![]() ca 1777 | Combs &c. Families of Surry Co, NC | ![]() Old Rowan ca1869 |
The Middle Years 1778- 1799 |
Updated 1 Jan 2000
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The Middle Years - 1778-1799 |
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Combs &c. Land of Old Surry Co NC (Includes all of Wilkes and Surry and more) |
Numerous northwestern North Carolinians were loyal to the British cause, including the Cody, Combs, Ridge and Stacy Families, and in 1778, one William COMBS, possibly Mason COMBS, Sr.'s son, was "half-hung" after being captured by Capt. Micajah LEWIS' militia company:
28 Jan 1778 - 10 Feb 1779 The RW Pension declaration of "Elihu AYERS…entered the service 28 Jan 1778 as a volunteer private, or minute man, as they were then called, under Col. Benj CLEVELAND of Wilkes Co., NC. Served in a militia company commanded by Capt. Micajah LEWIS, for 12 months and 13 days. Was not in any engagements with the foreign enemy, it being in that section of the country made up of Whigs and Tories, and was kept constantly in service defending the Whigs and their property from the ravages of the Tories. He traversed the surrounding country from ALLEN'S Iron Works on the Yadkin River to Mitchel's River, Fisher's River, CODIE'S Creek, Roaring River, Lewis Fork, Riddie's River, to the head of the Yadkin, thence around by the Table Mountains, crossing the three creeks of the Catawba River, thence to the main river down the same to Greenlees Ford, thence to Burke courthouse and from thence crossing the South Yadkin to the Shallow Ford of the main Yadkin River. From thence through the Tory country to the Iron Works above mentioned. During this term of service he was present and assisted in half hanging William COMBS whom they let off on promise of better behavior, hanging William KOYLE [a.k.a. COYLE] and Lemuel JONES who were condemned by a court martial consisting of the following officers: Col. Benj CLEVELAND, Capt. Benj HEARNDON [A.K.A. HERNDON], Capt. GORDON and Lt. Baker AYERS… At the time this applicant performed this tour of service, his father lived in Pittsylvania Co., VA, from whence he had sent this applicant to Surry Co., NC to buy land, which he did, but did not return to his father until he served the above tour, believing his father would not move on account of the Tories raging in that country so violently." (RW Pension File: R3355; Abstract of Pension, Revolutionary War from "The North Carolinian" Vol. V, 1 & 2 (929.1 N81)
Note: Elihu AYERS' service was under Col. Benj. CLEVELAND of Wilkes NC, but it appears that this was "William COMBS of Camp Creek," Surry Co NC (s/o Mason, Sr.), rather than RW William Combs of Wilkes Co NC. Capt. Micajah LEWIS' brother, William Terrell LEWIS, Jr., featured largely in the battles over the Estate of William RIDGE, and they and Col. Benjamin CLEVELAND (later in South Carolina) were both ardent (often too much so) patriots. Mary, widow of David ALLEN of the Iron Works, was also the widow of David MARTIN, and mother of Salathiel and Obediah MARTIN (relationship to Sally MARTIN Lewis, if any, unknown); marrying 3rd Jonathan HAINES. David ALLEN of the Iron Works on Elkin's Creek may have been (somehow) kin to Nathaniel ALLIN, 2nd h/o Winnifred COMBS, widow of Tory William RIDGE.
It appears that Capt. Micajah LEWIS may have tried to take advantage of (or made a deal with) the half-hung William COMBS; to wit:
14 Sep 1778 Surry NC Land entry. Micajah LEWIS enters for Joel LEWIS in the service of the United States, 150 acres on Camp Creek including William CODEY'S plantation for complement. Caveated by William COMBS, returned to court. (Combs-Cody Researcher George Baumbach)
1778-1781 Land Entry (no date) Joseph PRUIT, 150 acres on Camp Creek, the waters of Mitchell's River, adjoining John FIELDER'S entry including William CODY'S improvement (Warrant issued to H. SPEER Dec 17, 1803, transferred).
Notes: William CODY (m Sinai STACY) and William COMBS (m Seth STACY) were both Tories, as were their brothers-in-law, Benjamin STACY (m Ann COMBS, sister of William), John STACY(?) and William RIDGE (m Winnifred COMBS, also sister of William). John FIELDER, Jr. (s/o John FIELDER, Sr. & Elizabeth LEWIS, d/o William T. & Sarah MARTIN Lewis, Sr.) m Nancy RIDGE, natural daughter of William RIDGE, b prior to his marriage to Winnifred COMBS. (See George Baumbach's Tories of Surry Co, NC, which includes the Estate File of William RIDGE, 1st husband of Winnifred COMBS Ridge (Allen). See Also Combs Land of Old Surry NC (includes Old Wilkes). See Also Elihu AYERS & John FIELDER in the Estate Records of William RIDGE, account book of William COOK.
17 Sep 1778 William T. LEWIS enters 250 acres of land lying on the north side of the Yadkin River and bounded by Mace [Mason] COMBS [Sr] & Henry HAND including William RIG'S [RIDGE'S] Plantation for compliment (Researcher George Baumbach) Also note that this land may have also been adjacent to John COMBS.
20 Aug 1779 (CR092.326.1, Surry Co., NC Civil Action Papers) Surry County. State of North Carolina. Aug't 20th 1779. Be it Remembered That this day William RIDGE and Andrew MARTIN of said County Came before one of the Justices Asigned to keep the peace in said County and acknowledged themselves indebted to Richard Caswell Esq'r Governor and Commander in Chief of said State in the Sum of Nine hundred pounds Currency (that is to) William RIDGE principle in the sum of Six hundred pounds & Andrew MARTIN the sum of Three hundred pounds to be Levied of their lands & tenements goods & chattles to be Void on Condition that William RIDGE make his personal appearance at our next Inferior Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions to be held for said County at the Courthouse in Richmond on the Second Monday in November next then and there to answer such alegations as shall be aledged against by our said Court & stand and abide by the Judgement of said Court & not Depart without Leave
William (his X mark) RIDGE (seal)
Andrew (his A mark) MARTIN (seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered In presience & Before
(Transcribed by Combs-Ridge Researcher George Baumbach)
Question: Who was the above Andrew MARTIN? Somehow kin to the Allen-Benge-Fielder-Lewis-Martin Families?
Winter 1779 According to the 1804 Davidson Co TN deposition of Coll. Joel LEWIS: "…some time in the winter of the year one thousand seven hundred & eighty [sic] going to the House of Zachariah RAY was informed by said RAY that Godfrey RIDGE [s/o William RIDGE, Sr.] has passed that day over the river to Mason COMBS in the morning after he this deponant being a Continental Officer & said Godfrey being a delinquent from the nine months service went over the river & took him & brought him to said RAYS. Shortly after his father William RIDGE appeared & was Security for his Appearance at a certain time…" (William Ridge Estate File)
Notes: Presumably "the river" was the Yadkin. Does this mean that Mason COMBS was living on the south side of the Yadkin? (See Combs Land of Old Surry: Tumbling Falls).
29 Jan 1780
William COMBS, Sr enters 300 acres of land in Surry County on both sides of Mitchell's River beginning below the mouth of Camp Creek including said William COMBS improvement; warrant granted (Combs-Cody Researcher George Baumbach)
Aug - Nov 1780 James M. LEWIS of Davidson Co TN deposed in 1802 that "in the latter part of the summer or fall of 1780 Wm T LEWIS was robed by one John GOINS and one Nicholas COMBS…" Mrs. Isebel BACON of Hawkins TN deposed in 1804 that "Wm T. LEWIS [Jr.] was robbed by one John GOWINS and one Nicholas COMBS. GOWINS a Brother in Law to Wm RIDGE and COMBS a nephew to said RIDGE…" (William Ridge Estate File)
Note: Shortly after the above event, Nicholas COMBS enlisted as a patriot, and then returned to Shenandoah Co, VA where he resided in the early 1780s, and by 1796-7 in Sullivan Co, TN. James Martin LEWIS was another s/o William T. & Sarah MARTIN Lewis (and h/o Mary Boswell HERNDON). See also the 1787 Greenville SC power of attorney from John COMBS of Washington NC [now TN] to John MOLIN of Greenville SC, witnesses Allen GOWEN, John GOWEN (unidentified, but possibly John COMBS, s/o William & Sitha STACY Combs) - either that or the Hog Thief was on the run (see below). Also Note: Specifically how John GOWIN was brother-in-law to RIDGE remains unknown; however, a Thomas GOANS was among those at the estate sale of William's father, Thomas RIDGE in 1755 (Probably also a.k.a. GOIN, GOING, etc. and possibly GUINN, GWINN) A Thomas GOINS is found in the records of Surry NC and an Allen GUIN (a possible var. sp.)
01-06 Aug 1780 Died: William RIDGE, Sr., h/o Winnifred COMBS, at the Battle of Hanging Rock, South Carolina, beginning the first of a series of legal actions that have only been briefly and partially entered herein (See the Estate File of William RIDGE for much additional detail, including transcripts of depositions for law suits, counter-suits, rebuttals, and re-filings. Also note that they are somewhat biased since the majority of depositions were collected by William T. LEWIS, the defendant, and many of the witnesses appear to have been "coached," including questions about the "characters" of John COMBS, William COMBS, Mason COMBS, Biram (a.k.a. Abiram, possibly originally Abraham?) COMBS, Jeremiah COMBS, Thomas CODY, Godfrey CODY, William CODY and John STACY… "
All of LEWIS' Deponents testified that the above men were actively "disaffected toward the American Cause" (Tories) and some went considerably further, including the alleged murder in 1780 of Francis BRADLEY, a Whig (Patriot, Rebel) of Mecklenburg Co NC.
Of the above named men: (1) Captain Thomas CODY was the s/o of Pierce CODY, b Spotsylvania VA, ca 1706, and William (h/o Sinai STACY) and Godfrey CODY were his sons(?) (2) John STACY may have been an unrecorded brother of Sinai STACY Cody. (3) This particular John COMBS may have been either John COMBS, Sr. (s/o Mason COMBS, Sr.), or John COMBS, Jr. (s/o William & Seth STACY Combs). (4) William and Mason COMBS were probably the sons of Mason COMBS, Sr. (5) Biram COMBS, s/o John COMBS, Sr. and (6) Jeremiah COMBS, who has never been identified, or found in any later records. It is Biram and Jeremiah who were accused of having killed Francis BRADLEY of Mecklenburg, and the 1802 Davidson Co TN deposition of Hannah BALDWIN of Davidson Co TN included the statement that: "I understood that two of the COMBS'S had joined the Tory party & after their return, one of them got killed by the Whigs & further this deponant sayeth not…" may refer to him (See Early Jeremiah Combs of the Southern Frontier).
ca1780 The 1800 Davidson Co TN deposition of John FIELDER, Sr. included the statements that "… Wm COMBS and others was apprehended for killing a stear said to be the property of Joseph THOMPSON and that Wm COODY in the presence of this Deponant robed the corn house of Wm T. LEWIS of a bag of corn… [William RIDGE Sr.]… said Deponant lived a near neighbour to both LEWIS & RIDGE [William Terrill LEWIS, Jr. & William & Winnifred COMBS Ridge, Sr.]" and that … John COMBS the son of William COMBS was taken in possession of a Horse Creature that was Stolen from the deponant…"
1780 (Surry NC Land Entry #??) John COMBS, land on West Double Creek. (Surry Co, NC Geneology & Historical Society Historical Map & var. deed and will books, (USGINS Copeland Map, Surry NC, Latitude: 361711N, Longitude: 0803759W)).
Notes: Other than mentions in the William RIDGE depositions, the above is the earliest record located for a John COMBS in Surry Co NC. See Combs Land for more; however, this may be the 1780 deed wherein John COMBS deeded to Mason COMBS, Sr. all his property, personalties and a Mill, and at least part of the 400 acres for which John was taxed in 1782.
14 Oct 1780 At the Battle of Shallow Ford in old Surry (now Yadkin) County, North Carolina, the Whigs, commanded by Major Joseph CLOYD [CLOUD?], defeated the Tories under Cols. Gideon and Hezekiah WRIGHT. Also present at the Battle of Shallowford were Whigs (Patriots) William Terrell LEWIS and Claiborne GENTRY, with LEWIS involved in the legal battles over the Estate of William RIDGE, h/o Winnifred COMBS (See the 1802 Davidson Co, TN Deposition of Claiborne GENTRY).
14 Oct or 14 Nov 1780 Mecklenburg Co, NC. Frances BRADLEY, Sheriff of Mecklenburg County, was killed by Tories identified variously as (a) per their neighbor Whig Capt. Salathiel MARTIN, Godfrey RIDGE [s/o William], and Biram and Jeremiah COMBS; and (b) per Whig General Joseph GRAHAM, John and Richard McCOMBS, a Mr. GRIFFIN and a Mr. RIDGE from the camp of Colonel Samuel BRYAN (a prominent Tory leader in North Carolina, and possibly brother of Morgan BRYANT).
Notes: Capt. Salathiel MARTIN and others of the Combs-Ridge neighbors named Jeremiah and Abiram (Biram) COMBS as the murderers. GRIFFIN has not been identified, but Godfrey RIDGE died about 1781 according to William Terrell LEWIS, Jr. GRAHAM's account includes the statement that "a few weeks after his murderers went home, Richard McCOMBS and GRIFFIN were killed, the others were taken and sent to Salisbury jail. On trial, John McCOMBS turned State's evidence,
and from him this account was obtained; ___ RIDGE was hanged." Salisbury records still need to be checked. Also note that Graham gives the date of Bradley's death as 14 Oct 1780, but Alexander's History of Mecklenburg… gives the date as 14 Nov 1780 (See Frances BRADLEY).
17 Oct 1780 (Surry NV WB 2:34a) Mason COMBS for 100 pds. gold & silver to John PIPES all my lands, livestock, personalty. Wit: John ENGLISH, Betse MOSBE [MOSEBY MOSBY MOSELEY] John PIPES signs the bill of sale to William. F. [sic] LEWIS 21 Jan 1783. Rec. Aug. Ct. 1784
Notes: Did Mason COMBS enter into the above transaction in order to avoid confiscation of his lands (three days after the Tory defeat at the Battle of Shallowford)? Or did he need money for Jeremiah and Biram (and/or Richard & John)? Was this Mason COMBS, Jr. on his way out of town? Also note that John PIPES sold this land to William T. LEWIS in 1784. The land not identified yet, but note that PIPES also owned land on Camp Creek, and that the PIPES family (both John and Sylvanus) was clearly close to the Combs Family. Were there possible intermarriages?
By 1781 William COMBS, Mason COMBS, Jr.; William CODY, and Benjamin, John and Simon STACY, had all removed to Montgomery Co, VA where they are found on Capt. Daniel Trigg's Militia List.
1781 RW Soldier Nicholas COMBS [s/o John COMBS, Sr.] declared on 14 Nov 1845 in Perry Co KY that he enlisted in Surry Co NC under Capt. William Tirvill [Terrell] LEWIS and Col. Martin ARMSTRONG "upwards of 10-11 months before the close of the war… while in service under his enlistment he heard of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at York in Virginia [19 Oct 1781] and shortly after he was discharged in North Carolina. " On 17 Aug 1853 Nicholas COMBS of Perry Co KY declared that he had known John FIELDS, deceased, a resident of Perry Co KY… since they were young men when the Revolution was in progress… they were residents of North Carolina and he [Nicholas] was in Dunsmoore [Shenandoah] County Virginia when Cornwallace was taken at Little York…"
16 Jan 1781 Surry Co, NC WB2:23. Winney RIDGE, Godfrey RIDGE and John FIELDER to William LEWIS 2 negro girls of mulatto complexion, Sall, 14, & Nana, 12. Wit: Jo. W. LEWIS, Samuel CRUTCHFIELD. Rec. Feb Ct. 1781. (Surry Co NC Will Abstracts, Jo White Linn)
Feb 1781 - Nov 1783 (Surry NC DB2:20a) Jacob MILLER made oath in open court that in Feb 1781 the Tories of some of Cornwallis's soldiers carried off a brown bay stallion of his… which MILLER says is now on the Shenandoah River in Virginia and whereas MILLER [is a Patriot] ordered that he be permitted to pass & repass through the state of Virginia… (Surry Co NC Will Abstracts, Jo White Linn)
Thomas PETTIT, Sr 2 tithe, 7 slaves, 100 acres, Mitchell River
Thomas PETTIT, Jr, 4 tithes, 6 slaves
Sarah STACEY, 0 tithes, 4 slaves [?]
James FIELDER, 3 tithes, 5 slaves, 450 acres, Mitchell River
John FIELDER, 5 tithes, 8 slaves, 100 acres, Mitchell River
John FIELDER 3 tithes, 9 slaves, 350 acres, Camp Creek
William T. LEWIS 7 tithes, 14 slaves, 150 acres, Camp Creek (and other lands)
John COMBS 3 tithes, 14 slaves, 400 acres, north side Yadkin River
Winney RIDGE 1 tithe, 4 slaves
(Extracted by Cody Researcher George Baumbach from 1782 Tax List Of Surry County North Carolina, R. J. Taylor, B. Scates and M. R. McKinley, Cimarron, KS 67835 (1974)
Notes: Can that be correct? Fourteen slaves? Note that in 1784 John has none.
Francis COOMES two horses and one head of cattle with a total value of 13 Pounds. (Surry List of Taxables for the year 1782. FHC film 0019957, John Krachka)
10 Jul 1782 - Feb 1783 (Surry NC WB 2:8) John COOK of Charlotte Co., Va., to father Wm. COOK of Surry, power of attorney for 464 a. on South side of Yadkin River entered by me to be sold to John BREWIS. Wit: Benj. BURCH, Wm. W. COOK, John COMBS. Prvd by BURCH. Rec. Feb Ct. 1783. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
09 Feb 1784 (Surry NC DBB288) William COOK by authority given him by John COOK, to Samuel GREENWOOD 150 pds 461 A S side Yadkin River above Seven Islands; crosing Yorks Creek; agreed line with Nathan BREWER & Benjamin KEELING
Notes: See Also RW William Combs of Wilkes Co NC, Charlotte Co VA & Sullivan Co, TN.
24 Oct 1782 (Surry NC DB:170-171) N. C. Grant to Henry HAND, 640 a. on Yadkin River… McClain's ford…agreed line John NASH…agreed line John COMBS adjacent LEWIS. (Surry Co., N. C. will & deed abstracts. Deed Books A, B. & C, abstracted by Mrs. W. O. Absher and Mrs. Robert K. Hayes; Books D, E. & F by Mrs. Absher)
21 Jan 1783 (Surry NC WB 2:34a) John PIPES Bill of sale to William F. [sic] LEWIS the land and personalties sold to PIPES on 17 Oct 1780 by Mason COMBS (See 1780 Above). Rec. Aug. Ct. 1784.
27 Aug 1783 (Surry Co NC Marriage Bonds) COOMS, Lydda & CRITCHFIELD, Amos (Surry Co. N.C . Marriage Records(Marriage Bonds before 1851), Page 00022, extracted by Combs Researcher Joe Lewis)
Notes: Lydia COMBS Critchfield was the d/o Francis & Charity WOOD Combs (See below)
24 Oct 1783 (Surry NC DB:261-262) Henry HAND & wife Sarah, Wilkes Co., N. C., to John COOK, yeoman, 100 pds Specie 320 a. on N side Yadkin River beg at an island adj. dividing line between COOK and David DOUGLAS…agreed line with John COMBS. Wit: Benjamin BURCH, William Nicholas COOK /s/ Henry HAND, Sarah HAND
24 Oct 1783 (Surry NC DB:262-3) Henry HAND & wife Sarah, Wilkes Co., N. C., to David DOUGLAS 100 pds Specie 320 a. on N side Yadkin River beg at an island adj. dividing line between COOK and David DOUGLAS…agreed line with John NASH. Wit: William COOK, Benjamin BURCH, William Nicholas COOK /s/ Henry HAND, Sarah HAND
Note: Henry & Sarah HAND resided in SE Wilkes County. The above land is in present-day SE Surry Co. near McClain's Ford/Grassy Creek of the north side of the Yadkin. Which John COMBS? (See Also 1784 tax lists and Combs Land)
Feb 1784 (Surry WB2:24a) Feb Court 1784. Inv. of Est. of William RIDGE decd. 9 negroes, 4 in possession of Wm. LLEWIS [sic], 2 carried away by John FIELDER, two horses taken by Capt. MEREDITH, twelve head of cattle, all destroyed or lost but 1, 8 head of sheep, 2 of which I sold, 2 of which I have, the rest lost, 2 feather beds the furniture all destroyed… 2 iron poles, one I have the other lost, two plows, one lost, two hoes lost. Returned by Winnyfret RIDGE, Admin. Rec. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
May 1784 (Surry Co NC WB2:26a) 24 Mar 1777. Acct. of Sale of Est. of Thomas RAY decd with buyers James GLENN, John SCHAMBLE, Gabriel & Samuel WAGGONER, Charles McANNALLY, Richd & Thoms GOODE, William KOMEY [COMBS?], John SIMMONS, Mach SHIP, Andw FITZPATRICK, James McKOIN, James MOORE, John ADAMS, Abraham VANDERPOOL, Joseph STANDLEY, Benjn HATTSON, John BOLES, and Ursley RAY, admin., who made return. Rec. May Ct. 1784.
Notes: See also the hog-less Zachariah RAY of Surry NC and RW Benjamin RAY of Surry NC and Russell Co VA where he is found with the grandchildren of William & Sarah MILLION Combs, Sr. of Stafford Co VA
Nathan ALLEN 1WP
John COMES 1WP [son of William & Seth STACY Combs?]
John COMES Sr, 200 acres 1WP [son of Mason & Sarah _____ COMBS, Sr.?]
John COMES 1WP [son of John & Nancy HARDING Combs, Sr. or William & Seth STACY Combs?]
Mason COMES, 400 acres 1WP [Mason COMBS, Sr.?]
John FIELDER, 350 acres 1WP
Thomas PETTIT Sr, 100 acres 1WP [married Judith TOLSON, widow of Simon STACEY]
Thomas PETTIT, 100 acres 1WP [son of Thomas PETTIT, Sr]
Zachariah RAY 1WP
Winneford RIDGE, 100 acres 1WP 2BP [Winniford COMBS, widow of William RIDGE, dec'd. 1780]
(Combs-Ridge Researcher George Baumbach)
Notes: The Surry NC Court of P&Qs, 14 Feb 1785, reduced 1784 polls from 3 to 2 for Winnifred COMBS Ridge - who by then was an ALLEN, having m the above Nathan in Dec of 1784. By 1784, Mason COMBS, Sr. was 70 years of age. Would he have still been tithable? If not, whom was his 1 white poll? And what happened to John COMBS' 14 slaves? And only three John COMBS to sort out… and this with several of each already over in Montgomery Co VA and a couple more over in Wilkes NC)
1784 (Surry NC Land Entry #??) Mason COMBS, land on West Double Creek. (Surry Co, NC Geneology & Historical Society Historical Map & var. deed and will books, (USGINS Copeland Map, Surry NC, Latitude: 361711N, Longitude: 0803759W)).
Notes: See Combs &c. Land of Old Surry NC. and above. Also on West Double Creek (North of the Yadkin) was COMBS Mill and a John COMBS (possibly he of the 200 acres? But what abt the John COMBS of McClain's Ford?)
12 Jul 1784 - Feb 1786 (Surry WB2:64) Will of Thomas PETTIT, Sr., 12 Jul 1784. Wife Judith is to have homeplace with reversion to son Thomas. Wife's son, Simon STACEY. Daug: Mary RANSOM. Exrs: wf Judith & son Thomas. Wit: John BURCH, William COOK. Prvd by William COOK. Rec. Feb. Ct. 1786. (Surry Wills, Linn)
09 Aug 1784 (Surry WB 2:33a) John COMBS, for 150 pds., to Mason COMBS, Sr., the land on which I live, mill, livestock, personalty. Wit: William COOK, George HUSTON Rec. Aug. Ct. 1784
Notes: Apparently John COMBS, Sr. deeding land (the 200 acres from the 1784 tax list?) to his father, and apparently planning a move out of the county (given the sale of "personalty," which probably included farm and mill equipment, and may have included slaves, etc.).
12 Aug 1784 (Surry NC WB2:97a) Winney RIDGE, admin & widow of Will REDGE decd for L100 to Jonathan HAINE a negro woman SALL and child now in possession of William Terrel LEWIS. Wit: Salathiel MARTIN, Kezia JARVIS (See Estate File of William RIDGE & see 12 May 1785)
10 Nov 1784 (Surry NC DBC:279-280) William Terrel LEWIS to Elijah KIRKMAN. land on waters of Beaver Dam Creek… Gilbert KENNS corner…lines of Thomas SPENCE and Joshua KEEN. Witnessed by John COMBS and William COMBS.
Notes: Is it more likely that these are John & William COMBS of Wilkes? Or John & William COMBS of Surry? And if so, which William? Were William, Sr. and John, Sr. back in the county due to death of their father (see next)?
Nov 1784. (Surry Co NC P&QS) Administration of estate of Mason COMBS to John COMBS. John HURT & Joseph PORTER, Securities. (SCMB, Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
16 Nov 1784 - Nov 1785 (NC State Archives C.R. 092.508.14):
Mason COMBS Inventory Nov 1785
Wm T. L.
Due from Wm COMBS L24.00
Jno COMBS Administrator
Nov 16 1784
T and Invitary of Mason COMBS Estate Deseased
four hundred acres of Land one still three feather beads and furniture Eight head of Cattel one maare and a Chist one Table A Loome and three slaws one tin funnal too hoghs one trunk one pot one skillot one Duchovin [dutch oven] five pounds eighteen shillings against Nathan ALLIN a note of hand of Nine pounds against Nathan ALLAN a note of hand against John PIPS [PIPES] Sr for four pounds & 10 shillings A Note of hand against Jesse FRANKLIN of L 4 pounds 2 shillings & one Cask A crop of corn and some tobaco one Bason 2 piggons & a quart mughs one sotgun 2 aces 2 hoos 1 Maitock 2 ploughs one pair of stillords 1 saddle one little whele 2 pair of cards one Clevis one Chern 2 Chears and soforth [the remainder is missing] (Transcribed by Combs-Cody Researcher George Baumbach) Rec. Nov. Ct. 1785, Surry Co WB2:102.
Notes: The above may have been John COMBS, Sr., presumed son of Mason COMBS, Sr. Also note that John COMBS of McLain's Ford resided adjacent to a John HURT (See Combs Land of Old Surry), and that the above Nathan ALLIN already owed Mason money even though he didn't marry his daughter, Winnifred COMBS Ridge, until the month after administration was granted (Is it possible that PIPES and FRANKLIN had also married daughters or granddaughters of Mason?). Question: Who got the 400 acres? Did it include the 200(?) acres sold to Mason by John in Aug 1784?
BIG QUESTION: If administration of the estate of Mason COMBS went to John COMBS in Nov. 1784, then who was the Mason COMBS who was security for Winnifred COMBS Ridge in May 1785 (See Below) who was dead by 12 May 1792? According to Jonathan HAINES' declaration on that date: "in or about May 1785 procure himself to be chosen by your Oratrixes Elizabeth and Mary and appointed…guardian, and thereupon the said Nathan ALLEN and the said William Terril LEWIS Mason COMBS John PIPES Silvanus PIPES Zenos BALDWIN Isaham THOMPSON William Nichols COOK as his Securities…As by the same Bond and Condition now remaining among the records of the same County Court…and to wit Mason COMBS is dead- that Silvanus PIPES is an inhabitant of Kentucky and John THOMPSON is removed to parts unknown out of this State… " Or was one or the other record in error?
Dec 1784 (Surry Co NC Marriage Bonds) Nathan ALLIN marriage bond to Winniford RIDGE, Silvenus PIPES, bondsman (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
Notes: Winnifred COMBS, d/o Mason COMBS, widow of William RIDGE, Sr., married (2) Nathan ALLEN. (See Below)
12 May 1785 (Surry WB2:97a) Winnafred ALLEN, formerly wife of Wm. RIDGE decd, swears she sold to Wm. Terrel LEWIS, Jr., 2 mulattoes Sal and Nan and swears she has never received from Jonathan HAINS living at the iron works of the County, formerly the property of Davis [sic] ALLEN, the h/o Mary MARTIN formerly Any. ???. Wit: John CHILDERS, Joel LEWIS. Rec. May Ct. 1785. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
Aug 1785 Surry Co, NC WB2:100. Return of property of William RIDGE decd by Nathan ALLEN who m his wife Winneford: 4 negroes Jack, Cate, James, Kesiah, feather bed, 3 cows. Wit: Wm. THORNTON. Rec. Aug Ct. 1785. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
6 Aug 1785 Surry Co, NC DBC:293/4. William T. LEWIS, heir-at-law of Micajah LEWIS, dec'd to Nathan ALLIN, £100, 400 acres both sides of Mitchells River crossing Camp Creek, agreed line with Micajah LEWIS and Thomas PETTIT. Wits: I.. M. LEWIS,* Elizabeth WARE. (Surry NC DB's A-C, Absher, SHP, Easley, SC, 1991) *James Martin LEWIS
Godfrey CODY 100 A, 1 wp Capt. Adkins' Dist.
Salathiel MARTIN, Esq. 570 A. 1 wp 1 bp -Capt. Lewis
Obediah MARTIN 300 A 1 wp 1 bp - Capt. Lewis
Andrew MARTIN 350 A 1 wp. - Capt. Lewis
Judith PETTIT - 100 A, no Polls - Capt. Willis'. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
May Term 1785 Surry Co NC. Guardian bond, May Term 1785, Surry Co; Elizabeth RIDGE and Mary RIDGE, orphans of William RIDGE, deceased, came into court and chose Nathan ALLEN their guardian and at the same time the court appointed the said Nathan ALLEN guardian to Seth RIDGE, Wm RIDGE, Thomas RIDGE and Winniford RIDGE, orphans of the said deceased. Wm. T. LEWIS, Mason COMBS, John PIPES, Silvanus PIPES, Zenos BALDWIN, Isham THOMPSON, and Wm N. COOK, securities. JR. WILLIAMS CC. (Transcribed by Combs-Ridge Researcher George Baumbach from Rowan Co NC Estate File of William RIDGE, Sr.)
Notes: The 1792 Jonathan HAINES declaration in the William RIDGE Estate file includes the statement, in reference to the above record, that "Nathan ALLEN and the said William Terril LEWIS Mason COMBS John PIPES Silvanus PIPES Zenos BALDWIN Isaham THOMPSON William Nichols COOK as his Securities…As by the same Bond and Condition now remaining among the records of the same County Court…and to wit Mason COMBS is dead- that Silvanus PIPES is an inhabitant of Kentucky and John THOMPSON is removed to parts unknown out of this State…" See Also Nov 1784 notes following John COMBS' settlement of estate of Mason COMBS, and see May 1786 below. Since Elizabeth and Mary were each at least age 14 (able to choose their own guardians), both were born bef 1772, with the other children born between 1772 and 1780 (the year of William Sr.'s death).
(Located in southern region of present-day Surry, along the Yadkin River. All with 1 white poll, unless otherwise noted) [selected entries]
John ALLEN Sr, 300 Acres
John ALLEN Jr 200
William ALLEN 200
Thomas AYRES
Nathaniel AYRES
Isaac ALLEN 200
Moses AYRES 370 acres, 2 white polls
Henry BURGE [BURCH?] 100
Godfrey CODYE 100 Acres
Amos CRITCHFIELD (h/o Lydia, d/o Francis & Charity WOOD Combs)
William COOK 500
Christopher ELLIS 200
John HAMMON 100 Acres
Richard HORN 1270
Henry HOLSCLAW 100
Joseph HOLSCLAW 100
John HORN Sr 350
Christopher ISBELL
Stephen JERVIS 140 Acres
John JONES Jr. 200
Jabez JERVIS 600
Daniel JERVIS 230
William JOHNSON 300
Jeffrey JOHNSON 361
Moses JOHNSON 1?? acres
Charles LAY 100
Reuben MATTHEWS 100
John MERION 50
Bartholomew MERION 50
John PARKER 200, 2 white polls
Edmond PACE
ROSE 150
Edward SMITH 100 Acres
Aaron SPEER 300
Reuben SHORES Jr. 250 acres, 1 white poll, 2 black polls
John SUMMERS 600
Isham THOMPSON 350 Acres
David WALKER 495
John WATSON 100 acres, 2 white polls
Sameul WOODRUFF 300
Nathaniel WOODRUFF Jr 300
William WHITAKER 100
Jonathon WHITAKER 100
(Surry NC Taxables, Atkins District, 1786, provided by Researcher Faye Moran)
18 Feb 1786 (Surry Co. Minutes of Court of P & QS) Suit of Godffey CODY vs David BRAY in which Hannah ROSE, wit. for pltff. charged for 280 mi., 21 days. On 16 Nov. 1786, State vs David BRAY. found guilty of trespass, Godfrey CODY. wit., 120 miles. 12 days. Hannah ROSE, 120 mi, 9 days. Godfrey CODY juror in Surry 13 Nov. 1787; he last appears as juror in Surry 16 May 1789. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
(Combs Researcher George Baumbach)
North Carolina
Surry County
Guardian bond, May Term 1786, Surry Co; Mary RIDGE and Elizabeth RIDGE, orphans of William RIDGE, dec'd, came into court and chose William COOK and Jonathan HAYNES as guardians. Joseph WINSTON, John BURCH, Henry SPEARS, securities. J WILLIAMS, clerk. (Combs Researcher George Baumbach)
Notes: Since Mary and Elizabeth are still underage, they were born after 1764 (between 1765-1771). Since the other RIDGE children still aren't choosing their own guardians, all were born after 1772)
Aug 1786 (Surry WB2:111a) Aug 1786 Ct. Winneford ALLEN, formerly Winneford RIDGE, cited with securities Abraham CRESON, James JONES, John Allen HORN & Keziah [sic] JERVIS to return inv. Lists 9 negroes of which four are in her possession (Jack, Cate, James, Keziah), 3 in possession of Wm. T. LEWIS (Sall, Nan & Tilly), 2 carried away by John FIELDER (Hannah & Phillis). Nathan ALLEN appointment. Guardian for Mary, Elizabeth, … [Seth], William, Thomas & Winneford RIDGE, orphans of Wm RIDGE decd. William COOK and Jonathan HAINS mentioned. Wit: Wm. MERDEITH, H. SPEER, George HOUSER. Rec. Aug. Ct., 1786. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
20 Jan 1787 (Surry Co NC DBE:244) John ALLEN, Junr. to Amos SCRITCHFIELD, 25 lbs., 100 A. waters Fishers River adj. plantation where said ALLEN now lives. s/ John (X) ALLEN. Wits: William COOK, Ben BURCH, William MEREDITH and John CRITCHFIELD.
Notes: Amos SCRITCHFIELD m in 1783 Lydia COMBS, d/o Francis & Charity WOOD Combs who follow:
08 Aug 1787 (Surry NC DBC:436) 8/8/1787 NC Grant to Francis COOMES, 200 acres, Round Hill, South side of Yadkin River (Surry Co, NC, Deed Books A, B and C (1770-1788), Abstracted by Mrs. W. O. Absher, SHP, 1981)
Notes: Francis COMBS is said to have come to Surry NC via Virginia from Maryland. Although his NC grant wasn't recorded until 1787, he was in the county by 1771. The location of his land remains undetermined. The only "Round Hill" in all of North Carolina (GNIS >Tiger Map Server) is a Round Hill Church located in present-day Wilkes County, northwest of Elkin, i.e., north of the Yadkin River by a few miles whereas the above shows that Francis' Land was on the south side of the River.
7 Sep 1786 - 1792 Surry Co., NC Criminal Action Papers (CR092.326.1) State of North Carolina. Surry County. February Sessions 1789. The Jurors for the State upon their oath present that John COMBS the elder late of Surry County on the seventh day of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty six with force and arms in the county aforesaid one white hogg commonly called a sow of the proper goods and chattels of Zachariah RAY Esq'r of the value of six pence then and there being found feloniously did steal take and carry away contrary to the statute in such case made and providing against the peace and dignity of the State.
W. STOKES for State by verbal request of the Court
1772 [1782?] - 1792 Surry Co., NC Criminal Action Papers (CR092.326.1) Surry Co NC. To the Sheriff of Surry County Greeting. You are hereby Commanded to take the Body of John COMBS The Elder if to be found in your Bailiwick & him safely keep so that you have him before the Justices of our County Court of pleas & Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Surry at the Court house in Surry on the second Monday of Feb or Aug, Novem next then & there to Answer unto us on a Bill of Indictment found against him by the Grand Inquest of and for the body of said County for Hog Stealing
Herein fail not & have you then & there this Writ Witness Joseph WILLIAMS Clerk of our said Court at office the second Monday of May, Aug, Novem, Anno Domini 1782 Jo WILLIAMS CC.
[On the endorsements side]:
The State
John COMBS The Elder
Capias Hog Stealing
to May Term 1789
not found
To August 1789
not found
To Novem 1789
not found
The State
John COMBS Ye Elder
Stock Cap's
To Feby Term 1790
To May 1790
not found
To Aug. 1790
not found
To Feb'y 1791
not found
The State
Pl's Cap's.
To Aus't Term 1791
not found
John To;s. LONGINO, D.S.
To Novem 1791
Not found
John Tho's. LONGINO, D.S.
To May 1792
Not found
John Thos. LONGINO, D.S.
(State of North Carolina Library and Archives, CR092.326.1, transcribed by Combs-Cody-Ridge-Stacy Researcher George Baumbach)
Notes: This almost appears more a ploy to keep John COMBS the Elderly Hog Thief out of Surry County? The 1800 Davidson Co TN Deposition of Obediah Martin BENGE (s/o John & Elizabeth LEWIS Benge, the former also father of "Chief Benge" by an Indian wife), stated "…John COMBS Senior left Surry County with a "… hog that was not his property…" John COMBS, Sr. is apparently the same next found in Montgomery Co, VA (although see also 1788 below).
10 Oct 1786 Mason COMBS: Claim allowed 10 Oct 1786 for 239 pounds Salisbury district Rev. Accts. of NC Vil II. (See Combs &c. North Carolina Pay Vouchers for more Combs and more &c.)
Notes: Which? Appears to be alive so probably Jr.? Where was he living when claim filed?
North Carolina
Surry County
Court Order, February Term, 1788. The following persons take the following children into their possession and keep until next Court, to wit, Jonathan HAYNES Thomas RIDGE, William COOK Junior William RIDGE, and William COOK Esq Winneford RIDGE and that Winneford ALLEN be noted to appear and show cause… (Estate File of William RIDGE, Sr.)
Notes: Seth RIDGE is not mentioned in the above record. Is that because she was age 14 (b bef 1775) and old enough to choose her own guardian? Shouldn't there be a record anyway?
12 Mar 1788 (Surry NC WB2:132a.) Bill of Sale from Godfrey (C) CODEY to Sarah ROSE for L25, Livestock and personalty. Wit: Basil EDMONSTON, John Hooper ORME. (Surry County, NC, Wills, 1771-1827, Annotated Genealogical Abstracts, Jo White Linn, GPC, Baltimore, 1992)
North Carolina
Surry County
To any lawful officers to execute and return governance here by required to Summon GODFERY CODY to appear before me or some other Justices for said county to answer HANNER ROSE of a ple of det [plea of debt] under ten pounds and this shall be your warrent given under my hand this 23 day of May 1788.
Endorsement page:
Appeal Aug't 1788
12th July 1788 Judgement for the plaintiff who produced a Ticket from the Clerk for her attendance as a witness for five pounds four shillings & light hence with costs 4/-
the Defendent appeals with WEST MOSLEY Security to pay all Costs & Damages if the Defendant is Lost --before WM. MEREDITH
Notes: See Combs Land of Old Surry NC re David BRAY'S 1784 patent on Codys Creek. Also note the Tory West MOSELEY/MOSBY as security. See also 1800 Surry NC Estate file of William COMBS, widow, Sarah. Among those who purchased items from his estate were Hanner [Hannah] BRAY and, Levi JARVIS and John SUMMERS (See Winnifred Combs Sumner Hicks & Dickey Diary Interviews and see White Co TN)
11 Nov 1788 NC State Records. Tuesday, 11 November, 1788. Received from the Senate the Memorial of William T. LEWIS and others praying an allowance for taking up deserters, and the Petition of Thomas DONOHO & William SANDERS and the Memorial of William T. LEWIS & others praying an allowance for attending as Witnesses against John & Mason COMBS. Endorsed, read and referred as by the House of Commons. (State Records of NC, Vol. XXI., 1788-1890, Nash, Goldsboro, NC, 1903, p. 30)
Notes: Not known when John and Mason COMBS are supposed to have deserted, nor which, but presumably Mason COMBS, Jr (although this could also be Mason, s/o John COMBS, Sr.). Which John COMBS is anyone's guess, although probably not John COMBS, Sr. since he and the hog were "not found" from 1786 through 1792.
1789 Stokes Co was formed from Surry, and the act dividing the county specified that the Surry court was to be held at the home of Richard HORN until a courthouse, prison and stocks could be erected at a central place.
Included the following, listed in order of appearance:
BRAY, Hannon
BURCH, William
BURCH, Thomas C.
BLEDSOE, Benjamin
BRAY, Stogner
BURCH, Thomas
COOK, William
BLEDSOE, Learking
OWENS, George
DAVIS, William
COONS, Francis 3-2-5-0-0 = 3 males 16+ including Francis + 2 males under 16 + 5 white females
TODD, James
DAVIS, Gabriel
Possibly on the same list - can't determine from this source):
RAY, Benjamin 1-1-3-0-0 (See Russell Co VA)
SUMMERS, John 2-3-3-0-0
CRITCHFIELD, Joshua 2-1-3-0-0
SMITH, Edward 1-2-1-0-0
SUMMERS, Johnson 1-0-1-0-0
YORK, James
(Heads of Household, 1790, North Carolina)
Notes: Francis COMBS was the only COMBS listed in 1790, all of whose lists were apparently extant (although some may have been in Wilkes Co this year).
August 1790 - Nathan ALLIN received by experience.
September 1790 - Elizabeth STASY left church in disorder.
December 1792 - Letter of dismission for Sister KINDLE [KENDALL]
(Combs Researcher Matt Combs)
Notes: Not known if same Nathan ALLEN as was m to Winnifred Combs Ridge, and no Combs, Codys or other STACYS found in this record. The above may have been Elizabeth DAVIDSON, wife of Simon STACY (brother-in-law to COMBS and CODYS), of Russell Co, VA.
Aug 1791 (Surry WB2:184a) Aug Ct. 1791. Receipts of Wm. T. LEWIS in judgment against him won by William COOK & Jonathan HAINS, guardians of orphans of William RIDGE decd. (Surry Wills, Linn)
06 Aug 1791 (Surry NC DBE:143) William COOK, guardian to orphans of William RIDGE, deceased to William and Thomas RIDGE, two of said orphans, 150pds., 200 A South side Yadkin River opposite mouth of Fishers River; land formerly belonging to Nathaniel WOODRUFF. Acknowledged. s/William COOK. (Surry NC Deeds, Books D, E and f, 1779-1797, Mrs. W. O. Absher, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1985)
Notes: The above is apparently the land COOK purchased with monies rec'd from WT LEWIS in exchange for JACK. (See W. RIDGE Estate File and also Combs Land).
10 Feb 1793 (Surry Co NCDBE:244) Amos SCRITCHFIELD of Spartanburg County, South Carolina to Sherod BROCK, 20 lbs., 100 Acres waters Fishers River adjoining land where John ALLEN, Jr. now lives. s/Amos SCRITCHFIELD. Wits: William MEREDITH, Rezia JARVIS, and John SHORE.
Notes: Amos CRITCHFIELD (a.k.a. SCRITCHFIELD, CRUTCHFIELD) m 27 Aug 1783 in Surry NC, Lydia COMBS, d/o Francis & Charity WOOD Combs of Maryland, Virginia. They are found on the 1790 Census of Spartanburgh SC, and are said to have eventually resided in Daviess Co KY (not yet found). See Also Combs Land of Old Surry County
06 Aug 1796 (Surry DBF:332) 6 Aug 1796. Francis COOMER [sic] to John FARMER, £100, 200 acres waters Yadkin. Wits: Nathan FARMER and Jacob GREEN. s/Francis [X] COOMER. (Surry County, North Carolina Abstracts, Deed Books D, E and F (1779-1797), Mrs. W.O. Absher, SHP, Easley, SC, 1985)
Notes: It is apparently this year that Richard COMBS returns from Nelson Co KY to bring his parents, Francis & Charity WOOD Combs, and his younger sisters to that county.
17 Feb 1797 (Surry NC Marriage Records) William RIDGE & Sarah HORN (Dodd, Jordan R, et. al. Early American Marriages: North Carolina to 1825. Bountiful, UT: Precision Indexing Publishers)
Notes: Marriage Record Needed! Bondsman? Consents? William RIDGE, Jr. was the s/o William & Winnifred COMBS Ridge, Sr. and Sarah HORN the d/o Richard HORN. They apparently left Surry Co NC prior to 1800 (not on that census). Is it possible that they removed from NC this same year - possibly even with Sarah Combs who m Martin JOHNSON ca 1797, the latter purchasing land from Robert BROWN on Dodson's Creek of the Holston River, Hawkins Co, TN in 1797, and witness for Mason COMBS (Jr.?) in 1801? By 1806, Martin JOHNSON and William RIDGE owned adjacent properties in Jackson Co TN (w/RIDGES also in White and later Bledsoe Cos TN), and the JOHNSONS in adjacent Warren Co TN along with Jeremiah and Simon COMBS, s/o Mason COMBS, Jr. of Hawkins TN.