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Background: The RW pension file of William Combs includes a declaration by his widow, neè Michal TRAYLOR, that William Combs served in the Revolutionary War in Wilkes County, North Carolina where he was overseer to a James CALACOT of Charlotte County, Virginia, to which county he later removed, and where they married William Combs in June of 1800. In 1809, they removed to Sullivan Co, TN where William Combs died in 1816. His widow later remarried to Michael STAIRE (STARE? STARR?) who died in 1835. She applied in 1853 in Washington Co TN in 1853. (See RW William Combs, Wilkes Co NC, Charlotte Co VA & Sullivan & Washington Cos TN)

William Combs has not been identified, but may have been kin to Mason Combs, Sr. of Surry Co NC , s/o John Combs of Richmond & Essex Cos VA; and grandson of Archdale Combs I of Old Rappahannock Co VA.

Special Note: Except where otherwise noted, the following records and notes were provided by Researcher Mary Gregg from her Callico Files, for which we express our gratitude and appreciation.

06 Aug 1708 (Essex Co VA) List of debts owing to the estate of James REEVES, August 6, 1708… John CALLICOTE

10 Jan 1709/10 (Essex Co. VA) January 10, 1709 (1710). Bond of Jno. CALLICOTE as administrator of Nicho. HARDING. Unto John BOUGHAN of Essex County, Gent., in behalf of the Court. For 100 pds. sterling. Securities, Benja. FISHER and Henry ADCOCKE. Signed: Jno. (J) CALICOTE, Benja. FISHER, Henry ADCOCKE. Wit: Abr. AYRTON, Ja. ALDERSON. Acknowledged January 10, 1709 (1710).

10 Apr 1710 Essex Co. VA) April 10, 1710. Will of Pheby SLAUGHTER witnessed by John (J C) CALICOTE, Abr. AYRTON and Chr. HODGKINS. Proved on May 10 by John CALLICOTE. (Abstracted by Callico-Vaughan Researcher Mary Gregg)

Combs Notes: Phebe SMITH, d/o Tobias & Phoebe FAUNTLEROY Smith m (1) William HODGKINS; and (2) William, s/o John SLAUGHTER. Her maternal uncle was More FAUNTLEROY who m Mary UNDERWOOD; and her 2nd husband, William SLAUGHTER, was the brother of Francis SLAUGHTER, 2nd husband of Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler, sister of both Mary UNDERWOOD Fauntleroy and of Col. Wm. UNDERWOOD whose widow m Archdale Combs I of Old Rappa. (See also Underwood Families)

11 May 1710 - 10 Jun 1710 (Essex Co. VA) Nicholas HARDING inventory. Made in obedience to order of May 11, 1742*…Signed: Fran. MOORE, John GAME, Wm. JOHNSON. Presented June 10, 1710* by John CALICOTE, administrator. (Abstracted by Researcher Mary Gregg who adds that the date 1742 is as given, but that 1710 is correct since entries on either side of this one are 1710)

Combs Notes: Which Nicholas HARDING was the above?

07 Aug 1710 (Essex Co. VA) August 7, 1710. In obedience to orders of 10 July and 10 August 1710, we began to survey the land of the plaintiff [never named] … east side of Coxes Creek…line of Ralph PAYNE… The patent under which the plaintiff claims was granted to John BULLIN son and heire of Rebecca CAPELL and it was before granted to John CAPELL, deceased, 4 October 1653, and upon the petition of Rebecca the poore widdow the Governor and Councill confirmed the land to her and her heirs by order 24 March 1661. The patent under which the plaintiff claimed was signed 26 March 1664. The patent under which the defendant claimed bears date 15 June 1661. The patent under which the plaintiff claimed … dividing line between Peter HARROOD and Thos. GREEN.

We find the defendant John WEBB by his own confession fell a timber tree of the plaintiff's. We find John WEBB did rent a house of the plaintiff's and did receive from John CALLICOAT, then tenant to the defendant, one obligation of 200 lbs of tobacco in full satisfaction for the rent and the house was rented before 1 June 1709. If the law be for the plaintiff we find one shilling sterling damages. (MG: Names of jurors given)

Combs Notes: Was the above Ralph PAYNE kin to the PAYNES of Old Rappahannock Co VA?

(Essex Co. VA) Will of James WEBB of Southfarnham Parish, Essex County, signed November 30, 1716, witnessed by Giles WEBB, Jno. C. (X) CALLICOT, and P. GODFREY. (Tyler's Quarterly, Vol. 7, 1925-1926, "The Webb Family")

01 Jan - 18 Feb 1717/18 (Essex Co. VA ) January 1, 1717/18. Will of James MARSH witnessed by John (J C) CALLICOTE, John HAYES and Elizabeth (E) JONES. Proved by all three witnesses on February 18, 1717/18.

18/19 Sep 1732 (Essex Co. VA) September 18/19, 1732. Deed from Richard BRIZANDINE to James WEBB… 4000 pounds of tobacco for 90 acres "part of a tract of land formerly sold by one Samuel GREEN to one John GUNN and by the sd Richard BRIZANDINE purchased of John HALL Son and Heir of Sarah GREEN and is adjoyning to a pcl of land the sd James WEBB lately purchased of one Samuel GREEN lying on the Dragon Swamp …" Witnessed by James COLLICOAT, William COLLICOAT, Samll. GREEN.

11 Nov 1739 (Essex Co. VA) Indenture made November 11, 1739 between Robert PATTEN of Southfarnham Parish, Essex County to William COLLICOAT of same … For and in consideration of the said William COLLICOAT'S being security for the abovesd Robert PATTEN to Edward HARPER for the payment of 10 pds by December 25th next and also for the payment of 13 pds more to the said Edward HARPER by 10th June next and in consideration that the said William COLLICOAT his heirs shall pay both or either of the said sums of money unto said Edward HARPER… (Deed of Trust) Witnessed by James COLLICOAT, John (X) Midel WATTERS, Jude (X) WILLIAMS.

14 Dec 1741 Essex Co. VA) Indenture made December 14, 1741 between William CALLICOAT of Essex County and Mary his Wife of one part and John JORDON of the County of Richmond of the other … William CALLICOAT and Mary his Wife for 27 pounds Current Money of Virginia to John JORDON his heirs and assigns forever all that parcel of land containing 80 acres being in the Parish of Southfarnham & County of Essex bounded: … Beginning at a Spanish Oak Corner tree of Evan DAVIS'S runing thence South West … to a marked Hickory by the Main Road…to a Red Oak standing by a Path near to HODGES old field … Witnesses: Wm. WILLIAMSON, Jr., John WILLIAMSON, Richard COVINGTON, Jno. EVANS, Jr. Signed: Wm. COLLICOAT, Mary COLLICOAT.

14 Jul 1743 Amelia Co VA DB 1:488) July 14, 1743. Mathew (X) SMART of Bath Parish, Prince George County to Crispen SHELTON of Southfarnham Parish, Essex County, 620 acres on south side of Little Nottoway River and south side of Rockey Creek… Witnessed by John MITCHELL, John CARRILL and William CALLICOAT.

29 Apr 1745 (Amelia Co VA DB 2:148) April 29, 1745. Isaac HUDSON to William CALLICOAT (also COLLICOAT) 5 pds for 44 acres patented to said HUDSON bounded in part by the old bridge on Little Creek. Witnesses: Thomas (X) BROOKS, John (X) BLANCHET, Jr.

21 Jun 1745 (Amelia Co VA DB 2:175) June 21, 1745. John PERKINSON of Henrico to William CALLICOAT. 8 pds, 6 shillings for 52 acres between Little Creek and Beaver Pond Branch adjoining Thomas BOTTOM, Robert TAYLOR and said William CALLICOAT'S lines … No witnesses.

03 Apr 1746 (Amelia Co VA DB 2:324) April 3, 1746. Deed from Crispin SHELTON and Letice his wife to Henry BUEFORD/BUFORD. Witnessed by James CALLICOAT, Ralph SHELTON and Benjamin SHELTON 155 acres on the south side of Rockey Creek

04 Apr 1746 (Amelia Co VA DB 2:328) April 4, 1746. Deed from Crispin SHELTON and Letice his wife to James BUEFORD of Orange County, Virginia, 203 acs. on the south side of Rockey Creek in fork of Nottoway River. Witnessed by James CALLICOAT, Ralph SHELTON and Benjamin SHELTON

24 Mar 1747 (Amelia Co DB 3:46) March 24, 1747. William CALLICOAT and Mary (X) his wife to John WEBB of Essex County, Virginia... 40 pds for 800 acres adjoining William ECKHOL'S corner, in road, crossing Little Saylors Creek adjoining SMITH'S corner, DUPUY'S line, CHILDERS' line and corner and MOTLEY'S corner, being land patented to William CALLICOAT on August 28, 1746. [MG: Or 1745. May have been miscopied] Witnesses: Richard, Edward HARPER, James (X) DIX.

19/20 Nov 1749 (Essex Co VA DB 24:393) November 19/20, 1749. Sarnuel [Samuel?] SMITH and Rachel his wife of Essex sell to Hannah BIRD of King and Queen County… Adjoins Mrs. ADAMS, John PAINE Philemon BIRD… Wm CALICOAT….Witnesses: Edward CONNER, James SCOTT, John LEWIS

01 Jun 1750 (Amelia Co VA) June 1, 1750. Isaac HUDSON of Raleigh Parish to Thomas BOTTOM… land on Little Creek, William CALLICOT'S line on the creek… Witnesses: William CALLICOAT, Abraham BURTON and Luis AKIN.

22 Jan 1752 Amelia Co VA DB 4:245) January 22, 1752. Thomas (X) SMITH to John MOSELEY… Land adjoining little fork of Sailors Creek, CALLOCOT'S line, across the road to Richard WARD'S corner and BRANTON'S line.

Combs Notes: Was Thomas SMITH kin to Phoebe SMITH Hodgson Slaughter? Was John MOSELEY kin to William MOSELEY, uncle to William UNDERWOOD, Sr. of Richmond Co VA (step-brother of John Combs of Richmond) See Also Amelia and Lunenburg Cos VA

17 Feb 1753 (Amelia Co VA DB 4:484) James PARROTT of Lunenburg County to James CALLICOAT (also CALLICOTT) of Nottoway Parish. February 17, 1753. 25 pds, 10 shillings … 108 acres in Nottoway Parish in fork of Nottoway River, being part of tract that James PARROTT purchased from Henry GAINES … adjoining lines of John SHELTON, David ELLINGTONE, Thomas GUNN and the Reedy Branch. Witnesses: Hampton WADE, Richard BUSH and William STOKES.

11 Oct 1762 (Prince Edward Co VA DB 2:125a) Oct. 11, 1762. Abraham BROWN of Lunenburg Co. to Daniel STEWART of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., 5 pds. for 200 acs. in Prince Edward, bounded by Peter JONES, Edmund HARPER, and Henry CALLICOAT. Witnesses: Richd. BURKS, Henry LESTER Jr., Henry (+) LESTER, Sr.

09 Nov 1762 (Prince Edward Co VA DB 2:126b) Nov. 9, 1762. William HARRISON of Prince Edward to James CALLICOAT, 27 pds., 18 shillings, for 100 acs. bounded by the north side of the north fork of Snails Creek below the Rocky Ford, a ndw line measured by George WALTON, William HARRISON, James CALLICOAT, the patent line, on a ridge, being part of the tract that the said HARRISON now lives on. Witnesses: Jeremiah BEACH, William GRIFFIN, Daniel (+) HARRIS.

04 Jun 1765 (Amelia Co VA WB 2:209) Will of William COLLICOTT (also COLLICOT). Dated June 4, 1765; no date given for proving. Executor: son James. Legatees: wife Mary … daughter Mary MANN, daughter Anna MANN, daughter Tabby, granddaughter Rachel BROOKE, daughter Rachel, daughter Lilly Ann BROOK. Son James residue of my estate, real and personal … Witnesses: Samuel SHERWIN, William HATCHETT, Thomas MOORE, Gressett DAVIS, Thomas DUNNAVANT, Daniel (X) MURRAY. (2:219) Inventory dated March 27, 1777.

1758-1768 (Amelia Co VA WB 2X:202) Estate of Richard TOWNES for years 1758-1766, returned December 11, 1768. Names mentioned: … William CALLICOTT

13 Jun 1778 (Amelia Co VA WB 2:286) Inventory and appraisement of Isaac BELCHER ordered May 28, 1778 … Joseph ROYALL, William HOWLET, James COLLICOT and William BROOKS… Dated June 13, 1778.

17 Aug - Sep 1778 Prince Edward VA WB 1:213) August 17, 1778 - September 1778. Will of James COLLICOT Dated August 17, 1778; recorded September 1778. To son Beverly, land between Raibon Branch and James JINNING line and a negro Philis. Son Harrison. To son Bailey, plantation where I now live, if he does not return from the army, sons Beverly and Harrison to have the land. Daughter Mary BALDWIN a negro Beck. Wife Agath for her natural life plantation I lived on and negro Dick. Executors: sons Beverly and Bailey COLLICOT. Witnesses: William COLLICOT, Elizabeth COLLICOT, Josiah PACE.

Combs Notes: The above Beverly CALLICO, s/o James CALLICO, was residing in Charlotte Co VA in 1789 (See marriage of his daughter below), and then in Randolph Co NC. (See Also below and see Halifax Co VA)

15 Oct 1778 Halifax Co VA DB 11:22) October 15, 1778. Thomas PALMER of Halifax to his son Elias PALMER of same… Witnesses: Merideth CUMPTON, Joseph MOREHEAD, Daniel PALMER, William COLLICOTT

(Halifax VA DB 11:329) Charles LOVE (or LOWE) of Antrim Parish, Halifax County to William CALLICOTT of the County of Prince Edward 200 pds for 300 acres in Halifax County on (?Hunting) Creek WATKINS line, Jesse PLEASANTS, line TUNSTALL line Wts: Thomas DODSON, Edward PARKER, Ambrose OWEN.

Combs Notes: Thomas DODSON was of Northfarnum Parish, Richmond Co VA, then Fauquier Co VA, then Halifax Co VA, then Hawkins Co, TN. His son, Jesse DODSON, m in Halifax Co VA to Judah Combs, d/o George & Phoebe Combs of Amelia, Lunenburg & Halifax Co, VA.

Jesse & Judah Combs Dodson later resided in White Co TN. In Hawkins Co, TN, Thomas DODSON was closely associated with the Rev. Thomas MURRELL, step-father of Martin JOHNSON, Sr., h/o Sarah Combs, and associate of Mason Combs of Hawkins Co, TN, probable son of Mason Combs, Sr. of Surry Co NC.

15 Jan 1789 (Charlotte County VA Marriages) January 5, 1789. Ligon VAUGHAN and Dicea CALICOT, daughter of Beverley CALICOT. Surety: Gabriel SIBLEY. Married January 15 by Rev. John WILLIAMS who says CALLICOTT.

Combs Notes: See Beverly CALLICO, s/o James CALLICO of Prince Edward above, and later of Randolph Co NC (See Below). Also note numerous Callico-Vaughan intermarriages and see Booker & Jeter Families for additional VAUGHANS. See Also Charlotte Co VA:

26 Dec 1793. (Charlotte County VA Marriages) William FORD and Dicey VAUGHAN, widow of Ligon VAUGHAN. Surety: John AINSWORTH. Married January 4, 1794 by Rev. Edward ALMOND.

15 Dec 1798 (Charlotte Co VA DB 9:254) December 15, 1798. Beverly CALLICOTT and Precilla his wife of Randolph County, North Carolina to Thomas BROOKE and Traverse BROOKE, heirs of George BROOKE, deceased, of Charlotte County, Virginia, for 200 pds, a tract of land in Charlotte County 240 acres on a branch of Sandy Creek. Witnesses: Dixon LOGGINS, Bibby BROOKE, James CALLICOTT (They Went Thataway, Vol. III, by Charles Hughes Hamlin.)

Notes: Beverly CALLICO d in 1824 in Randolph Co NC. Among his children were James CALLICO who m Elizabeth VAUGHAN, d/o William & Fereby BENTON Vaughan. The CALLICOS and VAUGHANS are later found in Warren Co TN, following which they removed to Madison Co AR where the 1850 Census, Richland Twp, shows Elizabeth VAUGHAN Callico in HH#300, and Martin JOHNSON, Sr. of Hawkins & Warren Co, TN, widower of Sarah Combs, two households away in HH#302. (See above re Martin & Sarah Combs Johnson, Sr.) William & Dicey CALICOT (Vaughan) Ford may also have gone to Hawkins, Co TN; to wit, extracted by Combs Researcher Mary Gregg from ANSEARCHIN' NEWS, 1836 Tax List of Hawkins County, TN, District #4 (included): ANDERSON, George, Jonathan, Elon, Aaron, Abijah, Lewis and John; CALLUENT [sic], John; FORD, William, Reuben, Beverly, and James; HERROLD, Reuben; ROLAR, John; ROGERS, Danswell [Dauswell/Dawswell?]; VAUGHN, Benjamin, John Sr., Samuel, John Jr., John.

24 Jun 1799 (Chesterfield Co VA WB 5:238) Will of Joseph MANN dated June 24, 1799. Wife Mary…To David MANN'S son Field MANN, all my lands in Chesterfield…"To wife Mary, money to purchase the Negro girl Betty, at present the property of Tabatha CALLICO, in order to emancipate her." To son John… Executors: Field MANN, my son John, Thomas BURFOTT. Witnesses: Wm. WYATT, Beverley BLANKENSHIP, Reuben MANN.

9 Jul 1829 - 04 Mar 1830 (Charlotte Co VA) Recorded March 4, 1830. Michael and Nancy UHLES of Smith Co., Tenn. to John B. UHLES of county and state afsd., power of attorney to receive from the representatives of James CALLICOT or his wife, Susan CALLICOAT decd. and late of Charlotte County, Virginia, they being our grandparents, that which we are due as heirs of Jonathan BROOCKS and Rhoda ROBERTSON of Smith County and state aforesaid and to call upon John McCARGO in Charlotte County, Virginia, for a legacy that the said estate may come to have. (The Southside Virginian, Vol. 2, No. 1. October 1983. "Charlotte County Powers of Attorney from Deed Books 8-19 (1797-1830)" by J. C. Kolbe)

30 Jul 1835 - Aug 1835 (Smith Co Tn WB III) July 30, 1835 - August 1835. Will of William Y. CALLICOTT. Wife: Lucy CALLICOTT. Son Beverly W. CALLICOTT. Executors: wife Lucy and son Beverly. Witnesses: Bartlett JAMES, John R. JAMES

From The Vaughan, Etc. Newsletter. Volume II, #4, October 1984, page 46. According to a Query and Information from: Mable Harp, 401 South Powell, Wagoner, OK 74467:

Carter A. VAUGHN, born January 1, 1849, died January 9, 1911, son of Samuel N. and Malvina (CHURCH) Vaughan, married (1) Sarah --------, and (2) Matilda --------. No children. Does anyone know maiden names? All lived in Hancock County, Tennessee - Copper Ridge along Clinch Mountain.

Mable has compiled an interesting history about her VAUGHAN ancestors which begins with the record of John VAUGHN who enlisted in the Continental Army in 1777 in Capt. William BROWN'S Maryland Artillery. John (VAUGHN) never applied for a pension … However, in 1858, his widow Nancy (CALLICOTT) did apply stating she had waited 14 years for someone to write it for her. Her application gives the entire history of her life with John. Attached to the back of the application is a list of the births of all the children … Nancy did not receive the pension as she could not prove they were legally married. She said they "ran away" into Halifax County, Virginia, and were married by Parson HAYS in his home on October 16, 1794. Mable thinks her father would not give permission for Nancy to marry a man twice her age, so they left Charlotte County, never to return. Mabel has located the farm that John and Nancy purchased in 1800 in Hawkins County (now Hancock County), Tennessee. The last VAUGHN who owned it was Carter VAUGHN, son of Samuel. He did not have any children so left it to his nephew… "

To be continued…