![]() | Chronology of Records Combs &c. Families of Warren Co, TN |
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See Index to Combs &c. Families of Warren Co, TN for background information on the following families as well as numerous additional reports relative to Warren.
The earliest Combs in Warren Co, Tennessee is “brand-new” to us. According to Goodspeeds' History of Tennessee, Warren County, is the following, in reference to the earliest settlers in the Fourth District:
“…Jacob MARTIN, Jacob A. KOME, W. J. STUBBLEFIELD, Wm. SMITH, George EDWARDS, Jesse SAFLEY, David SAFLEY, Ezekial McGREGOR, Wylie WARE and John MEYERS, in the Fifth District…” (History of Tennessee, Cannon, Coffee, DeKalb, Warren, White Counties…, The Goodspeed Publishing Company, Nashville, 1887, Reprinted by Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1979, 1995, p. 814)
Jacob A. KOME (COMB?) is unidentified; however, note that later land records indicate that at least some of the Combs Families of Warren Co, Tennessee later purchased land from Jesse SCAIFE who may have been the same(?) (Jesse SAIFLY is found on the 1812 Warren Co, TN tax return of James Cooper). Other Combs (& var. spellings) and Combs-Associated Families included in Goodspeeds as having settled “various parts of the county" from 1810 to 1815: James COPE, James FOREST, John ENGLAND, Alexander BROWN, Stephen JONES, Wm. MILLER, Joseph MITCHELL, Elihu SANDERS, John CAMPBELL, Joshua ADKINS, John DODSON, Jesse DUNLAP, Reuben ELAN [nb: ELAM], Micajah ESTES, Ralph ELKINS, John FLEMMING, Hughes FRENCH, Elijah FLETCHER, John FORTNER, Jesse GIBBS, Lewis HOWELL, Joshua HICKERSON, Howell HARRIS, Gillam HURST, Nicholas HUGHES, Irwin HILL, Lewis JARVIS, Reuben HAMPTON, Thomas ALLEN, Andrew BUCHANAN, John BARCLAY, Jeremiah COOMBS, James KANE, Oliver CHARLES, Wm. CUMMINGS, Elijah DRAKE, Martin JOHNSON, John LUCAS, Jonathan McMAHAN, Wm. JACOBS, Geor. LANE and Joel MAYBERRY.” (ibid., p. 815)
No more is known of Jacob A. KOME at present (research in progress); however, as noted in our Index to Warren, Jeremiah COMBS was s/o Mason COMBS of Hawkins Co, Tennessee, and Martin JOHNSON h/o Sarah COMBS of Hawkins County, Tennessee where in 1802 JOHNSON witnessed a land trust for Mason COMBS (whose relationship to Sarah COMBS Johnson remains unknown). John FLEMMING (a.k.a. FLEMING) was h/o Nancy COMBS. Alexander BROWN may have been a Revolutionary War Soldier whose brother, Robert BROWN, sold land in 1797 to Martin JOHNSON on Dodson's Creek of the Holston River in Hawkins Co, Tennessee (See Warren Co, Tennessee RW Soldiers). The Combs Families may have lived very close to McMinnville at one point as, in Mar 1809, land acquired for the county seat, was described as: “… on the lands of Robert COWAN, Joseph COLVILLE and John A. WILSON on the north side of Barren Fork of Collins River," described as (abstracted): "Beg. at a stake near Dr. WILSON'S improvement, thence west 99-1/2 poles to a stake; thence north 66 poles to the beg., containing 41 acres.” (ibid., p. 817). As is shown by later land records, John A. WILSON owned land adjacent to Martin and Sarah COMBS Johnson. See also Combs-Jarvis in Surry Co, NC and see Combs-Mabry (a.k.a. Maberry) Families of East TN.
04 Daniel PAYNE [h/o Sylvia COMBS]
12 Jerremiah COMBS [h/o Charity RHODES]
30 Simon COMBS [h/o Martha MURRELL]
34 Martin JOHNSON [h/o Sarah COMBS]
45 John FLEMMING [h/o Nancy COMBS]
Others on this list who are found in records with Combs Families in Warren include: 09 Isaac DRAKE, 17 Jacob DRAKE, 19 Elijah DRAKE, 37 Jesse SCEARFE [SCAIFE?], 47 Uriah YORK, 85 William NEAL, 88 John DOUGLASS, 91 Bassell RHODEN, and 93 Jacob HAWK. See Also 1812 Warren Co, Tennessee Tax Lists (Complete)
28 Feb 1813 Warren Co, TN DBA:442 State of TN № 4594. In consideration of Military service performed by Reuben PIERCE to the State of North Carolina Warrant № 178 dated 19 Dec 1808, and entered on 5 Nov 1810 by № 5432 there is granted by the state of Tennessee to William JOHNSTONE, assignee of the heirs of Reuben PIERCE, 10 acres on waters of Dry Fork of Smith's Fork…north of said JOHNSTONE'S Mill, including JOHNSTONE'S dwelling house and mill. Signed in Nashville on 28 Feb 1813 by Wilie BLOUNT, Governor. Reg. 20 Apr 1814.
Notes: The above is thought to have been William and (Tisha Combs?) Johnson, brother of Martin and Sarah COMBS Johnson
25 Jan-09 May 1814 Sgt. Martin JOHNSON (h/o Sarah COMBS), member of Capt. James TATE'S Company (Complete Roster)
Notes: No record of War of 1812 service by any other COMBS or COMBS spouse has been located in middle Tennessee. Also note that Capt. James TATE m (1) Ruth DAVIDSON, d/o James & Margaret DAVIDSON of Russell Co, Virginia (later Scott Co, VA). Ruth's sister, Elizabeth DAVIDSON, m Simon STACY, s/o Simon & Judith TOLSON Stacy (Pettit) whose son, Benjamin STACY m Ann Combs, d/o Mason & Sarah Combs, Sr., and whose daughter, Sith STACY, m William Combs, s/o Mason & Sarah COMBS, Sr. (See also Combs-Stacy Connections).
05-15 Feb 1814. (Warren Co, Tennessee Deeds) Indenture. John COWAN of White County, Tennessee to Simon COMBS of Warren County, Tennessee. 240 Acres. Consideration $400 [sic] dollars. Wits: Jacob A. LANE. G. W. GIBBS.
Notes: No land description included. One John COWAN is listed on 1812 Warren Co, Tennessee Tax List in John HAMMON'S District, the same district as Jacob JOHNSON, d 1820, Grayson Co VA, whose children included a (different) Martin JOHNSON and Mary, wife of Woodson HAMMONS, d/o John HAMMONS, Sr., one of several John HAMMONS of Surry Co, North Carolina, whose Surry property was on the Grayson-Patrick Cos, Virginia line.
P-142 Land Grant.
The State of Tennessee № 6537
To all to whom these presents shal1 come, greeting:
Know ye that by virtue of part of certificate № 1201 dated the 16th of September, 1812 issued by the Register of West Tennessee to the heirs of Thomas WADE and entered on the tenth day of December, 1812 by № 2160 there is granted by the state of Tennessee unto Tempey Combs assignee of the heirs of the said Thomas WADE a certain tract or parcel of land containing ten acres in Warren County in the third district on the waters of Rocky River. Beginning on the section line at a white oak and dogwood near the foundation of a meeting house, thence south to John HAYS line nineteen poles to a poplar and dogwood, thence west with said line to a stake in William SAMPLES line one hundred and nine poles thence North ten poles to a hickory in the section line thence with the said section line one hundred poles to the beginning.
Surveyed the 14th day of June, 1814, by H. M. LUSK, D. S. Title guaranteed
In witness whereof Wilie Blount, Governor of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed at Nashville on January 19, 1815, and of the Independence of the United States the Thirty-Ninth.
Wilie Blount (seal) G. Blount, Secretary
Tempey Combs in entitled to the within mentioned tract land. D. McGavock, Register of West Tennessee. Recorded in the Registers Office of West Tennessee April 19, 1815 D. McGarvock, Register
Registered in Warren County in the Registers Office, July 19, 1815
Note: Also see next; Another transcription(?) of same Land Grant.
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
19 Apr - 19 Jul 1815 (Warren County, Tennessee. Land Grant. State of TN № 6537) Tempy COMBS. To All to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Know ye that by virtue of part of certificate № 1201 dated 16 Sep 1812 issued by the Register of West Tennessee to the heirs of Thomas WADE and entered on 10th Dec. 1812 by № 2160 there is granted by the said state of Tennessee unto Tempy COMBS assignee of the heirs of the said Thomas WADE a certain tract or parcel of land containing 10 acres in Warren County in 3rd district on the waters of Rocky River. Beg. on sec. line at a white oak and dogwood near the foundation of a meeting house, south to John HAY'S line 19 poles, north 10 poles to a hickory in the section line, thence with said section line 100 poles to the beginning. Surveyed 14 June 1814 by H. M. LUSK, DS. Title guaranteed. Signed by Wilie BLOUNT, Governor of Tennessee at Nashville, 19 Jan 1815. Tempy COMBS is entitled to: the within mentioned tract of land. Recorded in Registrars Office of West Tennessee, 19 Apr 1815. Registered in Warren County in Registrars Office 19 Jul 1815. (Provided by Warren TN Researcher Fred Smoot)
Notes: The above Tempy COMBS remains unidentified. No Combs by surname other than Simon and Jeremiah are found on 1812 Warren Co, Tennessee Tax List; however, a Tempy COMBS appears on the 1828 Rocky River Baptist Church List (See Below). Was she a widow? Whose? Could she have been mother of Sarah and/or any other of the Combs women? Was Tempy short for Temperance? No WADE surname, nor John HAYS (or var. sp.) is on the 1812 Warren TN Tax List, nor is Tempy or a John HAYS found on the 1820 Warren County, Tennessee Census.
05 Oct 1816 - 17 Oct 1817-15 Jan 1818 (Warren Co, Deed Book A, p 477) Martin JOHNSTON to John DOUGLASS, both of Warren County, for $400 [BMM: $500], a tract of land lying in Warren Co, Tennessee in 3rd District on waters of Collins River beg. on a horn beam, the southwest corner of Jacob HAWK'S occupant claim, thence with the mountain 115 poles to a hickory on John A. WILSON'S northeast corner, thence with the conditional made between Daniel PAINE and Jeremiah COMBS so far as to make 60 acres, thence westwardly and south to the beginning with all and singular the woods, waters, etc., unto said DOUGLAS and his heirs, etc. Martin JOHNSTONE (Seal). Wits: Lewis RHEA, Jeremiah COMBS Acknowledged in open court 11 Nov 1817. Reg. 15 Jany 1818. (Abstracts of Ruby Johnson Wiedeman and "Warren TN DBA (1808-1818)," Abstracted and Compiled By Betty Moore Majors, with the latter showing date signed as 05 Oct 1816.
Notes: The Collins River was east of the Rocky River, both southern branches of the Caney.
11 Oct 1816 (Warren County, Tennessee Deeds) Indenture. "… Between Simeon COMBS and Jeremiah COMBS both of Warren County, TN. Witnesseth: For … .. dollars a tract of land in Warren County on the east side of Rocky River, being part of a 240 acre tract granted by Tennessee to CATRON grant #4809, beginning at a black oak on the south boundry line of said surety being a conditional corner made between Jeremiah COMBS and Daniel PAINE running easterly to include 1/2 the spring to a large poplar on the side of the hill northward of the spring, thence to a sassafras in the field and to a line made between Simon COMBS and Daniel PAINE, thence westwardly to the west boundary line of a 150 acre tract granted by Tennessee to John CATRON grant #4816, to southwest corner of said survey to north boundry line of the 240 acre tract, then to the above named line between Jeremiah COMBS and Daniel PAINE, thence southwest to the beginning… Signed Simon COMBS. Witnesses: William LOGUE and Martin JOHNSON… (Ruby Johnson Wiedeman article in Madison Co, AR Musings)
24 Apr 1817-13 Dec 1817 Warren DBA:451/2 24 Apr 1817. Jesse DODSON, Sr. to Elijah DODSON, son of Jesse, both of Warren Co. “..natural affection and love which ..Elijah DODSON, his son…” 100 acres on the Collins River. Reg. 13 Dec. 1817. (Dodson's of North Farnum Parish, Rev. Emmett Lucas & Sherrill Underwood Williams, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC)
Notes: Could this have been Jesse DODSON, s/o Thomas DODSON of Halifax Co, VA & Hawkins Co, TN) who m 19 Mar 1793, Halifax Co, VA, Judah (Judith) COMBS (d/o George and Phoebe Combs) who later removed to Grainger Co, TN and then (after a possible stint in Pulaski Co, KY) to White Co, TN? Thomas DODSON was a Baptist preacher and close associate of Rev. Thomas MURRELL of Hawkins Co, TN, step-father of Martin and William JOHNSON.
1817 (Warren Co, Tennessee Deeds) William JOHNSON to Larkin PANE for $275.00, 25 acres on west side of Laurel Creek; was granted to James THOMAS, including the plantation where said PAINE now lives, called "Little Sequatchie." Wit: William LOGAN, John PAINE. (Abstracts of Ruby Johnson Wiedeman and "Warren TN DBA (1808-1818)," Abstracted and Compiled By Betty Moore Majors)
Notes: William JOHNSON was h/o Tisha COMBS(?) and brother-in-law of Sarah COMBS Johnson. Larkin PAYNE was the s/o Daniel PAINE by his 1st wife, his second wife having been Sylvia COMBS.
1818 (Warren Co, Tennessee Deeds) William JOHNSON to James WEST land on 3rd Dist. on Collins River. Wit: Daniel PAINE, Martin JOHNSON.
The following is a transcription from a microfilm roll of Warren County, Tennessee deeds (#?) however, deed was partly illegible, book number was unclear and page number illegible. Transcribed by Combs Researcher Carole Hammett:
This Indenture made and confirmed this fourth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and eighteen between William JOHNSON of the County of Warren of the One part and James HURT [HUST?] of the ------ place
Witnesseth that the said William JOHNSON for and in consideration of the ----- of Eighty dollars to him in hand paid the receipt which he doth hereby acknowledge hath Bargained and sold to the said James HURT One certain Tract or parcel of land laying and being the county of Warren and third District on the waters of Collins river and ---- as follows; Beginning on a ----- poles South East course from a ------- on the ----- of the Mountain Thence North -- poles ---- to the brow [?] of the Bluff of the Mountain to a Stake. Thence West fifty four poles with the Mountain to a Locust tree. Thenc South sixty three oles to a ----wood thence East sixty four poles to a Black Gum and ------. Thence North forty three poles to the beginning. With all and Singular the woods waters water courses Hereditements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise ----ing to the only proposd --- and behalf of ---- the said James Hust his heirs and asigns forever and further I the said William JOHNSON doth warrant and defend the said described tract of Land to --- said James HART his heirs and assigns, forver against the lawful right title claim or demand of any person or persons whatever within law or equity. In testimony whereof I the said William JOHNSON hath hereunto set my --- and seal this first day of July 1818. William JOHNSON (Seal) Wits: Daniel PAYN, Martan JOHNSON. State of Tennessee, Warren county. I Joseph COLVILLE clerk of the Warren County, court of Pleas and Quarter ----- do certify that the Execution of the within Deed of conveyance was proven in open court and ordered to be Recorded & Registered. Given at office the 24th July AD 18?0. Registered ??? 1830. J. Colville Clerk
Note: The above William JOHNSON was probably the brother of Martin, since Martin's son, William would have been only eighteen years of age at the time.
08 Sep 1818 Warren Co, Tennessee Deeds. Indenture. Bazzel RODEN to Jeremiah COMBS, both of Warren County, Tennessee witnesseth … Consideration $100. Land in Warren Co, 3rd District on the West side of Lorrel [nb: Laurel] Creek containing 10 acres being part of a tract that contains 62 acres and ½ acre granted by Tennessee to James CLARK. Beginning on a dogwood and a hickory the beginning corner of said survey, west to a stake near the house where William SAMPLES formerly lived, a straight line of tract south to the beginning. Bazel RODEN. Wits: Isaac DRAKE, George LEDBETTER.
Notes: Laurel Creek is a branch of the Rocky River where William (& Tisha COMBS?) Johnson also owned property. Bassell [sic] RODEN appears on same 1812 tax list (Benjamin Lockhart's) with the COMBS.
5 Jun 1820 (Warren TN Deed Book ?, Page 148) John MITCHELL of Warren County, TN to William JOHNSON Junr. of same, $250, land in Warren County in the 3rd District, poplar marked JS east 80 poles to a white oak, thence south 80 poles to a hickory on the side of the mountain, thence south thirty five degrees west fifty poles to a stake thence north one hundred and thirty poles to the beginning containing sixty acres granted by the said State of Tennessee to Jesse SCAIFE grant № 9486 also one tract containing five acres adjacent to the above described tract on Dry creek west of Rocky River Branch as follows, viz Beginning at a poplar marked thus J. S. Runs thence East thirty poles to a poplar thence south twenty seven poles to a white oak thence west thirty poles to a dogwood thence north twenty seven poles to the beginning Including a spring granted by the sd State of Tennessee to Jesse SCAIFE grant № 9485 together with all and Singular… unto and for the only proper use and behoof of him the sd William JOHNSON Junr his heirs and assigns forever and the said John MITCHEL… defend the Right of Sd land and primeses from all Rights titles or claims of any person or persons whatever Since the opening of the Land office in the 3rd district of the Land office in the 3rd district of the State of Tennessee to the sd William JOHNSON Junr… Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us William LOGUE, Martin JOHNSON. John (his X mark) MITCHEL (seal)
State of Tennessee, Warren County Court, October term 1823. I do hereby certify that the execution of the witin Deed of convayance was this day proven in open court by the oaths of William LOGUE and Martin JOHNSON the subscribing witnesses there to and ordered so to be certified. Given at office the 6th October 1823. Jos COLVILLE clk (Transcribed by C. Hammett from microfilm copy)
Notes: John MITCHELL (s/o RW Mark MITCHELL and his 1st wife, Mary RYDER Mitchell), m bef 1817, Elizabeth JOHNSON, b ca 1797, probably in Hawkins Co, TN, eldest child of Martin & Sarah COMBS Johnson. The above William JOHNSON, Jr. was probably Elizabeth's brother, William M. JOHNSON, who m (1) ca 1820, Mary LOGUE, d/o the above William LOGUE and his wife, Hannah.
(Graciously transcribed by Combs Researcher Sharon Burnette even though she has no Warren Co, Tennessee Families - Coming soon: Sharon's complete, proofed transcription)
No Combs by Surname*
Page 289 (169)
L02 James C HAND 000100-30100
L11 John ALLEN 321110-11010
L13 Lewis RHEA 200010-30100
L14 Charles NEAL 100200-0200
L17 Thomas BROWN 010001-00301
L19 Daniel PAINE 211110-30010
L20 Stephen MITCHELL 311101-31010
L23 Warren PHILPOT 000001-01001
L27 James CLENDENNON 320101-30110
Page 289 Notes: The above Daniel PAINE has not been identified (See page 291 below), but thought to have been related (somehow). See Combs-Hand of Surry Co, North Carolina. See RW Pensioner Warren PHILPOT of Charles MD and see Combs-Clendenning on the 1788 Sullivan County, Tennessee militia list.
Page 291 (170)
L01 William GESS 001101-11001
L02 Daniel PAYNE 120201-31010
L03 Moses RHEA 010101-02101
L09 Uriah YORK 200001-02101
L15 Mordicai BOON 300101-32210
L20 Reuben ROBERTS 031101-00201
L24 Allen MITCHELL 20001-020010
L25 William HAYS 410010-02110
L26 Mark MITCHELL 200001-02001
Notes: Based on the known ages of Daniel and Sylvy COMBS Paine's children, it is believed that Daniel who md. Sylvy COMBS was the one above. Moses RHEA'S sister, Phebe md. Elijah DRAKE, whose niece Easter DRAKE (Jacob and Mary NOLAN) md. Alvin HASH whose cousin Jane HASH md. 1804, Samuel COMBS in Green Co, KY…. (See below)
Page 292
L05 Jesse DODSON 400010-10010
L12 John MITCHELL 000100-30100
Page 292 Notes: The above is John MITCHELL and wife, Elizabeth, d/o Martin & Sarah COMBS Johnson. See Jesse & Judah COMBS Dodson of White County, Tennessee.
pg 294
L02 Levi JARVIS 201110-442010
L12 Kezia JARVIS 000201-10001
L20 William JOHNSON 120101-40210
L23 William ENSEY 120001-10010
L24 Jonathan STONE 200011-10100
L25 James WILSON 120001-10110
L27 Jesse ALLEN 310210-21110
L29 Philip BRASHIERS(?) 000010-00010
Notes: The above William JOHNSON is believed to have been the same who was b/o Martin JOHNSON and h/o Tisha COMBS; however, due to a surfeit of William JOHNSONS in this county, this has not yet been documented. See William & Winnifred COMBS Ridge, Sr. and Surry Co NC re the JARVIS/JERVIS Families; see Charles Co MD re ENSEY; see Pittsylvania Co, Virginia re STONE; Surry NC re ALLEN and Sullivan County, Tennessee re BRASHEARS (if that is what this name is).
Page 302
L12 Allen BRACKERT 000010-10100
L13 Stephen R HOLCOMB 200010-00101
L29 John FLEMMING 200010-10100
L30 Dennis(?) ENSY 110001-21001
L33 Isaac DRAKE 321110-21010
Notes: John FLEMMING m ca 1812 in Warren County, Tennessee, Nancy COMBS, b 25 Nov 1797. See Allen BRACHER [sic] in 1830 on same census page as the “mystery” John COMBS. See Combs-Holcomb of Gibson Co IN. See Combs-Ensey of Charles Co MD
Page 305 (177)
L01 Martin JOHNSON 010010-11110
L02 William JOHNSON 000100-10100
L03 James JOHNSON 000100-00100
L22 Thomas TIMPLETON 310020-20031
L23 Charles PAINE 000021-00201
L24 Jesse RODEN 000010-40010
L27 William TURNER 100010-10100
L28 Mathew TURNER 111101-00001
L30 Charles PAINE 000010-20100
Page 305 Notes: The above are Martin & Sarah COMBS Johnson and their eldest two sons, William and James JOHNSON. See RW Pensioner Charles PAINE of Halifax and Pittsylvania Co, Virginia; Georgia; and Hawkins and Warren Cos TN.
Page 308
L10 John HASH 01020-1101
L12 William HASH 100010-40010
L13 Larkin PAINE 300010-10010
L14 Joshua OWENS 200100-10100
L15 Nathan HAMONS 120010-11010
Page 308 Notes: Larkin PAINE was the s/o Daniel PAINE by his first wife (unknown), and h/o Rebecca HUDDLESTON, d/o David of Claiborn Co, TN. Larkin removed to Greene Co MO in 1831, as did some descendants of Simon and Martha MURRELL Combs. Presumably Alvin HASH is one of the 2 18-26 year olds in the household of John and Dosha STURGILL Hash. He was b 18 Mar 1800, Green Co, Kentucky, where in 1804, his double first cousin, Jane HASH (d/o Thomas & Ruth STURGILL Hash) m Samuel COMBS (ancestry unknown). Alvin m ca 1821, Easter (Esther) DRAKE, d/o Jacob & Mary NOLAN Drake. Between 1825-7, Alvin and Easter had removed to Sangamon Co IL, where they remained until 1834-6 when they removed to Washington Co, Arkansas, adjacent to the Combs-Drake-Johnson Families of Madison Co AR.
General 1820 Notes: We do not know why neither Simon, nor Jeremiah COMBS appear in this census, nor in which household Tempie COMBS is to be found; however, we continue to search.
19 Jul 1824 Warren County, Tennessee Plat and Survey Book, page 18. State of Tennessee, Warren County Surveyed the 10th of July 1824 for the heirs of Jacob HAWK decd. Forty two acres of land ~ By virtue of an Entry bearing date the 28th June 1824 ~ No 198 ~ Situate in said County - on the Waters of Blue Spring of Collins river adjoining the land the Widow HAWK lives on and a ten acre survey made in the name of John DOUGLASS ~ Begg. On the hornbeam stump a corner of said HAWKS tract and running with said DOUGLASS's line south thirty east passing his corner in all twelve poles to beech - thence with the various meanders of a mountain north seventy one east forty one poles to a Sugar tree - thence south seventy east eighty poles to a hornbeam - thence North forty four poles to a dogwood thence North fifty five east thirty eight poles to a Lynn. Thence East sixteen poles to Ash - thence North eighty four east thirty poles to a Beech - Thence South seventy two east twenty three poles to Sugar tree - thence South fifty east eighteen poles to a Sugar tree - thence east twenty five poles to Elm. Then North Seventy eight east forty two poles to Beech thence North thirty five West forty two poles to stake on line of said Hawks Survey - thence with the various lines of the same south thirty three poles to stake - thence North Seventy five west ninety eight poles to Sugar tree thence South eighty west fifty two poles to beech thence South forty four west forty three poles to pointers thence West Sixty poles to hickory thence South Sixty two west forty poles to the Begg. ~
Lewis RAY and George HAWK - C. C.
Copy Sent on by John HAWK 3rd Oct 1826
Sent to Registers Office 10th September 1824
(Transcribed by Warren TNGenWeb CC Fred Smoot, http://www.tngenweb.org/warren/war-18.htm, including plat map went-18.gif)
1828 Rocky River Baptist Church Members (included - in order of appearance)
Sarah JOHNSON [neè COMBS, w/o Martin]
Charity COMBS [neè RHODES, w/o Jeremiah]
Nancy FLEMING [neè COMBS, w/o John]
John FLEMING [h/o Nancy COMBS]
Jeremiah COMBS [h/o Charity RHODES]
Martin JOHNSON [h/o Sarah COMBS]
Patty COMBS [Martha MURRELL, w/of Simon COMBS]
Tempie COMBS [unidentified - see above]
Dorothy JOHNSON [probably d/o Martin & Sarah COMBS Johnson]
Leatrice JOHNSON [possibly neè Combs, Tisha, w/o William JOHNSON, Martin's brother?]
Polly JOHNSON [2nd wife of Martin JOHNSON, widow of Jacob(?) HAWK]
Barnett OWENS [h/o Mahala COMBS, d/o Simon & Martha MURRELL Combs]
(1828 Rocky River Baptist Church List)
According to Goodspeeds, the Rocky River Church was in the county's Fourth District (p. 817). See Dorothy JOHNSON Griffey? Griffith? in Lawrence Co, TN on 1830 census with an unidentified John J. COMBS, and in 1840 back in Van Buren Co, TN
This indenture made and entered into this 27 day of October in the year of our Lord 1828 between Simon Combs and Abram DRAKE both of the county of Warren and State of Tennessee. Witnesseth that the said Simon Combs for and in consideration of five hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained, and sold to the said Abram one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid being the same tract of land whereon the said Simon Combs resides containing about one hundred and fifteen and bounded as follows to it: Beginning on a black oak and white oak near the foot of Lee's mountain, being the second corner contained in a grant infured to John CATRONAFU for two hundred and forty acres bearing date the 18 th June 1813 thence Westwardly until it strikes a conditional line including one half of the Spring passing a large poplar and sasafrass tree in a Northward direction to a conditional line between said Simon and Daniel PANE thence East to a hickory and dogwood corner of the said Simon and Jacob DRAKE by espath thence Southwardly and with the marked line to the beginning to have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land to him the said Abram his heirs and assigns and the said Simon for himself and his heirs do by these release and quite claim to the aforesaid tract of land to him the said Abram with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and will forever warrant and defend the title thereto against himself his heirs and all and every other person whatever to the sale use and behoof of him the said Abraham his heirs and assigns forever in testimony whereof the said Simon has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and sale above written, signed sealed, and delivered in presence of:
William Worthington
*James Clark* *Simon Combs* (seal)
July Session of the Court of Pleas
State of Tennessee
and quarter Sessions in and for
Warren County
said County, A. D. 1830 the within deed of conveyance from Simon Combs to Abram DRAKE for one hundred acres of land was proven in open court by the oath of William Worthington one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be so certified for further probate.
Given under my hand at office 5 th day of July A. D. 1830.
James Colville, Clk By L. Colville D. C.
Submitted by Barbara Rivas
(Partial Transcription by C. Hammett from NARA M:19)
Page 352
L10 Saml. BANKS 0111001-01000001
L11 Thos. HARPER
L12 Elizabeth HARPER
L13 Christian NORTH
L14 Alberto VAUGHAN
L20 Elizabeth HOGAN 001-000000001
L21 John COMBS 210001-10001-00
L23 Elizabeth GEELY(?)
L24 Boz SOUTHERS 0010000001-000100001
L25 Elijah VICKERS
Page 352 Notes: The above John COMBS remains unidentified. See also 1850 Madison Co, Arkansas Census, Prairie Twp., HH#64, of Samuel BANKS, age 32, b AL, in whose household was a John COMBS, age 13, b MO. Relationship, if any, to the above Banks and Combs remains unknown.
Page 363
L07 George W. HOCK [HAWK] 110001-01001-00
L08 Green GIPSON 00001-10002
L20 Anthony HEAD 110001-01001-00
L21 Martin JOHNSTON 00010001-0111000101-00
L22 John FLEMMING 2020001-110001-00
L23 Henry MOULDER Jun.
L24 Henry MOULDER Senr.
L25 Simon COMBS 1010001-2121001-00
L27 James JOHNSTON 01101-30001-00
Page 363 Notes: George HAWK, s/o Jacob & Mary "Polly" Hawk (Johnson) and h/o Mary THOMAS. Green GIBSON m Rhoda HAWK, d/o Jacob & Mary. See Fanny HEAD of 1850 Van Buren Co, Tennessee. Martin JOHNSON, h/o Sarah Combs. John FLEMMING, h/o Nancy Combs. Simon Combs, s/o Mason & Dorothy Combs of Hawkins TN, and h/o Martha "Patsy" MURRELL. James JOHNSON, s/o Martin JOHNSON, widower of Sarah Combs who m 2nd in 1829, Mrs. Mary "Polly" HAWK.
Page 364
L04 William JOHNSTON 110001-201001-00 [s/o Martin & Sarah
Combs Johnson]
L06 Nethaniel MCCARVAN [MCCARVER?] 110101-010101
L07 John MCCARVAN [MCCARVER?] 21101-130001
L09 William JOHNSTON 00001001-00120001 [h/o Tisha Combs?]
L10 Martin LAURENCE 000000001-010020001 [See 1850
Van Buren Co, TN]
L11 Shadrach MOONEYHAM 000010001-001000001
L12 Charles WHITELEY 020001-20001
L13 Thomas BRIGHT 0000101-0010001-03
L14 Samuel RIAL
L15 Absolam DUNAGAN 00010001-0011-00
L16 Michael ROARK 00010001-0102201-00 [See Hawkins Co, TN]
L17 Saml. CHISEER [CHESSER] 00001-20001-00
L18 John PAIN 011111-220101-00
Page 364 Notes: L04 William JOHNSON, s/o Martin & Sarah COMBS Johnson. L09, William JOHNSON, h/o Tisha COMBS.
Page 367
L13 John MITCHELL 220001-103001-00
Page 367 Notes: John MITCHELL m Elizabeth JOHNSON, d/o Martin & Sarah COMBS Johnson.
Page 368
L05 Wiley JOHNSTON 001001-21001-00
L06 Barnet OWENS 00101-2001-00
L07 George YATES 002011-000101-00
L08 Benjamin YATES 211001-002101-00
L09 Sarah CLARK 0001-00010001-00
L13 Thomas CLARK 00001-1001-00
L24 William LOGUE 00100001-02010001-00
L25 Elijah DRAKE 21111001-01000001-00
Page 368 Notes: Wiley JOHNSON may be of the Hawkins County, Tennessee Dodson-Johnson Families. Barnet OWENS m Mahala, d/o Simon COMBS, moved to Madison Co, AR. Thomas CLARK possibly same who m Nancy COMBS, d/o Jeremiah COMBS, also later moved to Madison Co, AR.
Page 369
L01 Charles PAYNE Jr. 110001-112
L02 Harmon YORK 0001-0001
L05 Charles PAYNE Sen. 0000000001-0000000001
L12 Thomas JOHNSTON 0011-00001
L21 Mark MITCHELL 20110000001-00001001Z
L25 Henry JOHNSTON 110001-110001
Page 369 Notes: Thomas Murrell JOHNSON, h/o Sarah McMURRAY, s/o Martin & Sarah Combs Johnson? Henry JOHNSON unidentified. Rev. Soldiers Charles PAYNE and Mark MITCHELL.
Page 374
L05 Bazel SMITH 0131001-1100001001 (slaveowner)
L06 Thomas MEADOWS 12000001-100001 (slaveowner)
L07 John P. VANCE 112001-10001
L08 Jeremiah COMBS 111001-111101
L09 Elizabeth VARRISON(?) 0002-00000101 (slaveowner)
Page 374 Notes: Jeremiah COMBS, h/o Charity RHODES and s/o Mason & Dorothy. Also note that on the 1820 Warren County, Tennessee Census, a Thomas MEADOWS is adjacent to Woodson HAMMONS, h/o Mary JOHNSON, d/o Jacob and sister of another(?) Martin JOHNSON. Was this Thomas kin to the earlier Thomas MEADOWS? See also earlier Warren TN RW Soldier Daniel MEADORS/MEADOWS
1830 (Warren TN Deeds) land transaction took place mentioning that 400 acres on Laurel Creek was “adj. to Thomas HOPKIN'S, Thomas ARNOLD'S, William JOHNSON'S and Thomas KNIGHT'S land.” (The Johnson Family, 1743-1978, Ruby Johnson Wiedeman, 1978, p.4)
04 Oct 1830 (Warren TN DB?:73-75) This Indenture made
and entered into this forth day of October in the year of Our Lord One
Thousand eight hundred and thirty Between George HAWK, Nancy HAWK, John
HAWK, Polly DORSEY formerly HAWK, Matilda HARRISON formerly Matilda HAWK
& the aforesaid John HAWK Being the legal and Lawful attorney in fact
of of [sic] Elizabeth SMITH (formerly HAWK but now dead) all the legitimate
Heirs of Jacob HAWK Deceased of the one part and Martin JOHNSON
of the other part all of the County of Warren and State of Tennessee witnesseth
that the sd George HAWK Nancy HAWK John HAWK Polly DORSEY formerly Polly
HAWK Matilda HARRISON formerly Matilda HAWK and the afsd John HAWK being
the legal and lawful attorney in fact of Elizabeth SMITH formerly Elizabeth
HAWK, but now Dead, for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred
eighty dollars to them in Hand paid the receipt where of is Hereby acknowledged
Hath Bargained and Sold and by these presents do bargain and sell and convey
unto the said Martin JOHNSON all their undivided part right title claim
and interest in and to one Hundred and ninety seven acres of Land Situate
lying and being in Warren County in the blue spring Cove and adjacent thereto
Being the former estate of Jacob HAWK Deceased with all and Singular the
Hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any way appertaining
to the only proper use and behalf of him the said Martin JOHNSON His Heirs
and assigns forever and the said George, Nancy, John Polly Matilda do for
themselves their Heirs and assigns Warrant and forever defend the right
and title of said land and promise from themselves Their Heirs and assigns
and from all Manner of person or persons whomsoever or by whatsoever means
claiming either land or in Equality Said Martin JOHNSON His Heirs and assigns
forever in witness whereof the above named George, Nancy, John Polly and
Matilda Have Hereunto set Our Hands and affixed our Seals the day and date
first above written
Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of us
George W. HAWK (seal)
John C. RUST Nancy (her x mark) HAWK (seal)
Green (his x mark) GIBSON John HAWK (seal)
Matilda (her x mark) HARRISON (seal)
Michel and Mary (there x mark) DAUSY [sic] (seal)
State of Tennessee ) October Sessions A. D. 1830
Warren County ) of the Court of Pleas and
for -----??? Quarter Sessions and on the
fourth day of said month Then was the within Deed of Conveyance from George W HOCK [sic] Nancy HOCK John HOCK Martha [sic] HARRISON and Michael and Mary DARCY [sic] to Martin JOHNSON proven in open Court by the subscribing witnesses for the uses and purposes therein expressed and the privy examination of the ?? courts to be hereinafter taken. Given under my hand at office this 4th day of October A. D. 1831. Jos. COLVILLE Clerk By L. COLVILLE D. C.
State of Tennessee ) April Sessions of the Warren County Court pleas and quarter sessions and for the County of Warren afore said on the 6th day of said month then was the execution of Mary DORSEY taken by the Commission in appointed for that purpose out of the hearing of her husband acknowledged She Signed the same without the threats or persuatians of her husband or ?? of his displeasure all which was by the Court ordered to be certified for Registration. Given under my hand at office the 6th April A. D. 1831. Jos. COLVILLE Clk. Registered 17th Oct 1831 By L. COLVILLE D. C.
(LDS Microfilm #972801, Warren County, Tennessee Deed Book ? C. Hammett transcription. Note: DB to be added) Transcriber Note: Need to reorder this film to determine deed book number <g> and if Matilda HAWK Harrison was also heard; likewise need to check for possible guardian accounts plus there is supposed to be a later series of deeds in ref the younger children of Jacob HAWK, believed to include Rhoda GIBSON, Lucinda SIZEMORE, Lydia JOHNSON and Jesse HAWK, with Lydia HAWK Johnson having been the w/o Martin JOHNSON, Jr., s/o Martin & Sarah Combs . However, it is believed by most researchers that the above Jacob HAWK, deceased, was the husband of Mrs. Mary Ann “Polly” WARREN Hawk Johnson, widow of Martin JOHNSON, d 1851, Madison Co, AR.
1833 Warren Co, Tennessee Deeds. Jeremiah COMBS. (Deed Index: pp. 115-116 located on Warren Co, Tennessee microfilm № 5771577, film not yet read)
Notes: Martin JOHNSON and all children except son, William M. JOHNSON and Elizabeth JOHNSON Mitchell; and Jeremiah & Charity RHODES Combs and their children all removed to Madison Co, AR between 1830 and 1840. (See Madison Co, AR Goodspeeds' Biographies of a variety of JOHNSONS and John D. Combs, s/o Jeremiah) Simon Combs d in 1833 and his wife, Martha "Patsy" MURRELL in 1839 according to the biography of their son, Albert Combs, who was in Greene Co, MO by 1851 when he married Mary E. KELLEY.
p. 327
p. 328
L01 JOHNSON, William 0011001-221100101
L03 CHESSER, James
L04 WOOD, James
L08 BRIGHT, William 100001-11001
L12 HAND, Acheny
L13 JONES, Miles
L 16 YORK, Harmon 110001-110001
L17 MOULDER, Henry
L27 WHITELY, Sarah
L30 CLARK, Martha [m/o Thomas who m Nancy COMBS, d/o Jeremiah?]
p. 329
JOHNSON, William 210001-0000011
p. 330
MARTIN, James 000100001-0020001
NEAL, William 110100001-100110001
p. 335
L03 CLEMANS, William 0000000001-0000000001
L04 COMBS, Martha 22010001-0021
L05 OWENS, Barnet [Mahala COMBS] 110001-011001
[1850 Bowen Twp., Madison Co, AR]
L15 MOONEYHAM, Hezekiah
L18 MAYFIELD, Elisha
L22 LANE, David C.
L23 YORK, James M.
L26 YORK, Enoch 10200001-00211001
L27 WARREN, Jackson
p. 336
BRIGHT, Thomas 336 00000001-20002001
DRAKE, Elijah 336 022100001-00000001
p. 337
L01 HARDIN, William
L02 HALEY, George
L03 BANKS, Stephen
L04 SMOOT, Sarah
L05 BROWN, Robert
L06 BROWN, Thomas 001000000001-0001001
L07 BROWN, William
L16 MITCHELL, Jane 00001-00011001
L18 TATE, James
L21 FLEMMING, John 21100001-1101001 [h/o Nancy COMBS]
L22 FLEMMING, William 10001-1001
p. 338
L03 LEDBETTER, George 01100001-0001001
L08 DRAKE, John 00001-000000001
L09 DRAKE, Abram 200001-10001
L11 MOULDER, Henry
L12 MITCHEL, John 1212001-1010201 [h/o Elizabeth JOHNSON]
L28 PAYNE, William 11001-11001
L30 PAYNE, John 3000001-0021001
(1840 Census of Warren Co, TN, Sistler & Associates, Nashville, TN; line #s added from 1840 Warren Co, TN Census Index, Warren Co, TNGenWeb)
Notes: This same year, Van Buren County, Tennessee was established from Warren and both Martha COMBS and John & Nancy COMBS Fleming appear in the records of that county, as do the Johnson's and Mitchell's.
To: Index to Combs &c. Families of Warren Co, TN
To Warren Co, Tennessee US GenWeb