the Morgantown road. Third I give and bequeath to my son William his heirs and assigns one hundred acres strict measure of my plantation whereon I now live. Including the field that he cleared. Fourth I give and bequeath the remainder of my plantation at my wife Ann's decease to be equally divided between my daughter Nancy CARR, Hannah CARR, Sarah REED, Mary GRAY and my granddaughter Ann COOMBS but if the said Ann COOMBS dies without an heir of her own body, her part is to be equally divided between my four daughters and the two thirds of my personal estate not disposed of to be equally divided between my four daughters and my granddaughter Ann COOMBS to have one bed and bedding also my son John must pay one hundred pounds in trade to the six sons of Jesse COOMBS deceased to be equally divided among them and their heirs to be paid in seven years after my decease at the rate of ten pounds the first year, then fifteen pounds every year till paid. I do there by constitute and appoint my son John COOMBS and Thomas CARR, executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby revoke and disannul al other wills ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. My witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three — these words in the twenty third — at my wife Ann decease enterlived [interlined?] before signed. Joseph [his X mark] COOMBS seal
Signed sealed and declared by the above named Joseph COOMBS to be his last will and testament in presents of us. Thos. BOWELL, Robert HANNAH, Christian GET———
Fayette County SS
The 16th day of June Anno Domino 1803 before me the subscriber register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for said county personally ——Thomas BOWELL and Christian GETZ—— TOW of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will and testament and on their solemn oaths or affirmations did declare that they saw and heard the testator acknowledge the foregoing _______ of writing to be his last will and testament that at the time of doing the same he was in his right mind to the best of their judgment the no undue influence has been used or any later will made by the deceased to the best of their knowledge or belief. Given under my hand and seal of office same day. Alexander McCLEAN, Register. Registered and compared the 16th day of June 1803.
(Combs Researcher James VanDerMark, family_man@classic.msn.com)
1789 Nelson Co, KY. Rachel GRAVES, executrix of the estate of Joseph COOMBES, purchased 423 acres of land in Nelson Co. Virginia [now-KY] for Ann COOMBES, heir of Joseph COOMBES. Wits: Joseph GRAVES, SAMUEL GRAVES.
(Combs Researcher Dale Larson)
1805 Minutes of the Redstone Baptist Association held at Turkey Foot Sept. 27,28,29, 1805 read letters from 21 churches who "were represented in Association as stated below: … Big Redstone - Benjamin JONES, Thos. WHEATLY, Robert JACKAWAY, Joseph COMBS."
(Combs Researcher Thom Mont)
2nd Monday in March 1806. Orphan Court. Petition of Henry BOWELL, one of the sons and heirs at law of Bazel BOWEL (late of Georges Twp dec'd), stating that his father lately died intestate leaving a widow, Margaret BOWELL and 11 children: Nancy w/o William COMBS, Jesse, Henry (the petitioner), Thomas, Rachel w/o William COMBS (sic), Zadock, Polly w/o William GADDIS, John, Hannah, Anna, and Bazel (the last two of which are still in their minority), a well as two grandchildren Anna and William (both of whom are still in their minority), who are the children of David BOWEL dec'd (who was a son of intestate). That his father died seized of the following tracts of land, to wit: 1) 102 3/3 acres in Georges Twp, adoining the lands of Enoch ABRAHAMS, Zadok SPRINGER Esq, Peter SMITH, John ROBINSON, and John CROSIER; 2) 125 ½ acres in Georges Twp, adjoining the lands of James ROBINSON, Melcher BAKER, John ROBINSON, Benjamin PHILIPS and Andrew (STERLING?); and 3) 90 acres in Georges Twp, adjoining lands of Benjamin PHILIPS, Andrew STERLING, and John ROBINSON.
And requesting the Court to award an Inquest to make partition ect according to law. Wherupon an inquest was awarded.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Robert George from LaFayette, July 1984 pg 16)
November 1807 Henry BOWELL, Jeremiah KENDALL, Esq, John COMBS, and Aaron JONES are bound severally and in the sum of $4336 to Margaret BOWELL (the widow) and the following children and heirs of Bazil BOWELL: Nancy wife of William COMBS, Jesse BOWELL, Thomas BOWELL, Rachel wife of William COMBS Jr. , Zadock BOWELL, Polly wife of William GADDIS, John BOWELL, Hannah BOWELL, Anna BOWELL, Bazil BOWELL, and the representatives of David BOWELL dec'd. Conditioned that the said Henry BOWELL pay unto the widow at the expiration of one year and yearly thereafter the sum of $43.36; that he pay to each of the other heirs at the expiration of one year the sum of $120.44; and that at the death of the widow he pay unto each of the other heirs the sum of $60.22
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Robert George from Fayette Co Orphans Court Abstracts)
Note: The above William COMBS (h/o Nancy BOWELL), was the s/o Joseph COMBS d 1803, Fayette Co PA. William COMBS, Jr. (h/o Rachel BOWELL) was his nephew, son of his brother, Jesse. The above Jeremiah KENDALL, born 6 Feb 1758, Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA; s/o William & Jemima KIRK Kendall, Jr., gs/o William and Elizabeth COMBS Kendall, and ggs/o John COMBS of Richmond Co, VA, declared in his Revolutionary War pension application, dated 8 Mar 1833, Fayette Co, PA, that he lived in the upper end of Stafford Co, VA with his father when he enlisted.
(Overwharton Parish Register, Stafford Co, VA, and Revolutionary War Pension File S23743). See Also below.
April Term 1808. Fayette Co, PA Orphans court. Docket 1. Thomas BOWELL, Jr bound for $3,259 to Margaret BOWEL (widow) and the heirs herinafter named of Bazel BOWEL late of Georges Twp; conditioned that the said Thomas Jr shall within 12 months form this date, and yearly thereafter, during her natural life, pat to the said Margaret $32.59. That in 12 months from this date he shall pay to William COMBS and Nancy his wife (in right of said Nancy), to Jesse BOWELL, to Henry BOWELL, to William COMBS and Rachel his wife (in right of said Rachel), to Zadok BOWELL, to William GADDIS and Polly his wife (in right of said Polly), to John BOWELL, to Hannah BOWELL, to Anna BOWELL, to Bazil BOWELL, and to Anna and William (children of David BOWELL dec's) the sum of $90.52 respectively. That at the death of said widow, he syall pay to each of the aformentioned heirs the further sum of $45.26. Acknowledged in open Court 12 Apr 1808. Sureties: Thomas BOWELL or Georges Tsp and James ROBINSON of Springhill Twp.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Robert George from LaFayette, October 1985, pg 6)
22 Apr 1809 (Fayette Co PA Book H, page 176, item 944)
To all to whom the presence shall come, Greetings, know ye that I William COOMBS of Clark County, Indiana Territory for divers good basis and considerations (…………….) have nominated, constituted and appointed and by these presence do nominate, constitute and appoint my brother John COOMBS of Fayette County Pennsylvania my true and lawfull attorney for me and in my name to do and perform the things after mentioned, to wit: whereas I have heretofore bargained and sold to Thomas CARR of Clark County Indiana Territory, one certain tract or parcel of land in the said county of Fayette, containing one hundred acres, being the same tract on which I formerly resided and which was devised to me by my father Joseph COMBS dec'd. (of Georges Twp.) Now know all men by these presence that I do authorize my said brother John to convey to the said Thomas CARR by good and affirmed deed in fee simple with a general warranty, the said one hundred acres of land, and I do hereby declare that the said conveyance true made by my said attorney shall be binding and obligatory on me and my heirs as if done by me in person. In witness I have hereto set my hand this 22nd day of April 1809. s/William COOMBS (S.S.)
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Bob Combs from microfilm copies from the Fayette Co, PA courthouse)
23 Oct 1809 ( Fayette County, PA Book F, page 298, item 821)
Where the undersigned William COOMBS of Clark County Indiana Territory, by his certain power of attorney, having date in the spring of present year, did authorize a certain John COOMBS of Fayette County Pennsylvania to convey to Joseph SHOWALTER of said county one hundred acres of land lying in Fayette County state of Pennsylvania, to which power of attorney the signature of Nancy COOMBS, wife of said William COOMBS was not affixed, nor was she a party in said power of attorney, and it being in Joseph's wish and intention that the said Nancy should become a party in the said deed of conveyance authorized is be made as aforesaid, and that all rights which she may have in said land as dower or otherwise should be relinquished. Now know all men by these presents that we the undersigned William COOMBS and Nancy COOMBS, his wife, hereby authorize the said John COMBS to inscribe in our hand a deed of conveyance to said Joseph SHOWALTER, in our name, by the power of attornet and/or to sign the said Nancy COMBS name to any deed of conveyance he may have heretofore made in (………….) and do hereby relinquish & authorize said John COMBS to relinquish all the rights and title of dower which I have in and to the said tract of land. In witness whereof we have hereto set our hands & seals this 23rd day of October 1809~~Indiana Territory Clark County. s/William COOMBS (S.S.), Nancy COOMBS (S.S.)
(Transcribed from microfilm copies from the Fayette Co., PA courthouse)
13 Jan 1810 (Fayette County, PA Book H, page 210, item 944-8)
In pursuence of a power of attorney duly authorizing me to make (………) unto Joseph SHOWALTER a claim of the right of dower of Nancy COMBS (… ) to the within described tract of land (…….) I do hereby in her name, act, hereby signing to the same, on the thirteenth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and ten. s/Nancy Coombs (S.S.) by John COMBS
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Bob Combs from microfilm copies from the Fayette Co., PA courthouse)
Franklin Twp
(Census index CD erroneously lists as Bullskin Twp.)
page 1028-1/2
Joseph COMBS
Menallen Twp
page 1004-1/2
Mahlon COMBS
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
Luzerne Twp
page 090
(Census Index CD)
1812-1814 War of 1812. "Capt Peter HERZOG of Springhill township commanded a company recruited by him in Fayette County. It was mustered into service October 2, 1812, and was assigned to duty with the forces of Gen Richard CROOKS."
(Extracted from War of 1812, Fayette Co, from “Ellis' History of Fayette County…, p180.)
Edward COOMBS, Sergeant in Capt Peter HERTZOG'S Co
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Robert George from “Ellis' History of Fayette County…)
Notes: According to the War of 1812 Pension file of Edward COOMBS (a.k.a. COMBS) he m 29 Mar 1820, Fayette, Nancy HICKMAN, later removed to Grant Co, WI, thence to Lancaster Co, WI where he d 21 Mar 1849.
John COOMBS, private in Capt. Peter HERTZOG'S Co. of 2nd PA Militia from 10/2/1812 to 4/2/1813 (assigned to duties with the forces of Gen. Richard CROOKS)
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Bob Combs from Nelson's Biographical Dictionary of Fayette Co., PA edited by J. Meyers; page 168.)
Notes: According to the War of 1812 Pension file of John COOMBS, he m 13 Jul 1823, Holmes Co, OH, Susannah RAMAGE; d 17 Aug 1876 Clay Co, IN. His widow died 4 Feb 1884, Brazil, Clay Co, IN. The file notes that John also resided in Marion Co, IN. The marriage of John and Susannah RAMMAGE Combs [sic] was, however, of record in Tuscarawas Co, OH, not Holmes (Holmes was est. from part of Tuscarawas in 1824-5, thus quite probable that they lived in that part of Tuscarawas which became Holmes?). John has not been found in the 1820 census in Tuscarawas, nor in 1830 in that county, or Holmes or Wayne Cos, OH; or in Marion Co, IN. There is a John COMBS in Marion in 1840 and later, but not yet researched. No pre-1850 John COMBS has been located in Clay as yet.
Franklin Twp
Joseph COMBS - 100 acres - 3 horses - 2 cows
Micajah COMBS - no land
Notes: This is Micajah's first appearance in tax lists. Was this the result of his having come of age? If so, assuming Micajah turned 21 in 1813-14, he would have been born ca 1790-1, which places him within 3 years of the age of Micajah COMBS of Montgomery Co, OH and Randolph Co, IN who was b ca 1787, Pennsylvania per his 1850 Randolph Co, IN census (See below).
Franklin Twp
Joseph COMBS - 100 acres - 3 horses - 2 cows
Micajah COMBS - no land
Notes: See 1820 Census below.
1818 August term Prothonotary item # 38 April Term
John COMBS next friend of Sarah COMBS vs. James WHI______ execution in favor of (Jns?) COMBS______ Jos. HUSTON. (page 74).
(Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
08 May 1819 (Holmes Co OH) "Joseph COMBS from Fayette Co, PA" bought land in Wayne Co, OH, that part which later became Holmes Co OH, on May 8, 1819. (Combs Researcher Bob Combs who adds that Joseph lived there with his (4th?) wife Elinor (Eleanor, Elliner, etc.) and family, and died there in 1827. Joseph COMBS' son, Joseph COMBS, Jr., was born in New Jersey ca 1794 according to his 1850 Auglaize Co, OH census record. Also note that Holmes and Auglaize Co, OH records link Joseph COMBS, Sr. to both Loudoun Co, VA and to Micajah COMBS, b PA ca 1787, who was of Montgomery Co OH, 1828 thru 1835, and then moved with his wife Nancy and their son Joseph, born ca 1812, PA, to Randolph Co IN. Micajah of Montgomery Co, OH, and Micajah of Franklin Twp., Fayette Co, PA, are believed to have been the same. Was Micajah a son of Joseph COMBS, Sr. of Franklin Twp., Fayette?
Springhill Twp
Edward COMBS, blacksmith, $100, no land
Notes: Edward is not listed in Fayette Co. tax lists either before or after 1820, nor has he been located on the 1820 census. It is not known for certain yet for which years Springhill tax lists are extant.
29 Mar 1820 Fayette Co, PA. Married: Edward COOMBS (COMBS) & Nancy HICKMAN (Combs &c. Families of the War of 1812)
Notes: War of 1812 Veteran Edward COMBS later removed to Grant Co, WI, thence to Lancaster Co, WI where he died 21 Mar 1849. His widow died 26 Mar 1884.
Franklin Twp
page 148
COOMBS, Micajah (see next)
Georges Twp
page 156
Franklin Township
P. 21
Micajah COOMBS
2 m < 10; 1 m 26 - 45
2 f < 10; 1 f 16 - 26
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Bob Combs)
Notes: Micajah COMBS of Franklin Twp. is no longer found in the records of Fayette Co PA after this record. He is believed to be the same who removed to (1) Montgomery Co, OH, then (2) Randolph Co, IN where, in the 1850s, Micajah's son, Joseph, appears in estate records of Joseph COMBS, Jr., s/o Joseph COMBS, Sr., also of Franklin Twp., until 1815, following which he removed to Wayne Co, OH, (that part which became Holmes Co) where later records document a connection back to Loudoun Co, VA. <tee-hee>
Franklin Twp
Mahlon COMBS - no land - 3 horses - 2 cows
Franklin Twp
Mahlon COMBS - no land - 3 horses - 2 cows
1830 Georges Twp. — …Edward COOMBS erected a wagon making shop on the Morgantown (WV) [Monongalia Co VA] road about 1830 and operated it many years before selling it to James MARTIN who then operated it for 10 - 15 years… — (Extracted from Ellis' History of Fayette County…, page 580.)
Note: Were Edward the blacksmith of 1820 and Edward the wagonmaker of 1830 one and the same? Was James MARTIN somehow kin to the Widow MARTIN who m Joseph COMBS?
Georges Twp
page 140
Edward COMBS
Georges Twp
P. 289 [only one entry]
Graham COMBS 02001100001 20101
2 m5<9; 1 m20<30; 1 m30<40; 1 m80<90
2 f<5; 1 f10<15
“John Combs 87” listed in Military Veteran column
(Source: Original census images, Ancestry.com)
Notes: Son of John Coombs and Rachel PINDELL. Graham and his wife Jane and family are next found in the 1850 Jefferson Co, IA census. John Coombs's family bible record shows a Nov. 5, 1754 date of birth. The census record is clear evidence this John Coombs served in the Revolutionary War. Graham, b 6 Feb 1808 (Combs-Pindell Family Bible Record).
23 Jun 1841 Fayette Co, PA Vital Stats. Martha COMBS born 23 June 1841 to Joseph COMBS & Rebecca JOHNSON in Menallen Twp., Fayette Co., PA
Replaces the previous posted 1850 Fayette Co, PA Census Index
(Deb Coombs)
George's Twp
p 61
261/261 Henry V. Combs m 43 m Hatter NY
Elizabeth 42 f PA
Irvine 16 m VA
John K 13 m VA
Mary E. 6 f VA
James K 5 m VA
DBNote: the above K initials could also be an H
JMWNote: John K. who died 13 Apr 1870 in Uniontown; John K. m. Eleanor ____ b.c. 1840 in England; they had five children: Isabella, John, Eleanor, George, & James K.; John K. is buried in Oak Grove Cem. Uniontown.
Union Twp
p 153
91/93 Joseph Combs 57 m farmer PA
Rebecca 35 f PA
Martha 9 f PA
John W 7 m PA
Elizabeth 5 f PA
Harriet 2 f PA
Wharton Twp
p 21B
277/277 John Coms 27 m MD
Nancy 25 f PA
Asa 7 m PA
Missouri 4 f PA
Alfred 1 m PA
Dunbar Twp
p 247
271/272 Irvin Combs 15 m carpenter PA
living in HH of Uriah Carter, 31 m carpenter PA
Note: “a theory on this one, that this Irvin age 15 is the same as the Irvine age 16 in the above first listed family (261/261); noting that Irvine's occupation continued to be listed as carpenter. He may have been sent to learn carpentry from Uriah Carter whose wife was born in Smithfield, in Georges Twp., so Henry V. may have known Uriah before Uriah moved up to Dunbar twp.” (Jane McCann Walsh)
28 Feb 1861 Married. JEFFRIES, Hiram and Marth COMBS, both of Fayette County, [PA] I 11 inst at the parsonage in Uniontown by Rev E. B. GRIFFIN
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Bob George from LaFayette, April 186, Pg 22, Marriage and Death Notices, Genius of Liberty 1861-1865)
SW: Martha
Reel no: T9-1130 ED: 52 SD: 8
South Union Twp
Sheet No: 404A; 4 Jun 1880 by: John L. Reese
34/34 Wiggins James B. W M 45 X Farmer PA PA PA
Elizabeth W F 40 Wife X Keeping House PA PA PA
Downard Jennie W F 20 Servant X Servant PA PA PA
Combs John W. W M 35 Friend X Laborer PA PA PA
Henry S. COMBS. July 02, 1818 - April 30, 1877
Abigail S. COMBS. July 21, 1819 - October 15, 1906
Esmerella COMBS. November 07, 1847 - June 15, 1927
(Combs Researcher Jane McCann Walsh)
JMW Notes: Henry S. COMBS m Abigail STILLWELL. Esmerella [Esmeralda?] is thought to have been a daughter.
(Ed. Note: Marriage Source?)