![]() | Combs &c. Counties in Tennessee |
Frontier Combs - the earliest Combs &c. located in the records of TN (then NC). Note: Still down for repairs. See Sullivan, Washington & Hawkins for most early records. | Records |
Tennessee Social Security Index | Index |
Middle TN Revolutionary War Soldiers (All RW Pensioners of Warren TN, and numerous from neighboring counties, particularly White) | Records |
Anderson (1801 from Knox) | Records |
Bedford | Records |
Benton (from Humphries, 1835-6) | Records |
Bradley Co, Tennessee (from Indian Lands, 1836) | Records |
Campbell (1806 from Anderson) | Records |
Carter | Records |
Chester | Records |
Claiborne (from Grainger & Hawkins) | Records |
Coffee (from Bedford, Franklin, Warren in 1836) | Records |
Crockett (from Lauderdale, Dyer, Gibson, Madison and Haywood) | Records |
Davidson | Records |
DeKalb (from Cannon, (Jackson?), Smith, Warren & White) | Records |
Dickson | Records |
Dyer | Records |
Fayette New - 14 Mar 2009 | Records |
Fentress | Records |
Franklin | Records |
Gibson | Records |
Giles | Records |
Grainger (from Hawkins, Knox) | Records |
Greene | Records |
Hamilton (from Rhea) | Records |
Hancock (from Claiborne & Hawkins in 1844 )- under repair | Records |
Hardeman | Records |
Hardin | Records |
Hawkins (from Sullivan) | Records |
Henry | Records |
Hickman | Records |
Humphreys | Records |
Jackson | Records |
Jackson - Land on McFarlin's Creek (Includes Monroe Co, Kentucky) | Records |
James (from & to Hamilton) | Records |
Jefferson | Records |
Johnson | Records |
Knox | Records |
Lawrence | Records |
Lincoln | Records |
Madison | Records |
Maury | Records |
McMinn | Records |
McNairy | Records |
Meigs | Records |
Montgomery | Records |
Monroe | Records |
Obion | Records |
Overton | Records |
Rhea | Records |
Shelby | Records |
Smith | Records |
Stewart | Records |
Sullivan | Records |
Sullivan 1788 Militia List - Capt. Vincent | Transcription |
Sullivan 1812 Tax List - Capt. Everitt's Company | Transcription |
Sumner | Records |
Tipton | Records |
Unicoi New - 27 Dec 2008 | Records |
Van Buren (from Warren & White) | Records |
Warren (from White) | Records |
Warren 1812 Tax Lists | Transcription |
Warren 1814 Militia List - Capt. Tait's Co. | Transcription |
Warren/White 1828 Rocky River Baptist Church Members | Transcription |
Warren & White Revolutionary War Soldiers (includes neighboring counties) | Records |
Warren 1850 Census (Ann Turner's Correlations Project) | Gedcom |
Washington (from Washington Dist NC) | Records |
Weakley | Records |
White (from Jackson +) | Records |
Williamson | Records |
Wilson | Records |
These are often used in many statewide publications
A | Anderson | H | Hamilton | Mg | Morgan |
B | Bedford | Ha | Hancock | O | Obion |
Be | Benton | Hr | Hardeman | Ov | Overton |
Bl | Bledsoe | Hd | Hardin | P | Perry |
Bo | Blount | Hw | Hawkins | Po | Polk |
Br | Bradley | Hy | Haywood | Pu | Putman |
C | Campbell | He | Henderson | R | Rhea |
Ca | Cannon | Hn | Henry | Ro | Roane |
Cr | Carroll | Hi | Hickman | Rb | Robertson |
Ct | Carter | Hu | Humphreys | Ru | Rutherford |
Ce | Cheatham | J | Jackson | S | Scott |
Cl | Claiborne | Je | Jeferson | Sq | Sequatchie |
Co | Cocke | Jo | Johnson | Se | Sevier |
Cf | Coffee | K | Knox | Sh | Shelby |
Cu | Cumberland | L | Lauderdale | Sm | Smith |
D | Davidson | La | Lawrence | St | Stewart |
De | Decatur | Le | Lewis | Sn | Sumner |
Di | Dickson | M | Macon | T | Tipton |
Dy | Dyer | Ma | Madison | Un | Union |
F | Fayette | Mr | Marion | V | VanBuren |
Fe | Fentress | Ms | Marshall | W | Warren |
Fr | Franklin | Mu | Maury | Wa | Washington |
G | Gibson | Mc | McMinn | Wy | Wayne |
Gi | Giles | Mn | McNairy | We | Weakley |
Gr | Grainger | Me | Meigs | Wh | White |
Ge | Greene | Mo | Monroe | Wi | Williamson |
Gu | Grundy | Mt | Montgomery | Wl | Wilson |
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