![]() | Combs &c. Families of Shenandoah Co, VA |
Dunmore County, named after Lord Dunmore, was organized from Frederick Co VA in 1772. In 1778, during the Revolutionary War, Dunmore was re-named Shenandoah. In 1831 Page Co was created from Rockingham & Shenandoah Cos, and in 1836 Warren Co was created from Page & Shenandoah. (The records of Dunmore are maintained by Shenandoah County, with the few Combs records found thus far included herein)
Note: Except where otherwise noted, all tax list and land book transcriptions are those of Combs Researcher Jeannette Combs Lehman.
Note: Except where otherwise noted, all Shenandoah Co, VA Court orders were extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving, extracted from either:
Index to Combs of Shenandoah Co, VA Reports |
Chronology of Records 1772-1779 |
Chronology of Records 1780-1789 |
1782-1797 Shenandoah Co, VA Land Book Records Inclusive |
Chronology of Records 1790-???? |
VA Chancery Court Records |
Rev. War. Soldier Gilbert Combs, also includes more abt his grandfather, Robert Combs of Monmouth Co, NJ, and other members of his family. (Additional Combs Research Family Reports will be published for Robert's family shortly). (Family Research Report) |
Mason Combs, Sr. of Stafford and Frederick Cos, VA and Rowan and Surry< Cos, NC, and his sons, John & Nancy HARDING Combs, Sr. and William & Seth STACY Combs, Sr. (Family Research Reports) |
Cody-Combs-Stacy Connections Family Research Report) |
Also Note: A few records herein pertain to other Combs Families, including other descendants of Mason Combs, Sr.; descendants of Joseph Combs I of Stafford Co, VA; and a later Combs family (1850s) has not yet been identified (See below).
On Petition of Caleb ODELL and others for a road to be opened from South River Chapel across the river at Ephriam SMITH'S ford to Robert Combs… ordered that Levi ODELL, Robert Combs, Charles RIGGINS and Adam CUNNINGHAM or any three of them view the said way…report same to this court..
(Combs Researcher Butch Hicks)
The viewers appointed to view a way for a road from the Chapel on the South River across the Fort Mountain….marked out Bridle way from the Chapel on the south River of Shenandoah…..across mountain by Roberts COOMBS….Charles REAGAN, Robert Combs, Caleb ODELL ordered said road be opened…. Isaac ODELL is appointed overseer on Fort side of mountain and Charles REAGAN is appointed overseer on south side of said mountain.
(Combs Researcher Butch Hicks)
Isaac HITE, Gent…pltf vs John COMBES…deft } In Debt
This day came the plaintiff by his attorney. The defendant being arrested and ruled to find special bail but failing therein…unless defendant can find such bail at next court….judgment shall be given to plaintiff against defendant.
Isaac HITE, Gent…pltf v John COMBES} In Debt
This day came the plaintiff by his attorney…the defendant still failing to find Special bail….plaintiff to recover against the defendant and Henry HARDING, Sen. his bail for appearance. 80pds 4sh 8p.
SE Note: Henry HARDING, Sr. was the father of Nancy HARDING Combs, wife of John (See 1779 below).
BEALE, Ann & Cuthbert HARRISON 24 Dec 1772; bondsman Edwin YOUNG, sister of James reg-4 Jan 1773
(Shenandoah County Marriage Bonds 1772-1850 Virginia, Historic Marriage Register by John Vogt & T. William Kethley, Jr.,Pub by Iberian Publishing Company Athens, Georgia 1984, p. 239)
Notes: Ann was d/o Tavener & Frances BEALE of Prince William Co, VA; Cuthbert HARRISON, b 11 Aug 1749, s/o Burr and Ann BARNES Harrison. Cuthbert's sister, Elizabeth, m Joseph Combs II of Loudoun Co VA (Cuthbert's still missing family bible).
John HAMMETT… Plt v Jeremiah ODELL and Jona. ODELL… Deft. Motion on a Replevy. This day came the Plantiff by his attorney…Defendants being solemnly called came not…legal notice of this motion hath been given Defts….Therefore Plt. recover against Defts one hundred and eight pounds nine shillings and four pence….
(Combs Researcher Butch HICKS - see Odell below; see also Hammett Families).
15 Jan 1773 (Dunmore Co VA?) Rachel Combs aged 2 baptized (daughter of Job & Deborah Combs)
(Combs Researcher Jeannette Combs Lehman) Source? Location? Source for birth date of 01 Jan 1771?
Philip CRUME of Frederick County; December 17, 1771 - January 1, 1773; 169 acs. on Flint Run, a branch of South R. Shando, adjoining land on which CRUME lives, Darby MCCARTY, Henry HARDING and the long & round mountains. CC - Robert CRUME and Darby McCARTY. Jno BENTLEY present. Surv. Richard RIGG.
(Extracted from Abstracts of Virginia's Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys: Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier & Stafford Counties, 1710-1780, Peggy Shomo Joyner, by Combs Researcher Mary Gregg)
Mark HARDIN of Augusta County; no warrant, date from survey, October 2, 1751 - survd for Mark HARDIN, N.d.; 296 acs. on branches of South R. Shando & Flint Run; adjoining William RUSSELL, his Lordship's Mannor of Leeds, Phillip CRUM, F. BINGHAM. CC - Wm. & Jno CALFEE. Surv. George HUME.
February 20, 1773. This land forfeited. His Lordship orders deed to John HARDEN, Junr. N.d. “When Thomas HERRILL went away he gave this warrant to Mark HARDIN and as I am informed HARDIN has given it to Jno HARDIN.”
(Signed) G HUME.
(Extracted from Abstracts of Virginia's Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys: Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier & Stafford Counties, 1710-1780, Peggy Shomo Joyner, by Combs Researcher Mary Gregg) SW: HARRELL
Robert SLAUGHTER & Co……Plt. v. William MORRIS… Deft. This day came the Parties by their attorneys….thereupon came also a Jury to Wit: George HARDING, John SMITH, George MCCOY, Charles RIGGINS, Henry NETHERTON, John Combs, Michael VANBUSKIRK, John MORRELL, John SEHORN, Caleb ODELL, David JOB and Joseph HAWKINS
(Combs Researcher Butch Hicks who adds that on this same date, the same jurors also sat on a case involving as defendant, John Sevier, founder of New Market, VA, and the same John Sevier so instrumental in the history of early TN)
Notes: John Combs, Sr. and his brothers-in-law, George HARDING and John SMITH; and Caleb ODELL whose son, Thompkins (a.k.a. Thompson) m 3 Sep 1788, Washington Co, TN, Abigail Combs, ancestry unknown (although some researchers have assigned her as a child of Job Combs & first wife, Deborah(?), their source not known). See also below re Abigail Combs.
Alexander MACHIR…pltf v John Combs} In Debt
This day came the plaintiff by his attorney….and John SMITH undertook for the defendant…The defendant in his proper person acknowledged the petition…the plaintiff to recover against the defendant 132pds 10sh 2.5p plus costs. The judgment was stayed till June next.
SE Note: John SMITH married Wilmoth, daughter of Henry HARDING, Sr., thus brother-in-law to John Combs, Sr.
Martin PICKET pltf v Duskin TIBBS and Mary ASHBY, adm of William ASHBY decd., deft } In Debt. A jury to wit: John SMITH, George HARDING, George McCOY, Charles RIGGINS, Henry NETHERTON, John Combs, and others. The jury, upon their oaths, found that William ASHBY died intestate and did not pay the plaintiff in his lifetime.
Combs, Robert, 212
Combs, Job, 300
CLICK, John, 150
TIPTON, Jonathan, 210
TIBBS, Diskin, 280
TIPTON, John, 181
TAYLOR, Charles, 110
TAYLOR, Lazarus, 316
TAYLOR, Casper, 200
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Jeannette Combs from Shenandoah Co VA Courthouse Records, Accession No.: 21127 (Stack 11), Year: 1775, Type: Census)
Notes: The above was probably the Robert Combs who came to VA from Monmouth Co NJ, and was father of the above Job Combs. (See Below). Job Combs is found in the records of Frederick Co VA in 1764. Note that no John Combs is on this list and that this list, in conjunction with the above 1774 record may signify that John Combs, Sr. (s/o Mason Combs, Sr.) has removed to either Surry Co, NC or Frontier Tennessee.
Job Combs (Dunmore Co VA Rent Roll, p. 65, Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789)
Note: Copy and/or transcription of original roll needed!
1776-1779 Shenandoah Co VA Revolutionary Soldiers William Combs, William DODSON, Thomas DUNCAN, James HARRELL, Thomas LINTHICUM & Bean SMALLWOOD all enlisted in Stovers town [now Strasburg, Shenandoah Co, VA] in the company of Capt. Richard CAMPBELL, 8th VA Regt. of Col. MUHLENBURG and Col. Abram BOWMAN, and possibly under Lieutenant Matthias HITE. SMALLWOOD'S pension declaration included the statement that he removed to Russell Co VA abt 5 years after the RW [ca1788?], and then to KY where he was pensioned in Bath Co in 1818. William Combs also applied for his pension in Bath Co KY in 1818, stating that he was a Continental soldier, and that he enlisted in Stovers Town, Va. in the beginning of 1776 for two years and served as orderly sergeant under Capt. Richard CAMPBELL in the 8th VA Regiment of Col. MULENBURG and Col. Abram BOWMAN.
Notes: William Combs was the s/o John Combs, Sr., “father of the eight”. Also note that John Combs, Sr. had purchased 78 acres from John HERROLD in Frederick Co VA in 1758, and that HAROLD, HERRALL, HARRELL, etc. were frequently synonymous (James HARRELL above has not yet been identified); and that George Combs (also a son of John Combs, Sr.) m Lydia, d/o John HARRELL of Hawkins Co, TN.
1776/7-1779 John Combs enlisted as a private for three years in Frederick (or Shenandoah County), Virginia in the latter part of 1776 or first of 1777 [also states “for three years on 1 Jan 1777 aft the battle of Trenton in New Jersey in Frederick Co., Va., in the company of Capt. Jonathan Langdon”] in the company of Capt. Johnathan LANGTON and Ens. SLAUGHTER, and afterward in the company of Capt. Benj. CASEY. Field officers were The field officers were Col. James WOOD, Lt. Col. NEVILL, Gen. SCOTT & Maj. Jonathan CLARK. There was some other major before Maj. CLARK. Shortly after his enlistment, Capt. LANGDON [sic] marched to join the army of Gen. WASHINGTON near Brunswick and the company was attached to the regiment of Col. WOOD. He remained about two years and four months and was discharged in consequence of bad health. He remained in very bad health some months after he got home…
Notes: RW John Combs, also a s/o John Combs, Sr., removed to Surry Co, NC following his discharge in 1780. One “oddity” of the supposed migrations of RW John Combs of Perry Co KY is the fact that he is thought to have possibly resided in Surry and/or Wilkes Co NC, thence to Shenandoah Co VA, thence back to Surry or Wilkes (and/or Buncombe) Co NC again. One possible explanation, if these migrations are: It is known that many (all?) of the family of Mason Combs, Sr. were Tories in NC, that it is possible that they needed at various times to “escape” the area of Surry Co NC, and that their “escape” was back up to Frederick (now Shenandoah) from whence they had come earlier (and the records of the Tory Combs of Surry Co NC certainly indicate that the need and ability to “escape” was probably never far from their minds). Also note that this “reverse migration” is also found in the HAMMOND Family of Rowan NC (& Surry & Wilkes Cos), Shenandoah VA, Knox and Perry Cos KY, who may have been related to the RW John HAMMOND of Hamilton Co OH, where Zur Combs died. (Obediah HAMMOND of Knox Co KY enlisted first in Rowan NC, then Shenandoah Co VA, and his brother Peter HAMMOND lived in Perry Co KY (See Hammond Families for more re these individuals.)
Other Combs-Associated RW Soldiers include RW Anjer PRICE who applied for his Pension in Warren Co TN, declaring he enlisted in Shenandoah Co VA and later lived in SC for two years, then moved to Russell Co VA, thence to Warren Co, TN. A son was named Reuben PRICE, but another Reuben PRICE of Warren Co TN made affidavit for him, the latter the husband of Dolly CODY, whose father, William CODY, had m Sinai STACEY, two of whose siblings had married children of Mason Combs, Sr., father of John Combs, Sr.
7/30/1778 Shenandoah Co, VA. William Combs vs William SETTLE on an attachment.
(Extracted by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving from Shenandoah County Virginia Deed Book Series, v4, Minute Book 1774-1780, Deed Books M, N 1799-1804, p.47, Original Minute Book 1774-1780, p.159).
[Lease] Between Caleb ODELL of County of Shenandoah in Virginia to John NICELY of said county and colony…Consideration of five shillings…Tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and sixty eight acres on the Passage Creek… being ODELL by deed from Proprietors Office bearing date 4th August 1766…one hundred and twelve acres of the Tract of three hundred and eighty acres have been conveyed to Robert Combs by said ODELL… Rent of one pepper corn on Ladyday next…
Signed: Caleb and Elice ODELL.
Wit: Christina MILLER William PRICE Martin SHAVER
Recorded: 8/27/1778
(Combs Researcher Butch Hicks)
August 27, 1778. [Release] Between Caleb ODELL and Alice his wife of County of Shenandoah in the Colony of Virginia to John NICELY of said county and colony….Consideration of two hundred pounds of current money….286 acres (same as above)…
Signed: Caleb and Elice ODELL
Wit: Same as above
Recorded: Same as above
October, 1778 Shenandoah Co, VA Records. Adm. of the estate of Mary DENTON dec'd is granted to Elizabeth SMITH. She given bond and John DENTON, Elijah ODELL, George KELLER and Job Combs appraise the said estate.
GRANTEE Croiser, Christopher. grantee.
DATE 6 October 1778.
NOTE Location: Shenandoah County.
NOTE Description: 212 acres in Powells Big Fort adjoining Job Combs, Jacob Gollidy, John Conrod &c.
NOTE Source: Northern Neck Grants Q, 1775-1778, p. 352 (Reel 297).
NOTE Original survey exists. (Filed with Dunmore County)
NOTE Part of the index to recorded copies of land grants issued by the agents of the Fairfax Proprietary between 1690 and 1781 and by the Commonwealth between 1786 and 1874. Original and recorded surveys are also indexed when available. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.
OTHER FORMAT Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Extracted from the VSLA Website by Denise Mortorff
28 Sep 1779-25 Nov 1779 Shenandoah County, Virginia Will Book A 1772-1784, pp. 233-235, will dated 28 Sept. 1779, proved 25 Nov. 1779. Will of Henry HARDING of SHENANDOAH COUNTY, VIRGINIA. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Henry Harding Snr. Of the County of Shanando in the State of Virginia being of sound mind and memory and sencibly of the uncertainty of mans life do make constitute and apoint this my last will and Testament in the manner and form followeth-----------------------------------
Imprimus its my will and desire that all my just debts and funral charges be first paid by my Executors hereafter Menchened.
Item ---- I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife in During her natral life one negro man Toney and one negro girl named Lucey and after her Decease to be equally divided between my three sons George, Henry, Nicholas Harding to them and their heirs and if the above Lucy should have any children she and her children to be divided as above menchened.
Item ---- I give and bequeath unto my son George Hearding two negroes to wit Grace and Daniel to him and his heirs for ever.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item ---- I give and bequeath unto my son Henery Harding Jr. two negroes Alec Soll to him and his heirs forever.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item ---- I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Nicholas Harding to wit Will and Sett over and above what he has in the acception also tract of land which I now live on which is in the ballance of the tract not yet conveyed of two thousand acres to him his heirs and asines except what should be necessary for my beloved wife to tend in duren her life and after her decease to return to the said Nicholas Harding as before menchened.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item ---- I give and bequeath to my Daughter Nanney Combes one negro girl name Ilock to her and her heirs for ever------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item ---- It is my will and my desire that my movable estate except what is all ready bequeathed to be equally divided between my beloved wife Wilmoth and my three sons George Henery and Nicholas Harding to them and their heirs forever.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item ---- I give and bequeath unto my daughter Nanney Combs Three Hundred pounds current money of Virginia one half to be paid in one year after my decease and the other half in twelve months after that to be paid by my three sons George Henery and Nicholas which will be one hundred pounds each to her and her heirs forever.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item ---- I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Willmouth Smith three hundred pounds Curent money of Virginia to be paid by my three sons George Henery and Nicholas Hearding each to pay one hundred pounds a peace one half of the above sum to be paid in one year after the first menchened.----------
Item ---- It is my will and desire that the first child that the negro girl Lucy which is bequeathed to my wife Willmouth shall be given to my daughter Willmouth Smith thereby nominate and apoint my beloved sons George and Nicholas Harding to be my sold Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revocking and disannuling all other will or wills by me at any time heretofore by me made.-----
In witness whereof I have said Henery Harding Sr. have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty eight day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventh nine………
Signes sealed and published and declared by the testator Henery Harding Snr to be my last will and Testament in the presants of us who subscribes our names as wittnesses.
In the presence of the testator.
Edwin Young
Wm (his X mark) Saylors
Henry (his x mark) Harding
At a court held for Shanando County the 25th Day of November 1779 the last and testament of Henery Hearding Deceased was proved by the othes of Edwin Young and Wm. Saylors and ordered to be recorded. Test.--------------------Thomas Mearshall C.S.C.
Shenandoah County Will Book A, 1772-1784. Reel 33 ppg. 2330235 [233-235] Will of Henry Hearding, probated November 25, 1779.
(Extracted from Transcriptions in full from HENRY HARDIN OF CALIFORNIA, Researched and Compiled By Fredna Tweedt Irvine, Belmont, Massachusetts, 1976, pp. 23-24, Copy found at SUTRO LIBRARY, San Francisco, by Combs Researcher Sue Elfving who adds: This book is superbly documented. I have tried to extract “exact spellings” and word for word)
SE Note: Nanney [Nancy] HARDING, d/o the above Henry HARDING, Sr. & his wife, Wilmouth GEORGE, had married John Combs, Sr. Their daughter, Wilmoth, had married John SMITH. Also note the terms of the will in regard to payments and see 1782-1783 below. The land that Henry refers to as the balance yet conveyed and where he now lives may be the missing parcel for which no conveyance has been found. He conveyed four of five numbered tracts to sons Henry (#2), George (#3), and Nicholas (#5) and to son-in-law John SMITH (#4). He apparently lived on tract #1. See Shenandoah Co. records.