![]() | Combs &c. Families of Amelia (Prince George) Co, VA 1740-1790 | ![]() ca 1754 |
Chancery Court Records 1728-1739
15 or 16 Jul 1740 (AC-COB1:#3) On the petition of George COMBS Plaintf agst James FORQUESON Deft the parties appearing and the arguments being heard It is the opinion of the court that the Plaintf recover of the Deft three pounds eleven shillings & four pence together with his costs in his behalf expended.
This James FORQUESON may be the same as James FERGUSON, who, at age 46 in 1766, deposed on behalf of George Combs, son of John Combs, in the suit of Moses EASTES vs Combs. James relates a story wherein he witnessed John Combs giving a Negro slave boy named Ned to his son George and wherein John eferred to Uncle Jamey and Aunt Patty as witnesses to his gift of the slave.
21 Nov 1740 (AC-COB1:133) John NANCE Jr. appointed constable.
1740 COMBS, George - Thos Tabb's List, btwn Deep and Flatt Creeks
COMBS, John - Ditto
1740 is the year that George Combs became an overseer for Field JEFFERSON and he was so employed for about 3 years until he was replaced by JEFFERSON with Benjamin HAWKINS. George later brought suit (by 1749) against JEFFERSON but it was not settled until 1755 (see Combs vs Jefferson Chancery Suit). George was also a witness for JEFFERSON in 1754 suit against Benjamin HAWKINS.
1742 COMBS, Geo - Edward Booker's List, below Flatt and Nibbs Creeks
COMBS, Jno - Ditto
03 Apr 1742 (AC-COB1:197) Robert FORQUESON appointed surveyor from COMBS Bridge over Hall Creek to the court house. John ROBERT and Will FORQUSON, John COMBS, Richard BORAMS to do the same.
18 Feb 1742[3] (AC-COB1:229-2) George COMBS summoned as a witness for Edmund BOOKER against Alexdr WARREN, paid for 1 day´s attendance.
18 Aug 1743 (AC-COB1:243). Elizabeth CLEMENTS relict of William CLEMENTS decd - petition for administration of decd´s estate was granted letters of administration and security given by Richard JONES and William HUDSON.
1743 COMBS, Geo - Edward Booker's List, below Flatt and Nibbs Creeks {btwn Deep and Flatt Creeks}
COMBS, Jno - Ditto
1744 COMBS, Geo - Edward Booker's List, below Flatt and Nibbs Creeks
COMBS, Jno - Ditto
18 May 1744 (AC-COB1:266) John COMBS having attended 1 day in the same suit, the court ordered the said Michael to pay him for same. Suit was Edward OSBORNE vs Michael McDEARMAN } on a petition.
18 May 1744 (AC-COB1:267) John COMBS on Grand Jury
SE Note: Individuals who had cases being heard during a given day or court session would often find themselves setting on a jury for another case. Since travel was difficult, the court made use of people who were in town to conduct other court business. Often you will find friends and relatives who came to court together.
17 Nov 1744 (AC-COB1:288) On the petition of George COMBS assignee of Charles WETHERFORD agst John HAYES for 4 pds, 2sh, 9p by Bill dated xxth day of August MCDCCXLiii - the summons being returned, defendant not appearing, judgement for the plaintiff.
18 May 1745 (AC-COB1;316-2) The petition of George COMBS against Robert Forqueson} cont.
25 Jun 1745 (AC-COB1:320) On the petition of George COMBS against Robt Forqueson….
SE Note: This petition was dismissed in Aug. 1745, p. 334
20 Dec 1745 (AC-COB1:351). On the motion of George COMBS a witness for John GILLINGTINE at the suit of William FORQUESON, for 4 days attendance…
21 Feb 1745[6] (AC-COB1:356) Benedict HAMMACK a defendant.
This record shows that Benedict HAMMACK, likely Sr., was in Amelia by 1746. There is a strong family tradition that Benedict HAMMOCK Jr. married a Mary Combs. Also, one Philip Combs was tithed by Benedict HAMMOCK Jr. in the 1762 Amelia Co. tax lists. The families of Benedict HAMMOCK Jr. and Philip Combs (with wife Abigail) move to Lunenberg Co, VA, and then move south finally settling in Wilkes Co, GA. What is interesting here is that if Benedict Jr. did marry a Combs, then he likely met her in Amelia Co. There is also speculation that Philip Combs was a brother to Mary Combs which might account for why he was tithed by Benedict Jr., possible brother-in-law, in 1762.
21 Mar 1745[6] (AC-COB1:359-2) Court ordered that Samuel _ARRY Gent. Sheriff do employ workmen to repair the bridge on Flat Creek and on William CRADDOCKS Hibbs Creek Bridge and COMBS Bridge on Flatt Creek.
COMBS, Jno - Edward Booker's List, btwn Deep and Flatt Creeks
21 Mar 1746[7] (AC-COB1-A:?) Abraham WOMACK v John PAYN } Deft
?? Jan 1746[7] (AC-COB2:30) Road Order. On the motion of John BOOKER to stop the road near his house that is the way to Richard BOOKER'S mill and that the old road near John COMBS be kept open and that the said John undertakes to make a Bridge over the run near the said COMBS and constantly keep the same in good repair. In consideration Henry ANDERSON, Francis ANDERSON, and Lodwick TANNER appointed to view both roads and report to the court which will then become the judgment of the court.
COMBS, Georg - Thomas Tabb's List, above Flatt Creek
COMBS, Jno - Edward Booker's List, below Flatt and Nibbs Creeks {btwn Deep & Flatt creeks}
This is the first year that George and John are not on the same list. No acquisition of property has been located for George in Amelia deeds.
14 June 1747 (AC-COB2:44-45). John FARGUSON v Benj HAWKIN} In case
…that Charles WETHERFORD and George COMBS was to have ½ to catch the other half of unmarked shoats….
[SE Note: I did not understand this entry]
Here we have another record with both Combs and John FARGUSON who was a neighbor of John Combs. Also, George Combs's job as overseer for Field JEFFERSON was given to Benjamin HAWKINS, likely the same as the defendant.
15 Jun 1747 (AC-COB1-A) George COMBS v ___smeared name__- [may be Robert FORQUESON]
20 Nov 1747 (AC-COB1-A:70) John COMBS is approved surveyor of the road in the room of Edmd BOOKER Junr.
20 Nov 1747 (AC-COB2:60) Court ordered that John COMBS be appointed road surveyor in the room of Edmd BOOKER Junr who is discharged from that office.
23 Nov 1747 (AC-COB2:64) George COMBS v Robert FERGUSON Junr } for cause. Jury sworn. Case continued. A judgment for the plaintiff was issued on 19 Feb. 1747[8]. COMBS to pay Thomas PORTER 100 lbs tobacco for 4 days as witness, also to pay James SCOTT and Richard WARD (p. 70).
23 Nov 1747 (AC-COB1-A:76) In the accom [?] of Hall between Geo COMBS pltf agst Robt FORGUSON Junr Deft, a jury was sworn. Case continued.
18 Dec 1747 (AC-COB1-A:79) Robt ROWLAND presented and acknowledged a deed of Livery and Seisin to George March COMBS. Mary, the wife, relinquished her dower.
If George March COMBS owned land in Amelia, where is the record of it?
18 Dec 1747 (AC-COB1-A:80) Dasey SOUTHALL appointed surveyor of road in the room of Jno COMBS.
19 Feb 1747[8] (AC-COB1-A:83) George COMBS vs Robt FARGUSON. Found for the plaintiff. Thomas PORTER a witness for George COMBS in suit vs FARGUSON for 4 days.
COMBS, George - Colo. Edwd Booker's List, below Flatt and Nibbs Creeks
COMBS, Jno 48e - Ditto
COMBS, Jno 48c - Josias Randle's List [lower end Nottoway Parish?]
George is back on Booker's list again, but a second John COMBS has appeared (on Josias Randle's list). If a son of John or George, then probably born ca 1732 (age 16).
5 Apr 1748 (VA Land Patent Bk26:282) Frederick BLAKE, 400 acres on the Upper side of Sandy River…beginning at HUDSON's corner….Harrison SIMS (abstracted by S. Elfving from LOVA Digital Land Database PB26:282)
Likely the same Frederick who was an overseer for Thomas TABB.
COMBS, Georg - Jno Nash's List {Nottoway Parish}
COMBS, Jno - Edwd Booker's List, Raleigh Parish below Flatt and Nibbs Creeks
COMBS, John - Thos. Burton's List [upper end of Nottoway Paraish]
COMBO, Peter - Wood Jones' List, Raleigh Parish below Deep Creek
A Peter COMBO is also seen in early Lunenburg tithables (to be re-checked)
21 Jul 1749 (AC-COB1-A:#1) Geo. COMBS v Field JEFFERSON} continued for bill.
Field JEFFERSON may have been the same who was in Cumberland Parish of Lunenburg Co, VA by 1749 (that part which later became Mecklenburg Co).
George Combs, former overseer for Field JEFFERSON, brought suit against JEFFERSON because he replaced him (with Benjamin HAWKINS) after about three years service and did not give him his share of the tobacco crop that George had raised prior to his dismissal. The suit was not settled until 1755. See transcription of Chancery Court cause papers above for detail description of issues. Field JEFFERSON was an early neighbor of John Combs I of Amelia.
15 Sep 1749 (AC-COB1-A:#3) John NANCE Jr presented and acknowledged a deed of livery and seizen to Phil FLEDGER. His wife Martha relinquished her dower rights.
20 Nov 1749 (AC-COB2:184) York, a negro boy belonging to John COMBS, was brought to court and judged to be 9 years old.
20 Nov 1749 (AC-COB2:184) An inventory and appraisement of the estate of Alexander RICHEY by John RICHEY was presented and ordered recorded.
SE Note: Is this the same RITCHIE family that later appears in Washington and Russell Counties Virginia and then in Perry Co, Kentucky?
18 Jan 1749[50] (AC-COB1-A:#?) Tithables List:
Capt. JONES List included:
William SMITH 6
J___ COMBS 6
IRBY & WATSON List included:
Benedict HAMMACK 6
SE Note: No explanation for the list was given, but it was preceded by a statement that each tithable person was to pay 6 pounds tobacco. This list is not included in TLC's publication (as follows, with George COMBS only). The second John COMBS is missing entirely.
COMBS, George - Jno Nash's List, Nottoway Parish
12 Apr 1750 (Amelia Co WB 1:73) Inv. & Acct. of est. of Thos. MARKHAM. Appraisers: Wm. HUTCHESON, Thos. PETTUS & John (X) CUMPTON, Jr. Admnr: Thos. TABB. Value 40/0/6. Among names mentioned: John COMBS. (Provided by Combs-Vaughn Researcher Mary Gregg)
Could this be the Thomas Markham, age 40, in 1745, who deposed for Frederick BLAKE in his suit against Thomas TABB? John Combs was also a deponent in this suit.
11 Sep 1750 (Amelia Marriages C:1) 11 Sept 1750 John COMBS and Frances ELAM. Sur. John BOOKER. Wit to bond, Samuel COBBS and William May COCK
Second source: Amelia Marriages. COMBS, John & Frances ELAM m. Sept 11th 1750. Signed by Jno BOOKER as security. (VA Marriage Records from the VA Magazine of History and Biograph, the William and Mary College Quarterly and Tyler's Quarterly, Indexed by Elizabeth Petty Bentley, GPC, Baltimore, 1984)
One John ELAM was an early landowner in Amelia receiving a 1735 patent for land on Tomahawke Branch, the same branch where John FARGUSON, neighbor of John Combs (b. 1705), had land (see 1732 patents). Frances ELAM was the second wife as chancery records show some, if not all, of John's children were born before he married Frances.
Given the proximity of Martin ELAM'S name to that of John COMBS I of Amelia in 1737, it would seem probable that Frances ELAM was kin to Martin ELAM (daughter? widow?). John died in 1762 and it appears (see below) that Frances was his second wife, making it more likely that this was John COMBS I (See Also Charlotte Co VA and Wilkes Co GA re Martin ELAMS and COMBS).
15 Mar 1750[1] (AC-COB1-A:#?) March COMBS v LESTER abates on plaintiff´s death
15 Mar 1750[1] (AC-COB1-A:#?) COMBS vs FARGUSON} continued. No estate records for March or George March/Marsh COMBS have been located in Amelia. Did he always use middle name or was he sometimes either George COMBS or George MARCH/MARCH? Had he moved outside the county? Who was LESTER? (See John COMBS of Nottoway Parish in 1787 tax list, with a Clayton LESTER same date)
15 Mar 1750/1 - 23 Mar 1752 (Amelia Co VA WB 1:82) I & A of est. of Michael NOWLAND. Returned Mar. 23, 1752. Appraisers: Geo. ELLIOTT, Thos. PETTUS & John (X) COMBS. Admnr. Roger THOMPSON. Value: 8/8.2-12. (Provided by Combs-Vaughn Researcher Mary Gregg) SW: NOLAN
COMBS, George - Jno Nash's List, Nottoway Parish
COMBS, John - Thomas Tabb's List, Raleigh Parish
25 Jul 1751 (Amelia Co DB 4:89) July 25, 1751 - Deed from John BOOKER of Raleigh Parish to John COMBS of same, 50 pds. for 50 acs. on branches of Flatt Crk, being plantation where Roger THOMPSON now lives, adj. John COMBS, Thos. PETTUS, Richd. BORUM & John FARGUSON. No witnesses. (Deed Book 3 and Deed Book 4, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey)
26 Sep 1751 (Amelia Co WB 1:8) Sept. 26, 1751 - Frederick BLAKE est. settlement examined and returned by Thos. TABB & Wm. BOOKER. Admnr. Samuel TARRY. Value 33/19/2. Names mentioned include John COMBS. (Provided by Combs-Vaughn Researcher Mary Gregg). Names mentioned (all) were Colo COBBS, John COMBS, John BOOKER, Benjamin HAWKINS, Richard BOOKER, Colo Edward BOOKER, Nico DURNING et al. (Combs Researcher Thom Mont from Will Book I, AMELIA COUNTY VIRGINIA WILLS 1735-1761; BONDS 1735-1754: p. 22)
Note all the familiar names here. John Combs deposed for BLAKE in 1745 when he sued Thomas TABB. Field JEFFERSON replaced George Combs as his overseer with Benjamin HAWKINS. Col. COBBS, and Richard and Edward BOOKER were neighbors of John Combs.
COMBS, Geo - John Nash's List, Nottoway Parish
COMBS, Jno - Capt. Thos Tabb's Poll [above Flatt Creek?]
Is it possible the 1750/1 court record that stated George Marsh Combs, plaintiff, was deceased was actually in error? Perhaps Lester was the plaintiff and he died instead which would explain why there were never two older George Combs on the tax lists. The recorder might have reversed the plaintiff and defendant's names. The name George Marsh/March Combs first appears in 1738 in court records but the middle name "Marsh/March" never appears in the tax lists. It is always George and only one George who appears in records thereafter. The court record needs to be verified.
23 Jan 1751 [2] (AC-COB3:17) Court ordered that Thomas PETTUS, John COMBS, Robert JONES, and Edmund WALKER, or any 3 of them, appraise the estate of Richard CLARKE decd.
12 Feb 1751[2] (AC-COB3:20) The heading was Public Claims-
John COMBS comes to court and presents a certificate from William BOOKER dated 5 Dec. 1748 for taking up a runaway manservant belonging to James HOLMAN of Goochland Co.
25 Jun 1752 (AC-COB3:54) William JETER and wife Margt acknowledged their deed to Thomas JETER.
25-26 Mar 1752 (Amelia Co VA WB 1:82) Michael NOWLAND'S est. sale held Mar. 25, 1751; acct. returned Mar. 26, 1752. Admnr. Roger THOMPSON. Value 10/10/1. Names mentioned: Roger THOMSON, Jeremiah KEEN, Jas. JOHNSON, Wm. RESTON, Wm. WALTERS, John COMBS, John CUMPTON, John BOOKER, John FARGUSON & Wm. SOUTHALL. (Provided by Researcher Mary Gregg)
26 Oct 1752 (AC-COB3:72) John COMBS´ negro girl Sue adjudged to be 12 years old.
COMBS, John - Thomas Tabb's List, Raleigh Parish
COMBS, Wm - Jno Nash's List, Nottoway Parish
SE Note: Wm COMBS is on the same list in 1753 as was George in 1750-52. William is not seen again on tax lists. Might he be the William Combs who appeared in Halifax County, Virginia in 1756?
28 Sep 1753 (AC-COB3:135) Jury: Jno COMBS
24 Jan 1754 (AC-COB3:152) James NANCE came to court and prayed that he be made an apprentice to James ANDERSON Junr for 5 years which will not expire until he is upwards of 21 years of age. The court ordered him bound.
29 Mar 1754 (AC-COB3:164) Jury: John COMBS
29 Mar 1754 (AC-COB3:165) George COMBS being summoned as a witness for Field JEFFERSON against Ben: HAWKINS, 4 days attendance coming and returning 28 miles.
Ben HAWKINS, overseer for Field JEFFERSON, replaced George COMBS the previous overseer (Combs vs Jefferson 1749-55 in Chancery).
COMBS, John - Thomas Tabb's List
07 May 1754 (Lunenburg Co VA DB 3:482-484) May 7, 1754. Jas. MATHEWS of Lunenburg to John COMBS of Amelia Co., 60 pds. for 303 acs. in Lunenburg. No witnesses. Mary, wife of MATHEWS, relinquished… (LUNENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEED BOOK 3, 1752-1754. June Banks Evans)
This land has not been researched; however, it is known that it later came into the hands of George Combs, son of John Combs. In Lunenburg in 1767, George and his wife Phebe sell this land to Moses ESTIS who had married Lurany Combs, d/o of John Combs and whose identity is documented in Chancery Cause ESTIS et us vs Combs (1762-4) wherein the Heirs of John Combs Deceased brought suit against his wife and administratrix Frances Combs.
13 Aug - 26 Sep 1754 (Amelia Co VA WB1:109S) Will of Lewsey CLARKE. /d/ Aug. 13, 1754 /p/ Sept. 26, 1754. Exec: "my brother Edward BOOKER." Mentions will of "my husband Richard CLARKE, dec'd." Also will of "my aunt Frances STOKES, dec'd." "My two children James and Hannah." (VA Families, The Booker Family)
26 Sep 1754 (AC-COB3:194) Thomas PETTIS, Robert JONES, William WILEY, and John COMBS, or any 3 of them, appoined to appraise the estate of Lucy CLARK decd whose Last Will and Testament was presented in court by Edward BOOKER Gent. The executor therein named…
24 Dec 1754 (Amelia Co WB 1:118) Dec. 24, 1754. I&A of est. of Lucy CLARKE. Returned Aug. 28, 1755. Appraisers: Robt. JONES, Wm. WILY, and John COMBS. Exec: Edward BOOKER. Value: 179/3/4. Slaves: woman Nanney, woman Rachel. Boys Abraham and Jack. Girl Betty. (VA Families, The Booker Family)
Lucy BOOKER Clark was the d/o Edward & Mary UNKNOWN Booker, Sr. Her aunt Frances STOKES was Frances BOOKER, d/o Richard BOOKER, Sr. by his second wife, Hannah HAND. The name of her STOKES husband remains unknown. Were these CLARKS kin to Robert CLARK whose wife was Sarah COMBS, d/o Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock Co VA and St. Mary's Co MD?
24 Jan 1754/5 (Amelia Co VA DB5:101) Indenture of Apprenticeship. John NANCE & James NANCE, son of sd. John NANCE, of Nottoway Parish to James ANDERSON, Jr., joiner, of Nottoway Parish. John NANCE, with advice & consent of his son James, & with the consent & approval of the Amelia Co. Ct, binds his son, James NANCE, to James ANDERSON, Jr. to learn the trade of carpenter, & ANDERSON shall provide good, sufficient meat, drink, washing, lodging & clothes. At the end of 5 years, James NANCE is to receive 3 pounds for his true performance"(Misc. Records, Amelia Co., VA 1735- 1865, compiled by G. J. McConnaughey (1995))
See Combs-Nance-Anderson families of Wilkes Co NC & Charlotte Co VA. Also note other ANDERSON connections herein.
29 Feb 1755 (AC-COB3:216). George COMBS vs Field JEFFERSON } In chancery. The court ordered the defendant to pay the plaintiff 1166 lbs. Tobacco plus his costs.
See above transcription of Chancery Cause Combs vs Jefferson (1749-55). George Combs states he was hired as overseer for Field JEFFERSON in 1740 but was replaced after three years by Benjamin HAWKINS and defendant still owed him his share of the harvested tobacco crop. Field JEFFERSON was a neighbor to John Combs as early as 1732 in Prince George County.
COMBS, John - Colo. Richd Booker's Poll [btwn Flatt & Nibbs Creeks?]
COMBS, John - Thomas Tabb's List, Raleigh Parish
John COMBS of Booker's list is new… and unidentified.
23 May 1755 (AC-COB3:234) Jury: John COMBS
25 Sep 1755 (AC-COB4:8) George WAINWRIGHT vs John COMBS } In debt. John BOOKER came to court and undertakes for the defendant who acknowledges the action to be just. Judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of 76 pounds [sterling].
26 Feb 1756 (AC-COB4:32) Court ordered that John COMBS clear the Road from Flatt Creek to the courthouse and that the male laboring tithables of Colonel HARRISON be added to those already under his direction.
24 Jun 1756 (AC-COB4:73) The presentment of the Grand Jury against John COMBS for not keeping the road whereof he is surveyor in repair.
26 Aug 1756 (Amelia Co DB 5:490) Aug. 26, 1756. Mary (X) BOOKER of Raleigh Parish to Richd. BOOKER for natural love & affection for her son Richard, "the 1/2 of 436 acs. I now live on" being land b/b Edward BOOKER, Edmund BOOKER, Christopher SMITH, John COMBS & John BOOKER, being the moiety of the land which joins John BOOKER, Edward BOOKER & John COMBS. Wits: Edward BOOKER, Wm. CHAPELL and Wm. (X) SADDLER. (Deed Book 5 and Deed Book6, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey)
COMBES, John - Thomas Tabb's List, Raleigh Parish
The second John COMBS has "gone missing" (or his tax list has?).
26 Nov 1756 (AC-COB4:109). County levy contains entry for John COMBS [& ohers] for guarding Ro___ at 25 ea.
24 Mar 1757 (AC-COB4:143). An indenture of gift between John JETER and Elizabeth his wife to John JETER Junr and a memorandum were proved by the oaths of George ROBERTSON and Mildred ROBERTSON and Ambrose JETER, 3 of the witnesses, ordered recorded.
24 Mar 1757 (AC-COB4:144). John HUNTER, James JETER and Priscilla his wife Exrs of Moses YARBROUGH decd. } upon a writ………..
28 Sep 1758 (Amelia Wills) Will of Edmund BOOKER, Sr. Dtd 10 Nov 1757. Prvd. 28 Sep 1758. Legatees: wife, Jane, daughter Frances CLEMENT, sons Edmund, John, William and Edward, and daughter Rebecca OVERTON. (Virginia Families, The Booker Family, Vol. 1, p. 175)
The above is Edmund BOOKER of Gloucester, Essex and Amelia. The maiden name of his wife is unknown, as are the spouses of his daughters; however, also note the OVERTONS of Old Rappahannock Co VA with Abraham COMBS (d 1684 St. Mary's Co MD); and three Combs-Clement connections: (1) the 1788 marriage of Rachel CLEMENTS & Henry COMBS in Montgomery Co VA; and (2) the Clement-Combs-Evans-Hammock connections in Amelia (see below) and later in Wilkes Co GA; and (3) in Charles Co, MD. Combs Researcher Rue Avant adds that Rebecca (Rebekah) BOOKER, b ca 1728, was the daughter of Edmund and Rebecca LEAKE Booker; and m by 1757, Samuel OVERTON (s/o Capt. James and Mary Elizabeth GARLAND Overton). Frances BOOKER'S Clement husband not yet identified (See also Overton Families)
COMBS, John - Greenhill's List, {below Deep Creek in Raleigh Parish}
23 Feb 1758 (AC-COB5:56) An indenture of Gift between Benedict HAMMOCK of one part and John HAMMOCK of the other, acknowledged by the oaths of John MA___, Charles CONNALLY, and Martin HAMMOND. There was also a gift to Benedict HAMMOCK Junr, and to William HAMMOCK.
22 Feb 1759 (AC-COB5:168) On the petition of Joseph EGLESTON to have a public road ~ running thro´ his plantation _____ it is ordered that John BOOKER, Edward BOOK (son of George) Edward BOOKER (son of Edmund), and Richard BOOKER or any 3 to view the lands….and report.
05 Feb 1762 (Amelia Co DB 7:549) Feb. 5, 1762. Edmund SMYTH… William SMYTH… and Christopher SMYTH, devisees of the will of Samuel TARRY… to Joseph EGGLESTON, Gent., of Amelia, 540 pds. for 600 acs. in Raleigh Parish, Amelia Co., on Flat Crk. adj. Wm. EGGLESTON, John COMBS, Richd. BOOKER, Edwd. BOOKER & James CLARKE. No wits. (Deed Book 7 and Deed Book 8, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey) Search Words: TERRY
See also Atkinson Connections re this neighborhood. Also note that since the above record does not indicate that John COMBS was deceased, IF> he was the same John COMBS, he apparently died between February and May of 1762:
28 May 1762 (Amelia Co WB 2X:18) May 28, 1762. Inventory and Account of estate of John COMBS. Administratrix: Frances (X) COMBS. Returned & recorded May 27, 1762. Witnesses: Wm. EGGLESTON, John BOOKER, Edward BOOKER. Value: 259/5/1-1/2. Slaves: Negro boy Ned and Negro man Harry. (Will Book 2X, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey)
Two Chancery Causes: Estis et us v Combs (1762-64) and Eastis vs Combs (1765-9) identify George Combs as the eldest son of John Combs. George states he was not yet age 21 when his father died (1762?) and not yet age 22 in what appears to have been 1763. These statements put George's birth around 1741 give or take a few months. The papers state that John had the following children still living at his death: Lurany, wife of Moses Estes, Sarah, wife of James Bowls (or Bowlins), George Combs, Samuel Combs, Mary Combs, Clarissa Combs, and John Combs. It appears that Lurany and Sarah were married at the time their father died so they were likely the oldest children. George, the oldest son, was the third child, and he was married to Phebe by 1766 per an Amelia deed wherein he sold his father's land. Of the remaining four children, it is not known if all were by John's first wife, but it is suspected they might have been since no guardianship records have been found. In any event, Frances ELAM was definitely a second wife. It is also not known if John had any children that might have predeceased him. John's younger sons Samuel and John have yet to be identified. There was a John in a 1767 Charlotte Co. court record and a John who witnessed a 1766 Amelia Co. deed wherein George and Phebe sold land that had belonged to John Combs I. There was also a later John Combs in a 1787 Amelia Co. tax list. Refer to the Chancery transcriptions at the beginning of the Amelia records for more detail.
1762 (Amelia Co., VA, Tithables List, Nottoway Parish, taken by John WINN and Hampton WADE, alphabetical listing:
Benedict HAMMOCK, Jr., and Philip COMBS -- 2 tithables
John HAMMOCK -- 1 tithable
(Extracted by researcher Combs-Hammock Researcher Danny Knight)
COMBS, Frances tithes - Thomas Tabb's List, Raleigh Parish [btwn Flatt Cr & Appomattox R]
COMBS, George - Ditto
COMBS, Philip - John Winn & Hampton Wade's List, [middle & lower end?] Nottoway Parish
Phillip may have been the Phillip COMBS who was bondsman for the 1772 Guilford Co NC marriage of John & Sarah MABRY Combs, and it is highly probable that he was the Phillip COMBS found in Fairfield District, SC in 1778-1779, and in Wilkes Co GA with Benedict HAMMOCK II by 1784. According to Hammock Family Oral Tradition, Benedict HAMMOCK II m Mary COMBS, thought by many researchers to have probably been the sister of Phillip COMBS I. See also Phillip COMBS of Lunenburg Co, VA.
Benedict HAMMOCK Sr. may have been in Amelia Co. as early as 1746. If so, his son Benedict Jr. would also have been with him as he would have been a young man, and if he did marry Mary Combs, did he meet her in Amelia or did he meet her somewhere else and bring her back to Amelia along with a relative (or possible brother) Philip Combs? Or were Mary and Philip already living in Amelia. There was speculation that Philip might have been a son of John I of Amelia but we now know that to not be the case. Benedict and Philip lived in Nottoway parish whereas John (and sometimes George) were found in Raleigh parish.
By 1771, Philip Combs is in Lunenburg Co, VA per tax lists. In 1775, Philip and wife Abigail Combs sell their land. Perhaps they are preparing for their move to NC/SC. The next definite record we have for Philip after 1775 in Lunenburg is in Fairfield District SC in 1778 when he and Elizabeth DUKE witnessed the will of Ephraim MABRY, a former Lunenburg resident. Shortly thereafter, Philip is found in Wilkes Co, GA with Benedict HAMMOCK.
There is some thought that he might be the same Philip Combs, bondsman, for the 1772 marriage of John Combs and Sarah MABRY in Guilford Co, NC.
29 Jul 1762 (Amelia Co DB 7:673) July 29, 1762. Richd. BOOKER, Jr. of Amelia to John BOOKER of same, 280 pds. for 436 acs. in Amelia adj. Jas. BRADLEY, Edwd. BOOKER Jr., Edwd. BOOKER Sr., Jos. EGGLESTON, Geo. COMBS & sd. John BOOKER, being part of land patented to Richd. BOOKER & conveyed by him to his son, Wm. BOOKER, & by him to sd. Richd. BOOKER by his will. Wits: Edwd. BOOKER, Jas. CONGREVE and Wm. WATSON. Frances, wife of Richd. BOOKER, relinquished dower right. (Deed Book 7 and Deed Book 8, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey)
The above confirms (as do later records) that George COMBS inherited the lands of John COMBS who d 1762, apparently intestate.
COMBS, Frances list - Capt Edmd Booker's List, Raleigh Parish, the upper side of Flat Creek
COMBS, George 63k - Ditto
COMBS, Philip 63c - Thomas Bowrey's List, the lower part of Nottoway Parish
23 Feb 1764 (Amelia WB 2X:59) Nov. 12, 1763 - Feb. 23, 1764. Will of Wm (X) BRINTLE. Legatees: Mrs. Sarah DODSON (certain personal property), remainder of est. to brother Jesse HAMBLET and he to be executor. Wit: Wm. WEST, John DODSON, Jas. BEVAR, Edwd. DODSON, Wm. COUSINS. Sec: Wm. WEST (Subject: HAMLETT, Posted: January 24,1996, To: CONNIE SHEETS (ASWM99A)From: MARY GREGG (NENT78F) Hamlett note #5)
In Halifax Co VA Judah COMBS, d/o George & Phoebe COMBS of Amelia, Lunenburg & Halifax Cos VA, m in 1793, Jesse DODSON; and in 1786, her sister, Mary "Polly" COMBS, m Bolling Green HAMBLETT. Significant? Not yet known.
COMBS, Francis list - Ben: Ward's List, Raleigh Parish {btwn Flatt & Deep Creeks}
COMBS, George - Ditto
COMBS, John - Alexr Erskine's List, Nottoway Parish [lower end of?]
COMBS, Philip - Ditto
Is John COMBS a younger brother of Phillip who is appearing on this list for the first time, thus 16 years of age (born ca 1748?) If so, would not Revolutionary War Soldier John COMBS, born this same year (see next) have been likely the son of George COMBS?
7 Sep 1764 Amelia Co, VA. Born: John COMBS. Rev. War Soldier. Enlisted in the Revolutionary War in Fairfield District, SC, and in 1783 moved to Wilkes Co, GA where he applied for his pension 13 Jan 1834.
This John COMBS is believed to have been the s/o Phillip COMBS tithed by Benedict HAMMOCK I in 1762, who was in Fairfield District SC by 1778-1779, and Wilkes Co, GA by 1784 (and probably earlier). This John was not a son of George and Phoebe COMBS since he probably removed to SC with his family; and Halifax Co VA records don't reflect an absence from that county on the part of George and Phoebe (who were residing in that county by 1768). He was probably the John COMBS of Wilkes Co, GA who was trustee for the land of one Amos RICHARDSON ca 1785. He may have been a son of the Phillip COMBS who removed from Fairfield District SC to Wilkes Co Georgia, who may have been Phillip COMBS below who may have been Phillip of Lunenburg Co VA, and he was possibly the same as the John COMBS of Greenville SC and Washington District NC (TN).
04 Jun 1765 (Amelia Co WB 2:209) Will of William COLLICOTT (also COLLICOT). Dated June 4, 1765; no date given for proving. Witnesses: Samuel SHERWIN, William HATCHETT, Thomas MOORE, Gressett DAVIS, Thomas DUNNAVANT, Daniel (X) MURRAY. Executor: son James. Legatees: wife Mary … daughter Mary MANN, daughter Anna MANN, daughter Tabby, granddaughter Rachel BROOKE, daughter Rachel, daughter Lilly Ann BROOK. Son James residue of my estate, real and personal … (2:219) Inventory dated March 27, 1777. (Will Book 2, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey)
See James CALLICOT & Wm. COMBS of Charlotte Co VA & Wilkes Co NC and Callicoat-Combs-Vaughn Connections.
25 Sep 1766 (Amelia Co. DB 9:52) Sept. 25. 1766. George COMBS and Phebe, his wife, of Amelia to Wm. EGGLESTON of same, 160 pds. for 450 a. in Amelia on the lower side of Flatt Cr. adj. lands of Jos. EGGLESTON and Wm. EGGLESTON. Also 50 a. of the above quantity which formerly belonged to John BOOKER and the place where Roger THOMPSON formerly lived, adj. lines of Geo. COMBS, Wm. EGGLESTON, Richd. BORUM and John FERGUSON. Wits: Francis ANDERSON, John C. COMBS and John KNIGHT. Phebe, w/o Geo. COMBS, relinquished her dower right. (Deed Books 9, 10, 11, Amelia County, Virginia, Deeds 1766-1773, Gibson)
The above deed accounts for all 450 acres owned by John COMBS (I?) of Amelia, and that all was inherited (or otherwise acquired) by George COMBS, and was probably the sign of George & Phoebe COMBS' imminent departure for Lunenburg Co VA where they are found in 1767 (and later on to Halifax Co VA). But who was the John C. COMBS who wit. the 1766 deed? Perhaps John the younger brother of George? (Note: If George & Phoebe COMBS had sons, their names remain unknown). Was he the same John COMBS who was on the 1787 Amelia Tax List below? Note that there were numerous John COMBS in Amelia by the time of the Revolution
6 July 1767 (CharCo. COB2:14). On motion of George Combs a Witness for our Sovereign Lord, the King in his suit against Thomas SMITH it is ordered that William THOMASON the Prosecutor pay him for one day attendance according to law. On motion of John Combs a Witness for our Sovereign Lord, the King in his suit against Thomas SMITH it is ordered that William THOMASON the Prosecutor pay him for one day attendance according to law. On motion of Judith Combs a Witness for our Sovereign Lord, the King in his suit against Thomas Smith it is ordered that William THOMASON the Prosecutor pay him for one day attendance according to law. (Charlotte Co., Va. Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1767-1771, FHC Microfilm of originals. Abstracted and submitted by Combs &c. Researcher Sue Elfving)
Notes: The identities of Judith and John Combs are unknown. They might have been part of the family of George Combs (b. 1705) of Charlotte since we know George styled himself as being of Charlotte in his 1766 deposition on behalf of George Combs, son of John Combs deceased. It is possible the above John was the son of John Combs but Judith was not the daughter of John Combs I of Amelia since we have his children's names from chancery records. George and Phoebe Combs had a daughter Judith who signed her own consent when she married Jesse DODSON in Halifax Co. on 19 Mar 1793 (Halifax Co VA Marriage Records), but she was much younger than the witness Judith.
23 Aug 1768 (Amelia Co VA DB 10:38) Aug. 23, 1768. Charles SALLARD of Amelia to John BAILEY and Mary Metcalfe BAILEY of same witnessed by John PORTER, David VAUGHAN and Philip (X) COMBS. (Deed Book 9, Deed Book 10 and Deed Book 11, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey)
Was the above John PORTER kin to either Joseph PORTER of Surry Co NC and/or Joseph PORTER of Wilkes Co NC? Was David VAUGHAN kin to Nancy CALLICOAT Vaughan? (More on CALLICOTS and VAUGHNS to come; see also Charlotte Co VA and below)
Note: No COMBS appear in Amelia Co VA deeds through book 13 or 14. No COMBS wills into the 19th century. Still need to check Order Books, etc.
6 May 1771 (CharCo. COB2:474). Sherwood WALTON is appointed surveyor of the Road from the Nine mile tree to the four mile Tree and it is ordered that he together with the male Labouring Tythes belonging to Lewis DUPREE, Nathaniel WILLIAMS, John WILLIAMS, George Combs, John HAYES, Josiah VAUGHN, Edward HARRIS, Stephen HARRIS, Edward HARRIS Jun., Maynard HARRIS, David HARRIS, William HAMMONS, David GIBSON and George GIBSON, do forthwith clear and keep the same in repair according to Law. (Charlotte Co., Va. Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1767-1771, FHC Microfilm of originals. Abstracted and submitted by Combs &c. Researcher Sue Elfving)
Notes: This road order appears to be for a five mile stretch and it may help to identify exactly where these folks lived. It has been believed that George COMBS who appears in both Charlotte Co. and Lunenberg Co. records might have lived near the line between the two counties. See 1770 deed. Since Ambrose HAMMON is now found in Charlotte Co. records, the William Hammons in this road entry may be the same as Rev. William HAMMONS, brother to Ambrose (see 4 March 1771 road order showing Ambrose HAMMON).
12 Sep 1773 (Amelia Co., Va. WB 2:157) September 12, 1773 - No probate date. Will of Anne STERN. Legatees: Daughters: Mary LONG; Tabitha STERN; Sarah MEREDITH and her children [not named]. Sons: John EVANS; Francis STERN and his children [not named]. Grandchildren: Allen JETER; Rodofel JETER; Tabitha JETER; Mason JETER; Jane JETER. Sons-in-law Ambrose JETER and Sampson MEREDITH. (Amelia Co., Va. DB 9:175) Re Ann STERN'S estate, mention is made of Negroes in possession of Reuben LONG of Culpeper County. Executors: Brother Francis ANDERSON and daughter Tabitha STERN, Wit: Christopher FORD and Richard ANDERSON (Will Book 2, Amelia County, Virginia. Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey)
The above Ann ANDERSON, father unknown, was the sister of Francis ANDERSON, m (1) John EVANS, (2) David STERN; (3) Francis STERNE. Her 2nd husband, David STERN was the s/o Francis & Mary CAMMOCK Stern, Mary CAMMOCK having been d/o Warwick & Margaret UNKNOWN Cammock (Thatcher), and Warwick CAMMOCK a close associate of Archdale & Abraham COMBS of Old Rappahannock Co VA. One of her daughters (apparently already deceased?) had married Ambrose JETER as noted in her will, and he was the s/o ??????? See Also MEREDITHS of Surry NC, Montgomery Co VA & Henry Co VA. also ANDERSONS of Richmond & King George Co VA. Was Ann kin to John ANDERSON, neighbor of John COMBS I above? Was her husband, John EVANS, kin to the EVANS who intermarried with COMBS & HAMMOCKS of Wilkes Co GA? See Also 1786 will of Tabitha STERN below and Jeter Families.
25 Feb 1779 (Amelia Co DB 15:49) Proved Feb. 25, 1779. Deed of Gift from Robert CHAPPELL, Sr. to his daughter Martha MAYES witnessed by Richd. FARGUSSON, John (X) COMBS and Drury MOORE. (Provided by Combs Researcher Mary Gregg)
Which John COMBS is this? Not John C. COMBS who could sign his name (unless an error was made and his mark was a “C” and mistaken for a middle initial?). Probably not the John COMBS who was b in 1764 in Amelia, but in Fairfield SC by 1779-1780. Possibly the same John COMBS who was still in Amelia in 1787, and/or possibly John Combs, son of John Combs I of Amelia, younger brother of George Combs.
1782 Amelia Co VA Personal Property Tax Lists
23 Mar 1786 (Amelia Co., Va. WB 3:401) February 8. 1785 - March 23, 1786. Will of Tabitha STERN mentions Nephews and nieces: Allen JETER, Tabitha Anderson JETER, Mason JETER, Mary Mason MEREDITH, Ann MEREDITH, David MEREDITH and Joseph Norfleet MEREDITH; cousin Elizabeth Collier PRIDE. Executors: Allen JETER and William Anderson MERIDITH. Wits: Mack GOODE and James BAGLEY
(Amelia County, Virginia, Will Book 3 with Additional Deaths and Heirs from Order Books 15 and 17. Bel Hubbard Wise)
03 Jan 1786 (Amelia Co VA Marriages) Mason JETERS & Anthony CRENSHAW (W&MCQ)
The above marriage may provide another link due to the David NANCE of Pittsylvania Co VA who m a Mary CRENSHAW, and the COMBS-NANCE connections to Wilkes Co NC & Charlotte Co VA as noted above.
23 Mar 1787 Amelia Co VA Personal Property Tax List B --COMBES, John tithed himself and one horse. Seen by the tax collector on this same date (as required by law in 1787) were John & Milner BENNETT, tithed by Richard BENNETT; John BRYAN, Edward CRADDOCK, Gabriel, James, John & Nathan FOULKS; Peter GRIGG; James JENNINGS; John & Simeon WALTON. (1787 Census of VA, Nettie Schreiner-Yantis).
Interestingly enough <grrrrrh>, this John COMBS does not appear to be living near property of the earlier COMBS who, based on Tax List A, would have fallen among the following names visited on 4/26/1787: Henry ANDERSON, Jr., Ansalem BAILEY, Stephen BEASLEY, Richard BELCHER, James BEVIL, Jas. BOTT, Miles BOTT, John BOTTOM, Christopher BOWLIN, Thomas T. BOWLING, James BRADBY, James CALLICOTE, David CLAY, Thomas CLAY, Sr., Stephen COCKE, Danl. COLEMAN, Jessey COLEMAN, Benjamin CRAWLEY, Peter CROWDER, John DALTON, Thomas DRAKE, William DRAKE, Hodg DUNNIVANT, Joseph EGGLESTON, Sr., John ELAM, Peter ELLINGTON, John FINNEY, Christian FORD, John FORD (Heirs), Mary FORD, Richard FOSTER, Thomas GREEN, Sutton HAISTON, Field M. HARRISS, William HASTIN, Mary HAYES, Richard HAYES, Richd. HOOD, Jas. HUTCHESON, Burwell, Isaac, Joel and Phillip W. JACKSON, Archer, Peter (2) JONES, Clayton LESTER, Field & Spencer MANN, Hector McNEAL, Evirit MEADE, Isham MELONE, Evin MITCHELL, John OGLESBY, Abner OSBONE, William PARHAM, Josh. & Matthew PURKISSON, Jones ROBBERT, L. George, Matthew, Brig & Peter ROBERTSON, James & John SOUTHALL, Abraham TOLLEY, Rowland WARD, Sr., And WAUGH, Eli(?) WORSHAM, Henry WORSHAM.
This presumes that Joseph EGGLESTON was living on the same land - there are other dates with EGGLESTONS, BOOKERS, JETERS, etc. Not yet determined. However, note James CALLICOAT and see RW William COMBS re James CALLICOT of Charlotte VA & Wilkes Co NC, as well as other names as noted elsewhere herein. According to Nettie Schreiner-Yantis, when Nottoway Co was est. in 1788/9, all those on George BALDWIN'S List B were in Nottoway Parish, which became the new Nottaway County, and all those on George BOOKER'S list A were in Raleigh Parish - which is where the original COMBS Land was. A cursory search of Nottoway Co VA published records has unearthed no COMBS thus far. Also note Combs-Hayes marriages in Wilkes Co NC, and Combs-Jackson marriages in Grainger Co TN.
28 Apr 1790 (Wilkes GA DBEE:139) POA. Martin ELAM of Wilkes GA to Francis BARNES of Charlotte Co, VA, to sell 500 A on Great Bluestone Creek in Charlotte, part of tract William ELAM lived on and deeded by him to said Martin ELAM, adjoining lands of Almon and Edward ELAM; John SIMS and Frederick SIMS, witnesses. (They Went Thataway, Charles Hughes Hamlin, GPC, Baltimore, 1974, p. 83)
John SIMS m Mildred WINGFIELD by 1793, probably in GA, and after his death she m next Sterling COMBS who may have been a son of Philip COMBS Sr. who was probably b in Amelia Co VA where in 1737 one Martin ELAM is found on same tax list with one John COMBS and in 1750, one John COMBS (probably the same?) m a Frances ELAM, and was deceased by 1762. In 1787, no Martin ELAM is found in Amelia Co VA, but instead in Charlotte Co VA where we have another Combs Connection, that of the RW William COMBS of Wilkes Co NC, Charlotte Co VA; and Sullivan Co TN.