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Families of Owsley Co., KY |
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See Also Early Combs of East Kentucky
Schedule Page 277
Samuel HUNDLEY 36 M farmer Ky
Elizabeth 34 F Ky cannot read or write
James 14 M Ky
Clabourn 12 M Ky
Theophilus 7 M KY
John 5 M KY
Notes: The 1850 Owsley Co., KY Census by Misty Flannigan lists Claborn as Clarinda. Samuel HUNDLEY was the son of James & Sally Combs Hundley (Combs) (See HH#121 below) Samuel HUNDLEY married 12 May 1834, Perry Co., KY, Elizabeth Combs (Owsley Co., KY Birth Returns, female HUNDLEY b June (no day given) 1853 daughter of Samuel HUNDLEY & Elizabeth Combs and Perry Co., KY Groom's Index). Elizabeth Combs, as the wife of Samuel Hundley, was listed as the heir of George "8" Combs in an 1852 Perry Co. deed along with the wife of Samuel Combs [Eliza]. Earlier Perry Co. deed records list both Eliza and Elizabeth as daughters of George Combs. Also note: Clarbourn was previously listed as Alabama.
Schedule Page 280
48 48 Harvey Combs 34 M farmer $300 KY cannot read or write
Elizabeth 36 F KY cannot read or write
Susan 18 F KY
Elizabeth 11 F KY
James H. 8 M KY
Notes: Harvey was neè HUNDLEY, son of James & Sally Combs Hundley, and step-son of Claiborne Combs (whose surname name he used). According to Owsley Co., KY cemetery records, his daughter, Elizabeth, was born 12 May 1839, daughter of Harvey Combs (Robert L. Smith's, "Owsley Co., KY Births 1843-1930", his source Owsley Co., KY Cemetery Records by James F. Bowman & others at Ky Historical Society (KHS)).
According to the "Owsley County, Ky 1880 Annotated Census, Revised," Margaret Millar Hayes, Harvey married 1st ca 1836 Elizabeth PARSONS (1853 Owsley KY VS), born ca 1815 d 1876; 2nd married 1877 Lucretia SMITH (daughter of Thomas SMITH), who married 1st 1842 Clay Co., KY to John MOORE. (R. L. Smith lists their marriage as 12 Jan 1877 taken from vital statistics-marriages.) In addition to the 1853 Owsley VS record listing Elizabeth as a PARSONS, see also the 23 Oct 1852 Owsley VS record, which lists her as neè Combs.
According to the Dickey Diary Interview of Margaret Combs Lewis, however, Harry [sic] HUNDLEY (son of James & Sarah Combs Hundley) married "a sister of Judge Josiah Combs of Perry." Josiah H. Combs was the son of Jesse & Polly BOLLING Combs, and it is not known which sister Harvey was supposed to have married, although both "The Bowlings of East Kentucky" and The Combes Genealogy state that he married Jesse's daughter, Sarah Combs. Jesse is not known to have had a daughter named Elizabeth, and no marriage records have been located.
Schedule Page 281
63/63 Hardin Combs 55 M farmer $600 Va
Nancy 55 F Ky cannot read or write
Caroline 24 Ky cannot read or write
Pop 18 Ky
Perlinia 16 Ky
Sally 3 Ky
Notes: Hardin Combs, son of RW John "8" & Margaret Combs, & Nancy Combs, marriage bond, 08-25-1814, Clay Co., KY. Bondsman Mason Combs. Was Hardin born KY or VA? Also note Perlinia was previously listed as Perlina.
65/65 Jesse THOMAS 34 M KY
Martha 29 F
Sylvania 6 F
Elizabeth 4 F
Margaret 8/12 F
(Transcribed by Combs Researcher Tim Spence)
Notes: Martha Combs married Jesse THOMAS 3 Mar 1843, Clay Co., KY. It is believed she was the daughter of John "Jack" Combs, son of R W John Combs of Perry KY. Seeking documentation. Also note that although the 1850 Owsley Co., KY Census, transcribed by O'Connor lists the above infant as Francis, not Margaret, the 1860 Owsley Co., KY census lists Margaret, age 10. Also Note: Margaret's age was previously posted as 3/12.
72/72 John Combs 58 M Farmer 1600 TN cannot read or write
Elizabeth 47 F NC cannot read or write
Samuel 18 M farmer KY
John 16 M farmer KY
Notes: The Flannigan transcription lists John the younger as age 1. John (a.k.a. Jack) Combs, son of John & Margaret Combs, married Becca [Rebecca] Combs, 12-13-1813, Clay Co., KY (Marriage Bond, Clay Co., KY; and Dickey Diary. According to the research of Margaret Turner published in the Clay County (Ky) Ancestral News, John married 2nd on 2 Jun 1837 in Clay Co., Ky to Elizabeth HUNT Williams, daughter of John (Jonathan?) Hunt, and widow of John WILLIAMS. (Her source?) (See Also his affidavit under R W John & Margaret Combs) Also Note: Samuel, age 18, may have been enumerated twice; i.e., he may be the same listed in the 1850 Clay Co., KY HH of his brother, A. Meredith; Note: John's birth place was listed by William O'Connor as Ky.
Schedule Page 282
75/75 Lacy ABNER 39 M farmer $400 KY cannot read or write
Cintha 31 F Ky cannot read or write
Maria 12 F Ky attended school within the year
Polly 10 F Ky attended school within the year
Nancy 10 F Ky attended school within the year
John 8 M Ky attended school within the year
Manerva 6 Ky
Catharine 3 Ky
Elizabeth 2/12 KY
(Transcribed from microfilm by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)1850 Owsley Co., KY Census, transcribed by William
G. O'Connor)
Notes: Cyntha Combs m Lace ABNER 30 Mar 1837, Clay Co., KY. Who were her parents? According to both William O'Connor and researcher Marjorie Turner, Cynthia was the daughter of John "Jack" Combs and his 1st wife, wife Rebecca Combs. Their sources? Also Note: Previous version by Willim O'Connor listed Maria as 11 and Catherine as Leathaine.
Schedule Page 283
HH#86 John GABBARD 37 M farmer $100 VA
Margaret 26 F Ky
Peter 13 M Ky
Rebecca 10 F Ky
Julious 7 M Ky
Benjamin 5 M Ky
Isaac 2 M KY
Notes: John GABBARD married Margaret Combs (Dec 1856, Owsley Co., KY Records) According to The Combes Genealogy, she was the daughter of Benjamin & Martha Jane BROWN Combs of Breathitt & Owsley (Source?) John Gabbard's birthplace was listed as Ky, Julious was listed as Julius and Isaac was listed as Jane.
Schedule Page 284
96/96 William Combs 32 M farmer$100 Ky cannot read or write
Elizabeth 35 F Ky cannot read or write
William 13 M Ky
Malon 10 M Ky
Mahaley 8 F Ky
Moses 6 M Ky
Sebourn 3 M Ky
Edward 1 M Ky
Notes: William Combs m Elizabeth STAPPLETON [a.k.a. STAPLETON] 10 Apr 1835, Clay Co., KY. Although William O'Connor's transcription lists their son as Lebourn rather than Seborne, Owsley Co., KY Vital Returns list Seaborn Combs, age 6, d 6 Apr 1853, son of William Combs. Elizabeth was 35 based on the 1860 Laurel Co., KY Census. According to The Combes Genealogy, William was the son of Benjamin and Martha Jane BROWN Combs and Elizabeth the daughter of Edward STAPLETON. Also note: Elizabeth's age was previously listed in William O'Connor's transcription as 55 and Sebourn was listed as Lebourn. Flannigan's transcription also lists Elizabeth as 35.
HH#100 Levi PENNINGTON 28 M farmer $1600 Ky
Rachel 25 F Ky
Elihue 6 M Ky
Jane 5 F Ky
Preston 4 M Ky
Elendor 2 F Ky
Martha 6/12 F Ky
Elijah CAMMELL 17 M KY
Notes: The above is Rachel Combs who married 11 Oct 1842, Perry Co., KY, Levi PENNINGTON, not Abel as reported in The Combes Genealogy, p. 51, which also lists her as the wife of Levi [sic] PENNINGTON and daughter of Samuel and Nancy CORNETT Combs on p. 135. She did not marry the Levi PENNINGTON, b ca 1802 in North Carolina, on the 1850 Perry Co., KY census who married on 15 Dec 1833, in Perry Co., KY (See also below and the 1860 Jackson Co., KY census). Also note: Earlier transcription listed Elihue as 5 and Martha wasn't listed at all.
SE Notes: See Jackson Co, KY records for information about Levi Pennington who served as a Sgt, Lt, and Capt., in Col. Garrard's 7th Regiment of Kentucky Infantry Volunteers, McNeal's Co. "C". He was killed in battle on (29 or 31) Dec. 1862 at Chickasaw Bluffs near Vicksburg. Rachel received a widow's pension.
Schedule Page 286
121/121 Claibourn Combs 46 M farmer Ky
Sally 46 F Ky cannot read or write
Meccy 19 F Ky
Kenneth 17 M farmer Ky
Tinsley 13 M Ky attended school within the year
James 3 M KY
(Transcribed from microfilm by Combs Researcher Debi Houser)
Note: Meccy was probably Artemicia Combs whose 1911 Owsley Co., KY death certificate stated she was born 8 Sep 1828 (as vs. 1831 as shown above), the daughter of Claiborn Combs & Sarah Combs. Tinsley Logan Combs, born Dec 1837, died 1902, is also recorded as the son of Claiborne Combs & Sarah Combs according to "1900c, Perry Co Gen Soc Newsl 8/88 (Extracted by Combs Researcher Debi Houser from "Owsley County, Ky Births 1843-1930" by R.L. Smith). Also note: Meccy was previously listed as McCoy/Missy/Meccy.
Claiborne Combs was the son of George "8" & Lydia HARRELL Combs and Sarah Combs, the daughter of RW John "8" and Margaret Combs and widow of James HUNDLEY according to her father's RW Pension File, oral family history from Glenda Flaugher's grandmother ,and a Missing Bible Record. James Slaughter Combs, age 3, was Artemicia's son - raised by Claiborne & Sally. The Beattyville Enterprise listed his dob as 29 Oct 1846, son of Artimecia Combs. (Combs Researcher Glenda Flaugher). James Slaughter Combs d 14 Jul 1945, Owsley Co., KY.
Schedule Page 293
Allen SPENCER 26 M farmer $200 Ky cannot read or write
Arminda 23 F Ky cannot read or write
Hezekiah 3 M Ky
Kenia 1 M Ky
Note: Allen SPENCER married Farinda Combs (1924 Breathitt Co., KY DC of Alfred SPENCER, son of Allen and Farenda Combs Spencer) R.L. Smith's "Owsley Co Marriages 1843-1929" references the Owsley Co Courier 12 Nov 1937) Also note that Arminda was previously listed as Farind.
Schedule Page 294
HH 243 Frank ANDERSON 23 Va
Jane 20
America 5/12
(transcribed by William O'Conner)
Notes: Franklin and Jane Combs Anderson married 1 Apr 1849, Owsley Co., KY.
Schedule Page 295
HH#251 John BURNS 52 M farmer $100 SC cannot read or write
Louisia 37 F KY cannot read or write
John 14 M Ky
Abijah 12 M Ky
Meredeth 7 M Ky
Ann 10 F Ky
Brice 5 M Ky
Mary 2 F KY
Note: Louisa Combs marroed John BURNS 13 Sep 1836, Clay Co., KY. Margaret BURNS Kendrick's (1852-1937) death certificate lists her parents as Jack BURNS and (blank) Combs. (Abstracted from copy of original by Combs Researcher Debi Houser) Also note: Louisia was earlier transcribed as Louisa and Meredeth was listed as Meredith.
Schedule Page 303
Anderson SIZEMORE 24 Ky
Minerva 25 Ky
William 3 Ky
John 4/12 KY
(1850 Owsley Co., KY Census, transcribed by William G. O'Connor)
Notes: Original census record not viewed yet, but Henderson (not Anderson) SIZEMORE married Minerva Combs. The birth record of William SIZEMORE, born 11 Feb 1855, Owsley Co., KY, shows he was the son of Henderson SIZEMORE & Minerva Combs. (R.L. Smith "Owsley Co Marriages 1843-1929," his source, Vital Statistics Owsley Co., KY)
Schedule Page 320
Clabourn RASNER 26 M farmer Ky cannot read or write
Jenina 24 F Ky cannot read or write
Stephen 28 M laborer Ky cannot read or write
Elhannon 21 M laborer Ky
Noah 2/12 M Ky
30 June 1856 Grantee: Combs, Saml. & Combs, John Jr., Patent #: 25739, 100 acres, Owsley Co, Watercourse: None, Survey Name: Combs, Saml. & Combs, John Jr.; Survey Date: 10/18/1854; County Grant Bk45:568 (Source: County Court Order Land Grants, Kentucky SOS Digital Database extracted by Sue Elfving)
30 June 1856 Grantee: Combs, John Jr. & Combs, Saml., Patent #: 25740, 50 acres, Owsley Co, Watercourse: None, Survey Name: Combs, John Jr. & Combs, Saml.; Survey Date: 10/21/1854; County Grant Bk45:569 (Source: County Court Order Land Grants, Kentucky SOS Digital Database)